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Annoying Retirements

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As the title says, what retirements have been unpleasant for you?


It is quite difficult to see the story when a wrestler announces his retirement so it's December 1997 with HGC and I just got the message that Teddy Flame decided to retire, they were just in the middle of a big feud with Dread and BLZ so this is very inconvenient for me. I decided to push Joey Flame (the good one) as a singles star and maybe a heel turn to take the International title off Lobster Warrior in a couple of months, I'm also now having BLZ Bubb get turned on by Dread (cause I have nothing else for these two).

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Sean McFly. Signed him to a MASSIVE contract due to a bidding war with TCW, was going to centre my next years main event scene around the guy. Then he started taking retirement 2 weeks later and I ended up with the most expensive road agent in the history of wrestling :(
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