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NOTBPW: The Natural

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So in my NOTBPW game The Natural was unhappy and his contract was coming up. When I clicked on negotiate it said he wasn't happy and refused to even begin negotiations. I went and gave him a $5,000 bonus and after that he was happy and I was able to negotiate with him. YAY ME bonuses are awesome!
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The Natural is one of my favorites lately. In my USPW game, he got on bad terms with the NOTBPW owner and got canned, and I was (very) lucky enough to snatch him up to a written contract when he was not renewed. After over a year long reign as the TV champ, he raised that title's prestige and worked his way up to the main event, where he is now one of my top heels.
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Blondes can anchor the tag division as sort of a Midnight Express type team (crafty heels who can put on good matches). You can split them and let Love compete in a Cruiserweight division and Natural be a solid midcarder. Use them as part of a Canadian Horsemen stable with Bloodstone (Flair) and John Maverick (Windham/Luger) with them playing the Arn/Tully role. Bring in the Natural's fiance to manage them.
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As a proud Canadian, I always get a kick out of running NOTBPW (even though I'm usually more of a Sports Entertainment guy). Any time I do, the Can-Am Blondes always find their way up the card in a heartbeat. The starting roster is so babyface heavy at the top of the card, that you almost have to feud them with the Blondes.


Besides, who could resist the unlimited possibilities for TV main events, with the Stone Siblings and/or Can-Am Blondes against two random uppercard dudes? You can just print money with teams like that.

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Besides, who could resist the unlimited possibilities for TV main events, with the Stone Siblings and/or Can-Am Blondes against two random uppercard dudes? You can just print money with teams like that.


Wait, you're using your tag team division for counterfeiting?

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