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So I'm getting the itch again and I want to play a multiplayer game. Specifically a non-us based multiplayer game.


CGC vs NOTBPW - A war against each other

OLLIE and MPWF vs SOTBPW - Teaming up to take out STOBPW before taking on each other

RoF and MoSC vs 21CW - Much like the Mexico idea

Any Japanese Fed except BHOTWG versus each other.

Any of the European fed although a EWA vs UEW war might be fun

Any of the Australian feds


Hopefully some one is up for something along these lines or I'm open to ideas. The only thing is I'm really only looking for a one vs one game as the instant you started adding more than two people to the mix the game goes slow and then falls apart quickly.


Multiplayer games are slow going though which I'm prepared for so I'm willing to do more than one game at a time.

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