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What am I missing? Is a 0/0/0 game impossible?

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I tried starting with nothing to build from the ground up. I tried with seven divisions, no chance. Then I tried with three divisions to use fewer fighters. Still no chance.


If I use fighters that gain me popularity (and only 0.8% at a time at that), I spend a whole ton of money. If I use the cheap people, my critical rating is so low I actually LOSE popularity AND I still lose money because there's no money coming in (attendance drops to around 100-150). Is there any way to gain money starting from 0, or is that hopeless?


What am I missing here? I've tried everything I can think of and nothing has worked.

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I would say the only way anyone would have chance at succeeding with this would be to start off with fight cards every 3 months, and hope the months you dont fight you make enough in sponsorship to cover your losses from using fighters.


3 fights max per cards otherwise you will leak money like a sieve. Lowish ticket prices to attract more fans. Minimal number of divisions so you need less fighters.


Maybe as well as start in unregulated area, or enable tourneys to run in regulated areas in options, run a 4 man tourney, you get 3 fights on the card and only have to pay 4 guys for the night (i think its changed from WMMA 2 so that a tourny only counts as 1 fight, i assume that means money as well, havent run a tourney yet so dont know..)

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What's your "promotion" avatar statistic? Not sure if it helps a lot, but I started from nothing with a promotion stat of 8 and gained way more than 0.8% reputation for a show - Just held a "decent" rated show and went from 97.4 to 99.8% regional. Furthermore, the fans seem a lot less fussy about the quality of my main events with good promotion skills.


Anyway, it took me about two years to break even, and I was about 700K in the red at the time, running a show every 3 weeks with 5 fights, upping this number to 6 and 7 once my roster increased to about 100 guys. I have 3 weight classes and my top competitors and title holders are generally guys I've built up myself.


For negotiations, make sure to offer your guys 0% in merchandising profits, they don't mind until much higher popularity and it saves you a bundle. Other than that, just keep running shows - I started making a profit once I hit mid level regional, am currently 99.8% regional and have 2.5 million more in the bank than when I started the game, currently making 200K per month. I am 3 years in. You ARE going to be bleeding money for a good while, though - I personally started my game with 5 million in the bank. You might as well do that too, as the economy of WMMA games has always been kinda uninvolving.


If you have new regens or low popularity fighters you need to build up quick, running 4- or 8 man tournaments on television shows are great. I had a highly charismatic and good fighter go from being completely unknown to high level regional from winning a single 4-man tournament.

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You seemed to have a lot of problems with WMMA2 as well. Maybe you're just really bad at booking matches and you just don't realize it.


No, I had no real trouble in WMMA2, it's TEW2010 I had trouble in. I completely and utterly conquered WMMA2 to where I was at 100% international in every area except Africa (where, even running multiple shows there a month, I could never go over 5% national for some reason, even with "Excellent" shows).

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