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Grey Dog Pro Wrestling: The Return of Attitude

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**NOTE** Due to me having a slow computer, I might not be posting pics for this diary, which I have a feeling will lower any brownie points from you guys. I will be posting this diary as James Ewing (yes, myself, of course), but also as my promotion. So, without further ado, here I go with my first diary.


Week 1, January 2010

James Ewing

I sat at my desk, having just watched TCW's Psycho Circus pay-per-view. I studied the matches, watching as my mind wondered. I had debuted in pro wrestling just last month, working an indy show, losing in a pretty bad match against Ben Williams. I tried my best, but even Williams couldn't help me out. I had heard that scouts from USPW were in the crowd, so I had gotten nervous. Yeah, I blew any shot of them talking to me, but at least they talked to Williams. *sigh* I was a little down, but I was only pro for a month. I was thinking that someday, somehow...i'd be in one of one major companies. A man can only dream, ya know.


Anyways, I was surfing the internet, looking at some wrestling news. Suddenly, I noticed that a new company was being formed. Grey Dog Pro Wrestling was it's name. It had no info on who was founding it, but the article said he was "a mysterious figure". I had no clue who he was, but I was excited. Why, you ask? It was a new company opening, meaning I had a chance to impress my way into there and try to impress guys in the company that had friends in high places. Well, I could only hope, anyways. I read on about getting ahold of this company, but no info for it. Only that "THEY will come to you", meaning I could only hope and pray that they would call me.


Well, I decided to pack on some clothes and head to the airport. Tonight, I was heading to the Snake Pit in Southern California. CZCW was holding a show there, and I was gonna try to talk to some of the talent. Maybe, just maybe, I could get a job...or a tryout...or something. When I arrived at the airport and checked everything in, I got onto my seat. I looked to see if someone was sitting by me and someone was. I looked at him kinda funny, like i'd seen him from somewhere.


"Excuse me, but I think i've seen you from somewhere," I said to him. "Sorry, but I don't know who you are," he said back. I looked down at my carry on and a lightbulb came on. I opened my bag and pulled out a DVD of the Xtreme Danger Wrestling company. I looked on there and looked back at the man sitting next me and I smiled. "I knew it! I knew i'd seen you, before! You're Xavier Reckless from the old XDW!" He glared back at me, then smiled. "Yes, I am. I didn't know you were a wrestling fan." I thought to myself, "Of course you didn't, I only said one thing to you." "Yeah, I liked some of the stuff you guys were doing. When I was training to be a pro wrestler, I was gonna try and work with you, guys. Too bad you guys closed." The entire flight, him and I talked about nothing but wrestling. Found out he was going to the CZCW show, as well. After we landed and got our luggage, I asked him if he was working anywhere. He smiled, walked off and said four words that made me want to work there even more...Grey Dog Pro Wrestling.

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Week 2, January 2010


Al Coleman of CZCW torn his rotator cuff during his Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship match with Marc Speed, which they lost to the Cali Dragons. Coleman is expected to be out all of 2010.


Stone Yoshikawa was recalled to PGHW from their development company earlier this week.


Golden Canvas Grappling has increased their size to be classified as a "Cult" promotion. Internal reports state they will look to hire more talent.


Former 4-time 5 Star World Champion Thunder Hike has signed with BHOTWG to work as a colour commentator.


James Ewing

I felt bad. Al's a great worker, and he tore his rotator cuff at CZCW's Revolution 2010 show, taking him out of action for all of 2010. It didn't need to happen to Coleman. Anyways, after my week stay in Southern California (which, btw, I didn't like...too hot), I headed back home to Kansas (insert Wizard of Oz joke). I landed and drove home, wondering if Coleman would be ok after this injury.


I did what I always did everyday...checked the internet for wrestling news. After talking with Reckless for that entire plan trip to Cali, it got me thinking. If this Grey Dog Pro Wrestling was gonna hire a guy like that, what's wrong with them? Xavier isn't exactly a "great wrestler"...hell, not even a good wrestler. Something was amiss with GDS. Anyways, I went online to see if GDS had hired officially hired anyone, yet. I had checked my e-mail and my voicemail...no calls, so I knew GDS haven't tried getting ahold of me. I wasn't surprised to see online reports that GDS had already filled their very small roster. No, not just the card...the article said the ENTIRE roster. I saw 17 names in the report...and even the first card was listed. I opened the link and saw it. Well, I figured, hell, I should go see it. They are operating out of the Mid-West, so I was close to them.


Grey Dog Pro Wrestling presents...LIVEWIRE

Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Hunter's Town Hall


GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson


Your Announcers: Davis Ditterich & Tim Weightman


I stared at that card...and laughed. These guys didn't call me and they were putting guys like The old CZCW Paratroopers on the card? Ok, Ant-Man and Island Boy Apollo aren't surprising, but The Paratroopers? Well, some comments on the site were already of fans bashing GDS for hiring guys like The Paratroopers, Daredevil Aero, Extreme Deluxe and Fearless Blue. I just hope GDS knows what they are doing.

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Reminds me of a XDW dynasty being written on these very boards...;)


I'm interested to see where this is going.


GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson

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Week 4, January 2010


Kristen Pearce, sister of Jesse Gilmore, and Emmy were both recalled from RIPW. Both are being brought in as managers.


Former NYCW Tag Team Champion Roger Cage has signed a deal with the SWF.


SWF When Hell Freezes Over grabbed a 3.55 ppv buyrate, their highest of the year...well, ONLY one, so far. Main Event saw Erin Eisen successfully retain his World Heavyweight Championship against Jack Bruce, Gregory Black and Marat Khoklov.


TCW Malice In Wonderland 2010 grabbed a 1.45 ppv buyrate, over 2 whole points lower than SWF's ppv. Main Event saw Rocky Golden successfully retain his World Heavyweight Championship against Troy Tornado.


James Ewing

I showed up at Hunter's Town Hall and was amazed...at how small the crowd was. I counted just over 50 people, meaning GDS wasn't advertising that well, but they were a "local" company, so I was surprised. I sat down and waited for the show to start. Maybe this show would be better than I thought. When I waked in, I noticed Xavier Reckless arguing with someone, who's face I couldn't see. The person looked important, meaning it must be the person who ran GDS. After seeing that, I could imagine what Reckless did. As I was thinking, Island Boy Apollo walked out, and the show started.


Event: GDS Livewire

Location: Hunter's Town Hall (Mid West)

Attendance: 56


The show opened with Island Boy Apollo walking to the ring. He starting playing to the crowd, getting on their good side. Clearly he was the "face of the company", per say. He started talking about his journey into wrestling and into Grey Dog Pro Wrestling, when Xavier Reckless walked to the ring. He told Apollo that he didn't care about what he HAD done, because since he was in GDS with Reckless, now, there was nothing he could do. Xavier stated that he was a former owner, so he knows what makes a wrestler and Apollo didn't have "it". Apollo argued back that even though he was a former owner, he's "former" for a reason. Reckless told Apollo to keep making jokes, because in the main event, he will win and become the first GDS Heavyweight Champion.


Rating: E (27)


Roger Monteiro vs. Adrian "Paradigm" Noelson

The first match is GDS history was better than most imagined it would be. When the match picked up speed, the crowd was all over Noelson. They didn't like him at all. I guess they knew about the Paratroopers thing from CZCW, as well. Clearly, neither wrestler could carry this match, which saw Noelson pick up the win after about 6 minutes.


Rating: F+ (15)


Daredevil Aero & Andy "Paranoia" de Bottom vs. DeCipher & Ashton "Paradox" Barnaby

The first tag team match in GDS history was better than the perivous match. The clear star of the match was DeCipher. How could I tell that? Because the crowd hated the other three. Guess if you were a "Paratrooper" or worked for XDW, the crowd was against you. If it wasn't for DeCipher, this match would've imploded the second the bell rang to start the match. DeCipher and Barnaby won the match when DeCipher pinned de Bottom.


Rating: E- (20)


After that match, Fearless Blue walked to the ring, which even though he was a face, the crowd was still booing him pretty hard (remember, XDW). He got in the ring and told the crowd he had a problem with someone backstage, and that was Extreme Deluxe, the man he faces later tonight and a guy he use to work with back in XDW. On cue, Deluxe got in the ring and got in Blue's face. Blue tells Deluxe that back in XDW, Deluxe thought he was better than everyone else, even though he wasn't. Deluxe grabs the mic, and the crowd booed even harder. He tells Blue that he WAS the MVP of XDW...not Blue and not Reckless. It was him. He was the reason the people came to see XDW. Blue chimed back and said no, Deluxe was the reason XDW closed in 2007. Deluxe went to clothesline Blue, but he ducked and hit Deluxe with a dropkick, which sent Deluxe to the outside. Deluxe then headed backstage, which Blue followed him back.


Rating: F+ (13)


Ant-Man vs. Jebediah

I could see that this match would be good before the match started. Well, good in this company's standards, anyways. Ant-Man was a major point for some of these "fans" coming to the show. He definally should be the "face" of this company, not Apollo...even though Apollo was a good worker. This match worked to Ant-Man's strengths. He was a small worker working against a man much bigger than him. With those strengths in place, Ant-Man got the win with a roll-up.


Rating: E- (23)


After the match, Ant-Man started to celebrate, when Jebediah charged at him and took him out. He hit him with a clothesline, picked him up and hit him with a powerbomb. The crowd booed as Jebediah smiled and left as the ref checked on Ant-Man.


Rating: F (6)


After that, we get treated to more Reckless. He walks out from the back and tell everyone that he stands by what he said earlier in the night that he was better than Apollo and would prove that with a win later tonight for the championship. He states he was the "face" of XDW, and he WILL be the face of GDS, as well.


Rating: F+ (17)


Fearless Blue vs. Extreme Deluxe

If GDS ever gets big enough to release DVD's of their shows, i'll bet any amount of money that this match will NEVER make it for any reason. This match was just plain awful. The crowd didn't like Blue and they HATED Deluxe, both workers missed countless spots and it was just bad. The match also went too long (about 10 minutes) for these two. Thankfully, the match ended with Blue getting the win.


Rating: F (6)


Island Boy Apollo vs. Xavier Reckless (GDS Heavyweight Championship)

At last, we had the main event, and I guess I should thank Blue and Deluxe for stinking up the show, because the crowd ate this match up. It was a typical back and forth match, which started out with Reckless getting the upper hand, Apollo fought back, Reckless cheated alittle and Apollo hit Reckless with his finisher to win the championship. Clearly the best match of the night, with both guys hitting some high risk spots, including Reckless getting through a table when he dove off the top rope onto Apollo, who was on the table, but rolled off.


Rating: E (26)


Overall, the show was pretty good for a starting company. If they keep guys like the Paratroopers and the men from XDW around, the company won't last. Anyways, definally looking forward to next month's show. Hopefully, Ant-Man and Apollo can put on some steller matches next month, as well.


Overall: E- (21)


Quick Results:

Adrian Noelson d. Roger Monteiro

DeCipher & Ashton Barnaby d. Daredevil Aero & Andy de Bottom

Ant-Man d. Jebediah

Fearless Blue d. Extreme Deluxe

Island Boy Apollo d. Xavier Reckless for the GDS Heavyweight Championship


20LEgend: 4/5

mistaken: 4/5

MJStark: 3/5

LordJaguar: 2/5


**NOTE** Any feedback is welcome with how i'm writing the shows or with anything, really. Glad you guys are reading.

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I like it not too long but enough to get good detail in and show good writing, I also like being kept up on the ROW so if you keep the SWF/TCW news up I'd be pleased. Also I agree Island Boy Apollo could be the face of the promotion and has to be the champ for a long time to come :D


PS I never want to see one of the Paratroopers win EVER!!!! again



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February 2010


Bear Bekowski was recalled from RIPW. SWF officials see great star value in him.


Sam Keith will be staying with TCW for the future, having just re-signed with the company.


Looks like we have two new couples in the wrestling world. Frank De Pain & Miss Information have announced that they have been dating, and Captain Wrestling II & Brittini Burke have also been dating for a few weeks, as well.


SWF Nothing To Lose grabbed a 3.63 ppv buyrate, up 0.08 points from last month. Main Event saw Eric Eisen successfully retain the World Heavyweight Championship over Jack Bruce.


TCW The War To Settle The Score grabbed a 1.58 ppv buyrate, up 0.03 points from last month. Main Event saw Rocky Golden successfully retain the World Heavyweight Championship over Troy Tornado.


James Ewing

After seeing the GDS show from last month, I figured that GDS isn't about good wrestling, but trying to put some young talent (or talent that sucks, aka The Paratroopers) into the ring to try and make them better. To be honest, I thought that there wasn't anything wrong with that. I thought the Blue/Deluxe match was bad, mainly because the crowd didn't like either person. Anyways, I decided to go online and see the card for the next show, but when I checked, I noticed a local indy show being lined up...and I was on it! I couldn't believe it. The card had me in a tag team match (teaming with Mad Dog Mortimer) against Leo Davis and Mark Smart. I checked my e-mail and there was the invite to the show. So, I gladly e-mail them back and said I was in. Hopefully, I could rebound myself from that awful match against Ben Williams. Well, it would be better than the Fearless Blue/Extreme Deluxe match, anyways. Finding the GDS news and their card, here is what it said.



GDS and Extreme Deluxe have agreed on a release. We here at Grey Dog Pro Wrestling wish him the best in the future.


GDS has signed Kenny "K-Squared" Kuntz. He will debut on the next show.


Before looking at the card, I found that news. I guess Extreme Deluxe felt the worst part of that match. Guess that's one member of XDW out of GDS. Well, here was the card for GDS's next show, Extreme Warfare.


Grey Dog Pro Wrestling presents...Extreme Warfare

Sunday, Week 4, February 2010

Hunter's Town Hall


GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared


**NOTE** 20LEgend, glad you like my style. Short and sweet and to the part. Also, the game i'm doing this diary on is already almost two years in, so there will be more Paratroopers. I did that, because if I took this diary with the game when I played, I just would lose interest. Not sure why, lol.

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Love it so far. Kinda ironic that the next event is name Extreme Warfare right after the worst wrestling match in history and the release of Extreme (warfare) Deluxe


GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match)


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


Singles Match

Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson


Tag Team Match

Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

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James Ewing

Another month, another GDS show. I walked into Hunter's Town Hall for GDS Extreme Warfare and saw what looked like a little less than last month's show. Hopefully, this show was better, though. After wrestling my indy match earlier in the month (losing a tag team match with Mad Dog Mortimer against Leo Davis and Mark Smart), I was thrilled about this show. Wrestling was back in my veins. I sat down in my seat and awaited the start of the show, when the GDS Heavyweight Champion Island Boy Apollo walked to the ring.


Event: GDS Extreme Warfare

Location: Hunter's Town Hall (Mid West)

Attendance: 53


The show opened with the first ever GDS Heavyweight Champion, Island Boy Apollo, walking to the ring. He climbed in and received cheers from the whole crowd. He thanked the crowd for their support last month and raised the championship in the air to more cheers. He said that last month, he proved to everyone and to Xavier Reckless that he has "it" and is the first ever GDS Heavyweight Champion. Almost on cue, Xavier Reckless walked out and climbed into the ring. He got in Apollo's face and told him that last month was a fluke and this month, the championship match was in his favor. He says that he is a master of the ladder match and will grab that belt and become the Heavyweight Champion and there was nothing Apollo could do. Apollo reminds Reckless that this was almost the exact thing he said last month...and he lost. Xavier decks Apollo with mic. Reckless jumps on Apollo and starts hammering him, but Apollo turns the tide and gets up. Reckless runs at him, but runs into a clothesline. Reckless rolls out of the ring and yells at Apollo that this isn't over as Apollo raises the belt high.


Rating: F+ (16)


Andy de Bottom vs. K-Squared

First match of the night saw the debut of K-Squared. K-Squared was signed after Extreme Deluxe was released after a disaster of a match last month against Fearless Blue. de Bottom was being pelted by the crowd, who didn't like him (remember, Paratrooper). Well, the match didn't go that long and it mainly helped showcase K-Squared to the crowd as he picked up the cleam win.


Rating: E- (22)


Daredevil Aero & Roger Monteiro vs. Ashton Barnaby & Jebediah

Next up was our monthly tag team match. Once again, the crowd pelted Barnaby with heavy boos, and they weren't too found of Aero, either. They ate up Monteiro as he went on the offensive agaisnt both Barnaby and Jebediah. A hot tag to Aero was anything but, as Jebediah hit Aero with a huge powerbomb and hit him with a seated senton for the win to overcome his flash lost last month.


Rating: F+ (14)


Ant-Man walks to the ring to talk about his match against DeCipher. He tells the crowd that he is happy, today. He's coming off of a win over a much larger Jebediah, though he did get his ass kicked, afterward. He says that tonight, he battles a man with a weird looking mask in DeCipher. He tells DeCipher that he has nothing against him. He says that once they both step into the ring, Ant-Man will prove why he is a future champion in this company. He powerslammed a much larger Jebediah last month and this month, he'll defeat DeCipher and get one step closer to that championship match.


Rating: E (27)


Fearless Blue vs. Adrian Noelson

......what am I suppose to say about this match? Ok, only positive thing to say is that it was better than Blue's match last month. Watching this match (in which the crowd was booing BOTH men and didn't get behind either of them), I noticed that maybe...GDS released the wrong guy. Blue wasn't doing almost anything right, but Noelson was trying...i'll give him that. Match ended (thank god) with Blue picking up the win. Please, GDS, get rid of Blue.


Rating: F+ (12)


Next, K-Squared walked out onto the "stage" while Fearless Blue was walking backstage. K-Squared tells Blue to keep walking, because if he keeps putting on matches like that, he'll have no place in this company, like someone as great as himself. He tells the crowd that what they saw him do to de Bottom earlier is only the beginning and that he WILL be the GDS Heavyweight Champion before they know it.


Rating: F+ (15)


Ant-Man vs. DeCipher

Easily the match of the night...even though that isn't that hard to do in GDS, given the talent, there. Anyways, Ant-Man and DeCipher put on a great match for GDS's standards. Ant-Man and DeCipher kept trading high flying moves with each other and the crowd ate it up...all 53 of them. One spot even saw Ant-Man pick up DeCipher and hold him up for around 30 seconds, showing his strength, before he military pressed him out of the ring. If that move didn't hurt DeCipher, he sold it really good. A little more back and forth after that before Ant-Man, once again, rolled DeCipher up for the win.


Rating: E (29)


Island Boy Apollo© vs. Xavier Reckless (Ladder Match for the GDS Heavyweight Championship)

The main event of the evening saw the first "gimmick" match in GDS history, as Island Boy Apollo and Xavier Reckless battled for the GDS Heavyweight Championship in a ladder match. Even though Apollo had the size, Reckless had the speed to climb the ladder. Once again, a back and forth match, which had the crowd strongly behind Apollo (helping the case that he should be the face of the company). Either that, or because he was facing a former XDW wrestler. Just like last month, the match ended with a high-risk spot, as Apollo set up the ladder and climbed for the championship. As he got to the top, Reckless climbed the turnbuckle and jumped all the way onto the ladder, but was met with a big right hand, which Reckless fell straight to the mat, allowing Apollo to grab the championship and regain the championship.


Rating: E- (22)


Overall, the show was about the same from last month. Ant-Man/DeCipher was a great match and the end spot for the championship match really pumped the crowd up, but just like last month, Fearless Blue killed any of that heat for the rest of the night. Please, GDS...FIRE FEARLESS BLUE!

Rating: E- (21)



20LEgend: 4/5

Teh_Showtime: 3/5

MJStark: 3/5

bgbuff: 3/5

BigM: 3/5

mistaken: 2/5



20LEgend: 8/10

MJStark: 6/10

mistaken: 6/10

Teh_Showtime: 3/10

bgbuff: 3/10

BigM: 3/10


**NOTE** mistaken, thanks for the Rookie nod for the December DOTM.

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<p>my scatter shot method is working alot better here than down on the 07 board in. </p><p> </p><p>

[thread=259565]<span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rob5KC</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">'s Houston Championship Wrestling</span>[/thread]</p><p> </p><p>

I really like the feel of this diary, keep it coming!</p>

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March, 2010


Hall of Immortal member Dick The Devastator has left the wrestling world, leaving the business after 48 years. Dick is a former 18 time AAFW Champion and a former CWF National Tag Team Champion with Saionji Omura. We wish the best to him in his life outside of wrestling.


Ana Garcia resigned with the SWF.


Mighty Mo, who graduated from the TCW School of Professional Wrestling, signed with the company. Also, Koshino Ino resigned with the company.


HE'S BACK!!! Eisaku Hoshino has made his return to pro wrestling, stating his campaign run in Japan wasn't going the way he thought it would and decided to return to his main love...pro wrestling.


The Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup was held this month, which saw Jeremy and Dan Stone Jr. win the tournament for a record 3rd time.


SWF Awesome Impact 2010 grabbed a 3.61 ppv buyrate, down 0.02 point from last month. Main Event saw Eric Eisen successfully defend the World Heavyweight Championship over Jack Bruce.


TCW Just Another Day? grabbed a 1.53 ppv buyrate, down 0.05 point from last month. Main Event saw Rocky Golden successfully defend the World Heavyweight Championship over Wolf Hawkins.


James Ewing

Well, last month's GDS show was ok, but GDS was still lacking something, in my opinion. Something that I didn't have (well, I don't). They needed someone with star power that could carry that company. Island Boy Apollo had some of the looks, but not the looks to carry that company on his back. I'll admit, i'm a HUGE fan of his, but just not enough to think he can carry GDS. Ant-Man's up there, but...that's it! What GDS needs is a big star heel. Reckless isn't it, I can tell you that. All he has are high risk spots, but that won't help you with being the top heel. Anyways, I checked my e-mail and noticed another indy show being set up and, low and behold, I was booked on it. It was another tag team match, so maybe it was made to hide my "flaws". They were teaming me with Super Sonic...great, that's another XDW wrestler. Just great. Anyways, we were booked to face Leo Davis and Ben Williams...that's right, my old buddy. I was hoping this one would go better than our last encounter. After looking at that, I went to the GDS website to see the card for their next show, which was called Fully Loaded. Yeah, fully loaded of crap, probably. Well, here was the card.


Grey Dog Pro Wrestling presents...Fully Loaded

Sunday, March 4, 2010

Hunter's Town Hall


Singles Match

Ant-Man vs. DeCipher


GDS Heavyweight Championship

Island Boy Apollo© vs. Ashton Barnaby


Singles Match

Daredevil Aero vs. Xavier Reckless


Singles Match

Andy de Bottom vs. Jebediah


Tag Team Match

Fearless Blue & Roger Monteiro vs. K-Squared & Adrian Noelson


A paratrooper?!? In a championship match?!? Oh, god...no wonder it isn't the main event.

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<p>Singles Match</p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man </strong>vs. DeCipher</p><p>

GDS Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Island Boy Apollo©</strong> vs. Ashton Barnaby</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Daredevil Aero vs. <strong>Xavier Reckless</strong></p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Andy de Bottom vs. <strong>Jebediah</strong></p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fearless Blue & Roger Monteiro vs. <strong>K-Squared & Adrian Noelson</strong></p>

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<p>Singles Match</p><p>

<strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. DeCipher</p><p>

GDS Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

<strong>Island Boy Apollo©</strong> vs. Ashton Barnaby</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Daredevil Aero vs. <strong>Xavier Reckless</strong></p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Andy de Bottom vs. <strong>Jebediah</strong></p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Fearless Blue & Roger Monteiro vs. <strong>K-Squared & Adrian Noelson</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Ant-Man</strong> vs. DeCipher</p><p>

<strong>Island Boy Apollo</strong>© vs. Ashton Barnaby</p><p>

Daredevil Aero vs. <strong>Xavier Reckless</strong></p><p>

Andy de Bottom vs. <strong>Jebediah</strong></p><p>

Fearless Blue & Roger Monteiro vs. <strong>K-Squared & Adrian Noelson</strong></p>

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Event: GDS Fully Loaded

Location: Hunter's Town Hall (Mid West)

Attendance: 52


To start off the show, the GDS Heavyweight Champion Island Boy Apollo walked to the ring, receiving cheers from all 52 people in the crowd. He thanked the crowd for their support the first couple of shows. He says that they don't have to worry about Xavier Reckless in the title match, as he has to face one of the other XDW "wrestlers", tonight. On cue, Ashton Barnaby walks to the ring and is heavily booed. He tells the crowd that they don't know what talent is, as they are cheering on a bulking heavyweight like Apollo and not someone talented like Barnaby. Apollo tells Barnaby that they know talent and that they know that Barnaby doesn't have any...at all. Like every heel before, Barnaby charges at Apollo, but misses and flies out of the ring. The crowd cheers as Barnaby yells at Apollo while heading backstage.


Rating: E- (23)


Fearless Blue & Roger Monteiro vs. K-Squared & Adrian Noelson

A match involving Fearless Blue would be believed to be a stick fest...but this match was actually good, for GDS standards. That's because Monteiro and K-Squared pretty much carried the entire match and wrestled the entire match. I saw great potential in both of them in this match, but I wonder how GDS will use them. The end involved K-Squared getting blind tagged by Noelson and Monteiro taking him out for the win. Yes, Blue wasn't in the match at all, and that helped the rating for this match.


Rating: E (25)


Andy de Bottom vs. Jebediah

......don't make me comment on this match. *sigh* Jebediah picked up the win. God, this match sucked. Sorry for this "review" of the match.


Rating: F (10)


Xavier Reckless heading to the ring. The crowd was pelting him with boos. He tells the crowd that it's complete bull that he isn't in the title match, again. He is the "franchise" of this company and he DESERVES the championship. Daredevil Aero walked to the ring with a mixed crowd. He tells Xavier that this has to stop. He wasn't any good in XDW and he isn't any good, here. Aero admits that he isn't the best in GDS, but he's not complaining about it, he's improving in his matches to become the best. Reckless tells Aero that he doesn't know what he's talking about, because he was always at the bottom in XDW. He was nobody in XDW and he needed to see that. Aero tells Xavier that tonight, we'll find that out. The segment ended with a stare down, but no blows.


Rating: E- (18)


While both men were having a stare down, a female walked out onto the stage. She introduced herself as Jemma G. She tells the crowd that she is here to manage the best worker in the company, in her eyes. She tells them that she will reveal her first client next month and they will be surprised.


Rating: E (25)


Daredevil Aero vs. Xavier Reckless

This match was pretty average, for GDS standards. The entire match has Jemma G on the stage, looking like she was scouting both men. Both men threw in a lot of high-flying moves to entertain the crowd, despite the crowd not liking either men. The booing of them did go down toward the end, as both men were stringing in plenty of moves and the match was more entertaining then expected. Match ending with Reckless hitting Aero with a springboard moonsault for the win. The match actually got some claps from the crowd.


Rating: E- (19)


After the match, Ant-Man walked onto the stage to hype up is match with DeCipher. Ant-Man says that this is their second encounter. He says that DeCipher took him to the limit last month and he's hoping that their match this month is even better than last months. He says that he respects DeCipher and knows how great of a wrestler he is and says that once again tonight, he won't hold back.


Rating: E- (19)


Island Boy Apollo© vs. Ashton Barnaby (GDS Heavyweight Championship)

*sigh* I thought the de Bottom/Jebediah match was pretty bad. This match was up there with it, for sure. I hate to be bias, but this match was bad because of Barnaby. He screwed up plenty of spots that were basic, in my thoughts. Anyways, Apollo retained and after the match, the referee was talking to Barnaby, pretty much telling him something from someone backstage. This can't be good for him.


Rating: F+ (14)


Ant-Man vs. DeCipher

Earlier in the night, Ant-Man said that he hoped this match was better than their match from last month...it was. The match was almost the same spots from last month, but they added in a few extra spots. These two have great chemistry in the ring. Match ended with DeCipher giving Ant-Man a low blow behind the ref's back and rolling him up for the win. After wards, DeCipher rolled out of the ring and headed backstage, while Ant-Man got up and went over to the ropes and started yelling at DeCipher, saying that "the respect was gone".


Rating: E+ (31)


Overall, a better show. Barnaby was definably someone who should be gone, not Blue. Anyways, excited to see where this Ant-Man/DeCipher feud is going. Hopefully, this leads to a title match for one of them.


Rating: E (27)



20LEgend: 3/5

BigM: 3/5

Rob5KC: 3/5



20LEgend: 11/15

MJStark: 6/15

mistaken: 6/15

BigM: 6/15

Teh_Showtime: 3/15

bgbuff: 3/15

Rob5KC: 3/15

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