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Renegade Championship Wrestling

In this world wrestling was banned sometime after Chris Benoit's death as it was saw as a problem and many suspected WWE of hiding the fact that their top stars were taking performance enhancers........


........ Which brings us to the current time February 2011, after years of trying to get wrestling legalized again it finally happened. With every single wrestler as a free agent. The race has begun......



RCW's First Big Show is RCW Banned

Here it is for predicitions

Matt and Mike Sydal vs Luke Hawx and Arik Cannon

Kazarian vs Dameon Duke vs Ultimo Dragon

Christopher Daniels vs Sonjay Dutt

Edge vs Davey

Shannon Moore vs Cody Rhodes

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

Cena vs HHH

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

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Winners Highlighted

Matt and Mike Sydal vs Luke Hawx and Arik Cannon

Kazarian vs Dameon Duke vs Ultimo Dragon

Christopher Daniels vs Sonjay Dutt

Edge vs Davey

Shannon Moore vs Cody Rhodes

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

Cena vs HHH

Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

My Match of the night Styles vs Angle had tremendous hype going in with both man delivering constant promos and it got an A*

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RCW has decided with its tremendous depth in roster to seperate the company into two brands Kings and Outlaws. Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan will handle the announcing while Steven Regal will be the Authority

the starting champs will be named later on today as the titles will be awarded.

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  • 3 weeks later...

RCW Rented out an Arena in Florida Today where all the wrestlers attended in suits and a crowd of both fans and wrestling reporters where there. 2 Questions would be allowed per champ.The Brands are Outlaws and Kings.

Kings Champions

RCW All American Title goes to.......... Homicide.

RCW Owner Ric Flair came out and said the two questions would now be allowed


Reporter 1- Do you feel this is your biggest title to date.


Homicide-Yes and No, its my biggest singles title by a long-shot, but my time as TNA tag champ is sacred to me.


Reporter 2-Any opponents in mind for your first defense?

Homicide- I want an opponent who i know can help me put on a sweet show for the fans...... i will defend against Colt Cabana.


Ric Flair-RCW Tag Champs are Nigel McGuiness and Ted Dibiase, Questions now


Reporter 1-You guys have never teamed once how do you feel you can operate as a unit?


McGuiness- Teds a phenomenal athlete and entertainer and i try my hardest to be, So two athletes about to be in their prime.... is the best possible tag champs dont you think.


Reporter 2- Dibiase was it your choice to go into tag wrestling for RCW?


Ted Dibiase- (Laughs) Yeah, i want to people to look foward to the tag title match just as much as the Heavyweight Title


Flair- And Last Champs for the Kings Brand, The world heavyweight champion..... the Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy.


Jeff Hardy- I would like to thank RCW and all who voted for me to be Inagural Kings Brand champ. it means a lot and i will put on the best matches of my career i promise.


Reporter 1- Are you suprised you got chosen to be champ while on the same show as Randy Orton, Edge and John Cena?


Jeff Hardy- Yeah i almost had to ask three times i though it was a mistake, i am proud they chose me while such talent is around.


Reporter 2- Any Ideal Opponents for First Defense Jeff ?


Jeff Hardy- Christian Cage he deserves the chance to shine in a main event title match. Hes well overdue his big main event Show Stealing match of the year singles match.


Outlaws Champions


Ric Flair- And now for the Outlaws Champions. First up is Junior Heavyweight Championship. And the champ is...... The American Dragon Bryan Danielson.


Reporter 1- Danielson you've been named by many star to watch in 2011 does this title validate that for you.


Danielson- I am so happy others want to see me succeed as a wrestler you want that recognition from your peers and fans thanks to all who think this will be my year.


Reporter 2- Your trainer William Regal has named many potential opponents for you such as CM Punk and Christopher Daniels? would you like to wrestle these guys.?


Danielson- Yeah both are great technicians lets get one of these guys in the ring and give fans a match they will never forget.


Ric Flair- The RCW tag champions will be crowned by tournament. so Next is RCW Universal Champion who will be heavyweight champ of the Outlaws brand. And he is ........... The Game Triple H !!!!!!!!!!!


Reporter 1- HHH you're the biggest name to get a title tonight what made you come to RCW


HHH- To give young talent their best matches to date an entertain these fans my fans.


Reporter 2- That locker room is filled with mostly young hungry guys is that your main reasoning for joining?


HHH- Yes definitely i cant wait to show young talent how its done and help them grow into future stars, give them pointers, anyone who can wrestle with me and hold their own with impress a lot of fans so i cant wait to face fresh faces.


Ric Flair- and that wraps up out RCW Official Title Award Press Conference, RCW next Shows Will be on TV and feature the separate brands. Good Night to all fans and wrestling reporters.

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RCW Kings of The Ring March Week 1 2011


PROWRESTLINGREVIEWS.NET King of The Rings Coverage 3/1/2011

CM Punk vs Justin Gabriel

The match starts out with Justin Gabriel taking it too punk, Gabriel works over punk while punk throws some of his signature martial arts like kicks. Gabriel is caught cm punk takes this time to yell at crowd turns around and gets hit with a round house kick. Gabriel climbs to the top and signals for the 450 splash. A large thud sounds through arena, Punk moved quickly and evaded the finisher. While Gabriel is getting up he is drilled by a kick then hit with the GTS. Winner CM Punk


A Hype video is shown for Kurt Angle.


Kurt Angle vs Frankie Kazarian

Angle goes up to Kaz and extends hand , Kaz smirks smacks hand and then goes to slap angle, angle dodges the slap and delivers a very vicious angle slam. 1.....2.... KICK OUT! Angle looking stunned climbs to top rope and delivers one of his signature moonsaults which misses. Kaz is still down and is angle now ref starts to count 1...2..3...4...5..6..7. both Kaz and angle stumble. They exchange several blows until kaz shoves angle and goes to corner to get some air. Angle rushes over but is suckered into a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle then a Wave of the future is hit. Angle is being pinned 1....2.....3. Everyone in the Arena is shocked and so is Angle who looks up from the floor


Post Match Kaz extends hand and Angle shakes it then Kaz hits a low blow smirks and walks off before stopping on the entrance ramp and mouths the words old fool.



Roderick Strong vs Bryan Danielson

Chants from crowd , the fans are chanting 5 star match. The two competitors shake hands and go to work and tie up then we see the fast paced chain wrestling we would expect to see from these two fantastic wrestlers. Danielson hit a stiff body shot then runs for a lariat while strong ducks and german suplexes Danielson who lands on his feet. Strong smiles and says holy SH!T which starts the same chant from the fans. They lock up and exchange blows Strong is clearly winning the push each other and same time and then in mirror images of each other do body crosses, then dropkicks Stron goes for a lariat like Danielson had done earlier Danielson counters Lebelle Lock. Strong tries hard to break out but cannot and must tap.


Sheamus is shown walking to the ring when he stops and says what are you doing here fella. The camera pans and shows Matt Hardy....... Hardy walks away......


Jeff Hardy vs Sheamus

As the match is about to start Matt Hardy is seen getting into his front row seat. Match starts with a tie up and Sheamus shoves hardy with enough strength to send hardy over the top rope. Ref starts the count while Sheamus taunts Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy shows no emotion as he did before. Ref gets to count of 6 and Jeff slides back in. Sheamus stomps him severely and the Ref tells sheamus to get in another corner Sheamus shoves the ref and continues a merciless beatdown. Ref signals for a bell officialy giving Hardy the DQ win. Hardy hops the wall and Grabs a chair but before he can slide in is assaulted by John morrison.


Morrison and Shemaus beat down on both hardy and leave them both in pools of blood. The fans boo while Sheamus seems genuinely happy with his work.


John Cena vs Alex Shelley

The match starts out really fast with shelley doing an furious fury including knees, kicks, punches and ended with a dropkick. Pins cena..1.... kickout.... Shelley kicks Cena while he is down and then does a standing moonsault.

Another quick pin....1.....2.... Kickout..... Cena is getting up and Shelley tries to prevent him but Cena does anyway, Shelley runs at him Cena delivers a back body drop. He then does the you cant see me chant runs into the ropes and hits a 5 knuckle shuffle. He then stalks Shelley for an FU...... shelley reverses and goes for a kick which is caught and turned into an STFU....... shelley has no choice but to tap.


Rhodes and HHH are shown walking to the Ring.


Cody Rhodes vs Triple H

HHH gets a mic and says hes gonna give this crowd a title match because their lives suck and they need it to feel slightly important. Rhodes cuts him off from the ramp and says the people are important they will witness him beat Triple H and win his first heavyweight title.


Match begins with a deadly right hand from Rhodes which staggers HHH, HHH then slides out ring to catch his breath he looks down for a couple of seconds and lifts his head...... now the crowd can see HHH bloody nose. HHH gets in the ring furious and receives another similar right hand to which he falls down. HHH then slides out to get sledge hammer and slides it in the ring.Ref spots it and while hes removing it Rhodes recieves a low blow and a spinebuster. HHH pins rhodes...1.......2......3..... Ref signals for bell but then sees Rhodes foot on the rope and restarts the match.... Rhodes hits a DDT and pins HHH 1......2..... kickout...... Rhodes lifts HHH to deliver another DDT but is reversaled and receives a pedigree 1.....2.......3....

The show closes with HHH lifting belt and standing victoriously over the fallen Rhodes.


Quick Picks (Winners Highlighted)

CM Punk vs Justin Gabriel

Kurt Angle vs Frankie Kazarian

Roderick Strong vs Bryan Danielson

Jeff Hardy vs Sheamus

John Cena vs Alex Shelley

Cody Rhodes vs Triple H


4/6 bgbuff thanks for predicting

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