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<p>Elimination Chamber 2011</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#006400;">Elimination Chamber 2011</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dark Match</strong></p><p>

Primo & Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd & Skip Sheffield</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>No Chance In Hell</strong> plays as none other than the chairman of the board, Mr. McMahon comes out to the ring to open up the pay per view. Vince announces that Wrestlemania is next month and things are in motion. Tomorrow night he plans on making some huge announcements regarding Wrestlemania and the WWE. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">Divas Championship Elimination Chamber Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Michelle McCool © vs. Layla vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Melina vs. Eve</strong></p><p>

Layla and McCool both were drawn as the two competitors to begin the fight. They both walked around mocking the other competitors and lost track of time. Eve came out next and went after Layla. McCool was able to help Layla and they double teamed Eve, and McCool got the pinfall to eliminate Eve. Next Natalya was released into the match and was able to hold her own against Lay-Cool but eventually the numbers came into play as the next person to be released in the match was Melina. All three ladies were ganging on Natalya but Natalya wouldn't go down. Beth Phoenix was released and went straight after Michelle McCool. Layla tried to help but got knocked down. Natalya was beating on Melina and was able to lock in the sharp shooter to have Melina submit. Natalya and Beth were on one side of the ring while McCool and Layla were on the other side freaking out. McCool grabbed Layla and through her at both Beth and Natalya.. then McCool tried to help but ended up crawling away. Kong showed up and slid a led pipe in the cage. As she got the pipe, she hit Natalya and Beth with it and pinned Natalya. Then she went over to Beth and was about to pin her, but Layla went behind McCool and rolled McCool up to get the victory and eliminate Michelle. Michelle got upset. McCool was yelling at Layla and Layla was apologetic. Beth was getting up and ran after Layla but Layla ducked and she hit McCool instead. Layla then got the pipe off the mat and hit Beth and pinned her to get the victory. Layla celebrated with an angry partner, Michelle McCool.</p><p>

<strong>Winner and NEW Divas Champion:</strong> Layla</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview with Randy Orton</strong></p><p>

Orton talks about the odds stacked up, but he's confident he will walk out of here as WWE champion and go on to Wrestlemania to destroy CM Punk.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Segment</strong></p><p>

Chris Jericho is talking to Gail Kim, then Daniel Bryan walks up and Jericho smirks and walks off. Bryan is angry and confused at Gail.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">Tag Team Championship Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov © vs. Sheamus & Drew McIntyre </strong></p><p>

Before the match even officially started, Diesel and Triple H came out and sat at ringside near the announcers as all four men watched them. Sheamus and Drew McIntyre both went outside the ring and stood at them talking smack. The ref rang the bell and started the count. Both of them realized at 6 and turned around and slid in the ring. Santino started off with Drew. The match featured good tags by both teams. At one point they illegally teamed Santino on the outside, and as Vladimir tried to save the ref's attention went to push Kozlov back. Nash attacked McIntyre and Triple H attacked Sheamus and they both left. Santino got back in the ring and tagged to Kozlov. Kozlov got in the ring and tried to pin McIntyre, who was the wrong man. Sheamus picked himself back up and started hammering away on Kozlov, then put Kozlov in the Celtic Cross and pinned him for the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions:</strong> Sheamus & Drew McIntyre</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview with Triple H & Diesel</strong></p><p>

They both said it wasn't there intentions to interfere but they needed to be taught a lesson. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview with Wade Barrett</strong></p><p>

Barrett talks about The Corre is going to start moving up in the ranks, and it starts tonight when he wins the Elimination Chamber and faces Edge at Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Segment</strong></p><p>

The Miz and Alex Riley are talking about tonight. The Miz's first goal is to eliminate John Cena.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">Intercontinental Championship Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger</strong></p><p>

This match was open, back and forth, with nobody clearly getting the advantage. Then out of nowhere, Kofi hit the Trouble in Paradise and got the pinfall victory over Swagger.</p><p>

<strong>Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion:</strong> Kofi Kingston</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview with Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero</strong></p><p>

Vickie tells Dolph he will be the last one to be in the Elimination Chamber.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Interview with John Cena</strong></p><p>

Cena is asked if he heard The Miz's goal is to eliminate him and he said yeah, but isn't worried. Cena tells Miz he has to worry about 5 other superstars including him, or his moment at Wrestlemania is gone.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">Number One Cont. to World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Wade Barrett vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler</strong></p><p>

Big Show and Kane started the match off. Then Wade Barrett was released into the chamber with nobody getting eliminated yet. Then Rey Mysterio entered the match. Rey and Kane were fighting, as Big Show and Barrett were fighting. Then Alberto Del Rio came in and helped Kane team on Rey Mysterio. But Mysterio fought them off and was able to hit the 619 on Kane. Then Del Rio tossed him in the cage and Del Rio pinned Kane to eliminate him. Del Rio began helping Barrett on The Big Show. Dolph was then released and Dolph jumped on Show's back and put him in a sleeper while Barrett kept kicking. Mysterio got up and went after Del Rio. Ziggler got tossed off Show and went after Mysterio. Barrett was trying to pick up the Big Show but Show was able to use his fist and knock Barrett out. Rio slid between Ziggler and Mysterio and pinned Barrett. Then Del Rio put his submission move on Big Show. Show was trying to over power it. Ziggler was able to throw Rey into the cage then go to Show and put the Sleeper on him. With both the sleeper and the armbar, Show couldn't hold it and was eliminated. Ziggler and Del Rio shook hands and went after Rey. Rey hit Del Rio between the legs and started punching on Ziggler. Rey went to the apron and leaped on the ropes and hit a splash. Rey pinned Ziggler to eliminate him. As soon as Rey got up, Del Rio met him and put Rey in his armbar submission. Rey eventually tapped after refusing to for a while.</p><p>

<strong>Winner and Number One Contendor:</strong> Alberto Del Rio</p><p> </p><p>

Punk comes out to the ring to do commentary for the next match, as the Nexus also came with him to protect him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#006400;">WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton © vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry</strong></p><p>

Orton and Jericho started the match. Then The Miz came in, which turned into a two on one. Then Mark Henry got involved and helped Randy Orton. Bryan came in and went straight after Jericho. Orton and Henry were both beating on The Miz, then Orton started beating on Henry. Cena then came in and started attacking everybody. In the middle of chaos, Jericho hit the codebreaker on Mark Henry to eliminate him first. Cena and Orton started fighting each other while Jericho & Miz were teaming on Bryan. Bryan was fighting back and Jericho ran after Bryan but hit the Miz by accident. Orton was there and hit the RKO on Jericho, but Bryan got the pinfall to eliminate Jericho. Jericho eventually got up and hit the code breaker on Bryan before he left, then Miz covered Bryan to get the pinfall. The Miz stood by and watched Orton and Cena fight. Then they both realized The Miz was there. The Miz tried to escape but Cena hit the AA on Miz. Orton then went and RKO'd Cena. Orton pinned both men at the same time to get the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner and STILL WWE Champion:</strong> Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p>

Punk, Ryan, and Hennig all surrounded the ring as the chamber was being raised. Two masked men came down and Punk patted them on their back as they all made their way on the apron and began to get in the ring as Orton looked all around. Cena was slowly getting back up and realized what was going on. The two masked men unmasked, as it was <strong>Ted DiBiase & Santino Marella</strong>. They all jumped Cena and Orton, beating them to the ground. The New Nexus stood in the ring with trash being thrown in the ring.</p>

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<p>WWE Monday Night Raw Preview</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">Monday Night Raw, February 2011, Week Four Confirmed Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>In Surprise Events of the Elimination Chamber, Santino has challenged his former tag team partner and friend, Kozlov to a match</strong></p><p>

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>With the WWE Championship match now set at Wrestlemania, that being CM Punk will face Randy Orton, Punk has told WWE.com it's going to be a rough road for Orton... which Randy must go through all members of Nexus</strong></p><p>

Randy Orton vs. Mason Ryan</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Money In The Bank Qualifying Match</strong></p><p>

Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Money In The Bank Qualifying Match</strong></p><p>

John Morrison vs. Alex Riley</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry</p>

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In Surprise Events of the Elimination Chamber, Santino has challenged his former tag team partner and friend, Kozlov to a match

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella


With the WWE Championship match now set at Wrestlemania, that being CM Punk will face Randy Orton, Punk has told WWE.com it's going to be a rough road for Orton... which Randy must go through all members of Nexus

Randy Orton vs. Mason Ryan


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

John Morrison vs. Alex Riley

Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry

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In Surprise Events of the Elimination Chamber, Santino has challenged his former tag team partner and friend, Kozlov to a match

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella

I'll be curious to see the logic behind Santino and Ted joining Nexus. Ted could be holding a grudge leftover from the Legacy days but Santino was a shock to me. Hope its a good way... not a Vince Russo way :p


With the WWE Championship match now set at Wrestlemania, that being CM Punk will face Randy Orton, Punk has told WWE.com it's going to be a rough road for Orton... which Randy must go through all members of Nexus

Randy Orton vs. Mason Ryan

Easy call. Hope Ryan looks strong in defeat though against Orton.


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd

Going solely off of your Elimination Chamber PPV. Hope Sheffeild is Kidd's new bodyguard. I have a huge Sheffeild hardon. Hope to see more of him in this.


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

John Morrison vs. Alex Riley

Morrison and Christian are the standard MITB Guys in WWE right now since both Hardys and Benjamin are gone. Morrison could win it this year with his recent rub at the top.


Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry

No offense to Henry. Jericho just needs some momentum!

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Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Four


Monday Night Raw // February 2011, Week Four


Dark Match

Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth & Darren Young


Live On Screen Promo

A program is shown (before Raw goes on the air) promoting a new brand coming to WWE called 'Nitro'. It shows blips of the old WCW Nitro and mentions a change in wrestling.


Dark Match

Colt Cobana defeated Primo


The show opens as John Cena and Randy Orton both come out together. They both talk about Nexus and CM Punk, the issues they are having with them. Orton said he's glad he gets to face him at Wrestlemania. Cena wonders what DiBiase and Santino have against him attacking him. And of all people, Santino? This brings out The Nexus. Santino gets on the mic from quite a bit of boos, and he says he did it because he was tired of being the comedy of the show. Week after week after week, year after year, he was the joke. He was the man to lighten the mood, to make people laugh, to entertain. Well, he's tired of it. He's also tired of John Cena. Santino says nobody likes either Orton or Cena. It's why they both have so many enemies, but they do some good.. they bring athletes together for a purpose. Dibiase gets on the mic and says he doesn't have much against either one. He did it because he learned from the best, his father, Randy Orton, and now CM Punk. His losing streak is over. Punk then gets the mic and shares that Orton use to be careless, use to be someone he actually liked, but since he became a family man his priorities have changed. Punk says there is nothing against being a family man, but Orton puts his life above theirs, which is where the problem is. Punk asks Orton how long it's been since he's seen his wife and child? Orton tells Punk to not wait to Wrestlemania, let all of Nexus come to the ring. Cena agrees and tells them to bring it on. The Nexus all begin to walk down to the ring and surround it. Then you hear Glass Shatters as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out. Austin gets in the ring and says he has an announcement.. he's going to be the special guest referee at Wrestlemania when Randy Orton takes on CM Punk. And he then mentions how he doesn't like Punk and definitely doesn't trust a man who doesn't drink beer. Austin then challenges the Nexus to get in the ring because he hasn't whooped a** in a long time. Punk gathers the group and they begin to walk up the ramp and leave.




Backstage Punk and Nexus are all talking. Punk tells them to destroy Steve Austin tonight.


Backstage Mark Henry is holding his knee as he appears to be injured by someone.


Backstage Beth Phoenix and Natalya are chatting backstage.


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry

Winner: Chris Jericho by forfeit to injury


Chris Jericho comes out and mentions Mark Henry's injury, so it appears he will be the first man to advance in the Money in the Bank and is claiming he will win the match at Wrestlemania, cash in, and become the new WWE or Heavyweight Champion. EMAIL BEEP plays as Michael Cole goes to the laptop and reads, "And I quote... Chris, it's a shame Mark Henry is injured and will not be able to get a chance to be in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania. However, it would also be a shame if you were to advance to a match like that at the biggest pay per view of the year without a fight. So Chris, it happens to be a perfect night. It just so happens we have signed a new talent to the WWE and he is in the back. He wasn't going to appear for a while, but why not. The opportunity has presented itself. Good luck Chris." Jericho looks mad but awaits his new opponent. You hear familiar music as none other than Kurt Angle comes out to a huge eruption from the crowd.


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle

Jericho is very mad. They begin the match. With both wrestlers looking good and possibly a match of the year candidate already. Angle was able to roll up Jericho for a quick pin and defeat him. Angle rolls out of the ring celebrating. Jericho just stares. From the crowd, Daniel Bryan climbs the corner and waits. Jericho eventually gets up and turns around and Bryan lands a flying drop kick at Jericho and starts pounding away. Then Bryan locks in the Labell lock. He eventually lets go and walks away.

Winner to Advance: Kurt Angle


Backstage The Miz is pumping up Alex Riley to qualify.




Backstage Austin is backstage when Cena and Orton walk up. Orton tells Austin he better not screw up his night at Wrestlemania. Cena pushes Orton off Austin as Austin just gives a smirk. Cena tells Austin the Nexus aren't an easy group to deal with, he's gonna need help. Austin reminds them of who he is, the Toughest SOB, and Austin says he's got it covered.


Backstage Santino walks up to Kozlov, taps him on the shoulder and says "good luck" and walks away laughing. Kozlov looks mad.


Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella

Dibiase and Hennig both came down with Santino. As the match is about to start, Santino wastes time by putting the referee in between them or going between the ropes. Kozlov punches Santino and he gets up and pulls the ref in the corner claiming he hit him illegally. The ref goes to Kozlov.. Santino once again asks the ref to come to the corner for just a moment.. Santino starts complaining to the ref... as he does.. Dibiase slides in and hits Dream Street on Kozlov. The ref turns around and sees Kozlov down, then Santino starts stomping away on Kozlov. Through out the whole match, Santino kept using the ref's attention to distract for Dibiase and Hennig to beat on Kozlov. In the end, Santino yelled 'Cobra' and people booed. Santino laughed the whole time he was doing it and hit the cobra, and pinned Kozlov. Dibiase and Hennig join Santino in the ring to celebrate, but Dibiase puts the Million Dollar Dream on Kozlov and Santino slaps Kozlov. Dibiase finally lets go and they all leave.

Winner: Santino Marella


Backstage The Bella Twins are talking when Bryan walks up to them and apologizes.




Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Evan Bourne vs. Tyson Kidd

Sheffield joins Kidd to the ring. They had a really great match that featured great chemistry. Lots of moves to showcase both of their talent. Kidd accidentally knocked out the referee, Sheffield didn't get involved at first. But when Bourne slowly starting getting the upper hand, the referee was slowly trying to get up. Bourne was going for the shooting star press but Sheffield slid in the ring, caught him in the air and slammed him to the matt. Then he put Tyson on top of Bourne for the three count.

Winner to Advance: Tyson Kidd


Backstage Sheamus and Drew McIntyre are backstage talking about their tag team title victory. Vince McMahon walks up to them to congratulate them. They both are very polite to him and Vince said he remembers hand picking Drew. Behind Vince walks up Diesel and Triple H. Triple H says he knows Vince likes both of them, but it seems that somebody he knows in the office likes him. At Wrestlemania, they will defend their tag team titles against Diesel and himself.


Backstage Ted, Joe, Mason, and Santino are talking backstage when Maryse walks up. Joe, Mason, and Santino all walk away. Maryse wants to talk to Ted.




Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

John Morrison vs. Alex Riley

The Miz tried to interfere but John Cena showed up which led the Miz run away. Morrison was able to beat Riley to advance.

Winner to Advance: John Morrison


Backstage CM Punk is talking to Mason Ryan, when Ted Dibiase and Maryse walk in. Dibiase asks to talk to Punk. Punk agrees and wishes good luck to Ryan.




Backstage Vince is talking to himself, pondering the thought of revealing who the anonymous Raw GM is next week.


Main Event

Randy Orton vs. Mason Ryan

Orton helped Ryan look good and overly strong in the ring so he doesn't look too green. Ryan hit a power slam, suplex, and a strong lariat near the end of the match. Then out of nowhere, Orton hit his version of a backbreaker/neck breaker. He then slides on the mat preparing for the RKO. Punk's music plays as CM Punk comes out with DiBiase, Hennig, and Santino. Orton gets distracted. Cena comes out running but is met by The Miz and Alex Riley. Punk laughs. Ryan goes for a spinebuster, but Orton turns it into an RKO. This makes all of Nexus slide in the ring and start beating on Randy Orton. Once again, the Nexus prevails and the numbers win. They stand over Orton's body with their arms raised.

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, February 2011, Week Four Confirmed Preview


Lay-Cool & Kong vs. Natalya, Beth Phoenix & Kelly Kelly


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

JTG vs. Jack Swagger


Wade Barrett vs. Chris Masters


Alberto Del Rio & Kane vs. Christian & Rey Mysterio

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Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Four


Friday Night Smackdown // February 2011, Week Four


Dark Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Christopher Daniels

In a match that had great chemistry and great in ring match, it also got the crowd pretty hot. Rey was able to finish Daniels off in the end.

Winner: Rey Mysterio


Dark Match

JTG & R-Truth vs. Alpha Omega (Hawkins & Burchill)

Some great tag team action, with all four competitors working the tag team aspect of the match. R-Truth was able to get the pinfall on Hawkins to end the match.

Winners: JTG & R-Truth


3 vs. 3 Divas Match

Lay-Cool & Kong vs. Natalya, Beth Phoenix & Kelly Kelly

Layla started off the match with Kelly Kelly, but Layla quickly made a tag for the in-ring debut of Kong. Kong dominated Kelly but she got the tag to Natalya. Beth and Kong never got in the ring at the same time. In a good diva's match, Layla, thanks to Kong, pinned Kelly Kelly to get the win.

Winners: Lay-Cool & Kong


Backstage Dolph meets up with Kelly Kelly and says they haven't talked in a while, Kelly says she can't talk to him.. he's Vickie's boyfriend.




Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

JTG vs. Jack Swagger

In a decent match, but nothing spectacular, Swagger was able to come out with the win to advance to Wrestlemania.

Winner to Advance: Jack Swagger


Backstage Sheamus & Drew are talking about being champions and how they will easily take care of Diesel and Triple H.


Backstage Dolph is upset that Teddy didn't put him in the Money in the Bank match and now he's out of Wrestlemania. Vickie says she has an idea, next week Dolph will take on Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Championship.




Sting comes to the ring and talks about how excited he is that it's just about 4 weeks away til his first Wrestlemania and his first match against the Phenom, the Undertaker. Sting says they have a lot in common and a lot of differences. He promises it's going to be the match of his career. And as far as 'mind games' are concerned, expect the unexpected Undertaker from here on out.


Backstage Barrett is talking to Gabriel. Gabriel mentions the Nexus, now the Corre, and he isn't sure if he wants to stay. Barrett says he won't hold him back, but he needs to make a decision soon.




Backstage Slater and Gabriel are talking. Gabriel is thinking of leaving the group, and Slater is trying to talk him out of it.


Singles Match

Wade Barrett vs. Chris Masters

Barrett and Masters had a decent match, but Barrett mostly dominated. After Barrett won, he looked to walk off but instead, helped Masters up to his feet and said something to him, then walked off.

Winner: Wade Barrett


Backstage Drew is trying to ask Kelly Kelly out and she says no for the final time. She says, 'why do I attract all these losers?'


Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Kofi Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes

It was a good match that featured some high flying moves from Kofi and good technical wrestling by Cody. Kofi was able to hit the Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner to Advance: Kofi Kingston




Backstage Josh Matthews is talking to Rey Mysterio, about his bad luck with both Del Rio and Kane. Mysterio says he's had a lot of fueds but he knows he will always be the underdog. Then Cody Rhodes starts beating on Rey Mysterio. Eventually he stops as the ref's and security come out to help Rey.


Once again, Wade Barrett comes out unannounced with a microphone in his hand. He talks about how he should be the most feared man in the WWE right now, he should be the World Champion by now, but there are still doubters. One doubter he has in mind that needs to be taught a lesson, he walks over to the announce booth. He asks Cole if he knows who he's talking about. Cole shakes his head no. Barrett then walks over to Booker T and asks him, and Booker kind of ignores him, then Barrett slaps Booker T. Barrett says that doubter is him (Booker T) and he plans on doing something about it, next week. Barrett walks away with Booker angry.




Main Event: Tag Team Match

Alberto Del Rio & Kane vs. Christian & Rey Mysterio

Del Rio and Kane come out, followed by Christian. Vickie comes out to announce Rey will not be competing, Christian's new parter is her boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler. Christian and Del Rio start the match. Dolph refuses to tag Christian the entire match and even hit him a few times. As the ref had his head turned to the opposing corner, Dolph came in and hit the Zig Zag on Christian and left the ring. Del Rio locked in his armbar submission and got the tapout victory.

Winners: Kane & Alberto Del Rio


Post Dark Match Main Event

Big Show vs. Kane

In an ok match, Kane being a little tired from the previous match, Big Show was able to use his right hand to knock Kane out.

Winner: Big Show

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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week One Confirmed Preview

27 days til Wrestlemania


Final Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin


Triple H vs. Drew McIntyre


John Cena vs. Santino Marella


Randy Orton vs. Joe Hennig

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Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week One


Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week One


Dark Match

Big Daddy V & Mark Henry vs. R-Truth & JTG

It seemed like Big Daddy V has in fact returned to the WWE. This was a pretty good tag team match, but Big Daddy V was able to get the pin on JTG to finish the match. All the men shook hands after the match.

Winners: Big Daddy V & Mark Henry


Kurt Angle comes out to start the show with a great crowd reaction. Angle said he's been around, but is finally back where he belongs. He said last week, he wasn't planned to come out and fight. In fact, he just signed a contract within minutes of him wrestling. But when Henry got injured, Angle immediately jumped at the shot and his request was accepted. Jack Swagger comes out and interrupts Angle. He tells Angle that he's the all American American American, and he's the best amateur wrestler in the WWE and that he's a former World Champion. Angle calls Swagger a copycat of himself, but a cheap and poor copycat. Swagger tells Angle to watch his back in the Money in the Bank match, then Swagger runs in the ring and tries to fight but Angle reverses the momentum and hits a Angle Slam on Swagger. Swagger rolls out of the ring as Angle celebrates.


Backstage Punk is talking to The Nexus and wishes luck on Santino and Hennig in their matches tonight. Punk then says he still hears things about the old Nexus members on Smackdown, the 'Corre'. Punk tells them they need to go to Smackdown this week and make a statement, and show them whose the better team.


Backstage Gail Kim tells Bryan she's sorry but she has to break up with him.


Final Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin

This match saw great in ring action, risky moves, and good technical wrestling. Bryan seemed a little upset about the Gail Kim break up but was able to stay focus. In the middle of the match, Jericho runs in and starts beating on Bryan, yelling, 'you cost me my shot at the title'.

Winner to Advance by DQ: Daniel Bryan


Jericho throws Bryan into steel steps on the outside, then rolls him back in the ring and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Benjamin slides in the ring and starts attacking Jericho. Jericho leaves the ring, walking back up the ramp smiling. Bryan is slowly getting back up thanks to the help of Benjamin. Bryan asks for a microphone and tells Shelton he respects him as a wrestler and person, and he only won due to disqualification thanks to Jericho. Bryan tells Benjamin he can take the last Money in the Bank spot at Wrestlemania. As for his plans, he challenges Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania for the United States Championship.




Singles Match

John Cena vs. Santino Marella

Santino comes to the ring with Hennig, Ryan, and DiBiase. Cena seemed preoccupied with the Nexus members at ringside. Cena started pumping up, which led to Nexus members jumping on the apron but Cena knocked them all down. Cena hit the AA and pinned Santino.

Winner: John Cena


The Nexus quickly got in the ring but Cena rolled out and headed up the ramp. When he turned around to wave at Nexus, The Miz came from the back and hit Cena. Miz started beating on Cena, leaving him laid out.




Backstage Josh Matthews is with the Miz and asks him why he did that, Miz interrupted and said he has always hated Cena. Cena always doubted him as a superstar. He vows to hurt Cena.


Backstage Chris Jericho walks up to Daniel Bryan whose icing his back, and Jericho says he accepts the challenge. He also says he's sorry about Gail, and walks away laughing.


Singles Match

Triple H vs. Drew McIntyre

This match wasted no time as Triple H started brawling immediately with Drew, this caused Sheamus to run out and help Drew. The cameras pan to the back and show ref's helping Diesel who is laid out in his locker room. Drew and Sheamus both are beating down Triple H as the ref calls the bell for DQ. They both hit their finishers on Triple H and leave him laying in the ring.

Winner by DQ: Triple H




Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing John Morrison about the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania, and lists the other competitors. Morrison has been in it before and he is ready to win this year. Tyson Kidd and Skip Sheffield walk into the picture. Tyson gives a sarcastic laugh at Morrison and says it's a shame how all Morrison's confidence will come to a halt when he (Kidd) wins the match at Wrestlemania. Morrison gets in Kidd's face but then Sheffield gets between them and Morrison backs off.


Cole announces that next week on Raw, Tyson Kidd will face John Morrison.


Main Event: Singles Match

Randy Orton vs. Joe Hennig

This also was a great match and continued the hype from the crowd from previous matches and angles. The Nexus were all at ringside, as CM Punk was doing some commentary. Orton was gaining steam and as Nexus looked at Punk, Punk shook his head no. Orton hit the RKO and pinned Joe Hennig.

Winner: Randy Orton


Orton started looking around immediately and Punk stood up and clapped, smiling. Punk and Nexus all left with Orton staring at them. Then Punk points at the titan tron as they walk out. On the Titan Tron, it shows Punk breaking pictures and burning them of Orton and his family, and Punk talking about a pink teddy bear he got his little girl last year, and throws it in the fire. Punk tells Orton his life is about to change for good.

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week One Confirmed Preview


MITB Contestants Match

Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger


Intercontinental Championship Match

Kofi Kingston © vs. Dolph Ziggler


Singles Match

Diesel vs. Sheamus


Singles Match

Sting vs. Cody Rhodes

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Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week One


Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week One

23 days til Wrestlemania


Dark Match

Chris Masters vs. JTG

In a decent match, Masters mostly dominated this singles match.

Winner: Chris Masters


Prior to the Smackdown opener on television, Vince McMahon comes on the television and screen in the arena to announce the WWE fans to watch Raw this coming Monday for a special announcement regarding Wrestlemania.


Intercontinental Championship Match

Kofi Kingston © vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match went back and forth and had some good heat between the two wrestlers. Kofi did some good flying moves while Dolph mostly used his ground and technical side. Kofi was able to come out of nowhere and hit the Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Kofi Kingston


After the match, Kofi started to celebrate but Dolph began attacking him. Vickie got a microphone and said as Smackdown partial GM, she announces Dolph will get a rematch right now. "Ring the bell! Now!"


Intercontinental Championship Match

Kofi Kingston © vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph immediately was in the upper hand since he attacked and beat on Kofi after their previous match just a few minutes ago. Dolph hit the Zig Zag folloewd by locking in the sleeper. Kofi eventually couldn't lift his arms and the ref called the bell.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler


Backstage The Corre is backstage and Gabriel tells them he wants to move on and see what he can do without them. Barrett, Slater, and Jackson all shake his hand and wish him luck but for him to remember he is now an enemy of them. As Gabriel leaves, Barrett says he has an idea for a fourth.


Backstage Diesel is being interviewed and mentions that Triple H is not here, so he's by himself tonight. But he's not worried.


Barrett comes out and the announcers are confused as to why. Barrett comes over to Booker T and he asks Booker T if he wants revenge from last week. Booker gets a mic and tells Barrett he's an announcer, not a wrestler. Barrett drops the mic and starts pounding on Booker T. Security comes to stop it from escalating.




Number One Contendor for Intercontinental Title

Christian vs. Wade Barrett

Christian comes out, then Barrett. Barrett stands at the top of the ramp and decides to give up his chance to become the number one contendor to his former equal in the Corre. He says since Justin wants to do things alone, he wants to give him the opportunity. He tells Christian that Justin Gabriel will be replacing him.


Number One Contendor for Intercontinental Title

Christian vs. Justin Gabriel

Christian and Justin both used some good high flying moves. Dolph shows up and stands at the top of the ramp holding his new IC title. Both men start fighting on the outside and the ref ends up getting to the 10 count.



Dolph is smiling until Vickie comes out and says Kelly Kelly told her what Dolph was doing behind her back. Dolph is trying to be apologetic but Vickie says she forgives him, but Dolph has to pay consequences. Dolph will defend his intercontinental championship at Wrestlemania against Christian.. and Justin Gabriel.




Backstage Lay-Cool are talking backstage when some messenger walks in and tells them he has a letter for them from Teddy Long. They roll their eyes but take the letter and begin to read it, then start freaking out and mention about going to see Vickie.


Singles Match

Diesel vs. Sheamus

Sheamus comes out with his partner, Drew McIntyre. A slow match to start off with but picked up some fast pace momentum. Drew tried to interfere but Diesel was able to handle both men by attacking Drew before he got in the ring. Diesel then hit the Jack knife powerbomb and pinned Sheamus to get the win.

Winner: Diesel


Drew slid in the ring and tried attacking Diesel but Diesel was holding his own until Sheamus was able to get back to his feet. The two on one was too much for Diesel to handle and they beat him down.


Backstage McCool and Layla are talking to Vickie, showing her the letter. Vickie tells them she can't change matches Teddy has already made.




Singles Match

Sting vs. Cody Rhodes

It seemed both Sting and Cody had good in ring chemistry and nothing was lacking in their match. Sting hit the Stinger splash and was about to follow up with a Scorpion Deathlock, then the lights went out. They came back on with 4 coffin's on each side of the ring opened with fake Sting bodies lying in them and foggy smoke surrounding the ring. Cody got up while this distracted Sting and started beating on him. Sting was able to reverse some moves and hit the Scorpion Deathdrop to get the pinfall.

Winner: Sting


Cody makes his way back up the ramp after the loss and is met by a very frustrated Rey Mysterio and the two start brawling. Meanwhile in the ring, Sting is looking around and the lights go back off, the lights come back on and the Undertaker is standing behind Sting. Sting turns around with a punch but Taker ducks it, scoops up Sting and hits the Tombstone. Taker poses on a knee.




MITB Contestants Match

Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger

Great match which also featured great chemistry between the two. Both used a lot of mat wrestling and amateur moves. Swagger tried to go for a slam but Angle reversed it to hit the Angle Slam and pinned Swagger to get the win.

Winner: Kurt Angle


Backstage Big Show is telling Vickie Smackdown isn't big enough for him and Kane. He wants a match with Kane. Kane walks in and Vickie freaks out and decides to put them both in the Money in the Bank match, a perfect opportunity for either of them to get the briefcase or to hurt each other. They both smile and leave.




Edge comes out with his segment, the Cutting Edge. Edge discusses his fued going on with Del Rio and what he's done in the short amount of time he's been here. He admits Del Rio is good, but tells Del Rio he isn't going to beat him at Wrestlemania. Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, is the guest. He tells Edge that Del Rio is far better than him, and Del Rio is the greatest in the WWE. Edge tells him he wants him to tell Del Rio something for him, Edge starts beating on Ricardo and ends up spearing him.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week Two Confirmed Preview


Announced on WWE.com, the MITB match is going to feature now 10 competitors with 8 being already designated.


No Disqualification Match - Money In The Bank Qualification Match

John Cena vs. The Miz


Final Money In The Bank Qualification Match

Charlie Haas vs. R-Truth vs. Mark Henry vs. Skip Sheffield


Singles Match - if Kozlov loses, he becomes Santino's assistant

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella


Main Event: Tag Team Match

CM Punk & Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan

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No Disqualification Match - Money In The Bank Qualification Match

John Cena vs. The Miz


Final Money In The Bank Qualification Match

Charlie Haas vs. R-Truth vs. Mark Henry vs. Skip Sheffield


Singles Match - if Kozlov loses, he becomes Santino's assistant

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella


Main Event: Tag Team Match

CM Punk & Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan

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Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week Two


Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week Two

20 Days Til Wrestlemania


No Disqualification Match - Money In The Bank Qualification Match

John Cena vs. The Miz

Cena come out first, then the Miz and Alex Riley. Riley immediately goes after Cena first with a chair but Cena is able to counter it. Basically, this match ended it a handicap match since there was no disqualification. They fought on the entrance ramp, a little through the crowd, around the ring.. using all objects like chairs, cords, etc. Santino and Ryan come out walking. They get to ringside, then running from the back comes Evan Bourne and starts beating on Santino and trying to beat on Ryan. Cena comes to the aid and throws Ryan into steel steps then Miz is able to hit Cena with a chair, throws him back in the ring. Miz and Riley take turns hitting Cena with a chair, then the Miz hits the skullcrusher finale and pins Cena for the three.

Winner To Advance: The Miz


Backstage Josh Matthews interviewing Randy Orton. Josh asks Orton how personal it has been between him and Punk. Orton won't go into all details, but it's more than just a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania. It's definitely something personal. Orton hopes to get his hands on Punk tonight in their tag team match.




Backstage Cena is sitting down in the locker room talking to himself about not winning the Rumble, not winning either chance to be in Money in the Bank, and how he has no Wrestlemania moment. He thinks what to do.


Backstage Both Bella Twins are talking to Daniel Bryan backstage.


Backstage Punk is talking to Santino and Ryan, 'what was that? why did evan bourne interfere? i want him out'.


Singles Match - if Kozlov loses, he becomes Santino's assistant

Vladimir Kozlov vs. Santino Marella

Ryan comes to the ring with Santino. Santino gets on the mic before the match begins and tells Bourne to watch his back, he's made the biggest mistake of his life. Kozlov and Santino had a good match with lots of heat. Evan Bourne walks out smiling and waves, Ryan and Santino both run after him all the way through the back. The referee counts to ten.

Winner by Count Out: Vladimir Kozlov




Vince McMahon comes out and says he has a huge announcement, one that will make Wrestlemania 27 even bigger. He says there will be a guest host, and this man could be the best host in WWE history. He talks up this guest host and mentions the host is in the building. He says he'll let the guest host address you all, so without further a due, ladies and gentlemen, the guest host of Wrestlemania... THE ROCK! IF YA SMELL... WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN blares over the speakers as the crowd errupts. The Rock comes out and does his usual pose on the top rope and tells Vince to give him the mic. The Rock does his usual Finally... The Rock Has Come Back to the W...W....E. The Rock hypes Wrestlemania, and gives a few facts about past Wrestlemanias and says this one is going to be the greatest. As he's talking, he gets interrupted as John Cena comes out. Vince is telling Cena 'no'. Cena gets in the ring.. Cena and Rock have a few respectful words to say to each other, but then Cena tells Rock he laid out a challenge a few years ago and he never heard a response. Cena says he has no Wrestlemania 27 moment... and the Rock owes the WWE one thing... a match with him. Vince tells Cena that the Rock is a guest host only, he didn't sign to wrestle. The Rock tells Vince maybe Cena is right.. what can he do just as a guest host, if he fights.. it'll make it the most electrifying Wrestlemania in history. Vince nods and Cena asks The Rock, "so what do you say? Cena.. Rock.. Wrestlemania". The Rock accepts the match.




Backstage Benjamin wishes Haas good luck.


Backstage Kidd is talking to Sheffield about the match, asking Skip if he remembers the plan.


Final Money In The Bank Qualification Match

Charlie Haas vs. R-Truth vs. Mark Henry vs. Skip Sheffield

Sheffield comes out first, Truth comes out next. As Haas is making his way, Skip wastes no time and starts beating on Truth before the bell rings. Haas quickly runs in the ring and Sheffield lays him out. Henry comes to the ring while Haas and Truth are out. Sheffield and Henry come face to face and start battling it out. Henry misses a closeline and Sheffield turns and hits a lariat of his own and knocks down Henry. Sheffield leaves the ring. Henry is holding his leg. Haas and Truth are both back up and start battling it out, but in the end Truth was able to get the victory.

Winner to Advance: R-Truth


Backstage Santino finds Bourne and asks him what he's doing. Bourne says he's never liked the Nexus, and he's friends with Cena, so he thought it was about time someone did something. Santino asks Bourne to fight him at Wrestlemania. Bourne accepts. Santino and Ryan both attack Bourne and lay him out.




Main Event: Tag Team Match

CM Punk & Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan

Every time Bryan made the tag to Orton and Punk was in, Punk would do anything to make sure he got the tag to Jericho. It wasn't til near the end of the match that we saw them in the ring at the same time. Bryan and Jericho were fighting and knocked each other down. They both went for a tag, Jericho made it first and Punk tried to stop Bryan but Bryan got the tag. Punk ran around the ring with Orton chasing him, Punk slid in the ring and tried to attack Orton but Orton was able to get the upper hand. The Nexus all ran down the ring, but Santino was met by Bourne again. From the crowd, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, and Chris Masters started beating on Mason Ryan, Joe Hennig, and Ted DiBiase. Orton then hit the RKO on Punk and got the pinfall.

Winners: Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan


The show ends with all the men fighting.

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week Two Confirmed Preview

16 Days til Wrestlemania


Ted DiBiase vs. Heath Slater


Sting vs. Kane


Layla vs. Kelly Kelly


Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes & Jack Swagger


Main Event

Alberto Del Rio & CM Punk vs. Edge & Randy Orton

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Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week Two


Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week Two

16 Days til Wrestlemania


Dark Match

Kenny Dykstra vs. Trent Baretta

A pretty good much to at least warm the crowd up, Dykstra was able to get the win.

Winner: Kenny Dykstra


A promo comes on television right before the Smackdown show begins and says "Tuesday Night Nitro Begins 9 - 6 - 11".


Vickie Guerrero comes out and says it's a sad day for Smackdown, she has just received a letter from Teddy Long and his doctor that Teddy may be gone from Smackdown forever. The note reads, "The doctors currently don't want my health in jeopardy. Due to the stress and possibility of being attacked, it is with my horrible regret to step down as Smackdown GM. However, while I do have power left and am able to make a few decisions, I have one final decision. I have found a replacement and they will be on Smackdown on Friday Night following Wrestlemania and will be the man in charge. Vickie, you'll have control until then but after that, it's all on new management.. playa." Vickie screams and gets mad.




Singles Match

Ted DiBiase vs. Heath Slater

DiBiase came out with Maryse, Ryan, and Hennig. Then Slater came out with Jackson, Masters, and Barrett. DiBiase says they are the better group, the better team, and a better Nexus under Punk's leadership than Barrett's. Hennig tells them to prove it, they want to issue a challenge at Wrestlemania.. 3 on 3. Barrett says they accept. Barrett walks to the back. The match begins with some good ring action. DiBiase was able to hit dream street to get the pinfall.

Winner: Ted DiBiase


Barrett comes out after the match and tells Booker T he heard his commentary and he tells Booker T if he thinks he's so good, if he thinks Barrett is not a smart and good leader, then back it up. Barrett challenges Booker T to a match at Wrestlemania. Booker T accepts. Meanwhile, The Nexus begins attacking The Corre members and when Barrett turns around to watch it, Booker T decks Barrett.




Singles Match

Layla vs. Kelly Kelly

McCool and Kong came to the ring with Layla. We saw a little interference from McCool and Kong which gave Layla the upper hand.

Winner: Layla


Backstage Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio are talking backstage about their match.


Backstage Kane has the MITB match at Wrestlemania, but tonight he's going to take a part the Icon Sting.




Backstage Vickie is complaining to Dolph about the new Smackdown GM. Dolph encourages her that she has full control until then.


Tag Team Match

Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle vs. Cody Rhodes & Jack Swagger

Both teams did fairly well as tag teams and had good chemistry as opponents. Rey hit the hurricanrana on Swagger, then Angle locked in his ankle lock submission to force Swagger to tap.

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle




Singles Match

Sting vs. Kane

Sting awaited the Kane but Kane and the Big Show were fighting backstage in an all out brawl. Sting stands there as the ref calls the bell.

Winner by Countout: Sting


The lights go out and you hear the DONG sound. The lights come on and the Undertaker is in the ring but no Sting. Taker looks around and Sting is on top of the Titan Tron smiling.




Backstage Cody asks Vickie to book him a match against Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania. He's ruined Cody's outside life because of his broken nose. Vickie ok's it.


Backstage Sheamus and Drew are talking about they need to do an open challenge to show Diesel and Triple H why to fear them.


Drew and Sheamus come to the ring and issue an open tag team challenge. As they wait, you hear, OH You Didn't Know? You betta call somebody. The New Age Outlaws come out.


Open Challenge Tag Team Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre vs. New Age Outlaws

The match showed no ring rust from the NAO and looked to be a good back and forth match. But as the match became winding down, it seemed Sheamus and Drew were a little too much for the New Age Outlaws. Drew hit the Double Cross DDT on the Road Dogg.

Winners: Sheamus & Drew McIntyre




Backstage Punk tells Nexus not to interfere in his match no matter what.


Main Event

Alberto Del Rio & CM Punk vs. Edge & Randy Orton

Del Rio and Orton started the match. The entire match seemed to keep the crowd hot and their attention. Not really a dull spot in the match. Randy Orton was able to hit the RKO on Del Rio to get the victory. Then Edge speared Punk to the outside. Orton and Edge celebrate in the ring.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week Three Confirmed Preview

13 Days til Wrestlemania 27


Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, & Wade Barrett vs. Diesel, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, & Booker T


Daniel Bryan & Evan Bourne vs. Santino Marella & Chris Jericho


Edge vs. CM Punk


Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

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Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week Three


Monday Night Raw // March 2011, Week Three

13 Days til Wrestlemania 27


Dark Match

Seth Rollins vs. Trent Baretta

This match lasted a good 15 minutes or so. While many fans were not too familar with Rollins and saw Baretta as a jobber as of late, as the match went on and featured some great action, the fans began to get into the match.

Winner: Seth Rollins


Dark Match

Paul Burchill & William Regal vs. Big Daddy V & Mark Henry

A good tag team match. V and Henry were able to get the victory as they did a double splash on Regal.

Winners: Big Daddy V & Mark Henry


Cena comes out to start the show to talk about how the last few years he's challenged The Rock to a match, and each year The Rock ducked him. He said he knows the Rock did a lot in the business and entertained the fans for several years, but doesn't appreciate how the Rock says this business was his life then he walked away when it needed him the most. Cena then challenges The Rock to show up next week on Raw and let him explain himself.


Backstage Both Bella Twins are hanging with Bryan, then Gail walks up to ask if she can talk to him alone.




Tag Team Match

Daniel Bryan & Evan Bourne vs. Santino Marella & Chris Jericho

Jericho and Santino didn't do as well as Bryan and Bourne as a team, but did work together faily well for the first time. There was some great in ring action and great heat. The match came to an end when Jericho gave a cheap shot to Bourne and then slapped Bryan, which forced Bryan and Jericho to fight on the outside, but gave Santino the chance to get a pinfall over Bourne.

Winners: Santino Marella & Chris Jericho


Backstage Diesel, Triple H, Booker T, and Rey Mysterio are all discussing their match coming up.


Backstage Orton is being interviewed and he talks about a match with Del Rio, but aims to take out the Nexus and most of all CM Punk.




Backstage Beth Phoenix and Natalya are talking about Wrestlemania and their chance at winning the Diva Championship.


Backstage Nexus is talking.


Four Man Tag Team Match

Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, & Wade Barrett vs. Diesel, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, & Booker T

This match went well, but it didn't take long for it to get chaotic. Sheamus fighting Triple H, Diesel fighting Drew McIntyre, Cody fighting Rey, and Booker T going after Barrett. Some fought in the ring and ended up on the outside, or vice versa. Cody ran through the crowd as Rey tried to follow him. Sheamus and McIntyre ended up leaving, which left Diesel, Triple H, and Booker T to fight Wade Barrett. Booker T ended up getting the pin eventually on Barrett.

Winners: Diesel, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, & Booker T




Backstage John Morrison is talking about MITB match at Wrestlemania and he hopes to finally win it. Then Shelton Benjamin walks in and tells Morrison it's his year.


Singles Match

Edge vs. CM Punk

Another really great match that could be considered a candidate for match of the year. Both men fought hard and used all of what they had. Del Rio's music played and he came out in a car, just distracting Edge but never getting involved. Edge left the ring to go after Del Rio which left Punk in the ring to get the win through count out. At the end, Randy Orton came from the crowd to hit an RKO on Punk.

Winner: CM Punk




Backstage Interview with Kidd. He talks about Sheffield being his body guard and how he is going to win the MITB match and cash it in.


Backstage Punk talks about how unhappy he is Orton came to RKO him and it's unacceptable.


Main Event: Singles Match

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

Del Rio's music played but he didn't come out. Orton came out and was attacked from behind by CM Punk, followed by all of Nexus.



The Nexus held Orton while Punk would punch and kick him. Bourne came out but was quickly attacked by Santino, DiBiase, and Hennig. The Nexus stood over Orton and Bourne to end the show.

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News Report


It is being said that following the dark match at Raw which featured Seth Rollins and Trent Baretta, they received lots of praise from several superstars like Chris Jericho, Triple H, and others, as well as praise from Vince McMahon.


Big Daddy V has indeed signed a contract with the WWE as they are trying to push a new tag team division.


It appears as the New Age Outlaws appearance on Smackdown was a one show deal as of this writing.


Edge has been telling people close to him he doesn't have much longer, and thinks he'll be retired by 2013.


The Wrestlemania 27 card has been finalized and should be announced soon.


It looks as though the draft may wait until the third brand show starts on its way.

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week Three Confirmed Preview

9 Days Until Wrestlemania 27


Ted DiBiase vs. Heath Slater


Kelly Kelly vs. Layla


Christian vs. Justin Gabriel


Drew McIntyre vs. The Undertaker


Edge vs. Wade Barrett

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Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week Three


Friday Night Smackdown // March 2011, Week Three

9 Days Until Wrestlemania


Dark Match

Trent Baretta vs. Jack Swagger

Both men put on a great performance, as we saw some good action.

Winner: Jack Swagger


Dark Match

Brian Kendrick & Chris Daniels vs. JTG & R-Truth

Saw some decent tag team action, but the showcase belonged to Christopher Daniels. Daniels was able to get the pin on JTG.

Winner: Brian Kendrick & Chris Daniels


The show opens building Wrestlemania and some of the fueds being featured. It also shows some past Wrestlemania moments, which then leads to the Smackdown Intro.


Vince McMahon comes out to say they have added the last match to Wrestlemania. It's another dream match, a match that could have never happened unless some things lined up. Vince will announce the match and participants on Raw and he promises it will shock the wrestling world.


The announcers run through the line up so far for Wrestlemania 27: Rey Mysterio takes on Cody Rhodes in a grudge match. Cody blames Mysterio for his losses and his broken nose. Wade Barrett challenges Booker T. Barrett has not enjoyed Booker T's comments about him or the Corre and hopes to show Smackdown and the WWE why they should fear him. The Nexus Members Ted DiBiase, Joe Hennig, and Santino Marella will face Corre Members Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, and new member Chris Masters. Who is the leading group in the WWE? A fan favorite and a match where you can expect anything and everything, the Money In The Bank Match which features R-Truth, Tyson Kidd, Shelton Benjamin, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Kane, The Big Show, The Miz, and Kurt Angle. Ten superstars, 2 giants, it's going to be chaos. For the Intercontinental Championship.. it's going to be Dolph Ziggler defending against Christian and Justin Gabriel. For the Tag Team Championship, and a lot of heat in between, it's Triple H & Diesel against tag team champions Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. Don't expect that match to end nicely. For the United States Championship, Daniel Bryan defends against Chris Jericho. Jericho ended up being Bryan's first match in the WWE on NXT. Can Bryan beat the great Chris Jericho? Royal Rumble Winner CM Punk challenges Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. The title is probably the last thing on Randy Orton's mind in this match. And for the World Heavyweight Championship, Edge will defend against Alberto Del Rio. Will Del Rio's destiny come true? Or will the rated R superstar remain at the top? One match to look forward to is one of those dream matches, as John Cena finally gets his shot at The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment The Rock. And possibly one of the biggest dreams matches in not just the WWE but for every wrestling fan, The Undertaker puts his streak on the line against The Icon.. Sting. And Vince McMahon just announced another dream match taking place, and we will find out who on Raw!


Backstage Kelly Kelly is walking backstage, but Natalya and Beth Phoenix are with her.




Singles Match

Kelly Kelly vs. Layla

Beth and Natalya came to the ring with Kelly Kelly, as McCool and Kong came with Layla. Kelly Kelly was able to pull an upset over Divas Champion Layla.

Winner: Kelly Kelly


After the match, the other four divas were about to get into a brawl. Natalya got a mic and they challenge Kong and Michelle to a tag team match right now. Kong accepts but Michelle doesn't look happy about it.


Tag Team Match

Michelle McCool & Kong vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya

Kong and Natalya started the match and were able to do some tagging through out. McCool didn't seem to want to get in the ring at all and would try to tag Kong as much as possible. Eventually, McCool left and Kong had to defend against both Beth and Natalya and ended up getting pinned by Beth.

Winners: Beth Phoenix & Natalya


Backstage Barrett is talking to The Corre and formally announcing Chris Masters as Justin Gabriel's replacement. They shake his hand and welcome him.




Singles Match

Ted DiBiase vs. Heath Slater

DiBiase came to the ring with Maryse. Slater came by himself. Slater showed fairly well in his performance, but DiBiase definitely stood out carrying the match. DiBiase seems to be getting better in his in ring skills, psychology, and connecting with the fans.. gathering more heat. Maryse was able to tease Slater a little which allowed DiBiase to lock in the Million Dollar Dream.

Winner: Ted DiBiase


Backstage Sheamus and McIntyre are talking about Drew's fight with The Undertaker. Sheamus tells McIntyre to focus on the Undertaker, not to worry about Triple H or Diesel.


Backstage Dolph thanks Vickie for giving him the night off, as the two are relaxing in her office.




Backstage Swagger is talking about MITB and how Kurt Angle got lucky the last few times they fought. He's the real American American American. Kane steps in and tells Swagger he's going to win the MITB.


Singles Match

Christian vs. Justin Gabriel

Dolph Ziggler comes to join for commentary. The match gets some good momentum with the fans appearing to be on both Christian and Gabriel's side. Before the match could finish, Ziggler went into the ring and knocked them both out with the IC title belt.

Winner: Double DQ - interference by Dolph Ziggler


Backstage Josh Matthews interviews Sting. Sting says he's doing to watch the Undertaker's match closely.


Backstage Edge is warming up.




Singles Match

Edge vs. Wade Barrett

Both men had a good bout. Edge definitely had more charisma in the match than Barrett, but Barrett held his own and showed he can wrestle. Barrett kept being distracted at announcer Booker T. Towards the end, Barrett hit the Wasteland slam on Edge, but instead of going for the pin, went to the outside and slapped Booker T. The two started to brawl, meanwhile, Del Rio comes from the back and locks in his armbar submission. Referees are trying to break up both fights.

Winner: Edge by countout


Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing Rey Mysterio. Mysterio says he respects Cody and his wrestling genes, but his ego is way too big and he plans on bringing him down to earth at Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes interrupts by hitting Mysterio with a chair.




Main Event: Singles Match

Drew McIntyre vs. The Undertaker

Sheamus came to the ring with Drew and helped Drew do a few cheat moves on The Undertaker. The Titan Tron shows Diesel and Triple H backstage in Sheamus and Drew's locker room going through their stuff. Sheamus starts walking up the ramp, while the Undertaker locks in the Devil's Gate submission and Drew taps out. Drew rolls out of the ring and Sheamus comes to him trying to wake him up. Sheamus kinda drags Drew to the back going to hunt down Diesel and Triple H.

Winner: The Undertaker


Drew and Sheamus make it to their locker room but no Triple H or Diesel, but all their stuff is missing.


The Undertaker gets up, then the lights go out. You hear a a lightning strike and when the lights come on, Sting is standing behind the Undertaker.. grabs his hair and pulls him down and hits the Scorpion Death Drop.

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