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Pro Football?

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Any news? Anything at all? Is there ANY life out there for this title?


There hasn't been anything of significance in years, and I don't think that's an overstatement. I really think the market for a new pro football sim is huge right now, there hasn't been a significant release in years. I don't care if Adam Ryland's from a country that thinks football is played with a round ball, he's a damn good programmer and I'd have faith that he could make a great pro football game with help on the input.

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I don't care if Adam Ryland's from a country that thinks football is played with a round ball, he's a damn good programmer and I'd have faith that he could make a great pro football game with help on the input.


Because it is. We're the ones that have it backwards. But be that as it may, I can't disagree with the spirit of this statement.

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I got a message from Arlie probably close to a year ago that he was working on it. I was hoping to partner with him, but I have no idea how far he is or what kind of dates he's looking at. I also know that an update to college football would probably be a better bet from a return perspective. I'm as surprised as the next person that there has been no news.


I gave up a couple of years ago and figured I'd take a shot at writing a football sim since I am not a big fan of FOF. If you're still looking for one I'd check out PFS over at http://www.barcodegames.com


It integrates with BBCF as well, for those of you who want to continue your college careers in the pros.


Hopefully Arlie will return some day to take this project back up, or at least hand the code off so someone can continue it.

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Brooks wrote a heck of a game and it does great with online / multiplayer player as well. It does import the BBCF players nicely and Brooks is constantly updating the game. You can see a good example of the players moving up in our leagues. The Weekend Warriors College Football players are brought into the Weekend Warriors Pro Football league when they graduate or declare. You can check the leagues out here if you want...


WWCF: http://www.wwcf.us

WWCF Forum: http://www.simnation.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?102-Weekend-Warriors-College-Football


WWPF: http://www.wwpf.us

WWPF Forum: http://www.simnation.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?125-Weekend-Warriors-Pro-Football

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BUMP...like I said before, the deafening silence is a great way to tell those of us who have been waiting for this for years to f**k off.


First of all, no swearing on the forums. This is your first and last warning about that.


As for the actual issue, the only person who can provide any real information is Arlie himself. From what I've gleamed from past posts he still wants to make the game but it isn't a top priority of his as he has many other things to deal with outside of GDS. As such, if he were to post he'd probably just say something along the lines of "Not actively working on the game at the moment, not shelving it either.".


For now, I'd suggest playing Duke Nukem Forever as an alternative. :)

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