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Stupid Wage Demands!!!!

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Hi Guys,


Just wondering if anybody else has had stupid wage demands in there game.


Dan Hardy was on 17k and when negotiating an extension to his contract, to sign an exclusive deal wanted 724k!!!!!


Also, is it anything to do with the database that is used or is it hard coded into the game regarding how much people want?


I am yet to download the December 24th Patch as im away from home. Would this rectify the issue?


Because of this, i have just had negotiations with Anderson Silva collapse =(, i offered him over a 1m and still refused to sign.

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My guess would be it is because the mod has workers with high popularity in multiple game regions or has them at international level which jacks up their price a lot. If you notice in the default data, there are very few workers that start with the upper echelon of popularity. Also now things like rankings have a much more profound effect than before. Their demands are a simple calculation like any game uses and it just so happens the way the database was set up and how its progressed the workers are now worth a lot.
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