dakydaky Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 Which is the most exciting fight you saw in the demo? Mine is definitely match between Mal Phe Roby and Bambang Sriyanto. There was around 4-5 situations where match could have been finished, and there was also a big cut on the face of Roby. Here is a report: >Next up is a match in which Mal Phe Roby will battle Bambang Sriyanto in the ALPHA-1 Middleweight division. >The winner will advance into the semi-finals of tonight's tournament. >And here we go! >A straight left fails to land and Sriyanto is able to fire back with a kick to the inside of the left leg. >Roby steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out. >Sriyanto comes in closer, looking to clinch with Roby. >Roby finds himself pulled into a Muay Thai clinch. >Using the Muay Thai clinch, Sriyanto blasts Roby with a big knee to the body! >From the Muay Thai clinch, Roby eats a big elbow. >Blood is visible on Roby, that strike looks to have opened up a nasty cut above his eye. >Sriyanto rocks Roby with a vicious elbow. >Sriyanto rocks Roby with a vicious elbow. >From the clinch, Sriyanto drives a knee into the face of Roby! >Sriyanto loses his control of the Muay Thai clinch. >The clock is stopped as the referee wants to check the cut on Roby. >The ringside doctor gives the wound a look, but quickly signals that it is not going to be a problem. >The fight will be restarted in the center! >Roby fakes a lunge. >Not letting up, Sriyanto steps in closer to pressure Roby into action. >Sriyanto is getting in closer to Roby, perhaps looking for a clinch. >Roby finds himself pulled into a Muay Thai clinch. >From the Muay Thai clinch, Roby eats a big elbow. >Roby is bleeding above his eye again, that strike re-opened the wound. >From the clinch, Roby gets hit with a knee to the body! >From the clinch, Roby gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head. >From the Muay Thai clinch, Roby eats a big elbow. >From the clinch, Roby gets caught with a vicious elbow to the side of the head. >Sriyanto loses his control of the Muay Thai clinch. >The clock is stopped as the referee wants to check the cut on Roby. >The doctor checks the wound, and doesn't take long to signal to the referee that it is only minor. >The referee signals for the fight to continue! >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt. >Roby steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out. >An exchange of strikes doesn't lead to any real damage. >They wind up in a tight clinch. >We move into the second half of this round. >Roby tries to wriggle free, but Sriyanto controls him well and gets in a few close-range punches too. >From the grapple, Sriyanto tries to pick Roby up on his shoulder for a slam. >Roby is able to block it and pull away from him. >Sriyanto doesn't get drawn in as Roby feints a kick. >Sriyanto throws a combination of rights and lefts, using them as cover so that he can shoot in. >Roby tries to avoid the takedown. >Sriyanto doesn't get the takedown, Roby avoided it. >Roby bobs and weaves. >Sriyanto quickly gets in closer, looking to attack. >Sriyanto counters a left jab by using a scything low kick to the legs. >Those strikes to the legs are going to take their toll. >Roby covers up to absorb a tidy combination of punches and then hits a crisp left hand punch. >Moving in closer, Roby looks like he wants to strike from the pocket. >Sriyanto is too quick, and manages to hit Roby with a good clean left jab. >Sriyanto moves in quickly after a wayward punch and hits a sharp body kick. >Roby looks like he wants to stand in the pocket and strike with Sriyanto. >Sriyanto tries to single leg Roby as he steps in, but he is too quick to step away. >Bambang Sriyanto is breathing very hard. >We have one minute of the round remaining. >Sriyanto slips out of the way of a jab. >A left jab misses and Sriyanto counters with a leg kick. >Mal Phe Roby is limping slightly. >It's obvious that Sriyanto has a clear plan to punish the legs. >Roby is less of a threat on his feet if he is limping around. >The time is up, and that's the end of round one. >There's the bell and round number two begins! >It sounded like his corner told Roby to hit Sriyanto with everything he has in this round. >A wayward low right kick allows Roby to hit a left. >A left hand misses, allowing Sriyanto to counter with a kick to the body. >Moving forward, Sriyanto counters a left jab with a series of hard rights! >Sriyanto uses head movement to slip past a vicious right and he hits a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the knee. >Roby covers up to safely defend against a flurry of rights and lefts. >Checking a leg kick, Roby counters back immediately with a barrage of big right hands, forcing Sriyanto back! >Retreating, Sriyanto looks punch-drunk...he may be in big trouble! >Roby hits a great right cross, Sriyanto is knocked down, dazed! >We move into the second half of this round. >Roby knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on Sriyanto, looking to finish him off by raining down punches! >Roby pounds away, the stunned Sriyanto struggles to deal with them. >Sriyanto finally manages to pull Roby into side control to survive. >Roby throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath. >Roby throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move. >Roby keeps Sriyanto guessing with a few quick strikes. >Sriyanto tries to pull guard on Roby but doesn't get anywhere with the attempt. >There's under a minute left in this round. >Roby punches down at Sriyanto, but they are easily taken on the gloves. >Roby throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath. >Roby throws a few weak-looking punches as he decides on his next move. >The time runs out on round two. >There's the bell for the start of the round! >Roby counters a right kick to the legs with a clean jab. >Sriyanto counters a left jab by hitting a flurry of small strikes. >Bambang Sriyanto seems to be fighting against exhaustion. >Sriyanto avoids a quick jab and hits a clean jab. >Sriyanto tries for a left jab but Roby moves out of range. >Moving in closer, Roby looks like he wants to strike from the pocket. >Sriyanto throws a big right hook first, but it just misses. >Moving in closer, Roby looks like he wants to strike from the pocket. >Roby is in the pocket, ready to attack Sriyanto. >We are now at the halfway point of the round. >Roby dodges a body kick and returns fire with a clean left jab. >Sriyanto uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a stinging jab. >Roby, standing in the pocket, darts back to avoid a right kick to the body. >Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Sriyanto hits a nasty-looking kick to the inside of the knee. >Mal Phe Roby looks hurt, he is limping quite badly. >Sriyanto uses good head movement to avoid a huge right hook and counters with a kick to the outside of the knee. >Slipping past a flurry of punches, Roby counters with a clean punch. >There's under a minute left in this round. >A left jab misses, Roby counters with a clean left jab. >Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Sriyanto hits a sequence of quick punches. >Bambang Sriyanto looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion. >An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything. >Mal Phe Roby doesn't look like he has much left in the tank. >The time expires on round three, and that is the end of the fight. >The ring announcer is now giving the official decisions. >All three judges have given Sriyanto the win. >Making Bambang Sriyanto the winner by unanimous decision! >Official Result: Bambang Sriyanto defeats Mal Phe Roby (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BYU 14 Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 Nice, Roby took a pounding. One fight I had didn't match that type of sustained action, but Guillermo Morales dominated Jerry Bogdonovich for one round with his grappling skills and was then knocked cold with a single punch in the 2nd as he looked to close. It was one of those complete turnarounds that causes a holy s**t moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daffanka Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 - Fukusaburu Hirano vs. 'The Pain Train' Chew Chua - From player-controlled event 'ALPHA-1 - Fezzik vs. Kikuchi' (from the save game 'ALPHA-1') - Created 04 december 2010 >Moving on, Fukusaburu Hirano goes head to head with 'The Pain Train' Chew Chua in the ALPHA-1 Welterweight division. >The fight begins! >A feinted high kick gets a reaction, and Chua is lucky to avoid the follow-up inside leg kick. >Hirano counters a left jab by using a clean jab. >An attempted inside leg kick misses, giving Chua the opportunity to counter with a solid left jab. >Hirano comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket. >Chua strikes first and manages to rock Hirano with a solid right hand, sending him down to the ground, stunned! >Chua dives in quickly and secures mount on the dazed Hirano! >Chua fires away with big punches, but Hirano covers up and doesn't take any undue damage. >Hirano tries to move Chua out of mount but can't. >Chua tries to pound on Hirano, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with. >Hirano shrimps out of mount all the way back to half guard. >Chua stands up and backs off, letting Hirano stand up as well. >Chua steps back to avoid a barrage of big punches, having been off balance momentarily after a clever feint. >A left hand misses, allowing Hirano to counter with a stinging leg kick. >Chua counters an errant left jab with a left. >Hirano tries for a right body kick but Chua moves out of range. >Hirano darts in, feints a jab, darts back out. >We move into the second half of this round. >Hirano looks to move in and stand in the pocket. >Hirano is in the pocket, ready to attack Chua. >Moving in closer, Hirano looks like he may want to wrestle Chua. >Chua finds himself pulled into a grappling contest. >Hirano is looking to muscle Chua back against the ropes. >Hirano does it, Chua is stuck with his back to the ropes. >Hirano keeps Chua up against the ropes with wrestling, then uses a hard foot stomp. >Hirano moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike. >A left jab misses, giving Hirano the chance to hit back with a clean left jab. >Chua uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a solid punch. >Chua throws a nice sequence of punches, but Hirano covers up and none of the shots finds a home. >From the pocket, Chua sees a body kick coming and hits a quick right hook, catching Hirano wide open and putting him down! >Hirano, stunned, is mounted! >Chua fires away with big punches, but Hirano covers up and doesn't take any undue damage. >Hirano tries to sweep Chua out of mount but can't do it. >Chua fires away with big elbows, but Hirano covers up and doesn't take any undue damage. >Chua blocks Hirano as he tries a sweep. >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. >Chua pounds away from the mount with elbows, but Hirano covers up and defends them well. >Chua blocks an attempt to move him from mount. >Chua tries to pound on Hirano with elbows, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with. >Round one ends as time expires. >We are back underway! >Hirano slips out of the way of a combination of short sharp punches. >Chua keeps his cool as Hirano throws a feint to the left. >Hirano steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out. >Hirano steps in, feints a kick, then darts back out. >Hirano looks to move in and stand in the pocket. >Chua now has Hirano standing in the pocket. >Good head movement allows Hirano to roll past an attempted knock out punch and counter with a kick to the ribs. >Slipping past a one-two combination, Chua has the angle to counter with a great right hand, Hirano took it full in the face and is knocked down! >Chua dives in quickly and secures mount on the dazed Hirano! >Chua unloads with some big punches, but Hirano deals with them comfortably. >Hirano tries to buck Chua off of him. >Hirano sweeps Chua, ending up on top in his guard. >We move into the second half of this round. >Hirano starts trying to work to get past the guard. >He passes to side control. >Hirano looks to roll Chua slightly and slip behind. >Chua can't stop it and gives up his back! >We have one minute of the round remaining. >Hirano pounds away, Chua is barely able to offer any defence at all! >The referee is forced to jump in and stop the match! >Fukusaburu Hirano takes the victory by way of TKO! >Official Result: Fukusaburu Hirano defeats 'The Pain Train' Chew Chua (TKO (Strikes) in 4:19 of round 2). The match was rated as being Fantastic. That was a pretty great fight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1234 Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 <p>Not a great fight overall but an amazing comeback from recieving the beating of a life-time</p><p> </p><p> - 'The Brazilian Bomber' Gladstone Lopes vs. Elzo Alves Moura</p><p> - From player-controlled event 'FLB 7' (from the save game 'FLB')</p><p> - Created 05 December 2010</p><p> </p><p> >Moving on to the next match, in which 'The Brazilian Bomber' Gladstone Lopes takes on Elzo Alves Moura in the FLB Heavyweight division. </p><p> >This is a FLB Heavyweight title fight. </p><p> >And here we go!</p><p> >Lopes slips out of the way of a jab.</p><p> >Lopes tries for a right body kick but Moura moves out of range.</p><p> >Moura comes in with a couple of jabs, using them as cover so that he can shoot in.</p><p> >Lopes tries to avoid Moura.</p><p> >Moura can't get the takedown, Lopes was too quick to back away.</p><p> >Lopes comes in closer, looking to attack from the pocket.</p><p> >Moura seems happy to engage with Lopes in the pocket.</p><p> >Moura slips past a jab and scores with a solid punch.</p><p> >Moura uses head movement to slip past a punch, then hits a crisp left.</p><p> >Lopes uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by.</p><p> >We go past the halfway point of this round.</p><p> >Standing in the pocket, Moura chooses to shoot in for a double leg on Lopes.</p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">>Lopes sprawls well, and Moura is forced down to his knees, almost turtled up.</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes hits a soccer kick to the side of the head of the turtled Moura!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Turtled up, Moura takes a wicked soccer kick to the side of the head!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes hits a soccer kick to the head!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes hits a sharp soccer kick to the body!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes hits a sharp soccer kick to the body!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Moura, turtled up, takes a painful-looking soccer kick the body!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes hits a big knee to the side of the head of the turtled Moura!</span></strong></p><p> >The time runs out on round one.</p><p> >Lopes takes that round easily by 10-8 on my score card.</p><p> >And here we go, round two!</p><p> >Moura avoids a jab.</p><p> >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Lopes to fire back with a kick to the side of the ribs.</p><p> >A leg kick misses badly, giving Moura an opening to score with a straight left.</p><p> >A speculative right hand from Moura doesn't find a home.</p><p> >Time slips away as Lopes doesn't press Moura, allowing him to circle.</p><p> >Breathing very hard, Gladstone Lopes is looking ragged.</p><p> >There's a takedown attempt from Moura.</p><p> >Lopes tries to counter with a right hand, but is too slow.</p><p> >Moura has the takedown! Lopes pulls guard.</p><p> >Moura lies on top of Lopes, basically smothering him.</p><p> >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.</p><p> >Moura begins trying to pass the guard.</p><p> >Moura struggles but cannot find a way past and remains stuck in guard.</p><p> >Lopes throws out some punches, but Moura leans back to avoid them.</p><p> >Moura starts trying to work to get past the guard.</p><p> >He finds himself unable to pass guard on this attempt.</p><p> >Lopes tries to catch Moura with a punch, but it is not on target.</p><p> >The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left.</p><p> >Time slips away as Moura successfully keeps Lopes stuck against the ground.</p><p> >Time expires and we come to the end of round two.</p><p> >I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Moura.</p><p> >We are back underway!</p><p> >There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.</p><p> >Going toe-to-toe, both fighters start exchanging close range strikes!</p><p> >Winning the exchange, Lopes hits a right hand that puts Moura down!</p><p> >Lopes senses victory and starts to unload with punches!</p><p> >Lopes pounds away but can't finish Moura and eventually gets pulled into side control.</p><p> >From the looks of things, I don't think Gladstone Lopes has much energy left.</p><p> >Lopes begins trying to get himself into a mount.</p><p> >Lopes struggles but cannot mount Moura.</p><p> >Moura transitions to half guard.</p><p> >Lopes punches down at Moura, but they are easily taken on the gloves.</p><p> >We move into the second half of this round.</p><p> >Lopes throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath.</p><p> >Lopes stands and gets out of half guard, then backs off, wanting the fight standing.</p><p> >Moura is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket.</p><p> >Moura is now standing in the pocket.</p><p> >We have one minute of the round remaining.</p><p> >Lopes dodges a jab, and fires back with a series of hard rights!</p><p> >Lopes gets caught with a stiff jab.</p><p> >There's a stalemate as both fighters throw strikes, but neither scores.</p><p> >Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up clinched.</p><p> >The grappling doesn't go anywhere, and they break apart.</p><p> >The time is up, and that's the end of round three.</p><p> >That has to go down as a 10-9 round to Lopes.</p><p> >We are back underway!</p><p> >Between rounds, his corner told Lopes to try and use counter striking in this round.</p><p> >An exchange of blows doesn't really produce any damage or a clear advantage.</p><p> >Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage.</p><p> >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt.</p><p> >A feint to the right gets Lopes to move forward, and Moura almost clips him with a massive overhand right.</p><p> >A speculative right hand from Moura doesn't find a home.</p><p> >Lopes seems to be waiting for Moura to make a move.</p><p> >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round.</p><p> >Lopes fakes a lunge.</p><p> >Moura presses in closer to attack.</p><p> >Gladstone Lopes looks totally gassed.</p><p> >Moura cooly stalks Lopes so that he is trapped in the corner.</p><p> >Both fighters go to exchange blows, but neither hits a telling strike.</p><p> >In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch.</p><p> >Lopes throws a few close-range strikes, but Moura smothers the shots and takes control of the grappling.</p><p> >Moura tries to wrestle Lopes backward and up against the ropes.</p><p> >Lopes ends up backed against the ropes.</p><p> >Moura moves back from the grapple and looks ready to strike.</p><p> >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round.</p><p> >Using head movement to slip past a left jab, Moura hits a thudding right hook to the body.</p><p> >A flurry of rights and lefts all miss, allowing Lopes to hit a crisp left.</p><p> >Good head movement allows Lopes to roll past an attempted knock out punch and hit a clean punch.</p><p> >Round four is brought to an end as time runs out.</p><p> >There was very little to separate them in that round, but I'll give that one 10-9 to Moura.</p><p> >We are back underway!</p><p> >A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning.</p><p> >Seeing a low kick coming, Moura strikes first with a series of quick, sharp punches.</p><p> >An exchange of blows doesn't really produce any damage or a clear advantage.</p><p> >From the pocket, Moura sees a body kick coming and moves forward to counter-strike with a crisp left hook to the body.</p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">>Using head movement, Moura slips past a left jab and counters with a barrage of big right hands!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Lopes falls to the ground! Moura continues to pound away, sensing victory!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >With Lopes taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >By TKO, the winner is Elzo Alves Moura!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> >Official Result: Elzo Alves Moura defeats 'The Brazilian Bomber' </span></strong>Gladstone Lopes (TKO (Strikes) in 1:40 of round 5). The match was rated as being Average.</p> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derek B Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 I just saw two amazing fights from KDM-FC... in the first, Li-Kong Ho attempted a Gogoplata (but failed, sadly) in the first round, locked a RNC in late in the second that went to end of round before finally spinning out of the mount to get a match end knee bar in the third. I can't even remember the name of the opponent, but the kid had a good hustle to last as long as he did. The second match, which I was about to post til an error popped up (already reported and fixed in Tech Support) was between Sukarno and Atep of Indonesia. Sukarno almost killed Atep in the first round, knocking him down and unleashing a wave of soccer kicks and stomps that the game seemed to run out of adjectives to describe but Atep held on for almost 3 minutes for the end of the round. Sukarno's corner told him to basically go out and kill Atep in the second, only for Atep to land a brainbusting headkick that knocked Sukarno down and stunned him enough for Atep to stomp and soccer kick his way to a TKO victory as the ref called an end to the fight. Awesomesauce. And now cos of the error, I'm gonna go watch the same fights again, even if the results are different. EDIT: Forgot to mention that Ho managed to get a slam on the first run too, think it was in the second round. And the victim of Ho's abuse was Takahiro Nakamura. EDIT2: Mason Archer, as good as he may be, just shocked the world by KTFOing "Unstoppable" Kunimichi Kikuchi in 49 seconds. I was hyped to see two big dogs square off and the first thing I see is "BIG STRIKE!" and down goes Kikuchi. Can't wait to get the full game and start with a bunch of nobodies so that I can spend years building my way up to getting guys like Archer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cman23 Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 This surprised me how quickly it ended. - 'The Reaper' Spencer Rubenstein vs. 'The Big Dog' Linfield Ballard - From player-controlled event 'GAMMA 22' (from the save game 'GAMMA') - Created 04 December 2010 >Next up is a match in which 'The Reaper' Spencer Rubenstein will take on 'The Big Dog' Linfield Ballard in the GAMMA Light Heavyweight division. >This is a GAMMA Light Heavyweight title fight. >Rumours abound that Ballard is not coming into this fight 100% mentally prepared. >It'll be interesting to see whether it has any effect on his performance in this fight. >The fight begins! >Rubenstein avoids a quick jab and hits an enormous right hook, Ballard is out before he hits the deck! >By Knock Out, the winner is Spencer Rubenstein! >Official Result: 'The Reaper' Spencer Rubenstein defeats 'The Big Dog' Linfield Ballard (Knock Out (Punch) in 0:24 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Synticha Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 This is from my tests to see how the fight engine would work in boxing mod. So far so good. This match was between two level 10 boxers. >The co-main event is up next. Ichigo Matsyu goes head to head with Jason Ozuma in the FCF Openweight division. >There's the opening bell! >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Jason to fire back with a right hook, knocking Matsyu out! >The winner, by Knock Out; Jason Ozuma! >Official Result: Jason Ozuma defeats Ichigo Matsyu (Knock Out (Punch) in 0:20 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ampulator Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 This is from my tests to see how the fight engine would work in boxing mod. So far so good. This match was between two level 10 boxers. >The co-main event is up next. Ichigo Matsyu goes head to head with Jason Ozuma in the FCF Openweight division. >There's the opening bell! >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Jason to fire back with a right hook, knocking Matsyu out! >The winner, by Knock Out; Jason Ozuma! >Official Result: Jason Ozuma defeats Ichigo Matsyu (Knock Out (Punch) in 0:20 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. Y9u'll get a kick out of this then. - Helena Broderick vs. Tiiu 'Tigress' Kass >Moving on, Helena Broderick competes against Tiiu 'Tigress' Kass in the WEFF Women's Middleweight division. >There's the opening bell! >Broderick steps back to avoid a flurry of punches. >Kass counters a left jab with a flurry of small strikes. >Kass slips out of the way of a jab. >Broderick is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. >Broderick can't close the distance, Kass keeps her away with strikes. >Broderick is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. >She gets into range. >Kass uses head movement to cause a left jab to sail harmlessly by. >Working from in the pocket, Kass scores with a series of quick jabs. >A left jab misses the mark and allows Kass to counter with a series of quick punches. >Kass catches Broderick with a series of quick left jabs. >A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning. >Broderick uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a barrage of huge right hands, trapping Kass against the cage! >Kass falls to the ground! Broderick continues to pound away, sensing victory! >With Kass taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match! >Helena Broderick takes the win by TKO! >Official Result: Helena Broderick defeats Tiiu 'Tigress' Kass (TKO (Strikes) in 3:49 of round 1). The match was rated as being Fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
openeye Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 Flying heel hook. Damn straight. >An exchange of strikes doesn't lead to any real damage. >Sasaki steps back to avoid a left jab. >Asuhara counters a left jab by hitting a clean left. >A jab misses, allowing Asuhara to counter-strike with a series of quick lefts. >Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done. >Sasaki backs away from Asuhara, creating some space between them. >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. >Sasaki moves out of range of a flurry of punches. >Sasaki slips out of the way of a jab. >Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either. >Asuhara feints rushing in, but Sasaki doesn't fall for it. >We're into the final minute of the round. >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt. >Sasaki slips out of the way of a flurry of punches. >Time expires and we come to the end of round one. >We are back underway! >From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Sasaki has been instructed to try and get Asuhara to the floor in this round. >Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything. >Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage. >Asuhara throws a barrage of big punches but Sasaki covers up well. >Not comfortable in the pocket, Asuhara steps back and creates some space. >Sasaki moves out of range of a flurry of punches. >Sasaki swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches. >Asuhara feints rushing in, but withdraws. >We move into the second half of this round. >Sasaki chooses to shoot in on Asuhara. >The takedown doesn't work, Asuhara stuffed it. >A left jab misses and Asuhara strikes back with a nice jab. >Sasaki dives forward, trying to grab a leg! >Asuhara gets caught with a flying heel hook! He falls to the ground in agony and is forced to tap! >By submission, the winner is Hisamitsu Sasaki! >Official Result: Hisamitsu 'Japanese Punk' Sasaki defeats Baiko 'Monkey' Asuhara (Submission (Heel Hook) in 3:47 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Synticha Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 Flying heel hook. Damn straight. >An exchange of strikes doesn't lead to any real damage. >Sasaki steps back to avoid a left jab. >Asuhara counters a left jab by hitting a clean left. >A jab misses, allowing Asuhara to counter-strike with a series of quick lefts. >Both fighters come toe-to-toe and strike, but none of the strikes result in significant damage being done. >Sasaki backs away from Asuhara, creating some space between them. >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. >Sasaki moves out of range of a flurry of punches. >Sasaki slips out of the way of a jab. >Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either. >Asuhara feints rushing in, but Sasaki doesn't fall for it. >We're into the final minute of the round. >Both throw strikes at each other, both easily defend the other's attempt. >Sasaki slips out of the way of a flurry of punches. >Time expires and we come to the end of round one. >We are back underway! >From what we could hear of his corner, it sounds like Sasaki has been instructed to try and get Asuhara to the floor in this round. >Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything. >Both fighters come in and exchange strikes, but neither does any damage. >Asuhara throws a barrage of big punches but Sasaki covers up well. >Not comfortable in the pocket, Asuhara steps back and creates some space. >Sasaki moves out of range of a flurry of punches. >Sasaki swiftly avoids a barrage of big punches. >Asuhara feints rushing in, but withdraws. >We move into the second half of this round. >Sasaki chooses to shoot in on Asuhara. >The takedown doesn't work, Asuhara stuffed it. >A left jab misses and Asuhara strikes back with a nice jab. >Sasaki dives forward, trying to grab a leg! >Asuhara gets caught with a flying heel hook! He falls to the ground in agony and is forced to tap! >By submission, the winner is Hisamitsu Sasaki! >Official Result: Hisamitsu 'Japanese Punk' Sasaki defeats Baiko 'Monkey' Asuhara (Submission (Heel Hook) in 3:47 of round 2). The match was rated as being Good. That's rather nice but I'm disturbed by the fact that it only shows Submission(Heel Hook). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mjdgoldeneye Posted December 5, 2010 Share Posted December 5, 2010 Here's a fight that's back and forth with a nice finish. Leandro Piquet vs. Edilberto >Next up is a match in which Leandro Piquet battles Edilberto in the FLB Light Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Edilberto throws a left jab but Piquet avoids it. >Piquet avoids a jab and scores with a vicious leg kick. >A jab misses, allowing Piquet to counter-strike with a kick to the outside of the left leg. >Edilberto counters a flurry of punches by hitting a stinging left jab. >Moving forward, Piquet counters a left jab with a series of quick punches. >Advancing, Piquet counters a left jab by using a clean left. >We are now at the halfway point of the round. >Edilberto has to cover up to take a barrage of big punches. >Piquet slips past a jab and scores with a barrage of punches, eventually putting Edilberto down! >Edilberto shakes off the cobwebs quickly though, and is alert. >Edilberto keeps Piquet back with an up-kick. >Piquet tries to come in and secure a ground position. >Piquet can't hold Edilberto down and a scramble starts. >The scramble ends with both fighters back on their feet, facing each other. >We have one minute of the round remaining. >A jab misses, allowing Piquet to counter-strike with a quick spinning back fist! >Edilberto slips past a left jab and counters with a stinging left jab. >The time is up, and that's the end of round one. >I have to give that round to Piquet, but only a 10-9. >There's the bell for the start of the round! >Between rounds we could hear the corner of Piquet telling him to use a lot of movement. >A left hand misses, allowing Piquet to counter with a kick to the outside of the left leg. >A weak body kick is countered by Edilberto with a left jab to the cheek. >Piquet avoids a quick jab and hits a sharp kick just above the hip. >Piquet counters a left jab by using a barrage of big right hands, forcing Edilberto back! >Using head movement, Piquet slips past a left jab and counters with a flurry of jabs and straight punches. >Edilberto snaps off a nice left jab from the pocket. >A left jab misses, giving Edilberto the chance to hit back with a crisp left. >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. >Piquet shows good head movement to avoid getting caught with a jab. >Edilberto uses head movement to avoid a vicious right hand and fire right back with a nice left. >Using head movement, Edilberto slips past a left jab and counters with a nice jab. >Edilberto slips past a flurry of rights and lefts and hits a clean left jab. >Edilberto slips past a straight punch and hits a crisp left. >Edilberto throws a left jab but Piquet uses good head movement to make sure it slips by. >We're into the final minute of the round. >Piquet dodges a jab, and fires back with a series of quick, sharp punches. >Edilberto lets a jab sail wide and counter-strikes with a crisp left. >Edilberto uses head movement to dodge a punch, then strikes back with a nice jab. >Round two is brought to an end as time runs out. >I have to give that round to Edilberto, but only a 10-9. >There's the bell and round number three begins! >A wayward low right kick allows Edilberto to hit a huge right head kick that sends Piquet straight to the floor! >Piquet recovers his wits quickly, and waits for Edilberto to make a move. >On his back, Piquet watches as Edilberto comes in looking to get a dominant ground position. >Edilberto is quick, Piquet can't stop him getting side control. >Edilberto throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath. >In side control, Edilberto catches his breath, content just to throw a couple of punches to the body. >Edilberto looks to get a mount. >He can't quite manage to get to mount on this attempt. >Edilberto blocks Piquet as he tries a transition to guard. >We move into the second half of this round. >Edilberto tries to slip behind and take the back. >Edilberto takes the back, Piquet couldn't stop it. >Edilberto successfully gets both hooks in, and seems primed to finish. >With both hooks in and therefore great control of the body, Edilberto tries to finish Piquet off with a rear naked choke. >Piquet stops Edilberto from getting his arm under the chin and completing the choke. >Piquet tries to improve his chances of survival by breaking free of the hooks, but they're too tight. >There's under a minute left in this round. >Edilberto pounds away on Piquet. >Unless he finds a way out of this position soon, Piquet is going to lose this fight! >The referee has seen enough, he pulls Edilberto off! >The winner, by TKO, is Edilberto! >Official Result: Edilberto defeats Leandro Piquet (TKO (Strikes) in 4:32 of round 3). The match was rated as being Fantastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattman1624 Posted December 6, 2010 Share Posted December 6, 2010 It wasn't that great a fight, but I put on a match between Raul Hughes and James Foster that saw Hughes rock Foster with a few big shots. However, Foster wasn't knocked down from any of the shots, and beat Hughes via ground and pound in the third round. I was surprised that Foster wasn't put down by any of Hughes' shots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IWWROCKS Posted December 6, 2010 Share Posted December 6, 2010 I was doing a little test on a fighter pack im creating and ran an alpha-1 event. Just for funs I put some original fighters in there too, including these two. Im not knowledgeable on the default database but I was pretty shocked by Fezzik losing and so quickly. - 'The Big Bad' Hassan Fezzik vs. Armen 'A-Game' Sarkisian - From player-controlled event 'ALPHA 1-' (from the save game 'test') - Created 06 December 2010 >It's time for the main event of the evening! 'The Big Bad' Hassan Fezzik squares off with Armen 'A-Game' Sarkisian in the ALPHA-1 Heavyweight division. >This match is for the ALPHA-1 Heavyweight title. >The fight begins! >There's a short stalemate as both fighters advance and throw strikes, but neither hits. >Sarkisian catches a weak right kick to the legs and uses it to go for a takedown, getting it! Fezzik pulls guard. >Sarkisian doesn't posture up, perhaps wary of submissions, instead using small strikes while keeping his head on his opponent's chest. >Fezzik tries to ensare Sarkisian in a triangle. >Sarkisian brilliantly spins out of the attempt and gets side control. >Sarkisian attempts to roll Fezzik slightly and take his back. >Fezzik is in big trouble as he is forced to give up his back! >Sarkisian pounds away, Fezzik is barely able to offer any defence at all! >The referee is forced to jump in and stop the match! >The winner, by TKO; Armen Sarkisian! >Official Result: Armen 'A-Game' Sarkisian defeats 'The Big Bad' Hassan Fezzik (TKO (Strikes) in 2:05 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1234 Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 A short fight that had me excited. I thought Jorge was dead. - Jorge Hormazabal vs. Marinho Gomes - From player-controlled event 'FLB 8' (from the save game 'FLB') - Created 08 December 2010 >Next up, Jorge Hormazabal battles Marinho Gomes in the FLB Middleweight division. >Round one begins! >They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage. >Hormazabal moves out of range of a flurry of punches. >Hormazabal comes in, looking for a quick takedown. >A good sprawl stops the takedown, and Hormazabal is brought down to the mat in a loose front facelock. >Gomes hits a vicious soccer kick to the head! >Hormazabal, turtled up, takes a painful-looking kick to the side of the head! >Gomes hits a kick to the side of the head! >Hormazabal, turtled up, takes a kick to the side of the head! >We pass the halfway mark of this round. >Gomes hits a sharp soccer kick to the body! >Hormazabal, turtled up, takes a painful-looking kick to the side of the head! >Gomes hits a devastating soccer kick to the head! >Slumping forward, Hormazabal is out cold! >The winner, by Knock Out, is Marinho Gomes! >Official Result: Marinho Gomes defeats Jorge Hormazabal (Knock Out (Kick) in 3:21 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
praguepride Posted December 8, 2010 Share Posted December 8, 2010 I got an Excellent rated match from Emi Nagano vs. some random female pud on XCC roster... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dubb93 Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 The best I have seen so far was Yamada vs. Asanovic for the Alpha-1 LHW Championship. I don't have the write-up, but Yamada was rocked, survived a flurry of stomps and ground kicks followed by brutal G'n'P. Asanovic stood up, Yamada took him down and attempted a series of submissions repeatedly(5 submissions to be exact). Finally Asanovic was stopped by an arm bar. All of this in six minutes. Was an intense fight. I also liked a fight between Carter Potter and Stafford Alois. Potter attempted take-down after take-down for the first two rounds. All of them were stuffed as he was battered by Alois standing and dropped twice. In the third round Potter gave up the take-downs and knocked Alois out with a right hand standing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TEWFan Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 Ok, this might not be the most exciting bout in the world, but it is my favorite thus far. I was watching my first show with ALPHA-1 and debuted Oleg Dorosklov against some guy Sakurai....I think. Thing is, Sakurai beats the crap out of Dorosklow in the first round and I mean, literally beats him to a pulp connecting with strikes that leave Dorosklov backpedalling, glassy eyed and rocked more than once. I think it happened four times total and on the fifth time Dorosklov goes down and Sakurai starts raining bombs. Somehow Dorosklov weathers the storm and pulls Sakurai into side control. From there he grabs Sakurai in a guillotine and chokes him out! There was only 19 seconds or so left in the round too. How in the world he managed to pull that off? I am still pumped out after that bout. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucien Sanchez Posted December 9, 2010 Share Posted December 9, 2010 I've had two. In one it was two women, can't remember their names, one of them destroyed the other with leg kicks and dropped her. The beatdown continued through two and a half rounds, then the battered fighter managed to secure a submission off her back. Also just had a war now between AR Shenkman and Machado. Machado was taking Shenkman down at will. In the first round he applied an arm triangle but just missed out on finish. In the second he pounded on Shenkman from side and mount for the whole round, then even attempted a triangle from mount. However at the start of the third Shenkman caught him with a big shot and it showed how one punch can change a fight. Machado spent the last five minutes running away being hit with big shots before being dropped and pounded out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Synticha Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 This has to be the most random match I've seen this far Think if someone would go out to a real match with a tactic like this... Wait just minute... - 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta vs. 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia - From player-controlled event 'UFC 42: Saboteurs' (from the save game 'UFC') - Created 13 December 2010 >Moving on, 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta squares off with 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia in the UFC Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Huerta isn't fast enough, Garcia side-stepped out of the way. >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Getting hold of a leg, Huerta is able to force Garcia to the ground with a flying heel hook and secure the tap out! >Kevin Huerta takes the victory by way of submission! >Official Result: 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta defeats 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia (Submission (Heel Hook) in 0:44 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1234 Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Haha, best fight ever. This has to be the most random match I've seen this far Think if someone would go out to a real match with a tactic like this... Wait just minute... - 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta vs. 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia - From player-controlled event 'UFC 42: Saboteurs' (from the save game 'UFC') - Created 13 December 2010 >Moving on, 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta squares off with 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia in the UFC Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Huerta isn't fast enough, Garcia side-stepped out of the way. >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Getting hold of a leg, Huerta is able to force Garcia to the ground with a flying heel hook and secure the tap out! >Kevin Huerta takes the victory by way of submission! >Official Result: 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta defeats 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia (Submission (Heel Hook) in 0:44 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheKenwyne Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 This has to be the most random match I've seen this far Think if someone would go out to a real match with a tactic like this... Wait just minute... - 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta vs. 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia - From player-controlled event 'UFC 42: Saboteurs' (from the save game 'UFC') - Created 13 December 2010 >Moving on, 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta squares off with 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia in the UFC Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Huerta isn't fast enough, Garcia side-stepped out of the way. >Huerta suddenly dives at the feet of Garcia, trying to grab a leg! >Getting hold of a leg, Huerta is able to force Garcia to the ground with a flying heel hook and secure the tap out! >Kevin Huerta takes the victory by way of submission! >Official Result: 'Devastator' Kevin Huerta defeats 'Travelin'' Jorge Garcia (Submission (Heel Hook) in 0:44 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLOet4V6fio&feature=related Back when Ando Silva actually lost the odd fight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Derek B Posted December 13, 2010 Share Posted December 13, 2010 Got a few fights I'd like to share, been saving them up a bit. - 'The Merchant Of Menace' Mason Archer vs. Hiro Arai - From AI event 'ALPHA-1: Fezzik vs. Kikuchi' (from the save game 'DOGMMA') - Created 13 December 2010 >The co-main event is up next. 'The Merchant Of Menace' Mason Archer will battle Hiro Arai in the ALPHA-1 Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Both fighters advance and strike, but neither hits anything. >A right jab misses and Arai strikes back with a right body kick. >After a one-two combination narrowly misses, Arai is able to strike back with a hard right kick to the legs. >Arai avoids a quick jab and hits a series of hard rights! >Backing off, Archer stumbles and almost goes down...I think he is hurt! >Clearing his head just in time, Archer ducks under the head kick that would have ended the fight.>Arai looks to move in and stand in the pocket. >Arai is in the pocket, ready to attack Archer. >Archer checks a leg kick. >Slipping past a one-two combination, Arai counters with a vicious leg kick. >Those strikes to the legs are going to take their toll. >Archer uses head movement to avoid a right jab. >Slipping past a right jab, Arai hits a kick to the ribs. >A quick exchange of strikes produces nothing worth mentioning. >Going toe-to-toe, both fighters start exchanging close range strikes! >Archer smashes Arai with a huge left hand and he is knocked clean out! >The winner, by Knock Out; Mason Archer! >Official Result: 'The Merchant Of Menace' Mason Archer defeats Hiro Arai (Knock Out (Punch) in 4:13 of round 1). The match was rated as being Great. 1. Impressed the 6'8 big man ducked a head kick.. he must be hella quick. 2. Epic finish. - 'The Bringer Of Pain' Khru Duangjan vs. Jacob Barlee - From player-controlled event 'DOGMMA 3: Franklyn vs Hoynes (HW)' (from the save game 'DOGMMA') - Created 13 December 2010 >The co-main event is up next. 'The Bringer Of Pain' Khru Duangjan fights Jacob Barlee in the DOGMMA Heavyweight division. >And here we go! >Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage. >Duangjan lands one heavy right hand after another from close range, Barlee back-pedals until he is trapped up against the cage! >Barlee collapses, hurt, and Duangjan looks to finish by unleashing a barrage of strikes to his downed opponent! >With Barlee taking a lot of big punches, the referee has to stop the match! >Khru Duangjan takes the victory by way of TKO! >Official Result: 'The Bringer Of Pain' Khru Duangjan defeats Jacob Barlee (TKO (Strikes) in 0:57 of round 1). The match was rated as being Good. I massively hyped Khru going into this since he is perhaps the most talented guy I have but with no popularity... it paid off big time in building his aura (to 90), but since I'm a tiny upstart company he's only up to 16.5 popularity. Still, that's more than me and is gonna be enough to put him up against Wilson Franklyn for the belt I think. Awesomeness will ensue. Lastly... - 'The Street Fighter' Leon Banks vs. 'Sweet Baby' Tank Manu'a - From AI event 'GAMMA 25: Dean vs. Darling' (from the save game 'DOGMMA') - Created 13 December 2010 >Next up, 'The Street Fighter' Leon Banks goes up against 'Sweet Baby' Tank Manu'a in the GAMMA Heavyweight division. >We are underway! >Banks counters a left jab with a barrage of big punches on Manu'a! >A left jab misses the mark and allows Banks to counter with a barrage of punches, eventually putting Manu'a down! >Banks senses victory and starts to unload with punches! >Banks pounds away with punches but gets pulled into side control before being able to end the fight. >Banks throws a few left hands as he takes a moment to plan ahead. >Manu'a bursts into life and tries to scramble into a better position. >Manu'a ends up in side control. >Stuck under side control, Banks takes a knee to the ribs. >Manu'a begins trying to get himself into a mount. >Manu'a mounts Banks. >Manu'a pounds away from the mount with elbow strikes, and Banks struggles to deal with them. >It looks like Banks has been cut under the eye by that strike. >We move into the second half of this round. >Manu'a unloads with big elbows from the mount, landing several that clearly hurt Banks. >Manu'a unloads with big elbows from the mount, but Banks is able to deal with most of them. >Manu'a pounds away on Banks with elbows, but few of the shots lands clean. >Manu'a pounds away with elbows from the mount, but doesn't really do a great deal of damage. >Tank Manu'a doesn't look like he has much left in the tank. >Manu'a pounds away on Banks, but few of the shots lands clean. >Manu'a pounds away with punches, but doesn't do much damage, if any, Banks covers up well. >Banks tries a sweep from the bottom of the mount, but gets rolled and Manu'a has his back! >We're into the final minute of the round. >Manu'a tries to pound away, but Banks covers up and defends them well. >Manu'a blocks an attempt to roll him off of the back. >Manu'a tries to hook Banks in a rear naked choke. >Banks rolls them so that they are staring at the lights, then sharply turns over to wind up in guard. >Manu'a should have gotten hooks in first before attempting a rear naked choke, and Banks has capitalised on the mistake. >Round one is brought to an end as time runs out. >I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Manu'a. >The cut man tries to stop the bleeding for Banks in between rounds. >We are back underway! >Banks throws a vicious left uppercut but Manu'a avoids it. >Banks counters an errant left jab with a flurry of small strikes. >Manu'a gets suckered in to stepping forward, and has to step back sharply to avoid an enormous knock out left. >Slowly moving in closer, a ragged-looking Manu'a wants to wrestle Banks. >Banks is pulled into a grapple. >Tank Manu'a seems to be fighting against exhaustion. >Manu'a looks to scoop his opponent up for a slam. >There's the slam! Banks is planted onto his back, and pulls guard. >Banks is controlled against the ground, unable to shift Manu'a off of him. >We go past the halfway point of this round. >Manu'a fires away with big elbows, but Banks keeps the guard secure and doesn't take any undue damage. >Banks grabs Manu'a and draws him in close, smothering him. >Manu'a tries to pound on Banks with elbow strikes, but all the blows are comfortably dealt with. >Tank Manu'a looks like he is almost out on his feet with exhaustion. >Banks smothers Manu'a with close control, stopping him from posturing up. >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. >Manu'a lies on top of Banks, basically smothering him. >The clock runs down as Banks is being smothered against the ground by Manu'a. >The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up. >The time is up, and that's the end of round two. >I think Manu'a took that round, 10-9 on my score card. >We are back underway! >Banks darts in and out of range quickly, trying to get Manu'a to commit to throwing a strike. >Banks steps in and unloads with a series of rights. >A left high kick follows a feint and lands perfectly, momentarily putting Manu'a on rubbery legs! >Banks stings Manu'a with a series of quick rights. >Banks puts everything into a scorching left cross, Manu'a takes it full in the face and is flattened! He is out! >By Knock Out, the winner is Leon Banks! >Official Result: 'The Street Fighter' Leon Banks defeats 'Sweet Baby' Tank Manu'a (Knock Out (Punch) in 1:58 of round 3). The match was rated as being Fantastic. I love both these guys and this was an epic from start to finish. Just an awesome, wild, unpredictable bout that I hope GAMMA hyped the hell out of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam Ryland Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 An exciting back-and-forth match which shows a lot of different aspects of the game engine: - Catherine Davis vs. 'Yellow Peril' Rachel McGuiness - From Quick Sim mode - Created 14 December 2010 >Blurcat Radio is pleased to bring you a special contest; Catherine Davis fights 'Yellow Peril' Rachel McGuiness. >The fight begins! >McGuiness feints going high, but Davis doesn't buy it. >Davis slips past a right jab and fires back with a right high kick that catches McGuiness on the side of the head, knocking her down! >Davis knows that this is a golden opportunity, and quickly pounces on McGuiness, looking to finish her off by raining down punches! >McGuiness shows great instincts, pulling half guard to put a halt to the shower of punches. >Davis attempts to pass half guard. >McGuiness keeps her half guard secure. >McGuiness struggles and manages to go from half guard to full guard. >Davis is trying to pass guard. >McGuiness keeps Davis in guard. >McGuiness tries a sweep from the guard. >Davis gets swept out of guard, but scrambles back to her feet to face McGuiness. >We've now passed the halfway mark in this round. >They exchange strikes, but neither fighter inflicts any real damage. >Going toe-to-toe, both fighters start exchanging close range strikes! >A right hook lands from Davis, the best punch of the exchange. >McGuiness almost falls over as she backs off...that last shot may have genuinely rocked her! >Davis tries to capitalise with a massive right hand, but it misses. >McGuiness counters a right kick to the body by hitting a flurry of small strikes. >Davis steps back to avoid a flurry of punches. >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. >McGuiness throws a feint. >Moving in closer, McGuiness looks like she wants to strike from the pocket. >She gets into range. >Good head movement allows Davis to go under a vicious left hand and immediately counter with a sudden huge right cross that knocks McGuiness on her ass! >Davis doesn't have time to capitalise though, as McGuiness recovers her wits quickly. >Davis looks to get on top of McGuiness. >McGuiness moves quickly, scrambling for position before Davis can get a hold. >Round one is brought to an end as time runs out. >I have to give that round to Davis, but only a 10-9. >There's the bell for the start of the round! >McGuiness feints going high, but Davis doesn't buy it. >A wayward right kick to the body allows McGuiness to hit a series of rights. >McGuiness counters an attempted body kick by scoring with a flurry of jabs and straight punches. >An exchange of strikes goes nowhere. >Having ended up close together from the strikes they threw, a wild exchange of punches begins! >Davis hits the best punch of the exchange, a solid right hand to the jaw. >McGuiness almost falls over as she backs off...that last shot may have genuinely rocked her! >Seeing her chance, Davis runs in and tries a flying knee strike...but McGuiness has recovered too fast, and is able to move. >We pass the halfway mark of this round. >Davis counters a right jab with a kick to the outside of the right knee. >Both fighters fire off strikes, neither produces any significant damage. >Having stepped in close to throw their strikes, they end up grappling. >McGuiness is trying to muscle Davis up against the cage. >McGuiness manages it, and controls Davis up against the cage. >McGuiness drives a knee to the thigh area. >Davis is controlled up against the cage and eats a sharp left to the ear. >The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left. >Davis takes a knee strike to the inside of her own knee. >McGuiness scores with an elbow strike from the clinch that catches Davis hard. >Davis is controlled up against the cage and takes an elbow to the face from the clinch. >McGuiness pins Davis up against the cage and uses dirty boxing to inflict some damage. >McGuiness smothers Davis against the cage, then hits her with an elbow strike to the side of the head. >Round two is brought to an end as time runs out. >I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of McGuiness. >We are back underway! >Davis counters a flurry of punches with a surprise flying knee strike; McGuiness is momentarily wobbly! >They come together and throw strikes, both miss. >Having stepped near each other to throw their strikes, they both start throwing punches at close range! >McGuiness hits a beautiful left cross, Davis staggers back and then falls down! >McGuiness starts pounding away on Davis, looking to finish her off! >McGuiness pounds away with punches and Davis is in big trouble! >With punches raining down, Davis can only pull McGuiness down into side control to survive. >McGuiness tries to ensnare Davis in an americana. >Davis defends herself well. >Davis tries to sweep McGuiness but can't do it. >McGuiness looks to get a mount. >McGuiness struggles but cannot mount Davis. >Davis tries to transition to a guard, but can't manage it. >We are now at the halfway point of the round. >McGuiness tries to get into the mount position. >She finds herself unable to get the mount on this attempt. >Davis tries to break free and scramble for position, but McGuiness keeps her trapped. >McGuiness keeps Davis guessing with a few quick strikes. >We move into the final sixty seconds of this round. >With no progress being made, the referee stands them back up. >McGuiness switches to a traditional stance. >McGuiness comes in quick and hits a quick series of punches. >McGuiness looks to move in and stand in the pocket. >She gets into range. >The fight comes to an end as the time limit expires. >I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of McGuiness. >The judges' scores are now being announced. >All three judges have scored it 29-28. >Making 'Yellow Peril' Rachel McGuiness the winner by unanimous decision! >Official Result: 'Yellow Peril' Rachel McGuiness defeats Catherine Davis (Unanimous Decision in 5:00 of round 3). The match was rated as being Great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trashbear Posted December 14, 2010 Share Posted December 14, 2010 I didn't save the commentary, but I recently had a bout between Manoel Cabral and Hans Christian Bloch that was pretty great. First round was very back and forth, good striking, good takedowns, and good scrambles. Second round was all Bloch, he totally dominated Cabral against the cage. Third round starts, Bloch puts Cabral against the cage...and gets caught in a guillotine. He escapes, fight is on the ground, and Cabral starts to pull out every submission attempt in his arsenal. On every one of them, the commentary said some variation of "it's locked in deep, Bloch is going to tap!" only to have Bloch escape. Must have been five or six attempts in that span. Round ends, fight ends, and Cabral gets the victory via split decision. I'll be booking the rematch very soon while Bloch's gym-mate Heiko Pander attempts to dethrone the mighty Helio. Eastern Europe vs. South America, brother. I'm going to put this game on a data disc, just so I can bore out the center of the disc and have sex with the game. It's just too good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grits207 Posted December 19, 2010 Share Posted December 19, 2010 This is the most entertaining fight I have read yet, although surprisingly enough it only got a 'decent' rating. >It's time for the main event of the evening! Branco squares off with 'The Serpent' Paulo Roberto Bezerra in the FLB Lightweight division. >The FLB Lightweight title on the line in this match. >We are underway! >Branco feints low and then leaps up and hits a flying knee that catches Bezerra on the side of the head, wobbling him! >Looking glassy-eyed, Bezerra staggers backward...he may have been stunned by that last blow! >Branco hits a brutal flying knee to the face, Bezerra is sent tumbling to the mat! >Branco quickly goes for the kill, looking to stomp and kick the dazed Bezerra! >Branco stomps and kicks away at the stunned Bezerra but can't put him away! >Bezerra pulls Branco down into half guard after he threw a wild bomb that didn't connect. >Branco throws a few strikes, but they are without venom. >Branco throws some small strikes, but is clearly just taking a moment to try and catch his breath. >Branco throws a few strikes, but is clearly slowing things down so that he can catch his breath. >Bezerra tries to sweep Branco but can't do it. >We are now at the halfway point of the round. >Looking to catch his breath, Branco is content to just throw a couple of punches to the body. >Branco looks to get past the half guard. >Branco isn't able to pass from half guard thanks to the tenacious defence of Bezerra. >Bezerra tries to sweep Branco but doesn't get anywhere. >The end of the round is coming quick, there's under a minute left. >The referee decides that there is a lack of progress being made and stands them back up. >Branco is looking to get in close and strike from the pocket. >Bezerra now has Branco standing in the pocket. >Branco uses head movement to dodge a jab, and counters with a straight right that connects right on the jaw, knocking Bezerra down! >Bezerra recovers his wits quickly, and waits for Branco to make a move. >On his back, Bezerra can't do much to stop a kick to the leg. >The time runs out on round one. >That was pretty dominant by Branco, a 10-8 round on my score card. >There's the bell and round number two begins! >Branco keeps his cool as Bezerra throws a feint to the left. >Bezerra feints throwing a jab. >Branco keeps his cool as Bezerra throws a feint to the left. >A tidy combination doesn't find a home, giving Bezerra the opportunity to counter with a brutal right head kick, Branco goes down on his ass! >Almost immediately Branco has shaken it off and is ready for Bezerra. >Bezerra steps in to stomp, but Branco grabs a leg and pulls him into guard. >Bezerra throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath. >Bezerra deflects a couple of punches that Branco threw from below. >Bezerra begins trying to pass the guard. >Branco is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Bezerra firmly in guard. >Bezerra deflects a couple of punches that Branco threw from below. >We go past the halfway point of this round. >Bezerra throws a few right hands, but is mainly trying to catch his breath. >Bezerra looks to pass guard and get side control. >He can't get free of the guard. >Bezerra deflects a couple of punches that Branco threw from below. >We have one minute of the round remaining. >Bezerra is trying to pass guard. >Branco is ready for the attempt though, and keeps Bezerra firmly in guard. >Branco throws out some punches, but Bezerra leans back to avoid them. >Round two is brought to an end as time runs out. >I'd say that was definitely 10-9 in favour of Bezerra. >There's the bell and round number three begins! >Judging from what we heard from his corner, Branco is looking to hit and run in this round. >Branco moves away from a right high kick and counters with a kick to the outside of the left leg. >An exchange of strikes goes nowhere. >A feint to the right gets Branco to move forward, and Bezerra almost clips him with a massive overhand right. >Bezerra avoids a jab. >Bezerra throws three punches in quick succession, but Branco was out of range. >Branco doesn't let Bezerra settle, stepping in closer to impose himself. >Bezerra avoids a low kick. >We pass the halfway mark of this round. >Bezerra gets Branco with a punch to the ribs, but it lacked power. >Not letting Bezerra settle at all, Branco comes in closer. >A jab doesn't find its intended target, allowing Bezerra to fire back with an enormous head kick, Branco is on rubbery legs for a moment and then falls down! >Bezerra quickly mounts the dazed Branco! >Bezerra tries to set up Branco for an armbar. >Branco does excellently, defending the armbar and using it to get on top in side control. >Branco punches down at Bezerra, but they are easily taken on the gloves. >Bezerra uses an underhook to work some separation, then quickly scrambles. >We have one minute of the round remaining. >Branco ends up having to pull half guard, losing out in the scramble. >Bezerra attempts to pass half guard and gain a better position. >He can't find a way past half guard. >Paulo Roberto Bezerra doesn't look like he has much left in the tank. >Round three is brought to an end as time runs out. >I have to give that round to Bezerra, but only a 10-9. >There's the bell and round number four begins! >An exchange of strikes doesn't really lead to anything. >Both fighters come in and throw strikes, there is no real damage done by either. >Both fighters fire off strikes, but neither does any significant damage. >Both fighters exchange strikes, but neither hits anything significant. >In close proximity from the strikes they threw, they fall into a messy clinch. >From the looks of things, I don't think Paulo Roberto Bezerra has much energy left. >Branco is looking to muscle Bezerra back against the ropes. >Bezerra ends up backed against the ropes. >Branco is breathing very hard. >Bezerra eats a short right uppercut that rocks him. >Branco hits Bezerra with a short, sharp right uppercut, knocking him down! >We go past the halfway point of this round. >Branco senses victory and starts to unload with punches! >Branco pounds away on Bezerra, landing several great shots that threaten to knock him out! >With Bezerra taking a beating, the referee has to stop the match! >Branco takes the win by TKO! >Official Result: Branco defeats 'The Serpent' Paulo Roberto Bezerra (TKO (Strikes) in 2:50 of round 4). The match was rated as being Decent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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