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SWF -- The Fight For Power

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Supreme Wrestling Federation -- Is This Their Year... Again?


Last Year, we watched Jack Bruce and Eric Eisen fight it out over the course of 2009. When it came to deciding the best storyline of 2009, there was really only ever going to be one winner. The nine month long "Jack Bruce, Man Under Pressure" masterpiece that the Supreme Wrestling Federation ran between March and December was not only clearly the best storyline of the year, it was one of the most compelling pieces of drama that any promotion has produced in years. A ratings winner, it helped give the SWF the boost it had been looking for, cementing their place as the number one wrestling organisation on the planet.


It all started in March. Three consecutive weeks in a row, World Heavyweight Champion Jack Bruce would be sneak attacked by the brutal Kurt Laramee. Kurt, visibly attempting to target Jack's knee, would be followed up on the SuperTron by a pixelated image and an obscure voice, telling Jack that his time would seemingly be 'up' and that this was only the start of his ordeal.


Jack, the World Heavyweight Champion, wouldn't be going down without a fight. But how could Bruce take on the issues that would follow. Jack would first be in the ring with corrupt referees, who would cause him to constantly be on the look for Fast Counts, and bad calls. Then Jack would be brutalized by Runaway Train and Death Row on multiple occasions. Jack was then put in matches that would play to his opponents strength, or even be put into multiple matches per night. In November, it seemed it would all come to an end, as the Mystery Man put a bounty on Jack Bruce's head, worth 1,000,000 Dollars.


Jack Bruce was exhausted, sick and tired of the attacks, the corruption and everything else that was seemingly causing him to be set up for a larger fall. Jack called out Rich Money, whom he was convinced was behind the whole thing. Rich declined the accusations, but agreed to fight Bruce in a Last Man Standing Match at Christmas Clash. A Pay-Per-View event filled with thrills culminated in Jack Bruce leaving Money motionless on the canvas after repeated chair shots for the ten count. The figure again appeared on the screen, slowly clapping for Bruce, but then revealed himself to be Eric Eisen himself, and that Bruce would now defend his title against him. Eisen rushed to the ring and hit Bruce with the Silver Spoon Shock and pinned him, winning his first ever World Heavyweight Championship.


It's safe to say that the Supreme Wrestling Federation won Promotion of the Year, Storyline of the Year, and Shocker of the Year. The question is, can they do it again?
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i52.tinypic.com/2d94s3a.jpg</span><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30553" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:center;"><div><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF Supreme TV</span></strong></span><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>John Greed</strong></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>vs</strong></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Debuting Superstar</em></span><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Charles Rainier</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>John Greed has found a new fire, how will that play out against the rather unknown Charles Rainier?</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Remo vs Robbie Retro</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Remo's raw power and grit versus the unpredictable disco maniac Robbie Retro. Can Retro send Remo back in time?</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>Lobster Warrior vs Gregory Black</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>Both men have some ability in the air, the question is, how will these men make their marks in the New Year?</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><strong>The Big Question</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-family:Arial;"><em>What will be the Main Event of the first episode of Supreme TV in 2010?</em></span></p><p></p></div></div><div></div></blockquote></div><p></p><p> <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">ddd</span></p>
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Supreme TV

Live from Mayor Street Arena, with 14,785 Fans in Attendance




Jack Bruce makes his way down to the ring, much to the delight of the fans in attendance. Peter Michaels hands him a microphone from the announcers' desk and Jack Bruce begins to speak to the crowd...


Jack Bruce: I can't say I'm shocked by the way I was treated by Eric Eisen in 2009. It's the kind of thing I would expect him to do. Having things handed to you on a silver spoon and gold platter doesn't exactly help your ego shrink. Where I'm from, we had to work for what we wanted.


Jack Bruce takes a moment, allowing it to sink in for the crowd in attendance...


Jack Bruce: It's not exactly unexpected. I mean, you do have to be GOOD at what you do to be able to work for things yourself. Eric only gets what he wants because his daddy obviously thinks he needs extra help. Fact is, the only reason he won the championship is because he asked daddy for everything he needed to put his plan in to motion. Well, I guess absolute power corrupts absolutely...


Eric Eisen's music hits, and out comes the World Champion, belt over his shoulder wearing a pin-striped suit...


Eric Eisen: Well Jack, you seem to be forgetting that without my 'daddy'... You wouldn't even BE here right now.


Eric enters the ring and comes face to face with Jack Bruce...


Eric Eisen: And if I'm not good at what I do, why is it that I executed my plan to perfection, getting everybody else's hands dirty and have them progressively clean mine. Hell, Jack, even YOU got your hands dirty. I didn't attack Rich Money, did I? You did, you put him on the mat after beating the daylights out of him with a STEEL CHAIR, Jack.


Jack Bruce: You know, I think that's the worst part. I got played. That's my fault. But to have you sit back and watch me brutally beat an innocent man, is what gives me nightmares. How do you sleep at night, Eric?


Eric Eisen: In designer night wear. Here, I'll make you a deal. Tonight, you and a partner of your choice, will take on me and my partner in a Tag Team Match. If you win, I'll give you a title shot at When Hell Freezes Over. If I win... you, work for me.


Jack takes a moment to himself, thinking about the consequences. Suddenly, he hits Eric Eisen with a kick to the gut, and drops him with a right hook...


Jack Bruce: You're on. Me and Rich Money are going to make you wish you just stayed home and watched daddy handle the business.





John Greed vs Charles Rainier


'The Eighth Deadly Sin' showed why he deserved his nickname, as he slowly picked apart the newest superstar, Charles Rainier. Rainier managed to hit a couple good punches to the body of John Greed, but Greed demolished all hopes of an upset victory. Greed signals the end with a brutal clothesline, before putting him away with a Crash Diet (Fireman's Carry Gutbuster). Greed goes for the cover and picks up the win.


John Greed defeats Charles Rainier with a Crash Diet





Joe Sexy is seen leaving his locker room. As he leaves and closes the door, he sees Emma Chase near the backstage lounge. Sexy creeps behind her, and puts his hands over her eyes...


Joe Sexy: Peek-A-Boo!


Emma follows by pushing his hands off and slapping him in the face...


Joe Sexy: Hey... Hey... What was that for!? I was just being playful!




Emma calms down, finding her center once more...


Emma Chase: Look, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to cement my apology?


Joe Sexy: Well you could ditch that Brandon fellow, and come on a date with me tonight...


Joe shoots her a wink, and casually puts his hand on her cheek. Emma looks down, visibly conflicted. She pushes his hand away and walks off, as the camera focuses in on Sexy's face...





Remo vs Robbie Retro


Remo showed why he's known as the best athlete in the SWF. Pushing the pace throughout the whole match, Remo didn't let up at all, not allowing Retro to get in any offense besides a couple chops. Remo eventually started off his finishing sequence by suplexing Robbie Retro a few times, before hitting him with The Destroyer (Wrist Clutch Scoop Brainbuster) and picking up the quick finish.


Remo defeats Robbie Retro with The Destroyer





Gregory Black vs Lobster Warrior


A new fire was displayed by Gregory Black tonight, showing new flare that many didn't see when he was a member of High Concept. Lobster Warrior did a good job as well in this match, and although it was very close, Black would pull ahead towards the end. The match featured some interesting offense from both men, including a Monkey Flip attempt from Lobster Warrior, leading to Gregory Black landing right on his feet, following it up with a Pele Kick and catching Lobby right on the forehead. Black eventually finished it with a Fade To Black (Standing Moonsault Side Slam) and picking up the victory.


Gregory Black defeats Lobster Warrior with a Fade to Black




Lobster Warrior: Greg, that was a great...


Gregory Black: Hold up, wait a minute. Now, Lobby, I'ma let you finish, but I am the GREATEST SUPERSTAR OF ALL TIME.


The crowd erupts as Black prepares to spit one of his famous rhymes...


Gregory Black: The stars begin to align, as Greg Black goes into motion. Lobster Warrior, don't start crying, but you should have stayed in the ocean.


The crowd shows their love for Gregory Black, begging for more...


Gregory Black: Now Lobby, here's the deal. You know, I hate that outfit of yours. I really do. You look like a 'Spongebob Squarepants' super fan. So here's my idea. You, Me, When Hell Freezes Over. If I win, you get rid of that Mask, and those Claws of yours. So Lobby, think you can beat me?


Lobster Warrior: Well Greg, I don't THINK I can beat you. I KNOW I can beat you. So you know what, I've got a little rhyme of my own. This is Lobster Warrior, here to say good night. Greg may Fade to Black, but I'll put out your lights.


Lobster Warrior pounces onto Greg Black and begins to hit him with rights and lefts, before eventually leaving the ring...


Lobster Warrior: Greg, I'll see you When Hell Freezes Over.





Christian appears on the SuperTron, sitting in the locker room as Jerry Eisen enters to ask him about Marat Khoklov...


Jerry Eisen: Christian, why do you have this obsession with taking on the giant Marat Khoklov?


Christian Faith: Jerry, some people call me crazy. Some people call me nuts. Some even go as far as saying that I have a disorder that continues to make me find new ways to push myself to being paralyzed. You want to know what I think? I think that I have faith in myself, and that I BELIEVE in myself. Is there any mountain too high for me to climb? NO! Is there any supernatural force strong enough to make me quit? NO! Is there any human being that will scare me? NO! So why is it that Marat Khoklov thinks he can come into MY country, and try to scare ME? I'll tell you why. The only reason Marat Khoklov has been so successful is because his opponents are scared of him. He's a bully, plain and simple. He thrives when people back down and beg for his mercy. He resembles King Charles in the way that he scares others into doing what he wants. Well Marat, you'll never control me. For one reason and one reason only. I... Don't... Back... Down.





Eric Eisen & James Mitchell Shaw vs Jack Bruce & Rich Money


Eric Eisen & 'Squeeky McClean' James Mitchell Shaw make their ways down to the ring separately, and begin to wait for their two opponents. Jack Bruce is first down to the ring, waiting on the outside of the ring for his partner to enter with him. Money's entrance theme hits, and Bruce awaits his partner. However, minutes go by as Bruce continues to wait for his tag team partner for the night. Soon enough, Money's music stops, and Duane Fry grabs his microphone.


Duane Fry: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've just received word that Rich Money has been missing in action all night, as backstage workers are unable to find any evidence of him being here, nor has he left any reason as to why he's missing. To assure that this match continues to take place, this man will replace Rich Money in the match...




Angry Gilmore


Angry Gilmore and James Mitchell Shaw begin in the ring. Shaw hits some innovative offense, but Gilmore is the first to do the major damage, wearing Shaw down with some excellent mat work. Gilmore is also the first to exercise the double team maneuver with Jack Bruce. They hit a double dropkick, and Bruce begins to hit Shaw with the offense he's famous for, using everything he has to take Shaw out of action and to wear him down. Shaw attempts to make the tag to Eisen on multiple occasions, but Eisen refuses to take the tag. Bruce tags back out to Gilmore, and Eisen is quick to tag in. Eisen enters the ring and begins to dominate Gilmore with his use of cheap shots as the referee is distracted. Gilmore manages to get to his feet again, and goes to tag out to Jack Bruce. Eisen rushes back to his corner to tag out to Shaw, but an exhausted Shaw is not even on the apron anymore. Eisen rushes to the outside of the ring, next to the announcer's desk, trying to bait Bruce. Bruce takes the bait, and Eisen rushes back into the ring, pulling Shaw onto the apron and tagging out. Shaw creeps into the ring, and Bruce begins to build momentum. Just as Bruce is about to hit his New York Minute (Superkick), Eric Eisen crawls back into the ring and clubs him with a chair, followed by hitting his Silver Spoon Shock (Jumping Stunner), causing the referee to call for the Disqualification. Eric Eisen looks over Bruce's lifeless body as the show comes to a close.


Jack Bruce & Angry Gilmore defeat James Mitchell Shaw & Eric Eisen by way of Disqualification

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Where's the Money?


Many questions were formulated by the fans watching Supreme TV last night. The most important of which was, Where in the world was Rich Money? Paul 'Rich Money' Parsons was allegedly MIA last night at SWF's first Supreme TV of the year. Whether this is for storyline purposes or not, Rich could be feeling the effects of a rumored injury from his Last Man Standing Match two weeks ago at Christmas Clash. Although he may have not felt those effects during the final weeks of December, it is possible that Rich overdid himself during said weeks. Either way, our thoughts are with Rich Money, and we do hope he's back in action ASAP, whether he's truly injured or not.


'Yo, I'ma Let You Finish...'


It seems we'll be seeing a lot of Greg Black in the coming weeks, as his upcoming feud with Lobster Warrior is designed to give him a shot to impress SWF Management. Though he may not be booked to win every match, he may just be able to find a balance between entertaining the crowd match-wise, and promo-wise. Greg has been said to be 'ecstatic about the opportunity' and 'ready to impress'. We'll wait and see where this ride takes him, hopefully to the top.


TCW Pulls out the Big Guns Early


It seems TCW wasn't going to be pulling any punches, as they've thrown out two huge matches on TV already. Wolf Hawkins and Joey Minnesota went at it on Tuesday, and although it was a decent match, it didn't allow them to pull ahead of the SWF Ratings-Wise, or Observer's Grade-Wise. Joshua Taylor also went over Sam Keith to defend his International Championship. The show was rated at B or 81%.


Speaking of the SWF, here were the grades from last night's SWF Supreme TV:


Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce Argue - 100%

John Greed defeats Charles Rainier - 50%

Joe Sexy flirts with Emma Chase - 67%

Remo defeats Robbie Retro - 73%

Gregory Black defeats Lobster Warrior - 76%

Gregory Black Challenges Lobster Warrior - 66%

Christian Faith Interview - 96%

Jack Bruce & Angry Gilmore defeat Eric Eisen & James Mitchell Shaw - 81%


So even with two TCW Money Matches, the SWF still pulled ahead in the ratings. SWF had a solid show this week, we'll have to see if they can pull it off again next week.

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SWF Supreme TV


Everest vs Marat Khoklov

Which giant will prevail in this battle to prove if Marat Khoklov is game to wrestle Christian Faith at When Hell Freezes Over?


The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Samoan Wildboyz

Which team will win this Number One Contender's Match to determine the challengers for Giedroyc & Valiant's Tag Titles at When Hell Freezes Over?


Marc DuBois vs Captain Atomic

Both men are young and fantastic competitors, but which will prove their worth in their first appearances of 2010?


Valiant vs Frederique Antonio Garcia

Valiant has a tag team match at When Hell Freezes Over to defend his Tag Belts, but how will he fare against the unique Frederique Antonio Garcia?


Steve Frehley vs Runaway Train

Steve Frehley won and lost his first ever World Championship to Runaway Train. How will this nostalgia match-up affect Frehley, and how will Runaway Train be treated if he comes out victorious?


The Big Question

With both lacking any marquis match-ups at When Hell Freezes Over, where will Steve Frehley and Runaway Train fit in?


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