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For as long as I have been playing TEW I have been intrigued by the little fed that could ...XDW! Considered to be THEE most popular backyard fed ever it intrigues me that they never reaced local status. As I write my XDW dynasty I can't help but think..."What would XDW be like if Adam created it for TEW?"


So...any thoughts on XDW? What would their product be? Who would fit in?

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30089" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i687.photobucket.com/albums/vv237/Mukan_no_Teioh/XDW/Product.jpg</span></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> That is for my dynasty but in my private game the Hardcore is heavy, daredevil is key, traditionall is medium with the rest the same.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LordJaguar" data-cite="LordJaguar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30089" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I run a 0/0/0/0 game for XDW in private but 1 show every 4 months would be a very boring dynasty!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How would your popularity increase?</p>
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I think Daredevil would be the key feature of the product. Modern would probably be medium or heavy. Hardcore could probably be medium. I just see XDW as a much more risky (daredevil) type of promotion. The matches will be spot-based and very fast (modern). I don't see XDW having ANY connection to Mainstream or Traditional wrestling. Just my thoughts though.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LordJaguar" data-cite="LordJaguar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30089" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I agree Logan but for gameplay sake...IE needing money, I threw in Mainstream and traditional...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Absolutely true. Traditional-style products are favored heavily when it comes to sponsorship money. For someone who runs that type of product I certainly understand. Are you doing a diary or anything with that game? I'd be curious to see who you use as "nobodies" throughout the promotion. I'm assuming Fearless Blue has a spot on your roster? <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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About Product, I presume Traditional is at least HEAVY, as Dardevil Aero bio suggests:..."he was primaliry the babyface uderdog of the company"


Surely it will be a "cult" promotion and I agree that hardcore is not the main focus of the Company considering that the 5 "stars" are


Daredevil Aero: luchador

Extreme Deluxe: Spot monkey

Fearless Blue: Spot monkey

Super Sonic: luchador

Xavier Rekless: brawler


So, resuming IMO





RISQUE: VERY LOW (if you check the 5 characters, you can see that except for Xavier, you got 2 conservative and 2 "average")









About wrestlers who can join the refoundation of XDW

The paratroopers

Weird Waldo Odlaw

Roger Monteiro

Jazz Funk

Ben Williams

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Good insight Sammartino!


Thank you!


Just to continue the "analysis", I think XDW is based in some places with latino community quite high in USA. I suppose it could be California (South West?) or Texas (don't know- it's considered Mid West or MId South?). In Super Sonic bio's, he's considered the "Redneck Luchador", so I think they are in TEXAS.


About good wrestler for XDW resurrection, here are some others who can be good (well, good for XDW of course)


Buck Graham - the ex Maryland Express "career nose-dived dramatically", so I suppose I will accept any contract with any fed, expeciallY if based on lightweight wrestlers


Leo Davis - well he's old and really bad wrestler: perfect for XDW!!


New York Red - the XDW main eventer! Not so old, quite famous, quite good skills... awesome!!


Mark Smart - another young cruiser!!




Now one question about XDW.


I really don't understand how is possible that Xtreme Deleuxe was the most popular wrestler of XDW. He doesn't have any good performance skill and his charisma is nothing than low level.. ok he's flashy but... Can someone try to explain how is possible he's the most popular??

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I really don't understand how is possible that Xtreme Deleuxe was the most popular wrestler of XDW. He doesn't have any good performance skill and his charisma is nothing than low level.. ok he's flashy but... Can someone try to explain how is possible he's the most popular??


I just had to throw in something about Extreme Deluxe from my 2022 (July) WCW game. He passed away in January 2022. I'm assuming from a drug overdose, though the website didn't say that. His 'hard drug' use is set to 80% to start the game and I think it caught up with him. In 12 years of game play, his W-L-D was 17-9-4. His final match was against Running Wolf (time limit draw) in the last week of December. He had a horrible independent career and died shortly after his final match. RIP Extreme Deluxe :(

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I guess being the most flashy, one of the least conservatives...IE doing more bat **** insane dives, and being a face probably helped. Ialso agree XDW was probably held in California or Texas but I tend to lean toward California myself thinking the Texas people of the Cornellverse would be older and less likely to be into the backyard thing as Californians.
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About Product, I presume Traditional is at least HEAVY, as Dardevil Aero bio suggests:..."he was primaliry the babyface uderdog of the company"



Y'know I can't see an outlaw daredevil fed like XDW having such a high traditional leaning. Unless the product has no gimmicks whatsoever, then you're surely going to get the babyface being the underdog at some stage? Invincible faces are no fun. It might be a traditional gimmick, but that doesn't in itself make the company traditional, particularly not when it would have such obvious Cult/Daredevil/Hardcore aspects. Traditional doesn't seem to mess with those at all/

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Y'know I can't see an outlaw daredevil fed like XDW having such a high traditional leaning. Unless the product has no gimmicks whatsoever, then you're surely going to get the babyface being the underdog at some stage? Invincible faces are no fun. It might be a traditional gimmick, but that doesn't in itself make the company traditional, particularly not when it would have such obvious Cult/Daredevil/Hardcore aspects. Traditional doesn't seem to mess with those at all/


From TEW 2010 help guide:

Traditional: The element of traditional “good guy vs. bad guy” wrestling, where the emphasis is on telling a story via ring work, characters, and storylines.


You can have daredevil emphasys and have distinction between heel and face in the same time.

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I can see traditional being high as well, backyard feds from my area tend to do the whole face vs. heel thing with no tweeners, no "real" angles so the story is told via ring work. Also with traditonal you have certain good guy/bad guy stereotypes like foreigner = bad, american = good which is what they would use imho.
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From TEW 2010 help guide:

Traditional: The element of traditional “good guy vs. bad guy” wrestling, where the emphasis is on telling a story via ring work, characters, and storylines.


You can have daredevil emphasys and have distinction between heel and face in the same time.


Not what I was saying. I was saying that it's not necessary to have a traditional product in order to have a face/heel divide. And, with a promotion like XDW, presuming it is cultesque, which is almost the antithesis to Traditional (edgy, shades of grey instead of just straight up 'This guy is an American patriot, he = good'), I just find it difficult to consider it to be Traditional.


But fair enough, opinion is opinion.

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