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World Pro Wrestling 1995

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Since the early 1990's there have been many attempts to turn the "Big Two" of the WWF and WCW into a big three. There were the were, could have been and the not really's in terms of these attempts.


There was the "were's" . First there was Herb Abrams' UWF, a somewhat long lasting product which say man former WWF stars of the 1980's converge in lackluster shows across the Northeast, and later Florida. But soon enough all the money for the UWF either went out the window or up Abrams' nose. And after about 4 years, it was gone. But in that time they managed to have a long running TV show and a PPV under it's belt.


The biggest "could have been" was Jim Crockett's World Wrestling Network. Crockett coming off of his 3 year mandatory layoff since his selling of WCW to Ted Turner had the idea to form a new national promotion in late 1993. Made of of may ex WWF and WCW stars, the promotion would go on hiatus for a year, only to briefly come back for an internet only card in 1994. This incarnation of WWN saw Crockett and the booker of the newly "extreme" ECW Paul Heyman book the show, made up mostly of ECW talent. After that taping, WWN would be done before it could even make an impact.


As for the "not really's"...there's alot of them. How about the failed merger of Angelo Savoldi's ICW and Kevin Von Erich, literally only Kevin Von Erich, to form IWCCW which went until summer of 1994. Or the AWF, which while briefly syndicated on several CBS stations, would never move out of first gear, despite having a good roster and a silly gimmick (all matches were fought under rounds).


The wrestling world now however is in a state of major flux. WCW now has the powers of Hulkamania and Macho Madness running through it's veins. The WWF is running on Diesel Power. And as of now, the indy scene was in a very interesting state. Memphis' USWA was quickly becoming more of a WWF shell territory for it's low level talents. Jim Cornette's Smokey Mountain Wrestling, while constantly selling out it's arenas, was in major financial trouble. And most notably, Eastern Championship Wrestling, a former throwaway NWA affiliate out of Philadelphia, had discovered an R-rated product full of women, violence, cursing, blood and tables and with Paul Heyman at the helm, Eastern became Extreme and ECW was quickly becoming the hottest non big two promotion out there.


1994 is now over, and with 1995 beginning, there is a new promotion on the horizon looking to do what nobody could do before.


Make it a Big 3.

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World Pro Wrestling Announced


A new promotion based out of Los Angeles called World Pro Wrestling has announced their debut show in early February in the Los Angeles Sports Arena in an event tentatively titled "The Big Bang". Already announced is a special one night 8 man tournament to determine the first WPW World Heavyweight champion. So far only 5 names have been offically announced for the tournament, including Road Warrior Hawk, Rick Martel, Barry Windham, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams, Ron Simmons and Terry Gordy.


Also scheduled to appear is former WCW star Marc "Johnny B. Badd" Mero in his first appearance since leaving WCW.


World Pro Wrestling presents "The Big Bang"


Main Event: Special 8 Man Single Elimination Tournament to determine the first WPW World Heavyweight Champion



-Road Warrior Hawk

-"Arrogance" Rick Martel

-Barry Windham

-"Dr Death" Steve Williams

-"The All American" Ron Simmons

-Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy


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WPW Presents "The Big Bang"


Live from The Los Angeles Sports Arena in Los Angeles, CA


The show begins with a brief video hyping the announced names on the show. We then go ringside to our announce team of Scott Hudson and "Sweet" Stan Lane. They hype the importance of tonight's card.


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy vs. Konnan el Barbaro

The Mexican Heavyweight champion Konnan el Barbaro was introduced as the 6th man in the tournament. His popularity in Mexico and his unique skill set was highly touted. Gordy, the former UWF champion, claimed he's defeated the best in the USA and Japan and had no problem beating the best in Mexico. The 2 men traded power moves early on. Gordy called for his Oriental Spike throat thrust/submission hold but Konnan would duck under it and land a big bridgeing German suplex for the victory. Konnan celebrated a hard fought win, as Gordy clearly did not look pleased with this loss.

Winner: Konnan el Barbaro


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Barry Windham vs. "The All American" Ron Simmons

Windham, the self proclaimed "last" NWA World Heavyweight Champion, entered to a chorus of boos, which seemingly didn't matter to him. Windham looked to be in excelent shape from his last PPV appearance in WCW. Simmons entered to one of the bigger ovations of the night. Simmons used his power to control Windham for much of the match, but a well placed lariat put Windham back into the match. Simmons made a big come back and climbed the top rope and called for a top rope tackle, but Windham dove out of the way at the last second, sending Simmons across the ring landing on his face. Windham leaped on a prone Simmons and got his feet on the ropes to insure victory. Windham was all smiles as he mocked an angry Simmons as he signaled "1..2..3".

Winner: Barry Windham


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Road Warrior Hawk vs. "Arrogance" Rick Martel

Hawk would receive the biggest pop of the night so far as he entered in full Road Warrior regalia. Rick Martel entered to a big chorus of boo's, in very similar gear to his days as "The Model". Very even contest, which saw Martel counter a lot of Hawk's power moves with his technical knowhow. Martel would lock Hawk in the Boston Crab, but Hawk would power out of it and would then drop Martel with a big Hangman's Neckbreaker for the victory. After the match, Hawk was interviewed by Mike Tenay, Hawk claimed tonight he silences all his critics who call him a "tag team" wrestler as he becomes World Champion.

Winner: Road Warrior Hawk


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams vs. ???

Williams entered to a decent response, complete in his "Dr. Death" robe. Williams anxiously waited to see who his opponent is. From the back walked All Japan Pro Wrestling star Kenta Kobashi to a very flat reaction, as fans did not know who he was. This flatness quickly changed as the 2 would put on a very stiff and hard hitting match similar to their many great matches in AJPW. Kobashin managed to block the Oklahoma Stampede by slipping behind Williams and shoving him into the corner before drilling him with a lariat, giving Kobashi the upset win. Kobashi helped Williams to his feet and the 2 men shook and raised hands in a sign of respect.

Winner: Kenta Kobashi


Backstage Mike Tenay is standing by with Marc Mero. Mero spoke how happy he is to be in WPW and how excited he is to be competing tonight. Tenay asked Mero his thoughts on his opponent tonight Chris Candido. Mero noted Candido is one of the best in the business and a former NWA champion, but tonight that's going to be nothing cause tonight Candido's going to learn Mero is a BADD man.


Marc Mero vs. Chris Candido

Candido entered to a nice heel reaction, alongside his manager the lovely yet devious Tamera Sytch. Mero received a great reaction, wearing white and red tights somewhat similar to his Johnny B Badd attire. The 2 put forth an excellent back and forth contest. Mero would nail Candido with a huge left hand which send Candido into referee Fred Richards. Mero then climbed the top rope and called for the Badd Mood splash, but Sytch would grab Mero's foot. Mero would then get off the top rope to confront Sytch as she nervously backed away. Suddenly Mero would be blindsided by a huge man with long hair. Scott Hudson quickly identified that man as "Prime Time" Brian Lee. Lee threw Mero back into the ring, before raising him up and nailing him with a huge chokeslam. Lee then woke up the ref as Candido slowly draped himself over Mero to get the 3 count. After the match, Candido, Lee and Sytch would hug and raise hands in the center of the ring.

Winner: Chris Candido


Backstage Mike Tenay is standing by with Barry Windham. Tenay asks Windham his thoughts on facing Konnan in the second round of the title tournament. Windham claims he could care less who he faces up next, because it's all going to end the same way: Barry Windham as champion.


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Finals: Konnan el Barbaro vs. Barry Windham

Konnan entered to a big reaction. The arrogance in Windham's face seemed to be much increased as he seemingly vastly underestimated Konnan. Konnan would quickly nullify that as he took it to Windham early in the contest. Windham would change the face of the contest with a huge 2nd rope clothesline. Windham seemingly had things in hand he raised Konnan up for the superplex but Konnan managed to roll out and raised Windham up for a raised powerbomb, but Windham himself managed to roll out of it. Windham then went into his tights and took out a black fingerless leather glove, which he quickly put on his right hand. Konnan went to turn Windham around, but Windham blasted Konnan with the loaded glove, sending Konnan to the mat and sending Windham to the finals. Windham raised his hands in celebration as he signaled to the crowd "One more match".

Winner: Barry Windham


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Finals: Road Warrior Hawk vs. Kenta Kobashi

Kobashi entered to a much better reaction here. Hawk again got a huge reaction. Before locking up, the 2 men shook hands in a sign of respect. Once action got under way both men were all business in a very hard hitting affair. Kobashi raised Hawk to the top rope and signaled for a top rope German Suplex. Hawk managed to elbow his way free and shove Kobashi off the top rope. Hawk then stood up and delivered his signature huge flying clothesline onto Kobashi for the win. Hawk celebrated as Kobashi slowly rose and bowed to Hawk in a sign of respect. Hudson hyped the huge main event for the title as Hawk would face Windham in the tournament finals.

Winner: Road Warrior Hawk


We then go to a video titled "Earlier Today" where we see The Fantastics being assaulted backstage by Doug Gilbert and Tommy Rich, now being known as The Memphis Mafia. Gilbert and Rich make their way to the ring to a good chorus of boo's. Gilbert claims he and Rich are from the greatest wrestling state ever, Tennessee and they were in WPW to show the world how they do things in their neck of the woods. Rich then claimed tonight they were supposed to face "those sissies" The Fantastics but they got shown earlier what the Memphis Mafia is all about and how they're going to soon enough run WPW. Gilbert then made an open challenge to anyone in the back who thinks they're tough enough to take them on. Suddenly "China White" by The Scorpions hits and from the back walks Sid to a huge pop. Rich and Gilbert look incredibly scared. Gilbert runs full speed at Sid and runs into a big boot. Rich then tries to attack Sid but Sid nails him with a big chokeslam. Sid then raises Gilbert and nails him with a powerbomb. Sid then raises Rich and powerbombs him as well the huge reactions. Sid soaks in the reactions as Hudson and Lane are in shock as Sid is in WPW.


Hudson and Lane then show a video package of tonight's action so far and announce that starting in March, WPW will air every week on WGN Superstation. Hudson and Lane then procede to hype up the main event and show the road each man had to take in their quest to the title.


WPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals: Road Warrior Hawk vs. Barry Windham

Hawk and Windham got the crowd going with a nice stare down. Windham struck force as he nailed Hawk with a big knee to the gun and the match was on. Windham would have a clear advantage early on in the match as he attack Hawk's arm, seemingly taking away his ability to do his signature clothesline from the top rope. Hawk was not out of it yet as he mounted a miraculous comeback. But Windham gained the upper hand again as Hawk's arm gave out as he attempted a Gorilla Press Slam. Windham again took over on Hawk, but the ever resilient Hawk refused to quit. Windham then took it into high gear as he smashed Hawk's arm against the ring post. Referee Fred Richards kept checking on Hawk's arm, but Hawk constantly refused foe the match to end. Windham went for a lariat but Hawk would duck under and then make a huge comeback. Hawk then climbed the top rope and signaled for the diving clothesline and then nailed it. But the impact of the clothesline took more out of Hawk then it did to Windham. Hawk clenched his arm as he slowly covered Windham, who got out of the pinfall as he draped his foot over the top rope. Hawk raised Windham and attempted a Hangman's Neckbreaker but Windham telegraphed it and nailed a huge DDT. Windham went for the pin and with a handful of tights would get the 3 count and the title. Barry Windham was the first WPW World Heavyweight Champion. Windham held the gold over his head with a big evil smile over his face. He then held it over Hawk's face before peppering him with a few boots. The show would end with Windham holding the belt over his head as he made his way up the ramp.

Winner and NEW WPW World Heavyweight Champion: Barry Windham

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World Pro Wrestling News


-Those backstage at "The Big Bang" were impressed by how well the card looked on pay per view.


-The WGN announcement was literally completed the day before the pay per view. We have learned the show will be called "WPW on WGN" and will air Saturdays at 8pm.


-The unannounced debut of SMW standouts Chris Candido, Tamera Sytch and Brian Lee was a major get for the promotion. We have learned WPW has spoken to several stars in SMW, USWA and ECW about joining the roster. We have been told WPW has successfully "stolen" up to 5 stars.


-WPW has sent out a press release that starting on the first episode of "WPW on WGN" will feature not only new WPW World Champion Barry Windham's first title defense but will feature two opening round matches in a tournament to determine the first WPW World Tag Team Champions.


WPW on WGN Preview


This Saturday night, WGN steps into the ring for the first time as World Pro Wrestling debuts "WPW on WGN" this Saturday and every Saturday at 8PM as a part of WGN's new "Saturday Night Action" block of programming. And on the debut episode, it will be nonstop action as we will feature not one but two opening round contests in the just announced 8 team tournament to determine the first ever WPW World Tag Team Champions. What teams will participate? Well you will have to tune in to find out. Plus in the night's main event, we will see the new WPW World Heavyweight Champion, the arrogant Texan Barry Windham defend his title against a "special hand picked" opponent Windham has guaranteed to be "on his level". All this and much much more this Saturday at 8pm on WGN.

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