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Graphic Novels (Batman)


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Okay so I have never really been into comic books but after the newest batman movies and since I have a blackberry I've been wikipedia(ing?) about the villians of batman I absolutely love them lots of them! I know that the comic book goes way back to the days when my father was a kid and it will be very expensive/time consuming to find and read all that material.


My question is, is there an order to the Novels? Where can I find the list of the order?


I bought one today at borders, I know its probably not the one to start with as it is called Batman R.I.P but hey, its what I wanted to buy!

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In a lot of cases there is no specific order; the stand alone novels are just that - Batman stories written with familiar character but not necessarily within the current storylines, meaning you can read them whenever and they still make sense


Batman RIP is not that way; you actually picked one of the trickier ones as that's a collection of the comics leading up to the DC Crisis deal where Bruce Wayne died/got sent back in time. It doesn't mean it's bad...(I liked it quite a bit actually) just that some elements might not make sense if you aren't an avid reader.


As far as the 'stand alone' deals: I always recommend The Dark Knight Returns (Frank Miller) and Arkham Asylum (Grant Morrison) as well as the Batman: Black & White Books. The Killing Joke (Alan Moore) is also very good, but short.


For the compilation novels, check out 'Batman: Hush' or 'A Death in the Family.' Those are sort of standard issue reading and the Hush books will catch you up on a lot of the Batman mythos. One of my personal favs is 'Batman:Ten Nights of the Beast' but it's kind of hard to come by.

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I thought they were supposed to be stand alone but when I opened it to start reading there were a bunch of other things listed, somethings that aren't even batman? The crap thing is that I was going to get the Joker book instead but its alright! I"ll figure everything out I'm sure. I seen the Hush one as well, I will have to check that out thanks PH.


Masterded: I'm not sure when I'll get them but I will make sure that my next one Batman year one! Thanks for the suggestion.

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A Death in the Family is the Jason Todd epic, yeah?


A few of these that have been suggested are really good, and others I've not had a chance to read personally. The only one I could add to the list, albeit not Batman specific, is Kingdom Come (Mark Waid & some glorious artwork by Alex Ross) ... it's a stand alone reality of the entire DC universe. Just brilliant, one of my favorite stories to this day.

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I'm a trade collector and buying at Borders/Barnes & Nobles end up getting expensive if you start grabbing a few titles. Amazon has their comics discounted reasonably and shipping is free on orders over $25. If you are going to make an order of $50 or more though, you should check out InStockTrades. Their prices are about the same as Amazon but you only get the free shipping on orders over $50. The people who run that site are super nice people and owned a brick and mortar comic shop for years before going completely online.


A lot of the best Bat books have been named. I'll throw out Batman: The Long Halloween which is another very strong Batman book written by Jeph Loeb, who also wrote Batman: Hush that Peter mentioned. Both are self contained stories without any addition crossover books or additional information needed to enjoy. [Just saw Masterded did mention Long Halloween already. Oh well. Dark Victory is another Jeph Loeb Batman title I like which would be good to read after Long Halloween.]

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Another one to check is Prey, especially considering the rumor that the new Nolan Batman film will take heavily from it. Which is cool. I like Hugo Strange.


I think/hope he has Catwoman in it as well. Would be nice to see Catwoman as somewhat how she is in the comic's for a change. Will be really dissapointed if they don't utilize her right though.


EDIT: Have no clue how they will spin the tail of Prey and have Catwoman in there as well, but he did cover quite a bit of territory in the other two movies, without it taking away overall.

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A few of these that have been suggested are really good, and others I've not had a chance to read personally. The only one I could add to the list, albeit not Batman specific, is Kingdom Come (Mark Waid & some glorious artwork by Alex Ross) ... it's a stand alone reality of the entire DC universe. Just brilliant, one of my favorite stories to this day.


Wholeheartedly agree with this. Still one of the top 2-3 comics I've ever read and the artwork is amazing; still occasionally see things I didn't notice before in the background.

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<p>Okay so a little update, I finished R.I.P Batman a long time ago and was confused, a little angry, etc. I'm over it now and realized that not knowing the story was the main reason why and I am of course going to give it another go round. </p><p> </p><p>

I've taken some advice and bought some used graphic novels from this new book store, none of them are batman but I was wondering one some opinions on them.</p><p> </p><p>

Green Lantern rebirth I bought about a week and ago and today I bought Green Latern: The Sinestro Corps War. My question on these onesare: are they linked? If so which one comes first? </p><p> </p><p>

The Sandman: Season of Mists volume 4. Obviously I'm not going to start this one until I find volume 1 but it looks really good so I had to have it. </p><p> </p><p>

The Amazing Spiderman: Death and Dating. Out of these books spiderman is the only one that I actually know (through the movies). I was wondering if this is a stand alone? If not what comes before it? What comes after it?</p><p> </p><p>

For all of these books I would love some opinions and thoughts! Thank you.</p>

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