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OLLIE: Lucha Libre IS eternal.

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I'll preface this by saying I know nothing about the Mexican scene. I know that they fight matches under lucha rules, best out of three falls and all that. But aside from that, my only experience of Mexican wrestling is Nacho Libre. Yes.


But I think that's what makes this so fun. I've never run a game in Mexico before, but I don't feel that concerned really. My ACPW diary game was my first real one in Canada, and it went amazingly. I'm not sure this'll be the same, but it's worth a pop.


I've got some ideas using the wonderful alts thread, and I hope to share this in a format that will draw people in. I'll do two shows before throwing it open to predictions, as that gives you a small chance to see what is planned for the workers. That said, all feedback is welcome. Especially regarding the pictures. I think they're too small - what do you think?


This is meant to be a low text style diary. Let me know how I'm getting on.






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Oh I get it now. Yes, this Lucha Libre is the most original it can be. Yessir. I wonder what else OLLIE could stand for though..


Anyway, have updated the first post with a new layout, you might need to control-F5 to see it. I'm happier with it, it's bigger and the pictures are double their previous size. Have also added colour from the Mexican flag.


Let me know what you think!

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I am LOVING Mexico. It's just so colourful and bright. I've often found that I'm not sure what to do with certain characters, but am having an absolute ball with this. Same as with my ACPW diary, I'm just enjoying playing it and having a good time.


No predictions this time, will start a competition when we're a few weeks in - but if you have any questions for Teodoro the insider, PM me them and I'll include you in the writeup next time.



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Glad to see your enjoying this Rathen. I prefer what you're doing in this diary alot more than your ACPW stuff because 1. I firmly believe wrestlers need the context of a storyline for the audience to truly buy into them and 2. a little bit of visual aid is never a bad thing.
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