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NYCW - HGC Lives Mod

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Right, so I'm trying this again. Simpler, less graphics, more like bgbuff's dynasty. The mod is one of my own making, where Sam Strong buys HGC and keeps going with it, while Tommy Cornell sets up shop with a new company in Britain, draining the leaderless Ring of Fire of most of its talent and collapsing the fed. Besides that, there's a few wrestlers in HGC that left TCW and that's pretty much the differences between this one and vanilla, with a few title holders being different, teams created in later versions added in and a few wrestlers moved around. It starts in February 2006.





Main Event: Grandmaster Phunk, Whistler, Travis Century


Upper Card: Honest Frank, Inferno (The Insane Heat), Jacob Kell (The Big Problem), Joey Minnesota, Mr. America (American Machine)


Middle Card: Coyote Dynamite, Steve Flash, Masked Mauler


Lower Card: Marc Speed, Nevada Nuclear, Wiley Steinway


Opener: Clash Rotten (The New York Doll), Sammy the Shark


Enhancement Talent: Des Davids


Manager: Herb Stately

Announcer: Marv Earnest


Color Commentator: Emma Extreme


Referee: Michael Bull


Road Agent: The Stomper



Tuesday, Week 1, February 2006


New York City Wrestling has come to terms with the releases of Roger Dodger, American Buffalo and Land Mass. We wish them the best in all their future endeavors.



Thursday, Week 1, February 2006


New York City Wrestling has signed The Insane Heat. We are happy to welcome him to the NYCW family.

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NYCW Super Brawl

The Weston Gymnasium

300 people, sold out!


Extreme: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Super Brawl! We’ve got a number of interesting matches for you here tonight, starting with a match between my latest client Clash Rotten, and the re-inspired behemoth formerly known as The Big Problem.


Earnest: Except he’s taken to going by his real name now, Emma! Jacob Kell, former tag-team partner to Land Mass goes one on one for the first time in quite some time. Emma, I understand Clash Rotten is teaming with your client Sammy the Shark, correct? How do you think he’ll fare against a former tag-team oriented wrestler, especially one with a good deal more experience?


Extreme: I only deal in the best available, Marv. Clash might be a tag-team wrestler from now on, but he’s a future star of this business, and I plan on taking him to the very top. Starting with a victory over Jacob Kell.


Rock Downpour: Well, it looks like we won’t have to wait long to see if that victory will happen.




Match #1

Jacob Kell versus Clash Rotten w/Willow


Clash was quite game in this match of speed versus strength, but unfortunately, Jacob Kell’s recent reinvention saw him respond quite well to the high-paced brawling style of Rotten, who ultimately fell to a Kell Bomb (power bomb) six minutes into the match to gain the pin.


Winner via Pinfall: Jacob Kell


Downpour: Well … He did his best, Emma.


Extreme: Yes, well, like I said before, he’s a tag-team wrestler now, so he doesn’t have Sammy backing him here, which I think was the obvious reason he lost.


Earnest: Of course- Is Kell taking a mic? Wonder what he has to say.

Kell: One down. One man who could not defeat Jacob Kell. One man who will be joined by others. To everyone in the back, I came to fight tonight, and this punk couldn’t deliver! Anyone got the balls to put me down for the 3 count, come out now!


After a few moments, Sammy the Shark comes out, determination evident on his face as he entered the ring to stare down Jacob Kell.


Extreme: That’s it Sammy, show him what Extreme Inc. is about!




Match #2

Jacob Kell versus Sammy the Shark w/Willow


Just like Clash Rotten before him, Sammy the Shark was invigorated and ready to take it to Jacob Kell. In addition, Willow at ringside was more than willing to intervene on behalf of her stable-mates, often distracting the referee and allowing for Sammy to go for low blows. Eventually, Kell decided to do the same, and after getting sent outside the ring with a drop-kick, reentered with a small pipe to bash it across the skull of Sammy the Shark before throwing it away to gain the one, two, three!


Winner via Pinfall: Jacob Kell


Extreme: That cheater! How did the referee not see that! I demand a reversal of that decision!


Downpour: I’d say he was getting distracted too many times by that girl. Who is she anyway? She’s been with both Clash and Sammy, both of whom are your clients.


Extreme: That’s Willow. She’s my niece. She’s been doing rather well in the wrestling scene, and since I’ve added Clash, I figured I’d add a second manager to devote time to them while I focus a bit more on Grandmaster Phunk and take him to the NYCW Tri-State championship! She’s still a bit green at the managerial thing, but she’s improving rapidly.

There’s a commotion in the backstage area, resulting in the camera-man (working the event for the DVD sale later on) to head to the back to see what’s going on. He finds Travis Century, current NYCW Tri-State champion in an argument with Whistler, one of the veteran hands of the company.


Century: Well if you’ve got a problem with me, how’s about we take it to the ring, tonight!


Whistler: You putting up the belt?


Century: You’re not good enough for the belt, heathen.


Whistler: We’ll see about that.


As they notice the camera man, both men walk off in separate directions, no doubt to get ready for their match.


Earnest: What was that about?


Downpour: I don’t know, I guess we’ll find out later. Ladies and gentlemen, next up, a tag-title defense from Team America versus the former champs, Wiley Coyote!




Match #3

Team America (Nevada Nuclear & Mr. America) versus Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) for the NYCW Tag Team Championships


Despite their best efforts, Wiley Coyote could not keep up with the younger more energetic duo of Nuclear and America, who defeated them in seven minutes in when Nevada Nuclear pinned Coyote Dynamite after a Mushroom Cloud, marking their first defense


Winners via Pinfall: Team America


Downpour: An excellent tag-team match between our new champions and our old. I see Team America holding on to those belts for a long time.


Extreme: I’d have to disagree, considering my boys are already angling for a title shot-


Earnest: That was uncalled for!


As Coyote Dynamite gets off the mat, he and Wiley Steinway look at one another with anger, before suddenly jumping Team America from behind, beating them down while the referee abandoned the ring. After grabbing their old titles and holding them upright, Wiley Coyote dropped them on top of their current owners, and leave the ring to a chorus of boos.


Downpour: What the hell was that about? Why on earth would they go and do that?


Earnest: Bikers, man… Bikers…


Extreme: if you two sissies are done, I’ve got an interview with the new signing to do, The Insane Heat.


Earnest: He ‘s calling himself Inferno now, right?


Extreme: Him too? First Problem and now the new guy? Whatever, let me just go and do this interview-


Downpour: Uh, Emma, I think Herb’s the one who really wants to talk to him.


Extreme: Hmph. What’s that wannabe want?


Stately: So you’re the new signing. We lose Land Mass, Buffalo, Rodgers, and we sign you? You don’t look so tough.


Inferno: How’s about you find out for yourself how tough I am?


Inferno takes a step towards Stately, who immediately backs down.


Stately: I’m not a fighter, pal. But I do manage one. So how’s about you go head to head with him, right now?


Inferno: Bring him on. He’ll know the heat others have felt, when they step into the ring with me!




Match #4

Inferno versus The Masked Mauler w/Herb Stately


Much stronger, fitter and experienced, Inferno used a combination of southern brawling, pure technical wrestling and some good old Japanese strong style to defeat The Masked Mauler after nine minutes of battle.


Winner via Pinfall: Inferno


Earnest: Man, Herb doesn’t look too happy.


Extreme: Serves him right for trying to pick a fight.


As Masked Mauler, Herb and Inferno head to the back, we see Honest Frank get to the ring, microphone in hand.


Frank: I’ve got a problem with a specific member of the NYCW roster. That man is the NYCW Empire champion, Steve Flash. Steve, you beat my good friend American Buffalo to win that title. With your Flash Bang, you did so much damage to his back that he could no longer wrestle. That’s why he was released, because he was injured! You took wrestling, his job, his livelihood, Flash, and I’m going to make you pay for that! I’m taking that title off your hands, and I’m going to cripple you!


Flash comes out a a nice pop.


Flash: Buffalo was a psycho, so I can see how you’d befriend him. You’ve always liked those types, big and stupid enough to act as your meat shields. You want a shot at my belt? Fine, we’ll do it right now.




Match #5

Honest Frank versus Steve Flash for the NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash controlled the match from the beginning to the end, locking down Honest Frank every time he tried to regain momentum, and ending it after 10 minutes with a Flash Bang (scoop powerslam). Steve Flash makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.


Winner via Pinfall: Steve Flash


Downpour: An excellent defense from Steve Flash, who was in complete control of this match from the beginning to the end!


Extreme: Still, I don’t think this is at all over between the two of them…


As the commentating team debates the continuation of the problems between Frank and Flash, Whistler arrives to the ring with a microphone. Taking a few moments to salute the crowd, he immediately tears into Century.


Whistler: HOOOOOO! Ladies and gentlemen, you may or may not have caught what happened backstage, so I’ll fill you in about the details. I got into an argument with your NYCW Tri-State champion, Travis Century. Travis Century is not a good man. He is not a good American. He slanders people with accusations of idolatry, heathenry and other ridiculous things that have no involvement with anything but his own narrow beliefs. He does not deserve to be champion, and while I might not have the chance to meet him in a title match tonight, you can be sure that I’ll be making that case very strongly to The Stomper.



Match #6

Whistler versus Travis Century


This was a good ol’ brawl between two veterans who went all out. Travis Century dominated much of the early going, but when he decided to yell “God hates America” right in Whistler’s face, the old patriot just lost it, smacking Century with lefts and rights and beating the crap out of him before going for the Rebel Yell and getting the pin.


Winner via Pinfall: Whistler


As Whistler plays to the crowd and heads backstage, he suddenly gets attacked by Inferno, who is soon joined by Travis Century as the two put the boot to him, before leaving the scene as NYCW officials head to Whistler’s aid.


Downpour: That … that was disgusting! Does Whistler offend Travis Century that much, that he would attack him from behind? And what does Inferno have to do with this?


Extreme: Well, all that’s very interesting, but we’ve got our main event coming up, and I’d like to have a word with my client, and one of the two men wrestling, Grandmaster Phunk!


Emma leaves her position behind the table to enter the ring, while her client, the pimptastic Grandmaster Phunk makes his way to the ring with a bevy of local beauties.


Extreme: Grandmaster Phunk, you’re obviously the most talented wrestler in this company.


Phunk: Of course.


Extreme: and obviously the most misused talent in the history of the SWF.


Phunk: Of course.


Extreme: But tonight you go head to head with someone who many claim is the future of NYCW, Joey Minnesota.


The fans pop, to the dislike of Phunk.


Phunk: Joey Minnesota is nothing more than a punk who thinks he means something in this business. He means nothing. People around the world know my name, know who I am. Do they know who he is? No. No one outside of this rat-infested gymnasium knows who he is. He isn’t the future of NYCW. There is no future for NYCW besides the Phunk. I am the future, the present, the past and I am the end all of be all of professional wrestling. Minnesota, you’re coming out here, and you’re going to get your but whooped in ten seconds flat. Can you dig that, sucka?


Match #7

Joey Minnesota versus Grandmaster Phunk


As soon as Minnesota gets in the ring, Phunk goes on the offensive, clobbering him with lefts and rights and forcing him to go under the ropes and to ringside. Once there, Minnesota calmly gets up, nodding in thoughtful anticipation as he re-enters the ring.


Minnesota and Phunk circled one-another, both going for a lock-up but Minnesota countered it into a grapple from behind. Phunk reversed into one of his own, but Minnesota reversed that into an armbar, putting his foot behind the knee of Phunk and taking him to the mat before locking in a headlock. Phunk is held in the headlock for a few moments for managing to fight out of it and give his opponent a rough kick to the chest, giving him time to force him into a corner. Phunk starts pounding away at him with lefts and rights before whipping him across the ring into the opposing turnbuckles. An attempted bodyslam by Phunk fails when Minnesota dodges it and then reverses it into a trio of suplexes that leave both men on the ground and susceptible to the count of ten. Both make it before 5, though it is clear that the brief yet high-impact encounter so far was draining both men. Phunk hits Minnesota with a hard drop kick that sent him back to the ropes, only for Minnesota to get on the top rope for a flying clothesline that sends Phunk to the mat.


Minnesota rolls him up 1 … 2… kick out! Minnesota gets off of Phunk and proceeds to do a standing moonsault before trying a pin again. Same result as before, with Phunk kicking out at 2. Minnesota raises his opponent to his feet to take him down for a Lariat, only to take a DDT to the mat instead! Phunk tries to go for a quick cover, but Minnesota kicks out at one. Phunk picks up Minnesota and does a delayed military press before dropping him and proceeding to put him in an Ankle-Lock. Minnesota stays in the hold for a full minute, obviously in pain as he attempted to reach the ropes, which he does!


Phunk then threw Minnesota to the outside, getting an admonishment from the referee to keep it within the ring. While the ref was busy with Phunk, Minnesota got to his feet and returned the outside of the mat, drawing Phunk’s attention and pulling him down on the top rope, leaving him struggling for air as Minnesota crawled back into the ring and put him in the figure-four leg-lock. Now with Phunk who’s in so much pain, he nearly taps out before managing to reach the ropes. Now on one foot from the hurting leg, the wobbly Phunk is clearly on the retreat from the dominant Minnesota, who is simply nailing him with blows, left and right, getting up to counts of 7 strikes from the fans before the referee steps in. Disoriented and battered, Phunk is perfectly primed for the Minnesota Salute, which gets the one, two, three for Minnesota.


Winner via Pinfall: Joey Minnesota


Extreme: What the hell? That shouldn’t have happened!


Downpour: Guess its been a bad night for the Extreme Inc. all around, Emma.


Extreme: Shut up, shut your face! This shouldn’t have happened!

Earnest: Wait, what’s Phunk doing?


Extreme: yes, yes! Beat him up, Danny!


As Joey Minnesota finishes playing to the crowd, he turns around to see Phunk staring him down. After a few moments of tension, Phunk offers hand to Minnesota, and the two men shake hands as the show ends.

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NYCW Super Brawl ratings:


Match 1: D

Open Challenge: C

Match 2: C-

Argument: C+

Match 3: D

Ambush: D

Managerial Challenge: C

Match 4: C-

Interview Challenge: C

Match 5: C-

Whistler Promo: C+

Match 6: C

Backstage Beat-down: C

Phunk Promo: B+

Match 7: C+

Respect: C+

Final Rating: C+

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Monday, Week 4, February 2006

New York City Wrestling has signed Des Davids & Marc Speed. We are happy to welcome them to the NYCW family.




Thursday, Week 4, February 2006

New York City Wrestling has come to terms with the release of Rock Downpour. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors.




Saturday, Week 4, February 2006

New York City Wrestling has come to terms with the release of Willow. We wish her the best in all her future endeavors.




Monday, Week 1, March 2006


In a stunning display of idiocy, CGC, SWF, HGC, NOTBPW, GCG and UCR all forgot to renew their television programs for the new season, leaving only BHOTWG, PGHW, DAVE and TCW with television programming.




Thursday, Week 2, March 2006


New York City Wrestling has come to terms for a contract extension for Joey Minnesota.

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NYCW Spring Stampede

The Weston Gymnasium

300 people, sold out!


The show starts with Grandmaster Phunk in the ring, microphone in hand.


Phunk: So... last month, I lost to Joey Minnesota. After just promoting myself as the best wrestler in this company. And after I lost, I got up and shook his hand. Despite how badly Emma wanted me to beat him up. Minnesota, I know you’re in the back. I know you’re listening. So listen to this. I want to prove myself as the best, and now I know there’s someone on my level. So I want to face you again. Not once, though. I want a best of seven series. Let me know if you have the balls.


Earnest: Grandmaster Phunk laying down the challenge to Joey Minnesota! Your opinion, Emma?


Extreme: I think he’s being an idiot and ignoring the bigger picture, but it’s his choice. It’ll be over in four months, and by that time Travis Century had better watch out. Now for our next match, the tag-team of Clash Rotten and Sammy the Shark, will take on Wiley Coyote!

Match #1

Team Extreme (Clash Rotten & Sammy the Shark) w/Emma Extreme versus Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite)


Team Extreme clearly dominates here against the veteran Wiley Coyote, who haven’t exactly been on a winning streak in NYCW. Using speed, a surprising willingness to sacrifice their own bodies and go toe to toe with the rough Wiley Coyote sees them win when Clash Rotten pinned Wiley Steinway after a Rotten Brainbuster.


Winner via Pinfall: Team Extreme


Earnest: Hey Emma, I noticed Willow wasn’t with your clients. Where is she?


Extreme: Oh, that girl makes me so proud. She got signed on with Canadian Golden Combat. And I know I said that she focusing on Sammy and Clash would help them, but it’s obvious that they needed my attention and not that of a rookie. So I told her to drop her contract and just work on her skills in Canada.


As Team Extreme and Wiley Coyote both head backstage, Team America heads to the ring ahead of their match to speak on their upcoming match.


Mr. America: USA! USA! USA!


Nevada Nuclear: WOOO! We are your tag-team champions, America! And while we’ll be settling the score against Wiley Coyote soon enough, we’ve got ourselves a title defense tonight against this new team. What do they call themselves, bro?


America: Don’t think they have a name yet.


Nuclear: What? How can you not have a tag-team name when you’re an actual tag-team? That’s …


America: Un-American?


Nuclear: Well, only if you count anything lame as Un-American.


America: I do.


Nuclear: Then sure. Anyway, no-name dudes, we’re kicking your ass!


Match #2

Team America (Mr. America & Nevada Nuclear) versus Marc Speed & Des David for the NYCW Tag Team Championships


Team America shows themselves clearly in sync tonight as they defend their titles once again. Des David and Marc Speed put up a good fight but in the end submit when Mr. America has Speed in an figure-four leg-lock. Team America makes defense number 2 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.


Winner via Pinfall: Team America


As Team America and Marc Speed & Des David leave the ring, we see Herb Stately enter the ring with the Masked Mauler at his side.


Stately: Flash, I’ve heard you’ve got an open challenge going around tonight. Well… considered it filled. My man here is going to take you out!


Flash comes out with the belt in hand and a smile on his face as he enters the ring


Flash: Fine with me. Someone ring the bell.


Match #3

Steve Flash versus The Masked Mauler w/ Herb Stately for the NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash is in control during the entirety of this match, despite the efforts of The Masked Mauler and Herb Stately. A short burst of momentum by Mauler occurs late in the match when he super-kicked Flash in the jaw, but Flash recovered to get the pin with the Flash Bang and make his second defense as NYCW Empire champion.


Winner via Pinfall: Steve Flash


As both Steve Flash and Mauler leave, Jacob Kell comes out. There is a tense moment when he points at Flash’s belt, but Flash just nods mockingly before heading backstage. Kell stand motionless for a second before shaking his head and getting into the ring.


Kell: Two men down. Who’s up for a fight in the back?


The fans pop as Whistler comes out, though obviously injured and limping.


Whistler: I’ve got things to settle with Travis and Inferno, but they’re ducking me so far, so I’ll deal with you, Kell!


Extreme: Kick his ass, Whistler!


Earnest: Still bitter over last month?


Extreme: Extremely.


Match #4

Jacob Kell versus Whistler

As much as Emma wishes for Kell to get his comeuppance, he practically dominates the entire match up, throwing around the injured Whistler like a rag-doll before hitting him with a brutual Kell Bomb to get the pinfall.

Winner via Pinfall: Jacob Kell


Jacob Kell looks to do a bit more damage to Whistler after the match, but instead refrains, leaving him behind disdainfully as Whistler gets a mic from a ring-hand.


Whistler: Damn, you beat me pretty good, Kell. Imma going to have to pay you back for that some time. Anyway, since I’m here and got the time, I figure I’ll say something…


Travis, Inferno. You boys jumped me pretty good after last month’s match, and frankly, I want payback. So how’s about you too ass-clowns face me and a partner next month at April Assault, and we’ll see who’ll lose in the fair fight.


With his piece said, Whistler limps to the back, slapping hands with Joey Minnesota who’s going to address Phunk’s challenge.


Minnesota: I’m in. Let’s do this thing.


Match #5

Joey Minnesota versus Grandmaster Phunk w/Emma Extreme

Much like last time, the quality of this match out-shone anything else on the card, with both men evenly matched. This time however, Grandmaster Phunk was the one to gain the victory, defeating Joey Minnesota with a Bitch Slap (Super Kick) before gaining the one two three for the victory.

Winner via Pinfall: Joey Minnesota


Phunk and Emma then celebrated at ringside, as Emma shot a t-shirt made for Phunk stating “4-0”.

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*laughs* I see the roster now. :p I'd like to suggest separating the matches and the angles after them, and possibly adding a little more "meat" to your matches, as right now they seem a bit bare boned.


To be honest, this is a secondary focus for me at the moment, in comparison to this:




I'm just writing this out as a way of easing into the whole writing a dynasty thing. My other work (linked above), doesn't rely on the game and is pretty much me writing it out and then putting it online.

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