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The Let's Complain About The Weather Thread


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So, I thought this was reasonably topical, especially for the Scots/Englishmen on here, as, you know, b1tching about the weather is clearly what we do best.


I've had 9 inches of the white stuff over the past twenty four hours and it's showing no sign of stopping. And I'm in the South East Corner of England and we NEVER get this much snow. Anyone up in the Tyne-Wear area or Scotland got some horror stories?

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So, I thought this was reasonably topical, especially for the Scots/Englishmen on here, as, you know, b1tching about the weather is clearly what we do best.


I've had 9 inches of the white stuff over the past twenty four hours and it's showing no sign of stopping. And I'm in the South East Corner of England and we NEVER get this much snow. Anyone up in the Tyne-Wear area or Scotland got some horror stories?


It's snowing in the South East? Uh oh. I'm planning on driving over there on Sunday for IPW:UK. This could cause problems.


Meanwhile, in Wales, it snowed... Friday, I think. Much of it still hasn't melted. I got a scare on Tuesday when I got in my car, started pulling out of my driveway, heard a big CLUNK and was bombarded with warning lights. It turned out to be nothing, my car fretting about being cold, but for a couple of days there I thought I was completely buggered.


As a child I used to enjoy winter. Now that I work and drive, I think I hate it.

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I'm in Cambridge at the moment - not much snow here, but just enough to lay down a thin film that makes it slippery underfoot. Adds that little bit of extra excitement to walking :)


I'm already sick of people moaning about the snow as if it's some harbinger of the Apocalypse though. It's winter. In winter it gets cold, icy and it snows. STOP MOANING EVERYONE!!!!!! :D

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It's snowing in the South East? Uh oh. I'm planning on driving over there on Sunday for IPW:UK. This could cause problems.


Meanwhile, in Wales, it snowed... Friday, I think. Much of it still hasn't melted. I got a scare on Tuesday when I got in my car, started pulling out of my driveway, heard a big CLUNK and was bombarded with warning lights. It turned out to be nothing, my car fretting about being cold, but for a couple of days there I thought I was completely buggered.


As a child I used to enjoy winter. Now that I work and drive, I think I hate it.


There's about a foot in North Kent ATM. I'll keep you posted with what I hear from mates up there but I wouldn't get you're hopes up - the M25 is queued in both directions all the way round and South Eastern trains are just not running.

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I'm already sick of people moaning about the snow as if it's some harbinger of the Apocalypse though. It's winter. In winter it gets cold, icy and it snows. STOP MOANING EVERYONE!!!!!! :D


Well it sounds like this snow might to cost me a trip I've been looking forward to for weeks, as well as the money I spent on a non-refundable (well... I'll look into that) hotel room and the tickets. So I am going to complain. Quite loudly and heartily in fact. :D


Then again, I thought I was doomed on Tuesday when my car claimed the brakes had shattered, so I won't count my chickens just yet.


On a lighter note, I've been sent home early from work every day this week. Last Winter I totaled my company car on icy roads, so my bosses seem adamant I not do it again.

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The weather is AWESOME here on the Texas Gulf Coast (as usual)! It's been in the mid 30s the last couple of days, had some gentle showers... it's been quiet awesome, in my eyes at least.


And look at the bright side: at least yall get snow on a regular basis. We're lucky to have one good snow every other year or so. Heck, and it doesn't always effect the whole region. I know people who live just a few miles (or kilometers, for you silly Brits and yalls more logical measuring system) away from me that have never seen snow. Crazy.


That said, the weather right now is my absolute favorite: cold and wet. Puts that delightful smell of winter into the air and reminds me that the joys of Christmas and vacation time are just around the corner.


Now let's here from some Australians who are busy enjoying the summer!




Seriously though, I love my Texas weather. It's always a surprise what it'll be when ya wake up in the morning, and then what it'll be four hours later. 36s degrees outside in the morning? Makes me wish I wasn't wearing a jacket when it's pushing 70 by noon. EDIT: And again, that's in Fahrenheit. Not that crazy, crazy Celcius stuff that uses "logic".

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Oddly enough I don't think we had a single snow in St. Louis all year long. In fact I think I can count on one hand how many times its snowed here in the last three years.


When I was a kid we were guaranteed three to five snow days a year and if we were real lucky they would double up. Now it just rains in December. We had a thunder storm on Thanksgiving seemed very weird.


Anymore it seems we get about a month of 20's and below and the rest of the time its cold but not frozen tundra cold.

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Oddly enough I don't think we had a single snow in St. Louis all year long. In fact I think I can count on one hand how many times its snowed here in the last three years.


When I was a kid we were guaranteed three to five snow days a year and if we were real lucky they would double up. Now it just rains in December. We had a thunder storm on Thanksgiving seemed very weird.


Anymore it seems we get about a month of 20's and below and the rest of the time its cold but not frozen tundra cold.


See, that's the problem here. We don't get snow days!!!!


Every now and then a tropical storm would blow through, but even so... had to be well timed to get the schools to close for the day. Even so, our Superintendent was a moron who wanted to proove we were better than the other districts by... not... closing schools... when the streets were flooded...???


Seriously, I think it was my Freshman year of high school, and GM was gonna give me a ride to class before he went off to the senior high school campus (should be noted our school seperated 9th and 10th grade from 11th and 12th). Anywho, his vehicle at the time was this little Saturn. A fun little car, but quite tiny, too. Anyways, a MASSIVE storm (tropical, I believe) blew in that morning, and we just KNEW school would be canceled. The announcement was coming at any moment... but it didn't. So, to avoid the risk of getting in trouble for skipping, we begrudgingly set off in the Saturn towards my campus.


And it was physically impossible to get there. Gargantuan, redneck pick-up trucks twice the size of the Saturn were forced to turn around due to flood waters. Turns out, the only students that made it there that day were those who rode the bus or arrived so ungodly early in the morning that the streets hadn't flooded enough for larger vehicle to navigate them. Point is, there's typically about 20 to 30 people in a classroom there. From what I heard, most classes had about two or three people in them. Turns out the school lost a ton of money due to this for their refusal to cancel classes.







And when the rain let down for a brief period of time, Jman wussed out and went to school in the middle of the day. His grandma goaded him into it. :p


A fun story, that I'm happy to share with you all. We may not get snow days, but at least tropical storms cause all kinds of hilarity.

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Lol have been in a drought for the last 7 years or so but over the last month or so the clouds have decided to dump all the rain at once on us. Its pissing down right now lol


The Farmers were sooking because there was no water NOW they are sooking because there is TOO much water lol

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The weather is AWESOME here on the Texas Gulf Coast (as usual)! It's been in the mid 30s the last couple of days, had some gentle showers... it's been quiet awesome, in my eyes at least.


And look at the bright side: at least yall get snow on a regular basis. We're lucky to have one good snow every other year or so. Heck, and it doesn't always effect the whole region. I know people who live just a few miles (or kilometers, for you silly Brits and yalls more logical measuring system) away from me that have never seen snow. Crazy.


That said, the weather right now is my absolute favorite: cold and wet. Puts that delightful smell of winter into the air and reminds me that the joys of Christmas and vacation time are just around the corner.


Now let's here from some Australians who are busy enjoying the summer!




Seriously though, I love my Texas weather. It's always a surprise what it'll be when ya wake up in the morning, and then what it'll be four hours later. 36s degrees outside in the morning? Makes me wish I wasn't wearing a jacket when it's pushing 70 by noon. EDIT: And again, that's in Fahrenheit. Not that crazy, crazy Celcius stuff that uses "logic".


Well you can celebrate your lovely weather here then. I'm a little bored of being prevented from leaving my town due to ice and snow personally. So I WILL b*tch and moan thankyou very much.

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You should see some people in Massachusetts. I work at a retail store and when people hear it's snowing the store gets so packed and people buy groceries like there never going to get out of there houses ever again even though it's New England and it snows every winter but people still overreact and go over the top buying stuff.
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Oddly enough I don't think we had a single snow in St. Louis all year long. In fact I think I can count on one hand how many times its snowed here in the last three years.


When I was a kid we were guaranteed three to five snow days a year and if we were real lucky they would double up. Now it just rains in December. We had a thunder storm on Thanksgiving seemed very weird.


Anymore it seems we get about a month of 20's and below and the rest of the time its cold but not frozen tundra cold.


Yeah, gotta love St. Louis weather. I'm usually in Cape Girardeau at SEMO, but I was home for Thanksgiving break. Wednesday night we had a tornado warning and it stormed like the dickens. Then 12 hours later it started snowing and sleeting for a little bit. The last real big snow I remember was two years ago. It iced first, then snowed, then iced again. The college closed for something like 4 or 5 days straight. Hope we get another one of those this year, I love winter.

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See, that's the problem here. We don't get snow days!!!!


Every now and then a tropical storm would blow through, but even so... had to be well timed to get the schools to close for the day. Even so, our Superintendent was a moron who wanted to proove we were better than the other districts by... not... closing schools... when the streets were flooded...???


Seriously, I think it was my Freshman year of high school, and GM was gonna give me a ride to class before he went off to the senior high school campus (should be noted our school seperated 9th and 10th grade from 11th and 12th). Anywho, his vehicle at the time was this little Saturn. A fun little car, but quite tiny, too. Anyways, a MASSIVE storm (tropical, I believe) blew in that morning, and we just KNEW school would be canceled. The announcement was coming at any moment... but it didn't. So, to avoid the risk of getting in trouble for skipping, we begrudgingly set off in the Saturn towards my campus.


And it was physically impossible to get there. Gargantuan, redneck pick-up trucks twice the size of the Saturn were forced to turn around due to flood waters. Turns out, the only students that made it there that day were those who rode the bus or arrived so ungodly early in the morning that the streets hadn't flooded enough for larger vehicle to navigate them. Point is, there's typically about 20 to 30 people in a classroom there. From what I heard, most classes had about two or three people in them. Turns out the school lost a ton of money due to this for their refusal to cancel classes.







And when the rain let down for a brief period of time, Jman wussed out and went to school in the middle of the day. His grandma goaded him into it. :p


A fun story, that I'm happy to share with you all. We may not get snow days, but at least tropical storms cause all kinds of hilarity.


And I thought Katy ISD was bad about not canceling school for any reason. Apparently they had to stop following their ridiculous attendance policy last year because of the flu. It's an incredibly dumb policy though that encourages kids to show up to school while sick to make sure they can get their exemptions.


Loving the Houston weather though. Highs in the 60's and low 70's (18-20 C) and lows in the 40's and low 50's (7-10 C). It's almost like autumn or something around here!

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And I thought Katy ISD was bad about not canceling school for any reason. Apparently they had to stop following their ridiculous attendance policy last year because of the flu. It's an incredibly dumb policy though that encourages kids to show up to school while sick to make sure they can get their exemptions.


Loving the Houston weather though. Highs in the 60's and low 70's (18-20 C) and lows in the 40's and low 50's (7-10 C). It's almost like autumn or something around here!


Woah, you're from around here? Nifty.


GruntMark, Jman, and myself all went to North Shore. Go Mustangs! (I even have myself a championship ring from the 2003 football season :D).


Course, Katy did beat North Shore last week... eh.

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I seriously think, that this thread's name should have been "The Official Weather Thread". Now it distinguishes itself from the others. Boo.


The weather here in Finland is pretty.. lame. I mean, we have snow, but the temperatures are sitting somewhere around -7 to -10. I'd prefer atleast -20, with the occasional -30. Last winter, we got around -35 which was pretty cool.


And this isn't sarcasm.

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Woah, you're from around here? Nifty.


GruntMark, Jman, and myself all went to North Shore. Go Mustangs! (I even have myself a championship ring from the 2003 football season :D).


Course, Katy did beat North Shore last week... eh.


I had to look up where that is because I had no idea. But yeah Katy destroyed my old High School's team this year, too. It was supposed to be competitive as I heard our team was pretty solid but Katy ended up winning by about 40. Anyway yeah this weather is great.

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I live in Massachusetts and I don't think it's snowed at all this year yet and if it has it hasn't been much which is crazy because it usually snows a bunch by this time. I won't complain because I absolutely hate the snow.


Really? Because I live in Rhode Island and we got nailed with the snow early on in the year. And yeah people around here go nuts when it snows. I hate the snow but I love winter, weird.

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