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At the restaurant we just held a buffet for the American Ambassador to the United Kingdom and some of his associates, as well as the city's mayor. Booyah. Next stop, royalty. :p And tonight we have a gala dinner for Thanksgiving with live Americana music from the uiniversity music department. No important people as far as I know, but hopefully more than two Americans. ¬_¬


Although the Ambassador did say my Cornbread was "perfect", which was a surprise since I'd never even heard of it before and had to get a recipe off the internet. I did manage to avoid saying "Oh ambassador, you are really spoiling us!" but only just. I don't think he'd have got it.


Normally we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving in England, though we do have a similar festival called Harvest Festival. But that's more of a religious thing and isn't really celebrated that much any more, other than by old people.

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I think there are Harvest Fests in the US as well in some rural areas (like upstate New York, or Nebraska, for instance) but they are more like local fairs or "block parties" than religious (AFAIK).


My family will be gathering today. I'm actually looking forward to it this year which is a big switch, so that means it will likely be a complete disaster. But happy thanksgiving anyway!

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I think there are Harvest Fests in the US as well in some rural areas (like upstate New York, or Nebraska, for instance) but they are more like local fairs or "block parties" than religious (AFAIK).


My family will be gathering today. I'm actually looking forward to it this year which is a big switch, so that means it will likely be a complete disaster. But happy thanksgiving anyway!


My family gathers each year. I won't be doing much. I am not that into the holidays this year.

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