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TNA 2002: Hitting The Restart Button

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Posted Thursday, June 13th 2002


When Eric Bischoff said on TNA on PPV that he had a big surprise for owner Mark Cuban, nobody would have expected the man known as Chronik. Formally known as Bryan Clarke of WCW fame, and prior to that Adam Bomb in the WWE, Chronik is definitely a monster of a man, and adds an interesting dynamic to a mostly lighter roster. The 6'6", 290 pound beast made an impact almost instantly when coming out and powerbombing TNA owner Mark Cuban, and then being involved in his first TNA match against Low Ki.


A good match for what it was, Low Ki, and Chronik played the David vs Goliath card to a tee, and delivered a good match that entertained the crowd, and the addition of Eric Biscoff into the match only helped matters. What I personally found to be a problem is that if your going to bring in a monster like Chronik, you would think he'd be pushed as a monster heel, but needing the assistance of Eric Bischoff to pick up the win may take away from his credibility of a bad ass beast man.





Live From The Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL.

June 19th, 2002


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Rey Mysterio Jr.© vs. Psicosis

Over the past couple of weeks, Rey Mysterio has been forced to fend off the three men involved in the inaugural NWA World Championship. And during last weeks main event tag match, Psicosis spent a lot of the time trying to impress not only the TNA fans, but the front office staff. they were impressed, and as such when Psicosis requested a shot at Mysterio's NWA World Championship, they were more the happy to oblige.


TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles© vs. CM Punk

AJ Styles was well on his way to defending his X-Division Championship last week over K.I.D Kash, but when your an opportunist as CM Punk is, you take any chance you can get to grab the upper hand. He did so, beating AJ so much so that AJ has accepted CM Punks challenge to a match for the title this week.


York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

Following York & Matthews' big win over the NWA Tag Team champions, The Insane Clown Posse, last week, it would seem that York & Matthews would be first in line for a title shot. The Posse however think not, and have said that they would rather make York & Matthews "earn" a championship match. And so this match between them, and another team that was successful last week The Spanish Announce Team.


Shane Douglas vs. Chris Candido

Two weeks ago, Shane Douglas picked up a win over Candido, and since has spent his time berating Candido, and expressing how much better he is. Candido has had enough, requesting this match for TNA PPV. Douglas has accepted, and the match is on.




Predictions Key

NWA World Championship:
Rey Mysterio Jr.© vs. Psicosis

TNA X-Division Championship:
AJ Styles© vs. CM Punk

York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

Shane Douglas vs. Chris Candido

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I gotta tell you that this is so great and I will be reading everything pal!


NWA World Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr.© vs. Psicosis


TNA X-Division Championship: AJ Styles© vs. CM Punk


York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

wait... if I was doing this stuff then it should be a tie and that's what I call it.


Shane Douglas vs. Chris Candido

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Live From The Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL.


Joey Styles:
Hello fans, and WELCOME to TNA on PPV, I’m Joey Styles alongside my broadcast partner, Dave Prazak, and tonight, so much is going down here that it seems almost unreal!


Dave Prazak:
Your absolutely right Joey, and in tonight’s main event, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship is on the line when the champion Rey Mysterio takes on the challenger, Psicosis, and I got to tell you Joey, tonight is the night that the title changes hands.


Joey Styles:
Psicosis definitely has the chance to become champion, but Rey Mysterio is a fighting champion. We’ll definitely see what’s going to happen here tonight. And what will TNA Owner Mark Cuban have in store for the big man Chronik after his brutal attack last week.


Dave Prazak:
I’ll tell you what he has in store, nothing if he knows what’s good for him.



Joey Styles:
And it looks like we’re about to be joined by the puppeteer behind that attack, Eric Bischoff.


Dave Prazak:
Not just the puppeteer, but it looks like he has to very big bodyguards following him to the ring.


Joey Styles:
No question about it, Eric Bischoff is on his way out here with Chronik, and Bison in tow. What’s the story here?


Dave Prazak:
What better way to express your dominance then to employ the services of the two biggest men on the TNA roster. Great plan executed by Mr. Bischoff.


Joey Styles:
Lets head into the ring, and see what this is about.


Eric Bischoff:
You know, when I came to TNA a couple of weeks ago, and met Mark Cuban in the center of this ring, I told him, and all of you that I’m the one in charge of TNA. And that has never been more true then right here tonight. Because Mark Cuban… Isn’t here. Mark Cuban didn’t show up here tonight, because he knows that he’s not the main player here in TNA. And Mark, for that, I applaud you sir. Because you have enough knowledge in that head of yours to know when your out gunned, and if you take a brief look to my left… And then to my right… You’ll realize just how out gunned you are. You see, I’ve invested in two of the biggest, baddest, strongest, angriest men on the roster. And just in case any of you here, or anyone in the back think any different, I’ve decided that I want to put on a little demonstration. So right here tonight, these two men behind me are going to team up, and they are going to face two men who’ve decided that being big… It doesn’t matter. We’ll see about that. So right here tonight, Chronik, and Bison will take on the team of Low Ki… And The Amazing Red. And gentlemen… It’s going to be biblical.


Bischoff, and his two large henchmen leave the ring, and head to the back.


TNA X-Division Championship

AJ Styles© vs. CM Punk

The first match of the night features the fast paced action of the X-Division, and two of the young athletes that embody the spirit of that division. And after last weeks altercation between the two, tensions are definitely running high. AJ Styles came in looking to reciprocate the actions of CM Punk last week by going full boar, and resorting the brawling rather his usual aerial attack. And CM Punk had a difficult time dealing with the onslaught. But he would battle back, and slow down the pace of the match, executing some offense, and then taunting to the crowd, and to AJ. He would keep this up for a matter of minutes.


One taunt too many would cause CM Punk’s eventual downfall, as AJ battled back into the foil, and returned to the high flying bag of tricks that brought him into the gold in the first place. And the flash bulbs didn’t stop as AJ would suicide dive out onto CM Punk on the floor, causing the fans to start up a “This Is Awesome” chant that reverberated throughout the Von Braun Center. And using the Styles Clash, AJ would pick up the win via pinfall, and retain the TNA X-Division Championship.


Immediately following the match, we’re backstage watching Rey Mysterio warm up for his match later tonight, when from out of nowhere, both Psicosis, and The Juice attack Rey from behind. Laying the boots to Rey, and yelling at him in Spanish, the two use their environment to punish Mysterio, and with big grins across their face, they leave Rey prone, and unconscious on the backstage floor.



Dave Prazak:
It’s time to get franchised! Shane Douglas on his way to the ring!


Joey Styles:
We haven’t seen The Franchise since the very first TNA show when he defeated Chris Candido, albeit in shady fashion, and since then he’s been going around professing how much better he is then Candido. And now he gets to prove it tonight, and maybe he won’t grab a handful of tights to do it.


Dave Prazak:
What handful of tights, it’s more like a handful of excellence. And now it’s time to quiet down, and listen to some Franchise.


Shane Douglas:
Two weeks ago, I was in a match with Chris Candido, and I won that match. And it wasn’t a lucky break, it wasn’t a fluke win, it was like a man bringing a knife to a gun fight, and I took advantage of that, and beat Chris Candido. And since then, he’s been whining, and complaining that he wants another chance to face the Franchise. And after a long thought process, I’ve decided that if I beat him once, I can beat him again. So Candido, get your ass out here so I can beat you like I beat you two weeks ago. Lets go Candido.


Candido’s music hits, and he rushes to the ring, and the match is under way.


Shane Douglas vs. Chris Candido

Candido starts off like wildfire, and takes it to Douglas from the opening bell. Douglas doesn’t seem to be able to handle the offense, and Candido nails Douglas with a spinning heel kick. Almost as fast as Douglas hit the mat, Candido is up on the top rope. He signals to the crowd, and leaps off, nailing his patented Guillotine Leg Drop. He then pinned Douglas for the quick win.


York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

The TNA Tag Team division is going strong at the moment, and these two teams are both looking to get themselves a Tag Team title shot. After starting the match with a sign of mutual respect for each other by way of a handshake, the action got underway. Christian York, and Joel Maximo started off the match, going toe to toe with very fast paced chain wrestling, exchanging move after move, hold after hold, until meeting a in stalemate in the center of the ring. And the fans show their appreciation.


The teams continue to exchange momentum throughout the match, with a multitude of close calls by each. It would eventually be York & Matthews who grab the upper hand, and look to connect with their Futureshock finishing move, but it was broken up by Jose Maximo. Jose would then toss Joey Matthews out to the floor, leaving Christian York to fend off both Maximo’s. He couldn’t, and The Maximo’s looked to set up The Spanish Fly. But before they had the chance to pull it off, The Insane Clown Posse hit the ring, simultaneously attack a member of each team, causing a double disqualification. The Posse would then take off before the teams had a chance to retaliate.


Chronik & Bison vs. Low Ki & The Amazing Red

In most cases, when two men the size of Chronik, and Bison stand across the ring from you, your more then likely going to show some sign of nerves, but in the cases of both Low Ki, and Amazing Red, it was the opposite. These two were ready for war when they stepped into the ring, and they brought it for the opening seconds of the match… Before the size, and strength of their opponents came into question, and they took over. Both Chronik, and Bison tossed their smaller foes around the ring. Red would have to resort to running around the ring, and using quick kicks whenever possible, and much to the dismay of Eric Bischoff at ringside, it was working for Red.


Red finally got the tag to Low Ki, who came in fast, flying off the top rope, and using his stiff, quick kicks to weaken Bison, and put him on the mat using the Tidal Wave. Chronik when then hit the ring, and receive a kick to his face for his troubles. Ki then hit the top rope, signalling for his double stomp. And knowing that it was coming, Eric Bischoff would hit the apron, distracting Ki long enough for Bison to get back to his feet. Ki realized what was going on, but before he could leap, Bison grabbed a hold of him, and looked to gorilla press slam him off the rope. Instead, he threw him up, and Chronik was able to catch Ki, and land his Powerbomb, getting the win via pinfall.



Joey Styles:
And it looks like it’s main event time, and the NWA World champion is on his way out to the ring.


Dave Prazak:
Which surprises me, because after the beating he received earlier tonight, he shouldn’t even be able to walk.


Joey Styles:
He’s walking alright, and it looks like he’s on a mission. Lets head into the ring, as it looks like the champion has something to get off his chest.


Rey Mysterio Jr:
Psicosis… You thought you, and Juvi could get rid of me by sneak attack me tonight. I’m still here, and it’s going to take a lot more then you two to stop me. You want your shot at my title, then get out here.


Joey Styles:
The champion is revved up, and ready to go!


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Rey Mysterio Jr.© vs. Psicosis

Mysterio was a man possessed, attacking Psicosis, and overwhelming him with lefts, and rights to the head, and body, something that isn’t the norm from Rey. But when the tensions are this high, a man will do just about anything to get the job done, and considering the earlier attack, it didn’t look like Rey wanted to waste any time. And he didn’t. Because after Rey was through with his barrage of offense, he took to the air with a pair of missile dropkicks, a flying cross body, and the eventual Top Rope Hurricanranna. The Juice would hit the ring, and try to break up Rey’s streak, but he was met at the apron with a dropkick that sent him into the barrier. It gave Psicosis enough time to get back to his feet, but Rey was still able to meet him with a second Hurricanranna, this time grabbing the legs, and picking up the win, making his first successful title defense as the show went off the air.


Overall Rating: C-

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Posted Tuesday, June 25th 2002


A couple of weeks ago, NWA TNA Owner Mark Cuban was brutally attacked by the newcomer known as Chronik, and as such did not appear at last weeks TNA on PPV show. This week, that will not be the case as Cuban has stated he will be at the show, and he will make a statement regarding the attack. The Leudecke Arena looks to be in for a great show from this young promotion, and we'll have the latest from that show as soon as the information becomes available.





Live From The Leudecke Arena in Austin, TX.

June 16th, 2002


Rey Mysterio Jr - AJ Styles - Bryan Danielson vs. The Juice - CM Punk - Frost

With each man having their own share of differences, putting them on opposite teams, and letting them loose only seems to be the best idea, and that's whats going to happen for this weeks main event of TNA on PPV. Not only do you have the NWA World Heavyweight champion, but also the TNA X-Division champion competing on the same team, and on the other side, the two men who have been hot on their trails, and are looking to steal away some momentum, and what better way then during this contest.


NWA World Tag Team Championship

The Insane Clown Posse© vs. York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

A week ago, a match was held between York & Matthews, and The S.A.T to determine who would challenge next for the NWA Tag Team Championship, but those plans were derailed by The I.C.P when they decided to intervene. So the best solution... A 3-Way-Dance for the titles this week.


Chris Candido vs. Ken Anderson

Coming off of a quick win over Shane Douglas a week ago, Chris Candido looks to keep it going by getting a win over the young stallion known as Ken Anderson. And as with every wrestler on the TNA roster, Anderson isn't interested in being anyone's stepping stone, and he'll be looking to get on the winning track after his last appearance in the X-Division Championship battle royal a couple of weeks ago.


Aaron Aguilera vs. Super Crazy

After successfully teaming with Rey Mysterio two weeks ago, Super Crazy is once again in singles action trying to get a victory for himself, and his first task is defeating Aaron Aguilera.




Predictions Key

Rey Mysterio Jr - AJ Styles - Bryan Danielson vs. The Juice - CM Punk - Frost

NWA World Tag Team Championship:
The Insane Clown Posse© vs. York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

Chris Candido vs. Ken Anderson

Aaron Aguilera vs. Super Crazy

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Rey Mysterio Jr - AJ Styles - Bryan Danielson vs. The Juice - CM Punk - Frost

NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Insane Clown Posse© vs. York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

Chris Candido vs. Ken Anderson

Aaron Aguilera vs. Super Crazy

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Forgot to post one of these for the previous show, so I figured while I've got some downtime at work, I'd go ahead and post the predictions results.


KJFTW - 4/4

Nithas - 3/4


Congrats to KJ for predicting the highest total. How you predicted the draw in the tag team match, I'll never know.


Overall Leaderboard (Three Shows In)

Nithas - 7 Wins

KJFTW - 7 Wins

Nobby McDonald - 3 Wins

MichiganHero - 2 Wins

Cooljazz123 - 1 Win

Nest - 1 Win

BoomKing - 1 Win


And there it is, and with two shows left to predict in this 5-set, KJFTW, and Nithas are tied with 7 picks a piece. Keep em coming peeps, and I'll look to have the show up by sometime this week pending my work schedule. Thanks for all the predictions thus far, and I'm hoping that everyone is enjoying what I've got going on.

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Rey Mysterio Jr - AJ Styles - Bryan Danielson vs. The Juice - CM Punk - Frost

NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Insane Clown Posse© vs. York & Matthews vs. The Spanish Announce Team

Chris Candido vs. Ken Anderson

Aaron Aguilera vs. Super Crazy

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