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CGC: All Is Not As It Seems

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A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.

They will win no matter what.


Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier


Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles


Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event?


Four man battle royale in which the first man elimanated is fired!

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A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.

Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles

Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event? All three yo!

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With the start time of Title Bout Wrestling rapidly approaching, commercials air even more regularly, hyping the upcoming show's events.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.

Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles

Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event?




Show up tomorrow! Last call on predicitons :)
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A Main Event featuring Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, and some mystery competitors.

Thrill Seeker vs. Brett Fraser - Luck of the Draw match Qualifier

Techincal Quibble vs. The Dirty White Boys - #1 Contenders Match for the CGC World Tag Team titles

Also: Who will Joey Poison have to defend his Canadian title against at Luck of the Draw following the events of last week's main event?

Four Way Dance

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling 7/48


Rock You Like a Hurricane booms around the arena as Title Bout Wrestling gets under way with a pyro, and as soon as the smoke dies down from said explosions, Fire It Up cuts across the TV shows theme and World Champion JACK DeColt emerges from the back, smiling wryly, c0ckily, even. Hotstuff MARIE trails him, while JACK laps up the adulation of the fans. The reaction is not as positive as it often is for the DeColt boys, but the champ acts like it is, scooping a microphone off the announce desk and rolling into the ring.


JACK: Good evening Varsity Arena.


JACK's deadpan delivery of the above line somewhat kills the ensuing pop's enthusiasm.


JACK: I'm here tonight to 'hype up', and I quote, my 'exciting' championship match against Eddie Chandler on Friday night. But I don't see much reason in doing that, see, because I'm not here to make things exciting. I tried to play to the crowd back at Elimination. And did that work? No. As much as I love my fans, at Luck of the Draw, they'll have to make do with a more businesslike Jack DeColt, because if I lose this title, I fear that this company will cease to be all that my father made it. Without me, a DeColt, as the figurehead, Vibert and Garcia will be free to do... well, whatever they want with this title, with these athletes. All my father worked to achieve...


Elite's nu metal theme blasts out of the speakers very suddenly, causing Hotstuff MARIE to jump. Out from the back saunters Eddie CHANDLER, in too-tight trousers and a shirt open to the navel. He slides into the ring and faces down the Champion.


CHANDLER: Jacky DARLING, excuse me for interrupting you're soliloquy, but it was just SO moving. I had to come out here and express how MUCH you made me...


CHANDLER throws a cheeky glance at some of the ringside 'talent'.


CHANDLER: Want to gouge my eyes out! You have no IDEA how conceited you sound, my dear. You are like one of those RIDICULOUS star hockey players who goes on and on and on about pucks and offsides and breakaways. Sport isn't about talking, it's about ACTION. If you know what I mean.


CHANDLER winks at one broad in the front row.


CHANDLER: And as EVERYONE who's ANYONE will tell you, FABULOUS Eddie Chandler is simply THE most action packed athlete ever to enter ring, rink or court. And come Friday, I WILL bend you over my knee and give you the hardest spanking of your spoilt little life!


CHANDLER giggles, high pitched. JACK steams.


JACK: Well that's all very well, Eddie, but you seem to be forgetting something. I am the CGC World Heavyweight champion. I took this belt by making you submit to the End of Days at the conclusion of last year's DeColt Wrestlefest. I know how to beat you. Just because you managed to luck your way to victory at Elimination after I was already warn down and hurt doesn't mean you can beat me when we're both fresh as daisies. On Friday, I'll prove what everyone already knows. That you, sir, are a primped up c0ckerel who's all talk and rather too tight trousers.


JACK gets his first real pop of the evening, and grins sheepishly. CHANDLER laughs his silly laugh again.


CHANDLER: Oooh, Jacky, you NAUGHTY boy. You and I could get on, you know. We are SO alike. But you are a teensy bit thick compared to my all knowing intellect. You see, you do happen to rely rather upon that ridiculous 'End of Days' manoeuvre. When you can't lock it in you're more impotent than...


The next segment of speech is not really heard – the production team wisely cut the feed from CHANDLER's mic. It sounds like something to with JACK's father and his nether regions.


CHANDLER: … as I demonstrated at Elimination, however, I have many more tools in my arsenal than just the FABULOUS Stretch. And, like it or not, Jacky, at Elimination I hit you with the Elitist Plex and pinned you clean, One, Two, Three. I've done it once, and at Luck of the Draw, I'll do it again.


JACK is frothing at the mouth after CHANDLER's 'your dad' insult, and begins an angry retort when Back in Black stops him dead. Both of the men in ring spin to face down Phil VIBERT as he swans out from the back, mic in hand. He stops at the top of the ramp and starts to speak.


VIBERT: Calm down, boys. Now's not the time to be fighting between yourselves when you have such an important match together later tonight.


JACK and CHANDLER look nonplussed.


VIBERT: You haven't heard? Later tonight you two will have to put your differences aside, as you'll be in a tag team match against some special opponents.


JACK and CHANDLER regard first VIBERT and then each other with disgust. They both begin to voice their dissent at this plan, but VIBERT hasn't finished.


VIBERT: Should you attack each other during this match, the stipulation for the title match at Luck of the Draw will no longer be random. It will be selected by the attacked party. So play nice. I'll be watching.


Back in Black hits again and VIBERT quits the stage, leaving JACK and CHANDLER to stew quietly in the ring. JACK offers the Elitist a handshake, but CHANDLER turns tail and trots up the ramp, ignoring a frustrated looking JACK as Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial.


Rating: B




We return to an agitated looking Adrian GARCIA's interview area, where the Elite leader controls himself and shows his winning smile.


GARCIA: Good evening, Elitists, I'm here...


Ed MONTON barges into shot and snatches the mic from GARCIA's hands.


MONTON: LaGrenier! You ****y young reprobate, listen up, and listen good. Last weekend you lucked your way to a draw against me and my partner Joey Poison in a tag match. The stipulation announced was that if we did not win said match, you or you partner would get a title shot against Joey at Luck of the Draw. Well guess what, Phil? It's gonna be your partner because I want you. And Vibert's agreed to it. We're going toe to toe in a random stipulation match. And you know what? I hope it's No DQ.


MONTON drops the mic to the floor and exits. GARCIA picks it up.


GARCIA: What a charming fellow. And that is a confirmed match up at CGC Luck of the Draw, where you will see Ed Monton and Philippe LaGrenier face off in a Random Stipulation match. Will LaGrenier put the old dog out of his misery, I wonder...


Title Bout wrestling goes to the next segment with Garcia's evil grin all over the screen.


Rating: C-




We return with Warren TECHNIQUE, Grimm QUIBBLE, Grease HOGG and Lead BELLY in ring. Francis Long is preparing to start the contest.


PAPIN: Welcome back to CGC Title Bout Wrestling, where our opening contest is about to get under way.

TYLER: And remember, this is for a shot at the Soldiers of Fortune on Friday.


Long rings the bell.


Technical Quibble (Grimm Quibble and Warren Technique) vs. The Dirty White Boys (Grease Hogg and Lead Belly) - #1 Contender's Match[/b]


The match begins with the burly bikers throwing their weight – and their opponents – all over the ring. Monstrous clotheslines and big slams leave the weedier duo in a steadily increasing states of disrepair. However, the DWB, as usual, are more interested in having a good time than actually winning matches, and that comes back to haunt them – Technique suprises a bear swilling Grease Hogg, drops him with a gutwrench suplex, and makes the tag to Quibble, who finishes the Tech Cheque and seals the victory with a corkscrew moonsault legdrop from the top turnbuckle.


Winners: Technical Quibble

Rating: D-


TECHNIQUE and QUIBBLE celebrate frantically, obviously pleased to be getting a second shot at the World Tag Team Championships. Both Dirty White Boys look a little disappointed to start with, but eventually they shrug, chug some beer and head to the back. Title Bout Wrestling goes to the next segment.




We're back outside the Elite locker room, where the stable itself is slowly filing in. Bringing up the rear is Nate JOHNSON, and screeching round the corner behind him is an agitated looking Bobby THOMAS.


THOMAS: Nate! Nate, wait up man!


At the head of the column, Adrian GARCIA looks round crossly.


GARCIA: Tell your fan boy to get lost, Johnson! We have business to attend to!


JOHNSON turns, and deadpans THOMAS.


JOHNSON: Oh, hey Bobby.

THOMAS: Thank God, Nate, you've been ignoring me for, like, a week!

JOHNSON: I'm sorry to hear that.


THOMAS winces at JOHNSON's disinterested tone.


THOMAS: What's up, bro? What's taken your mojo?


GARCIA hollers from the head of the column.


GARCIA: Get on with it, Johnson!

JOHNSON: See you around, Bobby.


JOHNSON disappears inside the dressing room. THOMAS spins on his heel and strides off, frustration and worry etched in equal measure upon his face. Title Bout Wrestling takes a break.


Rating: C




We return with WHIPPY the Clown entering an office. Phil VIBERT waits behind his desk. WHIPPY does not mince words.


WHIPPY: You need to do something about Gargantuan.


VIBERT ****s an eyebrow.


WHIPPY: Not hear me?

VIBERT: No, I'm just bemused by your wording. I was expecting you, Whippy, but I was expecting you to say something along the lines of 'give me a match, pronto and I'll kick that overly muscled freak's ass'.


WHIPPY colours slightly behind his face paint.


WHIPPY: I thought... you know, since we'd fought a lot, you'd rather choose a new champion for justice and right.


VIBERT chuckles.


VIBERT: Fat chance, Whippy. You're the only one nuts enough to go in their against him. I'll book you in a match against Gargantuan at Luck of the Draw, on the condition that it's a Random Stipulation contest.


WHIPPY swallows, hard.


WHIPPY: Ok then.


WHIPPY turns to leave, but VIBERT calls him back.


VIBERT: Oh, and Whippy? Watch your back.


The pair exchange a stare down, before WHIPPY leaves, and the camera focuses in and fades out on a Garcia-esque smile worn by the CGC Commissioner.


Rating: D+




Fire It Up hits for the second time of the evening, and the two DeColts thus far unaccounted for emerge from behind the curtain. ALEX and RICKY work the crowd as they make their way to ringside, ALEX looking more relaxed than he has done recently, and RICKY his usual chirpy self. The pair collect mics and roll into the ring.




The duo lap up the ensuing pop, grins wide and good natured.


ALEX: Indeed, we are in DeColt country, or Quebec, Canada, as the unenlightened call it. And tonight you're going to see one DeColt make a big impact in our main event...

RICKY: While the other two say something big right now!

ALEX: That's right! As you DeColtites probably already know, Ricky and I will be taking on the evil forces of Elite in a tag team match. We'll be facing Dan DaLay and Nate Johnson, and we've already analysed exactly why we're going to beat these tools.

RICKY: You see, Alex and I have fought together for YEARS. Since we were knee high to the proverbial grasshopper. Johnson and DaLay?

ALEX: To our knowledge they've never even teamed before! Never!

RICKY: So the result come Friday?

ALEX: One Elite misunderstanding, one DeColt demo job, and one step towards restoring the natural order to it's correct status.

RICKY: And when Sean Deeley gets fired in the Luck of the Draw match and Jack kicks seven shades of sugar and rainbows out of Eddie Chandler in the main event, the process will be complete.

ALEX: And once again no-one will contend that... who rules?




Fire It Up hits again and the DeColt boys quit the stage to a thunderous ovation. Title Bout Wrestling has another commercial.


Rating: B-




Brett FRASER psychs himself up in ring as we return. August Burns Red's Barbarian damn near smashes everyone's ear drums as the huge metal guitar intro signifies the arrival of CGC's resident Thrill SEEKER. SEEKER makes the ring, rolls in and Francis Long gets ready to kick things off.


PAPIN: A reminder that this match is for the final predefined place in the Luck of the Draw match!


Long signals for the bell.


Brett Fraser vs. Thrill Seeker – Luck of the Draw Qualifier


Fraser tries to bring the brawling, and has some moderate success early as the Adrenaline Junkie decides to discover what sort of kicks you can get from standing and trading with a guy who ways nearly twice what you do. Turns out it gets boring pretty quickly, so he reverts back to type, sticking and moving, spring boarding across the ring and eventually nailing the Daredevil Drop for the finish.


Winner: Thrill Seeker

Rating: D+


SEEKER celebrates in his usual extravagant fashion, with back flips off each of the four turn-buckles while FRASER screams words unrepeatable in this family production.


PAPIN: A big win for Thrill Seeker!

TYLER: Possibly the first good thing that's happened to him since the split of Youth Energy.

PAPIN: And it could lead to bigger things yet come this Friday!


Title Bout Wrestling goes to commercial while Seeker celebrates.




A video plays hyping the headlining match-ups at the upcoming PPV.


Rating: C+




Following the hype video, we're taken to ringside, where Fire It Up booms out across the arena and JACK DeColt, replete with Hotstuff MARIE and his World Title. The nu metal theme cuts across and Eddie CHANDLER come out with Adrian GARCIA in tow.


PAPIN: The rest of Elite has been barred from ringside for tonight's main event.

TYLER: Garcia don't look too happy about that...

PAPIN: I wonder who our two reluctant allies will have to face...


Bemusingly, Fire It Up hits again. JACK and CHANDLER stop sizing each other up to stare with bewilderment at the entrance ramp, where ALEX and RICKY DeColt emerge to a ginormous pop. They reach the ring and both JACK and CHANDLER turn and duck to get onto the apron. They bump into each other and have another stare down. CHANDLER eventual relents and makes a theatrical gesture for JACK to step out of the ring, turning and facing ALEX, who's grinning unreservedly at his opponent. Farrah Hesketh sounds the bell.


Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt


Eddie Chandler is instantly in trouble. Alex comes forward like a lemming, weathering an early storm of suplexes and restholds before getting thrown around the ring like a rag doll. Several times he escapes from Alex's clutches and heads to the corner to tag out to Jack, but the Champ avoid's his challengers tags. Garcia screams abuse at Jack from ringside, but the commentators agree that it's a cunning strategy from Jack. Ricky gets his turn knocking the stuffing out of Chandler, before tagging back out to Alex. Alex stands back and motions that he wants Jack. A relieved Chandler scrambles to his corner and tags out to Jack, who doesn't avoid the tag this time. The champion edges in cautiously, while Alex grins, unashamed at his brother, and lies down on the mat. He shouts 'pin me' and Jack, a grin spreading across his own face, complies. Hesketh counts the three and both DeColts spring up grinning.


Rating: B-

Winners: Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler


RICKY enters the ring, and all three DeColts embrace. CHANDLER, with GARCIA beside him, moans in pain on the floor. RICKY and ALEX raise one of JACK's arms each as Fire It Up does it's best to drown out the screaming fans and Title Bout Wrestling goes off air for another week.




Show Rating: C+

Attendance: 2,000 (Sell out!)

Viewership: 0.99 (Down)




Prediction Results:


This Show:


Rayelek: 2/4

20LEgend: 2/4

MichiganHero: 2/4

DragonMack: 1/4




juggaloninjalee: 6/7 (86%)

20LEgend: 11/19 (57%)

Dragonmack: 12/24 (50%)

Rayelek: 6/12 (50%)

MichiganHero: 3/7 (42%)


A big thank you once again to those who nominated and voted for me in the Rookie DOTM contest - your support is much appreciated. The card for the PPV will be up later today, with the show following on Friday and Title Bout Wrestling in a week's time.
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With 5 days to go till the second CGC PPV of 2010, hype is the order of the day across the Canadian TV networks. And also the scrubby websites of independent gaming companies, so you're in luck here at GDS folks!


CGC Luck of the Draw


Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants.

Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton

CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown

CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell




In the Luck of the Draw match, there will be four lucky winners who each get one of the briefcases, so there's one point for each correctly guessed briefcase holder at the end of the match. Predictions welcomed!
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Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants.

Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton

CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown

CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell

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Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler - Unless his contract is up soon..


Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants. (Or one of these, anyway)


Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton


CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)


Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown


CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell

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Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)


10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 2'Lucky' participants. 3 other participants.


Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton


CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)


Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown


CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell

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Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants.

Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton

CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown

CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell

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With the show just hours away, the CGC advertising bots spammed the forum. Again.


CGC Luck of the Draw


Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants.

Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton

CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown

CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell




Just putting the finishing touches to the show, last call on any predictions you may have. It'll be up in a few hours when I get round to formatting it.


BTW you missed a match in your picks above Rathen4.

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Main Event Random Stipulation Match for the CGC World title: Jack DeColt © vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex and Ricky DeColt vs. Nate Johnson and Dan DaLay (representing Elite)

10 Man Luck of the Draw Match featuring: Shooter Sean Deeley, Thrill Seeker, Shane Nelson, Stevie Grayson, Bobby Thomas and 5 'Lucky' participants.

Random Stipulation Match: Philippe LaGrenier vs. Ed Monton

CGC World Tag Team titles: The Soldiers of Fortune © vs. Technical Quibble (Warren Technique and Grimm Quibble)

Random Stipulation Match: Gargantuan vs. Whippy the Clown

CGC Canadian title: Joey Poison © vs. Ryan Powell

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Breaking kayfabe:


Argh. Power cut's kept me offline for the last couple of hours and then I return to discover I hadn't saved the document since finishing the show. Show will now be tomorrow, because my motivation to write everything up AGAIN at eleven thirty my time is pretty low.


Sorry for the delay!

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