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WWF 1989 - Say Goodbye to Hollywood

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No Holds Barred

September 1989 would prove to mark an interesting turn of events in the world of North American professional wrestling. The Golden Age was over: the AWA were on their last legs, the independents were slowly disappearing from the scene and Jim Crockett Promotions had already found themselves in the clutches of media mogul Ted Turner, rebranded to the less carnival sideshow sounding World Championship Wrestling.


Despite this, it was the developments at Titan Towers that interested most in this period. Hulk Hogan, had already moved outside the gargantuan shadow cast by Andre the Giant and was now clearly the most popular and recognisable wrestler on the planet and found himself at a similar crossroads to that of Andre – stay with wrestling or move to Hollywood on a permanent basis. After a scene stealing performance in 1983 movie Rocky III, Hogan had a taste for the limelight brought by the reflected spotlights of the movie industry and in an art imitating real life fashion, found himself in September 1989 starring in his own movie ‘No Holds Barred’ and squaring off in the ring against his co-star Tiny ‘Zeus’ Lister. This dual-promotion would have limited success in its own right but it did prove to be a sign of things to come for Hogan and partner in cinematic crime, Vince McMahon, Jr.


Vince, smitten by the lure of Hollywood and ‘credible’ projects decided to move into the passenger seat of the WWF, happy to remain a part of the wrestling juggernaut but focusing his off-air talents away from the industry.


Who exactly took over from Vince for this period is still shrouded in mystery and debate, we know for certain that it was not a committee run function nor was Kevin Dunn the man pulling the strings (his legendary distaste for the industry which made him a multi-millionaire left him unable to step up to the plate). Some believe that Pat Patterson, responsible for so many booking plans and match layouts as head road agent, simply increased his remit while others point the finger at Gorilla Monsoon as the man who brought about drastic change.


And make no mistake, the changes were drastic. In the first week of that month Superstars of Wrestling – one of the company’s flagship TV shows was officially downgraded to ‘B’ show status, meaning that any notable matches of interest were likely to take place exclusively on Primetime Wrestling. Speaking of Primetime it was given an extensive make over with Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan being joined by Jesse Ventura for commentary duties. The trio were to sit directly opposite Mean Gene’s live interview podium to the side of the ring entrance walkway, safely away from ringside – this in itself was quite a change, Primetime being a studio based presentation of matches and clips rather than a single location pre-taped show.


As well as Mean Gene, backstage interviews were to be conducted by a rotating trio of Tony Schivone, Vince McMahon & Sean Mooney (who would also provide the voices for Superstars and the company’s third show – Wrestling Challenge)


These changes were not just cosmetic or in front of the camera either, the company took quick steps to forge links with Jerry Jarrett’s USWA. The WWF in effect became the parent company for Jarrett’s grappling group and in return (it is rumoured) agreed to sign Jarrett’s offspring Jeff, to a multi-year written deal. In return the WWF agreed to send down some workers who still had a few things to learn the first of these was Fred ‘Tugboat’ Ottman in a one-in one-out basis. Along with Ottman, Lord Alfred Hayes and Jerry Briscoe were sent to show the workers a thing or two between the ropes and train these future WWF superstars.


In terms of storylines, the shift was almost imperceptible, the group picking up the ongoing storylines rumbling on from Summerslam:


Hulk Hogan vs Zeus

The Brainbusters vs The Hart Foundation

Greg Valentine vs Ronnie Garvin

Rick Martel vs Tito Santana

Rick Rude vs Roddy Piper


and maintaining the current belt holders.


WWF Heavyweight Champion: Hulk Hogan

WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior

WWF Tag Team Champions: The Brain Busters


The scene was set and this fascinating period was about to kick off:



I’ve been working on this one for a while now so apologies to angeldelayette for infringing on his market but I like some of the work that I’ve done here and wanted to post it to be honest… The diary will take the form of the shows and week’s main backstage news interspersed with the occasional retrospective editorial from an unknown wrestling historian!


As is tradition with these things I’ll be putting up show previews in advance to let you make predictions on what’s set for the coming week’s action. I’ll only be doing show reports for Primetime Wrestling & events, the two B shows will be included for predictions, however, so have a go and I hope you enjoy the read!


First show to be posted next Wednesday

The Hart Foundation vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

Tito Santana vs Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Dusty Rhodes vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Mystery Opponent vs The Honky Tonk Man

‘Superfly’ Jimmy Snuka vs Andre the Giant


Non-Title: The Bushwhackers vs The Brainbusters

Mr Perfect vs Paul Roma

‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs The Red Rooster


Demolition vs The Bolsheviks

Jim Powers vs Dino Bravo

Koko B. Ware vs Bad News Brown

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Originally Posted by Primetime Wrestling - September 1989, Week 1

The Hart Foundation vs The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

Tito Santana vs Greg ‘The Hammer’ Valentine

Dusty Rhodes vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Mystery Opponent vs The Honky Tonk Man

‘Superfly’ Jimmy Snuka vs Andre the Giant



Originally Posted by Superstars of Wrestling – September 1989, Week 1

Non-Title: The Bushwhackers vs The Brainbusters

Mr Perfect vs Paul Roma

Macho Man’ Randy Savage vs The Red Rooster



Originally Posted by Wrestling Challenge - September 1989, Week 1

Demolition vs The Bolsheviks

Jim Powers vs Dino Bravo

Koko B. Ware vs Bad News Brown

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Well the excitement for this one is almost palpable isn't it!!! lol


Having a few issues still with my ISP and therefore lack of home internet so things are slightly cobbled together and (for the time being at least) are sans-graphics.


... but I hope you're still entertained enough by the text to give it a go. Enjoy (or not!)


Previews for next week's shows will be posted later on today



Primetime Wrestling

Taped at the Asheville Civic Center, NC in front of a sell-out crowd of 10,000 Friday, Week 1, September



Dark Match Result: Jake the Snake Roberts b. The Widowmaker: Barry Windham with a DDT in 11.07. Match Rating: B


The Show


We are welcomed by the commentating trio of Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura:


Monsoon: “Good evening and welcome to the new look, all action Primetime Wrestling. I’m Gorilla Monsoon and joining me tonight are Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura!”


Both men salute the camera in tandem before throwing suspicious glances at one another.


Monsoon: “We’re going to take you straight to the ring now for our opening bout – Take it away Fink!”


A solid if unspectacular bout, the four men seemed to cram a lot of action into their allotted time.


The announce team put over the fact that The Hart Foundation lost out to Bobby Heenan's Brainbusters in controversial circumstances. Heenan slung insults at the pair for the duration of the bout.


The ending came when Raymond Rougeau was lifted into the air by The Anvil with Bret Hart connecting with the Hart Attack clothesline for the 1-2-3 in 9:04.


Hart Foundation b. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers by pinfall

Match Rating: C+


After the match, Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart head back to the locker room – Neidhart suddenly stops as they draw level with the announcers’ desk. Putting his hand out to stop The Hitman, he points over to where Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan & Jesse Ventura are seated.


Monsoon: “Uh-oh, I think you’re in trouble now Brain!”


Heenan: “Not me Monsoon, it’s you they’re after – Neidhart’s just heard that you’ve emptied the catering while they were getting ready for their match!”


Monsoon: “Will you stop!”


While the two are bickering, Hart & The Anvil are making their way over to the desk. Jesse Ventura quickly gets up and stands back


Ventura: “I’m leaving this one to you Bobby!”


Monsoon: “Count me in on that Jess!”


The mics can only pick up snippits of what the Hart Foundation are saying but they’re clearly unhappy with Bobby Heenan and his Brainbusters and that they felt cheated at Summerslam.


Heenan takes off his headset and gets up, making as if to leave, Bret quickly cuts off his escape route though and Neidhart lunges at him, grabbing him roughly by the scruff of the neck. Heenan squirms in their clutch while the crowd roar with approval.


Ventura: “I don’t know Gino, should we be doing something here?”


Monsoon: “Be my guest Jess! But those two look really ticked off right now!”


Neidhart plays to the crowd and motions as if he’s going to strike the Weasel. Suddenly proceedings are broken up by Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson who rush out from the back to protect their manager.


The four men get into a brawl that sees all four men fighting their way into the back while Heenan slumps back in his chair, putting his headphones and mic back on.


Monsoon: “Wow! What a way to kick start this new look Prime Time Wrestling – The WWF’s premier wrestling show! Brain, are you still with us?”


Heenan: “This isn’t over Hart Foundation – you can’t treat a Broadcast Journalist like this – it’s a travesty Monsoon, an absolute travesty and I’ll be speaking to President Jack Tunney, make no mistake!”


Monsoon: “Seems to me you got lucky Brain!”


Heenan: “Lucky… lucky for them I’m retired!”


Ventura chuckles: “Sure Bobby!”


Monsoon: “Well folks if you didn’t see Summerslam last Sunday night on Pay Per View then you’ve missed out on the biggest night of the Summer – no question. Contact your local cable provider to see if you can get the catch-up service because as you’ve already saw tonight – the ramifications are huge and only going to get bigger.”


Heenan: “I wouldn’t bother. The whole night was marred by a series of unjust decisions especially when that skirt wearing freak turned up to rob Rick Rude of the Intercontinental Title”


Monsoon: “Be careful Brain… We’ve got Hot Rod coming up tonight as the guest on the Brother Love show…”


Heenan looks mutinous as Ventura takes over.


Ventura: “You know Monsoon, I kind of find myself siding with the Brain on this one....”


Monsoon: “What!”


Ventura: “Well look at the end of the main event and tell me it wasn’t screwy!”


Monsoon: “Folks that’s just what we’re going to do right now as we take you back to the closing moments of last Sunday’s main event between The Megamaniacs – Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake against the Macho Madness of Randy Savage & Zeus. Make up your own minds!”


A video plays of the ending of the match which came when Hulk Hogan hit Zeus with what seemed to be a loaded purse belonging to Sensational Sherri.


Monsoon: “As a result of the controversial ending to that match, I understand that President Jack Tunney has sanctioned a one on one match between the Immortal Hulk Hogan and Zeus at the very next Saturday Night’s Main Event!”


Ventura: “Whoa! That’ll be something to see – I only hope Hogan can do the decent thing and fight like a man this time.”


Monsoon: “Folks we’re going to take you to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by and ready to talk to the Million Dollar Man: Ted Dibiase”


We cut to a pre-recorded interview between Ted Dibiase & Mean Gene Okerlund


Okerlund: “Okay, thanks Gorilla. Ted Dibiase – you’ve never been one who’s afraid to put his money where his mouth is but this time you’ve actually earned a shot at WWF Champion – Hulk Hogan following your victory over ‘Superfly’ Jimmy Snuka at Summerslam.”


Dibiase: “HaHaHaHaHaHa! Listen to me little man! First and foremost I am a businessman. I’m a self-made millionaire who relies on his instincts and plays to his strengths – when I see a weakness, I exploit it! I have been accused of buying opportunities in the World Wrestling Federation but let me ask you this Gene Okerlund, when was the last time someone gave you something for nothing?”


Okerlund: “Well I…”


Dibiase: “It was a rhetorical question you idiot! Now as I was saying, I see opportunities and I exploit them – that’s all I did and I’ve been persecuted for it. People like Jake Roberts stand in my way? I knock them down. I have earned this opportunity against Hulk Hogan just like I earned my first million – the hard way. And just as my bank balance has continued to increase, so too will my stock as World Wrestling Federation Champion! HaHaHaHaHaHa!


"But never let it be said that the Million Dollar Man takes chances, I didn’t make my millions by taking unnecessary risks because you see – I’m not the only contender to Hulk Hogan’s stock of gold – as I understand it Zeus could take the title at Saturday Night’s Main Event in just over a week’s time… and I intend to make that happen."


Zeus stalks into shot to stand to the right hand side of Dibiase – who pats the big man on the shoulder as he grimaces into the camera.


Okerlund: “But… I don’t understand why would you ally yourself with the man who could stand between you and the WWF title? ”


Dibiase sighs: “And that is why you’ll never be the business man that Ted DiBiase- The Million Dollar Man is! Whether I win that title or my new charge Zeus wins the title, I’ll be the man in control of the destiny of the World Wrestling Federation belt – know this: whether it happens next Saturday night or in the following month, the reign of Hulk Hogan and the rest of Jack Tunney’s stooges is coming to an end – the 1990s will go down in history as the decade when money mattered most! HaHaHaHaHaHa!”


We cut back to the three man announce team in the arena.


Ventura: “I don’t why you’re looking so surprised Gorilla, trust the Million Dollar Man to be left holding all of the aces.”


Monsoon: “That’s true Jess… too true…”


Heenan: “Isn’t this supposed to be a wrestling show Monsoon? Why aren’t we watching anyone wrestle!”


Monsoon: “It’s called entertainment Brain. You should try it some time.”


The bickering is drowned out by the blare from the tannoys as Tito Santana makes his way to the ring.



The two former intercontinental champions lock up at the beginning of a hard hitting bout that the commentary team were at pains to explain was due to the long feudal history between the pair. Gorilla speculates that there are some folks who believe that Tito Santana may be the greatest IC champion of all time which Heenan decries as nonsense – that was Rick Rude with The Honky Tonk Man a close second…


The ending came when Tito Santana was distracted by Jimmy Hart leaping on to the canvas while Valentine kept the referee’s attention. Knocking the Mouth of the South to the floor, Tito was left wide open for an a blindside attack by Rick ‘The Model’ Martel who appeared from nowhere at ringside and nailed him with a cheap shot. Martel dropped to the ringside floor, out of the referee’s vision, while Valentine grabbed a handful of Santana’s tights as he rolled him into a schoolboy, adding insult to injury after 7:58.


Greg Valentine b. Tito Santana by pinfall

Match Rating: B-


After the match The Hammer & The Model continue their beatdown on Tito while the commentators discuss the situation


Ventura: “Looks like Chico is in trouble now!”


Monsoon: “It’s a dangerous alliance Jess that’s for sure – I can’t think of two guys in the World Wrestling Federation who would hate Tito more than these two.”


Heenan: “And for good reason…”


Monsoon: “And what reason is that Brain, both guys are just sore losers?!”


Heenan: “This transcends wrestling Monsoon, it’s bigger than that.”


Santana attempts to mount a comeback but the numbers game is too much as Jimmy Hart distracts him again and lets Valentine nail him back to the canvas with another cheap shot, Martel meanwhile has left the ring and found a steel chair.


Monsoon: “Why’s that Bobby?”


Heenan: “Have you seen the state of their lawns Monsoon? Santana’s a terrible gardener!”


Monsoon: “Will you stop! It’s a good job you’re not alone in there with everyone in the WWF that hates your guts.”


Heenan: “I’ll always have you though Monsoon eh?”


Monsoon: “Sure thing Brain… Holding you down…”


Martel has returned to the ring and placed Tito’s ankle inside the fold of the chair.


Monsoon: “They can’t be serious – can’t we get some guys out here to stop this?!”


A host of referees and Road Agents have come to ringside none of whom can get past a prowling Greg Valentine.


Suddenly, from out of the back comes Rugged Ronnie Garvin… charging to ringside, still wearing his ring announcer’s suit, Garvin explodes on Valentine the two trading stiff lefts and rights, Martel is distracted long enough for Santana to escape through the bottom rope and by the time The Model has figured out what is going on, the moment has passed with the Road Agents swarming the ring to break things up.


Ventura: “This is a disgrace Gino!”


Monsoon: “You took the words out of my mouth Jess, the behaviour of these men is reprehensible.”


Ventura: “Absolutely. Ronnie Garvin should be stripped of his position!”


Monsoon: “WHAT?!!”


Ventura: “When was the last time you saw Howard Finkel throwing a punch at a wrestler? It doesn’t happen and do you know why?”


Heenan: “Because he weighs about 58lbs?”


Ventura (clearly not listening)…It’s because he’s a professional. Garvin’s an animal!”


Monsoon: “I sometimes wonder which of you is worse you know that? Folks while we try and clear the ring and get back to some sense of order, here’s Vince McMahon who’s standing by with the World Wrestling Federation champion, the Immortal Hulk Hogan.”


We cut to another pre-recorded interview this time with Vince McMahon & a pacing Hulk Hogan.


McMahon: “Thanks Gorilla, I’m in the locker room with the Immortal One: Hulk Hogan. Hulk, you’ve heard what Ted DiBiase had to say about your upcoming match with Zeus at Saturday Night’s Main Event – what’s your thoughts?”


Hogan: “Well you know something brother, ever since Ted DiBiase came to the World Wrestling Federation he’s been running his mouth off; money’s no objective, everybody’s got a price. Well not Hulk Hogan brother.


“He’s tried every trick in the book to take this title away from me – he’s tried buying off my friends and bribing referees – he even offered me money to take the title off my hands, well listen up Ted DiBiase and listen up good. Nobody, is taking this title back from me."


McMahon: “You’ve met Zeus one-on-one before of course but those were under very difficult circumstances…”


Hogan: “The thing that Zeus and his new boss need to remember is that last time, Ha, last time I was only pretending – when we meet in the squared circle in just over a week’s time Zeus is going to know all about the pain and suffering needed to be a success in this business. I could go to Hollywood, brother. I could do what he does but there’s no way he can hang with the likes of me in the ring – he hasn’t trained long enough, he hasn’t taken his vitamins but I’ll tell you one thing – he better say his prayers because there can be only one winner.”


McMahon: “Thank you very much Hulkster, let’s go back to ringside.”


The Brooklyn Brawler is already in the ring as his opponent is being introduced.


“American Dream” blasts over the tannoy as the Mid Atlantic crowd get to their feet in waves of applause for their local hero.


Hand slapping all the way down to the ring, Dusty rolls himself in underneath as the referee keeps the Brawler back.


Heenan: “Urgh… from one American disgrace to another…”


Monsoon: “You never learn do you Brain?”


Heenan: “Look at these Ham and Eggers they love him. Idiots.”


Ventura: “The Brawler’s long way from home. Wrestling fans down this way aren’t keen on New Yorkers that’s for sure.”


A glorified squash ostensibly to get Dusty Rhodes on the card, the Brawler was never given a hope in this match and it came as no surprise when Rhodes hit the Bionic Elbow for the 3 count in 4:05.


Dusty Rhodes b. The Brooklyn Brawler by Pinfall

Match Rating: C


Dusty briefly celebrates in the ring for the fans as we cut to another interview this time Tony Schivone is with the Slick and The Twin Towers.


Tony Schivone: “Okay I’m joined in the locker room by the Doctor of Style, Slick and his charges – Akeem and the Big Bossman.


Slick: “Hey holmes you sit back and listen while the Slickster lays it on the line for ya’ll.


“We’re lookin’ left and we’re lookin right and something just don’t smell too good round here, you feel?”


Tony Schivone: “Not really…”


Bossman removes his shades and steps up to Schivone: “Shut up and listen to what the man has to say, unless you want to be spending some hard time with me and the African Dream!”


An intimidated Schivone passes the mic back to Slick.


Slick: “That’s betta. You’re getting the hang o’this respect thing here. An I hope it’s catchin’ cos my Twin Towers they ain’t been gettin’ no respect roun’ here.


“THE NUMBA ONE TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY! You’re lookin’ at ‘em daddy – take a good long hard look at Akeem a man who found his inner self and turned his back on crime. Take a look at the Bossman – a man who found his inner self and turned his back on the law… Together they are the strongest unit in all a professional wrestlin’.”


“Teams like the Hart Foundation and Demolition – they’re yesterdays news brother. Those Demolition boys, you know why they paint their faces?! Huh?”


Schivone shakes his head


Slick: “It’s cos they don’t want folks seeing how embarrassed they are. Embarassed to be runnin’ from the most dominant team in the World Wrestlin’ Federation – they ain’t nothin’ and not them not nobody else will stand between my boys and those Tag Team Titles, you feel me?”


Schivone: “Thank you very much gentlemen, back to you Gorilla”


We flip back to a longshot of the packed arena.


Monsoon: “That’s fighting talk in anybody’s language Brain. Think you’re boys are up to the Challenge.”


Heenan: “No, no I see what you’re trying to do here Monsoon – you’re wanting me to bad mouth the Twin Towers and then have them come down here and harass me, well I’m not biting and neither are my Brainbusters.”


Ventura: “Sounds to me like you are running scared Bobby.”


Heenan: “If anybody should be scared it’s Demolition by the sound of it. I heard Slick calling Ax a chicken the other day…”


Monsoon: “When was this?!!!”


Heenan: “Tuesday. Half past eleven, I was in Wichita.”


Monsoon: “And the Twin Towers were in Wyoming that day…”


Heenan: “Slick wasn’t though…”


Monsoon: “You’re making this up, Brain! You’re unbelievable!”


Heenan: “Prove it! Better yet, Ax should prove he’s not a chicken…”


Ventura: “Two birds with one stone Bobby… I gotta hand it to ya…”


Heenan (in a stage whisper): “They don’t call me the Brain for nothing you know…”


Howard Finkel is in the ring: “Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time it is my pleasure to introduce to you the New Intercontinental Champion…”


The crowd rise to their feet in anticipation of The Ultimate Warrior. The cheers soon turn to boos however, when The Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart appear!


Monsoon: “He’s not the Intercontinental Champion! Where’s the Warrior!”


Ventura: “How do you know Gorilla, he may have lost it during the week. Warrior was never the sharpest knife in the box and after all the Honky Tonk Man is the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of all Time.”


Heenan: “Second greatest.”


Jimmy Hart has a microphone and completes the introduction: “Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, please put your hands together for the king of Rock and Wrestling, the Honky Tonk Man!!”


The duo have reached the ring, and Honky performs his trademark Shake Rattle and Roll dance.


Honky Tonk Man: “Thank you very much, you’re a beautiful audience.”


Boos reign down on the pair.


HTM: “You see, the Colonel and I have been talking and it seems we never got what we were owed. I am the Greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. There’s no doubting that and yet that tassle wearing lady man coward The Ultimate Warrior never gave me the opportunity to win my title back when he stole it. This is MY moment. Warrior, now it’s your turn to be surprised into a match get your scrawny backside down here and face me like a man.”


Honky pauses. Waiting for a response.


Ventura: “Think he’ll show?”


Monsoon: “Oh, he’ll show alright – Honky’s in trouble now.”


Heenan: “After the beating he took from Rick Rude on Sunday night? I don’t think he’ll even be here.”


The Ultimate Warrior’s music suddenly blares out


Monsoon: “Wrong again, Brain”


But nobody appears.


Jimmy Hart: “You see baby! I knew he was a coward! Let’s get out of here – we’ve made our point.”


Honky laughs in agreement and as the two prepare to step out of the ring a mysterious voice seems to come from behind the curtain.


Mystery: “It’s funny but here’s you two out here crying about how the Warrior never gave you a chance to win your title back but after all… you did the same thing to me.”


With a swift movement of the curtain, the mystery man is revealed and is none other than Ricky Steamboat!


Heenan: “Hey it’s that cleaning guy!”


Monsoon: “Will you stop! That’s Ricky Steamboat – he’s back Brain!”


Ventura: “I didn’t even notice he was gone…”


Heenan and Ventura may be underwhelmed, but the crowd are not – they stand to applaud the returning Dragon and cheer him on as he begins to speak.


Steamboat: “You see, I haven’t forgotten what you did to me – how you stole my Intercontinental Championship so if you’re trying to make out that you’re still number one contender… what does that make me?”


Honky Tonk & Jimmy Hart are freaking out in the ring.


Hart: “You… You can’t be here… You don’t work here…”


Steamboat: “Funny thing is Jimmy. I do work here.”


The crowd applaud and cheer again.


Steamboat: “And another funny thing is that… you knew The Ultimate Warrior wouldn’t be here tonight. I mean you must’ve! I’m new around here and even I knew that… but you have offered the people a match so why don’t we settle this once and for all?”


Steamboat throws down his mic and makes for the ring – the other two look unsure but a referee has appeared at ringside and is calling for the bell. We have a match!


A top quality match, both men gave as good as they got as they went all out against each other for victory. After a few near fall attempts and despite interference from Jimmy Hart, Steamboat took the victory with a flying splash from the top rope in 15:12


Ricky Steamboat b. The Honky Tonk Man by pinfall

Match Rating: B+


Steamboat offers his hand to Honky Tonk as a mark of respect after the bout.


Monsoon: “And that, is a gentleman. After everything he’s been put through, to offer his hand like that is the mark of a true man.”


Heenan: “Mark of a moron, more like…”


Sure enough, Honky Tonk pretends to accept the handshake and throws a cheap shot at Steamboat. Before he can retaliate however, Honky Tonk has rolled out of the ring and is quickly heading to the back.


The camera cuts back to our announce trio


Ventura: “Some people never learn Brain…”


Heenan: “What’s next?”


Monsoon: “Might be time for you to beat a hasty retreat Bobby.”


Heenan looks puzzled before a look of wide eyed fear comes in to his eyes as Roddy Piper’s bagpipe entrance music kicks in… with a quick move, Heenan dives under the table just as the Rowdy One appears through the curtain – he casts a look at the remaining duo, looks puzzled and then turns his sights on the Brother Love show set and makes his way over.


Brother Love is standing with the microphone looking confused.


Love: “I loooooooooooove you! But I do not loooooooooooove this racket!”


The music is cut short as Piper makes his way up the steps and Brother Love’s familiar gospel inspired theme comes on.


Love: “That’s better we can hear with our hearts again!”


With a rueful shake of the head, Roddy Piper casually makes his way over to the faux preacher.


Love: “My guest this week has been in the main event of Wrestlemaniaaaa. My guest this week has been the star of his own movies. And my guest this week has been getting himself involved where he doesn’t belong...”


Piper looks more amused than angry


Love: “I suppose that haaas been is the best way to describe my guest.”


A sickening smile is not enough to crack Roddy’s composure.


Love: “You see, I was taught by the book of the Lord that you should always respect others and be a man of your word. But not everyone is as pure of spirit as Brother Love…


“Not two years ago, my guest Rowdy Roddy Piper said he was retired from the wrestling business, turned his back on the World Wrestling Federation and headed for Hollywood… but look who’s coming crawling back!”


Piper’s face is starting to twitch


Love: “A man who could never cut it enough to be the World Wrestling Federation champion couldn’t cut it enough to earn his daily bread in the movie industry…”


Love: “A man who is so jealous of the youth and vitality of today’s wrestlers that he has to get himself involved where he doesn’t belong. A man..”


Piper has had enough. With a quick movement he snatches the microphone out of Brother Love’s hand who beetles away from him in fear.


Piper: “You listen to me you fat waste of space, nobody speaks to me like that – not you, not that Weasal over there – you think I can’t see you Bobby?


With a stony look on his face now, he turns directly to the camera:


“And not you Rick Rude. You listening to me boy? I’ve been watching you swan around here and I’m sic…”


Piper’s words are cut short by the sudden arrival of Rude, without warning he’s pounced on Piper and knocked him to the ground, a series of lefts and rights on the grounded Scotsman gains quick results as Piper is busted wide open. With a few more well aimed kicks to the head before grabbing the fallen microphone.


Rude: “You listen to me and you listen good. Nobody gets involved in my business. I’ve been robbed of my rightful intercontinental title and I hope you’re watching Warrior because at Saturday Night’s Main Event you’re going to get what’s coming to you and this piece of garbage is going to be around to help you out.”


With a few more kicks, Rude spits on Piper for good measure as a bevy of Road Agents and Referees arrive to break things up.


We cut back to the three man announce team.


Monsoon shakes his head ruefully.


Ventura: “I gotta hand it to you Bobby, that was a masterstroke. Nobody saw it coming.”


Heenan: “I keep telling you – I’m not the Brain for nothing.”


Monsoon: “Sickening.”


Ventura: “Ah pipe down Gino, you did worse in your time.”


Monsoon: “As did you Jess…”


Ventura: “Hey I don’t deny it! In fact I’d be proud of it if I was Rick Rude.”


Heenan: “That boy’s got a lot to be proud of – he’s in the physical prime of his life and he’ll show that Warrior that without outside help, Rick Rude is the real Intercontinental Champion.


Monsoon: “Well seems like everybody wants a piece of The Ultimate Warrior, I’ll guess we’ll have to see what he says next week because I understand he’ll be Brother Love’s guest next week.”


Superfly’s entrance music kicks in and the original Phenom makes his way to the ring.


Heenan: “I gotta go.”


Monsoon: “Folks, Bobby Heenan will be accompanying Andre the Giant to ringside so I’m pleased to welcome Vince McMahon to the announcers’ desk and he’ll be helping to call our main event. Quite a night, huh Vince?”


McMahon can be heard putting on his earphones


McMahon: “Never a dull moment in the World Wrestling Federation that’s for sure and this should be a classic.”


Heenan is joined halfway down the entrance walkway by Andre the Giant, who casts an eye over Roddy Piper on his way past. Without warning the Giant suddenly steps over and nails Hot Rod from behind. The Scotsman clatters to the ground again as the Road Agents step in to shield him from the Giant, a smug grin on Heenan’s face the pair head off back to the ring where Snuka is waiting.


Monsoon: “What was that for!”


Ventura (Laughing): “What a night Bobby Heenan’s having, he’s the master manipulator.”


McMahon: “What do you mean?”


Ventura: “Well, how do you stop Piper interfering in Rude’s rematch? Simple – give him a bigger problem to worry about!”


Monsoon: “Sheesh…”


A relatively short match, it is used to showcase Andre’s domination and although Snuka is allowed some offence he never really has much chance of taking this one. Appreciated by the crowd thanks mostly to their star quality, this is perfectly acceptable fodder that ends after only 4:56 with a big splash.


Andre the Giant b. Superfly Jimmy Snuka

Match Rating: B-


The show ends with Andre the Giant celebrating in the ring – an ominous sign of things to come for Roddy Piper and the rest of the World Wrestling Federation?


Overall Rating: B




Primetime Wrestling, September - Week 1

The Hart Foundation b. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

Greg Valentine b. Tito Santana

Dusty Rhodes b. The Brooklyn Brawler

Ricky Steamboat (Mystery Opponent) b. Honky Tonk Man

Andre the Giant b. Superfly Jimmy Snuka



Wrestling Challenge, September - Week 1

The Brainbusters b. The Bushwhackers

Mr. Perfect b. Paul Roma

Macho Man Randy Savage b. The Red Rooster



Superstars of Wrestling, September - Week 1

Demolition b. The Bolsheviks

Dino Bravo b. Jim Powers

Bad News Brown b. Koko B. Ware


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Primetime Preview


Let's have a look at the breakdown of this week's action as we move quickly towards a packed weekend that will feature both Saturday Night's Main Event and the UK Rampage Pay-Per-View with a very special format for the night more details of which will be revealed on this week's Primetime.


Let's take a look at this week's card


Barry Horrowitz vs Rick Martel

After his involvement in nemesis Tito Santana’s bout last week, will the Mexican seek revenge and bring a shock victory for Horrowitz?


The Young Stallions vs The Twin Towers

Following last week’s boast that The Twin Towers are the greatest team in pro-wrestling today, Slick’s men will be under scrutiny from all of the other tag teams here in the World Wrestling Federation – not least of all Ax and Smash of Demolition.


Brutus Beefcake vs Virgil

In a teaser for Saturday Night’s Main Event we’ll see Hulk Hogan’s best friend Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake take on Ted DiBiase’s man servant.


Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect

A return to Primetime Wrestling for the man with the perfect record as he clashes with The Birdman.


The Hart Foundation vs The Colossal Connection

As exclusively revealed on this week’s Superstars of Wrestling – The Hart Foundation will get a title shot at Saturday Night’s Main Event if, and only if, they can overcome Bobby Heeenan’s enforcers – Haku and the Eighth Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant, in our Primetime Main Event.




- We’ll be hearing from Hulk Hogan & Zeus ahead of their titanic struggle at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


- The Ultimate Warrior will be speaking on The Brother Love Show


- All this and more, only on Primetime Wrestling



Wrestling Challenge, September – Week 2

Demolition vs The Bolsheviks

The Young Stallions vs The Powers of Pain

Ricky Steamboat vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Superfly vs Bad News Brown


Superstars of Wrestling – Week 2

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs The Rockers

Earthquake vs Barry Horrowitz

The Red Rooster vs The Widowmaker: Barry Windham

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Honky Tonk Man

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Primetime Preview


Let's have a look at the breakdown of this week's action as we move quickly towards a packed weekend that will feature both Saturday Night's Main Event and the UK Rampage Pay-Per-View with a very special format for the night more details of which will be revealed on this week's Primetime.


Let's take a look at this week's card


Barry Horrowitz vs Rick Martel

After his involvement in nemesis Tito Santana’s bout last week, will the Mexican seek revenge and bring a shock victory for Horrowitz?


The Young Stallions vs The Twin Towers

Following last week’s boast that The Twin Towers are the greatest team in pro-wrestling today, Slick’s men will be under scrutiny from all of the other tag teams here in the World Wrestling Federation – not least of all Ax and Smash of Demolition.


Brutus Beefcake vs Virgil

In a teaser for Saturday Night’s Main Event we’ll see Hulk Hogan’s best friend Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake take on Ted DiBiase’s man servant.


Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect

A return to Primetime Wrestling for the man with the perfect record as he clashes with The Birdman.


The Hart Foundation vs The Colossal Connection

As exclusively revealed on this week’s Superstars of Wrestling – The Hart Foundation will get a title shot at Saturday Night’s Main Event if, and only if, they can overcome Bobby Heeenan’s enforcers – Haku and the Eighth Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant, in our Primetime Main Event.




- We’ll be hearing from Hulk Hogan & Zeus ahead of their titanic struggle at Saturday Night’s Main Event.


- The Ultimate Warrior will be speaking on The Brother Love Show


- All this and more, only on Primetime Wrestling



Wrestling Challenge, September – Week 2

Demolition vs The Bolsheviks

The Young Stallions vs The Powers of Pain

Ricky Steamboat vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Superfly vs Bad News Brown


Superstars of Wrestling – Week 2

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs The Rockers

Earthquake vs Barry Horrowitz

The Red Rooster vs The Widowmaker: Barry Windham

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Honky Tonk Man

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Barry Horrowitz vs Rick Martel

After his involvement in nemesis Tito Santana’s bout last week, will the Mexican seek revenge and bring a shock victory for Horrowitz?


The Young Stallions vs The Twin Towers

Following last week’s boast that The Twin Towers are the greatest team in pro-wrestling today, Slick’s men will be under scrutiny from all of the other tag teams here in the World Wrestling Federation – not least of all Ax and Smash of Demolition.


Brutus Beefcake vs Virgil

In a teaser for Saturday Night’s Main Event we’ll see Hulk Hogan’s best friend Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake take on Ted DiBiase’s man servant.


Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect

A return to Primetime Wrestling for the man with the perfect record as he clashes with The Birdman.


The Hart Foundation vs The Colossal Connection

As exclusively revealed on this week’s Superstars of Wrestling – The Hart Foundation will get a title shot at Saturday Night’s Main Event if, and only if, they can overcome Bobby Heeenan’s enforcers – Haku and the Eighth Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant, in our Primetime Main Event.



Wrestling Challenge, September – Week 2

Demolition vs The Bolsheviks

The Young Stallions vs The Powers of Pain

Ricky Steamboat vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Superfly vs Bad News Brown


Superstars of Wrestling – Week 2

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers vs The Rockers

Earthquake vs Barry Horrowitz

The Red Rooster vs The Widowmaker: Barry Windham

Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs The Honky Tonk Man

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Primetime Wrestling

Taped at the Augusta Civic Center (NE) in front of a sell out crowd of 10,000

Attendance: 9,905

Friday, Week 2 September


Dark Match Result: Jake the Snake Roberts b. Bad News Brown with a DDT in 9.02. Match Rating: C


The Show


Monsoon: “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Primetime Wrestling. With me as always are Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura and Bobby ‘The Brai..”


Monsoon looks around…


Monsoon: “Where did he go Jess? He was here a minute ago!”


Ventura: “He said he had a family meeting to attend…”


Monsoon: “I wonder what that snake has up his sleeve this time… Doubtless we’ll find out later on as it’s his Colossal Connection taking on The Hart Foundation in our main event.”


Ventura: “Don’t forgot Monsoon – if the Hart Foundation lose this match tonight, they’re never getting another shot at the Brainbusters’ Tag Team Titles…”


Monsoon: “How could I? That’s all that Weasal’s been harping on about all day!”


Bobby Heenan can be seen running into shot as Monsoon continues…


Monsoon: “ … here it comes… some broadcast journalist you are… Folks while Bobby Heenan composes himself, let’s go to ringside for our opening bout.”


We’re taken to the ring where Barry Horrowitz is waiting.


Heenan (panting heavily): “Did I miss anything?!!”


Ventura: “Nah, just this joker coming out, good job you didn’t hang about though Bobby because I don’t think he’ll be here long…”


The Model Rick Martel’s music hits as he makes his way down to the ring spraying his cologne as he goes…


Ventura: “Can you smell that Monsoon? How good is that ‘Arrogance’?


Monsoon: “That boy reeks of arrogance alright. Has done for years.”


Martel climbs into the ring and argues with the crowd, before removing his sunglasses and ridiculously oversized badge.


Barry Horrowitz vs Rick 'The Model' Martel


A short match dominated from bell to bell by Rick Martel, Horrowitz was allowed very little in the way of offence. Martel seemed even more fired up than usual leaving the commentators to speculate that he was sending a message out to Tito Santana. The match ends, inevitably, with Horrowitz quitting under the pressure of Martel's Boston Crab finisher.


Rick Martel d. Barry Horrowitz by Submission in 4:56

Match Rating: D


Heenan: “I knew that coward Santana wouldn’t show.”


Ventura: “Come on Bobby! Chico might be a few tacos short of a fiesta but he’s no chicken.


Monsoon: “Will you two stop! Tito is in the back with Sean Mooney right now, take it away Sean…”



We cut to a pre-recorded interview in the locker room


Mooney: “Thank you Gorilla, I’m joined in the locker room by a fired up Tito Santana who says he has a message for Rick Martel.”


Santana: “Thanks Sean. I take it you’re proud of yourself Rick? It’s easy to gang up on a man and leave him for dead – that’s your style. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that night in Atlantic City when I reached up to tag in my partner, my best friend and found only an empty space. I needed your help that night Rick and you were nowhere to be found. That ego that always threatened to destroy you had risen up and made you turn your back on me. I did what I had always done – fought for me, for my family… for us! And you turned your back on me.


“Since then, all you have done is follow and attack me whenever my back was turned – did I do you so wrong that night? Can’t you let sleeping dogs lie? I wanted to settle things once and for all at Summerslam but you hid behind the Rougeau Brothers and now I find you standing in Greg Valentine’s shadow… well no change there you’ve been standing behind other men for years…”


“It’s time for you to step up and fight like a man but I’m a realist… I know that you’ll never be man enough to fight me on your own, or anyone else for that matter so I’m giving you a challenge… you trust your new friend that much? Then why don’t you and him come and meet me in a tag team match with my new partner?”


Santana pauses and Rugged Ronnie Garvin steps into shot


Garvin: “Guess who’s BAAACK! That’s right Valentine, I spoke to President Jack Tunney just a few hours ago and he told me he was letting me go as a ring announcer due to certain behavioural issues…he also told me that YOU had asked for me to be re-instated and that he was willing to accept that request.


“Big mistake Valentine. Big mistake. I’m gonna enjoy whipping your butt up and down this country and there’s not a thing you can do about it – you can think on Saturday as being a taster of what’s to come. Haha!”


Santana: “Arriba!”


We’re back with our announce trio


Ventura: “I can’t believe that idiot Tunney has let Garvin back on active duty. That’s a mistake: I’m telling you right now!”


Monsoon: “Time will tell Jess, time will tell.”



Heenan isn’t fully paying attention to his colleagues, instead he is staring back at the curtain and pointing nervously


Monsoon: “What is wrong with you?”


He turns to look back


Monsoon: “Oh.... I guess Ax must’ve watched last week’s programme Brain...”


Sure enough Demolition are making their way to the announcers’ desk. The pair arrive in full battle wear and stare holes into Bobby Heenan through their studded masks.


Ventura: “We’re not with him are we Gorilla?!”


Heenan: “Traitor!”


Monsoon: “Erm… can we help you guys.”


The two turn and stare at Monsoon before slowly shaking their heads and turning their attention towards the ring where the Young Stallions have quietly made their way to the ring. Now the Twin Towers are making their entrance and before long this one is under way.


The Young Stallions vs The Twin Towers


The nearby presence of Ax and Smash appears to have unnerved both teams – Slick in particular seems far more subdued than normal. Brute strength overcomes all, however and the Big Bossman slams Jim Powers for the victory.


The Twin Towers b. The Young Stallions by Pinfall in 4.56

Match Rating: E+


After the match Ax and Smash turn and walk away without uttering a word


Ventura: “What was that all about?”


Monsoon: “Search me!”


Heenan: “I told ya they were chicken!”


Monsoon: “Folks we’ve got another big match coming up now between Brutus Beefcake and Virgil. Let’s look a little video now to see how this one has come about.”


A video plays hyping the upcoming match between Brutus Beefcake and Virgil – linking the bout in with the overall Hogan/Zeus feud. The highlights include Ted Dibiase claiming to eliminate those who stand in his way with footage of Jake Roberts being wheeled out on a gurney – and flashes between Hogan and his character in the No Holds Barred movie Rip Rogers.


The video ends with Dibiase making a chilling proclamation – “Keep your friends close Hogan, you’ve not got many left…”



Virgil’s inexperience shows here as Brutus Beefcake leads for the majority of this mercifully brief match. The Barber dominates from first bell to last and it comes as no surprise when he slaps the Sleeper on in the middle of the ring. Virgil is out cold and Beefcake has his hand lifted in celebration at 6:02.


Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake b. Virgil by Submission in 6:02.

Match Rating: C-


After the match, Beefcake is seemingly on autopilot as he pulls out his clippers, the crowd laugh as Beefcake shows mock disappointment at being unable to clip the bald Virgil’s hair. He’s so engaged in what he’s doing that he doesn’t hear the boo’s from the crowd begin to rain down…


Ventura: “Don’t look now Beefcake!”


Monsoon: “It’s Zeus! What’s he doing here!”


Zeus has entered the ring and waffled Beefcake from behind with a clubbing forearm to the back of the head…


Heenan: “He should have cut out of here while he still had the chance!”


Ventura: “I hope Hulk Hogan’s watching – this is what could happen tomorrow night!”


Heenan: “Some friend he is…”


Monsoon: “Will you two stop! The Hulkster’s not here tonight as you both know perfectly well!”


The road agents have come to the ring to break things up but Brutus looks worse for wear after the onslaught. Fighting off a horde of agents – Zeus flexes his muscles for the crowd and gives out an almighty roar.


Ventura: “Just when you thought this couldn’t get any more personal!”


Monsoon: “You’re not kidding… but if there’s one guy around here I wouldn’t want to get fired up its Hulk Hogan!”


Zeus is lead away while Pat Patterson and Arnold Skaaland see to Brutus who is visibly unsteady on his feet.


Monsoon: “Folks we’ve got Koko B. Ware against Mr. Perfect coming up next but while we get set-up out here, Mean Gene Okerlund is with the Honky Tonk Man.”



Gene Okerlund is standing in the back in front of an advertisement for Satuday Night’s Main Event with Jimmy Hart & The Honky Tonk Man.


Okerlund: “Thanks guys, Honky Tonk Man last week you called out The Ultimate Warrior but I can’t help but notice you’ve been staying out of his way tonight…”


Honky has a ****y look on his face


Hart: “Listen up Gene Okerlund, last week my client – the king of rock and wrestling The Honky Tonk Man offered The Ultimate Warrior an opportunity to do the right thing and he chickened out.”


Okerlund: “But the Warrior wasn’t here last week and…”


Honky: “Shut up Okerlund! Let the Colonel speak!”


Hart: “He did, he chickened out. He knew The Honky Tonk Man was looking for him and that we had his number, daddy. We’ve been preparing for months now to take on this Wildman and he deliberately no shows when…”


Okerlund: “Oh come on! How can you say that The War…”


Honky gets in Okerlund’s personal space




Hart looks ****y and pauses before starting up again


Hart: “As I was saying, we had been preparing for this moment for months, waiting for the perfect opportunity and there it was daddy. A platinum plated moment for us to recapture what belongs to the Honky Tonk Man… And what do we get… A washed up middle of the road wrestler who’s bitter at losing out to a better man…


“Well listen up Ricky Steamboat and you listen up good! Anybody can sneak a win when the man they’re facing hasn’t had adequate time to prepare so don’t think you’re anything special – if you want a fair fight than you can have one tomorrow night at Saturday Night’s Main Event. Are you man enough baby?”


Okerlund: “So let me get this straight – you’re challenging Ricky Steamboat to a re-match tomorrow night at Saturday Night’s Main Event”


Honky: “That’s what we just said idiot! Now let’s see if he’s ready for a fair fight – bring it on Steamboat but pack your bags because you’re headed for Heartbreak Hotel and a one way ticket right back to whatever rock you crawled out from.”


We cut back to our announcers


Monsoon: “Wow! Another huge match booked for tomorrow night’s event – it’s going to be a classic.”


Heenan: “And there’s more! I can exclusively reveal through my extensive contacts in the business that Greg Valentine & Rick Martel have agreed to face Tito Santana & Ronnie Garvin…”


Monsoon: “Hey! You read that off my sheet! MY contact just handed me that information! You’re unbelievable Brain.”


Heenan: “Who you trying to kid Monsoon, everyone knows you can’t read…”


Ventura: “I think his hearing’s fine though Bobby… and the Gorilla… well… he’s a little BIGGER than you…”


Monsoon: “If you two would just pay attention for a minute, we’re ready for our next match!”



Sure enough, Koko B. Ware is soon flapping his arms all the way to the ring, engaging his audience.


Monsoon: “It’s the Birdman! Koko B. Ware!”


Ventura: “If I were Koko I’d be looking for a way to fly outta here…”


Flanked by his manager The Genius, Mr. Perfect is next out a towel draped around his shoulders. With a ****y grin to the audience he stops – spits out his gum and bats it into the crowd.


Ventura: “Wow – what a souvenir for one lucky fan!”


Heenan: “It’s like a home run from Babe Ruth or O.J. Simpson’s jock strap”


Monsoon: “The man with the perfect record and far from perfect manners…”


Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect


Early domination from Mr Perfect has the announcers speculating that he might be in line for an Intercontinental title shot, Heenan going so far as to claim that Hogan was running scared of him. As if he can hear them, Perfect gets a little too ****y though and Koko mounts a valiant comeback with a series of snap dropkicks in the centre of the ring sending Perfect to the outside to regain his composure. This pause in action is all Perfect needs to regain the momentum with a cheap shot below the belt on his return to the ring, Koko is double up in pain, seeing his opportunity, Perfect locks on the perfect plex and slams him for the victory.


Mr. Perfect b. Koko B. Ware in 9:51

Rating: C


Monsoon: “He had to pull out all the stops there. Koko pushed him all the way.”


Ventura: “A win’s a win, Gino!”


Monsoon: “Isn’t this the part of the show where you usually hide under the desk Bobby?”


A petrified Heenan looks around only half listening


Heenan: “What’s that Monsoon? I… I… need to go and take care of the Colossal Connection”


With that he removes his headphones and dashes off to the back while Brother Love’s theme music fills the arena



Brother Love: “I looooooooooove you!”


The red faced preacher looks around the crowd a sickeningly sweet smile on his face, seemingly oblivious to the tirade of catcalls coming from the crowd.


Brother Love: “Last week on the Brother Love show, I attempted to speak civilly to a man who claims to fear no other man… as you saw, justice was swift and retribution terrible. But… brothers and sisters believe it or not, my guest this week is worse!


“My guest this week claims to not only fear no other man but does not even fear the good god almighty himself!”


“He has his own beliefs and his own heathen Gods who he calls on. And it is for that reason, my children, that The Ultimate Warrior is set to go straight to H…”


Brother Love is stopped in his tracks by the bombastic entrance music of The Ultimate Warrior. And like a bat from the deepest recesses of hell, he comes charging down the entranceway, hair billowing as he ploughs straight for a terrified Brother Love. Sidestepping out of the way just in time, Brother Love is speechless while The Warrior growls deeply and stands nose to nose with the preahcer.




Love looks absolutely terrified








He waves vaguely at his title belt




Warrior’s interview is cut short by the sudden arrival of Rick Rude, just like he did to Roddy Piper last week he has attacked The Warrior from behind! The Warrior seems to have been ready for him though, with a quick move to the side – Rude goes careering into Brother Love instead knocking the fat man off his feet. The two are tangled together on the floor and with a look of extreme superiority, The Warrior simply taps his belt and walks away.


Ventura: “What was he talking about Monsoon?”


Monsoon: “Didn’t you get it Jess? He’s defending his title against Rick Rude in a steel cage!”


Ventura: “What? Is he building the cage? I don’t get it Monsoon…”


Monsoon: “What else is there to get Jess? Folks I’d like to welcome Tony Schivone to the announce desk, he’s joined us while The Brain accompanies his men to the ring for tonight’s main event.”


Schivone: “Thanks Gorilla! It’s a pleasure to be here on what is sure to be the greatest night in the history of our sport.”


Monsoon: “We’re just about ready for our main event tonight so…”


The three men pause, listening intently to their earpieces


Monsoon: “Folks, something’s going on in the back – we’ve got some cameras back there and are going to have a look at what’s going on.



We switch to a camera in the locker room. Dusty Rhodes and Randy Savage are having a heated argument.


Savage: “You listen to me Dusty Rhodes, yeah. The Macho Man Randy Savage is the real King of the Ring, yeah.”


Rhodes: “I don’t know how you can say that Daddy. The last king of the ring, Harley Race – I’ve whupped his butt up and down this entire country – This Common Man is wrestling royalty, baby!”




Rhodes: “You gotta big mouth Randy Savage, just like your poppa and I’m gonna shut it for you once and for all.”


Savage removes his shades and eyeballs Rhodes


Savage: “We’ll see about that Dusty Rhodes. At this weekend’s UK Rampage – I’ll be walking out as the new, undisputed King of the Ring! Dig It!”


Rhodes shakes his head as Savage walks out.


We’re back with the announcers in the venue.


Ventura: “That’s right! With all the excitement of Saturday Night’s Main Event we’ve not mentioned the King of the Ring tournament on Sunday.”


Schivone: “Absolutely! 32 of the best wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation will compete to crown the new King of the Ring in singles and tag action – the winners of their bouts will all meet again in a battle royale to determine who will be crowned the interim King of the Ring!”


Monsoon: “What a night that’ll be!”



We’re interrupted by The Colossal Connection making their entrance – the crowd vehemently booing the threesome.


Ventura: “I miss him you know Gorilla…”


Monsoon: “Give me a break… he’s been gone about five minutes Jess!”


Their opponents The Hart Foundation make their way to the ring a steely determination obvious from their faces


The Hart Foundation vs The Colossal Connection


A well received match, the tag chemistry of Jim Neidhart & Bret Hart blending well with the engine room, in-ring work of Haku. Never a classic, the Announce Team put over the clause that The Harts must win this match to receive a title shot against the Brainbusters.


The ending came after The Brainbusters appeared at ringside. Tully Blanchard distracted Bret Hart allowing Andre The Giant to scoop him up and slam him. Neidhart dropped to the floor and began brawling with Haku, Anderson & Blanchard with little success.


Having had enough the referee calls for the bell – The Hart Foundation have won by DQ!


The Hart Foundation b. The Colossal Connection by DQ in 16:11

Match Rating: B-


While Andre continued to torture Bret, callously stepping over him and slapping him in the face, Roddy Piper made his way through the crowd a folded chair in his left arm and his right arm trussed up in a sling.


Gingerly he climbed over the barrier and rolled into the ring, coming face to face with the Giant.


Ventura: “This is a mistake Gorilla! Piper’s lost his mind!”


Piper goes to swing the chair at Andre using only his left hand but the Giant easily swats it away and wrenches it from the Scotsman’s grip. A massive smile breaks over the Giant’s face – the other five have stopped brawling to look on. Andre raises the chair high above his head but before he can deliver the devastating blow, Piper has slipped his right arm out of the sling and thrown a single punch at the Giant. A slow, stupid look on his face, Andre collapses backwards – knocked out cold!


Schivone: “He’s! He’s wearing brass knuckes! Piper is wearing brass knuckles!”


Ventura: “This is ridiculous!


What happens next is a blur as Haku gets laid out with the knuckles while Anderson & Blanchard retreat with Bobby in tow.


The in-ring show ends with Piper and The Hart Foundation celebrating in the ring. The Harts point at the Brainbusters and motion to imaginary belts around their waists


Monsoon: “What a match-up! Join us tomorrow night folks for what is set to be another memorable night for the WWF.”


The show itself closes on a video hyping the double main event of Hulk Hogan vs Zeus and The Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude – Steel Cage match

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Wrestling Challenge, September – Week 2

Demolition def. The Bolsheviks

The Powers of Pain def. The Young Stallions

Ricky Steamboat def. The Brooklyn Brawler

Bad News Brown def. Superfly


Superstars of Wrestling – Week 2

The Rockers def. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

Earthquake def. Barry Horrowitz

The Widowmaker: Barry Windham def. The Red Rooster

The Honky Tonk Man def. Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Fan Voting Results

1. Nick21985 - 21 points

2. MJStark - 10 points


Keep those predictions rolling in folks, remember - it's the fans that keep the World Wrestling Federation in business!


Saturday Night's Main Event - September Week 2



Ricky Steamboat vs Honky Tonk Man

An intense rivalry which has reignited following The Dragon’s return to the World Wrestling Federation. He’s certainly had the upper hand in their latest matches but has The Honky Tonk Man got another trick up his sleeves?


The Hart Foundation challenge WWF Tag Team Champions The Brainbusters

Former champions The Hart Foundation have finally earned their chance at a title shot against The Brainbusters. Can the pride of Canada reclaim the belts or will The Heenan Family’s premier unit hold on to their titles?


Rugged Ronnie Garvin & Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine & Rick Martel

Early advantage for this one definitely resides with Valentine & Martel – Santana took a sound beating from the duo two weeks ago and this will be Ronnie Garvin’s first time wrestling in the squared circle for months – ring rust could be a major factor here.


Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Haku

A late addition to the card following last night’s shocking finale – Rowdy Roddy Piper moves a step closer to vengeance but has to go through Haku first.


Demoliton vs The Canadian Power House

Another surprise entry to the card, Demolition will compete with one of the newest and most dangerous teams in the World Wrestling Federation – World’s Strongest Man Dino Bravo & The Canadian Earthquake


WWF Champion Hulk Hogan defends vs Zeus w/ Million Dollar Man

The first part of our double main event sees The Immortal Hulk Hogan clash for the final time with Zeus. Everything is at stake here – his title, his wrestling and acting careers. This one has become deeply personal and with Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase pulling the strings – who knows how this one could end up!


Dusty Rhodes vs Mr. Perfect

American Dream Dusty Rhodes faces young upstart Mr. Perfect in the sternest test yet of that perfect record.


Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior defends vs Rick Rude in a Steel Cage Match

In the final match of the evening, the Intercontinental Title will be on the line inside the confines of a Steel Cage. There will be no holds barred and no quarter given when The Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude take their rivalry to the next level.

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