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WCW: Better Than The Original

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A note before I begin. This is obviously set in what you could call an, "alt" universe. I know the likelihood of this happening is less than zero. This is really just a way to make the game a little more fun for me, and hopefully fun for you to read. I chose a fictional character to be the new owner/booker, (complete with a pic of a random person I pulled off the web.) Again, I hope you enjoy it, but I don't really need to hear how it's totally unrealistic, or how the roster is unrealistic... believe me, I understand that, but this is just a fantasy world for me... if you happen to enjoy it as much as I do, then great. Okay, I've ranted enough.




I've been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember. My mother used to sit me down in front of the TV and I'd watch "WWF Superstars of Wrestling," "WWF Wrestling Challenge," "WWF Prime Time Wrestling," and of course, "WWF Saturday Night's Main Event."


I was lucky enough to live in a town where wrestling was big, every week we'd have a 3 hour block of wrestling... some was from the NWA, and some was from local wrestling promotions. As a child I was in awe of what these men did, and would imitate them in my living room, pretending the couch cushions were my opponent. As the years went by I started actually going to shows, my grandmother knew a lot of the local wrestlers, and would get me backstage to meet them. My love of professional wrestling was only strengthen over the years, from WCW to ECW, it really didn't matter, just as long as there was a ring, a microphone, and athletes doing seemingly "superhuman" things.


It's now 2010, over the years I've amassed an enormous fortune, and am, in fact, one of the richest men on Earth. I've made my fortune from Oil, stocks, as well as from selling equipment to the US government for their war on terror. All the while I never truly loved what I was doing. I still watched wrestling, but over the years I've grown frustrated with the "product" that the WWE and TNA have provided. I watched some wrestling from Japan, as well as some of the independent promotions in America, but it wasn't enough.


Earlier this year I handed over operations of my company to my number 2 in command. Frankly, without him I never would have made any of this money in the first place. He asked me why I was stepping aside... my answer? To follow a life long dream.



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My name is Dominic Brooks, and I'm no longer just a business man... very soon, I'll be a wrestling promoter.


It's December of 2010, and I'm currently waiting in an office at the WWE headquarters in Connecticut. The WWE has fallen on some hard times... granted they're still the number one wrestling company on Earth, and second place on that list isn't really even close to them. However, Vince recently poured in millions of dollars to his wife's senate campaign, a campaign that failed. There is also the fact that we are in very tough economic times, added to that is the pressure from stock holders who are less than thrilled with the amount of money Vince has wasted on "WWE Studios," a movie production company that frankly, as fallen flat on it's face.


[Vince McMahon enters the office, wearing an expensive suite, and a cheap grin that would make a used car salesman proud, he extends his hand to Dominic...]


Vince McMahon - "Great to finally meet you! I've read a lot about you, so much success in such a short amount of time."


Dominic Brooks - "Well that success was mostly luck, but thank you for the kind words. It's such an honor to meet you."


Vince McMahon - "I heard you wanted to talk business, with your track record, I just couldn't say no to this meeting."


Dominic Brooks - "I'll get right to the point Mr. McMahon... I understand that the WWE has taken a bit of a financial hit over the past year. I know you have more money than most people could dream, but I know Mrs. McMahon's senate campaign cost you a lot of money... what if you could make all that money back, and then some?"


Vince McMahon - "It sounds great, but I don't want you to waste your time... I'm not going to sell you my company."


Dominic Brooks - "No, no, that's not what I'm here for. I don't want to purchase the WWE. I do, however, want to purchase the rights to WCW. If I remember correctly, you purchased WCW for 2.5 million dollars, and I know it's made you far more than that just from DVD sales."


Vince McMahon - "It was a fantastic investment, one that I don't think I'm willing to part with."


Dominic Brooks - "I understand that completely... but I'm not just some random guy off the street. I have more money than almost anyone on Earth. I'm willing to pay you 80 million dollars for the rights to WCW. On top of that, I'm willing to make a deal on DVD profits. For 3 years we'll split the profits off of DVD's sold using that old WCW footage."


Vince McMahon - "That is certainly an interesting offer. I suppose you want to re-start WCW and try and move in on my business..."


Dominic Brooks - "Not exactly. While I do want to get into the wrestling business, I'm not really interested in taking over your company, or putting you out of business. I'm a life long wrestling fan, and the product that you put out, is not for me. You went PG, and that's been great for you and your company, but for many of us long time fans... well, we're not exactly thrilled with the new direction. TNA is a mess, and while your show is great for families, it's just not what I'm into. You'll continue to do amazing business, and frankly, I'm sure you'll continue to be number 1 by a long shot. I just want to put a show on the air that fills that hole in the wrestling world."


Vince McMahon - "I don't think I want to have more competition on Monday's... or Friday's for that matter."


Dominic Brooks - "What if I agree to not put any programing on Monday's or Friday's for 3 years? That same 3 years we'll share profits off the old WCW footage, and you won't have to worry about me moving in on your nights."


Vince McMahon - "Make that 100 million dollars, and then we've got a deal."


Dominic Brooks - "90 million."


[A smile appears on McMahon's face, a smile much like that of the Grinch in the "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas."]


Vince McMahon - "You've got a deal."


Dominic Brooks - "One more thing... I'd like to purchase the contracts of some of your talent. In front of the camera, and some behind the camera."


Vince McMahon - "You'll have to add some dollars to that 90 million if you want to take some of my superstars away."


[Dominic pulls a list out of his pocket and gives it to McMahon;]


Dominick Brooks - "I'll pay you 3 times what they're worth."


[An evil smile forms on McMahon's face.]


Vince McMahon - "Make it 5 times what they're worth, and you've got yourself some genuine WWE Superstars."


[The men shake hands and Vince calls in his legal team. Over the next couple of hours a contract is written and agreed upon. A few days would pass before it became official.]


AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you for reading this introduction. I apologize for the length, on top of making my gaming experience better, I'm also trying to get back into the swing of things with my writing. I'm very rusty, but I hope you've enjoyed this, and I hope you'll enjoy what's to come. I can't promise I'll update this every day, but I'll try to have some kind of semi-regular schedule. I'm also going to make sure the next part in this story actually list some of those wrestlers that will be joining the new WCW. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave some comments about part 1.

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BREAKING NEWS! Dave Meltzer is reporting that a meeting between Vince McMahon and billionaire Dominic Brooks, has taken place at WWE headquarters. It appears that Dominic Brooks has purchased the rights to World Championship Wrestling, as well as the contracts of some WWE employees. Those employees are...


Referee's John Cone and Charles Robinson, who is a former WCW referee, Joey Styles, who Meltzer believes will be the new play-by-play announcer, FCW prospect Tyler Black, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Eddie (Primo) Colon, Low-Ki (Kaval,) Steven (William) Regal, John Hennigan (John Morrison,) Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan,) and CM Punk.


Bryan Danielson sold the rights to his nick name "The American Dragon," to the WWE when he was originally signed... however it is believed that Dominic Brooks bought the rights back from Vince McMahon. However, the WWE refused his offer to purchase the "William Regal" name, the "John Morrison" name, or the "Primo" name.


Vince McMahon was very apprehensive of signing over some of the WWE's top prospects, but Dave Meltzer has reported that Dominic Brooks paid a substantial amount of money for the WWE Superstar's contracts. We'll have more on this story as it develops.




My dream was beginning to come true. I have just purchased the rights to World Championship Wrestling from Vince McMahon, along with the contracts of a few of his employees. There was one hang up to this whole deal however, Vince insisted that I wait until AFTER Wrestlemania to debut the new WCW. At first I was angry, he sprung this on me at the very last second. I started to argue about it with Vince, but then realized that he was actually doing me a favor. Wrestlemania is April 3rd, which means I have 5 months to build my company the right way, instead of trying to build it as quickly as possible.


I spoke with the talent that I wanted to sign away from Vince before this deal went through. They all seemed nervous about joining a new company with someone that has never actually worked in this business before. I did everything I could to convince them that I was the real deal... they reluctantly agreed, but I think they're all expecting me to fail. To make sure that DOESN'T happen, I have to surround myself with people I can trust, people that know the business, people that want this to succeed as much as I want it too.


My grandmother knew so many people in the wrestling world, and from a very early age I got to know a lot of them. I've stayed in contact with many of them over the years... and it's time for me to reach out to them and get the help I know I'll need.


[Dominic Brooks is sitting in his office at his company headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is in mid conversation...]


Dominic Brooks - "This has been my dream for as long as I can remember, you know how much I love this business... I need someone I can trust, someone that knows the business inside and out, someone that won't be afraid to tell me exactly what they're thinking, that someone is you."



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"Bret, will you join me? Will you help me build this company?"


[Dominic looks nervous as he awaits the answer... the pause seems like it's going on forever, but in reality is only 2 or 3 seconds long.]


Bret Hart - "I just feel bad about patching things up with Vince, only to turn around and join the competition."


Dominic Brooks - "I understand that Bret, but you owe him nothing. You went back to work for him, you wrestled at Wrestlemania, you patched things up with Shawn Michaels in public... you don't think that helped his ratings just a little bit? You're not under contract to him anymore, and honestly, you owe it to your family... to yourself... come back to the business that I know you love, and help me build something special."


Bret Hart - "You're right, I do love this business... even with all the things that have happened to me and my family, I still love it. I trust you, and I know you're a great business man... I'll do everything I can to help you."


[Dominic pumps his fist... not like a "Jersey Shore" fist pump, but a normal, non douche bag, kind of fist pump.]


Dominic Brooks - "You won't regret joining me Bret. I've got a few other phone calls to make, but my secretary will call you with flight information so we can get to work."


I spent the next few hours calling up the people I thought I could trust. People that knew the business, that I knew could make my company better. These men would be road agents for my company, but also members of my booking committee. While I had a clear direction I wanted to go, it doesn't hurt to hear out other ideas.


[Dominic Brooks enters a board room. Seated at the long table are Bret Hart, Bobby Eaton, Ted Dibiase Sr, Tully Blanchard, George South, Lance Storm, Masahiro Chono, as well as Joey Styles.]


Dominic Brooks - "Good afternoon gentlemen. I'm so excited for the journey we're about to take. The reason you're all here is because I know I can trust you... and that you each have an amazing mind for the wrestling business. And that's the key... WRESTLING business. Not "Sports Entertainment," but WRESTLING. I'm most likely going to add a few people to this group, but as of now, you're my "producers," as Vince McMahon would call you."


Hours, days, and weeks would pass... discussing the company, discussing how we wanted the in ring "product" to look. Did we want to have a show full of comedy skits like the WWE does? Hell no! That's the one thing we all agreed on. I thought I'd tell you a little bit about why I chose the men I chose, starting with Bobby Eaton. "Beautiful" Bobby, as he used to be known, is one of the more underrated wrestlers from the 80's and 90's. He's always known exactly how to build a match, how to tell a story in the ring. No, he wasn't the greatest talker in the universe, but the man didn't need to be a great talker... because he told his story in the ring.


Then you have Ted Dibiase. "The Million Dollar Man" was one the greatest. He was a mainstay in the WWE (then the WWF.) Unlike Bobby, Ted is a GREAT talker... One of the best. Plus he was great in the ring, and those two qualities carried him far. No he never won the big title, but, frankly, he didn't need to. Tully Blanchard, a founding member of the Four Horsemen. Tully was great in the ring, he probably could have had a great match with a mop. Tully has had problems over the years, drugs, alcohol, but he turned his life around completely.


George South. Well, you probably don't know who the hell George is... but he's one of those guys that has an amazing mind for the business... someone that could build a match, tell a story in the ring better than most. George has wrestled in the independent scene for most his career. He did, however, have some stops in the NWA, WCW, and WWF/E. Yes he was a jobber in those days, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a great wrestler. George was the favorite jobber of Ric Flair, because, as Ric has said, George is a great worker. My grandmother knew George well, I know he can be trusted, and I know that he'll keep me honest.


Lance Storm. Well, Lance is here for a few reasons, one, he was great in the ring. I think people have already forgotten just how great a technical wrestler he was. No he wasn't the most charismatic person in the world, but he got the job done. One of the biggest reasons he's here, is because of how outspoken he's been about the wrestling business. Before I hired him I made sure he understood that I WANTED him to be outspoken, I need people that won't be yes men, and he definitely fits the bill.


Masahiro Chono. This may seem like a bit of a random person to bring into the company... but Masahiro Chono has spent most his career as one of the best wrestlers in the world. He worked primarily in Japan, but he also spent a great deal of time in the original WCW. Not many people know that Chono was born in Seattle, and that his wife is American... so he obviously speaks our language. I also want to bring in some Japanese talent, to give American wrestling fans something a little different. Having Chono on my staff will be great for a number of reasons. Yes one of those reasons is that he knows Japanese wrestling better than anyone on my staff... Chono will be able to teach the wrestlers some styles that they may not be familiar with. He also was head booker of New Japan Pro Wrestling for a number of years. Having someone with his track record will really benefit this company.


Joey Styles. Joey, like Lance Storm, is very outspoken... it's a quality Vince McMahon may not like, but I do. While Joey has never been a road agent, or booker, he does have a wealth of knowledge, plus he's one of the best announcers around. Joey seemed to be very happy in the WWE, where he was working on their website. I didn't know if he would even be interested in a return to announcing... publicly he had said he was done with that part of his life. Turns out, he was just done with announcing in the WWE. Vince McMahon has a habit of constantly screaming at the announcers into their headphones while they're calling matches. Joey really didn't like it at all, as most people probably wouldn't. I won't be doing that, however, I will give him some information from time to time, and I also requested that he not use his catch phrase "OH MY GOD" as much as he has in the past. He'll also be running our new WCW website, and sit in on meetings to give me his two cents on storylines.


AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks for reading part 2. I realize this is very slow in developing... I do hope you've enjoyed the story thus far... and I do apologize for how slow the story has been, but as I said in my first post, I'm using this as a tool to work off my writing rust. I'll try to actually get to some actual shows fairly soon. Thanks again!

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Gerweck.net reports that new WCW owner Dominic Brooks, is looking to expand the companies roster. He is also looking into TV and pay per view deals. A couple of the names that may have been contacted about joining the new WCW... former World Champion Booker T, Shelton Benjamin, just released Antonio (MVP) Banks, as well as TNA's Samoa Joe, who's contract expired in December. Joe was negotiating a new deal, and working without a contract... while the negotiating was taking place, WCW swooped in at the last minute and made Joe a much better offer than TNA could. This may only be the tip of the iceberg.


December was our first month as a new company, and I think we really accomplished a lot. I now have a staff that even Vince McMahon would be jealous of, and I've begun the process of hiring a production crew, as well as a director for our TV/PPV shows. With my business connections and huge wealth, I was able to raid Hollywood for my production crew. These crew members were the best of the best... everyone from cameramen, to the makeup and hair department, to wardrobe, to the graphic department... The best that Hollywood had to offer, and yes, I had to pay a pretty penny to get these people to join a new wrestling promotion... but Hollywood is just like anywhere else, if you offer them enough money, they'll take ANY job. As January began, the new WCW was really taking shape. New title belts were being made... the WWE had the United States Title, and they used the original WCW "Big Gold Belt" as their "World Heavyweight Title." In purchasing the rights to WCW, I was able to get the rights to those belts back. At Royal Rumble, the WWE is planning on unifying the Intercontinental and United States title. They'll also unify the WWE Championship with the World Heavyweight title.


A new version of the "Big Gold Belt" as well a new United States Championship, are being created as we speak. After discussions with my staff, we've decided that we won't have a woman's division... instead, we're planning on eventually having a cruiser weight division. Right now we only have 12 wrestlers on our roster, so before we start thinking of other divisions, we'll have to sign some more talent. We've been discussing just who we should be going after...


[WCW Headquarters, January 3rd, 2011. Dominic Brooks, along with his booking committee, are having an intense discussion over who the company should sign to their roster. Bret Hart is in mid sentence...]


Bret Hart - "...and that's why we should be going after Ring Of Honor's roster."


Dominic Brooks - "I don't know Bret. I know they've got very talented people, but do we really want to be looked at as a ROH ripoff?"


Lance Storm - "Just because you sign people from a company, doesn't mean you're a rip off of them. It just means you want the most talented people available. Several of the guys in that company should have been called up to the big leagues a while ago. For whatever reason it didn't happen... so let's give them the chance and see what we can do with them."


Bobby Eaton - "On top of that, you'll also be hurting one of our biggest competitors. I don't believe any of us think we're in the WWE's world right now... so realistically, TNA and ROH are our competitors, why not try and cripple one of them?"


Ted Dibiase - "I think Bobby and Lance are right. It's not just about hurting ROH, we'll also be getting some tremendously talented workers out of it. We need bodies, and we can either get those bodies from ROH, or we can go out and get some indy guys that aren't really ready for the big time."


[Dominic contemplates the situation, rubbing his chin and closing his eyes, trying to focus on making the right decision.]


Dominic Brooks - "Okay, lets go and see who we can sign away from them. If any of you have contacts in Ring Of Honor please reach out to them and see who would be interested in a jump to WCW."


And so we began the tough job of creating a roster that could help us right away, while also having people that we could build up to be future stars. I also had my legal team look into the contracts for some of the talent in TNA. While I won't be able to raid them like I can ROH, I may be able to get a couple of pieces that will help our company.


My legal team was able to find out that we could get Mick Foley, Jay Lethal, and Al Snow. Mick technically has 8 months left on his contract, however, he publicly expressed his displeasure with TNA's current direction. Making matters more tense, Mick's book was advertised on WWE programming, and he did an interview with the WWE website. My legal team contacted TNA and made them an offer for Mick's contract... they accepted, probably because they had no intention of re-signing him. I met with Mick and signed him to a contract extension... he won't be wrestling for us, but he will be our colour commentator. Joey Styles seemed very excited about working side by side with Mick, and Mick seemed excited that he wouldn't have to put his body on the line any more. I also have decided to make Mick a member of the booking team. While I didn't know him personally, several members of my booking committee vouched for him. Also, as most fans know, Mick has a great mind for the business, and he loves it more than just about anyone.


Al Snow was signed to be a trainer, or road agent. He may wrestle occasionally, but for all intents and purposes he's retired. Jay Lethal was the biggest surprise of all. When we made a play for Samoa Joe, it was because his contract situation was posted all over the web. From what I could tell, Jay Lethal was liked by TNA, and he seemed to be fairly happy there... how did they let him fall through their hands? It turns out, Jay didn't have a contract like all of the other talent. He had a few loopholes, which my excellent legal team exploited. It also turns out, that Jay WASN'T happy at TNA. From what he and Mick have said, the locker room morale isn't exactly at a high. Sad for TNA, but GREAT for us!


January has flown by... we've made some great signings thus far. Austin Aries, who is an indy mainstay, but was recently let go by ROH. We also signed some former WWE superstars that I really believe we can make great use of... Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Drew (Luke Gallows) Hankinson, Jimmy Yang, Trevor Murdoch, and as the internet rumors have said, Antonio (MVP) Banks, and Booker T. Our roster is definitely shaping up to be a great one.


A very nice surprise was the signing of Naomichi Marufuji, a Japanese superstar that I'm very excited to have in our company. I may not be able to bring in every Japanese wrestler I'd like to... but I hope we'll be able to at least bring that work ethic, and some of that in ring style, to WCW.


Before January would end we'd add a couple more pieces... Referees Jimmy Korderas and Scott Armstrong, ring announcer Todd Keneley, and wrestling legend Roddy "Rowdy" Piper. I believe Roddy is going to be our on screen "president."


It's all coming together, and we're all very excited. February is about to begin, and we are now 2 months away from our first show... at least I hope. I have meetings set up in February with some TV networks, and I hope to have a deal in place for a new show in April.


AUTHORS NOTE: This is all finally shaping up, my next post will probably combine February and March. I'll then post the full roster and what position they are in the company (Main Event, Midcard, etc.) Hope you've enjoyed this latest installment!

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February was going to be a make or break month. This is the month where we could start negotiating with TV networks, and it's also the month we decided to raid the Ring Of Honor roster. Everyone in the company thought it was the right move, but I'm still not sure. I worry that we'll be viewed as a ripoff promotion... a wannabe. However, I trust my employees, and I, nor anyone, can deny the fact that ROH has some very talented workers.


Apparently, our move to sign Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal away from TNA was a huge reason for some of the ROH guys to sign with us. They said it showed how serious we were... that we were a major player. Of course, buying the WCW rights, buying contracts of a few WWE superstars... that all helped as well. I knew the WCW name would be important, it's already helped in so many ways. I think I was able to get some meetings that I probably would have never gotten if I had come up with an original company name.


We went after all the big names for ROH... Christopher Daniels, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Colt Cabana, Homicide, Roderick Strong, Steve Corino, Eddie Edwards, and Davey Richards. Davey was a question mark for me... I know he's a fantastic worker, amazing in the ring, but I've also heard that he can be difficult at times. Ted Dibiase's opinion was that Davey is misunderstood. He loves the business, and he, like everyone that gets into this business, wanted to make it to the "big leagues." Ted really thinks that signing Davey will be one of the best decisions I've made... I guess we'll find out.


We signed a few of the up and comers from ROH as well... Kenny King, Rhett Titus, and one of their newest workers, Mike Bennett. We tried to make a play for the Briscoe's, but they didn't want to leave. While I'm sad we won't have them in our tag division, I'm still VERY happy with what we've put together.


We made a few more signings of indy guys, and some that had recently worked for ROH, but were let go for budget reasons. We also were able to sign Jeremy Borash. For whatever reason, TNA released him. It was probably for money reasons, but I'm happy to have him on board. We had already signed a ring announcer, Todd Keneley, but I think Jeremy is better at ring introductions. Todd will fill in from time to time, and we may make him a backstage interviewer. Diamond Dallas Page was another signing I'm proud of. DDP was in the original WCW, and was a big part of it in the mid to late 90's. DDP has had some health issues, but he still wrestles from time to time. That's not why I brought him in... I brought him in to serve as a manager. That's actually how he got his start, and his mic skills are still sharp. I'm hoping that we can pair him up with some of the guys that aren't so great on the mic, plus, I just really like having managers in pro-wrestling.


I was able to swing some pretty amazing deals with TV networks around the globe. One of the biggest reasons I was able to make these deals is simply off the WCW name. While it's been nearly 10 years since the real WCW closed down, the name still holds weight. While not all the networks are huge, we were able to get on some pretty good channels, and we were able to get on in every market. While we might not technically be a global company, with these deals, we soon will be. I was able to do the same thing with pay per view. Will we be able to get decent buy rates? That's all the pay per view companies care about. I believe we can, I HAVE to believe we can. If I don't believe we can do it, then how am I supposed to make the others in the company believe?


The biggest market is, of course, the United States. It's hard to deny that the US is what truly measures success. We will be on Versus, which is also on in Canada. Versus has been around for awhile, and a few years back bought the rights to the NHL. The network has steadily grown over the years, and Versus was able to add UFC events a few times a year. This is a network on the rise, and it's on all major cable/satellite providers. We are very lucky to be a part of this network, and I think we're really getting people talking.




The company had really taken shape over the past couple months. We did, however, have a few problems. I really should have seen it coming, but I didn't even consider that it would happen... which is very unlike me. Going after Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal, made TNA pretty angry, while we're not exactly "at war" with them... we definitely have some hostility between us. ROH on the other hand, well, we poached their roster. We took their biggest names, with the exception of the Briscoe Brothers. Ring of Honor was rightfully upset about our tactics... they have declared war on us, but I'm not really sure what they can do... we've got the bigger names, the better crew members, better production, but I'm worried none the less.


Our talent are under iron clad contracts, ROH, or anyone for that matter, won't be able to sign them away. They are all signed for a minimum of 3 years, some are under even longer deals. I'm very happy with the roster we've put together, and I believe we'll be able to compete with anyone. We WILL be the alternative to the WWE. Yes we'll have some storylines, but they're not going to involve magic leprechauns, and we'll make the in ring product the highlight of our show. I hope I'm right, I hope the wrestling fans want a company like this.


We discussed opening a development territory, but it just seems way too soon for that. Something else we agreed on, our first pay per view. Do we have it in April, after only a few shows? Or do we wait till May, or possibly even June, before we do that? We decided on May, it'll give us a little time to have a proper World Title tournament, and to introduce the fans to our product.


As for our TV show, I could have called it Nitro or Thunder, but I wanted something new. So we came up with "Uprising." It reflects what this company is all about, an uprising in the wrestling world, an uprising against "Sports Entertainment." I'm also sparing no expense when it comes to production, especially when it comes to the music. Some people may think it doesn't matter, but I disagree. Yes it'll cost some cash, but I've got some money to burn... we're actually going to be using the song "Uprising" from Muse, as our shows theme music. The time is almost upon us, our very first show, every Wednesday, LIVE on Versus... man do I like the sound of that.


AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks for the comment JayR... and thanks to all the people that have read this diary/dynasty so far. My next post will be WCW's new roster.

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Antonio Banks [MVP]

Booker T

CM Punk

Johnny Hendrix [John Morrison]




Bryan Danielson

Chavo Guerrero

Clayton Jax [Drew Hankinson]

Low-Ki [Kaval]

Shelton Benjamin

Steven Regal




Charlie Haas

Eddie Colon [Primo]

Jimmy Yang

Samoa Joe

Steve Corino




Austin Aries

Chris Hero

Christopher Daniels

Davey Richards


Jay Lethal

Naomichi Marufuji

Roderick Strong

Shawn Daivari

Sonjay Dutt

"Beautiful" Steve Lewington

Trevor Murdoch

Tyler Black

Yoshihiro Tajiri




Adam Pearce

Claudio Castagnoli

Colt Cabana

Eddie Edwards

Kenny King

Rhett Titus

Riley Nelson [Caylen Croft]

Volador Jr.




Jack Cade [spud]

Louis Riel [Dave Cole]

Mike Epic [Mike Bennett]

Shawn Spears

The British Pitbull [Martin Stone]




Diamond Dallas Page

Lacey Von Erich

Naomi Swift [Lacey]

Prince Nana




"Rowdy" Roddy Piper




Erica Caine [beverly Mullins]

Jeremy Borash

Joey Styles

Mick Foley

Todd Keneley




Charles Robinson

Jim Korderas

John Cone

Scott Armstrong




All Night Express [Kenny King/Rhett Titus]

American Wolves [Davey Richards/Eddie Edwards]

Annihilation [Eddie Colon/Roderick Strong]

Kings of Wrestling [Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli]

Morally Better [Chavo Guerrero/Trevor Murdoch]

Spears and Cabana [shawn Spears/Colt Cabana]

The Japanese Buzzsaws [Naomichi Marufuji/Yoshihiro Tajiri]

The Revolt [Louis Riel/Jack Cade]

The U.S. Of Hate [Adam Pearce/Shawn Daivari]

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team [Charlie Haas/Shelton Benjamin]






WCW Uprising

<img src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/310/uprising2.jpg"




AUTHORS NOTE: I apologize for taking so long with these past two post... I've been a bit under the weather, but I should be able to start back up on this. I hope I'll have the first TV show posted in the next 48 hours, probably sooner than that, but we'll see. Thanks again for your patience, if you have any questions please feel free to post them.

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This Wednesday on WCW Uprising, we bring you first round matches in the WCW World Championship Tournament!


"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson takes on "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Johnny Hendrix will go one on one with Steve Corino. CM Punk will go up against Low-Ki... and in our MAIN EVENT, Steven Regal takes on the one and only, Booker T!


All this and much more, Wednesday night, LIVE on Versus!

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I have read your diary, and yes its very unrealistic! But that not a bad thing. In fact that the BEAUTY of doing diaries. Your telling a story, A "what if" story. I mean granted, would this happen in real life? Probably not. The Browns have a better chance of winning the Superbowl than this happening. But is this "far fetched"? No. Its a long shot, but its not far fetched.


I like how you had the business approach on who you are signing and whats going on behind the curtain..it kinda reads like another diary I read before **Cough "The Protege Cough*** LOL.


I like how you are blending some of today's big stars with some of the indy's talent. This could definately go places. As far as the war with ROH. You could DESTROY them if you are as big as I think you are. You could book shows on the same day as thiers or steal thier champions, sign em for a day and then fire em the next day. I wish I could do that on my diary, but they are raping me. Oh well. thats another story.


Anyway. I am interested to see where this goes. and I will be definately keeping you posted on what I think..


"I could be wrong, but I DOUBT IT"


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[The screen is black, a graphic appears...]


"A once great wrestling company"


"Cut down by its competition"


"Now returns, to make things right"


"To bring WRESTLING back"


<img src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/310/uprising2.jpg"




[An edited version of the song "Uprising" by Muse, begins playing as the screen changes. Shots of CM Punk, Johnny Hendrix, Booker T, Low-Ki, Antonio Banks, and Bryan Danielson appear as the song gets to the chorus...]


"They will not force us

They will stop degrading us

They will not control us

We will be victorious



[Fireworks go off on the stage, as well as over the wrestling ring, a capacity crowd is going nuts. A few shots of crowd members cheering and holding signs. We cut to Joey Styles and Mick Foley sitting at an announce table...]


Joey Styles - "It's the return of World Championship Wrestling! I'm Joey Styles, along side Mick Foley, and we are LIVE from the Congress Theater in Chicago, Illinois! Welcome to WCW Uprising on Versus! Tonight we bring you four first round matches in our WCW World Championship Tournament, and Mick, it's so good to finally be on the air!"


Mick Foley - "It sure is Joey, it's a new era for professional wrestling, and I'm so happy to be a part of it!"


Joey Styles - "We could do a lot of talking, but instead, let's go to Jeremy Borash in the ring!"


[We cut to Jeremy Borash standing in the center of the ring with microphone in hand. The ringside bell rings...]


Jeremy Borash - "Ladies and gentlemen... our opening contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a first round match in the WCW World Championship Tournament!"


[A second of silence is broken by the unmistakable opening of Marilyn Manson's "Disposable Teens."]


Jeremy Borash - "Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California... he is The Fallen Angel... CHRISTOPHER DANIELS!!!"


[Daniels enters the ring in his familiar ring attire. His entrance theme stops before another begins... It's the opening notes of "The Final Countdown" by Europe. The crowd explodes in cheers, knowing exactly who's coming out.]


Jeremy Borash - "His opponent, from Aberdeen, Washington... THE AMERICAN DRAGON... BRYAN... DANIELSON!!!"


[bryan walks out in his maroon colored tights and robe. The crowd is going nuts for him.]


Joey Styles - "Mick, I have no doubt that this is going to be a fantastic match!"


[bryan enters the ring, only to be attacked by "The Fallen Angel" before the bell rings. Christopher takes control early on, focusing in on Danielson's back.]


Joey Styles - "Backbreaker by Christopher Daniels! The American Dragon is hurting real bad Mick!"


Mick Foley - "Danielson might be a little rusty Joey! He hasn't wrestled in a few months... he better get back into the groove of things quick, or he'll be out of this tournament."


[As the match goes on, Danielson begins his come back and the match becomes much more back and forth. The crowd is on it's feet watching a great technical match.


Joey Styles - "This is what you won't see anywhere else! Two athletes wrestling their hearts out, no leprechauns here!"


[Halfway through the match, WCW cuts to a quick commercial break. When we return, the match has really picked up, and become more high impact. After 17 minutes, Bryan Danielson locks in a Kimura submission. Christopher Daniels tries to hold on, but eventually taps out.]


Joey Styles - "The American Dragon wins! What a battle! Danielson's training in Las Vegas at Xtreme Couture has really paid off."


Mick Foley - "Bryan put that MMA submission on with ease... The Fallen Angel didn't see it coming."


[bryan Danielson celebrates in the ring, Christopher Daniels is walking to the back... Suddenly, "The Final Countdown" stops playing and "Cult Of Personality" by Living Colour begins. CM Punk walks down the aisle, he starts clapping his hands at Christopher Daniels, mocking him and saying "good job" to him.]


Joey Styles - "What's he doing out here? His match against Low-Ki is later tonight..."


Mick Foley - "We're looking at two of the brightest stars in professional wrestling today, and I've got to be honest Joey... I think we're looking at the finals to the WCW World Championship Tournament in the ring right now!"


CM Punk - "I know what you're all thinking... why is one of the biggest stars in THE WORLD, here at this rinky dink show?"


Joey Styles - "Rinky dink show? Is he watching the same thing we are?"


CM Punk - "You see, I've spent my career working all over the world... fighting in the MINOR LEAGUES, all with the goal of making it to the majors. After years of blood, sweat, and tears, I made it to the major leagues... I even became a WORLD CHAMPION! But now look at me... I'm forced to be here, and for once I'm not JUST insulting Chicago..."




Mick Foley - "Isn't he FROM Chicago?"


Joey Styles - "He is, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like it here."


Mick Foley - "To be fair Joey, I don't think he likes it ANYWHERE."


CM Punk - "My contract was bought from Vince McMahon WITHOUT my consent. Now I'm back where I started... at the bottom of the barrel."


[The crowd boos even louder, Bryan Danielson looks like he's had enough and grabs a microphone.]


Bryan Danielson - "I understand where you're coming from Punk. I felt the same way, until I REALLY thought about it. First of all, this isn't rinky dink. This company has the best production in the business, the best of the best came from Hollywood to make sure we looked our best.


CM Punk - "Wow! From Hollywood you say? Well that changes everything Bryan!"


Mick Foley - "I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic Joey."


Joey Styles - "Yeah, I think everyone knew that Mick."


Bryan Danielson - "CM, what it really comes down to, is one simple question. And it shouldn't take you very long to come up with an answer... When you were growing up, watching Bret Hart, Ted Dibiase, and Tully Blanchard... did you sit there and dream of becoming an "entertainer?" Or did you dream of growing up and being a WRESTLER? If you grew up wanting to be an entertainer, then you're right... this isn't the place for you. But if you grew up like me, wanting to be a WRESTLER, then this is the place you want to be... this IS the major leagues!"


[There is an explosion of cheers from the crowd, CM Punk paces back and forth, looking like he's genuinely shocked by what Bryan said.]


CM Punk - "I've honestly never thought of it that way. You're right Bryan... I grew up wanting to be a WRESTLER!"


[Another huge pop from the crowd. Bryan and CM both smile, then Punk's face changes...]


CM Punk - "So you're right Bryan, I guess I am in the major leagues... and since I'm in the major leagues, well then my goal should probably be to win the world title, shouldn't it?"


Bryan Danielson - "Yeah, I think it should be your goal... it should be everyone in the WCW's goal."


CM Punk - "I think, that if I'm going for the world title, and am a part of this tournament... and YOU'RE a part of this tournament... well then, I guess that makes you my competition!"


[Punk attacks, but Danielson sees it coming and meets CM head on.]


Joey Styles - "They're punching each other back and forth!"


Mick Foley - "Here comes some officials to break them up. That's probably best for CM Punk since he has a match later tonight."


[Punk walks back up the ramp, looking at Danielson in the ring. The show then goes to commercial break.]


Joey Styles - "Welcome back to WCW Uprising! We're going to go backstage to Erica Caine, who's with one of the competitors in tonight's main event, Booker T!"


Erica Caine - "I'm here with a former world champion, BOOKER T! Booker, you face Steven Regal tonight in the main event, what's your plan going into the match?"


Booker T - "My plan? To beat that fool like he owes me money! You know something? I am a former 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, 5 TIME, WCW Champion! And it may have been in the old WCW, but one thing is still the same..."


Erica Caine - "What's that?"


Booker T - "I can still wipe the floor with that English drama queen Steven Regal! Now can you dig that... SUCKA!!!"


Joey Styles - "He certainly hasn't lost his touch, has he Mick?


Mick Foley - "He hasn't lost his touch verbally, but we'll see if he's still got it PHYSICALLY later tonight."


[We cut to the ring where Borash introduces the competitors in a tag team match.]


Jeremy Borash - "Introducing first, the team of Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli... The KINGS OF WRESTLING! And their opponents, Eddie Colon and Roderick Strong... ANNIHILATION!"


[both teams seemed to be evenly matched, Strong and Colon's inexperience as a tag team was evident... and Kings of Wrestling took advantage. Chris Hero eventually pinned Eddie Colon with his feet on the ropes, and the Kings took the victory.]


Joey Styles - "Eddie and Roderick were screwed!"


Mick Foley - "They certainly were, I can't believe the ref didn't see Hero's feet on the ropes!"


[We go backstage where Low-Ki is standing by the catering table. With his plate full of food, he turns around right into Chavo Guerrero, getting the food all over him.]


Low-Ki - "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there."


Chavo Guerrero - "Didn't see me? Do you know who I am?!? How dare you do this to me!"


Low-Ki - "I didn't mean any disrespect... I'll pay for your dry cleaning..."


Chavo Guerrero - "I know who you are... you're Low-Ki! You're that guy that does all the Bruce Lee karate stuff. And you know what you are?"


Low-Ki - "No."


Chavo Guerrero - "An example..."


[Chavo attacks Low-Ki and throws him into the catering table... some road agents come out to get Chavo out of the room. We then go to commercial. When we come back Jeremy Borash is in the ring introducing the next bout.]


Jeremy Borash - "Our next contest is from the WCW cruiserweight division! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Adam Pearce, from Minneapolis, Minnesota... SHAWN DAIVARI!"


Joey Styles - "I'm sure some of you are shocked to hear Shawn Daivari's name and hearing that he comes from Minneapolis, instead of from the Middle East..."


Mick Foley - "Sadly Joey, even though he and Adam Pearce were born in America... they both have grown to hate this country, and seem to be on a mission to "re-educate" this country."


Joey Styles - "They've turn their backs on their country Mick! They were both raised here, both raised with every opportunity that most countries don't have... and for some reason they're angry with all of us!"


Jeremy Borash - "And his opponent, from Austell, Georgia... JIMMY YANG!"


Joey Styles - "I'm receiving word that even though he was attacked earlier by Chavo Guerrero... Low-Ki WILL compete tonight against CM Punk."


[The match begins and quickly becomes a high flying extravaganza. Springboard moves and dives to the outside are just a few of the treats for the fans. At one point in the match, with Adam Pearce on the ring apron, Jimmy Yang sends Daivari into his partner... Pearce becomes incensed and charges into the ring attacking Yang and causing a disqualification.]


Joey Styles - "Jimmy Yang wins the match, but Pearce and Daivari may be winning the war."


[Jimmy Yang gets tossed from the ring, Daivari and Pearce each grab a microphone.]


Shawn Daivari - "My family comes from Iran... but I was born here in the United States. For years I've had to deal with ignorant American's TAUNTING ME! TAUNTING MY FAMILY! Telling ME to "go home!" I was born and raised here! Yet they treated me and my family like dogs! People wonder why I insist on wearing Muslim clothing, because they NEVER turned their back on me! The Muslim people were always there for me, meanwhile, my own country men SPIT on me!"


Adam Pearce - "I too come from America. Unlike Shawn, I don't have any ties to the Muslim world. But I do have eyes, ears, and a HEART, unlike all of you scum! I've watched my country destroy itself, I've watched my country commit CRIMES against HUMANITY!


[some fans throw cups and empty popcorn boxes into the ring.]


Shawn Daivari - "America... we will not sit silent, we will not roll over like dogs! We will fight back for your ignorance and for your CRIMES against the world! You are the United States of America... and we, are the United States of HATE!"


[both men drop their microphones to a chorus of boos and make their way to the back... Joey Styles and Mick Foley express their disgust with the team, and then take a commercial break. We come back, once again, to Jeremy Borash in the ring...]


Jeremy Borash - "Ladies and gentlemen, our next bout is a first round match in the WCW World Title Tournament! Introducing first..."


["A remix of "O Fortuna" begins playing...]


Jeremy Borash - "From Sea Isle City, New Jersey... STEVE CORINO!


Joey Styles - "A longtime veteran, he's traveled the world... some say his chance in the big time is over... but I don't know Mick."


Mick Foley - "I wouldn't count him out Joey, he's still got plenty left in the tank... but he is about to take on a younger and much more athletic man."


Jeremy Borash - "His opponent, from Hollywood, California... JOHNNY HENDRIX!!!"


[From the start Johnny Hendrix tries to make it a fast pace match... while Steve Corino tries to keep him grounded. Corino starts working over Hendrix's leg, grounding and slowing down his younger opponent. Steve Corino seems to have the match in hand, but Hendrix is able to make a comeback and eventually win with starship pain.]


Joey Styles - "Hendrix pulls out the win! I thought Corino had him beat, but Johnny was able to hang in there and get the win."


Mick Foley - "I remember seeing Johnny when he first started wrestling... man has he come a long way!"


Joey Styles - "Let's head to the back where Todd Keneley is talking to Steven Regal."


Todd Keneley - "I'm here with Steven Regal... who's taking on Booker T in a first round match in the WCW..."


Steven Regal - "Not just "taking on" Booker T... but beating him to a bloody pulp! This is my chance to be taken more seriously... for years I've been a glorified side show act... and now I get the chance to show everyone what I've long been capable of."


Todd Keneley - "Are you surprised that the WCW has put two of the oldest competitors in this tournament, against one another in the first round?"


Steven Regal - "Oldest? Who in the blue hell do you think you're talking to sunshine? I may be a veteran, I may have been doing this for a very long time, but I'm by no means "old."


Todd Keneley - "I'm very sorry Mr. Regal, of course I meant veteran..."


[Regal snatches the microphone away from Todd... he shoves him away, out of camera view.]


Steven Regal - "Booker T, I've spent a career wiping scum like you off of my boots. Tonight is my chance to stop being viewed by those peasants out there... to stop being viewed as a joke, and for everyone around the world, to see me as a CHAMPION. I'm going to break you in two, and then I'm going on to become the WCW World Champion!"


[Regal walks off screen, and we head to another commercial break. When we come back, Jeremy Borash is in the ring, ready to introduce our next match.]


Jeremy Borash - "Our next contest is another first round match in the WCW World Title Tournament! Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York... LOW... KI!!!"


Joey Styles - "Low-Ki looks like he's not suffering any side effects from that attack by Chavo Guerrero."


Mick Foley - "And I'm very glad about that Joey... I've been looking forward to this match all night, and I'd hate for one of these competitors to not be at 100 percent."


Jeremy Borash - "His opponent... from CHICAGO, Illinois, C... M... PUNK!!!"


[both men wait in their corner for the bell, then Punk goes on the attack, his attacks seem much more vicious than they've been in the past. Punk dominates the first half of the match, we go to commercial 5 minutes in, and return to Low-Ki making his comeback. At one point it seems like Low-Ki has it won by going for his double stomp move called "Warriors Way." However, Punk rolls out of the way at the last second, gets to his feet as Low-Ki does... and connects with a running boot to the face. Punk immediately slaps on his submission move the "Anaconda Vice" for the victory.]


Joey Styles - "What a fantastic display by these two athletes! CM Punk moves on in the tournament, but Low-Ki really has nothing to be ashamed of."


Mick Foley - "No he doesn't, but I can't help but wonder if he would have pulled out the win had it not been for Chavo Guerrero's attack earlier tonight."


[The camera cuts to the back where Erica Caine is standing by with Antonio Banks.]


Erica Caine - "I'm here with "Money" Antonio Banks. Antonio, you'll be wrestling next week in a first round tournament match against Eddie Colon, who wrestled earlier tonight..."


Antonio Banks - "Yeah, and he lost! Did you see that? Man got beat down like a little bitch!"


Erica Caine - "How do you think you'll do in this tournament? Is there anyone that you're worried about facing?"


Antonio Banks - "You're kidding right? Worried? Me? Everyone else should be worried! I've got it all, good looks, strength, speed, skill... and did I mention good looks? Plus I got more money than any fool in this place... there ain't no one that can come close to THIS greatness!"


[banks walks away from Caine, and we head to our final commercial break. When we return Jeremy Borash is in the ring to introduce the final match.]


Jeremy Borash - "Ladies and gentlemen, it's now time for our MAIN EVENT of the evening! It is a first round match in the WCW World Title Tournament! Introducing first, from Blackpool, England... STEVEN REGAL!!!"


Joey Styles - "This man has wrestled everywhere on this Earth... he may be one of the greatest all time technicians in the sport... but he's got his hands full with Booker T.


Jeremy Borash - "And his opponent, from Houston, Texas... BOOKER T!"


[Regal attacks Booker before he even gets in the ring, he controls the match for several minutes, using a mix of European uppercuts as well as his vast technical wrestling ability. At one point Regal even gets his finisher, the "Regal Stretch," on Booker, but he applied it too close to the ropes. Booker T then makes the comeback, and finally catches Regal with the axe kick for the victory. Booker T celebrates, but Regal, looking absolutely disgusted, attacks him from behind.]


Joey Styles - "Regal is attacking Booker T! What a coward... hitting him from behind!"


Mick Foley - "Such a great night of action, this isn't how it should end!"


Joey Styles - "I agree, but unfortunately we're out of time... For Mick Foley, I'm Joey Styles, see you next week Live on WCW Uprising!"


[The credits and copyright graphics appear on screen as Regal has Booker in the Regal Stretch... we then fade to black ending the show.]



Dark Match: The American Wolves beat The Revolt = C

Match Notes: Jack Cade is improving in Performance skills, Louis Riel is improving in technical and Performance skills. Eddie Edwards is improving in technical skills.


Christopher Daniels vs Bryan Danielson = B

Match Notes: Christopher Daniels is improving in rumble skills.


ANGLE: CM Punk confronts Danielson = B+

Angle Notes: The segment lifted the crowd.


ANGLE: Booker T Interviewed = B+

Angle Notes: Booker T could use something to freshen his character up.


Kings of Wrestling beat Annihilation = C+

Match Notes: Hero is improving in rumble skills. Claudio is improving in technical skills. Eddie Colon is improving in performance skills. Roderick Strong is improving in technical skills.


ANGLE: Guerrero Attacks Low-Ki = C+

Angle Notes: None


Shawn Daivari beats Jimmy Yang = B-

Match Notes: None


ANGLE: Post Match Promo = D+

Angle Notes: None


Johnny Hendrix beats Steve Corino = B

Match Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Steve Corino is improving in performance skills. Hendrix is improving in rumble and performance skills.


ANGLE: Steven Regal Interviewed = B+

Angle Notes: None


CM Punk beats Low-Ki = B+

Match Notes: There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. This match lifted the crowd. Low-Ki is improving in performance skills.


ANGLE: Antonio Banks Hypes Next Week = B+

Angle Notes: None


Booker T beats Steven Regal = A

Match Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Steven Regal is improving in rumble skills. Booker T is improving in rumble and technical skills.


ANGLE: Post Match Beatdown by Regal = B

Angle Notes: None



Show Notes: There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


AUTHORS NOTE: Well there it is, the first episode of Uprising. I don't think future shows will be this long, it's the first show, so I may have gone overboard. Hope you enjoyed it, and I hope to have a post detailing the day/week after this show. Thanks again for the great comments, and stay tuned!

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Wednesday, April the 3rd was the big day. Our first show, our chance to make a great first impression. I stayed in back running things, I've decided that I'm not going to be an on air character, it's just not me. I was very happy with the show, I'm very hopeful for the future... Everyone else seemed to really enjoy the show, the internet seemed to love it as well, and they usually don't like ANYTHING! The WWE had Raw on Monday night, it seemed like a decent show... clearly they don't see us as competition, otherwise they would have brought out the big guns... instead they had an average show at best. As the week went on I kept getting news of various people being released. TNA let go of Christy Hemme, road agents Pat Kenney and D'Lo Brown, and the big surprise, Vince Russo! Vince wrote the shows for TNA for years... and most people agreed that he wasn't doing a very good job. I wonder who will take over the booking for the company, whoever takes over should have no problem topping the past couple of years... the bar was set pretty low by Russo.


The ratings came in on Thursday and they weren't great. I put a tremendous amount of money into production, and into the advertising, so I was disappointed. On Versus we got a 0.54, half of what TNA gets, and a full 3 points less than the WWE gets. Even though it wasn't as high as I'd like, I still am keeping the faith that we'll raise that number in the weeks and months ahead. Some news in the first week was about the WWE and some of the Japanese promotions renewing their pay per view deals. We don't have a pay per view until next month, so I hope we'll keep our carriers happy. In ROH news, Mark Briscoe became the world champion for their promotion... I still wish I could have signed Mark and his brother Jay to a contract, but they seem to love it there.


We decided to run our first house shows in Mexico... we need to build up our standing in the world, so it seemed smart to tour their first, then make our way around the globe before touring America... it's risky, and probably stupid, but I feel it'll help us in the long run. I also had to deal with Adam Pearce and Chris Hero complaining about their push, I moved them up one spot to keep them happy. Ultimately it doesn't really matter what I label them. They could both be label "Main Eventers" but it doesn't mean I'd put them in the main event... perhaps in the future, but not right now.


Ring of Honor clearly need some more talent after I poached most of their stars... they went out and signed Sean Waltman, I'm sure that will turn out great for them. It's not like Waltman has a history of causing issues in the locker room or anything. The second week of April began with the WWE putting on a fantastic episode of Raw. It turns out I was right about TNA... after firing Vince Russo, they made Eric Bischoff the new head booker for the company, I guess we'll find out if he's still got some of that magic left.


Now we've got to prepare for our next episode of Uprising, I think it'll be good. We still have a lot of talent that didn't get any screen time on our first episode, I hope to give them a shot this week.


AUTHORS NOTE: Next episode should be up in the next day or two. Thanks so much for reading, I hope you're enjoying it!

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This Wednesday on WCW Uprising, the final 4 first round matches will take place in the WCW World Title tournament!


Austin Aries will go up against Tyler Black, Samoa Joe takes on Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin will face Clayton Jax, and Antonio Banks will face Eddie Colon.


Also, Chavo Guerrero and Steven Regal team up to face Booker T and Low-Ki!


All this and more, on WCW Uprising, live Wednesday on Versus!

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Aries over Black

Joe KILLS Haas

Shelton over..who??

Antonio Bankos over Colon

Booker-Ki over Chavo and Regal


Clayton Jax is Drew Hankinson (Luke Gallows) I made up the name since in this world the WWE owns the "Luke Gallows" name. Same with Johnny Hendrix, that's really John Morrison.

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I'd saw make him John Hennigan.


I thought about doing that... but it just didn't sound good to me. Johnny Hendrix sounds corny, but it made sense to me when I chose it. John Morrison was supposed to be a play on Jim Morrison, so thought I'd give him a name similar to Jimmy Hendrix. I don't know, I may change it in the future...


Also, trying to finish the next show, but had a family Christmas gathering. I'm also not going to have such a long show this time, I'm trying to edit myself. You will all have to tell me which you prefer when I post the next one.


Thanks for reading!

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<img src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/310/uprising2.jpg"


[The theme song begins, flashes of various stars are shown... We then go live to the arena where fireworks are going off, the crowd is going nuts, and Joey Styles is sitting at ringside with Mick Foley.]


Joey Styles - "Welcome everyone to Wednesday Night Uprising, LIVE on Versus! I'm Joey Styles alongside Mick Foley... tonight we continue our WCW world title tournament, some great matches are on tap tonight."


Mick Foley - "That's right Joey! We're going to have some matches featuring Shelton Benjamin, Samoa Joe, and Antonio Banks. I'm really looking forward to this Joey."




[booker T makes his way to the ring, he's followed by Low-Ki. They enter the ring and each grab a microphone from ringside...]


Booker T - "Last week, I was on top of the world... unfortunately, being on top of the world lasted a total of 15 seconds... because Steven Regal decided he couldn't take losing fair and square. He attacked me, he tried to injure me, but I'm still here Regal!"


Low-Ki - "Last week I had the chance to move on in the WCW World Title Tournament, but before my match with CM Punk... I was attacked by Chavo Guerrero. All because I accidently spilled some food on him. I know I could have won that match if I was at one hundred percent... but I don't get a second chance. I don't get to move on in the tournament. That's because of you Guerrero!"


Booker T - "So Low-Ki and I got together after last week's show. We both were letting all our frustrations out... and we decided to help each other out. It's real simple, us versus THEM!"


[The sound of bagpipes fill the arena, half the crowd seems to know who is coming out, the other half don't seem to have a clue. Out walks "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.]


Roddy Piper - "Well they sure are rowdy here in Iowa!"




Roddy Piper - "For those of you that don't know, I was given a very nice job here in World Championship Wrestling. I run the show! I'm the new commissioner, and if you two think you can make a match without my approval... then you're sadly mistaken."


Booker T - "Roddy, those two clowns attacked us, embarrassed us... we deserve a chance to make things right!"


Roddy Piper = "I don't disagree Booker... and I'm in a giving mood tonight, so you've got it! Tonight in the main event, it'll be Steven Regal and Chavo Guerrero versus Booker T and Low-Ki!"


[The crowd cheers, Booker and Low-Ki look very happy... we go to a quick commercial, and when we come back Tyler Black is already in the ring. Austin Aries is then introduced, and a first round match in the world title tournament takes place. It's a fairly quick paced match, and in 7 minutes, with a hand full of tights, Austin Aries takes the win.]


Joey Styles - "Austin Aries moves on to the second round!"


Mick Foley - "It's just too bad that he had to take a short cut to get there."


[backstage Bryan Danielson is standing next to Erica Caine, interviewer for WCW, when suddenly CM Punk attacks. Danielson is taken down and stomped, Punk focuses on the rib area of "The American Dragon." CM Punk grabs a steel chair and starts nailing Danielson in the ribs with it, he walks away laughing leaving Bryan down on the ground.]


Mick Foley - "What a brutal attack! Bryan might not be able to wrestle next week!"


Joey Styles - "Knowing him, he'll probably wrestle... but he may have trouble winning. He looks like he's in a huge amount of pain."


[shawn Spears and Colt Cabana are already in the ring, the entrance music for The American Wolves plays. Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards slide into the ring and attack before the bell. Davey and Eddie isolate Colt Cabana, working him over with an array of tag team moves. Cabana and Spears get some offense in, but it's mostly all American Wolves. The Wolves get the win with a "Doomsday Cutter."]


Joey Styles - "A great win for The American Wolves! I spoke with commissioner Piper earlier today, and he's watching all the tag teams in WCW to see who should get a shot for the tag belts."


Mick Foley - "I think Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards will get a shot Joey... they looked great tonight."


[before commercial break, a video plays hyping "Beautiful" Steve Lewington. It's mostly shots of Steve posing in front of a mirror... he says he's coming to make WCW, "Beatuiful." We then go to commercial...]


Joey Styles - "We're back on WCW Uprising, live on Versus and around the world! Let's go back to the ring for our next match!"


[Jeremy Borash introduces the next match as a "cruiserweight battle." Riley Nelson comes to the ring, he wears pink, struts, and acts slightly "fabulous." His opponent is Jay Lethal, no longer pretending to be other wrestlers, just being himself... it's a fast match, with a few dives to the outside by both men, but Lethal finishes it in 6 minutes with "Diving Dynamite" a swan dive headbutt from the top rope.]


Mick Foley - "Joey, this is what cruiserweight wrestling is all about!"


Joey Styles - "Jay Lethal has been very successful in other companies and it looks like his success will continue here in WCW. I'm being told Erica Caine is backstage ready to interview CM Punk!"


Erica Caine - "I'm here with CM Punk, who earlier tonight brutally attacked Bryan Danielson... CM, can you explain your actions?"


CM Punk - "It's simple really... I want to be the next WCW World Champion, and NO ONE is going to stop me. If I have to take someone out to get that gold around my waist, then I'm perfectly fine with that."


Erica Caine - "Next week will be your second round match, you'll be facing Booker T..."


CM Punk - "Booker T, the old washed up has-been! Actually, he's not a has-been, he's a never was. The day I get beat by some ancient relic is the day I hang up my boots! I really could care less who I face, just know one thing... I am CM Punk, and I WILL BE the next WCW World Champion!"


[We come back from another commercial break. Charlie Haas is introduced, and we are informed that this next match is another first round World title tournament match. His opponent is Samoa Joe, who charges right into the ring and starts exchanging punches with the veteran. Joe clotheslines Haas to the outside, he waits for Charlie to get up, then dives right through the ropes...]


Joey Styles - "OH MY GOD!!!!! Suicide dive from the big man!"


[The match makes its way back inside, the match then turns into a technical battle... Haas gains the advantage and begins working over Joe's left leg. Various holds are exchanged before Haas is able to kick Joe's leg out from under him and then apply the "Haas Of Pain" submission move. Joe almost taps, but fights it off and breaks the hold. Joe, limping on his leg, is able to make a comeback, and finally finishes Haas off with the "muscle buster."]


Joey Styles - "I really thought Haas had this one Mick!"


Mick Foley - "So did I, but you can't count out Samoa Joe!"


[We go backstage to Todd Keneley who's with Clayton Jax. Clayton is dressed as your typical biker, he begins to talk, but is quickly interrupted by Shelton Benjamin. The two begin to fight each other, but are quickly broken up by security.]


Joey Styles - "These two will face off later tonight in a first round tournament battle!"


[A tag match is up next, with the U.S. of Hate facing The Japanese Buzzsaws. Yoshihiro Tajiri and Naomichi Marufuji take control early, with Tajiri performing a few of his trademark moves... including the "tarantula." Shawn Daivari is able to turn things around with a little help from a eye poke... he and Adam Pearce control the match, before Tajiri makes the hot tag to Marufuji. Tajiri and Marufuji clothesline both men to the outside. Instead of getting back in the ring, both members of the U.S. of Hate decide they've had enough and walk away, losing by countout.]


Joey Styles - "What cowards!"


Mick Foley - "What do you expect Joey? These guys turned their backs on their country! Did you think they'd be honorable guys, fight fair and square?"


[After another commercial, we go to the ring where Mike Epic is already waiting for his opponent. Johnny Hendrix makes his way out to huge reaction from the crowd. The match is all of 5 minutes long, and is a complete squash. Hendrix hits all his trade mark moves, and finishes Epic off with "starship pain." Joey and Mick go over the action and talk about how Johnny is in the second round of the WCW World Title Tournament. "The Final Countdown" by Europe plays as Bryan Danielson makes his way to the ring. His ribs are bandaged up and he's clearly in pain.]


Bryan Danielson - "I'm not going to play any games... I'll make this simple. CM Punk, get your ass out here!"


[instead of CM Punk, the commissioner, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper steps out onto the entrance ramp.]


Roddy Piper - "Bryan, I know how angry you must be... I know you want to fight Punk, but it's not happening. Not tonight at least."


Bryan Danielson - "You gave Booker T and Low-Ki the match they wanted, now I'm asking for the same!"


Roddy Piper - "I spoke with the doctors Bryan, you're in no condition to fight tonight. If you want to take on CM Punk, then you'll have to make it to the finals of the tournament. If you do that, and if he makes it there too, THEN you can have your revenge. But it's not happening before then."


Bryan Danielson - "Damn it Roddy! This is the second week in a row that he's come after me... you really think I'm going to sit back and let it happen a third time?"


Roddy Piper - "Yep, that's EXACTLY what you're going to do. In fact, you get tonight off, AND you get NEXT WEEK OFF! I want you at your best Bryan, and that's not going to happen unless you go home and rest. You're second round match in the title tournament will take place in two weeks, you are NOT ALLOWED to be in the building next week. I'm sorry Bryan, but it's for your own good."


[The crowd seems unhappy with Piper's answer, Danielson's head drops and he reluctantly leaves the ring. When we come back from a commercial, it's time for another first round match. Shelton Benjamin and Clayton Jax make their way to the ring... they begin an all out brawl, Jax clearly is upset about Shelton's treatment of him earlier. Clayton hits a few moves and Benjamin slides out of the ring to regroup. When he re-enters the ring, the match slowly turns in Shelton's favor... he uses his superior athleticism and speed, to take control. Shelton finally pulls out the win by hitting his finisher on Clayton... and it didn't hurt that his feet were on the ropes.]


Joey Styles - "Shelton looked great Mick. But I'm sure Clayton won't be happy about Shelton's feet being on the ropes..."


Mick Foley - "No he won't, but Benjamin wins regardless, and moves on in the tournament!"


[Another first round match takes place, in this match it's Eddie Colon versus "Money" Antonio Banks. Colon gets in some offense, but it's mostly Banks, who gets the win with a "drive by kick."]


Joey Styles - "Antonio Banks is definitely one to watch in this tournament Mick."


Mick Foley - "Absolutely Joey, I don't think he's ever had a real chance to shine... but he's really making use of his second chance here in WCW."


[We go to the back where Chavo Guerrero is giving Regal a pep talk. Regal doesn't seem impressed by Chavo's words. A quick commercial, then we return to Chavo and Regal in the ring. Booker T and Low-Ki are then introduced, coming out to Booker's music. It's a very competitive, back and forth, match. Booker T and Low-Ki pickup the win when Ki hit's "Warrior's way" on Chavo.]


Joey Styles - "What a great night of action, we'll see you next week with 2 second round matches in the WCW world title tournament... for Mick Foley, I'm Joey Styles, good night!"


[The credits and copyright graphics appear on screen as Booker T and Low-Ki celebrate in the ring. The screen fades to black ending this episode of Uprising.]



Dark Match: Kings of Wrestling defeat The Revolt = C+

Match Notes: None


Dark Match: Christopher Daniels defeats Volador Jr. = C-

Match Notes: Volador Jr. and Christopher Daniels don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Volador Jr. is improving in Performance skills.


ANGLE: Booker T and Low-Ki Request A Match = C+

Angle Notes: Booker T's new gimmick gets an initial C+ rating.


Austin Aries defeats Tyler Black = B-

Match Notes: None


ANGLE: CM Punk Injuries Bryan Danielson = B+

Angle Notes: None


The American Wolves defeat Spears and Cabana = C+

Match Notes: Shawn Spears is improving in Technical skills.


ANGLE: "Beautiful" Steve Lewington Hype Video = C

Angle Notes: None


Jay Lethal defeats Riley Nelson = C-

Match Notes: None


ANGLE: CM Punk Backstage Interview = B

Angle Notes: None


Samoa Joe defeats Charlie Haas = B-

Match Notes: Charlie Haas and Samoa Joe have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. Charlie Haas is improving in Flying and Performance skills. Samoa Joe is improving in Technical and Performance skills.


ANGLE: Shelton Benjamin Interrupts Clayton Jax = C+

Angle Notes: None


The Japanese Buzzsaws defeat The U.S. Of Hate = C+

Match Notes: Naomichi Marufuji is improving in Performance skills. Adam Pearce is improving in Rumble and Technical skills.


Johnny Hendrix defeats Mike Epic = B-

Match Notes: Johnny Hendrix came out of the match looking good. Mike Epic is improving in Performance skills.


ANGLE: Bryan Danielson Challenges Punk, Get's Piper Instead = C+

Angle Notes: None


Shelton Benjamin defeats Clayton Jax = B-

Match Notes: Shelton Benjamin is improving in Performance skills.


Antonio Banks defeats Eddie Colon = B

Match Notes: Antonio Banks and Eddie Colon have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. This match lifted the crowd.


ANGLE: Chavo Guerrero Gives Steven Regal a Pep Talk = B-

Angle Notes: None


Booker T and Low-Ki defeat Chavo Guerrero and Steven Regal = B+

Match Notes: This match lifted the crowd. Chavo Guerrero is improving in Technical skills. Booker T is improving in Rumble skills.


Post Show Match: Homicide/The British Pitbull/ Jimmy Yang/Bryan Danielson defeated Steve Corino/Trevor Murdoch/Kenny King/CM Punk = D+

Match Notes: Kenny King could use something to freshen his character up. CM Punk came out of the match looking good. Trevor Murdoch is improving in Performance skills. Kenny King is improving in Flying and Performance skills.



Show Notes: There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


AUTHORS NOTE: Hope you enjoyed this episode. All feedback is appreciated. Because it's a busy week, I'm not entirely sure when I'll be able to get to the next episode... but I'll try to get it done soon.

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