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I'm curious what everyone feels about the injuries in this game; specifically, the out-of-fight variety?


I've had the injuries option set to Very High since I started my newest game, which I'm nearly two-and-a-half years into. During those two years, I've booked right around 200 fights. And not a single one of them has had to be changed due to injury. In fact, I think I've only had one or two fighters on my roster go down with a non-fight injury. And I don't think I'm just lucky, as I can only recall two or three CPU fights having to be re-booked/canceled.


Now, maybe I should have tempered my expectations a bit, but I thought going in that an injury slider on Very High would produce results at least approaching what the UFC goes through (seems like at least one fight per card has someone get injured beforehand).


Am I just incredibly lucky or have others been having this same issue?

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