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SWF: The Supremacist Era

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Thursday. 2nd week of December 2009.
“Christmas Clash”.






This is a moment that will forever live in infamy for the Supreme Wrestling Federation as Eric Eisen single-handedly shifted the company’s fortune in one very night. After a 16-month hiatus, forced to the sidelines by an injury first thought to be ‘career-threatening’, the returning Supreme Superstar unveiled the shocking truth that HE had been the ‘mysterious foe’ stacking the odds against the, then, SWF Champion, Jack Bruce, all along.


With the live audience roaring with disdain, directed solely at Eric in his moment of polarizing resurgence, Bruce was projected as entirely depleted; as, only seconds before, he had just waged a violent, Armageddon-like, war with his long-time rival, Rich Money. His slender, heavily tattooed, frame appeared to be physically broken; a reality made evident by the fact that he was using a nearby ring-rope much like a struggling car crash victim would use a crutch. While he was in NO WAY ready to compete once again, the SWF Champion was now faced with an overwhelming scenario; one that would garner a ‘golden opportunity’ for the 2nd generation Eisen.


Within seconds, a much heftier Eric Eisen was shown confidently exploding past the, “Christmas Clash”-specific, stage-set; aggressively infiltrating the squared circle soon thereafter with nothing short of dubious intent.


There was no confusion at this point; even Jack Bruce knew what was coming next.


It only took five minutes for Eric Eisen to overpower his newfound arch-nemesis. In reality, Bruce never really stood a chance; to be honest. At this point, after warring like a mad-man for 9 months straight, the focus of a Hitchc0ckian mystery scenario, there was little ‘left in the tank’ for the celebrated entertainer. He had finally come to a place of rest. Sadly, for him, that meant ultimately losing the very possession that placed him in this mess: The SWF Championship.


Never before has a standard three count meant so much.


With one, relatively simple, pinfall, the Supreme Wrestling Federation changed forever.


Trash filled the ring as Eric Eisen stood over his motionless victim; slowly raising the SWF Championship over his head in a devilish manner. In a split-second, the youngest Eisen child had turned from a laughable joke into a full-fledged ‘Super-Heel’. In turn, never again would he turn back. For, it was this defining moment, which ultimately sparked the beginning of, what critics would later call, the “Supremacist Era”.



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Hello and welcome to the dynasty that I’ve attempted to write twice before; however, have sadly failed in the process.


Doesn’t have a healthy ring to it does it? Ha. I could try to pretend as if they never happened but that would be defying the truth. In reality, my first SWF project was so long ago that most wouldn’t even recognize that it was me
. I was undisciplined as a writer and truthfully unable to really convey the unique nature that comes with the SWF. Honestly, thinking back, I remember killing the project right away after posting my first show & receiving a lackluster response as it pertains to my version of Rich Money. Looking back at it, at the time, it did suck pretty bad. Haha.


From there came my next attempt at telling the story I cherish dear; this one coming into effect shortly after my wedding this summer.
. My intentions were right, my focus, I thought at the time, was cemented, but in reality my professional life made it hard to really keep up with it. When you factor in that I lost all my data thanks to my mischievous little (and when I say little I mean 12 pound) cat, It was best to let my 2nd attempt fall by the wayside. Believe me, it hurt to do so. Why? I knew, deep down, that I could never truly be happy, as it pertains to the GDS experience, if I didn’t project a stand-out SWF dynasty. Countless awards, and a “Hall of Fame” induction later, and I still found myself obsessed with the SWF Empire.


So that brings me to now. 8 months away from my next, real, challenge with Grad School. Fixated on creating a strong SWF dynasty before it’s all said and done; before I finally accept that my time as a GDS writer will no longer be possible (given time constraints). I know I may speak like this is some grand experience, and I don’t want to come across as thinking of myself too highly, but I really feel like this will be my best send-off… A dynasty centered around the biggest, most important, most prestigious, companies the Pro Wrestling industry has EVER seen in the cornellverse.


Needless to say, I’m really excited.


From here, I want to tackle a few subjects; as it pertains to this project as a whole. For those interested in knowing, read on from here!



Why Eric Eisen?

As BigPapa42 can attest, I was mulling around a few potential user characters as my planning process began. I knew that I wanted to tell the REAL story of the SWF (rabid, cruel, and yet glamorous); so, it came down to how best to do so. At first, I thought of creating a unique person, not already in the cornellverse, who simply stands in the sidelines as an intern for Mr. Eisen. As time went on, I found myself not wanting to go that route as it lacked interaction; was more of an afar thing. Then came telling the story from Richard Eisen’s perspective; which, for awhile, I was pretty much set on. However, again, with time, I found myself growing rather tired of the idea as I didn’t know if I really wanted to jump into Eisen’s head; as it was more fun to depict him from afar (as I would expect he would carry much traits that set him apart). Then, it hit me…


With Mr. Eisen hardly EVER seen on SWF TV in the last decade, and Jerry Eisen being nothing more than a mediocre announcer, Eric really has the chance to become the ‘face’ of the Eisen Empire. Since his injury, He’s made a transition from a scrawny joke of a wrestler into a scheming, manipulative, brash, young man looking to take control of his career by any means necessary. Honestly, at this point, Eric HAS to be THE most hated man on the SWF roster; placing a hit on Jack Bruce for over a year & finally taking the title away from him (Bruce = A mega-star with the fans) in the process. With this in mind, from an in-ring perspective, and as a character, Eric really has the ability to step out into the spotlight; becoming the theoretical ‘figure-head’ of the Eisen Empire.


That story, in itself, would be fun to tell; however, it’s what happens ‘behind the curtain’ that interests me even more. We all know, by playing this game, that Eric Eisen is somewhat of a pain in the… well you know. He’s arrogant, manipulative, brash, flaky, and, pretty much, and untrustworthy figure all together. When you take that and factor in that he’s been gone for 16 months now, coming off of a major injury, one could expect that Eisen is hell-bent on keeping himself on top. Seeing what happens to you when you’re injured, getting pushed aside for everyone Tom, D*ck, and Harry, who can string together a few moves, Eric becomes fixated on the notion of staying on top; an underlying sense of paranoia (while never really addressed), along with a natural sense of over-arrogance, as the culprits of such oppression.


In a way, without making too much of a comparison to the real world, I see the SWF Champ as in-line with the 90’s (backstage) HBK, (early 2000’s) Triple H, and (a career of) Hulk Hogan; always looking to keep themselves on top regardless of who they have to ‘screw’ to stay there.


Sound interesting? I hope so. It is to me!


Show write-ups

I can tell you right now, I don’t really plan on massively tempering my style as that’s who I am as a writer. That said, with longevity in mind, I hope to find a way to limit my amount of words; giving a more focused read all together. I understand that my write-ups, if not right now, can come across as a daunting task to read; given the fact that they look like walls of text. I hope to fix that in the future. As I said, I don’t really want to temper much, as I do truly like to paint a picture for my readers, but I do need to keep my own sanity/time commitment in mind (especially seeing how I have 2 shows a week to write now).


SupremeTV will be quite in line with what you’re use to; as it pertains to my writing style. Matches will be a little shorter, not AS fleshed out but rather giving you the gist; however, angles may still keep the same depth. I guess, it all depends. I’m use to writing 60 minute shows and now I’ll have a 120 minute show to write. That changes everything; to be honest.


Uprising will be much shorter in nature; given that it’s a “B-Show”. Matches will be extremely short, again just giving you the gist, and angles will follow suit as well. It’ll be hard to keep things simple but, in the end, it will make it easier for me to function; also giving SupremeTV the look that it’s more important naturally (given a fleshier write up). I’ll be the first to say that I LOVE B-shows. That said, It would be unwise to really overdo Uprising’s results as it would only deter me from the major storylines on SupremeTV.


In Closing…

I write dynasties for many reasons but one glaring truth is that I love being part of the GDS-community. We’ve developed a great culture for creative expression and for that I’m proud to be part. When you factor that with the knowledge that I’ve been writing, professionally and amateur, since I was a young child, I guess it comes as no surprise that I would jump into this full-force. Finally, even as I’ve found it hard to keep an inspired mindset about the current state of the Pro Wrestling industry, I have come to admit that I’m still a fan of the craft itself. Would I like to see changes in the real-world product? Yes. Does that deter me from watching shows? Sometimes. That said, I can’t imagine anything more fun than writing out what I have done for YEARS in my head: crafting wrestling events with top-notch entertainment quality in mind.


If you’ve enjoyed my work before, then I hope you come along for the ride again. If you don’t know much of me, again, I hope that something registers with you along the way. Hell, even if my style isn’t really your ‘bag’, which I totally understand, hopefully you can find a sense of respect for me as a writer; given the amount of work I put into these projects.


All in all, this starts the journey toward retirement for me. However, before that can happen, I’ve got one hell of a dynasty planned for you…




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Promotional Synopsis

The Supreme Wrestling Federation is the most famous wrestling promotion in the world, and have been the dominant force in American wrestling for over twenty years.


Created by the ruthless and controversial Richard Eisen, he used his concept of "sports entertainment" to almost single-handedly destroy the territorial system that had existing in America for many years and create the most successful promotion that had ever existed.


Recently they have had to deal with the first genuine threat to their dominance for many years, as Total Championship Wrestling have emerged as a rival who are willing to go head-to-head with them, but SWF have so far remained ahead.


Basic Promotional Information


January 1972

Global Ranking:

Global Influence:



SWF Headquarters Location:
New England (USA)

Starting Capital:


Creative/Administrative/Locker Room Information

Richard Eisen

Head Booker:
Peter Michaels

Those with Creative input:
Christian Faith, Eric Eisen

Locker Room Leaders:
Chief Two Eagles, Christian Faith, Enforcer Roberts, Pat Deacon, Peter Michaels, Runaway Train, Jack Bruce

Locker Room Morale:



Product Definition:
Sports Entertainment

Key Feature(s):

Heavy Feature(s):
Traditional, Cult, and Risqué

Medium Feature(s):

Low Feature(s):
Modern, Hardcore, Daredevil

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Program Synopsis

SWF ‘SupremeTV’ is widely considered to be the epitome of wrestling programing and, in many ways, has become, somewhat of, a mainstream entity amongst the Western world. Since it’s inception, this larger-than-life television program has been projected as the undying catalyst for all things SWF. As the company grew with time, so did the presentation value; now broadcasting sharply in the modern era of HD broadcasting. Small arenas were replaced with sold-out stadiums, higher quality talent became more evident, and audiences began to buy into the ‘Supreme Experience’, all signifying the sudden transition from a cult-phenomenon into a full-fledged juggernaut.


When fusing immense picture quality, with dynamic, company-developed graphics, along with gripping storytelling brought forth by some of the most entertaining individuals the Pro Wrestling industry has EVER seen, there’s no real confusion as to why the program has garnered as much success as it has; standing, arguably, as the cornerstone of the televised American Wrestling industry.


Realistically, though, With such critical acclaim comes lofty expectations; for good reason. It’s widely expected, by both fans & critics, that EACH episode delivers a high-grade projection of entertainment. With this in mind, the program’s writers, and the overall creative facet of the SWF Empire, are often described as borderline obsessive; spending the bulk of their weekly existence in production meetings as they masterfully plan every segment accordingly. In this way, the SWF’s flagship broadcast feels more like a finitely developed Action movie versus a mashed TV experience.


In the end, if you wish to truly graph the evolution of the Eisen-led Empire then look no further than the companies greatest creation in 38 years; that being SupremeTV.


Basic Program Details

Aired on:
C.A.N.N. (USA)


Held On:

TCW Presents “Total Wrestling”

Commentary Team:
Peter Michaels and Jerry Eisen



Episode Listing




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Program Synopsis

SWF ‘Uprising’ is considered, by many, to be the ‘underground warzone’ that stands as an unapologetic challenge to the heart, body, soul, and mind, of those deemed as the ‘next-generation of Supremacist’s’. This 60 minute broadcast, projected by the American mainstream network, C.A.N.N., is best described as a haven for those with something to prove. With this in mind, there’s an underlying sense of intensity, determination, and desperation, entrenched within the program’s weekly presentation; a continuous narrative that is portrayed both directly and indirectly by all who dare grace it’s feverishly contested stage.


In the end, with SupremeTV as the ultimate playground-in-waiting for all Supreme Superstars, ‘Uprising’ is largely perceived as the embattled training ground for the ‘bright lights’ of the Supreme Wrestling Federation; the volcanic battleground of all plagued with the need for proving oneself.


Basic Program Details

Aired on:
C.A.N.N. (USA)

Late Evening

Held On:


Commentary Team:
Duane Fry and Eric Tyler



Episode Listing

  • Episode #1: TBA




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Program(s) Synopsis

After standing as the true revolutionary force within the Pro Wrestling industry for many years, Richard Eisen’s greatest evolutionary development, arguably, came into existence when he successfully negotiated a distribution deal with a nationwide pay-per-view company; a maneuver that was deemed as unthinkable prior to their shocking collective announcement. From that point forward, pay-per-view events became quite the norm for all wrestling organizations perceived as popular enough in which to garner a respectable buy-rate.


As years passed, and the industry grew stronger, these agreements brought forth the one thing all companies are in search for: Money. With this in mind, as it stands today, the SWF continues to utilize pay-per-view events as broadcasts with more of a grandiose nature; continually evolving the presentation, and overall experience, in which to further stimulate the companies bottom-line.


Basic Program Details

Aired on:
North American Prime Select

Held on:
Monthly; 2nd Thursday

Event Duration:
150 minutes (except for ‘special events’)

Commentary Team:
Peter Michaels, Eric Tyler, and Jerry Eisen


Event Listing

  • When Hell Freezes Over (2010)

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The Supreme Wrestling Federation is, without a doubt, the strongest international brand in the Pro Wrestling industry. With this in mind, it’s Champions stand as the physical personification of the grandiose nature it’s been fortunate to acquire. Simply put, to belong to this small fraternity, the celebrated few perceived as Champions, is to be viewed as the very best our global industry has to offer. Champions turn into Icons, Icons turn into Legends, and Legends turn into Immortals; however, it all starts here…


These are the embattled men who carry the prestigious honor of being called an SWF Champion. They celebrated few who currently stand as greatness personified…





Current Champion:
“The Supremacist” Eric Eisen

Reign Began:
1st Week of December 2009

Championship Level:
Main Event

Championship Prestige:

Championship Defenses:

#1 Contender:
Jack Bruce





Current Champion:
“Big Money” Brandon James (x2)

Reign Began:
1st Week of October 2009

Championship Level:

Championship Prestige:

Championship Defenses:

#1 Contender:





Current Champion:
Jack Giedroyc & Valiant

Reign Began:
1st Week of December 2009

Championship Level:

Championship Prestige:

Championship Defenses:

#1 Contender:

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For decades, the Supreme Wrestling Federation has been the absolute ‘bench-mark’ as it pertains to greatness within the world-wide Pro Wrestling industry. With this in mind, an organization is only as good as the gifted individuals who cultivate such an immense stature. Listed below are the men, and women, who stand as the
best of their profession; in turn, carrying the SWF banner proudly on their shoulders. They sell-out arenas, dabble in the epic, and, at the same time, teeter on the edge of mainstream celebrity. These are the ‘greats’ of their time. These are the 2010 ‘Supreme Superstars’.







  • Christian Faith;
    ”The Iron Man”

  • Eric Eisen ©;
    ”The Supremacist”

  • Jack Bruce

  • Marat Khoklov

  • Remo;
    ”The Alpha Dog”

  • Rich Money

  • Steve Frehley;
    ”The Dark Destroyer”

  • Vengeance






  • Angry Gilmore

  • Brandon James ©;
    ”Big Money”
    w/ Emma Chase

  • Gregory Black;
    ”The Arial Ambassador”

  • Jack Giedroyc ©;
    w/ Dawn The Cheerleader

  • Joe Sexy

  • Lobster Warrior

  • Runaway Train

  • Squeeky McClean







  • Big Smack Scott

  • Enforcer Roberts

  • Frederique Antonio Garcia

  • Jungle Lord

  • Kurt Laramee;
    ”The King of the Streets”

  • Marc DuBois;
    ”The Can’t Miss Prospect”

  • Paul Huntingdon;
    ”Blue Blood”

  • Randy Bumfhole

  • Robbie Retro;
    ”The Disco Stud”

  • Valiant ©;
    w/ Hannah

  • Zimmy Bumfhole






  • American Machine;
    w/ BJ O’Neill

  • Bart Biggz;
    w/ Jessie

  • Brett Biggz;
    w/ Jessie

  • Captain Atomic;
    ”The Radioactive Wrecking Machine”

  • Big Daddy






  • Akima Brave

  • Bear

  • John Greed;
    ”The Eight Deadly Sin”

  • Kid Toma

  • Knuckles

  • Lassana Makutsi;
    ”The African Assassin”

  • Shady K

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Death Row

Shady K and Knuckles




Destined for Greatness

Paul Huntingdon and Marc DuBois




The Amazing Bumfholes

Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole




The Biggz Boyz

Bart and Brett Biggz




The Fabulous Friends

Frederique Antonio Garcia and Big Daddy




The Knights of Fury ©

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant




The Pain Alliance

Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee




The Samoan Wildboyz

Akima Brave and Kid Toma






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”The battle for America”

The expansionist mentality returns to American soil in 2010 as three of the top 5 wrestling promotions, in the entire world, embark upon a volcanic war where only
can realistically claim the royal pedestal on high; that being the lofty position of the #1 wrestling company in North America. With this in mind, it’s expected that this calendar year will be full of hard-hitting action both before, and behind, the curtains; as each organization does their best to distance themselves from the pack. In the end, only one company can claim the coveted ‘top-spot’ in American Pro Wrestling; a fact that proves to be beneficial to the viewers as a raging war will only bring the best out of each promotion in the process.


Who will succeed? And who will Crash-and-Burn in the process? This is the war of a century. This
“The Battle for America”.




Supreme Wrestling Federation




Promotional Ranking:

Sports Entertainment

Top Wrestlers:
Christian Faith, Eric Eisen, Jack Bruce, Marat Khoklov, Remo, Rich Money, Steve Frehley, and Vengeance

Wrestlers ‘Stolen’:
Jack Bruce (from TCW), Rich Money (from USPW)



Total Championship Wrestling




Promotional Ranking:

Tradition Updated

Top Wrestlers:
Bryan Vessey, Joey Minnesota, Ricky Dale Johnson, Rocky Golden, Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins

Wrestlers ‘Stolen’:
Benny Benson (from SWF), Danny Fonzarelli (from SWF), Rick Law (from USPW), Sam Keith (from SWF), Texas Pete (from SWF)



United States Pro Wrestling




Promotional Ranking:

Family Friendly Nostalgia

Top Wrestlers:
Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, Enygma, James Justice, Tyson Baine

Wrestlers ‘Stolen’:
Andre Jones (from SWF), Anger (from TCW), Bruce the Giant (from SWF), Corporal Doom (from SWF), Danny Jillefski (from SWF), Enygma (from SWF), Freddie Datsun (from SWF), James Justice (from TCW), Jumbo Jackson (from SWF), Micky Starr (from SWF), Peter Valentine (from TCW), Sam Strong (from SWF & HGC/TCW), Jim Force (from SWF), Tyson Baine (from TCW)




Ratings Winner(s)

  • 1st week of January 2010 -
    1st) SWF (7.53)
    , 2nd) TCW (5.03), 3rd) USPW (1.40).

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Awesome blog returning. . . lol


Great to hear, Critical-23! I always enjoyed to read your take on my most recent shows. Going forward, I hope I give you enough inspiration to write about. :D


The way you are writing this makes me think Eric Eisen= The Miz. I know you are probably not going that way but it seems like that to me.


I could see the correlation (ie: scrawny, joke of a, wrestler who becomes legit by becoming a scheming, maniacal , heel). That said, I'm not really patenting his persona around The Miz in thought. I'm sure there will be moments where they may seem to phase into one another; however, just know, that it's not my intention really; as it may be impossible to book him entirely unique given the obvious connections the two may have in their history.


That said, I use to really despise the Miz as a character. Funny enough, now, I look forward to whenever he's on TV. He's, easily, one of the most entertaining guys on the roster & someone who I really feel plays the heel schtick well.


In reality, though, given his on screen, and off-screen persona, I feel him to be more manipulative than The Miz.


While he may mean well in his mind, truly loving/respecting the 'sport' (and that's why he wants to succeed as much as he can), it ultimately comes out in an oppressive, power-hungry, 'crushing others' kind of way.


I've said too much.... ;)


Really great start, E-V! I am looking forward to seeing this project come to life. I cannot wait to start another View From A Hawk's Eye right here in the SWF.


Thank you, Angel!


You were an amazing asset (ie: The Hawk's Eye) during the tenure of my DOA project; so, as you can guess, I'm excited to bring you into the fold here as well. I'm thinking it would be best to get a show down before we really talk details for sure but just know that I'm sincerely dedicated to bringing that segment back. How could I not? It was a lot of fun to work with you!





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I could see the correlation (ie: scrawny, joke of a, wrestler who becomes legit by becoming a scheming, maniacal , heel). That said, I'm not really patenting his persona around The Miz in thought. I'm sure there will be moments where they may seem to phase into one another; however, just know, that it's not my intention really; as it may be impossible to book him entirely unique given the obvious connections the two may have in their history.


That said, I use to really despise the Miz as a character. Funny enough, now, I look forward to whenever he's on TV. He's, easily, one of the most entertaining guys on the roster & someone who I really feel plays the heel schtick well.


In reality, though, given his on screen, and off-screen persona, I feel him to be more manipulative than The Miz.


I believe you unless I read Eric Eisen say "I'm The Eis and I'm Awesome".


I'll be reading this, and I hope to be more involved with commenting this time round. I've read everything you've written since, probably the initial DOA diary that you wrote I've just not been as active as I'd like to be. As this is looking to be your last project, I have to be involved.

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SWF... EV style!~


In any case, I'm definitely going to be following this.

I'm on board, although you already knew that :p


Third time's the charm!

I am along for the ride. Can't wait to see this as a whole.

I'll be reading this, and I hope to be more involved with commenting this time round. I've read everything you've written since, probably the initial DOA diary that you wrote I've just not been as active as I'd like to be. As this is looking to be your last project, I have to be involved.


Thank you, AMP, Sebs, mikemelling, and Juggaloninjalee. :D


It's great to know that I have some readers squared away and ready to go! This has been something I've wanted to do for awhile (actually putting together a strong SWF dynasty); so, it's great to know that others are interested in your vision!


I believe you unless I read Eric Eisen say "I'm The Eis and I'm Awesome".


ha. I don't see it ever going that way; don't worry. ;)

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I was less vocal in the revival of the DOA than I wished I would have been. And that kinda stings a bit because it was your personal promotion that first got me interested in dynasties here on the boards, E-V.


But this changes everything.


Your last short-lived SWF dynasty had me intrigued, even though I thought you were a better indy-fed writer.


Guess I was wrong.


And, I've coined a term in my TEW gaming: The Eisen-verse Theorem. It states that "If Eisen-verse starts a new dynasty, then I immediately get inspired to do one." That rings true once again. That's right, I'm in the planning stages of yet another dynasty. Knowing that I've had two fall to data corruption and one to disinterest a month in, I know my work's gonna be under-the-radar when I begin. That makes sense.


You know, sometimes I wish I was like you on these boards...no one cares if you jump from project to project! (No offense. You're like me: so many ideas, hard to go all-out for just one.)


But, anyway, I'll be reading as always, learning the way of dynasty-writing from you like I do all the time.


Can't wait to see how you portray the SWF this go-around. I have one request, though: start up a cruiserweight-esque division and pack it with the top indy talent. It makes the SWF more enjoyable to me...


Good luck with this.

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You know, sometimes I wish I was like you on these boards...no one cares if you jump from project to project! (No offense. You're like me: so many ideas, hard to go all-out for just one.)


Without wishing to take over Eisen's thread - you are a great writer and there is nothing stopping you from achieving the reputation Eisen has built. I wasn't a member at the time (but I did read the forums on-and-off) but I would think his '08 PSW dynasty (which was relatively long running) was really what 'made' E-V as a diary writer. Whilst his projects since then have been somewhat shortlived the reason no one minds is that he has demonstrated time and again that what he does write is quality. It just took PSW to put him out there long enough for people to take notice. Once you've found your PSW there's nothing stopping you.

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I was less vocal in the revival of the DOA than I wished I would have been. And that kinda stings a bit because it was your personal promotion that first got me interested in dynasties here on the boards, E-V.


But this changes everything.


The DOA does define me as a creator; I believe. What I mean by that is that most of those characters were developed through weeks, if not months, of going through the process of cultivating an image for each. Then, with jdh1's help, I was able to really create a brand new promotion that, I felt, carried some weight in the Cornellverse. That said, I am a man of challenges (sounds a little lofty to say; but true). I know, if I'm to finish these dynasties by the fall of 2011, I want to work with a company that I've long wanted to cultivate. With that in mind, the DOA, while fun to write for, simply wasn't where I wanted to invest that time frame. Make sense?


In the end, it's great to know that my original DOA project is what inspired you to write on here. Honestly, it means a lot to me to hear something like that; truthfully.


You're a great creator yourself, given your 70's mod which I loved. Keep it up!


Your last short-lived SWF dynasty had me intrigued, even though I thought you were a better indy-fed writer.


Guess I was wrong.


I always felt like my strong point was with Indy companies/wrestlers. Why? I have an inherent 'anti-authority' complex I guess; so, it was easy to write about people who felt they were being held down for whatever reason. That said, this is why I want to tackle the SWF before it's all said and done; to prove to myself that I can write with a 'big company', Sports Entertainment, feel.


Plus, it's easy to slap a persona on an unknown and make them seem interesting. It's FAR more difficult to really tackle Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and those who are all deemed as 'big stars' in the Cornellverse. Without being able to see them, to listen to them, in reality, makes it much harder to really give them a proper rendition. In a way, it's much more lofty to have to portray the 'big boys', especially those within the SWF, as everyone has an idea of how they think they should be booked/written for. With that in mind, you're much easier to push people away if you're unable to really convey those characters to a "T". They have to have depth; or else, they feel like you really didn't do much to dive into their celebrated sense. I mean, if you write Jack Bruce as a blazay rock star then you'll find yourself with readers who tune out right away; feeling like their reading something that seems rather bland.


I guess, in the end, that's another reason why an SWF project pulled me in: The challenge of conveying those who are at the top of their profession... The wrestlers, and personalities, that make up the cream of the cornellverse crop.


And, I've coined a term in my TEW gaming: The Eisen-verse Theorem. It states that "If Eisen-verse starts a new dynasty, then I immediately get inspired to do one." That rings true once again. That's right, I'm in the planning stages of yet another dynasty. Knowing that I've had two fall to data corruption and one to disinterest a month in, I know my work's gonna be under-the-radar when I begin. That makes sense.


That's awesome to hear, Levitical. Honestly, as I wrote up above, I really think you have what it takes to be a big time writer here on the GDS boards. Honestly, also, don't worry about needing to change your focus. I know that some will get 'rubbed the wrong way' if you move on from a project but, honestly, this is a game; you can make it what you want it to be. Sure, you may lose some readers if they feel like they can never really buy into what you're doing (seeing how you may jump to another project); but really, if you love what you do, if you love this game and writing a dynasty for it, then I see no problem with you having to change your course as a writer.


All in all, I'm really looking forward to your new project. You know you'll have a reader/predictor/feedback....errr... In me. :D


You know, sometimes I wish I was like you on these boards...no one cares if you jump from project to project! (No offense. You're like me: so many ideas, hard to go all-out for just one.)


I think my friend Jhd1 put it best with his review; honestly. Now, I'm sure my recent string of changes will push some away from me; however, I can't really control that. What I can control is my own direction, my own thoughts, and what it is that I want to do before it's all said and done. ya know?


What most don't know if that I attempted 2-3 (can't remember now) dynasties before my PSW project (one of them pushing 700 posts). At that time, I had very little readers, even though I was pouring myself into it, and that use to drive me crazy; mostly because I didn't really know how this whole thing worked at the time. Then came along the Greed-saga.


Honestly, as jhd1 put well, it's all about finding your niche; for creating that one masterpiece that pulls everyone in & ultimately shows the GDS-verse what it is you can do as a writer. Now, I'm not going to say that I did something amazing with that PSW diary, as there are many great writers who have created much more sound pieces than I, but I know that much of my success here was garnered by that very project. From there on, everything changed for me as a writer here.


So, I guess, with this next project, try to find something you may feel you can hang your hat on. I found, at the time, that the Greed-saga/PSW scenario was truly a window into my own life (in a way). I found that Greed became somewhat of a character in my mind as I began to write truly from another's perspective. In the end, that's how you can create a project that will ultimately give you respect on the boards; I guess.


After that, after you've shown, I guess, what you can do, people may be more leniant with the evolution of your thoughts. That said, you can change things all you want in my eyes. As long as you write a good story or two, dive into an idea here and there, then i'll be happy to read. Sure, it sucks when something you want to continue to read goes away; but, that's, simply, life. Evolving with your surrounding is best; not becoming tied to one thing or another (as it will only bring un-needed heartbreak). Okay, I'm talking too much... ha. Sorry.


But, anyway, I'll be reading as always, learning the way of dynasty-writing from you like I do all the time.


You're a great writer, Levitical. I'm sure you will, with time, find your way to where you want to be as a contributor here on the GDS boards.


Can't wait to see how you portray the SWF this go-around. I have one request, though: start up a cruiserweight-esque division and pack it with the top indy talent. It makes the SWF more enjoyable to me...


Good luck with this.


I thought about this but my major hang-up is that BigPapa42 is doing something like this in his diary (ie: Chaos Division). Also, I have a pre-set plan not to hire a bunch of people; at least straight away. I really want to give the SWF roster, and those who have come up through development, the chance before I start adding talented guys off the indy circuit.


I guess, in reality, I'm going to take a more 'realistic' approach versus just a mass hiring. :D





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Im intrigued...hope I can one day get 1/100 of the interest in my work as you get in yours!


Honestly, I think any additional response is due to the fact that most know this is my last project. To be honest, it's come and go. I've come to find that the 'big gun' companies tend to get more focus from your average, run-of-the-mill, readers as most already know what to expect.


That said, Keep truckin' along, LordJaguar. As jhd1 put, and what BigPapa42 told me over a year ago, it just takes time to gain consistent feedback types.





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Honestly, I think any additional response is due to the fact that most know this is my last project. To be honest, it's come and go. I've come to find that the 'big gun' companies tend to get more focus from your average, run-of-the-mill, readers as most already know what to expect.


That said, Keep truckin' along, LordJaguar. As jhd1 put, and what BigPapa42 told me over a year ago, it just takes time to gain consistent feedback types.





As far as I know, you ARE one the big guns. ;)

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This is the company for which I belong. The celebrated few; the ‘greats’ of my craft. To those who doubt me, who still envision the scrawny, wide-eyed, youngster in their eyes, forever to be mangled through ‘the ringer’ for being a blatant example of nepotism, I say…
I’ll prove you wrong


I live, breathe, sweat, and pine, for this industry. I dream of a day where my name is entangled with those who have achieved immortality; their legacies stretching far past their final breath. Without a doubt, these beloved few were once doubted; once thought to be nothing more than another, nameless, member of ‘the pack’. In time, through sheer grit, these men surpassed their peers; grabbing the reigns of their own success… Driving all who stand idle beneath their growing weight.




While it’s been almost a decade since he uttered these words to us (Jerry and I), the message still rings true. To achieve maximum success, you can’t be afraid to get yourself a little ‘dirty’ at times. Some label this as being a ‘backstage politician’. I see it as simply taking full control of your career; making it impossible for others to hinder your rise. Truthfully, why would anyone stand along, in an industry like ours, predicated by another’s vision of your destiny, and simply take their bumps without anything to show for it? Why trust the man next to you when, in all honesty, they care for nothing but their own course. Unlike MMA, wrestlers are slaves to their ‘creative handlers’. We can’t simply knock someone out and pick up a victory. You’re constantly forced into a world where someone’s perception of you, their overall image of your work, comes into play more than anything else; more than talent can even take you.


All it takes is one bad relationship. One scheming bully. One power-hungry a$$hole to take your spot; pushing you back into the darkness with the rest of the unfaithful.




While violent in thought, It’s true. To become a LEGEND, to theoretically own this sport, is to climb the mountain and then, in turn, continue to systematically pick-off each, and every, additional climber; making it impossible for anyone to temper your own successful ascent.


I put in my time. I suffered on the sidelines with a bum leg. I buried my head in my hands as the doctors told me there was a 60% chance I would never wrestle again. For this, I won’t allow myself to go anywhere but up.


“Master Politician”. Call me it if you want; I don’t really care. I’ve heard worse.


At the end of the day, I
be the biggest brand in all of Pro Wrestling History; revolutionizing the Eisen name in which to explode through my Father’s legacy. You can negate me all you want, continue to throw my name under the bus, but, at the end of the day, I’m going nowhere but up.


The SWF has become
playground and I plan on keeping it that way; by any means necessary….




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