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Just a few questions

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Mods are very easy to use and you can have all sorts of mods going on and all sorts of save games. I would suggest reading the in game mod tutorial as it explains things as well as anyone here can, just open the game, click on edit database, then in the bottom right click install a mod for a step by step.


Like every game for any system of any time there is a default database. You can create new databases and edit those as much as you like. Here are some examples of what I did to help you.


1)From the main menu select the editor, then new database,

2)choose any name you want, we'll use "Monster" as the name for this

3) This will create a new database folder that is entirely blank in the installed directory. Most likely C:/Program File/GDS/WMMA 3/Databaes, you will now have a "Default" and a "Monster" folder.

4) Open the "Default" folder and select everyting it and copy and paste into the "Monster" folder, this will now give you the "Default" C-Verse in your "Monster" database.

5) Open up WMMA 3, you should be on the "Monster" database still but from the main menu you can click on "Change Database" at the top to make sure

6) Now you are free to make whatever changes your heart desires and still have the original game data in tact, you can also always re-download it in case you mess it up by mistake. You can also have different save games for each database. Just go in and click on the fighters and the companies and fool around with their stats for fun :)


I have 4 databases right now, for example a women's one where I deleted all male fighters.


And yes achievements are in the demo, you can also mod the demo database as well.

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