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Gimmick Changes

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Hi all, I've been playing for a little while now and have figured many things out but I'm really having trouble with gimmicks. It seems 90% of my changes come out bad and I can't figure out why. I try to match the characters skills using only catagories they are good at and gimmicks that should suit them. Also my fed (CGC) doesn't like high risk or sutlety so I keep it simple and make sure the heel/face rating is really high but still can't get it to work. I've also tried keeping them off screen between gimmicks when I can afford to but still not much luck. Any advice?
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In my experiences, you need to have Pure, Realism, Cult and possibly Modern set to none (maybe very low?) to avoid the C+ cap possibly coming into play, which I think is 66%. Dont necessarily agree with it, but thats the way it is...


True, though it doesn't have to be quite that stringent. It's not a 'cap' per se, it's a weighted average type of deal. You can still have excellently rated gimmicks (like mid to high 90s 'excellent') but those are rare and you'll tend to have an order of magnitude more 66s than high 80s and up.


Basically, there are some fans who don't like gimmickry in their wrestlers. The more of those fans you have (product), the more of an impact they have on how your gimmicks rate out. My product always has Modern as a Key Feature so I'm used to it (it's part & parcel of what would come with a 'workrate based sports entertainment' fanbase IMO). And it's possible to design a product that minimizes the perceived penalty by skewing more to the other side (and no, making Mainstream a key feature isn't nearly enough).


It's an excellent mechanic as it really makes you THINK about your product as you're creating it (if you do) and it forces you to consider the pros and cons of a promotion you're taking over (assuming you know what the various product elements do). Pure fans don't like gimmicks. That's pretty much fact. The same can be said for Realism and Cult. Modern is iffy but a case can be made for those fans being more interested in action and pace than who is playing what role or what kind of "character" a worker is.

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