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“Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had – unknown”


If you could change time, just for a moment. Would you use it? Or would you be afraid? Just that one moment you could change. Change that moment that shook your whole world apart. But you can’t, and life doesn’t work out that way. You have to keep rolling with the punches. One…Two, three, four.


And you have to keep getting up. Even though, that other person isn’t here around you, to tell you what to do. You can still hear their voice. In the back of your mind. Even though you haven’t spoken for 8 years. They’ve forgiven you for what you have done. Atleast that’s what your hoping. And that’s what your telling yourself. Because if you didn’t tell yourself that, you would be dead.


Numbing the pain. That’s what I have learned to do the best. And that is what I have always done. It’s the only think, that keeps me going threw. I gulp down the miller lights. One, two, three. Anything to take this pain away, I said to myself. And then I took out the cocaine. Snorting it. Coughed for a little while. And then it kicked in. Finally. This crazy, rewarding feeling rushed threw my body. Along with this intense happiness and self pride. I never felt anything like it in my life.


But I couldn’t numb the pain forever. I started crying breaking down. I couldn’t take this depression anymore. I couldn’t take it. It was bad enough, I went threw all this depression as a kid. But this, this was too much. I couldn’t physically do it anymore. I couldn’t. The tears crashed down onto my skin. They felt like broken glass. But my depression felt worse than that. A lot worse.


And last but not least. The final thing I brought with me, to the hotel. A gun. I held onto it. It felt this extreme pleasure holding it. I knew this was it. I was finally going to die. I would feel nothing. And finally be free of this horrible pain. This pain and misery would finally leave me. Finally I was free.


I had made my decision.


“How can they tell I’m a monster, with the was you refuse to die. This is it. There is no way out. There is no way to repair me. I’m done. And your going be done in five minutes. Try to squirm please, I know the rope is too tight for you to move. But try, try to escape. Please sweetie I like to see you struggle. Because those are the last moves you will ever make. These are the last words I will ever think. Even though, you don’t love me, I know you really do. And now you have no choice. Because we will die in each others arm. Together was one.”


It will all be over soon sweet heart. Just relax breath with me one two three. There you go. Ahhh, your perfume smells so nice. Almost as nice as you are. Oh you didn’t have to dress up for me how sweet.


Well….I guess this is it. Are you ready to die in each other’s arm? Don’t worry sweet heart. It’ll be quick I promise. She tried to escape, the thick tight rope. But she couldn’t she was stuck. She tried to move left right, made any hand signals, anything. Screaming her lowdest, hoping and praying that someone would hear her. But her prayers weren’t going to be answered. Her thin, now pale body hovered over in a shock of fear. She couldn’t take this anymore. This stress, this horrible pain, no she had to find a way out. She had to look for something, a gun. Anything. No nothing. She would have to sufer threw this. And the sad point of the whole matter, was the guy right next to her. She has known him since he was little.


Just a little boy. Seeing what he had turned into. It just crushed her inside. Of course it wasn’t his fault. It was his father’s. He ruined this kid’s life. And somebody should of helped him. Someone anyone at all. But nobody ever did. And that was the problem. All these murders they could have been stopped. But no, nobody payed attention to that kid, or his family life. And right now, she definitly wish she would of. And the police, the police made it worse. If they never would of sent him to jail, for something so pointless. This all could have been avoided. She felt sorry for this guy. She didn’t hate him. Sometimes crazy moments in life, well they can make you lose your mind. She was ready, she was ready to die.


Her, whole life flashed right in front of her. When she was a little kid, playing yatzi with her mom. To her first boyfriend. To gradutation. To getting married. To this moment right hear. She smiled, they were very great moments. But this, this wasn’t at all. If only, if only it could have been different.


The man stood over her, smileing from check to cheek. He has waited for this, for longer then he could remember. This was the girl he loved. The one he obsessed about. This was the same girl, that ignored him and never gave him the time of the day. And this was the girl, he was going to die with. I never expected to end up like this. I never imagined this would end up like this. No, I’m not a monster. I’m not a monster.


I never imagined I would end up like this. I never imagined this, that I would be liked him.


I’ll love you forever, if you let me. If you let me. And we’ll die in each other’s arms.

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Two things I need to mention. One I am going to review all these threads. But it's going to take awhile. I also want to read, some old threads I used to read. But I stopped checking up on them. And I want to catch up on them, see what happened. And also read the current ones. So that will take a while. So I will start reviewing in 3 days, after I read all of this stuff. Also so sorry, for taking so long to post. Don't really have a reason. But I shouldn't be that lazy.



Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. – Martin Luther King




So there I was sitting in my car. I was in a pretty good mood. Life had been pretty good for me. And I enjoyed the new opportunity of each, new and bright day. I have always been a glass half empty, kind of guy. I don’t know. I’m strange like that, I guess. But I have really tried to change my ways. Because, being like that. Well it’s makes you feel awful. You get sad, and depressed over everything. And I don’t want that. You have to enjoy life. Atleast, that’s what I’m trying to do.


Person In Car: John, are you talking to yourself again? Jeez dude. It’s sounds like your narrating something. Like your in a movie, or something. It’s kind of creeping me out, to be honest.


Me: Oh, haha I’m sorry. I do that sometimes. Especially when I don’t mean to. I’m sorry. I know that can be really annoying.


Person In Car: I find it kind of cute, actually.


Me: (I smiled) Awww… your to kind.


Person In Car: So anyway… I was going to my parents house…and we got into a pretty big fight. It was over something really stupid. I wanted to play poker online and….


Oh jeez I really didn’t need this now. Yeah, parents. That topic always left, me feeling sad. Yeah my parents. They were really great parents, actually. Not too strict and really friendly. But, these are also the same people, I haven’t talked to in 10 years. I can remember it like, it was yesterday.




My mom’s face looked like she had, just seen a ghost. I didn’t know what was going on. I had walked down, at 10:58. How I remember that exact time, I don’t know. I’m kind of creepy like that. I remember completely, random things for no reason. This coming from the same person, who can’t remember what he ate 3 days ago. My brain is weird like that. I can remember stuff, and events from when I was two. But I can’t remember, what the teacher just said in the classroom. I was eating my Lucky Charms, and I was in a good mood in fact. I had been trying this, “try to be happy” thing. But, I was scared to death, on what was going on here. My mom looked scared to death. And there was this weird lady here, reeking with perfume. I tried to listen in.


Mom: What you can’t do this to us! Your taking our house away. NOOOO, please stop. You can’t do this. YOU CAN’T DO THIS!


Lady: Yes, I am afraid so. I am sorry but, you don’t have any money left. It’s kind of strange. You had plenty, or money before. And it just disappeared. You know, I think it’s really irresponsible, and disappointing, for you to just gamble your money away.


Mom: Gamble, my money away. What are you talking about?


Lady: Well I’m sorry, but you have no money left in your back account.


Mom: What, how is that possible?


Lady: Well hold on let me check here.


Checks some important looking papers.


Lady: It looks like, this person had checked out all of your money, in the bank. Sorry for the mistake. Oh, yes the name is Glenn Gronkowski.


Mom: WHAT!


Lady: Yes, someone by the name of Glenn Gronkowski somehow, got hold of your credit cards, and has taken all of your money. I’m so sorry.


Mom: What that’s my ex husband. How could he do this? Oh no, this is horrible, we are going to have to live on the streets. Beg for food. You hear that, kids were going to be beggars. And live on the streets.


Oh course, everyone was startled by this. And in panic. How could this of happened. And that was it. I couldn’t believe my father would do this.


*Ring Ring Ring* (phone call)


Dad: Hello


Me: What the hell, dad. You stole all of our money. Give it back now.


Dad: I don’t know what you are talking about.


Me: Were poor now, everything is gone.


Dad: I didn’t do anything.


Mom: Now hold on, John. Don’t go, blaming this on your father. He didn’t do anything.


Me: Are you serious Mom? You know what I am sick of this. And I am sick of you. I am old enough, to live on my own. And you know what, that’s what I am going to do. And Dad, I hate you. You’re an awful, person. Why don’t you just roll over and die, nobody likes you anyway. I’m done with you. Goodbye.


And just like that I had walked out on my parents. Up until now 10 years later.


* Flashback ends*


Person In Car: And I was like…


Me: Hey would you mind, if I went to my parents house for a minute?


Person In Car: Oh yeah, sure no problem.


Me: By myself.


Person In Car: Yeah, sure.


*Fast forward the card ride *


*Knock Knock Knock*


Man, was I nervous. How would my parents react? I couldn’t do this. No, I couldn’t do this. But I knew I had to. I must. The door slowly, opened. And a very familiar person, opened the door,


Mom: Of my god, this can’t be. Oh, I missed you so much! Oh come inside, I’ll make tea!


I sat down, the house still looked the same. The colors of the rooms were still there. All painted there own colors. The room was filled with statues, and art work. It really did look beautiful.


Me: Well I can see, you got the house back. So where is dad?


Mom: Oh. Well sweetie, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your father… well he is dead.


Me: What?


Mom: Well yeah. See your father, well he never stole out money. No, someone had stolen my father's identity. And our credit card numbers. He was pretty clever. But they caught him.


Me: No, this can’t be.


Mom: I’m afraid it is.


Me: But I never got to say good bye. I loved him, I really did. And I never got to say goodbye. I was upset at him, for something he never did. And my last words were, are I hate you. You’re an awful, person. Why don’t you just roll over and die, nobody likes you anyway. I’m done with you. Goodbye. The last things, I ever said to him. Was that I hated him.


I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I started crying openly. And I couldn’t stop, no matter how hard I tried. And my mother started to cry openly, also.


Mom: I know. Hey I kept this in my pocket. Every day. Just in case you, ever came by. He wanted me to give this to you.


“ I know you were never around, since I got this illness. And sadly, they say I don’t have much time to live. I’m so sorry, for anything you think I might have done. I know, sometimes I was a little hard on you. But I always wanted what was best for you. I really do care for you, a lot. More then you will ever know. I always wanted a son. And I finally had on with you. I was always so proud of you. You really where a great son. If there is one thing, I would like to re- do. It would be, to chase more of my dreams. You should always chase your dreams. I never chased any of mine. And I know we always talked, about opening up our own, wrestling company. Well I want you to do that. And that is why I left all this money, taped to the card. It’s a lot of my life’s savings. Spend it well. And chase that dream of yours. And one last thing. I love you. ”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don’t be too harsh. This is the first creative writing project, I have ever done. And I’m 16. .


And I said I would have it up by today. Sorry, sometimes I’m so lazy. 




It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either. -

Wayne Dyer


I wasn’t even thinking about what the people were thinking about me, at the party. All I was thinking off, is could I survive?




It was a beautiful day. Sun shinning. Birds singing. And it seemed just like in other fictional stories how every animals, seemed to get along. Everyone was just doing great. The grass was green. The sky was blue. (oh really and the sun was what color?). The sun was a beaming bright yellow. (:0) It was amazing. Now when ever someone is writing they are always describe, the day as a great and wonderful. Everyone was just sing and just getting along, on this beautiful day. Well I’m not that kind of person. Because in this story, at this very moment in was raining out. It was a horrible rain, with nasty looking clouds hovering over the distance. Oh and guess what, there was also hail after the rain stopped.


The wind was so bad you could barley see. And guess what? Two people just got rapped by the bank. Oh goodie. Splendid day. Right? Yes that what was I was thinking too. An amazing day. But I was doing alright. Thanks for asking. Or thinking. I was chilling at my house in home. Well my 5,000 dollar peace of crap home, yes. But luckily this is in print and you luckily can’t see it. (yes somehow my character knows about his life while I’m writing about it, don’t ask.) I was chilling with my best friend. Jayolina. She was wearing sunglasses, yes indoors. Wishing she was at the beach. She had her whole beach attire on, too. I was just sitting there, talking with her. Admiring her beauty. Knowing that, I always wanted her to be my girlfriend. But none the less, I always knew that, I was never worth her time.


Jayolina: Man I wish I was at the beach. The sites, the sounds. Humpf.


Me: I know I wish too. But hey, at least we don’t have cancer, or something like that. I don’t get the big deal of outside anyways. I love staying indoors.


Jayolina: And that is why, you are as white, as a ghost.


Me: Ehhh, thanks a lot. Man, just because you couldn’t go to the beach, doesn’t mean you have to take all your frustration out on me.


Jayolina: Oh sorry.


Me: It’s alright.


Jayolina: What have you been up to?


Me: Well not much. Let’s see. I sleep, and drink alcohol. I’ve been trying this new thing, it’s called like Valium.


Jayolina: What!?


Me: Man, you have no idea what I been threw. Now I have to tell you my story of bad luck, and desperateness. I’m not making this stuff up. I promise.


Jayolina: Your such a drama queen. Jeez. Calm down there. I bet it can’t be that bad. I’m just shocked, and what your doing to your body, and your mind..


Me: Want me to tell you my story?


Jayolina: Why not, I can’t watch Family Matters all night, can I?


Me: Well after high school, as you know I kind of stopped hanging out with all of my friends.


Jayolina: Yeah I noticed that.


Me: Well anyway. This was just after I lost my identity. And almost lost all my money. Yeah great huh? The good part is, that got all settled out. Get this, I found out that my father. You know the one that I hadn’t talked to in like, forever? Well guess what, after all this, he really did love me. Uhhh. It’s worst that it sounds. I can’t get him off my mind.


Jayolina: Uh, that’s horrible. I’m so sorry. Oh, by the way. We have a party going on, and Tee Jay’s. Do you want to come?


Me: Why not?




The party was just filling in. It was your basic party. People having fun. Lots and lots of drinking, and drugs. And then out of no where came this stunning blond haired woman. Well she wasn’t stunning. But she was cute enough. And she caught my eye. She had the cutest smile. It was adorable. She was adorable. Of course my friend Jayolina, noticed that I started staring into midspace, for about 20 seconds. Yeah, smooth. It didn’t take her long to figure out, what I was starting at.


Jayolina: Wow, she sure is pretty you should go talk to her.


Me: ….


Jayolina: Oh c’mon. I saw that little twinkle in your eye. You know she was totally looking the same way.


*Flash Back* (and these are always good moments, right?)


It was no big deal just a small little knot, on the side of his neck. He said it hurt a little, but not that much. Just when he moved his neck around. But he could feel it going away. But it didn’t go away. It just stayed there. It wouldn’t go away. It couldn’t go away. It hurt every single time he moved his neck. And it just wouldn’t go away. Every time he walked he could feel the pain. And slowly by slowly it kept getting worse. Worse and worse. The knot got so bad on the side of his neck. That is looked like a chicken’s egg. He had cancer. And boy could I remember the days. All I wished for, was that I could take the pain away, from him. Just for a second. I couldn’t stand seeing him there, in the hospital bed.


His face white, eyes closed. The low moans I heard. And those low moans stayed in my head, day after day when I was asleep. The pain, the pain shifted threw his whole body. He knew he couldn’t stop what his dad was going threw. And I couldn’t take it, along with everyone else in my family. And how… are relationship ended. I was so selfish. And so horrible I knew I made the wrong decision. And the problem was. I could never take that decision back. And I never had the chance to say…I’m sorry. I was going insane now. My head started spinning. And it’s not like these times, like “oh my head was spinning ahhh”. No it was like my head was spinning, and it was 260 times faster than, how fast it normally is when they say the fraise “my head is spinning”. It didn’t take long for me to be on the ground. Gasping for a breath. Trying to get in any oxygen at all. I wasn’t even thinking about what the people were thinking about me, at the party. All I was thinking off, is could I survive.


Jayolina: My friend is down. Please help call 911…


Was that Jayolina. Voices… voices were now starting to go threw my head. Thoughts of bullies from school. From my first girlfriend. From my friends. And from the one person, I was thinking about the whole time….my Dad. Boom. Everything flashed right before my eyes. And then everything was clear. I could see perfectly. Everything was fine. “you never loved your father” who said that. “you hated your father, you said you hated him” “you suck dude”. Everyone was talking about me. They were they talking about me? How did they know me. Right before my eyes, I could see people’s mouths moving. I could see them talking.


They knew I didn’t love my father. Then out of no where, I grabbed a bottle. And smashed it over someone’s head. Bam! One down. The next person I thought, was talking bad about my dad. I started punching him…one..two…three. Shot to the face. Then another then another. Kick to the gut, then a head butt. He was bleeding now. Onto the next guy. Shots to the gut, hard shots, over and over again. Grabbing a glass, and smashed it right over the guys head. Of course by that time there was police. They were dragging me out of the building. In handcuffs and all the stuff. Of course, I didn’t realize my phone was ringing.


*Beep Beep Beep* “Hello this is Tommy Cornell: I remember I was interested in starting some kind of wrestling agreement with you a year ago. I know we lost track of each other. I also have free TCW ticks in here, for the next paperview. Please call back, thank you.

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Don’t be too harsh. This is the first creative writing project, I have ever done. And I’m 16. .


Not sure if that was aimed at my comment, but if so I didn't mean it in a negative way (if that's how it came across), I meant it's not a typical backstory in so much that you've got some deep emotional scenes going - and personally, I dig flashbacks and twisty-storytelling. Like TheEffect, I'm interested to see how this is leading up to the wrestling portion. You've got a good writing style going. :)

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