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CGC: All Is Not As It Seems

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Damn, missed predictions for the pay per view!


Really good show and really good Main Event, and a cool surprise Elite won and story-wise it makes sense which is always good, sorry for missing it I will try and make sure I get in my predictions for CGC TV show.


Favorite part on retrospect was the overconfidence of the DeColts as at the time of reading it seemed like the faces hyping the match but after they lost (and I was sure they'd win) it looked arrogant. And note to the DeColts if you won it every before and not this year what changed. No Steve thats what has and now it is time for the ELITE to finally win the WAR!!! (In short I miss Steve :()

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Damn, missed predictions for the pay per view!


Really good show and really good Main Event, and a cool surprise Elite won and story-wise it makes sense which is always good, sorry for missing it I will try and make sure I get in my predictions for CGC TV show.


Favorite part on retrospect was the overconfidence of the DeColts as at the time of reading it seemed like the faces hyping the match but after they lost (and I was sure they'd win) it looked arrogant. And note to the DeColts if you won it every before and not this year what changed. No Steve thats what has and now it is time for the ELITE to finally win the WAR!!! (In short I miss Steve :()


Thanks for the feedback, and glad to hear you're enjoying it. There'll be more change in the air before long, don't worry.




Coming off the back of a succesful PPV, ads air for the next CGC Title Bout Wrestling, which begins the build to Luck of the Draw.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Jack DeColt © vs. Ed Monton

The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)


Also - a Luck of the Draw match qualifying contest, and Zues Maxmillion speaks after his betrayal of Stevie Grayson.


And because it's never too early to hype a PPV, the commercial also mentions the card set for Luck of the Draw thus far.


CGC Luck of the Draw

Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

The Luck of the Draw Match


The ad also explains some of the gimmickry behind the Luck of the Draw PPV - all the title matches have special stipulations that are decided on the night by a wheel of fortune. It also explains the Luck of the Draw match - a contest where 10 men - 5 who have qualified, and 5 who have been selected randomly - battle to earn one of four briefcases. Three of the briefcases have contracts that guarentee title shots, while the fourth contains a pink slip that will end one competitor's time with the company.




Predictions welcomed for Title Bout Wrestling!
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Jack DeColt © vs. Ed Monton

I don't see the champion losing here. Ed Monton will pay for his decisions.


The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Again don't see the champions losing. Technique and Quibble aren't going to get the belts right after the Soldiers of Fortune won them.


I am enjoying this. It's a nice read.

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Once again the previews ran for Title Bout Wrestling, with the show due to start within 24 hours.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Jack DeColt © vs. Ed Monton

The Soldiers of Fortune vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)




Show should be up sometime tomorrow. Predictions are welcomed as ever, and welcome to Rayelek!
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling 4/48


Rock You Like a Hurricane blasts through the arena as Title Bout Wrestling goes on air. As soon as the pyro finishes Fire It Up cuts across the show's theme song and RICKY and ALEX DeColt stride out from behind the curtain to the usual thunderous pop. RICKY looks his usual happy self, but ALEX looks... well, a tad grumpy. The duo make the ring and the music cuts. ALEX speaks first, and he is intense.


ALEX: On Friday night we made history.


Pop. But ALEX cuts across it quickly.


ALEX: And not for the right reasons. On Friday night, I was pinned. On Friday night, Ricky here was pinned. On Friday night, Jack was pinned. On Friday night, we became the first DeColt team to lose an Elimination Tag match. And, as Jack was at pains to point out to me, that's not good enough.


ALEX shakes his head sadly. RICKY seizes the opportunity.


RICKY: Not that it's all doom and gloom. It's definitely that saddo Ed Monton's fault for wussing out like he did.

ALEX: Wussing out? You're telling me that if you had been offered a title shot in his position, you would've turned it down to fight some of the nastiest men in the company for no material reward?


ALEX: Your naivety is enchanting, Ricky, but I'm afraid we can't address that now. Because we're out here for a reason. As you may know, my brother Jack has taken it upon himself to 'punish' Ed Monton for his failure on Friday by facing him in a World title match later tonight. Whoever wins that match will face Eddie Chandler at Luck of the Draw in a random stipulation match for the belt. But myself and Ricky here, we have nothing planned for that big night in February.

RICKY: And so we came out to address that. Now on Friday, those Elite tools, outnumbering us, beat us, and now they think they are the greatest thing going. Well, if you're the greatest thing going, then you should have no fear of two scrawny brothers.


ALEX punches RICKY on the shoulder.


RICKY: I mean one scrawny brother and one effortlessly macho and handsome one. Yeah. So consider this a challenge. Two members of Elite, two DeColts, Luck of the Draw in a random stipulation match. Alex and I get to restore our family honour...

ALEX: And you get to prove these far fetched claims that you are the best. Deal?


Fire It Up hits again and the pair of DeColts stride to the back as Title Bout Wrestling goes to an early commercial.


Rating: B-




The show returns from commercial with Grimm QUIBBLE and Warren TECHNIQUE in ring. Adrian PAPIN and Eric TYLER finally get to welcome us the broadcast.


PAPIN: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to CGC Title Bout Wrestling, live from the Moose Jaw Centre in the Prairies! I'm Marty Papin...

TYLER: And I'm Eric Tyler, and what a main event we have tonight!

PAPIN: That's right, Eric, our main event will see Ed Monton face down Jack DeColt for the CGC World title.

TYLER: And we've got another world championship on the line right now, as the Soldiers of Fortune look to make the first defence of their Tag titles against this new team of Technical Quibble.

PAPIN: Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble picked up a victory before our PPV went on air on Friday night, and it looks like their performance impressed Phil Vibert enough to get them a title shot in their Title Bout Wrestling debut!


The commentators are cut off by the metal cover of Soldier of Fortune and the newly crowned CGC World Tag Team champions the Soldiers of Fortune strode out from the curtain, holding their titles aloft. The crowd shower them with polite dislike as they reach the ring, hand their titles to Francis Long and get ready to make their first defence.


PAPIN: A reminder that this is a World Tag Team Title match!


Long signals for the bell and we're underway!


The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)- CGC World Tag Team Titles


From the start the Soldiers are clearly the superior, more experienced team – quick tags and slick double team moves keep both members of Technical Quibble from using their specialised skills to get the win. However, it only takes a second to be great, and when Technique lands his trademark Gutwrench Suplex on Destiny, which, consequently, is also the first part of the team's tag team finisher the Tech Cheque, the crowd truly believes for a second that maybe their could be new tag champions. Technique points to the top turnbuckle, where Quibble hops up to set up for the moonsault, but Destiny stays alert, and drops Technique with a drop toe hold from the ground, transitioning to a modified crossface. He rolls the submission away fro Quibble's moonsault, and Fate hops the rope to apply the finishing touches to the Payoff. Destiny covers for the three and the retain.


Winners and still champions: The Soldiers of Fortune

Rating: D-


The Soldiers celebrate as Technical Quibble commiserate with each other.


PAPIN: Not a bad performances from this new team.

TYLER: Indeed. Wouldn't surprise me if we saw a bit more of this particular Technical Quibble.


Title Bout Wrestling fades to commercial as the champs celebrate to the pounding sound of their theme tune.




The show returns backstage with Bobby THOMAS and Nate JOHNSON leaning on the wall just outside the Elite locker room.


THOMAS: So did Adrian see me win at the PPV?

JOHNSON: Most the country saw it Bobby! It was fantastic, well done buddy!

THOMAS: So I'm in?


THOMAS: I thought not. What else do I have to do man?

JOHNSON: Well... you know the Luck of the Draw match at the big show in a few weeks?


JOHNSON: If you had one of those briefcases, you sure would be a more employable prospect, no?


THOMAS pushes away from the wall.


THOMAS: Unless I get the one that gets me fired, Nate? You're asking a lot of me already – I've fought a hard match against some of the best workers in the company, I nearly injured the Canadian champion... what more do I need to do?


JOHNSON pushes away as well to stand opposite.


JOHNSON: There is a saying, Bobby: risk equals reward. Think about that.


JOHNSON strides away and enters the Elite locker room. THOMAS bites his lip, but then strides away purposefully.


Rating: C




The camera fades into the main arena, where WHIPPY the Clown is making his entrance.


PAPIN: This contest is going to be the first qualifying match for the Luck of the Draw match.

TYLER: A reminder of how the format works – 10 men compete to collect one of four briefcases. Three briefcases contain title shots, one contains a pink slip and once you have the briefcase you have to live with what is inside.

PAPIN: But that's not the most intriguing part of the concept for me, Eric. For me it's the fact that, though five of the ten spots in the match are decided by qualifying contests like this one, the other five are assigned in a completely random fashion!

TYLER: Indeed. I wonder who Whippy will be facing for the first guaranteed spot in this match?


Some generic Canadian rock hits and Bobby THOMAS emerges onto the entrance ramp, his face remorseless and emotionless as he jogs down to the ring. Francis Long holds up a clipboard complete with contract to signify what the match is about before ringing the bell.


Whippy the Clown vs. Bobby Thomas – Luck of the Draw match Qualifying contest


Whippy has the upper hand early, using his speedy, high flying style bamboozling the technically inclined Thomas. Thomas eventually works his way back into the match with some old school rest holds and submissions. Several times he sets up for the Specialist Touch to finish things, but each time Whippy springs clear and resumes running rings around him. That is, until Crush 'Em by Megadeth hits, and Nate Johnson emerges on the ramp, an evilly grinning Gargantuan in tow. Whippy turns to face them, shock on his face, and Bobby seizes the opportunity with a quick roll up for the win.


Winner: Bobby Thomas

Rating: C-


JOHNSON pats GARGANTUAN on his hugely muscled back and the monster strides from the stage, still gurning malevolently. JOHNSON gives a slightly shell shocked THOMAS a thumbs up. THOMAS nods, and celebrates reluctantly as the camera fades to commerical.




We're back, and we're backstage. Adrian GARCIA stands beside the towering form of Zeus MAXMILLION.


GARCIA: Hello Elitists, and welcome to Adrian's Interviews...


GARCIA: … I'm here with Zeus Maxmillion. Zeus, what have you got to stay about your shocking betrayal of Stevie Grayson on Friday Night.

MAXMILLION: That is not silence, mortal. And kneel. It is impolite to stand in the presence of divinity.


GARCIA ****s his eyebrow as MAXMILLION snatches his microphone.


MAXMILLION: Another who did not understand the might of The Golden One's... might was the one they call Stevie Grayson. He was a man who thought himself to be the equal of a god... and that is a most delusional state of mind. But I took pity upon him. And we formed a team that brought tears to the eyes of the divine across the world. We were wonderfully beautiful. Unstoppable. Even with the mortal Stevie, we were nearly DIVINE.


A pause, and a slight shake of the head from MAXMILLION. GARCIA stands and watches, open mouthed.


MAXMILLION: But unfortunately for Stevie, he grew above his station. He presumed to order The Golden One around. He presumed to not only be The Golden One's equal, which is a stretch, but also his superior. Now, I tried to warn him of his delusions, but he ignored me. He insisted that I 'train.' The divine do not train. They are great by right. He did not understand this, as all of you pathetic mortals do not. So I enlightened him. And I will continue to enlighten him, and enlighten you all. This is Canadian Golden Combat, and I am The Golden One. Everything was created by The Golden One, and sure enough, everything can de destroyed by Him. This you will all learn. One way or another.


MAXMILLION hands the mic back to GARCIA, who still stands looking shocked as the tall, muscular Greek strides from the room and Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial.


Rating: D+




The show returns with GARCIA still in his interview area, this time accompanied by Elite – Nate JOHNSON, Shooter Sean DEELEY, Dan DALAY, and the #1 contender to the CGC World title, Eddie CHANDLER. GARCIA throws a smug smile at the camera, and speaks.


GARCIA: Hello again, Elitists. Now, earlier on tonight, those foolish DeColt boys came out and spoke to you about how much of a disgrace it was for them to lose to Elite last Friday. And to them I say: there is no shame in losing to us. We are four of the most talented athletes in this promotion, and one of the wisest, greatest sports managers ever. How could you have ever stood a chance, three blond bimbos with barely a brain cell to rub together between you. It was a foregone conclusion, especially when that brain damaged buffoon Ed Monton chose personal glory over long term destruction at the hands of Elite.


GARCIA turns to another camera.


GARCIA: Good choice, Ed. But now we have other things to look forward to – namely, Eddie Chandler's World title shot at Luck of the Draw. Now, the stipulation may be random, but Eddie won't be – he's only got one setting.


GARCIA: Well, I was gonna say intense, but I guess that'll do too. Yep... but that's only one member of Elite all booked up for Luck of the Draw – there are three other top quality competitors who need something to do. Two of those DeColts trotted out earlier and made an offer of a tag match. That's interesting, but my answer is only definitely maybe. Because you see, boys, Elite has so much planned, that to commit and then pick one of the multitude of other plans would seem unkind.


GARCIA smiles his viper's smile. Title Bout Wrestling fades to commercial.


Rating: C




Back from commercial and Ed MONTON is in ring. Fire It Up hits the speakers and JACK DeColt emerges with the world title, but no Hotstuff MARIE, or RICKY and ALEX.


TYLER: Disunity within the DeColt camp, by the look of it, Marty.

PAPIN: Sadly it does look so. Consider that Monton was set to be a member of Team DeColt just a week ago.


JACK hands Francis Long the belt and gets ready to fight.


PAPIN: A reminder that this match is for the CGC World title.


Long signals for the bell and we get underway.


Jack DeColt © vs. Ed Monton – CGC World title match


Monton offers a handshake at the bell and Jack slowly shakes his head. The exchange is even for approximated two minutes, and then it's simply domination by Jack. The younger man throws Monton all over the ring, hitting him with endless power moves and tying him up in countless painful holds. Monton's game and refuses to give in, but the winner is never in doubt. Jack proceed s to hit every single member of his family's finisher as the match winds towards it's conclusion – first the DeColt 45, then the DeColt Driver, then the DeColt Stampede – no, Monton scoots out the back and tries to plant Jack with a back suplex, but Jack flips clear and lands in the correct position to transition fluidly to the End of Days. Monton findly gives up the ghost.


Winner and still champion: Jack DeColt.

Rating: C+


MONTON writhes on the mat as JACK is handed a mic from a ringside. He smiles a little wryly before starting to speak.


JACK: DeColt country. Now you see what happens to those who cross me. Who cross my family. They are defeated. Because, one on one, no-one can defeat me. Eddie Chandler needed a whole team of friends to defeat me, to get his title shot. And in a way I'm glad that it's only Eddie who I'm facing at Luck of the Draw – I know what to expect from him, and I know that I can beat him. You know it. Everyone knows it – because DeColt rules!


The crowd, initially worried about the more driven, intense Jack, finally lose their inhibitions and cheer.


JACK: Now earlier tonight my brothers came out and challenged Elite to a fight. Now I appreciate their support, but their help isn't necessary. I've defeated Elite before on my own, and when I fought them with my brothers last Friday... well, it didn't go to well, did it. I am Jack DeColt, the eldest child, the greatest of my siblings. They are great, don't get me wrong, they are wonderful competitors who will achieve great things. But they will never surpass me.


JACK smiles. The crowd are unsure of how to react.


JACK: No offence, Ricky, Alex. You are Dukes in DeColt country, but I am the King. I am the DeColt who rules.


The crowd pop, Fire It Up hits, and Title Bout Wrestling goes off the air.


Rating: B+


© CGC 2010




Show Rating: C

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell out)

Viewership: 1.03 (Down)



Prediction results!


This show:


Everyone went 100%! Confirms what I already knew about my booking for TV being predictable.



rayelek: 2/2 (100%)

juggaloninjalee: 6/7 (86%)

20LEgend: 6/9 (66%)

Dragonmack: 8/14 (57%)

TakerNGN74: 4/7 (57%)


Next show card should be up later today, with the show itself probably on Monday.

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The Luck of the Draw is shaping up to be great, with this shows it has reinforced my excitement, the DeColt's getting their pride back is a great way to set up a good match at the pay per view and like the crowd I'm unsure how to react to Jack DeColt, I can see him upsetting his brothers if he's not careful which I don't see him being. Bobby Thomas' trials are good and I hope he gets suceeds in his challenges.


My hope for the next world champion, even though I hope it is some time off is Shooter Sean Deeley!!!


P.S Someone needs to second this for DOTM Rookie award! DMack did it

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The Luck of the Draw is shaping up to be great, with this shows it has reinforced my excitement, the DeColt's getting their pride back is a great way to set up a good match at the pay per view and like the crowd I'm unsure how to react to Jack DeColt, I can see him upsetting his brothers if he's not careful which I don't see him being. Bobby Thomas' trials are good and I hope he gets suceeds in his challenges.


My hope for the next world champion, even though I hope it is some time off is Shooter Sean Deeley!!!


I'm hoping to increasingly smudge the face/heel divide over the coming weeks - seems a Vibert-esque thing to do and is a lot more fun to write. Glad to hear you are enjoying, and Re: all your questions - you'll just have to stay tuned, won't you.




The commercials start to air for the first episode of Title Bout Wrestling in February.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Grimm Quibble - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Ed Monton vs. ??? - Open challenge

Stevie Grayson vs. Vin Tanner - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier


They also hype the developing card for Luck of the Draw.


CGC Luck of the Draw

Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - CGC World Title Random Stipulation Match

10 Man Luck of the Draw match featuring: Bobby Thomas.




Predictions welcomed for Title Bout Wrestling, show most probably on Monday. Until then, Happy New Year!
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Commercials push the upcoming episode of Title Bout Wrestling even harder as the time to it's start decreases to just a few hours...


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Grimm Quibble - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Ed Monton vs. ??? - Open challenge

Stevie Grayson vs. Vin Tanner - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier




Just finishing off the write up, so expect the show in the next few hours when I can find the time to format it up.
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<p><strong>CGC Title Bout Wrestling 5/48</strong></p><p> </p><p> The standard Title Bout Wrestling opening gets the evening under way, with the camera dipping rapidly to the announce desk. </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Marty PAPIN: Hello and welcome to CGC Title Bout Wrestling. We are coming at you live from the sold out Quebec City Arena, and we are Marty Papin...</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Eric TYLER: And Eric Tyler. We have a packed show for you this evening and it's starting right now!</span></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">PAPIN: Indeed it is – Stevie Grayson is taking on Vin Tanner for a spot in the Luck of the Draw match!</span></p><p> </p><p> Who's Sandy Jenkins hits and GRAYSON strides from the back, his face drawn and his posture hunched – he looks focused, but perhaps a little too much so.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">PAPIN: This is the first time we've seen Grayson since he was betrayed by his tag team partner Zeus Maxmillion.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">TYLER: The kid doesn't look to good for it, either, Marty. Paranoia, concussion, whatever's causing it, he doesn't look right in himself.</span></p><p> </p><p> Some generic late 90's grunge plays and Vin TANNER strides down from the back, a ****y smirk curling across his features. He rolls into the ring, nods to referee Francis Long, who rings the bell to get the match under way.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Stevie Grayson vs. Vin Tanner – Luck of the Draw match qualifying contest</strong><p> </p><p> Grayson starts off the match tentatively, with frequent nervous glances at the ramp mixed in with the occasional punch or chop. Tanner senses his opponent's reluctance and jumps on it with a sort of malicious delight, beating down on the former Tag Champ with brutal efficiency. As the match wears on, however, Grayson realizes that no-one is making their way down from the back to attack him. He makes a come back, finally utilizing the speed game on which his success has been built. Suddenly, a new theme – the Mediterranean sounding intro to Muse's City of Delusion – hits the sound system and both of the competitors in ring gaze at the entrance ramp. When no-one appears they turn back to each other, but Tanner is the slower – he is clobbered by the Shades of Grayson and covered for the three count.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner: Stevie Grayson</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: D</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> TANNER exits quickly as Who's Sandy Jenkins blasts through the arena. GRAYSON's celebration is rather restrained, and his eyes constantly flicking around looking for MAXMILLION.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">TYLER: I think Stevie's scared about being 'enlightened'.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">PAPIN: And who can blame him? On the evidence of last week, Maxmillion is a changed man, and not for the better at that.</span></p><p> </p><p> Title Bout Wrestling rolls to commercial as GRAYSON makes his way to the back.</p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> The cameras come back up over the shoulder of ALEX DeColt. He bursts through the door of a locker room, anger apparent as he faces down the room's lone occupant.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">ALEX: What was that about, Jack?</span></p><p> </p><p> JACK DeColt stands from his seat. Hotstuff MARIE cowers in the corner. He turns to face his brother, who looks rather unhappy.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">JACK: What was what, dear brother?</span></p><p> </p><p> ALEX's eyes pop in his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">ALEX: 'Brothers, you are dukes in DeColt country, but I am the King...' Come on, Jack, I know you're the best wrestler and so does Ricky, deep down. Hell, father told us so every week when he was here.</span></p><p> </p><p> A look of regret passes across ALEX's face.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">ALEX: But we don't need you rubbing it in our faces, especially now. Now we need to stop fighting each other, and starting working together to fight Elite!</span></p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">JACK: Because that worked so well last time...</span></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">ALEX: And you need to stop fighting people like Ed Monton, people who could be our allies...</span></p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">JACK: He betrayed us, Alex.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">ALEX: What would you have done in his position? It's ridiculous, Jack. It's hypocritical. Come back to the family locker room, man. Stop hanging around here and moping. We need you, Jack. CGC needs you.</span></p><p> </p><p> JACK and ALEX stare down. Finally, the world champ manages a tight smile.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;">JACK: Fine.</span></p><p> </p><p> They leave the room together, but as the camera follows them, JACK turns the opposite direction at the end of the corridor to ALEX. ALEX gazes after him and kicks a nearby trash can in frustration as Title Bout Wrestling goes to the next segment.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> Alice Cooper's Poison booms out of the sound system and Joey POISON emerges from behind the curtain, besuited and smiling as he makes his way down to the ring, Canadian Title over his shoulder and mic in his hand. He enters the ring as his music cuts, and signals for the crowd to simmer down so he can speak.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">POISON: Hello Quebec, Canada!</span></p><p> </p><p> Cheap pop.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">POISON: It is mighty fine to be here tonight, and mighty fine to be Champion of this fine country. However, recently I've heard some rumblings about a fellow competitor who, apparently, isn't all he seems. This competitor, a certain Ed Monton...</span></p><p> </p><p> POISON pauses for a modest pop at the mention of the Canadian legend.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">POISON: ...is past it. They saw me beating him at Elimination. They saw Jack DeColt beating him last week on Title Bout Wrestling. And they said, pah, this guy should retire before one of these real athletes permanently injures him. Well, I'm going to go ahead and call BS on that one. Ed is still among the top fighters in this company, and he will demonstrate that tonight – I went and had a word with Phil Vibert about this whole situation, and Phil agreed it was ridiculous. So tonight, Ed Monton will take part in an open challenge against any man on the roster brave enough to step into the ring with a Canadian legend.</span></p><p> </p><p> POISON drops the mic and motions to the back as Heart Wrenching Man hits and Monton emerges...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> POISON rolls out of the ring and high fives MONTON, who is grinning unapologetically as he makes his way to the ring. POISON had passed him his mic, and as MONTON enters and begins to speak he seems close to tears.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">MONTON: I am amazed how someone like Joey can hold someone like me in such high regard, how he can bring himself to do all this for me! An old man like me, an old man, who, everyone says, is on the brink of retirement, and here he is, organising for me to prove that I am still at the top of my game. Well, I can admit I may not be at the top anymore, but I'm a darn sight higher than most of the young whippersnappers here...</span></p><p> </p><p> Figured You Out by Nickelback cuts across MONTON's happy rant, and out from the back comes an incredulous looking Philippe LAGRENIER.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">LAGRENIER: Really, Ed, really? Saying you're better than the young whippersnappers? Like me? Like Perfect Philippe LaGrenier? I doubt it. And I can answer some of your questions for you to prove it. Joey holds someone like you in high regard because he is a delusional tall. You aren't on the brink of retirement, you're well past it and should have retired looooong ago, and you're so far from the top it's like I'm standing on a mountain looking down on you when I compare our relative positions.</span></p><p> </p><p> LAGRENIER smiles wickedly. MONTON drops the mic, shouting 'bring it'.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">LAGRENIER: With pleasure, Eddy boy. I accept your open challenge.</span></p><p> </p><p> LAGRENIER drops the mic and charges towards the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: D</strong></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Ed Monton vs. Philippe LaGrenier</strong><p> </p><p> The match begins as a brawl, before Francis Long eventually makes it out to the ring and calls for the bell to get things under way officially. And once he does, LaGrenier changes – he no longer pursues Monton aggressively, instead fighting not to use, hitting occasional counter moves but otherwise hanging back and avoiding Monton's offence. As the match wears on he gets increasingly drawn in, but Monton cannot finish the affair before Monton calls for the bell at the end of the 15 minute regulation period.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner: No-one</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: D</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> MONTON looks a little shell shocked, and LAGRENIER smug as Long seperates the competitors and motions for them to go to the back.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">TYLER: It looks like neither Monton or LaGrenier were correct in their pre match assertions.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">PAPIN: Though it looks like Philippe is treating this draw like a victory...</span></p><p> </p><p> LAGRENIER does indeed celebrate, a self-knowing smile spread across his features as MONTON leans on the ropes, shaking his head. Title Bout wrestling takes a break as TYLER mutters something fatalistic.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">TYLER: I don't think we've heard the last of this, Marty...</span></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> Title Bout Wrestling returns to a familiar stretch of wall outside the Elite locker room. Nate JOHNSON and Bobby THOMAS a seated with their backs to it. The mood appears to be a little muted.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: Good job last week, buddy.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">THOMAS: Hmm.</span> </p><p> </p><p> The silence continues for a while, somewhere between awkward and companionable.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: So Adrian's planning on entering an Elite member into Luck of the Draw too.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">THOMAS: What?</span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: Don't be angry, Bobby, I only found out earlier this evening...</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">THOMAS: So what am I meant to do now, Bobby? If I take a briefcase away from this mysterious Elite member, I'm screwed out of ever getting invited to join you here...</span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: Yeah, so just help the guy. Make sure he gets the case he wants.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">THOMAS: What do you mean 'the case he wants'?</span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: You don't think Adrian would take a risk like this without stalking the deck in his favour do you? Listen, just help Shooter Sean get the case he wants and you'll be in Adrian's good books for sure.</span></p><p> </p><p> THOMAS stands and glares down at JOHNSON. JOHNSON squirms a litt.e</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">THOMAS: How much, Nate? How much more...</span></p><p> </p><p> A disembodied voice calls JOHNSON's name from within the Elite locker room. JOHNSON is relieved at this escape plan.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">JOHNSON: Gotta go, bye. Good talk.</span></p><p> </p><p> JOHNSON scampers away, leaving THOMAS fuming.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> The cameras follow JOHNSON into the Elite locker room, where Adrian GARCIA has lined up the rest of his stable – Dan DALAY, Shooter Sean DEELEY, and #1 contender Eddie CHANDLER. JOHNSON joins the end of the line as GARCIA starts to speak.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">GARCIA: Good evening, Elitists, and welcome to Adrian's Interviews. This week we have many things to discuss, first and foremost, though, is an answer to a challenge that was offered to us last week.</span></p><p> </p><p> GARCIA grins evily.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#800080;">GARCIA: Taking into account the current situation, the team of Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay would be thrilled to take on Ricky DeColt and Alex DeColt in a tag team matchup at CGC Luck of the Draw. That is, unless you DeColt babies have chickened out. So, assuming the DeColts man up, that means that three quarters of Elite have something planned for Luck of the Draw. And the one man who doesn't, Shooter Sean Deeley, should have something going momentarily. What, I hear you ask? Well, come back after the break and you will find out...</span></p><p> </p><p> The whole of Elite cackle as Title Bout Wrestling heads off to another commercial.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> We return with Grimm QUIBBLE in ring and Shooter Sean DEELEY making his way down the ramp, all of Elite in tow.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">PAPIN: Welcome back to Title Bout Wrestling fans, where we are about to get under way with our main event, which sees Grimm Quibble and Shooter Sean Deeley collide for the third spot in the Luck of the Draw match.</span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">TYLER: Poor Grimm.</span></p><p> </p><p> DEELEY reaches the ring and faces down QUIBBLE, grinning sadistically. Francis Long motions for the bell to start the match.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Shooter Sean Deeley w/Elite vs. Grimm Quibble – Luck of the Draw match qualifying contest</strong><p> </p><p> Soon the entire crowd were echoing Tyler's pre match sentiment. Deeley goes to town on the tag competitor, throwing him around the ring with ease and pinache. Quibble has a brief period of offence that comes to a sudden halt when Chandler trips him through the ropes from ringside, and allows Deeley to set up for his German Suplex into the Real Deel Seated Stretch Armbar for the finish.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Winner: Shooter Sean Deeley</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: C+</strong></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> DEELEY celebrates with the rest of Elite as QUIBBLE leaps away up the ramp. The show looks set to end on a high note for Elite until Fire It Up booms out of the sound system and RICKY DeColt emerges at the top of the ramp, alone. He's armed with a mic and an expression of righteous anger as he strides to halfway down the ramp before speaking.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#00BFFF;">RICKY: Listen up, Garcia. You may think you've made a play of strategic genius by attacking this family when you perceive it to be weak, but I'm out here to tell you you're making a big mistake. Because even at our weakest, the DeColts can overcome many of the sort like you, and you know it. It's why the DeColts Rule, and have ruled for so long. So, on behalf of Alex, I accept your challenge. You will come to regret your decision, Garcia, and you will find out Who Rules?</span></p><p> </p><p> 'DECOLT RULES!'</p><p> </p><p> Fire It Up is cranked up to 11 as RICKY stares down the whole of Elite alone while Title Bout Wrestling goes off air.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> © CGC 2010</p><p> </p><p> *** </p><p> </p><p> Show Rating: C</p><p> Attendance: 2,000 (Sell Out!)</p><p> Viewership: 1.05 (Up)</p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> Prediction contest results:</p><p> </p><p> This show:</p><p> Dragonmack: 2/3 (66%)</p><p> 20LEgend: 2/3 (66%)</p><p> Rayelek: 1/3 (33%)</p><p> </p><p> Overall:</p><p> juggaloninjalee: 6/7 (86%)</p><p> 20LEgend: 8/12 (66%)</p><p> Rayelek: 3/5 (60%)</p><p> Dragonmack: 10/17 (58%)</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>First off, thanks for the nomination and second in the DOTM Nominations! I'm touched that you think this diary is worthy of an award, and honoured to recieve the noms. The card for the next show will emerge before Wednesday. Feedback is welcomed as ever!</div></blockquote>
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<p>Adverts arrive for the latest edition of CGC Title Bout Wrestling, featuring another Luck of the Draw qualifier, a debut and the Canadian champ in tag team action.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>CGC Title Bout Wrestling</strong></p><p> Ed Monton and Joey Poison vs. Philippe LaGrenier and Ryan Powell</p><p> Shane Nelson vs. Nathan Black - Luck of the Draw match qualifier</p><p> ??? vs. Zeus Maxmillion</p><p> </p><p> The ad also hyped potential resolutions to the disagreements between Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson and also they discontent within the DeColt camp. There was also news on the hyped card for CGC Luck of the Draw.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>CGC Luck of the Draw</strong></p><p> Random Stipulation Match: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p> Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Dan DaLay and Nate Johnson</p><p> 10 man Luck of the Draw match featuring Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and Shooter Sean Deeley.</p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Predictions welcomed for Title Bout Wrestling!</div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>Ed Monton and Joey Poison </strong>vs. Philippe LaGrenier and Ryan Powell</p><p>

<strong>Shane Nelson</strong> vs. Nathan Black - Luck of the Draw match qualifier</p><p>

<strong>???</strong> vs. Zeus Maxmillion</p><p> </p><p>

Should I also predict on the ppv now aswell, I'm guessing not yet?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="20LEgend" data-cite="20LEgend" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="29645" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Ed Monton and Joey Poison </strong>vs. Philippe LaGrenier and Ryan Powell<p> <strong>Shane Nelson</strong> vs. Nathan Black - Luck of the Draw match qualifier</p><p> <strong>???</strong> vs. Zeus Maxmillion</p><p> </p><p> Should I also predict on the ppv now aswell, I'm guessing not yet?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nope. Still two editions of the TV show to go yet <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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With 24 hours to go to the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling, ads increase in frequency, plugging the issues to be adressed on this week's hour of CGC TV.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Ed Monton and Joey Poison vs. Philippe LaGrenier and Ryan Powell

Shane Nelson vs. Nathan Black - Luck of the Draw match qualifier

??? vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Plus: Will the DeColts settle their differences, and how will Bobby Johnson's quest to join develop?




Show sometime tomorrow!
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling 6/48


The standard show opening extravagance blasts across the jam-packed Stephenson Arena in the Canadian Maritimes as another episode of Title Bout Wrestling gets under way.


Marty PAPIN: Hello and welcome to the great east of the Great White North as we get set for another exciting edition of CGC Title Bout Wrestling. I'm Marty Papin...

Eric TYLER: And I'm Eric Tyler, and we have some great action lined up for you tonight, but to get us kicked off we have a CGC debutant in action here.


Sacrifice by The Expendables hits the sound system and the aforementioned newcomer steps out onto the save. The physically impressive Afro-Carribean man swaggers down the ramp, playing to the crowd as the lively reggae-metal beat of his entrance music pulses out behind him.


PAPIN: This young man is the Barbadian Barbarian Donte Dunn, and he told me earlier tonight that he wants to make a big impact here tonight as he debuts against former Tag Team and Canadian champion Zeus Maxmillion.

TYLER: I wouldn't put it past him. Maxmillion has been stir crazy lately.


DUNN reaches the ring and his music is cut off by the Mediterranean guitar intro of Muse's City of Delusion. Zeus MAXMILLION emerges from the back, carrying what appears to be a homemade lightning bolt mock-up and with a blindingly white robe swirling around his tanned frame.


PAPIN: Good grief, what is he wearing?

TYLER: God above...


MAXMILLION hears this comment while he is circling the ring muttering some sort of prayer, and he spins on his heel instantly, screaming at TYLER.




TYLER struggles for words. PAPIN tries to contain his laughter. MAXMILLION rolls into the ring and a bemused looking Donte DUNN looks on as MAXMILLION removes his robes and casts his lightning bolt to ringside, where it hits the floor with a metallic clang. Francis Long sounds the bell and the match finally gets under way.


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Donte Dunn


Dunn could possibly have picked a better match to debut in. Maxmillion, despite his weird entrance and demeanour, is in no mood to mess around, and gives the rookie a good kicking to prove his point, bouncing the slightly bigger man across the ring with awe-inspiring power moves. Dunn briefly gets some momentum going with some big brawling forearm strikes and a clothesline. The crowd roar in anticipation as the charismatic youngster heads to the top, but Maxmillion cuts him off, crotches him, and plants him with the Thunder Bolt (Argentine DDT) for the victory.


Winner: Zeus Maxmillion

Rating: D


City of Delusion hits once more as MAXMILLION prowls round the ring, arms lifted in victory. DUNN writhes in pain on the mat. MAXMILLION goes to ringside and collects his lightning bolt and a microphone, before re-entering the ring and waiting for the crowd to fall silent. They take their time, though, and MAXMILLION grows frustrated.


MAXMILLION: SILENCE, MORTALS!!! It is rude to speak in the presence of divinity!


Of course, this just encourages the crowd to heckle MAXMILLION some more. MAXMILLION exits the ring and threatens a fan in the front row with his lighting bolt. After a brief exchange with several of the ringside-seated fans, MAXMILLION returns to the ring and speaks over the audience's mumbling.


MAXMILLION: Clearly you are ignorant in this far flung dump of Our creation, so The Golden One shall forgive you. Which is lucky, because if The Golden One didn't, he would be forced to hunt you all down and enlighten you. And you wouldn't like that, trust The Golden One. Just ask the one they call Stevie Grayson – he understands the true horror of enlightenment, of being made aware of your shortcomings and then punished for them. Once this has happened, you can never go back. Never. You will always be looking over your shoulder, always expecting The Golden One to come and remind you of your failings. And some people have asked The Golden One, recently, that if The Golden One is so fantastic, why He is not trying to qualify for the Luck of the Draw match. Well, the answer there is simple. The Gods of Chance look after their own.


MAXMILLION smiles, and raises his lightning bolt over his head.


MAXMILLION: Alithinos I theoii blepe be megalos!


Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial with the image of MAXMILLION standing tall in the centre of the ring.


Rating: D+




We return with Nathan BLACK and Shane NELSON squaring off in ring. Francis Long is preparing to call for the bell.


PAPIN: Welcome back folks, just a reminder that the following contest is a Luck of the Draw qualifying match!

TYLER: Hurr... Jenny Playmate...


Long calls for the bell and the match gets under way.


Shane Nelson w/Jenny Playmate vs. Nathan Black


The match is more competitive than the opener, but Black seems a little distracted through out – mainly by Jenny Playmate, who is leaning on the apron in a rather 'loose' top and... well, I'll leave the rest to your fevered imaginations. However, back in the ring Nelson was leaving little to his opponents, bouncing off the ropes and putting him in a world of pain. Black stays busy but is steadily being beaten into submission, and he makes a rookie error that allows Nelson to lift him up and plant him with the Clash of Styles (Belly to back inverted mat slam – that's a Styles Clash to the unitiated ;) ) for the three.


Winner: Shane Nelson

Rating: D+


Shane NELSON celebrates with his buxom manager as Nathan BLACK sits on the mat trying to clear his head.


TYLER: Hurr... Jenny Playmate...

PAPIN: Thanks for that in-depth analysis, Eric.


Crush 'Em by Megadeth cuts short the celebration as GARGANTUAN steams out from backstage. BLACK struggles to his feet while NELSON pushes PLAYMATE towards the relative safety of the announce desk.


TYLER: Err.. Hello Jenny...


NELSON goes to stand alongside BLACK, and the two men share a nod of understanding. GARGANTUAN rolls into the ring, explodes to his feet and decapitates both men with a double clothesline. GARGANTUAN hauls BLACK to his feet and hoists him up for the Ultimate Backbreaker, but NELSON springs back to his feet and kicks GARGANTUAN in the gut, allowing BLACK to slip out the back-door and roll away to safety. He races to the back, leaving NELSON to face the giant alone. NELSON stays quick and loose, ducking under the crippling blows of GARGANTUAN and running the ropes to stay away from the monster. Eventually, however, on his first attempt to escape to safety, NELSON is caught and powered up into the air for the Ultimate Backbreaker...


But out of the crowd flies WHIPPY the Clown! Hurdling the barricade and armed with a steal chair, the clown has his 'serious' make-up on as he slides into the ring and chases off GARGANTUAN, who drops NELSON like he's contagious and flees to the back. WHIPPY grimaces with frustration and helps NELSON to his feet. PLAYMATE flies away from the announce desk and nearly knocks NELSON off his feet with a huge hug. WHIPPY exits to a loud ovation as Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial.


Rating: C-, D (Attack, Save)




We return with the beats of Alice Cooper's Poison thrashing around the arena as Canadian champion Joey POISON makes his way to ringside, a belt on his shoulder and a smile on his face. He collects a microphone from the announce desk, enters the ring and begins to speak.


POISON: Good evening, Stephenville Arena!


POISON soaks up the ensuing cheap pop.


POISON: I stand before you tonight feeling a touch guilty. You see, last week, I set up the Canadian legend Ed Monton with an open challenge match. I hoped that he would be able to regain the confidence that the likes of Jack DeColt and, yes, myself have beaten out of him by securing a quick victory over whoever answered his challenge. Unfortunately, instead of another of our veterans answering the call respectively, he had to deal with the walking ego that is Philippe LaGrenier. LaGrenier is, unfortunately, not only the most big headed idiot on the CGC roster, but a competent big headed idiot at that. Not that he showed it last week. No, last week Philippe LaGrenier didn't fight to win; he fought not to lose. And if there's one thing I hate in this word, it's cowardice.


POISON shakes his head, sadly.


POISON: So I went and had a word with Phil Vibert about it. He was a tough negotiator, and I had to get involved in this rematch. And if my team, with Ed, fails to win here tonight, I'll have to defend my title at Luck of the Draw against one of my opponents. And I don't really want to do that, see, since I've been invited to this ultra-exclusive party... anyway, LaGrenier, and whoever you've got coming to your aid, know that I have just one thing on my mind tonight: securing a Friday night off.


Poison hits again and Title Bout Wrestling goes to the next segment.


Rating: C




The cameras take us backstage to the now infamous 'Adrian's Interviews' area, where Adrian GARCIA awaits with Elite: Eddie CHANDLER, Dan DALAY, Nate JOHNSON and Shooter Sean DEELEY. GARCIA tries for a winning smile, but the one he offers is a little sharkish, before starting to talk.


GARCIA: Hello there, Elitists, and welcome to Adrian's Interviews. I'm here yet again with Team Elite, and we have a few things to say. Or rather, I have a few things to say. They may seem pretty irrelevant to you, but here's the kicker, I don't really care. They are vital to the continual harmony of Team Elite's existence. You see, for years I have been the lone voice in charge of Team Elite, the only brain making decisions, and the only man adding competitors to my portfolio of clients. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that one of my clients has been giving advice to a third party on how to join Elite.


GARCIA's smile is tighter now as he pauses.


GARCIA: I would like to point out to this client that he does not know the entry requirements to be approached by myself. Only I know them. And anyone who tries to influence my hiring policy, whether they be a Phil Vibert of a Christian Price, is not worthy of being called an Elitist. So this is a friendly warning to this unnamed client to kindly stop what he is doing and focus on giving glory to Elite. As all true Elitists should.


GARCIA smiles at the camera once more while his stable look uncomfortable behind him. With the exception of Nate JOHNSON who stares, deadpan, straight into the camera. Title Bout Wrestling takes a break.


Rating: B-




We return with Ed MONTON and Joey POISON in ring, discussing strategy for their upcoming tag match. Nickelback's Figured You Out hits the sound system and Philippe LAGRENIER emerges from the back, with Ryan POWELL in tow.


PAPIN: LaGrenier has found himself a talented partner there in Ryan Powell.

TYLER: Aye. I wouldn't want to face either of them for the Canadian title if I was Joey Poison. Good thing he won't need too, what, with the veteran know how of Ed Monton on his side.


The villains make the ring. LAGRENIER climbs onto the apron, while POWELL squares off with POISON centre ring. Francis Long calls for the bell.


Ed Monton and Joey Poison vs. Philippe LaGrenier and Ryan Powell


Another match that never really gets going; Poison and Powell start off relatively high octane with some technical and some flying moves, before both men tag out to their partners around the same time. It's clear what the focus of the match is from here on out, as once again LaGrenier goes toe to toe with Monton and comes out standing. Admittedly he still stalls, but compared to the rest hold fest last week this is nothing. Eventually Monton gets angry when LaGrenier decides to go for a particularly complex Irish whip based sequence (leapfrog, duck under, leap frog, go behind... I could go on but I think you get the picture) and counters with an Irish whip of his own; one suitably strong to send LaGrenier flying over the top rope to ringside. Monton, clearly seeing red, follows him to the floor and the duo brawl around the ring. Poison and Powell cancel each other out as they try to help their partners back in the ring, and Long reaches the 10 of his count and throws the match out.


Winner: No-one

Rating: C-


MONTON turns in disbelief as the bell rings, and get blind sided to the floor by LAGRENIER's back of the head rapid-bunch for his troubles. LAGRENIER rolls MONTON onto his front and makes the cover on the outside, slapping the mat himself three times, standing up and proceeding to celebrate like he's won the Stanley Cup. MONTON groggily recovers while POWELL and POISON continue to exchange on the far side of the ring and Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial...


PAPIN: Wait, wait! You can't go to commercial now! I've just received word that something HUGE is going down backstage!

TYLER: And we have cameras on the scene, get to it production team!




The fade out turns in – specifically to a locker room, where ALEX DeColt and his brother JACK are nose to nose and screaming at each other. RICKY DeColt looks on awkwardly as his brothers argue.


JACK: Me? Selfish? Whadya mean me, selfish, you muppet, you're the one begging to be kept around CGC's glorious World champion when he'd much rather deal with the threat of Elite by himself.

ALEX: Referring to yourself in the third person now, Jack? Makes a real convincing case that you're the down to earth guy in this set up, doesn't it, brother?

RICKY: Can't we just get along...

JACK: I AM the down to earth guy! Look at me, I'm ridiculously good looking, have the hottest fiancée in the world and I STILL find the time to hang out with my loser brothers.


A pause.


JACK: No offence, boys.

ALEX: Oh, none taken, Jack. You're so awesome that I'd never take offence at ANYTHING you say, EVER.

JACK: Good, glad to hear it.


ALEX sighs in an exasperated fashion.


ALEX: Ever since Luck of the Draw it's been like I've hardly known you, bro. What's up with this? The old Jack would've spotted that blatantly obvious sarcasm and made a joke of it but, this Jack? No, this Jack is too busy taking himself far too seriously and lording it over his insignificant brothers. You need to sort it out, Jack. Sharpish, or when Elite come for you, and you know they will, I might not be there to save your ass.


JACK shakes his head.


JACK: Rant and rave all you want brother, but when Elite come for me I'd much rather be alone. Alone, Elite has never defeated me. With you two... well, it didn't go so well, did it?

RICKY: Please stop...

ALEX: And you're blaming us? You got pinned in the middle of the ring the same as the both of us, and yet you are totally blameless? Yep, seems fair in this new Jack's world...

JACK: I KNEW you'd agree with me, Alex. That what makes you such a GREAT brother.


ALEX looks like he's about to pop JACK one on the jaw. RICKY forces himself between them.


RICKY: Stop it! Stop it now! We don't need this! Ever since Ste... ever since our brother went you two have been different, and this is the time we need to be most like ourselves! Most like the dominant DeColt we can possibly be!


RICKY looks at his brothers earnestly.


JACK: Enough. Come, Ricky, we're leaving.


JACK spins on his heel and leaves the room. RICKY seems caught in two minds. ALEX sighs.


ALEX: Go, kiddo. I'm not going to hold it against you.


RICKY scampers off after JACK. ALEX calls after him,


ALEX: Try to bring him round, yeah?


CGC fades to black on the image of ALEX DeColt holding his head in his dressing room.


Rating: B


© CGC 2010




Show Rating: C-

Attendance: 918

Viewership: 1.04 (Down)




Prediction Results


This Show:


Rayelek: 1/3 (33%)

MichiganHero: 1/3 (33%) - Welcome by the way!

Dragonmack: 1/3 (33%)

20LEgend: 1/3 (33%)




juggaloninjalee: 6/7 (86%)

20LEgend: 9/15 (60%)

Dragonmack: 11/20 (55%)

Rayelek: 4/8 (50%)

MichiganHero: 1/3 (33%)


Card up tomorrow. My apologies for a bit of a weak show grades wise, but without the weak shows the good shows would look average, right? Anyway, thank you to all those who have voted for me in the Rookie DOTM thread! Your support is what keeps me keen to write - I've always felt there's no point telling a story if no-one wants to read it, and it's good to know that people do. (and enjoy it!) :)
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With just 12 days to go to Luck of the Draw, the hype machine for the go home show ahead of the pay-per-view goes into overdrive. The card is hyped everywhere possible, including right here!


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.

Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles

Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event?


Also hyped is the still developing card for Luck of the Draw:


CGC Luck of The Draw

Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Dan DaLay and Nate Johnson

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Bobby Thomas, Stevie Grayson, Shane Nelson, Shooter Sean Deeley, TBA and 5 randomly selected competitors.

Plus Joey Poison and The Soldiers of Fortune defend their belts!




Predictions welcomed for Title Bout Wrestling! Additional points on offer for identifying the nature of the main event - stipulations, mystery participants, what's going to go down? Show (as usual) on Sunday, and thank you once again to those of you who have logged your Rookie DOTM votes in my favour :)
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.



Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier


Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles

fairly easy qualifiers against jobbers.


Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event?

Three way dance.

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