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WWE: The Empire Begins Now

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The Backstory: Rumors, News, And What's Happening


As we fade into the Royal Rumble 2011 and thus beginning the Road to Wrestlemania 26, things are starting to change. As most superstars backstage and fans alike believe, this could be the change the wrestling industry has needed since it's slow decline among viewership. The fail for wrestling companies, mostly noted the WWE, to build the next line of superstars with a few exceptions has began to sink in more. The once excited stir among fans, superstars, and the internet had become to get stale. There were no more Austin's, Hart's, HBK's, NWO's, and the list goes on. Dream matches that fans once had hoped to see with WWE's purchase of WCW had, for the most part, faded from hopeful reality to once again, a dream that would never come about. Shane McMahon would leave his father's company and the wrestling business to pursue other interests. Some 'older' talents are beginning to think about life outside of wrestling and retirement. Vince McMahon is getting older and the possibility of retirement has now crossed his mind. With all of this on the verge, what would come of the wrestling industry in the next 10 years... or even the next 5 years? Time will only tell. But as 2011 arrived and the Royal Rumble was closing in, ideas for Wrestlemania 26 began to surface.


In a surprise and rare form, some business deals and creative plans were kept as a secret and were never leaked. Why? Because only a few selected were let in on deals working itself out. While the WWE was being pushed as more of an entertainment show with bits of wrestling involved, Vince's ears had various voices to help rebalance the company. Those voices included men like Paul Levesque (Triple H), Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, and many of those backstage (Arn Anderson, Rotunda, Hayes, Malenko).


While Vince has been known to have big dreams and usually finds a way to make them happen, (XFL, Wrestlemania, Wrestling on TV networks, purchasing the biggest wrestling library and making a nice profit, making deals with various celebrities, etc.), his dream or idea of making a WWE network has been put on hold numerous times. However, with his close relationship with NBC executives, the future began to look bright for more of Vince's creations and dreams.


A big rumor (not able to confirm) is that WWE has worked a deal with ROH. The deal is ROH will help produce athletes who can wrestle and part of teh entertainment value, while FCW would focus mostly on the entertainment and story telling aspect. The rumor is they agreed Vince would not take any of their superstars whom ROH wished to keep to help their company, but would be willing to work out special deals or trades temporarily. ROH would also be the place to go to work off ring rust for those who have been injured or out of the ring a while. While many are skeptical of this rumor, nobody has denied it or confirmed it. As they say, "never say never" in this business.


What else is changing behind the scenes? We don't know everything or all the details, but what has been leaked is creating a buzz of excitement. Even among independent wrestling companies and their closest 'competitor' of TNA.


The ideas circulating is that RAW would not be 'the' show. Each show would be pushed as 'the' show. Smackdown would be a live show instead of taped due to the ideas of ratings dropping on taped shows and with the internet spoiling (similar to when Nitro shared Raw results before it aired, then Raw became live). A third show/brand would be introduced to help elevate new talent, and ability to showcase a variety of athletes. While Vince has never been fond of the lightweight division or lightweight wrestlers becoming big contenders, one man that has been pushing a change of mind to Vince is Shawn Michaels.


It looks like Shawn Michaels may be working with the WWE in a backstage role and would be in charge of creative and the production of the third brand/show. There are other rumored names to help with the third brand and even possible changes to all brands. So I wouldn't expect to see anything like the ECW brand as before. Names rumored to come on board are Kevin Nash, Bret Hart, and Jim Ross. Fit Finlay is one name that has said he would retire completely from in-ring and focus on helping train superstars, more specifically the divas. Triple H is to continue working as an on-air talent, but doing some work backstage. Expect the next 2-3 years to be Triple H's final in-ring work as he slowly moves into another role in the WWE corporate office.


You may see some 'old' faces to help new talent get over, to work with veterans and learn the ropes. So don't be surprised to see any old faces.


This is all we can confirm. We do not know when these changes will take place, but many expect it to change even before Wrestlemania to boost buzz's regarding the event of what could happen or who would show up.



We leave you with, "Anything can happen in the wrestling business."

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Royal Rumble 2011


Royal Rumble 2011 - Quick Bits


Divas Championship Handicap Match

Natalya © vs. Lay-Cool

Most of the in ring was done by Natalya and Michelle McCool, with Layla doing a few good spots. While at first the match had the fans, mostly drawing heat from Laycool, they slowly started to drift with little in-ring action. But in what seemed action picking up with Natalya taking on both members of Lay-Cool... Natalya first knocked Layla out of the ring and was in the middle of putting the sharpshooter on Michelle McCool, when some unfamiliar music plays over the speakers and a familiar face to some appears. The lady-wrestler, formally known as Awesome Kong in TNA, distracts Natalya enough for McCool to capitalize and get the victory. Layla begins to enter the ring, as does "Awesome Kong". McCool and Layla both look nervous and confused stairing at Kong, and quickly get out of the ring. As they slowly move out of site, Kong then turns her attention to Natalya. Kong beats on Natayla until Beth Phoenix runs out from the back. Beth and Kong have a stair down, and Kong backs off and heads to the back.


Backstage Interview with John Cena

Cena talks about the Rumble match and the Road to Wrestlemania. He mentions a few participants that he's had issues with such as The New Nexus, members of The Corre, and people with bright futures but this won't be their night.


Backstage Interview with Edge

Edge mentions his match tonight with Ziggler and the spear ban issue that Vickie made. He says he doesn't need one move to defeat Dolph. He also mentions that whoever wins the Rumble, it would be easier to pick The Miz or

Randy Orton, because facing him at Mania would be a mistake. All you would talk away with would be a loss at Wrestlemania, and who wants that.


World Heavyweight Championship

Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler

Prior to the match, Vickie reminds Edge and all the fans that the spear is currently a banned move, and if Edge were to use the spear, he would forfeit the World Heavyweight Title to Dolph Ziggler. In a great match that saw both superstars with much offense, the referee was knocked out accidentally by Dolph Ziggler when he tried to closeline Edge. Edge quickly capitalized and began to get that look in his eye, and with no referee, Edge got in the corner looking to hit the spear. Vickie got in the ring in between Dolph and the spear. From the crowd came The Corre, as they surrounded the ring. Vickie and Edge both looked a little worried as Dolph began to get up and notice it too. They were about to get in the ring, as Vickie went back to the outside.. out from the locker room came Christian, as he slid in the ring and got beside is former Tag Team partner and friend, Edge. The Corre, along with Dolph Ziggler, began fighting Edge and Christian. After a good beating, Wade Barrett walked to Vickie and said "you remember the deal". The Corre walked to the back as Edge and Christian both lay in the ring. Vickie signals for a ref to hurry up. As a surprise, Alberto Del Rio comes down to the ring in a referee shirt. He also tells Vickie before entering the ring, "you remember the deal". Vickie nods and tells Alberto to get in the ring. Dolph covers Edge and Del Rio counts 1...2... and Edge gets his shoulder up. Del Rio begins kicking Edge, then turns to the fans smiling and says his name. Christian is back up from the outside, slides in the ring and knocks Del Rio to the outside from behind. Finally, another referee enters the ring and Dolph and Edge are back to a one on one match. Edge tries for the spear but Dolph leaps over, as Edge turns around... Dolph is trying to go for the Zig Zag but Edge counters it. Edge then hits his 'DDT' move and pins Dolph for 1...2...3. Vickie remains on the outside screaming. Edge and Christian shake hands.


Backstage Interview with Wade Barrett

Barrett was asked what the 'deal' was and Barrett said it would be announced on Smackdown. Then he was asked about a deal Del Rio made and Barrett said he had no idea. Barrett mentioned his first Royal Rumble and promises he will be noticed. And he plans on main eventing at his first Wrestlemania.


Backstage Interview with Vickie Guerrero

She makes a match for Smackdown in frustration. Wade Barrett & Alberto Del Rio will face Edge and Christian. Her boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler, will be the first named participant for the Six Man Elimination Chamber match at the next pay per view. As well as Dolph Ziggler will be participating in the Royal Rumble tonight.


Video and In Ring

Following the Wrestlemania video promo, it fades into a video promoting the Streak and what the Undertaker has done. It ends with The Undertaker will be returning soon. Afterwards, the announcers are hyping up Wrestlemania and The Undertaker. Then some unrecognized music plays, the lights go black, with some blue spotlights spotting the top of the entrance. A figure is standing there wearing black with their head down. Then figure starts walking toward the ring as lights show up more and show the face of the man. It is none other than Sting. The crowd errupts and the announcers are left speechless. Sting gets a mic and simply says it's his first time in the WWE and he's ready to make an impact. He mentions he signed a contract and will finish his career in this company. Sting issues a challenge for his first pay per view match in the WWE, Wrestlemania. Sting issues a challenge to The Undertaker. Sting leaves while the announcers and fans cannot believe their sight.


WWE Championship Match

Randy Orton vs. The Miz

The match went back and forth, which featured great heat and in ring action. It was announced that Alex Riley would be banned from ringside, to make it only one on one. But the match would be turned into a No DQ match because of the ban, thanks to the Raw General Manager. But it finally came down to the end, as Randy Orton hit the RKO on the Miz to become the new WWE champion.


Royal Rumble Match

Participant In Order (bold are surprises): CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Michael McGillicuty, David Otunga, Huskey Harris, Heath Slater, JTG, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Ted Dibiase, Tyson Kidd, Santino Marella, Kofi Kingston, Mason Ryan, Mark Henry, Kane, Justin Gabriel, William Regal, Evan Bourne, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Big Show, John Morrison, Vladimir Kozlov, Sheamus, Triple H, Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, DH Smith, John Cena, R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Kevin Nash.


Triple H entered and immediately went after Sheamus. Triple H eliminated both of them and chased Sheamus to the back, after a short brawl at ring side. The final 10 ended up being CM Punk, Mason Ryan, Kane, Big Show, Wade Barrett, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Booker T, Chris Jericho, and Kevin Nash. Barrett, Kane, Mason, CM Punk all went after The Big Show and with the final push from Jericho, Show was eliminated. Then with a sneak shot, Punk along with Mason, eliminated Kane. Bryan began battling Jericho with some good shots. Nash and Booker T both relaxed in the corner watching the action, smiling. Punk and Barrett began fighting each other, as did Cena and Mason. Nash and Booker T both ended up helping Cena eliminate Mason Ryan. Then they both tried to eliminate Cena but it failed, and Cena was able to eliminate Booker T. This left Punk, Barrett, Bryan, Jericho, Cena, and Nash. Punk was fighting Barrett, Bryan fighting Jericho, and Cena battling Nash. Jericho, along with Punk's quick help, eliminated Bryan. All the men stopped and were starring each other down, when Nash waved bye-bye and smiled and mouthed "I already got plans for Wrestlemania" and stepped over the top rope and eliminated himself. This left the final four, as Punk began attacking Cena... Jericho followed and Barrett stayed away. Barrett helped them and it became 3 on 1. Then, Barrett turned and began attacking Jericho and Cena got strength back and began fighting Punk. Punk was down, as Barrett had Jericho almost over.. Cena quickly ran and tried to eliminate both Barrett and Jericho. Punk got up and tried to eliminate all three men, but it ended up Barrett and Jericho hit the floor but Punk and Cena were both hanging on the top rope. They both began kicking each other. From the outside, apparently forgotten was a man never eliminated.. Alberto Del Rio. Cena and Punk both make it back in the ring and Del Rio runs at them but Punk moves and Cena is able to eliminate him, then Punk quickly turns and runs at Cena.. Cena is able to toss Punk out and the bell rings. But the camera shows Punk is standing on Del Rio's body and is yelling at the ref's his feet never hit the floor. The ref's ok'd it and Punk got back in the ring and eliminated Cena. Punk is announced the winner with an irate John Cena. Punk celebrates.

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News Report


February, Week One, 2011


It has been confirmed that the return of three former WWE World Champions are signed to a full contract. It is unknown exactly what is in store, but we saw the beginning of their return at the Royal Rumble. These of course include Kevin Nash, Booker T, and Chris Jericho.


Also, it looks like Sting has signed a deal for at least 15 months. The thought is being said Sting will wrestle a full schedule and end his full time career at Wrestlemania 27.


Rumors are still flying around about an ROH/WWE deal and WWE working on a third 'A' brand show. The thoughts being spread at the present time is for the third brand/show to be called either "Prime" or "Nitro". We cannot confirm these names but a main thought is for them to release The Best of WCW Nitro on DVD and bring the WWE Nitro on board as a fresh 'war' start. If the plans pan out, expect fans to see old faces build the three brands, while featuring and pushing new talent or young talent. Word has it that WWE plans on using several superstars to help rebuild excitement, story telling, and wrestling. These 'superstars' may work in an on-camera roll, but mainly to work behind the scenes. These are the names that currently have no role in the WWE as of right now: Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Justin Bradshaw Layfield, Ron Simmons, and Diamond Dallas Page. Superstars that are currently mostly in-ring and not backstage, but are possibilities for having similar role as the above, are veterans like Goldust, Finlay, William Regal, and Chris Jericho. Scott Hall has also been rumored to help be a producer and creative member backstage. The hope is to help Scott work through his problems, as well as, use him in a role behind the scenes.


There have been rumors for the brand to begin before Wrestlemania, while other rumors have been after, if the brand moves forward.


While WWE is hoping to push younger talent, expect this Wrestlemania to feature more veterns as a big send off. Backstage, this Wrestlemania is seen as a 'watch this-next year it's all you', from the veterans to the young and new talent. We will wait and see if this is in fact the plan.


Also, WWE hopes to recreate a type of X-division/lightweight and build some momentum for tag teams. While the Intercontinental Title and United States title, similar to the Tag team, have been seen as props.. expect them to push all titles with high esteem and value.


We have been hearing to not expect The Corre to last very long together.


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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, February 2011, Week One Preview


Following The Royal Rumble, we saw several returns to the WWE ring. Will any of the surprises show up tonight?


CM Punk won the Royal Rumble, and thus earns a shot at either the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Title. Which will he choose? He has been ordered that he must choose on Raw.


Confirmed Matches


Lay-Cool vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya


Mason Ryan vs. Michael McGillicuty vs. Husky Harris vs. David Otunga (winner gets a spot in Elimination Chamber)


John Cena vs. Sheamus

(winner gets a spot in Elimination Chamber)


The Miz vs. John Morrison

(winner gets a spot in Elimination Chamber)


Daniel Bryan vs. Evan Bourne

(winner gets a spot in Elimination Chamber)

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Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week One


Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week One


After the Raw intro and fireworks display, The Nexus music begins to play. Mason Ryan, Husky Harris, Michael McGillicuty, and David Otunga all walk out. They stand at the entrance ramp and raise their fists in the air, then continue to walk into the ring. They get into a single file line and face the top of the entrance and raise their fists in the air once again. CM Punk's music plays as he comes out to a loud amount of boos. He gets down on one knee and begins smiling, then continues to the ring. Punk gets a mic and begins to tell The Nexus he has proven why he's the right leader for them. Barrett couldn't win the Rumble.. Barrett couldn't win the title.. and Barrett couldn't even beat John Cena. Punk mentions that tonight, one of them will be in the Elimination Chamber match, and could win the WWE championship and end up main eventing with him at Wrestlemania. Punk tells them to give it their all to night in their match, to show him why he chose them to be in The Nexus. As for Randy Orton, Punk says he has special plans for Orton. Punk says now he is the main event at Wrestlemania and the winner of the largest Royal Rumble in history, the era of the WWE's change is now in place. He cannot be fired because his match at Wrestlemania is inked. He cannot be touched. He is the new 'golden' man of the WWE. Punk says he will leave the fans, and more specifically Randy Orton, a special message... A Video shows up with CM Punk talking at some location about Randy Orton and his life. Punk goes to a door at a house, knocks on it, and a lady answers.. which happens to be Randy Orton's wife. Punk holds the door as she tries to slam it and Punk gets a crazy look. Randy's wife begins yelling not to touch their child and the camera goes off. The cameras are back to the ring live, as the Nexus are stairing at Punk with confusion and a little disgust. Punk is smiling and laughing and says "I'm here to teach people about one thing... FAITH. And don't worry Randy if your wife doesn't answer your calls, she is on her journey." The rest of the Nexus' facial expressions turn to smiles and laughter. "I hear voices in my head..." blares as Randy Orton runs down to the ring quickly, the Nexus get beside each other to build a wall in front of Punk. Orton stairs them down and begins trying to attack them as Punk slides out of the ring and leaves. Orton RKO's Mason Ryan, then Otunga, then McGillicuty, and finally Harris. Orton is going crazy and then does the punt kick on Harris and Otunga, then begins to run to the back.


Daniel Bryan defeated Evan Bourne A great match that featured fast pace action. Either could have won the match it seemed, but in the end Bryan took the victory to become the first contendor in the Elimination Chamber match.


Backstage Josh Matthews reports that Husky Harris and David Otunga are being taken to the hospital. From what they are being told, they could be out of action for a number of weeks or months.


Cole and King begin talking about what that does to the Nexus as a group and it makes the match they were suppose to have a one on one, Michael McGillicuty vs. Mason Ryan.


The Miz defeated John Morrison With both wrestlers knowing the other well, it looked like an even match up. Thanks to Alex Riley's interference, The Miz was able to take the victory and advance to the Elimination Chamber.


Backstage Orton is sitting in his locker room looking upset and very mad. John Cena appears and says he knows they aren't friends, but they have quite a few things in common.. most notably the Nexus, specifically CM Punk. Punk cost him a shot at Wrestlemania and facing him (Orton). But he sees Punk is taking it too personal against Orton. Cena just extends his hand if Orton needs him.


Lay-Cool defeated Beth Phoenix & Natalya McCool was growing frustrated with Layla because Layla wouldn't want to tag in against either Beth or Natalya. Natalya was beating on McCool, then Kong made her way towards the ring. Beth ran around the ring and stood in her way but Layla jumped on Beth and Kong nailed Beth with a closeline that the ref didn't see. As the ref is trying to restore order out of the ring... Maryse comes from nowhere and hits the French Kiss on Natalya and puts McCool over her as the ref slides back in for the three count.


As Kong, Layla, and McCool celebrate.. Maryse stands at the top of the entrance ramp smiling. Beth and Natalya are in the ring upset. All the ladies make their way to the back when you hear the email sound.


Cole tells everyone he has received an email from the Raw GM, "And I quote... it's a shame what Randy Orton did to Husky Harris and David Otunga. I have decided tonight to change things up. Mason Ryan and Michael McGillicuty will not be in a one on one match, they will, however, be in a tag team match. It's going to be Michael McGillicuty and CM Punk vs. Randy Orton and Mason Ryan.


John Cena defeated Sheamus Sheamus was working on Cena at the end and looked like he was going to walk away with a victory. But near the end, you heard Triple H's music play and Sheamus' attention went to the ramp as he waited for Triple H. He didn't, however, show up but distracted Sheamus enough for Cena to hit the AA and get the victory to advance.


Backstage Daniel Bryan is sitting with Gail Kim talking, then Chris Jericho appears and is doing a golf clap. Jericho congratulates Bryan on his advancement to the Elimination Chamber, sort of. Bryan asks what does he mean by sort of? Jericho says, "Well, you won a match to advance, but you won it for me.. so thanks. I'm in the match instead of you." Bryan gets a little upset and Jericho begins beating Bryan with some brass knuckles as Gail runs out screaming.


Randy Orton & Mason Ryan defeated CM Punk & Michael McGillicuty Ryan refused to tag in the entire match, so it basically was a handicap match. Punk wouldn't get in the ring until Orton was down, but as soon as Orton began coming back, Punk would tag out. Eventually Orton went wild, so Punk immediately left as Orton hit the RKO to get the pinfall. Then from behind, Mason Ryan attacked Orton. After a few power slams, Punk ran in the ring and hooked his submission move on Orton. McGillicuty slowly was getting back up as the three held there hands high as they stood over Randy Orton.

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WWE Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, February 2011, Week One Preview


With the Road to Wrestlemania beginning, and the Royal Rumble winner CM Punk challenging the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania, who will be aiming for the shot at the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge?


Confirmed Matches


Intercontinental Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Jack Swagger vs. Drew McIntyre


Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match

Big Show vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match

Kane vs. Rey Mysterio


Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler

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Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week One


Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week One


Alberto Del Rio comes out after being introduced by his personal ring announcer. Rio talks about how it was his destiny to win the Royal Rumble but it was stolen from him. Rio says his destiny to main event at Wrestlemania is still possible. He is asking Vickie to make it happen. He doesn't want to be in the Elimination Chamber match, he doesn't want a title show on Smackdown or Raw, but he wants to fulfill his destiny and become the World Heavyweight Champion and main event Wrestlemania. Dolph and Vickie both come out, get in the ring, and explain that the deal she made with him and Wade Barrett is off. They didn't get the job done. Rio says it wasn't his fault that Dolph couldn't finish what him and the Corre did. Del Rio reminds Vickie of his destiny and he will do whatever it took to main event Wrestlemania. Vickie tells Del Rio if Del Rio and her boyfriend Dolph beat Edge and Christian, she will put Dolph in the Elimination Chamber match and their deal.. they are interrupted by Wade Barrett who says he is wondering what deal Del Rio and Vickie made, because he also made a deal with Vickie. Vickie tells Wade that because things didn't go down the way they should have, next week on Smackdown... Edge will face Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler in a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Del Rio looks mad, but Vickie assures Del Rio he will get his opportunity. Del Rio smiles.


Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Big Show defeated Ezekiel Jackson Which didn't feature a lot of great action, it did have some good heat to the match and strength tests. But when it came to the end, the Big Show knocked Jackson out with a right punch.


Backstage Edge and Christian are talking backstage about tonight's tag team match and that Edge is glad to have Christian back. Christian said he's got his back anytime. Then Edge begins talking about next week's title defense and Christian tells him to focus on tonight, and worry about next week.. next week.


Backstage Dolph Ziggler is talking to Kelly Kelly.


Intercontinental Title Match: Kofi Kingston defeated Justin Gabriel, Jack Swagger, and Drew McIntyre In some great action, Kofi was able to get the pinfall on Jack Swagger to end the match. Drew and Justin both began teaming up on Kofi and attacking him.


TV A promo comes up with lightning, rain, and a figure standing holding a baseball bat. It ends with "Tonight, It Begins".


Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Rey Mysterio and Kane had a double count out. While both were upset that neither won, Vickie came out to declare Kane is in the Elimination Chamber match, however, for Rey Mysterio, he must fight another qualifying match. He must fight her nephew, Chavo Guerrero.. and it starts now.


Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Rey Mysterio defeated Chavo Guerrero In a great back and forth match, as it appears Chavo was on his game tonight.. Rey ended up a little too much and beat Chavo to to advance.


Backstage Del Rio and Ziggler both make small talk. Then it shows Edge and Christian walking backstage towards the ring.


TV Another promo shows up with the figure carrying a baseball bat walking in the darkness. As lightning flashes on the screen, so does a symbol of a scorpion.


Edge and Christian defeated Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio In some good tag team action, Edge was able to pin Dolph to get the victory. Vickie, who was at ringside, was beside herself and began screaming at Edge. Del Rio gets a chair and hits Christian with it first, then begins attacking Edge. Del Rio puts Edge in his armbar submission move and won't let go. He finally lets go and smiles, stairing at Edge.


As Smackdown returns, the lights go completely off and you hear no commentary. You hear lighting and thunder noises followed by a "DONG" noise. The crowd errupts with lights all over the audience. Then you hear a slow violin begin to play, and some kind of rock music following. A scorpion is shown on the screen as the Icon Sting comes out. Sting gets a microphone and begins talking about his wrestling career, WCW, WWE, and a quick history lesson. Sting then shares some matches that may never happen.. matches fans want to see. Sting says his sons have always wanted to watch him wrestle two guys.. Shawn Michaels, which can't happen. And, The Undertaker, which still can. He talks about he hears about the Streak, and knows the legacy of the Undertaker pretty well but wants to know it first hand. Sting doesn't know where the Undertaker is, but... Sting is interrupted by Kane. Kane tells Sting the Undertaker is gone. He has been buried alive thanks to him. He stopped The Undertaker. Him and the old Nexus put an end to him, so Sting's kids can keep dreaming. Sting says he's watched the WWE and knows who he is, but isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and isn't afraid to get on the darkside to fight the evil over there. Kane tells him to choose his words wisely... Sting and Kane begin fighting in the ring, then Wade Barrett (one of the other main men to help bury the Undertaker) comes down and helps Kane. They both are teaming on Sting, then the lights go black once again and you hear the "DONG" again. As cameras are flashing, you barely see the action in the ring but you can tell Kane and Barrett are still beating on Sting. The lights come on and the Undertaker is in the ring with his eyes rolled back. The Undertaker goes after Barrett, while Sting fights off Kane. Kane and Barrett both end up on the outside and slowly walk to the back backwards stairing at Sting and the Undertaker. Once they get out of sight, Sting and the Undertaker meet in the middle of the ring face to face. Sting gives a smile, and the Undertaker gives a little smirk.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, February 2011, Week Two Preview Confirmed


Thanks to the Raw GM, Jericho will not freely get Bryan's Chamber spot like he wanted, but will get a chance to be part of the match:

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match

Chris Jericho vs. R-Truth


Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry


Randy Orton vs. Michael McGillicuty


Daniel Bryan vs. Ted Dibiase


John Cena vs. The Miz

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News Report


While details remain sketchy, we can confirm the WWE has signed some new talent, some coming from ROH. We are not sure if this means a deal has been worked with ROH and WWE, but time will pan out. While most remain skeptical that the deal will never happen, it's strange of whom WWE has signed, or resigned. Especially with a few of them being vocal about the WWE political stroke, but money does talk.


Upon signing new talent, it looks like most will go to FCW. Also, WWE.com confirms the releasing of some superstars, possibly to make room for whose coming.


Releases Confirmed: The Great Khali, Ranjin Singh, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Curt Hawkins.


Signings Confirmed: Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Chris Hero, Christopher Daniels, and Colt Cobana.


After Wrestlemania, look for some to be called to the main roster, possible more releases and more signings.

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Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Two


Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Two


Dark Match: William Regal and Chris Hero defeated Yoshi Tatsu and Primo


Dark Match: Evan Bourne defeated Zack Ryder


TV Before the normal Raw opener comes it, it shows Orton winning back the WWE championship at the RR, then Punk winning the RR. It begins the hype as it recaps last week when Orton punted David Otunga and Husky Harris in the head, and the main event from last week.


Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Mark Henry defeated Sheamus In a decent match, as it looked like Sheamus was going to beat Mark Henry, once again Triple H's music played and on the titan tron it showed him walking around backstage with a sledge hammer in his hand. Then Triple H came out at the entrance ramp and Sheamus left the ring through the crowd, which resulted in a countdown victory for Mark Henry who advances.


Backstage Michael McGillicuty is talking to Mason Ryan, saying how nervous he is, especially now that Husky Harris and David Otunga are out indefinitely due to their injuries. He says he is next since he has a match with Orton tonight. Punk walks in and asks why he's nervous. Punk tells Michael to trust him, have faith.


Backstage Gail Kim is walking around and runs into Chris Jericho. Jericho smiles and tells Gail she should be with a winner, not a loser.


Daniel Bryan defeated Ted Dibiase Dibiase continues his losing streak and Bryan gets the victory. Maryse and Dibiase argue, she walks away and he follows her. As Gail is helping Bryan and raises his arms, Jericho comes from the back and attacks Bryan. Jericho puts Bryan in the Walls of Jericho as Gail is trying to get Jericho to stop. He finally lets go, giving his usual smirk and leaves.


Backstage Ted and Maryse are arguing backstage, then Punk walks into the picture and puts his hand on both of their shoulders smiling. He tells them to relax, and have faith. Then he tells them to "let's go talk".


Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Chris Jericho defeated R-Truth When it almost looked like R-Truth was gaining steam, Jericho would put an end to it.


Jericho gets on the mic after his match and talks about his little history with Daniel Bryan, including Jericho humiliating Daniel Bryan's trainer, Shawn Michaels. Jericho says Bryan is way out of his league and needs to walk away while he still can.


Backstage Dibiase is by himself and walks up to Randy Orton. Dibiase says they don't see eye to eye, but thanks him for everything he did in Legacy and what he taught him. But setting their differences aside, he has some information he got from Punk about his wife and daughter and what he plans to do.


John Cena vs. The Miz NO CONTEST The Miz came out first with Alex Riley, then John Cena started to walk out but was attacked by two masked men wearing all black. Security and ref's came to his aid as The Miz stood in the ring, hoping to get a victory but the referee ruled it a no contest.


It's announced by Michael Cole that on Smackdown, two Raw divas will face two Smackdown divas. Michelle McCool & Kong will face Beth Phoenix & Natalya.


Backstage Beth and Natalya are hanging out, talking about last week's attack from Maryse and Kong. "Why is Maryse putting her nose in our business, then she is with CM Punk and Ted Dbiaise earlier?" McCool, Kong, and Layla all three walk up to them and say, "We don't know what Maryse is doing, but we do know what we are doing.. we are winning.. we will win on Smackdown.. we will win whoever we face.. and not just that, but they will do it while looking beautiful." Then a fight breaks out.


Punk comes out to the ring and starts off first by saying he is sad to see John Cena get hurt before his match event starts, that was definitely not fair. It seems Cena has a few more enemies that he thought. It may teach him to keep his nose out of other peoples business, like Randy Orton's. Punk says he had a interesting time at Randy's house with his wife and daughter.. immediately Randy runs out without music and Punk escapes through the crowd. As Orton jumps into the crowd after him, he is met by Mason Ryan who begins to beat on him. Mason throws Orton in the ring and McGillicuty quickly runs from the back.


Randy Orton defeated Michael McGillicuty McGillicuty tried to pin him after the attack from Ryan, but Orton kicked out. Orton eventually got his senses back and they had a good match. Orton hit the RKO on McGillicuty but wouldn't pin him so he got into the corner and was about to punt Michael, when Ryan slid in the ring and began attacking Orton. Then Punk came back from the crowd and all three members of Nexus were beating on Orton. Then from the back, Cena and Ted Dibiase came and the Nexus all fled to the outside. Dibiase and Cena helped Orton up. Punk looks mad and is pointing at Dibiase. Cena, Orton, and Dibiase all shake hands.

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, February 2011, Week Two Preview


For the first time in history, two legends team up while one makes his WWE debut, as they face two feared men:

Sting & The Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett & Kane


To not only get revenge for himself, but also to avenge his best friend:

Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio


And as announced on Raw:

Michelle McCool & Kong vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya

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<p>For the first time in history, two legends team up while one makes his WWE debut, as they face two feared men:</p><p>

<strong>Sting & The Undertaker</strong> vs. Wade Barrett & Kane</p><p> </p><p>

To not only get revenge for himself, but also to avenge his best friend:</p><p>

Christian vs. <strong>Alberto Del Rio</strong></p><p> </p><p>

And as announced on Raw:</p><p>

<strong>Michelle McCool & Kong</strong> vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya</p>

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<p>Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Two</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000080;">Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Two</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Match:</strong> Alpha Omega (AO) defeated JTG & Trent Baretta</p><p> </p><p>

The show starts by hearing the sound of an engine, which meant the return of <strong>Big Daddy Cool Diesel</strong>. The crowd erupted which definitely put a smile on Diesel. He got in the ring and began telling the fans how he missed them, how he missed the noise, the energy, and the boys in the back. He thanks everyone for his career and says it's his last run. Then, <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong> came out and told Diesel that he knows he's close to Triple H and Shawn Michaels, but he's close to Vince McMahon. He reminds everyone that he was personally chosen by Vince McMahon to be the future. Diesel tells McIntyre he may be the future, but he's definitely not anything in the present. McIntyre tells Diesel he's coming to fight, and Diesel tells him to bring it on. As McIntyre makes his way to the ring, <strong>Sheamus</strong> comes out. Sheamus and McIntyre shake hands and both jump on the apron and get in the ring and begin to attack Diesel. Both men beat on Diesel for a little bit, and stand over him and laugh. Then they both walk off leaving Diesel laying in the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Kofi Kingston & Big Show defeated Jack Swagger & Tyler Reks</span></strong> In a decent opening match, the Big Show knocked Tyler out to get the pinfall victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Josh Matthews interviews Christian about Alberto Del Rio... Christian says Del Rio put him out of action, so he definitely is looking for revenge. But also, Del Rio was trying to ruin Edge and put him on the shelf, which just adds to the match. Christian vows to avenge his friend and get revenge for what Del Rio did to him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Dolph Ziggler defeated Chris Masters</span></strong> In a decent match, Ziggler ended up beating Masters with the sleeper hold.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Josh Matthews is with Sheamus and Drew McIntyre, he asks Sheamus what he's doing on Smackdown, and why is he with Drew McIntyre, and why attack Diesel. Sheamus says he beat up Triple H, and now Triple H is back and has been a thorn in his side. And his good ole buddy Diesel decides to come back, and since Triple H won't face me man to man.. I got with my friend Drew and when we found out Diesel was going to be appearing on Smackdown, why not let Drew help me send a message to that punk Triple H. Plus, who likes Diesel? We're doing everyone a favor.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Beth Phoenix & Natalya defeated Michelle McCool & Kong</span></strong> Layla tried to help her team, but Beth threw McCool into Layla and was able to roll McCool up for the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Barrett and Kane are talking about how they destroyed, so they thought, the Undertaker, and now Sting arrives to try and get in their business. They decide to take them out out tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

The announcers update everyone on Edge's condition due to Alberto Del Rio's actions. And they say Edge will not be able to compete at Elimination Chamber, and due to this, Vickie decided to make the Elimination Chamber match for the World Title, but Teddy was able to reverse the decision. Teddy Long made the final decision that Edge will not lose the Heavyweight title, but will in fact defend it at Wrestlemania. There will be an Elimination Chamber match at the pay per view still, but instead of the winner becoming champion, the winner will become the Number One Contendor to the World Title and will meet Edge at Wrestlemania. It's also announced that Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio will not be an Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Dolph asks Kelly Kelly to go out and Kelly denies him. Dolph ends up going to Vickie and telling her Kelly Kelly came on to him and tried to kiss him. Vickie gets angry and makes a match, Kelly Kelly will face Kong next week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Elimination Chamber Qual. Match: Alberto Del Rio defeated Christian</span></strong> In a match that featured great action and heat, Del Rio was able to get a pinfall victory over Christian. Christian got in the mic afterwards and vowed it's not over between them.</p><p> </p><p>

The announcers say they received word from Teddy Long that next week, they will have a royal rumble match featuring 10 men to see who the final man is to qualify for the Elimination Chamber match. The ten men are: Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Tyler Reks, Ezekiel Jackson, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, and Cody Rhodes.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">The Undertaker & Sting defeated Wade Barrett & Kane</span></strong> Some great performances by all men, which kept the crowd hot the entire match. Barrett and Kane left to the back after the match which left Sting and Taker celebrating. The Undertaker got a microphone and staired Sting down in the face, and said, "As far as me and you are concerned... at Wrestlemania, I accept." The crowd errupts as Sting and Taker continue to stair while Sting is smiling.</p>

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<p>Wrestling Connection News</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">Wrestling Connection News Report</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30320" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> The new tag team that debuted on Smackdown in a dark match, Alpha Omega, were none other than a trial for two wrestlers with a fresh start: Paul Burchill and Brian Myers (aka Curt Hawkins). We don't know what names they are going by right now or if they are signed officially.</p><p> </p><p> As seen on Smackdown, the Smackdown Chamber match is now a shot for a number one contender spot and the winner will face Edge at Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p> Expect the tag team division to start kicking off soon.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p>WWE Monday Night Raw Preview</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">Monday Night Raw, February 2011, Week Three Preview</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The final Raw before the Elimination Chamber match. What can we expect?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Miz & Chris Jericho vs. John Cena & Daniel Bryan</strong></p><p>

Four participants in the Elimination Chamber match, who will bring in some momentum going in the match?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton</strong></p><p>

The other two participants in the Elimination Chamber match. Can Mark Henry get some momentum by defeating the WWE Champion?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sheamus vs. Santino Marella</strong></p><p>

Just announced on WWE.com, Sheamus & Drew McIntyre will face Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov at Elimination Chamber for the Tag Team Championship.</p>

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<p><strong>The Miz & Chris Jericho</strong> vs. John Cena & Daniel Bryan</p><p>

Four participants in the Elimination Chamber match, who will bring in some momentum going in the match?</p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. <strong>Randy Orton</strong></p><p>

The other two participants in the Elimination Chamber match. Can Mark Henry get some momentum by defeating the WWE Champion?</p><p> </p><p>

Sheamus vs. <strong>Santino Marella</strong></p><p>

Just announced on WWE.com, Sheamus & Drew McIntyre will face Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov at Elimination Chamber for the Tag Team Championship.</p>

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News Report


We can confirm the WWE is planning for a third brand but would not be ready until after Summer Slam or Survivor Series. Expect more talent to be signed inn the coming weeks and months to report to FCW or even for ROH to sign them to prepare them. While we still don't know the full details, it does seem ROH is becoming a helper for the WWE.


WWE is in the midst of repacking some talent to build new talent and/or the tag team division. So expect to see various wrestlers teaming together to try them out, as well as, risks of pushing newer guys to see what they have.


As we have started to see in the last few weeks, Smackdown and Raw are both being pushed as "A" shows, while Smackdown has usually taken a backseat.


It is being rumored the WWE will get less and less PG focused. It won't go exactly back to the 'attitude era', but expect a mixture.

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<p>Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Three</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Two</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Match:</strong> Darren Young & R-Truth defeated Michael Tarver & Tyson Kidd.</p><p> </p><p>

Punk starts the show off by saying he has some issues to take care of. He's not here right now to address Cena or Randy Orton's actions, but he will address them. He calls out <strong>Michael McGillicuty</strong> and <strong>Mason Ryan</strong>, the only two members left of The Nexus. Punk says he continues to see worry in Michael's eyes. He tells Michael to have faith, not fear. He asks Michael who he is. Michael looks at him and shrubs his shoulders not knowing what he means. Punk says, "Michael, are you the son of the great Mr. Perfect, right? A man who was not only a great wrestler, but had a great mind for the business. And you... you are a good athlete Michael. But you're no Curt Hennig. You're better. You could be better. But you have to get rid of your fear. You have to find who you are. So as of right now, you're no longer Michael McGillicuty. You are now <strong>Joe Hennig</strong>. You'll be afraid no more Joe. Have faith!" Joe smiles and has a more confident face. Both of you don't need to worry about Randy Orton. He will face consequences for quite some time for what he did to David Otunga and Husky Harris. <strong>Randy Orton's</strong> music hits and he comes out walking to the ring. Punk and Ryan both leave the ring but Joe stays in the ring. Orton and Hennig have a stare down and Punk begins to smile. Orton and Hennig both are fighting, then Ryan gets in the ring and helps Hennig. Orton is able to hold his own against the two, then<strong> two masked men</strong> come from the crowd and attack Orton. Punk looks confused then the two masked men leave. Punk slides in the ring and says on the mic "Don't worry Randy. We haven't even begun your punishment." The Nexus leave.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> DiBiase finds Cena and tells him he's traveled with Randy, met his wife and child, Randy taught him a lot.. while they may not like each other, he respects Randy.. and him (John). Dibiase says that's why he went out there last week. He may not be on the same page as both, but he understands and is watching their back. Plus, he knows something about Punk's plans.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Santino Marella defeated Sheamus</span></strong> In a good match, we saw back and forth action. Both men were accompanied by their tag team partner. Vladimir accompanied Santino, while Drew McIntyre accompanied Sheamus. We saw a few small tricks from Drew to help Sheamus get the advantage. At a point during the match, <strong>Diesel's</strong> theme music hit and he walked out and stood at the top of the entrance. Drew put his attention at Diesel and stood in front of the ring waiting for Diesel to walk down. Then <strong>Triple H's</strong> music played and Triple H walked out and stood beside Diesel. Sheamus and Drew both stared, then Santino was able to roll up Sheamus and get the pinfall. Drew slid in the ring quickly while Santino rolled out. Drew and Sheamus were both upset and looked up at Diesel and Triple H. Diesel and Triple H both waved and smiled.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Gail Kim walks out of Chris Jericho's locker room.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Josh Matthews is with Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. They both vow to take out Diesel and Triple H, so they better watch their backs.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Joe Hennig defeated DH Smith</span></strong> Some decent action, Hennig basically ran over DH Smith to get the victory. After the match, <strong>Mason Ryan</strong> hit his finisher on DH Smith.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Lay-Cool with Kong are talking about their championship. Maryse walks by and hands them a letter smiling, then walks off. Michelle McCool reads it as it says at Elimination Chamber, for the first time ever, the Divas championship will also be in an Elimination Chamber match. It's going to be Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Maryse vs. Eve vs. Melina. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">John Morrison defeated William Regal</span></strong> In a great in ring match, Morrison was able to finish off Regal.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Randy Orton shares with Josh Matthews he isn't worried about Punk or Nexus interfering because he wants them to, and challenges them to do so.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> The Miz and Chris Jericho are talking backstage about their match tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">Randy Orton defeated Mark Henry</span></strong> This match displayed good action and featured Henry's strength. Orton was a little banged up from earlier but held his own and was able to hit the RKO on Henry. <strong>Punk</strong> appears on the Titan Tron and tells Randy to watch another video.. a video airs of Punk talking to Randy's little girl and wife "you want daddy and hubby to come home in perfect health don't you? He will, if he plays by my rules. If not, either him or.. you (pointing at his wife) will pay. Just remember, it's not up to me.. it's up to Randy". Punk comes back on and tells Randy not to worry... he just has to play his game. His wife and little girl are not at his house anymore. Where are they? He'll find out... just when he feels like letting him know. Orton takes off running to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Bryan is asking Gail what she was doing in Jericho's room and she tells him she'll explain later.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Josh Matthews interviews The Miz and he talks about the tag team match coming up and John Cena crying about everything. He plans on shutting Cena up.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">The Miz & Chris Jericho defeated John Cena & Daniel Bryan</span></strong> This match had great heat and in ring action. Then <strong>two masked men</strong>, who attacked Cena last week and help attack Orton this week, came out and got Cena's attention. The Miz and Alex Riley and the masked men were beginning to beat on Cena. Bryan did a dive onto all of them, but hurt himself. Bryan then rolled back in the ring and Jericho was able to hit the code breaker to get the pin. Jericho then put Bryan in the walls of Jericho until Gail Kim came out and begged Jericho to let go. Jericho and The Miz celebrate in the ring with a fallen Daniel Bryan and John Cena.</p>

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<p>Friday Night Smackdown Preview</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000080;">Friday Night Smackdown, February 2011, Week Three Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Confirmed Matches</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As two teams meet this Sunday at Elimination Chamber for the tag team championship, two of the four men met this past Monday on Raw with Santino winning over Sheamus. This week, it's Vladimir Kozlov and Drew McIntyre. Who will get the upper hand going into the pay per view match?</p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Vladimir Kozlov vs. Drew McIntyre</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

With the announcement of the first ever Diva's Elimination Chamber match, the six divas involved will fight in a 3 on 3 match on Smackdown.</p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve vs. Michelle McCool, Layla, Melina</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Sting vs. Ezekiel Jackson</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Two men from the Elimination Chamber and old enemies will face off</p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Rey Mysterio vs. Kane</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Four men involved in this Sunday's Elimination Chamber match</p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;"><strong>Edge & Big Show vs. Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler</strong></span></p>

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<p>Vladimir Kozlov vs. <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve vs. <strong>Michelle McCool, Layla, Melina</strong></p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston</strong> vs. Cody Rhodes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs. Ezekiel Jackson</p><p> </p><p>

Two men from the Elimination Chamber and old enemies will face off</p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs. Kane</p><p> </p><p>

Four men involved in this Sunday's Elimination Chamber match</p><p>

<strong>Edge & Big Show</strong> vs. Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler</p>

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<p>Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Three</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Three</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Alberto Del Rio starts the show by saying it's his destiny to become the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. Which means, he will win the Elimination Chamber match. And it's a good thing Edge is injured or else he wouldn't be World Champion past this Sunday.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Vickie announced Edge & Big Show will face Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler. Dolph reminds Vickie Edge is injured, Vickie laughs and says 'I guess it's a handicap match then, oops'. They both begin to laugh.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Kofi Kingston defeated Cody Rhodes by DQ</span></strong> Cody was DQ'd when <strong>Swagger</strong> came to attack Kofi Kingston.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TV</strong> A Promo is shown for Wrestlemania 27, hyping the event with the only match set in stone, Sting vs. The Undertaker.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Beth, Natalya, and Eve are all happy walking backstage wanting to tear a part their opponents.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve defeated Michelle McCool, Layla, Melina</span></strong> Eve was able to get the pinfall victory over Melina. Kong accompanied Lay-Cool and Melina to the ring. After the match, Kong had a stare down with both Natalya and Beth Phoenix but nothing happened.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Kane mentions his match tonight and the Elimination Chamber, how he's going to destroy all who get in his way, starting tonight with his old pal Rey.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Rey Mysterio defeated Kane</span></strong> In a great match, Rey was able to pull off a victory over Kane. After the match, Kane choke slammed Rey 3 times and left laughing. From the crowd, <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong> & <strong>Christopher Daniels</strong> come out and begin attacking Rey Mysterio even further. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Sheamus and Drew are talking to Vickie Guerrero. She tells them Triple H and Diesel are not in the building. She has some other information regarding tonight, then they shut the door in her office.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> The Corre are talking. They are encouraging Ezekiel for his match tonight against Sting. They tell him to make it where he doesn't make it to Wrestlemania. Barrett says his job with the Undertaker is yet to be complete. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Drew McIntyre & Sheamus defeated Vladimir Kozlov</span></strong> Before the match began, Sheamus quickly took out Santino and beat him pretty good. They carried him to the back on a stretcher. Sheamus got on the mic and told Vladimir they just got through talking to Vickie Guerrero, and she has made this a tag team match. But unfortunately for him, his partner is hurt. Kozlov put up a decent fight but Sheamus and Drew were too much and got the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Sting defeated Ezekiel Jackson</span></strong> Jackson didn't do a whole lot, but did get to show his massive strength by lifting Sting over his head and holding him there for a bit. Sting was able to hit the Scorpion Death Drop to get the win. After the win the lights went out and you hear the Undertaker's voice, <strong>"Sting. Understand there is no friend when we meet at Wrestlemania, only enemies. And like the others who have come to my grounds and tried to lay me to rest... trying to beat me at Wrestlemania.. you too will fall. You will Rest.. In.. Peace."</strong> The lights come on and there is a tombstone in the ring that says 'RIP STING 2011'. Sting smiles and leaves.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Big Show is being interviewed. They tell Big Show about the new handicap match and Show said he knew Edge was injured, so he had already assumed it would end up this way. But he got off the phone with Teddy Long, and he has made it a tag team match again. My partner is Edge's friend, Christian.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Big Show & Christian defeated Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler</span></strong> Big Show hit his punch on Dolph to get the victory. But afterwards, Barrett began attacking the Big Show and laid him out. Del Rio comes out and beats on Christian also as he stares at the Wrestlemania logo.</p>

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<p>Elimination Chamber 2011</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#008000;">Elimination Chamber 2011 Confirmed Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match</strong></p><p>

Randy Orton © vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Number One Cont. to World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match</strong></p><p>

Wade Barrett vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Divas Championship Elimination Chamber Match</strong></p><p>

Michelle McCool © vs. Layla vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Melina vs. Eve</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Intercontinental Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Championship Match</strong></p><p>

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Sheamus & Drew McIntyre</p>

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<p>WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton ©</strong> vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Cont. to World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match</p><p>

Wade Barrett vs. <strong>Alberto Del Rio</strong> vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p>

Divas Championship Elimination Chamber Match</p><p>

Michelle McCool © vs. Layla vs. <strong>Beth Phoenix</strong> vs. Natalya vs. Melina vs. Eve</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston ©</strong> vs. Jack Swagger</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. <strong>Sheamus & Drew McIntyre</strong></p>

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