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TCW: The Never Ending Journey

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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Post Total Mayhem Notes

With Total Mayhem XV now firmly in the rear view mirror, I feel it safe to discuss a few aspects of the event and what it will mean for the future. Not sure how long I have to write this out, so if any of what I have to say comes across as slapdash and slightly confusing I can only apologise.


Let's start with what happened in the main event of the PPV; Joey Minnesota won the TCW World Heavyweight championship from Rocky Golden in the triple threat match that also featured good old Ricky Dale Johnson. When Tommy and I approached Joey to tell him he would be winning the title he was a little overwhelmed at the opportunity and the stage it would be occurring on. Now, Joey has a reputation of being a little salty and antagonistic on occasion but as of yet, I have not seen any of these traits materialise since my tenure in TCW began; the locker room morale is pretty great at the moment in fact. The reason we decided to take the title off Rocky is because we felt that Joey could do a lot more with the gold and Rocky's run had come to a natural conclusion after a near nine month stint on top. Joey has shown how great he can be with his heelish persona and when he turned on such a strong fan favourite like RDJ, we knew we had a new top guy on our hands.



The new World Heavyweight champion has thus far remained humble.


The Golden Shot Gauntlet proved to be a big hit with the fans and although we fully intend on having the annual tradition continue, we have altered the event at which it will take place. In 2011, the Gauntlet will be held one month later at Excessive Force and will stay at that PPV for the foreseeable future. When we constructed the match itself, we wanted there to be a few significant moments/stories throughout its duration. Aaron Andrews starting the match and lasting to the final four was one, Peak clearing house and having stare downs with Buffalo and then Remo was another. We also wanted to further plant the seeds of The Syndicate's demise with Wolf eliminating DuBois and obviously this led to what would happen following the iron-man match that followed.



The winner of a popular debuting TCW concept. WIll he cash the briefcase in to win?


When Sam Keith defeated Tommy Cornell after thirty minutes of great action, we bore witness to Wolf Hawkins turning his back on the mentor who brought him into the business by delivering a steel chair shot to the head of Cornell. The feud between Hawkins and Cornell writes itself in all honesty and the two men have been knocking around ideas for how the whole thing would come to pass and the end result is what we all witnessed at Total Mayhem. The question right now is whether The Syndicate can survive the split and will Wolf be able to cement himself as a threat whilst standing outside the shadow of Tommy Cornell.



Cornell and Hawkins eagerly discussed ideas for their on screen separation.


Anyway, I could go on and on about all the nuances of Total Mayhem and verbalise my thoughts and opinions but alas the call just arrived for me to jump on the plane and head to Minnesota for Total Wrestling, so until next time, that will be all for now.


- Eric Tyler

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Benny Benson & Davis Wayne Newton w/Karen Killer vs Sammy Bach & Hell Monkey


Gino Montero vs Koshiro Ino vs Remo Richardson w/Carl Batch


The Keith Brothers vs Champagne Caviar w/Cuervo


Troy Tornado vs Marc DuBois


Sam Keith, Aaron Andrews & Wolf Hawkins vs Tommy Cornell & The Machines


Rocky Golden vs Joey Minnesota w/Dunton Hall

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