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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week Four Confirmed Preview

6 Days Til Wrestlemania


Vince McMahon will add the final match to Wrestlemania 27 and promises it is another dream match, a match that will take the wrestling industry by surprise. Who are the participants in another dream match?


Shelton Benjamin & John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd & The Miz


R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger


Santino Marella & Joe Hennig vs. Heath Slater & Chris Masters


Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase


The Undertaker & Sting vs. Big Show & Kane

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Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week Four


Monday Night Raw, March 2011, Week Four

6 Days Until Wrestlemania 27


Dark Match

Mark Henry vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Both men did some decent work, but Henry also had with him his partner Big Daddy V who helped Henry with the victory. Afterwards, they both did splashes on Kozlov.

Winner: Mark Henry


Vince McMahon starts the show by walking out. He asks the fans if they are ready for tonight.. if they are ready for the biggest Wrestlemania in history!? Vince talks about two dream matches already taking place, "The Rock facing John Cena.. and The Undertaker fighting Sting. As I said on Smackdown, I have signed one more dream match. The difference about this match and the other two is that this one has happened before, but I know the fans want to see it, I know some superstars in the back want to see it, and to be quite honest.. I want to see it. It's going to be... for the last time ever... Ricky The Dragon Steamboat against.. the return of The Macho Man Randy Savage! The crowd goes crazy and the announcers can't believe it.




The announcers talk about the bombshell Vince dropped about another dream match being added to the Wrestlemania card.


Singles Match

R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger

In a good in ring match, with both men not doing to well in competition except for the wins to qualify for the MITB match, they put on a good show. But at the end, Swagger was able to win the match

Winner: Jack Swagger


Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat mentions it will be his last career match and is glad to end it at Wrestlemania and against one of the best fueds he had in the past, Randy Savage. He said Vince approached him about the idea in January and Ricky, without hesitation, said he would love to. This meant for a lot of obstacles to be overcome with known heat between Savage and McMahon, but they worked it out somehow. He's ready.


Backstage Punk is talking to DiBiase about his match tonight against Randy Orton.




Tag Team Match

Santino Marella & Joe Hennig vs. Heath Slater & Chris Masters

A good tag team match, but Santino and Hennig were definitely a better team. Masters did showcase some good talent and muscle power, but Hennig and Santino's intelligence was too much for the green Heath Slater.

Winners: Santino Marella & Joe Hennig


After the match, Mason Ryan got in the ring and beat on Chris Masters, which led Ezekiel Jackson out to help even it up. The Nexus left the ring while Jackson, Masters, and Slater stood in the ring.


Backstage Diesel and Triple H are walking backstage and looks like they are headed to the ring.




Diesel and Triple H come to the ring and talk about some top matches at Wrestlemania, one being them teaming up to face Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. They both respect Sheamus and Drew, but they want to teach them a lesson. While they are not looking to be tag team champions, it comes with the match and they'll be happy to be the new tag team champions.


Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing Chris Jericho. Jericho talks about his match against Daniel Bryan, and how he's going to make Bryan and the internet fans realize they know nothing. Bryan comes out of nowhere and attacks Jericho, yelling at him.. something about what he did to Gail Kim.


Tag Team Match

Shelton Benjamin & John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd & The Miz

Definitely a match that kept the fans attention and had fast paced action. The match featured a lot of unique moves from all competitors. But the Miz, thanks to Alex Riley's distraction and Skip Sheffield's interference, was able to hit his finisher on John Morrison.

Winners: Tyson Kidd & The Miz




Backstage Josh Matthews is interviewing Randy Orton. Orton is ready for DiBiase tonight and definitely ready for CM Punk at Wrestlemania. Austin shows up and tells Orton not to forget who the special referee is, and on his watch there will be a winner.. he doesn't do the countout deal, it's either a pinfall or submission.. no countout, no dq.. Orton smiles.


Singles Match

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase

This match was said to be outstanding and future Wrestlemania was written all over it. DiBiase continues to impress many. Orton was able to hit the RKO on DiBiase but then stood there and got in the corner, looking for the punt. This brought out Mason Ryan, Joe Hennig, and Santino Marella to save their co-Nexus member. Orton quickly bailed and looked at them smiling, but was attacked by CM Punk.

Winner: Randy Orton by DQ


Punk had Nexus hold Orton up, but The Corre members Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson, and Chris Masters came out.. as well as Evan Bourne. Bourne was attacking Santino, as the Corre was attacking Hennig, Ryan, and DiBiase. Punk and Orton were left in the ring and Punk looked as if he was going to do the punt to Orton. Orton got up and was able to hit the RKO on Punk.




Backstage Josh Matthews is with the Big Show about tonight's match. Show says him and Kane don't get along and they are looking at tearing each other a part soon. But we'll have to see what happens tonight.


Main Event: Tag Team Match

The Undertaker & Sting vs. Big Show & Kane

Show and Kane had a stare down in the ring, as did Sting and the Undertaker. Kane and the Undertaker ended up fighting each other and Sting and Big Show just looked at each other and did nothing. Sting refused to let Taker tag him in, but Big Show allowed Kane to tag him in. But at the end, Show left the ring and Sting let Kane beat on the Taker. Sting eventually came in, beat on Kane, then left the ring. Taker then was able to hit the Tombstone on Kane for the win.

Winners: The Undertaker & Sting

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Friday Night Smackdown Preview


Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week Four Confirmed Preview

2 Days Until Wrestlemania


Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler


Triple H, Diesel, & Randy Orton vs. Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, & CM Punk


Joe Hennig vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Wade Barrett vs. Rey Mysterio


Kurt Angle & Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger & Kane


Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. Michelle McCool & Kong

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Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week Four


Friday Night Smackdown, March 2011, Week Four

2 Days Until Wrestlemania 27


Divas Tag Team Match

Beth Phoenix & Natalya vs. Michelle McCool & Kong

This match was a good opener, but didn't last long at all. Eventually McCool left with Layla and left Kong by herself like last week, and once again Beth and Natalya were too much for one person.

Winners: Beth Phoenix & Natalya


Backstage Todd catches up to McCool and Layla and asks why they left Kong, they ignore the question and keep walking.


Backstage Cody Rhodes is telling Wade to hurt Rey Mysterio tonight.




Backstage Santino is talking to Punk on the cell phone, then he tells Nexus what he said.. that tonight, Orton pays for what he did on Raw.


Backstage Kurt Angle walks up to Shelton and they greet each other and talk about old times.


Singles Match

Joe Hennig vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Right when the bell rings, Hennig goes after Jackson and out comes the Nexus.. they all jump on Jackson which leads to a immediate DQ.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson by DQ


The Nexus members continue to beat on Jackson, which brings out Bourne, Slater, and Masters.. once they run in the ring, the Nexus bans and leaves.




Backstage Edge & Christian are talking about their reuniting as a tag team tonight.


Tag Team Match

Kurt Angle & Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger & Kane

The Big Show's theme plays as he comes out, Kane immediately leaves ringside and they are about to brawl. Angle looks at Swagger, Benjamin gets in the ring and they all shake hands and walk out together.



Backstage Vickie tells Dolph he has a great partner tonight, and at Wrestlemania, after he wins, she has a special treat for him on Smackdown next week.


The Rock comes out and mentions how it's been a long time since he's been on his show, Smackdown. The Rock talks about Cena's remarks and the past, the Rock explains he did everything he wanted to accomplish and asked why not go after other goals of his. This brings out John Cena. The two stare face to face and throw insults at each other, then begin to brawl. Security and refs come to try and break it up but it continues.




Backstage It shows during commercial after the Rock and Cena were broken up, Cody Rhodes and his step brother, Goldust, beat on Rey Mysterio. They throw him into lockers and continue to beat on him.


Tag Team Match

Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler and Edge start the match. This match saw the most action of the night, as far as, wrestling is concerned. Thanks to a mess up on Dolph, Christian hit Del Rio then attacked Dolph. This led for Edge to hit a spear on Del Rio to get the pinfall.

Winners: Edge & Christian


Backstage Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, and Jack Swagger are hanging out together backstage. Matthews tries to get an interview but they shut the door on him.




Main Event: Three vs Three Tag Team Match

Triple H, Diesel, & Randy Orton vs. Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, & CM Punk

Diesel and Punk started the match. We some some great heat in this match and some good in ring action. It ended when everyone was brawling, but Orton came out of nowhere to hit the RKO on Sheamus, and Diesel got the pin.

Winners: Triple H, Diesel, & Randy Orton


As Punk, Sheamus, and McIntyre were walking to the back, Punk got a microphone and told Randy to watch the latest video on the screen. It featured Punk taking a baseball bat to his father, and burning some memorabilia like baby pictures, wrestling belts, etc. Orton ran after Punk but Punk took off.




Sting comes out and addresses the Undertaker. He tells Taker his streak comes to an end Sunday, and he's ready to be the only man in history to make it happen. The Undertaker comes out and tells Sting he's sadly mistaken. He's looking forward to once again proving why he is the Phenom. He says no man will ever be able to lay him to rest or beat him at Wrestlemania, and he will once again, prove it Sunday. They just stare in each other's eyes as the show goes off.

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Wrestlemania 27




The Streak verses The Icon Dream Match

The Undertaker vs. "The Icon" Sting

The Undertaker has yet to be defeated at Wrestlemania, defeating men like Ric Flair, Diesel, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and many more. Could the Undertaker have finally met his match as he faces for the first time ever, the wrestling icon Sting. Can Sting be the first man to end the streak, or will he also lay in defeat?


WWE Championship Match - NO HOLDS BARRED

Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk (with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the referee)

Punk started by winning the Royal Rumble and immediately set his target on the viper, Randy Orton. CM Punk made sure this wasn't just for the WWE Title, but Punk made it personal by seizing Randy's wife and child, and to top it off, beat his father with a baseball bat and burned up pictures of them together. Can Randy Orton get revenge and leave Wrestlemania still WWE Champion? Or will the Nexus leader, CM Punk, become the new WWE Champion?


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge © vs. Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio has been on the rise as of late and has caught much attention, including one man in particular, Edge. Del Rio has said numerous times it is his destiny to become World Heavyweight Champion, and Edge just happens to be the wrong man at the wrong time standing in his way. Can Edge shut Del Rio up once and for all? Or will Alberto Del Rio's destiny come true?


A Dream For The Ages Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Rock

The Rock returns to the WWE and the wrestling ring one more time to face a man who has down played the Rock's leave of the wrestling business for several years. Can the Rock leave the WWE still as the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, or will John Cena be able to send the Rock packing for good back to Hollywood?


An Old Time Fued Reunites

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

Both men will return to the ring one final time to end a fued that started many years ago and captivated audiences all around the world. Steamboat showed the world a few years back that "he still had it". We haven't seen Savage in the ring in several years, especially the WWE. How will this fued finally come to a close?


Tag Team Championship Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre © vs. Triple H & "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel

Triple H returned with the aim of getting even with Sheamus, but Sheamus had other plans. Sheamus had found a new friend, and partner, with Smackdown's Drew McIntyre. Drew was able to help Sheamus fight off Triple H, until Diesel became to his friends aid. Now with wheels in motion of two fueds, how will this one finally come to an end?


United States Championship Match (2/3 falls)

Daniel Bryan © vs. Chris Jericho

Just announced, both men have agreed to make it a two out of three falls match. With so many questions revolving around the involvement of Gail Kim between the two, will we see any answers at Wrestlemania? Last time these two men faced each other, it was Daniel Bryan's WWE debut on NXT and Jericho was able to shut him up quick. Will Jericho once again beat Bryan, or will Bryan show Jericho how good he really is?


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Christian vs. Justin Gabriel

Ziggler stepped away from the World Title and got his chance to go back for other gold, the IC title and won. But with two athletes looking to put some gold around their waste as well, who is going to walk away with the Intercontinental title prize? Who will join names like Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon. Time will tell.


Money In The Bank Match

Kurt Angle vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Big Show

As a first at Wrestlemania, the money in the bank match features 10 superstars. Giants, high-fylers, technical wrestlers, matt wrestlers.. a match that features them all, but with one goal. To climb a ladder to get a briefcase that holds a contract you can cash in at any time on any champion. Who will get the briefcase?


Grudge Match

Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Booker T returns to the WWE ring to face a man many call the future of the WWE, Wade Barrett. Barrett has indeed made a name for himself in the short amount of time he's been in the WWE, but doesn't appreciate Booker T's remarks as him needing more time to develop, he isn't as good as he thinks, etc. Will Booker T's comments come back to haunt him or will Booker T's comments prove to be true?


The Nexus against The Corre

Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, & Mason Ryan vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Chris Masters, & Heath Slater

The future of wrestling could be in the match. Who is the tougher group in the WWE? Who will walk away with bragging rights as the team to be a part of, or the team to be afraid of?


Grudge Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Cody continues to assault Rey Mysterio and blaming him for everything wrong in Cody's life. And with recent attacks, which includes his step brother Goldust helping, will we even see a end to this fued? Will Goldust interfere?


Grudge Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne

Two young superstars who have captivated audiences either by their moves, or by their mouth. But at Wrestlemania, these two will face off in a match. Who will get the victory and continue the ladder climb in the WWE?


Divas Championship Match

Layla © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Kong vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Eve vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

Ten divas, one title. With so much going on with each diva, will we see partners fight each other? Will we see divas working together to get to a similar goal? Who will leave Wrestlemania as The Diva?

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The Undertaker vs. "The Icon" Sting

Id love to see Sting pull out a big one and beat Undertaker I just have doubts that can happen.


WWE Championship Match - NO HOLDS BARRED

Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk (with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the referee)

Very interesting match where if the babyface wins he gets his redemption which has been built a lot larger than the match itself. Orton gets revenge and Punk gets to look like a true main eventer on a Wrestlemania.


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge © vs. Alberto Del Rio

Pass the torch Edge


A Dream For The Ages Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Rock

Cena deserves to be put over here.


An Old Time Fued Reunites

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

One more Savage win please... ooooooh yeah


Tag Team Championship Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre © vs. Triple H & "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel

Cant see Hunter and Diesel putting over them young punks


United States Championship Match (2/3 falls)

Daniel Bryan © vs. Chris Jericho

Bryan needs a win to catapult himself


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Christian vs. Justin Gabriel


Money In The Bank Match

Kurt Angle vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Big Show

Time to shine


Grudge Match

Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Barrett to look strong in defeat


The Nexus against The Corre

Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, & Mason Ryan vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Chris Masters, & Heath Slater

Maybe a Dibiase revolt vs. Punk the next night on RAW?


Grudge Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Cause Rey sucks


Grudge Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne

If Bourne wins hope its due to dog and pony show style booking... lots of interference but then at the end have some guys who aren't on the show come help Bourne overcome the odds.


Divas Championship Match

Layla © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Kong vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Eve vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

I say Layla because I'd murder everyone on this board for a date with her....:p

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News


It has just been reported on WWE.com that at Wrestlemania 27, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin won't be the only special guest referee for the night. It seems now that as of this writing, Shawn Michaels will return to be the special guest referee for the main event, Sting vs. The Undertaker.


Several wrestlers, including many Hall of Famers, will be in attendance at Wrestlemania 27. Some to note are: Dusty Rhodes, Mene Gene, Bob Orton Jr, Paul Orndorff, Jimmy Snuka, Harley Race, Sgt. Slaughter, Iron Shiek, Bret Hart, Lex Luger, The Barbarian, Rocky Johnson, Diamond Dallas Page, King Haku, Ted DiBiase Sr, and many others.


It also is being rumored that Jim Ross will be at ring side one last time to call Wrestlemania 27.


Vince McMahon is hoping next year's Wrestlemania will feature new talent that have caught the fans by storm. He had a meeting with every WWE superstar, creative writer, producer, etc. He specifically told the younger stars to "listen to the fans, watch the veterans, learn tonight, because next year it's going to be you guys. This is the time to shine and step it up. Tomorrow on Raw, Friday on Smackdown, and Nitro when it comes... this business will be greater than ever or will die.. it rests on their shoulders." This put a lot of stress on many of the wrestlers, but all of them have told Vince they plan on giving it their all at Wrestlemania.


We were told Savage and Vince talked on the phone in December to try and iron things out. As things progressed, they met sometime in January and Vince brought the idea of Savage wrestling one last match at Wrestlemania. Savage hand picked Steamboat, which Steamboat was happy. It is being said this will be both of their final match in a wrestling ring.

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The Streak verses The Icon Dream Match

The Undertaker vs. "The Icon" Sting

The Undertaker has yet to be defeated at Wrestlemania, defeating men like Ric Flair, Diesel, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and many more. Could the Undertaker have finally met his match as he faces for the first time ever, the wrestling icon Sting. Can Sting be the first man to end the streak, or will he also lay in defeat?


WWE Championship Match - NO HOLDS BARRED

Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk (with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the referee)

Punk started by winning the Royal Rumble and immediately set his target on the viper, Randy Orton. CM Punk made sure this wasn't just for the WWE Title, but Punk made it personal by seizing Randy's wife and child, and to top it off, beat his father with a baseball bat and burned up pictures of them together. Can Randy Orton get revenge and leave Wrestlemania still WWE Champion? Or will the Nexus leader, CM Punk, become the new WWE Champion?


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge © vs. Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio has been on the rise as of late and has caught much attention, including one man in particular, Edge. Del Rio has said numerous times it is his destiny to become World Heavyweight Champion, and Edge just happens to be the wrong man at the wrong time standing in his way. Can Edge shut Del Rio up once and for all? Or will Alberto Del Rio's destiny come true?


A Dream For The Ages Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Rock

The Rock returns to the WWE and the wrestling ring one more time to face a man who has down played the Rock's leave of the wrestling business for several years. Can the Rock leave the WWE still as the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, or will John Cena be able to send the Rock packing for good back to Hollywood?


An Old Time Fued Reunites

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

Both men will return to the ring one final time to end a fued that started many years ago and captivated audiences all around the world. Steamboat showed the world a few years back that "he still had it". We haven't seen Savage in the ring in several years, especially the WWE. How will this fued finally come to a close?


Tag Team Championship Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre © vs. Triple H & "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel

Triple H returned with the aim of getting even with Sheamus, but Sheamus had other plans. Sheamus had found a new friend, and partner, with Smackdown's Drew McIntyre. Drew was able to help Sheamus fight off Triple H, until Diesel became to his friends aid. Now with wheels in motion of two fueds, how will this one finally come to an end?


United States Championship Match (2/3 falls)

Daniel Bryan © vs. Chris Jericho

Just announced, both men have agreed to make it a two out of three falls match. With so many questions revolving around the involvement of Gail Kim between the two, will we see any answers at Wrestlemania? Last time these two men faced each other, it was Daniel Bryan's WWE debut on NXT and Jericho was able to shut him up quick. Will Jericho once again beat Bryan, or will Bryan show Jericho how good he really is?


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Christian vs. Justin Gabriel

Ziggler stepped away from the World Title and got his chance to go back for other gold, the IC title and won. But with two athletes looking to put some gold around their waste as well, who is going to walk away with the Intercontinental title prize? Who will join names like Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon. Time will tell.


Money In The Bank Match

Kurt Angle vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Big Show

As a first at Wrestlemania, the money in the bank match features 10 superstars. Giants, high-fylers, technical wrestlers, matt wrestlers.. a match that features them all, but with one goal. To climb a ladder to get a briefcase that holds a contract you can cash in at any time on any champion. Who will get the briefcase?


Grudge Match

Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Booker T returns to the WWE ring to face a man many call the future of the WWE, Wade Barrett. Barrett has indeed made a name for himself in the short amount of time he's been in the WWE, but doesn't appreciate Booker T's remarks as him needing more time to develop, he isn't as good as he thinks, etc. Will Booker T's comments come back to haunt him or will Booker T's comments prove to be true?


The Nexus against The Corre

Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, & Mason Ryan vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Chris Masters, & Heath Slater

The future of wrestling could be in the match. Who is the tougher group in the WWE? Who will walk away with bragging rights as the team to be a part of, or the team to be afraid of?


Grudge Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Cody continues to assault Rey Mysterio and blaming him for everything wrong in Cody's life. And with recent attacks, which includes his step brother Goldust helping, will we even see a end to this fued? Will Goldust interfere?


Grudge Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne

Two young superstars who have captivated audiences either by their moves, or by their mouth. But at Wrestlemania, these two will face off in a match. Who will get the victory and continue the ladder climb in the WWE?


Divas Championship Match

Layla © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Kong vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Eve vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

Ten divas, one title. With so much going on with each diva, will we see partners fight each other? Will we see divas working together to get to a similar goal? Who will leave Wrestlemania as The Diva?

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Wrestlemania 27





The Streak verses The Icon Dream Match

The Undertaker vs. "The Icon" Sting


WWE Championship Match - NO HOLDS BARRED

Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk (with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the referee)


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge © vs. Alberto Del Rio


A Dream For The Ages Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Rock


An Old Time Fued Reunites

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage


Tag Team Championship Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre © vs. Triple H & "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel


United States Championship Match (2/3 falls)

Daniel Bryan © vs. Chris Jericho


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Christian vs. Justin Gabriel


Money In The Bank Match

Kurt Angle vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Big Show


Grudge Match

Wade Barrett vs. Booker T


The Nexus against The Corre

Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, & Mason Ryan vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Chris Masters, & Heath Slater


Grudge Match

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes


Grudge Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne


Divas Championship Match

Layla © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Kong vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Eve vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox


Awesome read so far, looking forward to more

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Wrestlemania 27


Wrestlemania 27


The intro video is showing past Wrestlemania moments. Highlighting wrestlers like Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, and several others. Then it shows very brief clips of how matches led up to this night. Then the cameras pan in the arena as the announcers Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole welcome us to a historic event. They talk up some of the matches.


Grudge Match

Rey Mysterio vs. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes comes out first with his brother, Goldust, and his nose in good shape. Cody gets a microphone and says he's going to pose after he beats Rey Mysterio so all the ladies can take pictures of his Dashing self. Rey comes out running and the match begins. Rey seems to be doing a hit and run, where he throws some punches, runs against the ropes and does a closeline. Cody eventually is able to stop him and starts using his size advantage. Cody begins beating on Rey in the corner. Rey starts battling back out, Rey jumps on the ropes and hits a dropkick on Cody. Rey begins to get quite a bit of momentum going, especially with the fans backing him. Running from the back comes Brian Kendrick and Christopher Daniels. Rey sees them coming and dives over the top rope to land of them. Cody goes to the ref complaining about his neck. Goldust is talking to Cody and the referee keeping him distracted. Out comes Kaval and starts beating on Daniels and Kendrick along with Rey. Then Kaval kicks Rey in the head, and rolls him back in the ring. Cody is smiling and walking around the ring being all ****y but wasting time. Cody picks up Rey, the referee is telling Kendrick and Daniels to leave ringside (Kaval had already left). Goldust gets in the ring and beats on his brother Cody, then leaves. Rey is back up. Cody gets up and runs at him but Rey hits Cody and it sets up Cody to get hit by the 619. Rey connects. Rey is waiting for Cody to get up. Cody gets up, Rey jumps and Cody dodges. Cody quickly picks up Rey and hits his finisher. Cody pins Rey for 1..2..3!

WINNER by Pinfall: "Dashing" Cody Rhodes


Grudge Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne

Evan Bourne is out first, followed by Santino. Santino gets on the mic and starts talking to Bourne, but Bourne starts attacking Santino. The fans are on there feet as Bourne hits a brain buster and climbs the ropes. Bourne goes for the Shooting Star Press but Santino moves out of the way. Santino starts stomping on Bourne and taking advantage of the missed move. Santino yells 'COBRA' and just gives a smirk and flips the fans off with a bird. Santino continues to assault Evan Bourne, but Evan starts fighting back with a few kicks. Evan is back up throwing kicks at Santino.. Bourne runs and hits a spinning kick. Bourne is getting the fans behind him. Santino reaches in his tights, gets some kind of object, as Bourne turns around, Santino decks him and puts it back in his tights. Santino is mocking the 'celebrating' he use to do. Santino just puts his foot on Bourne as the referee counts 1..2..3!

WINNER by Pinfall: Santino Marella


The Nexus against The Corre

Joe Hennig, Ted DiBiase, & Mason Ryan vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Chris Masters, & Heath Slater

The Corre comes out first, then the Nexus. Ted DiBiase starts things off with Heath Slater. DiBiase gets the upper hand then tags out to Joe Hennig. Joe picks up where DiBiase left off. Joe and DiBiase continue to keep Heath in their corner and tagging in and out. Eventually, Slater makes a leaping tag to Jackson. DiBiase tags to Mason Ryan. Ryan and Jackson have a little stare and begin brawling with each other with Jackson getting an upper hand, but after missing a closeline Ryan hits a spinebuster on Jackson. Ryan tags Hennig and Hennig keeps Jackson down for a little bit. Jackson builds up, then tags Masters and Masters begins to clean house. Joe runs in and gets knocked down. Ryan runs in and gets knocked down. Masters picks up Hennig, but DiBiase got back up in time to stop Masters. Hennig and DiBiase both double team on Masters. As chaos slowly picks up, Masters tags out to Slater. Jackson and Masters end up going after Ryan while DiBiase and Hennig double team Slater. Hennig hits the perfect plex on Slater for the 1..2..3!

WINNERS by Pinfall: The Nexus


Divas Championship Match

Layla © vs. Michelle McCool vs. Kong vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Eve vs. Melina vs. Maryse vs. Alicia Fox

All the divas get in the ring and wait for the bell. It seems some divas are aiming at others due from rivalries. They all begin to fight. It looks like chaos in the ring as McCool, Layla, and Kong are fighting with Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, and Natalya. Maryse is relaxing in the corner by herself. Fox and Melina are fighting on Eve. All the divas ended up getting out of the ring fighting except Kong, Layla, and McCool. Layla told one of them to lay down for her, McCool told Kong to lay down. Kong refused and started beating on both McCool and Layla. Beth Phoenix slid in the ring and started beating on Kong and hit her finisher on Kong. Beth then put Layla on top of Kong as the ref counted to three. After the match, Beth raised McCool and Layla's arms.

WINNER and STILL Divas Champion by Pinfall: Layla


Backstage Booker T is talking about showing Barrett what a true champ looks like.


Grudge Match

Wade Barrett vs. Booker T

Booker T came out first and did his spin-a-roony for all the fans, then Barrett came out. Barrett and Booker had some good moments through out the match. Booker T showed no rust by hitting most of his top moves and even some moves you haven't seen in a while. Booker T knocked Barrett down and hit the Harlem Hangover (flip legdrop from the top rope), but Barrett continued to kick out of everything Booker T had thrown. Booker T tried to go for the side kick but missed and Barrett came back from a hard closeline. Barrett got on top of Booker T and started doing a ground and pound, causing Booker T to bleed. Barrett got Booker up and whipped him into the corner but Booker came flying out and landed his side kick. Booker T was setting up Barrett but his finishing scissor kick, as Booker T was about to land it, Barrett moved and got Booker up in his Wasteland Slam. Barrett pinned Booker T to get the victory.

WINNER by Pinfall: Wade Barrett


Backstage Matthews interviews CM Punk. Punk promises to hurt Orton physically, then emotionally by taking away the WWE title.


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Christian vs. Justin Gabriel

Gabriel received a decent pop, as did Christian. Ziggler came out with Vickie which got some great heat. Both Christian and Gabriel were fighting Ziggler, but eventually turned and started fighting each other. There was really no slow action in this match. All men had an offense and received some beatings. Ziggler and Christian worked together to take out Gabriel, then would turn on each other. Then Ziggler and Gabriel would start beating on Christian as he gained momentum, but then Ziggler would turn on Gabriel. Christian dove on Ziggler at one point on the outside and looked like he twisted his knee or ankle. Doctors ran to ringside while Ziggler and Gabriel continued to fight. After some back and forth action, Ziggler was going for the zig zag but Gabriel held onto the ropes. Christian got back in the ring and tried to go after Gabriel but Gabriel hit a kick on Christian and Christian fell face down on Ziggler. Gabriel climbed the ropes and hit the 450 splash. Gabriel rolled Christian off Ziggler and pinned Ziggler to get the win.

WINNER and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Justin Gabriel


Video Promo Video showing the past MITB matches, and little snippets of each wrestler involved in this years MITB.


Money In The Bank Match

Kurt Angle vs. The Miz vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd vs. R-Truth vs. Kane vs. Big Show

This match, as usual, would steal the show so far in the night. We saw most of the superstars gang up on Kane and Big Show, then Kane and Show ended up fighting each other on the outside, using all sorts of weapons or cords. R-Truth got in the way and Show knocked him out. In the ring, Kofi and Benjamin did some incredible moves with the ladders. Tyson Kidd was showing his high flying skills and risk taking, but he hit Kane by accident which made Kane chokeslam him on a ladder. We saw Morrison, Benjamin, Angle, Swagger, and Kofi all climb the ladder at some point through out the match. Angle, Swagger, and Shelton were teaming together to fight off Kofi and Morrison. Angle was almost to the top but Swagger pulled him down telling Angle he should win it. They got into a shoving match which led to Kofi running, jumping on the ladder, and diving onto both men. Shelton and Morrison both were climbing the ladder on opposite sides trying to get to the briefcase. The briefcase gets lose and both of their hands were on it. Both men are trying to get it lose from the other.. Big Show and Kane are back in the ring.. they stop fighting each other for a moment and Big Show goes after Benjamin while Kane goes after Morrison. Show punches Shelton, while Kane grabs Morrison's throat and is about to hit a chokeslam. Morrison kicks Kane in the head and Benjamin falls and Morrison is left holding the briefcase. Morrison climbs the ladder in celebration.

WINNER Of the Money In The Bank Briefcase: John Morrison


United States Championship Match (2/3 falls)

Daniel Bryan © vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho comes out first, then Bryan. Jericho has a few words and Bryan slaps Jericho. Jericho tries to slap Bryan back but Bryan blocks it and the match starts. A lot of submission tries and mat wrestling through out, with few high flying moves. Both men are almost identical in their approach which makes for quite a few reverses. This match was hot the entire time and kept the audience intrigued. Jericho hit the Lionsault and got the pin on Bryan for the first fall.

WINNER 1st Fall: Chris Jericho

Immediately Jericho stomps on Bryan, then tries to go for the Liontamer but Bryan blocks it and punches Jericho. Bryan gets a move on Jericho that we have rarely seen in the WWE but he made famous on independent circuits, the Cattle Mutilation. Jericho gives and Bryan gets the second fall.

WINNER of 2nd Fall: Daniel Bryan

Bryan waits for Jericho to get back up, and they end up fighting another 20 minutes. The crowd is actually chanting Bryan and Jericho. Jericho tries once again for a Lionsault but Bryan rolls out of the way and is able to lock in the LaBell lock for another submission win.

WINNER of 3rd Fall and STILL United States Champion: Daniel Bryan


Backstage Matthews interviews Diesel and Triple H. They talk about how they plan on teaching these two hot heads a lesson.


Tag Team Championship Match

Sheamus & Drew McIntyre © vs. Triple H & "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel

We saw some great tag team communication from both teams, but mostly from Sheamus and Drew. It appeared Triple H & Diesel were more about getting revenge on the individual rather than work as a team.. Diesel aimed after McIntyre while Triple H aimed after Sheamus. Sheamus and Drew were able to work on Diesel for quite some time and Triple H waited and anticipating to get the tag. Diesel finally made the tag to a hot Triple H and Triple H went wild on both Sheamus and Drew. Triple H started winding down and the 2 on 1 game was too much. Diesel was getting back up and catching his breath. Drew and Sheamus continued to keep Triple H in their corner, but Triple H began fighting back and once free.. made the tag to Diesel. Diesel came in busting on both men. Triple H caught his breath and went after Sheamus, while Diesel and Drew were fighting. Triple H and Sheamus were fighting on the outside at the ring announcer table, then Diesel closelined Drew to the outside. The referee is trying to get order on the outside and counting McIntyre for a 10 count. From the back, Wade Barrett comes running and slides in the ring. Diesel turns around and is leveled by a harsh lariat by Barrett. Barrett picks up Diesel and hits the Wasteland Slam and gets out of the ring. The referee turns around and Drew gets back in the ring. The ref's attention goes back to the ring and Barrett is about to grab a chair and level Triple H on the outside. Sheamus also rolls back in the ring and the two hit their finishers also on Diesel. Drew pins Diesel to get the victory.

WINNERS and STILL Tag Team Champions: Sheamus & Drew McIntyre


Barrett gets in the ring and raises both Sheamus and Drew McIntyre's arms in victory, then the three leave ringside.


Video Promo Video showing highlights of Savage and Steamboats fueds from the past.


An Old Time Fued Reunites

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs. "The Macho Man" Randy Savage

Steamboat comes out first with his son, Richie Steamboat. Then once you hear the beginning of Macho Man's song, the crowd errupts. Savage comes out to a huge pop as the crowd goes wild. Savage and Steamboat are in the middle of the ring and walk to the center to meet face to face. They start talking to each other and each go to their corners as the ref rings the bell. Both Steamboat and Savage are looking around the audience listening to the chants of both men. They lock up and Steamboat gets a headlock on Savage, Savage bounces him off the ropes and they do a double shoulder block and stand there looking at each other, then begin to brawl. Neither wrestler is showing any rust from the ring and both are looking to be in really good shape. The pretty much remains open for the entire match with both men getting a strong offense at one point. The fans start chanting "yall still got it", which fuels the fire even more in both men as they are giving it their all. Steamboat hits a cross body but Savage gets out of it. Savage then starts beating on Steamboat, slams him and climbs up top. Savage hits the flying elbow, covers Steamboat, 1...2.. Steamboat kicks out. Savage climbs up again and hits another Flying Elbow... covers Steamboat, 1..2.. kickout. Savage is about to pick up Steamboat, but he reverses it into a small package, 1..2.. kick out. Both men are fighting again on the offense. Steamboat gets the upper hand and climbs the ropes again, looking for the cross body... he goes for it but Savage moves. Savage rolls Steamboat in position. Savage climbs and hits a flying elbow, climbs again and hits another flying elbow, signals one more... climbs again and stands there for a moment looking around. Savage leaps and connects for the third in a row flying elbow, covers Steamboat, 1..2..3.

WINNER by Pinfall: "Macho Man" Randy Savage


Savage helps Steamboat up and they embrace and shake hands. The fans give them a standing ovation.


Backstage Matthews interviews Edge. Edge talks about tonight is the big night, and he plans on walking away still World Heavyweight Champ.


World Heavyweight Championship Match

Edge © vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio is out first with his special ring announcer introducing him. Edge comes out to a big pop. The regular ring announcer announces that the new Smackdown GM has informed him that the spear, from tonight on, is now legal. Edge smiles and Del Rio gets upset. The bell rings and Edge sets up.. Del Rio turns around and Edge hits him with a spear and the crowd errupts. Del Rio rolls out of the ring before Edge could pin him. Edge follows him and rolls him back in the ring and covers Del Rio, only for a 2 count. Edge had a lot of good offense at the beginning, hitting some good moves and Del Rio seemed to struggle to get any offense. As Edge hit a DDT and once again was aiming for the spear, Del Rio sidestepped Edge and Edge's shoulder ran into the metal post. Del Rio then got some good offense. Del Rio was beating on Edge a while, doing some good moves in the ring. Edge started bouncing back and the two were going at it back and forth. Edge hit the Killswitch move, then went to the corner. Edge was waiting for Del Rio to get up to hit the spear again. Del Rio gets up and Edge connects with the spear, but somehow Del Rio held onto Edge's arm, and due to the shoulder hitting the post earlier, Edge wasn't able to do much. Del Rio locked in his armbar submission. Edge finally tapped out after a good 6 minutes of being in the hold.

WINNER and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio


Referees walk Edge out with ice on his shoulder as Del Rio celebrates in the ring.


Backstage Matthews in interviewing Steve Austin about referring, and Austin says he will call it fair. But Austin does say, he doesn't trust a man who doesn't drink beer, referring to Punk.


Video A video is shown hyping Orton and CM Punk fued.


WWE Championship Match - NO HOLDS BARRED

Randy Orton © vs. CM Punk (with Stone Cold Steve Austin as the referee)

CM Punk comes out with the whole team of Nexus and after he's in the ring, Orton comes out. Austin gets a microphone and tells all of Nexus is banned from ringside. They all get in the ring and get mad. Punk gets in Austin's face but Orton gets in Punk's face. Austin hits a stunner on Hennig, then DiBiase, then Santino.. Orton hits an RKO on Punk, and Mason Ryan. The crowd goes crazy, all of Nexus are out of the ring. Orton goes to the outside and starts beating on Punk, Austin rings the bell. The two end up fighting on the ramp way of the entrance, in the crowd, around the ring, using all sorts of weapons.. cups with drink still in them, chairs, cords, anything they can find. Both men get offense through out the brawl and it winds up back in the ring. Both men are mostly brawling but end up wrestling after a bit in the ring, mostly with Orton getting an offense. Punk hits a low blow to Orton which stops the momentum. Punk is yelling at Austin to do his job, and even slaps Austin. Austin gives a smirk but does nothing. Punk reaches in his tights and pulls out some brass knuckles, Austin takes them away. Punk is yelling at Austin that it's no holds barred, Austin just ignores him. Orton turns Punk around and tries for the RKO, but Punk pushes Orton to escape. Punk knocks Orton to the outside with a closeline. Punk turns around and starts beating on Austin. Orton slides in the ring and is slithering towards Punk. Orton stands, Punk throws Austin at Orton and Orton accidentally hits the RKO on Austin. Punk smiles and starts beating on Orton. Punk is waving for another referee. Punk picks up Orton and hits the GTS. No referee is coming to Punk tries to wake up Austin.. Austin is getting up.. then Austin kicks Punk and hits a Stunner. Austin picks up Orton, Orton is bending over in pain. Austin gives Orton 2 birds and hits the stunner on Orton. Austin mouths to the camera 'now its fair'. Austin starts the 10 count. Both men are getting up to their feet and start fighting each other. Punk goes for the GTS again, but Orton escapes and hits the RKO. Orton pins Punk for the 1..2..3.

WINNER and STILL WWE Champion: Randy Orton


Video Promo Video showing the attitude era with The Rock, highlights.. and Cena's career.


A Dream For The Ages Grudge Match

John Cena vs. The Rock

Cena comes out first, then the Rock for the biggest pop of the night. Through out the entire fight, the Rock showed no rust in the ring and definitely kept up with Cena. Rock controled most of the fight, but Cena started battling back. Cena hit some shoulder blocks on The Rock, then his side suplex. Cena stared at the Rock and did the 'you can't see me' and tried to five-knuckle-shuffle, but the Rock jumped to his feet and started punching Cena. Rock then slammed Cena to the mat. Rock setting up... Rock takes off his elbow pad, throws it in the crowd and hits the peoples elbow. The Rock waits for Cena to get up, setting for Rock Bottom. Cena gets up, but Cena reverses it into the AA.. he hits it and covers the Rock. The Rock gets out on a almost 3 count. Cena can't believe it. Cena locks in the STF... the Rock is able to get to the ropes, so Cena lets go of the hold. Cena climbs to the top, waiting for Rock to get up.. Cena jumps for the flying leg drop but Rock moves. Cena gets up and The Rock connects with the Rock Bottom and pins Cena for the 3 count.

WINNER by Pinfall: The Rock


Rock helps Cena up after the match, then Cena starts beating on The Rock and hits the AA again. Does 'you can't see me' and leaves.


Video Promo Video shows Sting and Undertaker's career highlights, leading up to this match.


Main Event: The Streak verses The Icon Dream Match

The Undertaker vs. "The Icon" Sting (w/HBK as special guest referee)

Sting comes out first. The Undertaker comes out with a great entrance. The two walk slowly to the middle of the ring and stare at each other with straight faces. Sting's face slowly turns into a big smile. The Undertaker signals to Sting he's going down by doing his 'cut throat' sign. Both men walk back a few steps to opposite corners but not turning their faces away from each other. The bell rings and neither man moves. They both begin doing a little stretching and the match begins. They both are moving their hands and arms around trying to get a grip and see what the other is doing, and they lock up. Both men give it their all through out the entire match. Both men hit some high spots. It looked like both men were in great physical condition, and both moved like they were in their prime. After some back and forth action, the match went to the outside... Undertaker throwing Sting into the guard where the fans were. Taker gets back in the ring.. waits for Sting to move.. Taker does his diving over the top rope onto Sting. Taker throws Sting back into the ring. Taker goes for the pin but Sting kicks out. Taker picks up Sting and hits a chokeslam, covers Sting and he kicks out. Taker then picks up Sting and hits the Last Ride powerbomb, and covers Sting again.. yet Sting continues to kick out. Taker seems to be getting frustrated. Taker goes vintage... he takes Sting's arm and walks the ropes and comes down on Sting. Taker signals that its the end. Taker picks up Sting and looks like he's about to deliver a Tombstone, but Sting kicks his feet and drops behind him, holds his hair and connects with a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting is too weary to make the cover. Both men begin to get up, HBK is on 7...8... both men are up to their feet. They start swinging with punches. Sting is getting the upper hand.. gaining momentum. Sting whips Taker in the corner.. Sting hits a Stinger splash. Sting goes for another one. Sting connects with another. Taker is dazed coming out of the corner. Sting connects with another Scorpion Death Drop. Covers Taker, 1..2.. kick out. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock. HBK is asking Taker if he wants to quit. Taker refuses and is trying to get to the ropes. He's almost there but Sting pulls him back in the middle of the ring. Taker looks to be out. HBK is doing the arm test.. 1. 2. Taker holds his arm up on three just barely.. it looks like it's about to drop but Taker begins to push and gets out of the deathlock. Sting starts pounding and stomping away on Taker as Taker is beginning to get up. Sting gets the Deathdrop once again. Sting is picking himself up by the ropes while Taker rises up. Sting's face looks like he doesn't know what else to do. The two start to brawl again with Taker getting the upper hand. Taker locks in the Devil's Triangle submission after knocking Sting down. Sting is able to get to the ropes. Sting gets up and Taker is ready for him.. Taker scoops him up and hits a Tombstone Piledriver. 1..2.. Sting kicks out. Taker tries again, Sting reversesit yet again into a Scorpion Deathdrop but fails.. Taker scoops him up and delivers a Tombstone again. Covers Sting, 1..2..3.

WINNER: The Undertaker


Shawn Michaels raises The Undertaker's arm in victory. Then they both help Sting up as the fans give a standing ovation.

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WWE Monday Night Raw Preview


Monday Night Raw, April 2011, Week One Confirmed Preview


Following one of the best Wrestlemania pay per views featuring lots of classic moments, anything is expected for RAW. Vince McMahon has said there is a good chance the 'anonymous Raw GM' will be on RAW, which means we may find out who he or she is.


The Draft will soon begin, so expect a few changes in the next few weeks. We are not certain when the draft will be or if it will be like the past. We may just see superstars appear on another show without a formal draft.


Two Matches have been confirmed:


Champion vs Champion Match

Alberto Del Rio © vs. Randy Orton ©


Number One Contender To WWE Championship

John Cena vs. CM Punk

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Monday Night Raw // April 2011, Week One


Monday Night Raw // April 2011, Week One


Before the Raw opener shows, highlights from last nights Wrestlemania 27 are shown, followed by a tease for the new brand starting on September 6th, 2011, Nitro. Then the normal Raw opener starts.


CM Punk's music starts as he walks out by himself looking upset. Punk gets a microphone from ringside and begins to talk. "Last night was... last night was... last! night! was! a conspiracy! A conspiracy from Randy Orton, a conspiracy from the WWE fans, a conspiracy from Jim Ross, a conspiracy from the anonymous Raw General Manager, and a conspiracy from Stone Cold Steve Austin! The only reason why I am not the WWE Champion is because the Raw GM made Austin the special guest referee and Steve Austin physically attacked me! It's the only reason why I didn't leave Wrestlemania 27 WWE Champion! But.. I do get my rematch clause. And.. Punk is interrpted by the EMAIL noise. Michael Cole gets up and does his usual and begins to read the email, "CM Punk. Maybe you're right. You may be the WWE champion if it were not for Steve Austin's interference. And you're right, you do have a rematch clause. But I'll give you an option. You either become the first WWE Nitro World Champion when the new show debuts, or.. you get the rematch. You choose. However, I'm going to need you to choose right now." Punk smirks and announces, "I have made my decision. I WANT MY DAMN REMATCH!" Orton's music plays as Orton comes out. Randy stands at the top of the ramp smiling. "Easy Punk. I didn't need help from Steve Austin to beat you. Don't forget he Stone Cold Stunnered me too. But if you want your little rematch, name the time and place and I'll prove I can beat you." John Cena's music plays and he comes out claiming him and Punk have a match to settle who faces Orton next. And Cena says since Punk is in the ring already, why not do it now.


Number One Contender Singles Match

CM Punk vs. John Cena

The match begins with both wrestlers brawling but Cena quickly gains the upper hand. Orton joins commentary at ring side. Cena is having more offense for most of the match, but Nexus begin coming down to the ring. Cena's attention goes to them, as Orton slides in the ring and hits an RKO on Punk, then goes to help Cena. The Nexus end up leaving as Orton runs after them. From the crowd an unknown person comes, and slides Punk some kind of weapon. As Cena is about to hit the AA, Punk hits Cena with the object and pins Cena for the win.

Winner: CM Punk


Backstage Daniel Bryan is walking backstage holding the United States Championship with Gail Kim, smiling.


Backstage The Miz is talking to Alex Riley. Miz isn't happy with Morrison winning Money in the Bank. He should have won. He says there is something he can do about it.




Backstage Punk introduces the Nexus to the newest member, the brother of Ted DiBiase, Brett DiBiase. Punk tells them to find Randy Orton and make him pay.


Mix Gender Tag Team Match

Daniel Bryan & Gail Kim vs. Chris Jericho & Brie Bella

Some good in-ring work by both Jericho and Bryan as the two are a close mirror image of each other. We saw tags to both ladies off and on, but most of the action was done by Jericho and Gail. Thanks to distraction from Jericho, the Bella Twins switched places and Nikki got the pin on Gail.

Winners: Chris Jericho & Brie Bella


Backstage Santino is being interviewed by Josh Matthews. Santino talks about last nights victory against Bourne and the Nexus victory. Bourne appears and challenges Santino to a rematch and Santino accepts.




IF YA SMELL.. What the Rock Is Cookin blares as The Rock comes out to a large crowd reaction. The Rock talks about Wrestlemania and his victory over John Cena, but isn't very happy about the way it ended. The Rock says Cena has some issues with him and he's not sure why and doesn't care. Rock calls John Cena out. Cena appears on the Titan Tron backstage, Cena says "Rock, you just don't get it. But it doesn't matter anymore. I did what I did because I had to. You won the match, I won the war, and it's done. Go back to your tooth fairy movies and big ole Hollywood.. cuz you definitely don't belong here anymore. What's done is done, it's over." The Rock just stands in the ring.




Singles Match

Santino Marella vs. Evan Bourne

We saw a pretty good match, but not as good as they put on at Wrestlemania. The Nexus were at ringside and did a little quick bit interferences.

Winner: Santino Marella


After the match, the Nexus all got in the ring and just started beating on Evan Bourne. They hit all their finishers and left him laying in the ring.


Backstage Tyson Kidd & Skip Sheffield are talking about the future they have in store.


Cole tells everyone that the anonymous Raw GM will be revealed sometime this month.


VIDEO PROMO A promo video is shown on WWE's newest superstar, Sin Cara.




Backstage Morrison is shaking hands as people are congratulating him on his win and his night off. The Miz from out of nowhere attacks Morrison.


MAIN EVENT: Champion vs Champion

Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton

The match definitely had some great in work by both men but not hitting too many spots, especially just following an exhaustive Wrestlemania night. Orton is gaining momentum but the Nexus start charging the ring, which the referee calls for a DQ.

Winner: Randy Orton by DQ


Orton is trying to fight off The Nexus but is failing. Alberto Del Rio begins to leave ringside with his title. The Nexus all begin hitting Orton with all their moves. Punk is about to hit his GTS but puts Orton down and says "Randy Randy. You've made way too many enemies and I guess not enough allies, because nobody is coming now to save you. Randy, nobody is going to save you. Not Stone Cold Steve Austin. Not John Cena. Not The Rock. Nobody likes you. As a matter of fact, I owe you this." Punk goes to the corner and waits... then he runs and punts Orton in the skull.

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Wrestling Connection News


Wrestling Connection News


The rumor floating around is Kevin Nash, aka Diesel, had hurt his back sometime prior to the match at Wrestlemania, but worked anyway. The feeling is he may be out of action for a short amount of time, but its possible for him to work one more match before taking a rest.


Edge has been telling people he hopes to end his career at Wrestlemania 29 by facing Christian. He also hopes to face the Undertaker at WM 28.


Many wrestlers are becoming a little concerned with the overcrowded roster, but this past Monday prior to RAW, Vince met with all talent to let them know they are looking at all superstars and hope to start making draft plans for Raw, Smackdown, and Nitro.


We are not sure if Nitro will be a two hour show or one hour show. And how will this affect superstars on all three brands as far as pay per view matches.

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<p>Friday Night Smackdown // April 2011, Week One</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000080;">Friday Night Smackdown // April 2011, Week One</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ricardo Rodriguez is standing in the ring and starts talking in spanish. Pinatas are hanging from the ceiling and a mariachi band around the ring. Alberto Del Rio comes out driving one of his nice sports cars along with Rosa Mendes in the passenger side. They both get out of the car with Rosa at Del Rio's arm as Ricardo introduces him as the World Heavyweight Champion. Del Rio and Rosa are in the ring and as his music fades, the mariachi band begins to play as Del Rio celebrates. Del Rio gets the microphone and starts talking about his destiny has come true, and he told everybody. He says he has a tag team match tonight with a partner of his choice against Christian.. and the man he had already defeated at Wrestlemania.. Edge. He says he has already beaten Christian.. he just beat Edge.. why would he want to beat them again? He says he should be celebrating, not fighting. He says he's beat Edge, Christian, Rey Mysterio, and he mine as well have fought all the top athletes on Smackdown. He mentions he could go after the Raw Championship and leave Smackdown as the unbeaten undefeated World Heavyweight Championship since he's already beaten the top guys. He says, "What about Sting? He lost at Wrestlemania, why should he fight him? What about Triple H? He lost at Wrestlemania too." People are chanting Undertaker. Alberto Del Rio just stands and smiles and shakes his finger. "No no no. He's probably nursing his injuries at his old age. We'll see him again at next year's Wrestlemania, then maybe." Then he talks about how he is the greatest spanish speaking champion in the history of the WWE. Better than Rey Mysterio... better than, but in respect, to Eddie Guerrero. This brings out <strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong>. Chavo gets in the ring and starts telling Alberto Del Rio how he respects him, and how he's a great wrestler, but he's no Eddie Guerrero. Del Rio starts beating on Chavo and locks in the submission. This brings out <strong>Edge & Christian</strong>, and Del Rio leaves.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Video</strong> A video and pictures are shown highlighting Wrestlemania, more specifically the Smackdown matches. The announcers talk over the pictures of each match, and Michael Cole mentions that <strong>Diesel</strong> has been injured and looks to be sidelined. They are not sure when he'll return.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>COMMERCIAL</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Cody walks up to Goldust and laughs at him. Cody then tells him to keep out of his business.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">The Brian Kendrick vs. Goldust</span></strong></p><p>

They both put on a good match to start. Goldust is able to dodge Kendrick's dropkick and is about to hit his finisher to get the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Goldust</p><p> </p><p>

Afterwards, Cody comes down and hits his finishing move on Goldust and walks out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Vickie is trying to calm down because the announcement of who is taking over on Smackdown while Teddy is gone. Dolph tells her to help calm her down, give him a match against Justin Gabriel for the IC Title at Extreme Rules. She agrees.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>COMMERCIAL</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Angle, Swagger, Benjamin, and Haas walk in the locker room of The Corre. Angle sees potential in Barrett and isn't sure why whoever it was to put them in a match tonight. Barrett says there is a difference.. he won his match at Wrestlemania against a veteran Booker T, and he'll beat another.. Kurt Angle. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Rey Mysterio vs. Christopher Daniels</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Kaval</strong> does color commentary and comes down after both men are in the ring. Both men put on a fantasic match with some good heat. Both competitors had some good spots and kept the fans into the match. Mysterio was able to hit the 619 and get the pinfall.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Rey Mysterio</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Josh Matthews is interviewing Sheamus and Drew McIntyre. They are talking about their victory at Wrestlemania and how Diesel is hurt. They want Triple H to show up next week. They are calling him out to 'finish' the job and both laugh.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>COMMERCIAL</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Singles Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Wade Barrett vs. Kurt Angle</span></strong></p><p>

Barrett comes to the ring with Jackson, Masters, and Slater. Angle comes with Swagger, Benjamin, and Haas. Both men are putting on a good brawling match. Neither teams are getting involved and letting it stay one on one. Eventually, Swagger starts attacking Haas and Benjamin, The Corre are helping him and it distracts Angle. Barrett is able to capitalize and hit the Wasteland Slam to get the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Wade Barrett</p><p> </p><p>

The Corre along with Swagger leave together as Angle lays in the ring and Haas and Benjamin lay on the outside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> comes down to the ring to a good crowd reaction. He thanks the WWE and all his fans for supporting him and cheering him on. He says he's sorry he couldn't beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Out comes <strong>Drew McIntyre</strong> and <strong>Sheamus</strong>. They say since Triple H isn't here, and Sting is... they want to make an example. They both charge the ring and Sting is able to fight them both, but the numbers catch up to him. Then you hear Triple H's theme as <strong>Triple H</strong> comes out and evens out the numbers. Sting and Triple H clear the ring as Sheamus and Drew leave. Triple H ges on the ring and says he'll finish their issues next week... he issues a challenge, Sheamus & Drew vs him and Sting.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>COMMERCIAL</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bagpipes start to play as <strong>Rowdy Roddy Piper</strong> comes out and he announces that he's taking over Smackdown. He's taking the place of Teddy Long, and he's about to stir the waters on Smackdown. He plans on laying down the law next week.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage</strong> Heath Slater is laid out backstage.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#000080;">Tag Team Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio & Partner of His Choice </span></strong></p><p>

Edge and Christian come out first and wait. Alberto Del Rio walks out and is smiling as he introduces his partner.. no music plays. Edge starts attacking Christian.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> No Contest</p><p> </p><p>

Edge is beating on Christian while Del Rio stands at the top of the ramp smiling and laughing. The crowd errupts in boos and begins throwing trash in the ring. Edge spears Christian. Edge stands over his friend.</p>

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<p>WWE Monday Night Raw Preview</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Monday Night Raw, April 2011, Week Two Confirmed Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Skip Sheffield & Tyson Kidd vs. Evan Bourne & R-Truth</p><p> </p><p>

Ted DiBiase vs. John Morrison</p><p> </p><p>

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan</p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry vs. Mason Ryan</p><p> </p><p>

Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho</p>

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