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Why ZEN when you KANZEN?

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January, 2010 1:00PM

Jerry's Basement

Honolulu, Hawaii


The striking of a match... The glow of the flame as it touches the end of the cigar... The smoke billowing from the mouth of the figure silhouetted in a bright white light, his face hidden for all but the burning end of his cigar, he sits in an overly large chair, almost like that of a throne. To his left, an overly large Hawaiian man dressed in black, to his right, lefty's identical twin. In front of him, a gigantic wooden table scattered with manila folders, and sheets of paper. To compliment the table, to each side a line-up of hand-carved captain's chairs, all of which are neatly tucked under. And at the end of the table...







Jez McArthuer?





Yep... Jez McArthuer. Barely filling out the captain's chair he sits in, Jez looks around "The Basement" with fear in his heart, and a shiver in his spine. Why he decided that he'd take this meeting, he'll never understand, but here he is...


The figure at the other end of the table continues to puff his cigar, not saying a word while one of the two Hawaiian giants walks towards Jez, who right about now is holding in the pee, and drops a manila folder in front of him. The giant smiles at Jez, who takes a sigh of relief as he opens the folder. As he does so, the figure begins to speak... In a really strange accent.


"Mista Mac-Artha... I wan to fank you fo comin here today. It tis much appreciated. In front-of you is a fowder, pwease... Open tha fowder."


He does so, trying to hold in the chuckles from hearing the figure's oddly high pitched voice. Think Dora The Explorer after sucking on a helium balloon. When Jez opens the folder, he notices that it's a contract for him to work as a referee for a seemingly new wrestling company. He looks at the contract, then up at the figure, then back at the contract, then again up at the figure...


"It's a contract... To be a referee... That's what all this is about."


"Yesh... Are tha cownditions to yo liking?"


Stunned, Jez looks around the room, with his jaw to the floor. He settles himself before speaking again.


"What the hell man! I came in here, and thought I was gonna die. I mean, with the huge table in a basement with a guy who's face I can't even see, and two of the biggest men in the world beside him, all dressed in black, fire everywhere. All for an interview to be a referee... Christ... I almost had a heart attack. And what's with the message on my answering machine...
"Come to Honolulu, Jerry's Basement, No Police..."
Why no police? I thought you'd kidnapped my mother or something. Jesus..."


"You sign now..."


Jez just looks at the contract, catching in breath. Once again, he looks up at the figure, then back at the contract shaking his head. Reading through the terms of the deal, Jez's expression starts to change a little bit, and before long, he's talking again.


"You know... This actually isn't too bad. I don't have a problem with this. But seriously, what's with all the theatrics?"


But by the time he looks up from the contract, the figure, and his two henchmen are gone... And the lights are on... And there are chickens everywhere. Jez ponders, and signs the contract. He gets up from the table, and maneuvers his way around the poultry. He hops in his rent-a-car, puts the key in the ignition, wipes his face and says...


"Kanzen eh... What kind of a name is Kanzen?"


Then he drives off into the horizon when in the background we hear the faint laughter of an evil genius which seems out-of-place...




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KANZEN PRO Super Awesome Mega Roster POW!








Amazing Fire Fly - Ant Man - Bradford Peverell - El Hijo Del Zonk - El Medico

Fox Mask - Happy Elwood - Hugh de Aske - Kashmir Smooth - Lumber Jack

Mario Da Silva - Masked Cougar - Nomad - One Mean Panda - Oscar Ozymandias

Roderick Remus - Sky King - Steve Flash - The Cannonball Kid - The Tic

Too Hot



KANZEN PRO Fighters With Boobs WHAM!





Ashley Grover - Eve Grunge - Golden Delicious - Jana Marie Bowen

J Ro - Miss America - Sara Marie York - Zoe Ammis






The Anti-Pats

Eve Grunge & Zoe Ammis



The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan

Fox Mask & Masked Cougar



Hot Pockets

Roderick Remus & Too Hot



Straight Edge Smooth

Bradford Peverell & Kashmir Smooth



The Warriors Against RAID

Ant-Man & Amazing Fire Fly



KANZEN PRO Work For Little Money WHOOP!



KP Broadcast Team

Davis "The Ditts" Ditterich - Hustler D Monic - Joker The Pimptronic Clown



KP Referee

Jez "I Didn't Just Pee Myself" McArthuer



KP Road Agent

"Fabulous, But Not Gay" Frank Roberts

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The intro was hilarious! I can't wait to read more. :D


Thanks ma dude, hopefully I can keep it up with the comedy, but I can say it's the longest game I've played thus far, and in my head, lots of good dynasty writing to be done, so we'll see how it goes.


The title alone has sold this to me :D


Now to read the opening,


Edit; good opening another good read to add to my list I'm sure


Always got to have an eye catching title. And thanks for the comment.


Dang. Just when I was about to put my own KANZEN dynasty on the boards...I'll follow this. Just know you might have some competition, sir.


Good luck.


Look forward to some competition sir. Thanks.



Also thought I'd throw a shout out to Kam for his incredibly awesome Kanzen Logo/Banner. Superb work as always, as well as the countless artist's who supply us with the renders of all our favorite CVerse Characters, you are the epicness!

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan


Straight Edge Smooth


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan vs

Straight Edge Smooth

Im betting on cool gimmicks here


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Hes a mean Panda. Not a mere Panda


Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

Straight men get to look good


El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

Whats that? A push for Oscar?


Miss America vs Ashley Grover

Mystery one here

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But by the time he looks up from the contract, the figure, and his two henchmen are gone... And the lights are on... And there are chickens everywhere.







And what's this Kanzen that apparently isn't something you made up yourself; I've heard of it, but...what?



The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan


Straight Edge Smooth




One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva




Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets


Scotty 2 Hotty > ju. And Too Hot = Scotty 2 Hotty.


El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias


Poetry > Clown


Miss America vs Ashley Grover


Tie; more women get involved and get naked.

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KP Broadcast Team

Davis "The Ditts" Ditterich - Hustler D - Joker The Pimptronic Clown

Good choise of announce team, the best you can get for a low low price. Be interesting to see how you use them compared to how I did in my defunct one :D


The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan vs Straight Edge Smooth

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

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That roster is just amazing COLOUR EVERYWHERE!


The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan


Straight Edge Smooth

Great name, great wprkers and a win for the more fun duo


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

If one team of animals can win so can the other! Plus they are much more popular in Hawaii (I think)

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

Fin from the actual team

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

I prefer Zonk but I'm going with OO don't know why

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

I think Ashley better in the ring IDK though

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan


Straight Edge Smooth


I dont like furries...


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan vs Straight Edge Smooth

- They have plan AND a contingency plan!


One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

- Because he's OMP dammit! Also, I think I'd change the name to Jack Lumber. Sounds a touch better and a touch less gimmicky.

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

- They have a name, and hot pockets. Delicious delicious hot pockets.

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

- Thou shalt not frick with the Zonk!

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

- Because as far as I know Hawaii is still in America. USA!USA!USA!

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January, 2010 7:37 PM

The Residence of "Fabulous" Frank Roberts

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania




The residence of Fabulous Frank is actually a cozy bachelor apartment on the upper east side of Pittsburgh run by a delightful gentlemen name Susanna. You have to see him rock a pair of high heels, breathtaking... Moving on... We find Mr. Fabulous sitting down to scrumptious dinner of microwaveable fettuccine alfredo, and a luke warm glass of Bud Light. On the television, the latest episode of Jeopardy. Alex Trebek asking the questions, Frank getting the answers wrong. Terrific evening... And just as Final Jeopardy hits the screen, the power goes out. Frank drops his fork, and looks around.


"What the hell... And I totally knew the answer. What is this crap!"


Frank stands, and tries to feel his way around the room, knocking into his end table, stubbing his toe on the fold out couch, holding in the scream of an angry cat. After he stops hopping around on one foot, knocking over his tv tray, covering the floor in alfredo deliciousness, when from behind him the flame of a match lightens the room, followed by the cherry ember of the end of a cigar.




"Mista Frank... You have bin expecting us, yesh?"


"Who the hell are you? And how'd you get in my apartment?"


"That is not impotent. Pwease, have a seat."

From out of nowhere, two giant Hawaiian men grab Frank by the arms, and lift him into the air. His feet dangling, Frank starts to get a little angry.


"Hey!?! Put me down, get your hands off me!?!"


"Mista Frank... I mus aska you to calma down. We have a proposition fo you."


"Not interested, now put me down, and get the hell out of my apartment."


"I'ma sorry to hear that. I didn't wan to have to do this... But we need a Road Agent..."


After the figure says that, Frank gets smoked in the back of the head by one of the two giants holding him in the air. They put a potato sack over his head, and in a puff of smoke, the rooms empties, and the power surprisingly comes back on. And as the scene comes to an end, we hear that unforgettable laughter of an evil baby genius as the scene comes to a close.

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I laughed really hard at that for some reason.


Great stuff.


Thanks ma dude. Glad that your enjoying it so far.


But by the time he looks up from the contract, the figure, and his two henchmen are gone... And the lights are on... And there are chickens everywhere.







And what's this Kanzen that apparently isn't something you made up yourself; I've heard of it, but...what?


I think the random things are funny, hence the chickens. And Kanzen is in the default data as a promotion that is randomly set to debut, but I decided to set the date, and run with the promotion. Thanks for reading.

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan - TFFCP forever!!


Straight Edge Smooth


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva - Ant, Panda, AND Tic? Awesome! Although I kinda like Sky King and Mario, so just hoping for a fun match here.

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets - I hate Nomad!

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias - Don't know either that well.

Miss America vs Ashley Grover - Miss America is hands-down your MVP, even ahead of Hugh De Aske. Trust me on this one.

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan


Straight Edge Smooth


As Well As...

One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias

Miss America vs Ashley Grover

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The Fantastic Fur Contingency Plan vs Straight Edge Smooth

Love their name, thought about stealing it for my future KANZEN dynasty...


One Mean Panda & Ant-Man & The Tic vs Sky King & Lumber Jack & Mario Da Silva

Useless Canadians can't stop the great American power of a panda bear and a couple of bugs...wait, that sounded better in my noggin.


Happy Elwood & Nomad vs Hot Pockets

"An easy to make meal on the go!"


El Hijo Del Zonk vs Oscar Ozymandias



Miss America vs Ashley Grover

I just liked the way Ashley was winking at me...

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