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Adam...Holiday season question

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I'm looking to purchase TEW 2010 as a Christmas gift to myself....haha


But I'd hate to purchase it this week then in two weeks see you lower the price as a "Holiday sale".


So my question is; can I buy it with the knowledge I won't be bothering Grey Dog in two weeks to reimburse the difference. Or shall I wait a few more weeks.


I know this puts you on the spot and I'm sorry but there is no harm in being a smart shopper, and I'm unsure of Grey Dog policies on this.


and for those who suggest that is simply buyers remorse. I don't agree.

If I purchase something at store and see that next week the item goes on sale I do return it and have to date always recieved the difference in one way or another. - in fact I have been told by some store staff, "wait until next week we're putting this on sale" That's just good customer service that gets my return business.

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Well he's not objecting to the price, I think its a fair question. I mean why pay 35 dollars for something if its going to be 25 in a week or two? I understand what you're saying, don't mind everyone else.


I obviously have no inside knowledge on these things but I do not believe that the games are offered for a discount during holiday season. I mean Hannukah would of been the time to do it right?

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