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MAW Where It All Begins Again 2010





Saturday, Week 4, October 2010 – Delaware Auditorium

Attendance: 366




Dark Match

The Atlantic Connection & Callum Jones vs. The Class Acts & Kenny Clark

The first of two dark matches was an extremely short and scrappy one, which pretty much saw each man get minimal chance to show what he can do, but at the same time was good to get long-time MAW workers in Jenkins and McManus, as well as two graduates from the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp, an opportunity to wrestle on the card. Syd Collier got the pinfall for his team after he and Heizenger hit a Back Drop/Neckbreaker combination on Callum Jones.

The Class Acts & Kenny Clark defeated The Atlantic Connection & Callum Jones via pinfall

Rating: E





Dark Match

Ace Youngblood vs. Jared Johnson

Unlike the first dark match, Ace Youngblood and Jared Johnson got a fair amount of time to showcase their abilities ahead of the main show, putting on a moderately entertaining match for those who had arrived at the Delaware Auditorium ahead of the show’s start time. Both men got a fair amount of time in control of the match but it was Jared Johnson who picked up the victory after locking in the Carolina Crossface, forcing Ace Youngblood to submit.

Jared Johnson defeated Ace Youngblood via submission

Rating: E




Marvin Earnest: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the founder of Mid Atlantic Wrestling... Rip Chord!


The fans go wild as a legend of wrestling emerges from behind the entrance curtain, albeit looking a lot older than he did during his days as an active wrestler. The applause doesn’t even begin to fade as Rip Chord makes his way into the ring, retrieving a microphone from Marv Earnest and standing in the centre of the ring, gratefully accepting the reception that he received.


Rip Chord: Thanks everybody, I appreciate it. In 2005 when I hung my wrestling boots up, I decided to create Mid Atlantic Wrestling to help young wrestlers across the country get their name out there and find work in the bigger leagues. Six years on, you only need to look at some of our former workers to see that this has been a success. Mainstream Hernandez, former Mid Atlantic Champion, just joined Brett Starr in development for SWF. Steven Parker is working for SWF, Mean Jean Cattley is working for TCW, Des Davids is working for USPW and Eric Strong is working for NOTBPW in Canada. I’m proud of myself, and I’m proud of everybody who has worked for MAW over the past six years. But the truth is that none of this could have happened without you, the people who have paid money to support this company and watch us wrestle month after month. So tonight, on the sixth anniversary of MAW’s establishment, we want to say thank you to each and every one of you by putting on a tremendous show. I hope you enjoy it.


Rip Chord’s words were met with a huge ovation, and he left the ring to join Marvin Earnest and Tim Weightman at the commentary table for the night. D+





Brendan Idol vs. Casey Valentine

The main show was kicked off with an exciting match between Brendan Idol and Casey Valentine, who had feuded for much of the year since Brendan Idol’s debut for the company. Much like the first match between Idol and Valentine back in June, the start of the match saw Brendan Idol use his speed advantage to come out on top of the early exchanges, making sure that Valentine couldn’t take control of the match and hitting various high impact, visually impressive moves in the opening minutes, giving the fans in the Delaware Auditorium a spectacular start to the sixth anniversary show. However, it wasn’t long before Casey Valentine – the first of four representatives of The Succession on tonight’s show – managed to get a foothold in the contest, and it was clear that he was employing the same tactics as he had done in the past, working on the right knee of Brendan Idol and trying to ripen him for the Sharpshooter. Eager to lock in the feared submission move as early on in the match as possible, Valentine attempted it multiple times during his period of dominance; however, every time he looked to lock in the move, Idol was able to squirm his way out of Valentine’s grip and avoid the dreaded maneuver. Valentine had dominated a fair chunk of the match, but his fixation with putting Idol in the Sharpshooter ultimately gave Idol a way back into the match, as he kicked Valentine away before finding himself with enough space to execute an impressive Dropkick, sending Valentine to the mat and posing an opportunity for Idol to get himself in a commanding position once again. Like he had done towards the start of the match, Idol once again began to utilise his heavily aerial based arsenal to build up momentum and get the fans on the edge of their seats.


With Casey Valentine rocked, Brendan Idol climbed out to the ring apron, before attempting a Springboard Seated Senton; however, Casey Valentine caught Idol and slammed him down to the mat, before quickly grabbing the legs and successfully locking in the Sharpshooter! Brendan Idol screamed in agony, reaching out towards the ropes as Valentine wrenched his knee viciously. With his fingertips about half a foot away from the bottom rope, the fans were willing him towards the rope as he fought to not tap out. Valentine continued to wrench the knee, while Brendan Idol slowly crawled towards the side of the ring, reaching out... and grabbing on to the bottom rope! Jez McArthuer made the five count, forcing Valentine to break the hold on four. A frustrated Casey Valentine attempted to drag Brendan Idol back to the centre of the ring, but Idol kicked him away and got back to his feet. Valentine wasn’t holding back though and quickly went on the attack, delivering several strikes before Irish Whipping Idol into the turnbuckle. Valentine charged towards Idol, but Idol raised both of his feet into Valentine’s face, stunning him and sending him stumbling to the mat. Idol quickly capitalised, jumping to the top rope and sublimely executing the Idolizer, scoring him the three count!

Brendan Idol defeated Casey Valentine via pinfall

Rating: E+




We cut to the locker room of The Succession, where Jay Chord and Cameron Vessey are both preparing for their matches later in the night. Meanwhile, Citizen X is sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, holding the Mid Atlantic Championship and staring into the gold.


Cameron Vessey: Guys, I need to go and talk to Carl Batch. Catch you later.


Jay Chord: Catch you later dude.


Cameron Vessey leaves the locker room, leaving just Jay Chord and Citizen X together.


Jay Chord: So you want any help out there tonight big man?


Citizen X: No, Jay. I don’t need help tonight. I can’t have any help tonight. I’m Mid Atlantic Champion, and people are talking about me like I don’t deserve this. Tonight I need to prove that I’m better than American Patriot. After tonight, everybody will know that I am the best wrestler in Mid Atlantic Wrestling. D




Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust make their way to the ring, accompanied by Lisa Bowen, ahead of their Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship defence against The Island Boys.


Jefferson Stardust: Wow... What a landmark... What an occasion...


Huey Cannonball: I know, right? I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited in my life.


Jefferson Stardust: Me neither dude... I mean, can you believe it? After we retain our titles tonight, we’ll have been champions for a year!


Huey Cannonball: This is pretty much the greatest thing that has ever happened in wrestling!


Cannonball and Stardust share the cheesy high five which has become their trademark in recent months.


Huey Cannonball: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though bro, we do have to defend the titles tonight.


Jefferson Stardust: I know, but c’mon Huey... The Island Boys? Who the hell are The Island Boys? One of these guys is so freakin’ ugly that he wears face paint?


Huey Cannonball: Heh, you’re right. What is he, like, six years old!?!


Jefferson Stardust: Yeah, don’t worry dude, we’ll win tonight. You know why?


Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust: ... Because we’re awesome! E+







The Island Boys vs. The Awesomeness © (w/ Lisa Bowen)

It was time for the first of two championship matches of the night, which saw The Awesomeness defend their titles against the newest tag team in Mid Atlantic Wrestling, The Island Boys. The team of Apollo and Donte was still a bit of an unknown identify, having only wrestled one match in MAW, and as such Jefferson Stardust was hesitant to get straight into action with Donte, having very little knowledge on the opponent. The match saw two opposing styles clash, as two cruiserweights in Cannonball and Stardust took on a pair of energetic brawlers in Apollo and Donte, and it made for an exciting, fast paced championship match. The Island Boys came perhaps as close as any other team has to ending the reign of The Awesomeness after Apollo hit an impressive Superplex on Huey Cannonball, but Jefferson Stardust’s interference saved their reign as he broke up the pin. Moments later, Donte (who had been tagged in) was hit by Stardust’s Stage Dive, and Stardust managed to pick up the pinfall to get the victory and retain the titles.

The Awesomeness defeated The Island Boys to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

Rating: E




Backstage, Cameron Vessey approaches a door labelled ‘Commissioner’s Office’, and bounds in.


Carl Batch: You never heard of knockin’, kid?


Cameron Vessey: We need to talk, Batch. Apparently you’ve made my match with O’Farraday tonight a No Holds Barred match? What the hell are you thinking?


Carl Batch: I’m thinking that you going one on one with an angry giant, where anything goes, is going to be one hell of an entertaining match!


Cameron Vessey: Batch, I’ve been in Japan all month, working two nights every week, and you want to give this guy weapons? You want to throw a franchise player into the ring and put his career at risk? You really want to do that, Batch?


Carl Batch: Yeah, Vessey, I do want to do that. Now I’ve got a show to run, so close the door on your way out, okay?


Cameron Vessey lets out a groan of anger, slamming the door as he leaves Carl Batch’s office. E+





Jay Chord vs. Nomad

Despite beating down Hugh de Aske and delivering a brutal Super DDT a month ago, Jay Chord didn’t dive straight into this match with the ruthless edge that he’d shown then, perhaps wary after his previous encounters with Nomad. Instead we had a slow start to the match, with the two wrestlers feeling each other out and tying up a few times. It was Jay Chord who came out on top of the early exchanges and soon taking control of the match, with his father looking on from ringside. Chord was in the driver’s seat for much of the contest; Nomad having a few positive moments, but by and large was dominated by Chord. As the match began to reach its conclusion all of the momentum was on Chord’s side, and he was ready to get the pinfall over Nomad that he craved once and for all. He set up for the Cradle Piledriver, with Nomad’s head in between his legs, but before he could execute it Nomad flipped Chord over his shoulders! Chord quickly scrambled to his feet, and Nomad hit the Drift Shift! Chord was out, Nomad went for the cover: One... Two... Kickout! The move which had put Jay Chord away twice earlier in the year wasn’t enough this time. Nomad ran his fingers through his hair, pondering what he could do next, before his eye was caught by the top rope. He walked towards the corner of the ring and climbed to the top rope, stalking Jay Chord, waiting for him to get to his feet... But as Jay Chord did reach his feet, he instinctively threw himself towards the ropes, disturbing Nomad’s balance and causing him to slip! With Nomad crotched on the top rope, Jay Chord quickly took advantage as he grasped Nomad’s head, delivering a Super DDT! Nomad was out, and Jay Chord was able to pick up the pinfall.

Jay Chord defeated Nomad via pinfall

Rating: D-




Backstage, Marvin Earnest knocks on the door of the same locker room that we saw The Succession in earlier in the night. The door opens and Citizen X emerges, with the Mid Atlantic Championship hanging from his shoulder.


Marvin Earnest: Citizen X, a word ahead of your title defence tonight?


Citizen X gives a subdued nod of the head.


Marvin Earnest: Earlier in the night you told Jay Chord that you didn’t want any help from him or anybody else tonight. Are you sure that you can beat a fully fit American Patriot in a one on one match, with no outside interference?


Citizen X: Am I sure? What kind of dumbass question is that Marvin, of course I’m sure. I’m Mid Atlantic Champion, dammit, and I deserve to have this title belt! Tonight, when I put American Patriot away once and for all with the Flaming Anarchy, I’m going to silence you, as well as any other idiot who thinks that this masked phoney is better than me!


Citizen X slams the door in Marv Earnest’s face, leaving the announcer startled. D-





Hugh de Aske vs. Ricky Douglas

Last month Ricky Douglas proclaimed himself ‘performer of the year’, and in truth he had been impressive since the start of the year with some impressive wins in singles competition. Hugh de Aske was looking to spoil that record tonight, who himself hadn’t had a brilliant start to his MAW career but was looking to kick start it tonight. The match was slow paced and saw both competitors get a good amount of offence over one another, with no one man managing to dominate the affair for an extended period of time, even towards the end of the match. The conclusion came as Hugh de Aske went for the Cut-Throat Driver, but Ricky Douglas, who was still too fresh to be put away, managed to slip off of the Belgian’s shoulders and execute a Schoolboy roll up. As referee Jez McArthuer dropped to the mat to count the pinfall, Douglas appeared to have grabbed a fistful of Hugh de Aske's tights, giving him leverage and allowing him to pick up a dubious three count.

Ricky Douglas defeated Hugh de Aske via pinfall

Rating: E




Ahead of his No Holds Barred match, Cameron Vessey makes his way down to the ring; his entrance is met with boos from almost every person in the arena. In his hand is a steel chair, which has clearly been damaged.


Cameron Vessey: What I hold here in my hand is the very same steel chair which met the back of Findlay O’Farraday last month at The Clash... The very same steel chair which I wrapped around O’Farraday’s head moments later. You see, I came here tonight to wrestle, but your commissioner Carl Batch thinks that it’s a great idea for this match to be a No Holds Barred match.


The fans go wild just at the mention of the stipulation, eager to see Findlay O’Farraday beat Cameron Vessey to a pulp.


Cameron Vessey: Well Commissioner Batch has made a huge mistake, because when I’m done with O’Farraday tonight, MAW is gonna have one heck of a medical bill to pay. D-





No Holds Barred Match

Cameron Vessey vs. Findlay O’Farraday

Findlay O’Farraday had been seeking revenge on Cameron Vessey for months, and tonight he finally had that opportunity in a No Holds Barred match. As Jez McArthuer ordered for the opening bell to be rung it looked like Cameron Vessey already had given himself the upper hand, as he wielded the banged up steel chair that he had used on Findlay O’Farraday last month. O’Farraday instantly evened the odds though; as soon as Vessey looked to swing the chair, the only contact that it made was with O’Farraday’s fist, as he punched the steel chair and sent it flying out of Vessey’s grasp, to the outside of the ring. Vessey had no protection, and O’Farraday began to close down on him, with a hungry look in his eyes. Swiftly, Vessey poked a finger into one of O’Farraday’s eyes, temporarily blinding him and allowing Vessey to take control of the contest early on. He dominated the affair for a few minutes, looking for the pinfall on several occasions in an attempt to put the contest away early, but barely even managed to get a one count during this period. Cameron Vessey was eager to keep his opponent on the mat and avoid damage as much as he could, but it was only a matter of time before O’Farraday battled his way to his feet, and the action soon spilled to ringside when O’Farraday countered a Clothesline into a Back Body Drop, vaulting Vessey over the top rope and to the floor below. With no count outs or disqualifications in this match, the two brawled outside of the ring using the environment to their advantage, slamming one another into the barricade, steel steps, the ring apron and anything else that they could find to do damage. It was a battle that was unlike anything seen in Mid Atlantic Wrestling before.


Findlay O’Farraday had been punishing Cameron Vessey on the outside for some time, before forcing Vessey back into the ring and continuing the beating. The fans were eager to see Vessey put away, and O’Farraday was ready to deliver to finishing blow, setting up for the Atomic Spinebuster. The fans were on their feet as O’Farraday stalked Cameron Vessey, who slowly made his way to his feet after receiving plenty of rough treatment from his opponent. He got to his feet and turned around, but before O’Farraday could deliver the Atomic Spinebuster, Vessey repaid him with a painful Low Blow, kicking O’Farraday in the nether regions! As O’Farraday crouched down and dropped to his knees, Vessey grasped his neck and connected with a big DDT. Vessey quickly went for the cover: One... Two... Kickout! Vessey argued with the official that it was a three count, but his claims fell on deaf ears and the contest continued. The brawl was beginning to take a toll on both competitors, but once again it was the stronger man who worked his way into the dominant position. For the second occasion in the match Findlay O’Farraday went for the devastating Atomic Spinebuster, but this time Vessey managed to counter by squirming his way off of O’Farraday’s shoulder before hoisting the big man onto his shoulders, hitting the Vessey Driver! Almost devoid of energy, Vessey crawled towards O’Farraday and made the cover, scoring the three count!

Cameron Vessey defeated Findlay O’Farraday via pinfall

Rating: E+




We cut backstage, where Marvin Earnest is standing by with American Patriot, just moments before he goes one on one with Citizen X with the opportunity to win the Mid Atlantic Championship for the second time in his career.


Marvin Earnest: American Patriot, we are just moments away from the main event, you verses Citizen X for the Mid Atlantic Championship. How are you feeling right now?


American Patriot: How am I feeling? Excited. Nervous. Eager to get out there. I just can’t wait to be able to clutch that championship belt again.


Marvin Earnest: You’re confident that you can beat the champion tonight, then?


American Patriot: I know that I can beat Citizen X tonight. Three months ago it took a beatdown from The Succession for him to get a three count over me. Tonight I’m fully fit, I’m raring to go, and with those fans out there behind me I know that I won’t lose this match.


Marvin Earnest: Thanks for your time, Patriot, and good luck tonight. E+







American Patriot vs. Citizen X ©

The match that everybody had been eagerly awaiting for three months, ever since Citizen X joined forces with The Succession and defeated American Patriot for the Mid Atlantic Championship, had finally arrived. Unlike the first match between these two men, American Patriot was heading into the contest fully fit, having been assaulted by The Succession on the night of his title loss and getting his knee injured thanks to Casey Valentine’s Sharpshooter. Tonight, Patriot had no injury concerns, some decent momentum heading into the match, as well as the backing from almost every person in the Delaware Auditorium as the fans were eager to see the former champion get revenge on the man who turned his back on them when he aligned himself with The Succession. The start of the match was tentative, as the two men engaged in several collar-and-elbow tie ups with neither man able to really forge an advantage over the other. Neither of the competitors seemed willing to fully commit themselves in the early moments of the match; such is the mutual respect that the champion and the former champion share, it was as if they were both pacing themselves for what they knew would be a long and hard fought battle of a main event. Even as the match went on, as Citizen X was the first man to take control of the affair, he was intelligent enough to measure himself; three months ago, it had taken a second Flaming Anarchy to keep an already injured American Patriot down for a three count, and the champion knew that he was going to need every ounce of energy to come out on top against a fresh Patriot.


American Patriot and Citizen X are two fairly evenly balanced in-ring competitors – the two top dogs in Mid Atlantic Wrestling since Mean Jean Cattley’s departure at the turn of the year – and it showed in this contest as the two shared turns in taking control of the match. It was in the balance for some time with both men got a fair amount of offence, and Citizen X was the first man to really get the upper hand for a sustained period of time. The champion spent several minutes trying to wear down the challenger, keeping the fan favourite on the mat and using rest holds to drain him of energy. When American Patriot found himself in a reverse chinlock it looked like the strength was slowly being sucked out of him, his limbs going limp and his eyes fading; however, with the fans chanting his name and clapping their hands, the former champion seemed to gain a second wind, his eyes fixated on the Mid Atlantic Championship belt which gleamed at ringside. Patriot began to fight into a more favourable position, using a series of powerful elbows to fend off the champion and break the hold. Stumbling to his feet, Patriot threw caution to the wind and quickly looked to put a beating on Citizen X delivering punch after punch, rocking his opponent and cornering him in the corner of the ring. American Patriot took a few steps back, pumping up the crowd who felt the momentum suddenly shift in his favour. He ran at Citizen X and looked for a big lariat in the corner, but the champion managed to shift out of the way before connection with a Flaming Anarchy! American Patriot collapsed in a heap, while Citizen X stood over his body with a massive grin on his face, having brought Patriot’s hot spell to an end while it had barely begun. He dragged the former champion to the centre of the ring before nonchalantly going for the cover. One... Two... Kickout!


Citizen X seemed shocked, although he really shouldn’t have been; it was the second time that American Patriot had kicked out of the devastating elbow. He dragged the former champion to his feet and continued to dominate the match, picking up several two counts along the way but unable to put Patriot away. Such is the fighting spirit of American Patriot, he managed to battle his way back into the contest, and both men began to exhaust as the battle became more intense towards the latter stages. American Patriot managed to get some momentum again, and this time there was no stopping him as he pushed Citizen X to the edge, hitting his own finishing move, the American Driver! It wasn’t enough for him to regain the championship though, as X managed to kick out on two. Both men had given their all and were struggling to continue, but with the Mid Atlantic Championship on the line they stumbled to their feet, reaching a vertical base almost simultaneously. From there, it was on; strikes were exchanged between each man, both of whom were looking for the window of opportunity. It was the champion who found it, as he caught a kick from American Patriot before capitalising with a big Clothesline. Patriot was down, and Citizen X was ready to deliver a fatal second Flaming Anarchy, thumping his elbow to signify the upcoming move. American Patriot staggered to his feet, turned around, and walked straight into the Flaming Anarchy! The champion quickly went for the cover: One... Two... Kickout! Citizen X couldn’t believe what had just happened as American Patriot kicked out of a second Roaring Elbow to the head! The champion spent a few moments sitting on the mat in disbelief, trying to calculate what he could possibly do to American Patriot away once and for all.


Citizen X got to his feet, while American Patriot was still flat out; he could have only kicked out of the second Flaming Anarchy on pure instinct. Citizen X looked like he had something sadistic in store, and when he began to take off his right elbow pad it became abundantly clear – a third Flaming Anarchy. With his right elbow exposed he lifted American Patriot to his feet. As Citizen X propped him up, Patriot could barely stand without support; he was out on his feet. The champion looked remorseless, as he connected with a third Flaming Anarchy with a bare elbow! American Patriot was out, and Citizen X covered him: One... Two... Three! After an unbelievable battle between two outstanding wrestlers, Citizen X had come out on top and retained the Mid Atlantic Championship!

Citizen X defeated American Patriot via pinfall to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship

Rating: D-




Quick Results

Dark Match: The Class Acts & Kenny Clark defeated The Atlantic Connection & Callum Jones

Dark Match: Jared Johnson defeated Ace Youngblood

Brendan Idol defeated Casey Valentine

The Awesomeness © defeated The Island Boys to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships

Jay Chord defeated Nomad

Ricky Douglas defeated Hugh de Aske

Cameron Vessey defeated Findlay O’Farraday in a No Holds Barred match

Citizen X © defeated American Patriot to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship



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<p>I just wanted to let it be known that, as of now, I won’t be posting any updates until my exams are finished in late June.</p><p> </p><p>

From there, I’m not sure what I will do. There are various factors which are tempting me into starting a new project, perhaps something which involves more creativity from my part, and possibly using a promotion which runs weekly shows, allowing greater buildup in storylines and more frequent title defences. That being said, I’ve still got a lot of long term plans in the works for MAW, stretching as far as two years into the future, and I’d be disappointed in myself if I discontinued this dynasty so soon and didn’t give them a chance to play out. I’ll have a think about what I want to do next and keep you guys updated.</p>

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<p>Just a heads up; after having to run a total system restore on my laptop and forgetting to back up my saves, I will be discontinuing this dynasty. That being said, I was leaning towards making that decision anyway, this has just forced my hand.</p><p> </p><p>

I think that this was useful for me to get back in touch with dynasty writing and, when I choose to start a new one I think I'll be able to get into it quicker as a writer, and hopefully engage the reader better. I also think that I made mistakes which I should be able to avoid; for example, particularly towards the end of the dynasty I got into the habit of typing out massive match write ups, which I think were probably tedious or off putting for readers and were certainly too time consuming as the writer. When I start a new project I'll definitely look to include briefer but equally interesting match write ups.</p><p> </p><p>

If you've enjoyed this dynasty then stay tuned, because I'm hoping to be back with something fresh within a month or so.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for reading.</p>

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Guest codey
It's a shame that it's ending, this was a very entertaining piece of work. Hopefully you'll come back with something else someday.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey" data-cite="codey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30522" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's a shame that it's ending, this was a very entertaining piece of work. Hopefully you'll come back with something else someday.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I appreciate the kind words.</p><p> </p><p> I'll definitely look to have something else going sooner rather than later; in all likelyhood I'll look to take on one of the bigger promotions in North America, which I feel might suit my preference of having plenty of build up towards big matches, and championship matches in particular. However, I know that if I'm going to start a dynasty based on SWF or TCW I'm going to need to find a way to differentiate it from the plethora of other dynasties which are based on these promotions. Over the next few weeks I'll think about what I want to do and then put start brainstorming ideas, with a view to getting a dynasty up and running around late June.</p>
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<p>Bah - disappointed I missed this one, I've just dipped in and out and really enjoyed it.</p><p> </p><p>

I actually thought your match write-ups were excellent, despite being substantially longer than my preferred type. Perhaps if you were to do SWF or TCW you should save that style for PPVs and go for a shorter, less time-consuming, style for TV? Regardless, will definitely check out your next dynasty. Oh, and good luck with the exams!</p>

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