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10 To Watch by Benson Cash (Effverse Watcher)

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It is a sad day in the blogosphere I’m afraid. As you can see by the fancy new heading I will no longer be writing my usual “Snarky Smark” blog for The Wrestling Insider. The higher ups have seen fit for me to change things up a bit and even supplied me with the concept (and rules) of the blog that will follow. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about the experience that lies ahead, but it is always hard to start anew after finding some (moderate) success. That being said, I hope you loyal, dedicated, and oft times opinionated readers will continue to read as I believe you will find “10 To Watch” to be at least somewhat read-worthy.


So what is this concept? What will Benson Cash be writing about? It basically selecting 10 professional wrestlers and following their careers closely. I’ll give you the inside scoop on what they are up to and how their careers are progressing. There are some rules as to who I can follow, however.


First, I only get to pick 6 of the 10 wrestlers. The last 4 will be chosen randomly out of a hat based on workers that you, the reader, submit. For the 6 wrestlers I pick, only 3 of them can be based in the United States. I also can’t pick more than one wrestler from the same promotion. Lastly, all workers that I select must be under 30 years old. These rules will not apply to the “Final Four” that are picked based on your submissions.


Now if you all will excuse me, I have to begin doing some research to decide who I am going to pick. Please hold all submissions until after I’ve made my picks so that you aren’t submitting someone I’m already selecting. The next update you see will be with my selections.


Until next time, Cash out!



This diary is going to be based on my Effverse mod (http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=409706). All of the rules above are pretty self explanatory and will be followed. For the “Final Four” I will likely just select them randomly using a random number generator. However, if some of you would like to make submissions, please do so as I will use them.


It might take me a bit of time to find the right format (and layout) I want for this so please bear with me.

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Time for the picks!


Note this day in history my friends; March 1st, 2005 is the day that Benson Cash picked the 6 wrestlers that he would be following exclusively for the foreseeable future. It wasn’t an easy decision, specifically only picking 3 US wrestlers. I have my fingers crossed that at least one off the long list of people I didn’t pick are selected as one of the random picks. The remainder of this post will be my picks, information on the wrestler, and my explanation for picking them.






Pick #1



Name: Micah Kemble

Age: 22

Info: Picking Micah Kemble as my first choice was the easiest part of all of this. The kid is being heralded as “The Surest Bet in Wrestling” and a future superstar. Lest we forget to mention that he works for Global Sports Entertainment; you know the same GSE that is owned by his father, George Kemble. It shouldn’t be hard at all for him to at least get opportunities to succeed in the promotion, so this should make for an interesting follow. Let me be clear though, the kid IS actually talented, but I have a feeling that any success he sees early on will be attributed to his name alone.


Micah is currently a midcard for the Impact brand of GSE. Though there have been rumors lately that the failed brand split is about to come to an end. There is no telling if this is true and whether or not it will have any impact on Micah.




Pick #2



Name: La Cobra Loco

Age: 21

Info: First off, La Cobra Loco has a cool mask. That gets tons of points in my book and may have contributed to me selecting him. For those not familiar with Lucha Campeonato de México or Mr. Loco, I’ll share a bit. This kid is quickly becoming one of the must see stars in all of Lucha Libre. The kid can flat out go and I would highly recommend getting your hands on any footage of him you can. He’s already made his way up the ladder, main eventing as a heel for LCM and if it wasn’t for my obvious American bias, he could easily have been the first pick here.





Pick #3



Name: Jordan Glory

Age: 20

Info: Epic beard is epic. Sorry, just had to get that out of the way. Jordan Glory (or JGlo as the IWC likes to call him) is a trainee of the Detroit Wrestling Academy and nephew of ELITE wrestler (and DWA owner) Kylo. This kid works hard, as noted by the fact that he is working for three different promotions right now. If you look closely at the promotions you’ll see just how versatile this guy is. Working for a hardcore fed, traditional fed, and a sports entertainment fed all at the same time can’t be an easy feat. Up to now, however, he’s only seen real success in Pro Wrestling Xtreme where he is a midcard face. In both Southern Pro Wrestling and Lone Star Wrestling, he is hanging around as an opener. I picked Glory not because he is a shoe-in superstar, but because he has the potential to be. He has the tools to be great, but he’ll have to work hard to accomplish this. His ride could very well be the most entertaining to follow.




Pick #4



Name: Super Lightning Jr.

Age: 22

Info: This concludes the cool mask portion of the picks. Super Lightning Jr. is following in his father’s (the original Super Lightning) footsteps of being a very respectable worker. He carries on the Super Lightning legacy and does so with honor and respect. He may not be destined for great things at Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling, but I don’t think he’ll fizzle out either. My gut tells me he’ll be middle ground for the promotion for most of his career, and I’m OK with that. He’s already working the midcard for FSPW at this young age though, so he could prove me wrong. Hell, I hope he proves me wrong. Those not into any wrestling outside of the states may not care about him, the mask, or his father, but this blogger does. Call it a nostalgia pick by me because I can remember seeing the first Super Lightning in the early 90’s trying to make it as a pro here in America.





Pick #5



Name: Buster McQueen

Age: 20

Info: I know, I know. This guy is super indie and hasn’t worked for a single notable promotion…and yes he is a friend of mine. Sue me. Anyone who pays attention to indie wrestling knows the name Buster McQueen and knows that it is just a matter of time before he lands somewhere. He works harder than everyone else and isn’t afraid to pay his dues. If I am completely wrong on this guy then I apologize for wasting everyone’s time, but that is what you get when you let me pick. If you aren’t happy with this pick, you might not be a fan of my next one either.






Pick #6



Name: Sheldon Hawksley

Age: 24

Info: Loophole! Yes, I know Sheldon Hawksley is an American and that I’ve already picked 3. Read the rules carefully again. It says I can’t pick more than 3 workers based in the US. Hawksley has been trained and based in Japan for years now. Furthermore, he’s working for Red Star Combat…in RUSSIA! So yes, he is an American, but he is far from based in America.


Now that I have defended myself, let me talk more about Hawksley. As mentioned, he is working as an opening level face for RSC. He’s a big guy who has benefited tremendously from the tutelage of Waku Ishii. In honor of Ishii, Hawksley often works under the name Hikaru Aki (shining bright). I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hawksley be a big hit somewhere, though I don’t anticipate it will ever be here in the states.




There you have it, my 6 picks. Feel free to submit as many workers as you’d like for the final 4 random picks. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that we end up with some interesting characters to follow along with the 6 above.


Until next time, Cash out!




There are my 6. Hopefully none of them randomly die any time soon. Again, if anyone wants to suggest workers to follow, please do so. Otherwise I’ll just randomly pick some. I’ll probably post those later tonight or tomorrow.


If you have any suggestions on formatting or anything, please please please please please share it with me.



Want to again thank Self, weidt, Kamchatka, and aja_nyc for any and all render/logo work they they've done that I've used.

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I have just downloaded and had a look at your mod. I like what I see: When's it's complete I will actually play it.

I'm in to this dynasty as it may help me in the future.

In my first game though: Jordan Glory was in the category "The Next Big Thing"

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I have just downloaded and had a look at your mod. I like what I see: When's it's complete I will actually play it.

I'm in to this dynasty as it may help me in the future.

In my first game though: Jordan Glory was in the category "The Next Big Thing"


Unfortunately the game is as complete as it is going to get (on my end anyhow). It is playable as an organic universe (or importable into other universes).

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Guest codey

It was I that 1-starred you!


...Ok, not really. Kinda looking forward to this, I'm pretty interested in this here mod :)

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I've downloaded the scenario so will have a look through it for a couple of possibilities for you to follow. When do you need them by?


Will be giving this a look either way. I enjoy watcher stuff ever since I put The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Ted DiBiase Jr and The Colony into the C-verse.


Of the six picks so far, Sheldon is my favourite.

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I've downloaded the scenario so will have a look through it for a couple of possibilities for you to follow. When do you need them by?


Will be giving this a look either way. I enjoy watcher stuff ever since I put The Miz, Ted DiBiase, Ted DiBiase Jr and The Colony into the C-verse.


Of the six picks so far, Sheldon is my favourite.


I'll either continue with the random 4 later tonight or tomorrow sometime.

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Wow. First off I want to thank everyone who submitted worker ideas. It is amazing how many emails and messages we got. This makes me even more excited for this blog. Now to the business at hand. I collected all the suggestions and gave them to an intern to put into a hat and randomly draw the workers. I am actually quite pleased by the results and I hope that you are too. So without further ado, here are the final 4 of the 10 To Watch.





Pick #7



Name: Waku Ishii

Age: 35

Submitted by: Anonymous

Info: Quite the interesting development here. Ishii is the first veteran to make the list and the mentor of Sheldon Hawksley. This also makes the second Japanese worker (and FSPW worker) and hopefully will help expand the horizons of some of you America only people. For those who already know of him, you know that he has been a staple of FSPW for years now. He has been one of the top 20 workers in the entire world and yet still doesn’t get much respect outside of Japan. While my writings on this particular wrestler won’t be a rags to riches / rise to stardom story, it should still be entertaining to follow the career of an established star.





Pick #8



Name: Pauly Sweets

Age: 32

Submitted by: flat_doughnut

Info: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! With Pauly Sweets we get another vet to follow and make our first venture down under. Sweets, for all intents and purposes, is the man in Down Under Wrestling. He is unbelievably entertaining and can actually wrestle a bit too. His over the top character just adds to the aura of Sweets, making him someone to watch whenever you get the chance. This may be my favorite of the random picks because I just find Sweets utterly entertaining. Let me put this out there too, if he ever decides he wants to work in the States, he’ll not have any trouble finding a job.





Pick #9



Name: King Awesome

Age: 17

Submitted by: Phreak

Info: Greatest (real) name for a wrestler….ever! King Awesome will be the youngest of our followed and our first from Innovation Wrestling Incorporated. Awesome has already made some waves at IWI and worked his way up to upper midcard status. If you look up the definition of “all arounder” it would likely say “see: King Awesome”. He isn’t great at anything, but he’s pretty good at everything. I won’t be surprised at all if he becomes a big draw for IWI, but honestly it won’t surprise me if he doesn’t find real success until getting out of that odd promotion.






Pick #10




Name: Eve Vicious

Age: 27

Submitted by: Anonymous

Info: Am I ever glad that there was at least one female selected here. I had nightmares of angry emails sent to me about not featuring any women (specifically from someone named Remianen). But fear not, for here we are. We have the lovely and experienced Eve Vicious, upper midcarder for Triumph. I am pretty excited to follow her, though it may just because of my strange attraction to girls with tattoos. All kidding aside, Eve is a pretty solid performer both in and out of the ring (get your minds out of the gutter!). She could easily transition from the more wrestling oriented Triumph to the women’s division of one of the entertainment promotions.





And there you have it, the 10 To Watch. I hope you’ve enjoyed the unveiling, but now it is time to get down to the real deal. It might take me some time to figure out how exactly I want to present the information, but be sure that I will get it out to you. I am truly excited about the possibilities that lay ahead and can’t wait to write about it. Hopefully all of you will continue to join me on this wild ride.


Until next time, Cash out!




And…done! For the final 4 I randomly picked one from each person that put up a submission, and then randomly selected the final two. Now here is hoping some interesting and write worthy things happen so that this isn’t a complete bust.


As for updating, I’m thinking of going day by day and jotting down anything news worthy and any matches they have and then compiling them and doing “monthly” updates.


I’m thinking about compiling all the matches people are in and posting them (without results) and letting people make predictions. Would this interest anyone?

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He's not really much on traveling. :p


I really wish TEW didn't confuse me so much. I can deal with WSP2, but TEW loses me. Of course I only tried the DEMO for like 10 minutes and was like UGH WHAT THE HELL DO I DO???




Oh and I meant send MONEY, ya know like that stuff you can get from the bank if your a rich politician for illegal purposes and such. :D

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I can already tell that this blog will be very interesting. It has only been one month since I started doing this and there is already tons of news regarding the 10 To Watch. I guess the easiest way to do this is to just go one by one with the workers and go over all particular things of interest for each.






Micah Kemble



Nothing to report actually; his brother, Marlon, won the GSE World title though.






Jordan Glory



Tuesday, WK1 March: Jordan Glory was released from his Pay-Per Appearance contract by “Cowboy” Bob Bryan at LSW. While unable to reach Bob, I was able to get his son Delbert, who said the cut was just them trying to thin out their rosters and cut costs. This is the first real blow to one of the 10, but Jordan still has his other contracts.


Monday, WK2 March: The GSE breeding ground, SPW, held “Battle For Respect” in front of a sold out crowd at The Ministry. Jordan Glory was on the card as one of the opening acts.

Denton Banks def. Jordan Glory. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/36.jpg


Monday, WK3 March: Pro Wrestling Xtreme held “Ain’t That A Shame” at Jerry’s Basement in Hawaii. It was a disappointing venture for PWX as only 71 fans showed up. Jordan Glory was in fine form though in his match with Sammy Dale and The Ray for the PWX Top Contender title. The match was easily the match of the night and Jordan Glory hands down the MVP of the entire event.

Jordan Glory def. Sammy Dale and The Rayhttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png for PWX Top Contenders Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/37.jpg






Sheldon Hawksley



Wednesday, WK1 March: Sheldon Hawksley makes a huge move, signing a written deal with FSPW and reuniting him with his mentor Waku Ishii. When I spoke with Hawksley he said that it was just an offer he couldn’t refuse and wanted to thank Red Star Combat and its fans for all the support.


Saturday, WK1 March: I spoke with Hawksley again a few days after the big news broke. He told me that he was nervous about making his debut with FSPW and aid that he would be more nervous the higher up the card he was.


Wednesday, WK2 March: This was the first official day with Hawksley on the FSPW roster. He made it clear that he would be wrestling under the name Hikaru Aki for the promotion.






Eve Vicious



Thursday, WK1 March: The webmasters for The Wrestling Insider put a few polls up at the beginning of the month, oddly enough a couple of people from the 10 To Watch won. Not sure if it is a coincidence or note. According to the poll the IWC believes that Eve is the “Most Entertaining Wrestler in the World Today”. Impressive.


Thursday, WK3 March: Triumph held “Hot Commodity” in front of a sold out crowd at the Langley Civic Centre. Eve was the shining star of the night and involved in the match of the night as she teamed with Jessie Maple to take on Claire Les and Marci Robinson in the Main Event.

Claire Les & Marci Robinson def. Jessie Maple & Eve Vicious. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/62.jpg


Friday, WK3 March: I was talking with a few friends who also work for The Wrestling Insider and you’ll never believe what they told me. They said they think Eve Vicious is “the one to watch” with STAR written all over her. Now I am even more excited that she made the list!






Pauly Sweets



Friday, WK1 March: As I mentioned earlier, TWI had a few polls up and a few 10 To Watcher people won. Here is the other one. Pauly Sweets was voted “Best Overall Worker in Wrestling Today”. What!? Pardon me if I’m skeptical, but I have a feeling there were some crazy Aussie’s out their voting their fingers off. Nevertheless, he won and he just continues to get exposure with this blog and now this poll. Good for you Pauly.






La Cobra Loco



Saturday, WK2 March: LCM was live in front of over 12,000 fans for “Gloria Desigual”. La Cobra Loco was in rare form tonight in his match against Merodeador and El Pollo Verde for the LCM World title. He was the star of the show and helped pull off the match of the night.

Merodeadorhttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. La Cobra Loco and El Pollo Verde. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/81.jpg






King Awesome



Wednesday, WK3 March: “SlamMania” was a sold out event for IWI and marked another big night for a member of the 10 To Watch as King Awesome went up against Glittergaze and C-Bass for the IWI National Championship.

King Awesome def. Glittergaze and C-Basshttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png for the IWI National Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/52.jpg





Buster McQueen



Thursday, WK3 March: I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting this. I figured he’d go through LSW, maybe a stint with SPW. Buster McQueen leap frogged all those smaller promotions and was snatched up by GSE. This had to be a very exciting moment for him and I certainly wish the best for him.


Friday, WK3 March: Talk about a quick turnaround. It was a crazy 24 hours for McQueen. First he signed his deal with GSE and then he was booked to fight at “School of Pain” in front of over 50,000 fans! This wasn’t just some dark match either; he was actually on the Pay-Per-View in a mid-card match. Talk about making waves.

Ian Webb def. Buster McQueen. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/46.jpg






Super Lightning, Jr.



Saturday, WK3 March: FSPW was 30,000 strong for “Impactful Warriors”. This event would feature two of our 10 To Watch and proved to be a very good show. Super Lightning, Jr. had a solid mid-card match against Takase Yoshizawa.

Takase Yoshizawa def. Super Lightning, Jr. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/63.jpg





Waku Ishii



Saturday, WK3 March: Waku Ishii was also on the FSPW “Impactful Warriors” card. He would go up against FSWP World Champion, Sho Kuro in a very good match.

Waku Ishii def. Sho Kurohttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png for the FSPW World Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/82.jpg






There you have it folks, one month of the 10 To Watch. I can’t believe how well most of our chose did, with 3 of them winning titles! Not to mention the 3 promotions changes we saw. If all of this happens in the first month I can’t wait to continue forward and find out what could possibly happen next.


Until next time, Cash out!



Month 1 complete. Please leave feedback on anything, it will be most appreciated. Thoughts on the layout/format?
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Another month down and while April wasn’t as action packed as March, there were still some interesting developments.







Micah Kemble



Saturday, WK2 April: GSE has officially merged the two brands into one and Micah was involved in his first match since the start of this blog at GSE’s “Dominance”. His match against Cory lost for the GSE Impact title was right around the final third of the show, which is nice positioning for him.

Cory Lost http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. Micah Kemble to retain the GSE Impact title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/64.jpg






Jordan Glory



Jordan Glory went from one of the busiest 10 To Watch to doing absolutely nothing this month. He wasn’t fired though, so that has to be pleasing.






Sheldon Hawksley



Interestingly enough, Sheldon still hasn’t been used by FSPW. Hopefully this doesn’t continue or he may come to regret his decision to leave RSC.






Eve Vicious



Sunday, WK1 April: It was an action packed night for Triumph with their “Rivals Collide” event. Eve Vicious was again on hand, wrestling against Claire Les in front of a sold out crowd at the Quebec City Arena. The two ladies tore the house down with their match and was easily the star performer of the night.

Eve Vicious def. Claire Les.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/78.jpg






Pauly Sweets



DUW wasn’t touring this month, which means no matches for Pauly.





La Cobra Loco



Saturday, WK2 March: LCM was live in front of over 14,000 fans for “Ciudad Del Paraiso”. La Cobra Loco was involved in both an angle and a match tonight, and the two were very much related.

Angle: Confrontation between La Cobra Loco and Vaquero.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/80.jpg


Elfos Silvanos http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. La Cobra Loco to retain the LCM Top Contender title following interference from Vaquero.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/74.jpg






King Awesome



Wednesday, WK3 March: IWI put on “Youth Gone Wild” in front of over 4,00 fans as the Coventry City Stadium. King Awesome was on the card defending his new National Title against Glittergaze and Nathan Kaye.

King Awesome http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. Glittergaze and Nathan Kaye to retain the IWI National Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/56.jpg


Saturday, WK4 April: Big news coming out of the King Awesome camp today. It was revealed that his contract is nearly up with IWI and a new deal has yet to be hammered out. It will be interesting to see if he decides to stay and makes you wonder if the company putting the National title on him was a ploy to get him to stay.






Buster McQueen



Wednesday, WK1 April: I was speaking with a couple of GSE staff members today and the topic of Buster came up. They told me that they believed he had the potential to be a mega-star for the promotion.


Friday, WK3 March: McQueen was again present on a GSE card, this time for “Dominance”. McQueen found himself in a much better spot on the card, working the opening match against Lil Tank.

Buster McQueen def. Lil Tank.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/29.jpg






Super Lightning, Jr.



Tuesday, WK2 April: It was another big night for FSPW as they held “Formation of Titles” in front of a sold out crowd. Super Lightning, Jr. would find himself involved in a match for the FSPW Tag Team titles as he teamed up with last month’s opponent Takase Yoshizawa to take on the defending champions Danger Dragon & Vyper.

Danger Dragon & Vyper http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. Super Lightning, Jr. & Takase Yoshizawa.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/61.jpg





Waku Ishii



Tuesday, WK2 April: Super Lightning, Jr. wasn’t the only one involed at “Formation of Titles” as Waku Ishii was again in action. Ishii took on Sho Kuro in a rematch for his FSPW World title in what was easily the match of the night.

Waku Ishii http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. Sho Kurofor the FSPW World Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/82.jpg






Another month in the books! As I said, not nearly as exciting as the first month but they can’t all be winners. Hopefully things pick up again next month and we see more out of our 10 To Watch.


Until next time, Cash out!



Another month down and no complaints so I guess I’ll keep the layout as is. Thanks for reading!
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The layout is good, I like it. Kind of suprised to see nothing out of Jordan Glory, considering he is the only one of the ten that works for more then one promotion.


Me too. I figured he'd at least work the PWX show as he is one of their better workers. Not to mention they just put a belt on him.

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I think this may have been the most interesting month we’ve had yet in this blog. A lot of backstage things happening that could change much of the outlook for a few wrestlers. Some of the biggest news that indirectly affects these 10 is that several promotions locked up their television deals, meaning we’ll be seeing much more of some of these workers.






Micah Kemble



Saturday, WK1 May: Micah Kemble was recently seen out and about with fellow GSE star, Vickie Leighton. The two are adamant that they have just developed a strong friendship lately, but a lot of people aren’t buying it. Regardless of whether it is true or not, Micah’s girlfriend Alexandria Bryan isn’t very happy about the situation.


Sunday, WK1 May: GSE was at Rolling Fields in front of 66,000 fans for “Circumstances”. Micah wasn’t involved in a match tonight, but he did make a brief appearance in a segment.

Angle: Skit involving Micah Kemble, Marcus Tyson and Marlon Kemble.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/74.jpg






Jordan Glory



Saturday, WK1 May: SPW held “Break or Be Broken” in front of a sellout crowd. Jordan Glory was back in action for the promotion, facing off against Bling X in the opening match.

Jordan Glory def. Bling X..http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/28.jpg


Wednesday, WK4 May: “Broken Empire” was the latest PWX event and marked the return of their Top Contender Champion, Jordan Glory. Interestingly enough, he would be facing Gremlin in a non-title match.

Gremlin def. Jordan Glory.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/37.jpg






Sheldon Hawksley



Yet again Sheldon found himself on the sidelines as FSPW continued to move forward. This marks the third straight month that Hawksley has gone without work. Good thing for him he signed a guaranteed deal.






Eve Vicious



Sunday, WK1 May: Triumph was in the Varsity Arena for “Blown Away”, an appropriate name given the performance of Eve Vicious. Eve was bag in tag action as she teamed with Charisma B Nyce to take on Marci Robinson and Coral. In what has been customary for Eve, she helped pull off the match of the night and stood head and shoulders above the other workers yet again.

Marci Robinson & Coral def. Eve Vicious and Charisma B Nyce.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/59.jpg






Pauly Sweets



DUW is still off their touring schedule.





La Cobra Loco



Saturday, WK3 May: Rumor has it that La Cobra Loco and El Pollo Azul nearly came to blows at a local bar. No one is sure what caused the argument, but the two are apparently no longer on speaking terms.


Monday, WK4 May: LCM was live in from of 12,000 for Epidemia Del Odio. La Cobra Loco was again the star performer as he teamed with El Funk to take on Hambron & El Gato Misterio.

La Cobra Loco & El Funk def. Hambron & El Gato Misterio.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/74.jpg






King Awesome



Thursday, WK1 May: A sign of relief on both sides as IWI and King Awesome reach a deal. What is interesting though is that the deal is only a Pay-Per-Appearance, so Awesome can still find work elsewhere.


Friday, WK4 May: IWI was in town again for “Ready Steady Gold!” in front of over 4,000 screaming fans. King Awesome was again defending his IWI National Title; this time against the man he took the belt from, C-Bass.

King Awesomehttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. C-Bass to retain the IWI National Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/50.jpg






Buster McQueen



Sunday, WK1 May: As mentioned already, GSE held “Circumstances”. McQueen made this third straight card with the promotion, this time going toe to toe with Bocephus.

Bocephus def Buster McQueen.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/42.jpg






Super Lightning, Jr.



Friday, WK2 May: See: Waku Ishii.


Saturday, WK2 May: Alledgedly Super Lightning, Jr. and Courageous Oh had some type of altercation following last night’s FSPW event. The two apparently had to be separated before anything really happened. I can’t say this is true, but from all accounts it looks like FSPW will keep these two away from each other for a while.






Waku Ishii



Friday, WK2 May: FSPW was at the Yamagata Football Stadium in front of 30,000 for “Be A Fighter!”. This would mark the first time two of the 10 To Watch actually faced each other as Super Lightning, Jr. challenged Waku Ishii for the FSPW World title.

Waku Ishii http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/belt2.png def. Super Lightning, Jr. to retain the FSPW World Title. http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/10towach/Grades/74.jpg






In Other News


Sunday, WK4 2005: "Cowboy" Bob Bryan is officially calling it quits in the wrestling business. The 73 year old former wrestler will be turning the reigns of LSW over to someone else. In what has to be a surprise, the promotion goes to Alexandria (who is dating Micah Kemble, son of GSE owner) instead of any of his sons. Some worry that this could mean a buy out from GSE is in the cards.







I hope you enjoyed all the watching for this month. I told you it would be interesting, though I think next month might be the biggest due to the sheer amount of new television shows and therefore more opportunities. I can’t wait to see what the future brings!


Until next time, Cash out!

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