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USPW: The Journey of Steven James

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Hello everyone! I tried to post this before but it hasn't shown yet and I'm informed that I can now hopefully post this without any issue, so if the mods would like to kill the other post of the same name that would be much appreciated!


Ok, so by now you are probably thinking, who the hell is this guy? Or maybe I am being optimistic that anyone is reading this at all! Well quick backstory on me so you understand the diary. My name is Ally, I am 24 and am at University, hence the increased amount of free time for me to partake on a project like this! I have decided to take part in a joint venture with my good friend and trainee wrestler (GPW in England for those who are interested) Jimi.


The most important thing I want to stress, and I cannot stress this enough, we are novices to this game in as much as we have no idea who has potential, who doesn't who turns out to be an alcoholic, we know pretty much what the game tells us. So if you start to read and wonder "why the hell have they done that?" I only ask that you embrace it for what it is. We have played TEW since the days of EWR but I have never really given 2010 much time until recently. We have been wrestling fans for many years and obviously Jimi being inside a wrestling company I hope that we can provide you with some entertainment! So if you're wondering why the TV title has been changed to the International or why we have signed Johnny No Name, bare with us, it’s a long term project, see it as an alternative to the norm.


Right formalities over and done with, I guess I should explain how we intend to lay things out. We will aim to have at least 1 or 2 shows a week posted, this is a loose formulae and not something that people should groan about if personal lives get involved. There will be other posts in the meanwhile between shows involving angles etc. There will be a card posted for predictions (being a long time lurker I have always enjoyed reading other peoples dynasty’s and the involvement from others enhances this). The exception to this will be the first weeks kind of "setting the scene" show which is written up and incoming soon after this post!



Any name changes will be explained (In angles/shows/segments before)

Hiring’s and firings will be explained. (In angles/shows/internet posts)

Title name changes will be explained.(Internet posts/angles)

There will be adverts in our shows, please feel free to PM ideas for adverts!

Feedback is REALLY encouraged, we have both e-fedded for a long time, but this is our first attempt at a diary. Please keep in mind all things have been done for a reason though so no "WHY HAS X BEEN PUT OVER Y!".

Lots of initial minor changes will be explained in a standard "here's our roster etc" post after the first show.



Finally this diary will follow the Journey of Steven James, our Avatar. So strap yourselves in. Welcome to USPW!


- Ally and Jimi

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Welcome to USPW.com!



Has Giant Redwood been cut down?

Reports are coming out of USPW headquarters that a host of names have been released from the roster with immediate effect. An unknown source close to Sam Strong was quoted as saying this was the first step in revolutionising USPW and bringing it upto date with the rest of the wrestling world.

Every Cloud?

However from the firing's of many people from the roster comes the news that a new generation of people have signed up to new deals and will be featured on upcoming shows as soon as possible. No one was avaliable for comment however if you ask this reporter it's time to crack out the Champagne for the departure of Giant Redwood, Lover.

List of Released Workers

Al The Hillbilly

Captain USA

Sheik Mustafa

Giant Redwood

Demon Anger

Pete The Hillbilly

Television Title Re-Branded?

Also sitting in the departures lounge is the TV title which has apparently been re-branded the International title with immediate effect and will now no longer be defended per TV Show.

Even Show Not Safe!

All this change could have something to do with the TV carrier Sports America who have re-named their weekly show to USPW: Relentless.



Alicia Strong

Baby Jamie

Chris Caulfield

Danny Jillefski

Des Davids


Freddie Datsun


Micky Starr

Nicky Champion

Raven Robinson

Robbie Sanchez

Sam Strong

The Force

Tribal Warrior



Andre Jones

Belle Bryden

Bruce The Giant

Cherry Bomb

Commissioner Doom

Danny Rushmore

Darryl Devine

Jumbo Jackson

Mick Muscles

Peter Valentine


Shane Sneer

Steven James


Tyson Baine








Andre Jones



Raven Robinson



Triple D (Des Davids and Fred Datsun)

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USPW Relentless

McGaw Arena 5,000 SELL OUT!

Overall Show Rating: C-

TV Rating: 0.77


The USPW logo flashes on the screen as the countdown begins. 3 *FLASH* a video clip of Enygma comes up on the screen. 2 *FLASH* a video of Bruce the Giant comes up on the screen. 1 *FLASH* a video of the Sam Strong is shown. A slow thud is heard as the USPW music starts to kick in. Papa Roaches 'Change or Die' (

) blares through the PA System as montages of the entire roster are shown. Finally the World Title is shown being held aloft by the current champion Enygma. BANG BANG BANG BANG pyro's fly off down the side of the entrance ramp.


Danny Jillefski "It's Wednesday Night. It's USPW. This is. Relentless!"

Shane Sneer "And what an action packed show we have for you tonight."


Danny Jillefski "That's right Shane tonight we have Enygma live on our screens"


Shane Sneer "I think Bruce The Giant will have something to say about that."


“Oh say can you see, by the dawn’s early light…” The American National anthem interrupts Shane Sneer's opening words as Commissioner Doom appears under the big screen with a microphone held in his hand silent and still saluting with his free hand as the music begins to fade.

Commissioner Doom “Well, well, well. Here we are again, I’m stood in front of the USPW’s recruits with their camera’s and their cell phones flashing. All itching to get a shot of the generals who sit backstage. However there is one general who is about to get dishonourably discharged, there is one general who is not worthy of the title, there. Is. ONE. General. Who will not be training you recruits tonight.”


The fans silently await the announcement, no boo’s no cheers, just the incessant buzz of excited chatter about who the fans are being depraved of this week.

Commissioner Doom “Tonight you worthless maggots, Sam Strong will not be with you.”


A gasp is followed by a chorus of boo’s.


Commissioner Doom “You have the gall to boo me? It’s your inadequacies that have led to this, no Sam Strong will not be with you, your failings as recruits have been seen and his failings as a general have been acknowledged. So without further ado, allow me to introduce to you, your new USPW General Manager.”


“That, took a lot of class.” As the British voice echoes across the arena Pink Floyds Money (

) starts to play as the chings of the cash register are almost in-audible above the confused musings of the fans. Suddenly the big screen which was showing random images of a London city scape reveals the name “Steven James” and a smartly dressed man appears.

Steven James “Good evening, good evening, good evening, good evening!”

Unsure how to react the fans simply boo more due to the fact of Sam Strong’s absence.


Steven James “I’m not one for long introductions but not being of the impolite disposition of my predecessors allow me to simply say that you shall be seeing a lot of me in the future and tonight Enygma!”


The fans go insane.


Steven James “…will NOT be appearing for you.”


The boos are off the scale, Steven James ignores them.


Steven James “However for the lucky people who join us next week they will see Enygma face off against Bruce The Giant. Good day to you all.”

Danny Jillefski “Geez, talk about first introductions, just listen to this crowd!”


Shane Sneer “Now come on Danny boy, why do they care this much? I mean who the heck fire is Enygma anyway.”


Danny Jillefski “He’s the USPW Champion Shane!”


Shane Sneer “I hear he eats children.”


The camera fades out to the confused face of Danny Jillefski as we hit the adverts.




University, because you don’t want to pay tax.


BEER! A man’s best friend.


Public Transport, save the planet, be late for work!




Match 1

Danny Rushmore Vs Darryl Devine

6 minutes in... Danny Jillefski “Rushmore whips Devine into the ropes and he hits the clothesline…no! Devine ducks and flying lariat!”


Rushmore quickly stands to receive a flurry of strong punches as Devine goes for the finish, he kicks him in the gut and places his head in-between his legs.


Danny Jillefski “Here it comes!”


Rushmore lifts Devine up countering Devines attempted Devine Intervention and hits a devastating powerbomb before collapsing next to his opponent. The fans start to clap for the warriors to stand as Baby Jamie starts to count 1-2-3-4-5-6 both wrestlers have made their way to the ropes as they begin to stand. Rushmore kicks Devine in the gut and then hits him with a massive F-5.

Shane Sneer “Career Ender! Go on Rushmore, hear that sweet bell!”


1-2-3…he got him!


Winner: Danny Rushmore via Pinfall

Match Rating: D-

As the match ends a picture of T-Rex sitting down flashes as a heart rate monitor beeps. The beeping gets faster and faster until it flat lines. The Drowning Pools Bodies begins as various videos of T-Rex destroying his opponents is shown. Finally the montage finishes as it begins with T-Rex sitting smiling with the heart rate monitor beeping. The words “Coming Next Week” are shown at the end.


Danny Jillefski “What a monster, the USPW is better off without him.”


Shane Sneer “T-Rex? A monster? Maybe, but you can’t argue with results!”

Danny Jillefski “I am not arguing with his record, but his methods are…wait…wait a minute, whats this?”


The camera pans to Enygma back stage confronting Bruce the Giant.

Enygma “This is your doing Giant isn’t it! You have no right to steal the spotlight for yourself, what are you hoping to achieve by putting this match off for a week huh?”


Bruce The Giant “Woah little man, pipe down, I am as much in the dark as you are. If it was up to me I’d beat your face into this floor and take that stupid mask of yours off in the middle of this arena for the world to see your broken face.”


Enygma “Why wait until next week? You want this mask off, come take it!”


Just as Bruce the Giant and Enygma are about to fight Steven James appears.


Steven James “Hang on a minute gentlemen, hang on just a minute. This was no one’s doing. If you’re looking for someone to blame, blame Sam Strong. Why don’t you both come into my office and we’ll have a conversation.”


The camera cuts back to the announcers at ringside where Peter Valentine and Jim Force are stood ready for their match.


Match 2

Peter Valentine Vs Jim Force

The announcers do their best to make this dead match seem entertaining but Peter Valentine is by far the most out of shape wrestler on the roster. Even so, you can’t help but feel the crowd is slightly into his routine, it’s almost as if he is purposefully bad to get a reaction. With the crowd fully behind The Force the back and forth action gets the “oohs and ahhs” that a Main Event would be proud of. Unfortunately the skill level does not befit the reaction.


5 minutes in...

Danny Jillefski “Ouch! The Force is on the ropes here.”

Shane Sneer “This match only has on outcome and it’s Heart Warming!”


As soon as Sneer utters the words as if he has flicked a switch Peter Valentine hits the Heart Warmer, a lifted Powerbomb and The Force takes the 3 count.


Winner: Peter Valentine via Pinfall

Match Rating: D-

Nicky Champion is backstage as the camera focuses in on him he smiles.


Nicky Champion “This federation is in disarray. Some guy called Steven James comes in and makes a match without so much as a hello to the rest of the roster. Enygma and Bruce the Giant nearly fighting backstage. Videos for monsters like T-Rex. What this fed needs is a bit of a calming force, what this federation needs is a leader, what this fed needs, is Nicky Champion. Those good people out there who paid their money, the people Doom calls “recruits” those people who Bruce the Giant wants to show blood stained carcasses, they need to be respected. They need someone who will respect them. They need, Nicky Champion.” Nicky Champion smiles “Well ask and you shall receive, I am coming to rescue you USPW. Patience is a virtue.”


Match 3

Raven Robinson © Vs Alicia Strong Vs Belle Brydon Vs Cherry Bomb for the USPW Womens Title


As Nicky Champions final words echo the camera cuts to the 4 women already in the ring. No one doubting their technical ability, they are perhaps the most talented wrestlers on the roster. A technically exciting match with no failed spots the crowd were behind the feds most saleable asset Alicia Strong to get the big W however it was Cherry Bomb who showed the most threat to Raven Robinson’s title…

Danny Jillefski “Alicia Strong has Brydon in the arm lock”


Shane Sneer “I’m surprised her Dad doesn’t just come out and give her the title…”

Danny Jillefski “Did you not pay attention at the beginning of the show?”


Shane Sneer “You mean when Danny Rushmore dominated Darryl Devine?”


Danny Jillefski “No I mean when Doom came out and told us Sam Strong was absent! No longer in control, who knows where the man is!”

Shane Sneer “To be frank, may I call you Frank?”

Danny Jillefski “No”

Shane Sneer “To be frank, Frank, the show doesn’t start until the Sneer Corp is involved and doesn’t finish until I say so! Go on Brydon!”


Belle had slipped out of the arm bar and reversed it into an arm bar of her own. Meanwhile Raven Robinson who had been brawling with Cherry Bomb had been pinned. 1-2…kick out. Cherry Bomb picks up Robinson and whips her towards Brydon and Strong. She clatters into them knocking all three to the floor. Seizing her opportunity Cherry Bomb picks up Alicia Strong, the nearest opponent, she puts Alicia’s head under her arm signalling to the crowd it is time to end the match. Just as she hits the fruits of labour she here’s a massive THREE! From the crowd and turns to see Raven Robinson quickly scurry out of the ring with a laid out Belle Brydon on the floor.


Danny Jillefski “Cherry Bomb was too busy celebrating the demise of Alicia Strong to notice the wily Robinson go for the sneaky quick pin on Belle Brydon!”

Shane Sneer “Fix! What the heck! Roll the replay!”

As the replay comes on the screen it shows Cherry Bomb whip Robinson and hit Alicia and Belle Brydon. As Cherry Bomb picks up Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson slowly drags herself to Belle Brydon who is on the floor unconscious and throws an arm across her. As the replay goes off we see Cherry Bomb infuriated in the ring pointing towards Raven Robinson who is stood atop the entrance ramp with her belt.

Winner: Raven Robinson via Pinfall

Match Rating: D+

Match 4

Tyson Baine Vs Chris Caulfield

Tyson Baine the monster that is shook his large hair backwards and snorted as he crouched in the corner. Chris Caulfield started to shakily stand before he turned around into a huge spear!


Shane Sneer “This man has one emotion and that is anger”

The crowd starts to chant USA for Chris Caulfield but it doesn’t deter Tyson Baine who is standing in the corner again waiting for Caulfield to stand. He throws his arms up and down screaming for him to stand, finally Caulfield gets up. SPEAR!


Danny Jillefski “Good lord someone help the man! He’s broken! Tyson Baine as God is my witness has just killed Chris Caulfield!”


Shane Sneer “Pipe down Frank and just enjoy the action, look Caulfield’s getting up its alright!”


Tyson Baine drags Caulfield to a standing position and lets go of him simply to see Caulfield slump back down again. Baine almost smiles as he covers him for the pin. 1-2-3.


Winner: Tyson Baine via Pinfall

Match Rating: C

After the match Tyson Baine didn’t stick around to celebrate, didn’t even hold his arm aloft, he simply stood and walked straight out of the arena to the backstage area, the camera’s follow him as he accidently walks into Bruce the Giant who slams the office door of Steven James.

Bruce The Giant “Watch where you’re going!”


Tyson Baine slowly raises his head and flicks back his hair to reveal his trademark red eyes.


Tyson Baine “I go…where I am commanded.”


A seriously disturbed man, Baine stares directly upwards to the enormous figure of Bruce. Bruce quickly glances backwards at the door of Steven James and back at Baine and smiles.


Danny Jillefski “What is the Giant thinking?”


Shane Sneer “I don’t know Frank but I bet it’s good.”

Bruce moves around pushing Baine towards the door, smiling at Baine he waits when suddenly the door flies open as Enygma bursts out of the office and smacks Baine directly in the face. Stumbling backwards Baine doesn’t even hesitate as he pounces directly forward and hits a massive clothesline knocking Enygma to the floor. Bruce the Giant jumps in laying massive left and right hooks into the powerless Enygma. Happy with his handiwork Bruce smiles at the unconscious Enygma.


Bruce the Giant “See you next week.”

The camera fades to black for adverts.



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Orange, a tasty fruit!


Sell this space, for the princely sum of £0 you could advertise in this space, just contact the network for more info.



Match 5

Triple D (Des Davids and Fred Datsun) © Vs Savage Fury Non Title

Triple D’s Fred Datsun smashes Java with a double axe handle and drags him by his arm over to the corner and tags in Des Davids. Davids takes quick advantage of Java being hunched over and delivers two sharp knees to his face before hitting him with a massive European Uppercut. This flurry leads to a Diamond Cutter and a quick pin. As the ref starts counting Tribal Warrior attempts to run in and break up the count but Fred Datsun is hot on his heels and throws him out of the ring. 1-2-3. Tribal Warrior and Java exit the arena as Triple D begin to celebrate.

Winner: Triple D Via Pinfall

Match Rating: D


After the match Peter Valentine’s music hits and he runs to the ring and ambushes a nonplussed Triple D. He quickly lays out Des Davids and then throws Fred Datsun out of the ring. As he is tossed a microphone he puts one foot on Des Davids and says very little other than.


Peter Valentine “This tag division is a mockery; take a look at your new tag team champions…”

Darryl Devine’s music hits as he strides to the ring.

Peter Valentine “…Devine Valentine!”

Devine Valentine stand in the ring arms aloft before they quickly leave the arena.

Main Event Match 6

James Justice Vs Andre Jones © Non Title


Ladies and Gentlemen this match is scheduled for one fall introducing first the challenger…”Boooorn in the USA....Boooorn in the USA!"


James....JUSTICE! James Justice plays to the crowd slapping hands left and right as his smile is almost ripped directly from a toothpaste advert is that sparkly white. He slides into the ring as cameras flash and kids smile as the family favourite jumps down from the turnbuckle he was standing on.


And his opponent and the reigning International Champion....Andre Jones. "3-2-1...I once was a kid all I had was a dream..."


Andre Jones slowly makes his way to the ring to a raft of boo's the gold of the international title draped over his shoulder. He looks focused and ignores the outstretched arms of fans. His slow stride finally makes its way to the ring as he walks up the steps and jumps through the middle and top rope. He raises the international title to the crowd and gives it to the ref Baby Jamie who holds it aloft to the 3 sides of the crowd.


The bell rings.

Danny Jillefski "What a match we have in store for us tonight, this is why USPW is the premier federation.


Shane Sneer "Yeah, Andre Jones is a calibre athlete, I can see him in the Sneer Corp sooner rather than later."


Danny Jillefski "I meant James Justice."


Shane Sneer "Shut up Frank."


Jones ties up with Justice who spins him around and locks his arms around his waist and runs towards the ropes, they bounce off and he rolls him up into a pin which is kicked out of before the one count. They tie up again, this time Jones gets the upper hand and whips him to the ropes before delivering a knee to the midsection. He gives Justice a few punches whilst he is on the floor before pulling him up by his hair and giving him a bodyslam.

Shane Sneer "See this is what I mean Frank, taking control of the match early. It's simple mathmatics, control from the start you control the pace of the match.

Danny Jillefski "Quick DDT there from Jones, but do you not think that an early offence can lead to tiring quickly, especially in a match of this magnitude."

Shane Sneer "Controlling any match at any time is a good thing Frank, you'd know this if you had ever got in a ring before."

Andre Jones staying on the assault whips Justice into the turnbuckle and follows up with a thunderous chop heard all across the arena. He chops again before raising a finger to his lips trying to shush the "woo's" that come after each chop. The silent murmur seems to enhance to power of the chop as the sound can probably be heard by the guys in the back. Justice is in trouble as Jones drags him out of the corner and hits him with a snap suplex. Jones gets up and plays to the crowd.


Andre Jones "Now thats what I'm talking about"

Jones picks up Justice and goes to punch him in the face which is blocked by a tired arm and followed with an even more exhausted punch. Jones takes the punch and follows up with another snap suplex. He goes for the cover 1-2...kick out.


Danny Jillefski "The crowd are getting behind Justice now."


A chant of "we want Justice" rings out as Andre Jones who is still in control picks up Justice and whips him into the ropes, he swings back to Jones ducked ready to flip him over. Justice kicks him in the face which staggers Jones backwards and Justice goes for the clothesline which is met by another clothesline putting both men on the floor. The ref begins to count but it doesn't take long for both competitors to get to their feet as Justice hits Jones which is countered with Jones hitting Justice. They trade blows until finally Justice gets on top by ducking one and hitting a russian leg sweep. Justice jumps to his feet clenching his fists and the crowd start to get behind him.

Danny Jillefski "He's signalling for the Statue of Liberty!"


Justice waits behind the staggering figure of Jones trying to get up as he turns around into a chokeslam.

Danny Jillefski "That's got to be it! Wait a minute!"


As Justice pins Jones, T-Rex appears from the crowd and hits him with the International Title Belt. The ref instantly calls for the bell but T-Rex continues his assault.

Winner: James Justice via DQ

Match Rating: C-

Danny Jillefski "I didn't think T-Rex was appearing until next week! Get this psychopath out of the ring. Oh my God!"

Shane Sneer "I told you, control the start you control the finish! T-Rex must've had this planned from the start, the whole next week thing was a ruse!


After the match T-Rex stands smirking over the battered body of James Justice and Andre Jones as he holds the International Title aloft laughing as the USPW logo comes up on the screen as it starts to fade to black.

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OOC: Pictures are in the process of being developed by me and Jimi, we're doing work on it mainly tomorrow I think or at very least over the weekend. Until then shows will be posted without images! :)




You type in wrestling news and go onto the first website you find, desperate for USPW information.


Who is Steven James?

The wrestling world is ablaze with rumour and reports after the debut show of the new look USPW took place! The main question on everyones lips 'Who is Steven James?' and 'Will we be seeing Sam Strong again?'. It is this reporters belief that Sam Strong is gone for the minute, but certainly not forgotten. He still is the owner of the fed, is this Steven James merely a General Manager on screen or has he indeed bought a share of the company. What did he say to Enygma and Bruce the Giant in his office?

Steven James: A Profile

What do we actually know about Steven James which could give us clues to his involvement in the federation. Well we know he is English and heir to the multimillion James family hotel empire. You may have been watching last night and recognised him, he has been on the screen before, the silver screen in fact as the self proclaimed Jack-of-all-trades has played bit parts in a few movies. Is this venture into wrestling merely to highten his profile? Is this a new toy for the real life millionaire?

New signings suggest new money?

The USPW website has confirmed that a host of new signings have been made however tight lipped sources say that there is indeed a couple more coming that could be seen on next weeks Relentless but names have not been mentioned. So far confirmed new roster members are.


Ash Campbell

Champagne Lover

Davis Wayne Newton

Steven Parker

and perhaps most importantly a PPV deal with PPV-4-U.


Another few clicks later and you go on the official USPW website.


Welcome to USPW.com!


Wednesday 14th January 2011 USPW:Relentless

Champagne Lover Vs Ant-Man


Davis Wayne Newton Vs Steven Parker


???? Vs Ash Campbell


Nicky Champion Vs Jumbo Jackson

USPW Womens Title Match

Raven Robinson © Vs Alicia Strong


None Title

Devine Valentine (Devine and Valentine) Vs Triple D © (Des Davids and Fred Datsun)




Enygma © Vs Bruce The Giant

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Champagne Lover Vs Ant-Man

Champers is more over and has more upside!

Davis Wayne Newton Vs Steven Parker

Higher push I think he's definantly more over

???? Vs Ash Campbell

If he wasn't goung to win you'd have told us who I reckon

Nicky Champion Vs Jumbo Jackson

The Future

USPW Womens Title Match

Raven Robinson © Vs Alicia Strong

See below

None Title

Devine Valentine (Devine and Valentine) Vs Triple D © (Des Davids and Fred Datsun)

Too early to change



Enygma © Vs Bruce The Giant

See above

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Is Peter Valentine close to the chop?

News is coming out of the USPW camp that the shareholders are not happy with Peter Valentines antics off screen. Reports suggest that he has been swanning around the backstage area as if he is running the show himself, the most recent incident involving himself and Shane Sneer.


The Sneer-gate incident began as a bit of light hearted banter between the roster members. Pranks where being pulled from the subtle to the sublime, an incident involving Fred Datsun ringing Darryl Devine every hour from midnight claiming he was reception and this was his wake up call garnered a good reception and actually brought the wrestlers closer. This lead to Datsun and Devine forming a "pranksters alliance" backstage, where everything from kidnapping Enygma's lucky teddy "mittens" to adding Jamaican hot sauce to Steven James' cheese and ham sandwiches. The main thing about the pair was they gave as good as they got and where always the first to laugh when they pulled Alicia Strong's knickers from their kit bag instead of their trunks. With Alicia's blessing Fred Datsun wrestled an entire house show in a thong.

Valentines lack of humour...

A third member was recruited for the biggest prank they where going to pull. The 3rd member was usually the best at retaliating to Datsun and Devines antics, Shane Sneer. Sneer said he had something in the pipeworks and he wanted to play it close to his chest. Little is known about the actual prank other than Peter Valentine ripping up a backstage area before a house show and refusing to wrestle.

Sneer-gate continued...

The next house show was last night and reports are filtering out that Peter Valentine responded to the prank by having Shane Sneer's car towed, crushed and delivered to his wife with the note: "Your husband's dead." Before all out riot ensued Sam Strong intervened with Steven James, James is said to have warned Peter Valentine about his behaviour. Little is known if this will effect the moral backstage or if it will effect the Devine/Valentine partnership that had been formed on the last show.

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