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Wrestling Society X

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Wrestling Society X


I'm sure some of you know about MTV's Wrestling Society X, in my dynasty a business man Michael Valentine has recently bought the rights to WSX, their logos, titles, etc. I play Valentines childhood friend, and after being in the wrestling business for many years I am a top candidate for the head booker. Together we plan to build to company from ground up.


WSX has a little popularity throughout the entire United States due to it being once a TV show on MTV, however not enough to get a head start, we're at Local Size for now. We only have one title, the WSX Championship. As we get bigger we'll introduce the WSX Tag Team title at Small Size, and then the WSX Television title at regional size. When we hit National Size we'll open up a womens division similar to TNA's.


Ultimately I have no long term plan other then for titles, I know I'll go get a better look at the old WSX's roster and hire some them. Ah yes, our style is Cutting Edge. I'll on about hiring people and when I've finalized the roster I'll post it.

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WSX Roster

[Worker Name] - [Push] - [Disposition]


Brain Kendrick - Main Eventer - Face

B-Boy - Main Eventer - Face

Balls Mahoney - Main Eventer - Face

Ruckus - Main Eventer - Heel

Vampiro - Main Eventer - Face


Scorpio Sky - Upper Midcarder - Heel

Rich Swann - Upper Midcarder - Heel

Axl Rotten - Upper Midcarder - Face


Tommy Taylor - Midcarder - Heel

Al Katrazz - Midcarder - Heel


Xtremo - Lower Midcarder - Heel


Christy Hemme - Manger - Face


Kris Kloss - Announcer - Face

James Mitchell - Color Commentator - Face


Jimmy Korderas - Referee - Face


Johnny Saint - Road Agent - Face


Brittany Beede - Backstage Worker - Heel

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Wrestling Society X: Plans


Brain Kendrick will be the face of the company, he'll pretty much be the number one singles competitor. Vampiro will probably be the second, if he stays considering he keeps complaining about his push even though thats the suggested one. I quite like B-Boy, he'll feud with Ruckus until I know what to do with him.


Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney (Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaksright) managed by Christy Hemme dominate the tag team division as of now. Thats simply because they're the only people that has tag teamed before. I've teamed up Ruckus and his protégé Rich Swann as Xtremely Dangerous, hopefully they'll gain some experience before I open up a official tag team division.


You may be confused why I have Brittany Beede as a backstage worker, I'll be using here for angles that requite looks to up their ratings.


I've set up a weekly event simply named Wrestling Society X. The event is on Tuesdays and lasts for an hour. There will be 4 matches that last roughly 15 minutes, and at least one match will have an angle to go along side it.

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A few new wrestlers were generated, one has A* Looks and A* Star Quality with good rumble skills (technical and flying skills were bad, but could've been improved). He would make a great star for my company, but he only wrestles in Mexico. He also has an A* in booking, which would've been a great add on.

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Wrestling Society X: Weekly Event

Tuesday, Week 1, April 2011


Location: Florida WrestlePlex in South East


1 vs 1

Competitors: Xtremo vs Al Katrazz

Xtremo and Al Katrazz put on a great show for the fans. Xtremo won by pinfall after a 450 Splash. Xtremo and Al Katrazz have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.


1 vs 1 - TLC

Competitors: Scorpio Sky vs Tommy Taylor

Scorpio Sky and Tommy Taylor provided a decent match for the fans. Taylor seemed off his game during the bout, and the potential for the match wasn't fully reached. Sky flashed his superior flying skills throughout the match, and defeated Taylor by pinfall after preforming his finishing move Ace of Spades.


2 vs 2

Competitors: Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks vs Xtremely Dangerous

The Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks preformed quite well throughout the match, however the Xtremely Dangerous quickly resulted to their cheating ways. While Rich Swann distracted the referee, Ruckus pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and dismantles Balls Mahoney. The referee turns around to see Ruckus pinning Mahoney, Xtremely Dangerous gets the win.


Backstage Interview - 1v1v1

Major Support: Christy Hemme, Major Catalyst: B-Boy, Major Support: Brain Kendrick, Major Support: Vampiro

Christy Hemme comes out to preform her new recurring segment "The Christy Hemme Show". This week she interviews B-Boy.


Hemme: Hello there B-Boy, in our main event you'll be facing Brain Kendrick and Vampiro for the WSX Championship. How do you think it will go?

B-Boy: It'll be a touch match, in my opinion we're the top three in WSX, I think somebody in administration thinks so to as they're giving us this opportunity. I know I'll go out there and do my best, and hopefully will become the WSX Champion.

Hemme: Who do you think will be the better challenge to you, Kendrick or Vampiro?

B-Boy: To be honest, I'd have to say Kendrick. Yes Vampiro has held the title before, and has more experience, but Kendrick has the youth and the spunk that I believe is needed to be the champion.

Hemme: Can you describe the "spunk" you're talking about?

B-Boy: Essentially: Crowd approval, skills, dedication, etc.

Hemme: Well thanks for coming and talking to me B-Boy. Next week we'll have a talk with Axl Rotten.


Asked Out, Rejected

Major Catalyst: Ruckus, Major Target: Christy Hemme

As B-Boy leaves to get ready for his match, Ruckus comes up to the ring. Ruckus goes on about how he's a great competitor, and how Hemmes needs a strong man to protect her. Ultimately Ruckus asks Hemmes to a date, which she rejects and laugh off's.


1 vs 1 vs 1 - Cage (Escape)

Competitors: B-Boy vs Brian Kendrick vs Vampiro

B-Boy, Brian Kendrick and Vampiro put on a good show which was surely the highlight of the night. Vampiro and B-Boy teams up against Brain Kendrick, putting him out of the equation for much of the match. B-Boy proved better then Vampiro, and almost had the win until Kendrick mounted a comeback and knocked B-Boy off the top of the cage, leaving him to lay there motionless. Kendrick however had to do at his own expense, Vampiro finished him off with a Belly To Belly Piledriver. Vampiro climbed the to the top of the ring and slid down the other side to win the match and become the WSX Champion.




Event Results:

Xtremo defeats Al Katrazz: C-

Scorpio Sky defeats Tommy Taylor: E

Xtremely Dangerous defeats Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks: D

The Christy Hemme Show: D

Ruckus asks Hemme to a date, and gets rejected: C+

Vampiro defeats Brain Kendrick and B-Boy for the WSX Championship: C


Event Rating: C-

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keep it up loved the real WSX ....... ahh i miss it:(

Would've loved to have seen it, loved the whole idea of it after reading the wiki.


Wrestling Society X: Updated

Risen from Local to Small size. Which means roster expansion! Feel free to give suggestions on who I should hire, looking for 4 more wrestlers so its not a big expansion. Tommy Taylor is being removed from the roster, the other wrestlers without at least a B in Entertainment and Performance skills will be rooted out later down the road.

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Wrestling Society X: Weekly Event

Tuesday, Week 2, April 2011


Venue: Dory Funk Arena

Location: Ocala, Florida


Dark Matches:

Nate Webb defeats Xtremo: D



2 vs 2

Competitors: The Cartel vs Keepin' It Gansta

The Cartel (B-Boy + Lil' Choco) came out swinging against Keepin' It Gansta (Babi Slymm + Ruckus) and proved their dominance over Keepin' It Gansta. While Slymm was mounting a comeback, Ruckus attempted to do as little as possible for the second week in a row. Choco performed his signature move and put Slymm down for the ten count as B-Boy kept Ruckus from providing any of his half-effort help.


Backstage Interview - 1v1

Major Support: Christy Hemme, Major Catalyst: Axl Rotten, Major Subject: Rich Swann

The screen cuts backstage, where Christy Hemme and Axl Rotten are sitting backstage and talking smalltalk. Hemme smiles, nods, and faces the camera.


Hemme: Hello and welcome to The Christy Hemme Show, tonight we're talking with one half of the Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks: Axl Rotten.

Rotten: Thanks for having me Christy.

Hemme: Anytime Axl, anytime. Well, lets get straight to business. Up next your parter Balls Mahoney will be facing against Rich Swann, how do you think it'll go.

Rotten: First things first, let me clear this up: The upcoming match is a Handicap: 2v1 match, me and my buddy Balls versus Swann, it time we destory this evil...


Rotten goes on about how he will destory the "evil" in WSX, starting with Swann, blah blah blah.


Handicape: 1 vs 2

Competitors: Rich Swann vs Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks

Rich Swann put up a fight, but he was not match for the better skilled and obviously less tired Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks. The match ended when Axl Rotten put Rich Swann down for a ten count.


Post Match Attack - Chair Attack

Major Target: Rich Swann, Major Catalyst: Axl Rotten

After their match, Axl Rotten is going to make a final statement, he brings a chair into the ring and holds it high before smashing it over Rich Swann’s head. Rich Swann makes a face turn.


1 vs 1

Competitors: Scorpio Sky vs Al Katrazz

Scorpio Sky defeated Al Katrazz in when Sky successfully pinned Katrazz.


Arrival - Single

Major Support: Brain Kendrick

Brain Kendrick is shown entering the building with his manger and girlfriend Brittany Beede around his arm, the crowd roar the acceptance of the segment anticipating the main event.


1 vs 1 - Falls Count Anywhere

Competitors: Brian Kendrick vs Vampiro

Brian Kendrick and Vampiro put on a great show for the fans and proved to them that they truly were the top competitors in the company. The battle lasted for quite a long time, and they move through, pretty much the entire arena. The referee called the match, it was a draw, but the two keep fighting.


Backstage Promo - 1v1

Major Catalyst: Brain Kendrick, Major Support: Vampiro

The screen fades with Brain Kendrick and Vampiro still battling it out.



Event Results:

The Cartel defeats Keepin' It Gansta: C-

The Christy Hemme Show: D

Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks defeats Rich Swann: D

Axl Rotten punches Rich Swann with chair shots: E

Scorpio Sky defeats Al Katrazz: D

Brain Kendrick arrives with Brittany Beede: B

Brian Kendrick drew with Vampiro: C

Brain Kendrick and Vampiro still dueling: C


Event Rating: C-

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