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Creating a touring brand

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In my current USPW game I am trying to expand into europe where my pormotion's overall pop is at F+. In order to raise it to a point where I can expand my tv shows, I decided to create a brand split one being called "USPW Main" and the other "USPW Tour". I dont have many workers who have any pop in europe at all and those that do are my stars and are needed on the main roster. So I went ahead and did a little raid on the european promotions. The problem now is that those guys are openers and enhancement talent, as they dont have any pop in the US. I cant let them wrestle each other as that drags down the match rating heavily and others dont want to put them over even though they are more popular in the region in question.


So I guess my question is what is the best way to go about this? What would be the penalty if just assigned them a much better push than they would get if I used auto push on them?

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Well, the theoretical exploit to get around both the "match between jobbers" and "over-push causes ego" problems would be to wait until you were in PM mode, booking your European show, and bump up pushes as necessary there. Once you're into the next day, Auto Push them back down, and you're good.


Although, the far less underhanded way to deal with this would be to build up a few of your Europeans on the main show, so that they naturally are pushed higher up the card.

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I did this when I tried to break into Japan with TCW


what I did was since I had some well known Japanese guys (Ino, Keith, Art Reed, etc) I had them in the main event but losing to a bigger star.


I like to give the hometown heroes shots at the big guns on the rosters.


Champagne Lover vs Tommy Cornell in Mexico City has always intrigued me...

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