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The World of Supreme - An SWF Adventure...

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LIVE from The New Hampshire Garden

Attendence - 16,914




Peter Michaels, Duane Fry & Anna Garcia


Michaels: Welcome everyone to the latest instalment of SWF Supreme TV! My name is Peter Michaels and tonight I'm joined by Duane Fry and Anna Garcia!

Fry: Thank you for that introduction Peter, we understand that Jerry Eisen isn't with us this evening; he is due to appear in some form tonight but what form that will be, we're yet to hear.

Garcia: It's great to have you here, Duane. We also have word that the Chairman of the Board, Richard Eisen is due to open our first show of 2010!


A Changing of the Guard...


Richard Eisen


With that, the theme music of SWF Supreme TV cuts out and is replaced by the less than usually heard music of the Chairman of the Board. Richard Eisen waves to the fans as he strides down to the ring and climbs inside. He takes a moment to drink in the mix of boos and cheers coming from the fans in attendance. Finally, he lifts the mic to his lips and addresses the SWF Family in attendance.


R. Eisen: For the last twenty years the Eisen name has been synonymous with the wrestling business... In fact, strike that, the business of wrestling has been synonymous with the name Eisen. It's a fact that I know many have come to hate, many have come to challange but more often than not, most have come to respect. At fifty five years old, this job, this role; fronting an International company, is becoming difficult. The fact is, for years, I've known both my sons have been waiting to take control, waiting for the day I decide to step down... Waiting for this day.


The crowd seem to swell with excitement of impending change.


R. Eisen: For the last twenty years I've watched my sons grow; what's more I've seen my two children bicker, squabble and fight. Now, both over thirty years of age, they continue to argue like children. My hope is that my decision tonight will do something that nothing has ever done before; Unite Jerry and Eric Eisen as brothers. Without further ado, I would like first to introduce my eldest son, my first born; Jerry Eisen.


... The Introvert...


Jerry Eisen


Generic music plays as a clearly uncomfortable looking Jerry Eisen makes his way out to the ring. His eyes don't leave his father as he climbs the steps and steps into the ring. He takes a mic of his own but doesn't lift it to his mouth. He speaks to his father who just stares back at him, with his face emotionless. Eventually, Jerry gives in to the public display.


J. Eisen: Dad, please don't do this.


Richard finally cracks, a smile crossing his lips as Jerry speaks.


J. Eisen: Let's go back to your office, the three of us, and talk about this. We need to resolve this, but not out here, not in front of the world.


The chairman of the board continues to grin, almost sneering at his oldest son.


J. Eisen: I don't know what you think this is going to achieve? Either you're going to disappoint one of us, or you're going to make us work together. Neither one will bring Eric and I closer together; doing it in front of the world will DESTROY whatever is left of our relationship... Father, please, I beg you do NOT do this.


Richard lifts his mic to his mouth, waiting; allowing the murmuring fans to quiet down.


R. Eisen: This is my first problem with you running the company I built, Jerry. You've got no balls. You're talking like you're beaten already, like I've given this company to Eric before this night even started. So I have to ask, how would you even begin to deal with the wars we're involved in? Roll over and play dead as to avoid detection? You're a disappointment, Jerry, a mediocre Announcer who has been replaced; I'm ashamed of you. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, my youngest child, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen!


... The Extrovert...


Eric Eisen


The music of "The Supremacist" Eric Eisen plays as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out. He takes his time, allowing the crowd to bare their teeth in a vocal manor as he strides to the ring. Climbing inside, he grabs the mic from his brother and stares him in the eye for a moment, before turning to face his father.


E. Eisen: Alright old man, let's get this foregone conclusion under way.


The chairman shakes his head slightly.


E. Eisen: Listen, I am born for this; I was bred for this, I'm strong, I'm powerful and I'm a champion. You know it, I know it and even he knows it...


Eric points to Jerry stood back with his hands in his pockets, clearly fearing the worst.


E. Eisen: You said it yourself, no balls. There is no-one else who could do the job you do except me. The Supremacist and Chairman of SWF!


Richard's sneering grin becomes a look of abstract anger.




Eric stands his ground, but his head moves backwards, clearly taken aback.


R. Eisen: You think you're any better, Eric? Don't forget, I was there when you curled up in a ball in the corner of a lockeroom when everyone had left crying because "the boys didn't like you". The boys saw you as nothing more than my son. I told you to man up; I told you to stand up for yourself, and what did you do? You sat from afar and manipulated your way to that Championship. Is THAT what you think being an Eisen is? Well I tell you for one thing, it's NOT! To be a Eisen you have to reach out with your own hands and CRUSH your competition. Sadly, neither of you have what it takes to run my company.


Both Eric and Jerry look at one another and then at their father confused.


R. Eisen: Ladies and gentlemen, earlier today I signed over my role as Chairman and decision making power in an emergency board meeting to the man who came as close to revolutionising this industry as anyone since me. Ladies and gentlemen, the new Chairman of the Supreme Wrestling Federation... PHIL VIBERT!


... The New Power...


Phil Vibert


Eric Eisen explodes, throwing his World Championship to the mat as his father leaves the ring. As he walks up the ramp he stops to shake hands with Vibert, smiling back at his children in the ring. Eric continues to shout and curse, while Jerry merely sinks into the corner, sat looking out at his father and Vibert. Finally, Richard leaves and Vibert climbs into the ring with the mic in his hand as passed to him by the former Chairman.


Vibert: Ladies and gentlemen; it is SO good to be here.


The crowd pop for the innovator of DaVE, as Eric stands, chest heaving, eyes popping out of his head.


Vibert: I wont keep you here long as we have an action packed night left in front of us, but I do have someone to address... And that, is you...


Vibert turns to face Eric Eisen with his finger pointed at the Champion's chest.


Vibert: I understand that you've had a big disappointment here tonight, but I have some great news. I have a couple of old friends who just can't WAIT to see you... And tonight, those old friends with compete; the winner? The winner will face you for your World Heavyweight Championship at Hell Freezes Over... Ladies and gentlemen, the men who will fight in our Main Event this evening...


The cameras cut to a split screen with two separate entrances to the building opening simultaneously...


...The Victim & The Patsy


Jack Bruce & Rich Money


The crowd go wild, and Eric Eisen looks like he's just seen a ghost. His eyes are wide and suddenly he bolts. Grabbing his title belt on the way out, Eisen bails into the crowd and doesn't stop, fearing retribution for his actions of the past months. Vibert waves to the crowd, yet strangely, Jerry Eisen hasn't moved.


Michaels: Wow! Well it looks like we know why Jerry's not out here with us! He's been REPLACED.

Fry: And Phil Vibert is our new boss? I didn't get THAT memo.

Garcia: Things could be VERY different over the next few months.

Michaels: You can say that again, Ana. Ladies and gentlemen, up next we have our FIRST match of 2010 with Lobster Warrior facing John "Squeaky" McClean!




Squeaky McClean Vs Lobster Warrior


Following three losses in a row, Lobster Warrior looked to take on a defeat Straight Edge John "Squeaky" McClean one on one in our opening contest. Both men worked hard, both having control for short periods before Lobby took full control. Victory looked to be destined as he hit a series of moves that would often lead to his finishing move The Lobster Trap, but as he looked to hit it, McClean dodged the attack; he managed to roll Lobby up in a school boy and gripping the tights for leverage, he kept the Underwater Sensation down for the three count!


Winner of the match by pinfall - Squeaky McClean


Garcia: Another difficult loss for Lobby to take. He seems way out of sorts recently...

Michaels: He's such a fun guy! It's not like him to seem down; he's not even waving to the fans.

Fry: Honestly; I don't have any sympathy for the man. He dresses like a crustacean for god sake! This is a serious business...

Michaels: That not withstanding, Lobster Warrior is the fans choice; I just can't see him going through this funk much longer. Ladies and gentlemen, don't go anywhere, we'll be back after this commercial break.




The Ice Queen...


Emma Chase


We head backstage to find Emma Chase in the private Locker room she shares with Brandon James. She stands in the mirror touching up her make-up. The door in the mirror behind her opens and she is joined by someone who is NOT her client.


... The Fire To Melt The Ice...


Joe Sexy


Chase immediately spots the new entrant and spins on the spot. Her eyes narrow, a look of fury crossing her beautiful face.


Chase: What in the HELL are you doing in my locker room? Do you not know how to knock? I could have been changing or anything...


Sexy: A man can hope...


Chase: Are you serious? Get the hell out of here before Brandon comes back here and snaps your neck.


Sexy: You're worth it...


Emma looks suddenly taken aback, his response seemingly breaking through her icy exterior for a moment...


Chase: What?


Sexy: The beautiful Emma Chase, the women a million men want and who a million women want to be. Well guess what? I'm one of the million who want you. I've watched you here for years, just being you. I've seen the heat behind your icy exterior, and you know what? I see what the truth is... The only thing missing in your life; love. You and Brandon? The world knows you're no more than a business arrangement. He uses you and you use him, I get that, I understand that, but it can't fulfil you... Me? I don't want you to win me matches, I don't want you to break deals for me...


Sexy moves forward and places his hand on the side of Chase's face.


Sexy: I just want you...


Sexy leans forward, closer to Chase whose eyes seem to have glazed over, with their lips just an inch apart, Sexy speaks again.


Sexy: Think about it, and let me know...


And with that, Joe turns and walks away. As he does, Emma stumbles forward a little before clearing her throat and adjusting her skirt. She turns back to the mirror and takes a moment before continuing to fix her make up.


Joe leaves the room, and stops outside the door smiling to himself. Before walking off past the camera; in the distance stands a figure, brow furrowed and fists balled.


... The Third Party.


Brandon James


Big Money looks on, clearly unhappy with Joe's unscheduled visit.


Michaels: Wow; Joe seemed really serious there Ana...

Garcia: Perhaps, but how many times have we seen these "love triangles" take a strange turn for the worse.

Fry: Pretty much every single love story I've seen in this business; there's always an ulterior motive.

Michaels: I think we need to keep our eyes on this situation, but right now ladies and gentlemen we have the Number One contenders match for the Tag Team Championships with The Pain Alliance taking on the Amazing Bumfholes.




The Pain Alliance Vs The Amazing Bumfholes


A huge gulf of difference between the four men involved in this match was apparent to see. The crowd were very much behind the Bumfholes as The Pain Alliance looked to use their size and strength to ground their high flying opponents. As normal, Big Smack Scott looked to slow things down and keep things simple with impactful rights, lefts and boots, leaving Kurt Laramee to be a little more adventurous. However, it was Scott who would be the crucial element this week as Zimmy Bumfhole made the mistake of trying a top rope cross body which Scott managed to reverse into a, somewhat clumsy looking, powerslam! The referee made the count, and Laramee kept Randy on the outside as The Pain Alliance became number one contenders.


Winners of the match by Pinfall and Number One contenders for the SWF Tag Team Titles - The Pain Alliance


Michaels: The Pain Alliance will go on to face Valiant and Giedroyc at When Hell Freezes Over!

Garcia: By somewhat nefarious means however!

Fry: That may be so, but the referee didn't see it. Therefore, the match is on!

Michaels: Well I can't wait to see how the champs react to this news.


A Fallen Warrior...


Lobster Warrior


We head backstage to find a dejected looking Lobster Warrior sat alone on top of the storage boxes used for transporting SWF equipment, he covers his face with his claws, bent forward keeping himself away from everyone else. Suddenly, a voice cuts through the air...


Voice: Hey, Lobby!


Warrior looks up to find the source of the voice walking towards him.


... A friendly face


Gregory Black


Warrior: Oh, hey Greg... How's it going?


Black: It's good, I've got a match in a few, but I just wanted to check you were Ok? I watched your match and you didn't seem like yourself when it was over.


Warrior: Really Greg? Was I not dancing around after I lost? Well isn't that a surprise?


Clearly Warrior catches Black off guard with this display, immediately he looks abashed.


Warrior: Greg, I'm... I'm sorry. I don't mean to take my frustrations out on anyone else. I suppose I'm just frustrated; I'm on a major losing streak, just when I'd found my feet here. After everything that happened with the Underwater Union, I'd finally been able to stand on my own and really start to make a name for myself. Now? Now I just don't feel like I could buy a win...


Black slaps Lobby on the back.


Black: Have you ever considered that maybe... Y'know...


Warrior: What?


Black: That maybe, the "Lobster Warrior" thing, with the big claws and the mask, might be holding you back? That maybe you could be more without it?


Lobby doesn't reply, he just stares up in the face of Greg Black.


Black: I mean look at me; I was Groucho Bling for years, and now I'm Gregory Black. I've gone from strength to strength, and it's all down to the fact that I'm taking this more seriously. It can't hurt you to think about it...


Lobby still doesn't reply; the air is almost thick with the uncomfortable silence.


Black: Um... Well maybe, just think about it? Just something I thought I'd say, y'know, as a friend? Wish my luck buddy...


With that, Black turns and walks away, leaving Lobby still silent, his face staring off into the distance.


Michaels: Well that was uncomfortable...

Fry: Maybe, but I can't help think Black had a point. He's been at his most successful since taking this business more seriously.

Garcia: But Lobster Warrior is one of the SWF's biggest and most recognisable characters! He's just in a funk...

Michaels: Perhaps, but even so, up next we have the match that Gregory Black has just mentioned. Remo and Vengeance taking on the team of Steve Frehley and Gregory Black!




Remo & Vengeance Vs Gregory Black & Steve Frehley


A mix of power and fast paced action were the orders of the day with Black's quickness causing problems for their powerful opponents. It didn't take long for the power game to catch up with him however, and it was only a lucky tag to Steve Frehley that allowed their team to even up the power stakes. A lot of back and forth brawling between Frehley and both his opponents saw Remo and Vengeance take control. The two monstrous opponents cut the ring off, keeping Frehley away from Black who tried as he might could not get the tag. After a couple of minutes of control, Remo accidentally took down Vengeance and managed Frehley to get the Hot Tag! The crowd went wild as Frehley and Vengeance went toe to toe on the outside and Black took it to Remo in the ring; in the end, Remo's power was too much, yet as he looked to have the match finished, and with the referee distracted by outside brawling, the crowd went WILD for Lobster Warrior hitting the ring!


... A Helping Claw...


Lobster Warrior


Gregory Black climbed to his feet and turned around as Remo steadied himself for the attack... SHELL FISH SHOCK! The crowd are left in stunned silence as it is Gregory Black on the ground. Lobby is scene taking off the claws and pulling off his mask mouthing "Is this REAL enough for you Black?!" as Remo made the pin for the victory.


Winners of the match following Lobster Warrior turning on Gregory Black - Remo & Vengeance


Michaels: I can't BELIEVE Lobster Warrior did such a thing!

Fry: Be careful what you ask for, Mr. Black!

Garcia: Right or wrong, Gregory Black was only trying to help! There was no need for such an assault!

Michaels: And it's still not over; look! Vengeance and Frehley are still fighting!


A Battle of Strength


Steve Frehley & Vengence


The result of the match seemed to be unimportant to either of the men pounding away at one another at ringside. The crowd, suddenly realising that now that Lobster Warrior is gone, these two bitter enemies still continued to do battle. Both men gave and took everything the other could offer, boots, punches, head slams against tables and ring posts. The assault continued and seemed to have no real end in sight!


It finally took an underhanded deed for either man to gain control as Vengeance reached over the timekeepers desk and took his hammer used for ringing the bell, turned and slammed it hard into Frehley's midriff. The audible "Ugh..." that emanated from Frehley signalled the pain he was in. The Dark Destroyer dropped to his knees in front of the announce table as Vengeance slowly walked around him. Once behind, he raised the hammer into the air and brought it down sharply on Frehleys' trapezium muscle at the base of his neck.


The crowd were instantly subdued as Vengeance reached out and gripped his opponents hair, not allowing him to fall, before raising the hammer again and bringing it down for a second time in the exact same place. Frehley dropped like a stone, face first into the mats surrounding the ring. Without a word, and without taking his eyes off his fallen prey, Vengeance walked slowly backwards until he left the ringside area.


Michaels: No! NO! Come on! This is heinous! No-one should be put through t his!

Garcia: Frehley could have a separated shoulder, a broken collar bone, even neck damage. This could mean serious injury.

Fry: He could be lucky; if the hammer only struck the muscle he could be looking at some serious bruising. If it missed that mark, I sense that things could be very dark for the destroyer.

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, please don't go anywhere, we'll be back after some words from our sponsors.




The Power...


Phil Vibert


We return from commercial to find Phil Vibert backstage in his office, his cell phone against his ear, casually talking.


Vibert:... really well. For my first show, things are panning out just how I want them too... In fact I would be... Hold on, I'll call you back...


The reason for Vibert's hastily ended phone call comes quickly as a new body enters the office.


... A Scorned Client


Brandom James


Vibert: Brandon; it was nice of you to knock. What can I do for you?


James: I want Joe Sexy in that ring tonight.


Vibert: You're handling your own match negotiations now? I thought that was Emma's job?


Brandon looks at the ground for a moment, seemingly at the mention of his manager.


Vibert: Ahhh, so she doesn't know you're here... Which begs the question, why doesn't she know you're here? And further more, why exactly do you want Joe Sexy so bad?


James: He's been bothering Emma; I don't like it, and I want to put a stop to it.


Vibert grins up into Brandon's face, surveying him.


Vibert: You see, I can't buy that he's been "bothering" her; otherwise knowing Emma, she'd have been in here herself telling me all about it. I think the problem is that he's been visiting but it hasn't been BOTHERING her, and you don't like that. Am I right?


James: My reasons, are my reasons, are you going to make the match, or do I need to make you make it?


Vibert laughs this time, out loud.


Vibert: Don't make threats you can't afford to carry out Brandon; you lay one finger on me and I will make sure your next match is for Penguin and Polar Bear Pro Wrestling. I have more stroke in this business than you could ever imagine. Listen to me, back in DaVE, there was a reason Emma Chase was called "Easy Emma". If she's not rebuffing Joe's advances, you destroying him isn't going to make that happen. But how about this; Joe has a match against Angry Gilmore later tonight. If he wins, then he's done enough to earn a shot at your championship at When Hell Freezes Over.


James: So, Joe wins, I get to crush him at the Pay Per View?


Vibert: If that's how you expect it to go? Then sure... If Joe wins, you and him for your North American Championship.


James smiles and turns away from Vibert, as he does he makes one final statement.


James: Thank you Phil, that's a weight off my mind.


As he leaves, Vibert looks concerned, and we return to ringside.


Michaels: Well our match between Gilmore and Sexy has now become a Number One contenders match!

Fry: And it should be a good one! Angry Gilmore and Joe Sexy collide and it's next!

Garcia: Boys! I just cannot wait; let's head to the ring.




Angry Gilmore vs Joe Sexy


Both men started the match cautiously, knowing what victory would mean. Neither wanted to risk a mistake, and neither wanted to try something daring. Gilmore took control early on with his technical prowess coming to the forefront, he looked to grind Joe into the ground but could not find away to force his opponent to into either a pinfall or submission situation. Eventually, Gilmore give way to frustration, making a mistake going to the top rope upon which Sexy capitalised. Sexy took control, looking for opportunities to defeat his more skilled opponent, but none came. Finally, it was Joe's turn to make a mistake; a charging clothesline missed it's mark and his sternum crashed into the turn buckles. From then on, it was academic; Gilmore toyed with his food before devouring, and a long standing pause to wait for Sexy to get to his feet was interrupted...


Taking matters into his own hands...


Brandon James


Sexy hit the ground hard, but not from an Anger Management, but from Brandon's Big Money Move... The refree had no choice and called for the bell. Brandon rolled out of the ring quickly, looking to avoid the ire of Angry Gilmore, but grinned at the ring knowing his actions had won Joe Sexy the match and an opportunity for the belt at When Hell Freezes Over...


Winner of the match by disqualification (via attack by Brandon James) and Number One contender for the SWF North American Title- Joe Sexy


Michaels: Well it looks like "Big Money" Brandon James paid up front for his opportunity to take out Joe Sexy.

Fry: And he invested well because he gets JUST what he wants at When Hell Freezes Over!

Garcia: I've said it once and I'll say it again; be careful what you wish for. He could end up regretting his actions...

Michaels: He could indeed; well ladies and gentlemen up next we have an interview with Christian F... Wait... We've been told there's a disturbance backstage.


A Giant Beatdown...


Marat Khoklov


We head backstage where we find the massive back of Marat Khoklov bent double over someone whom we cannot see. All that we have to go off is a black boot between Khoklov's legs. The Giant's arms reign down rights and lefts again and again against his fallen and beaten opponent, until suddenly the boot on the ground swings north and catches the Giant in the groin! As Khoklov staggers backwards out of the way, a figure slowly begins to rise...


... Never Say Die


Christian Faith


Christian Faith slowly and groggily drags himself up, reaching out for anything he can find. Finally, his hand grips a fire extinguisher, and he lets off a jet of CO2 into the Giant's face. Khoklov does little more than grunt as he starts flailing wildly, his hand connecting and breaking through two doors! Faith staggers backwards as one of the doors open and a member of the production crew steps out.


Wrong place, wrong time. The crew member is picked up by the blind Giant and tossed into another door which he crashes straight through. A moment later, Khoklov regains his sight and notices what he's done. A half sneer crosses his face as he faces Faith who advances with the extinguisher in hand. A wild right hand slap sends the weapon crashing against a nearby wall exploding into life and this time blinding Faith. Within moments the action is over; Khoklov has his hand locked around Faith's neck and like a rag doll the Iron Man is slammed from side to side of the corridor bouncing off the walls as if they were made of rubber.


Finally, Khoklov is finished, but not without a final blow; lifting Faith up into the air and throwing him through the nearest door. The living legend lies motionless on the ground inside a nearby office, as Marat Khoklov merely walks away.




As bodies rush into view, we head back to the ring for our main event.


Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, in the fifteen years I've had the honour of commentating for the SWF, I've never seen anyone dominate Christian Faith like Khoklov has recently; I just can't see how he can possibly escape at the Pay Per View.

Fry: You're right, Peter, and as wrestling commentators and fans we've seen Giant's before, but none have been so physically dominant as Khoklov has been.

Garcia: He's a monster, pure and simple, and he has one goal; destruction.

Michaels: And from a physical monster to the victims of a mental monster. Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us because after this commercial break, our Main Event will see a new Number One contender to Eric Eisen's World Heavyweight Title.






Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money


After months of torture, Jack Bruce had already seen his body beaten down and broken; this, however, was the first time Rich Money had been seen since the decimation he felt at the hands of Jack Bruce just two weeks earlier. Neither man looked as sharp or able as they did at Christmas Clash. The importance, however, was not lost as neither man considered the idea of losing. Their battle was neither as long or as violent as their previous clash, perhaps as both men now had a mutual goal, but their contest was still full of passion. The match swung between the two, with both men looking to gain the victory; both men had near falls and both men looked like they had the match in the bag. The referee, as often is the case, also felt the force of the attack as both men looked to commit a double clothesline within which the referee was caught and knocked unconscious. As both men looked to regain their vertical base; a third face interjected itself.


The Cowardly Champion...


Eric Eisen


Jack Bruce rises to his feet and turns, only to taste the gold of Eric Eisen's World Championship. As Jack lay on the ground, out cold, Rich Money rose to his feet only to find himself met with the Championship belt. As both suitors for his title stood at his feet, Eisen quickly pulled a bottle of water from his pocket and doused the unconscious referee waking him up. As the referee came around, the sight he saw only had one outcome. As Eisen went from one to the other, laying boots on his fallen enemies, the referee rang for the bell and called time on the match. As Eric Eisen stood tall, his Championship held aloft, the match was called a tie.


Match declared a Double Disqualification following interference by Eric Eisen


Michaels: Damn you Eric Eisen! Damn you!

Fry: It was a smart move, Peter, whether you like it or not! Now there is no Number one contender! We'll have to wait and see what comes next!

Garcia: And what our new Chairman will have to say on the matter...

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, please join us next week for another action packed edition of Supreme TV! Thank you for watching!



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Sitting back at his desk, exhausted, Phil Vibert finally remembered what it was like to book a weekly TV show with so much talent at his disposal. It was tough. Already he’d had Marc [Dubois], [Enforcer] Roberts and Freddie [Garcia] asking why they hadn’t been booked on the show. He’d been quick to reassure them that they were indeed in his plans but it would take time; time that he didn’t have in his first ninety minute show to provide the world with the depths of talent that SWF had to offer. He had ideas; many of which he’d put to Richard when he’d arrived.


Within a few moments there was a knock on the door. Vibert rubbed his tired hires and called for the visitor to enter, readying himself for another verbal war with a “jilted” superstar. He was, however, pleasantly surprised to find Emma Chase and Brandon James enter the room.


Vibert: Emma, Brandon. Excellent job tonight; you really put this feud with Joe on the map.


Chase: Thanks Phil, it was good getting direction from you again.


James: Yeah; it was like old times.


Vibert: Not too much like old times; now someone else is controlling the money.


The three laughed together at Phil’s self deprecation, something he would only do with those guys who were his staunchest supporters. He offered both a drink, to which they declined. The modern day athlete, even as a manager, neither would touch a drop.


Vibert: Definitely not like old times.


James: Not all of us can be creative genius’, Phil. Some of us need to extend our in ring career for as long as possible.


He knew that was the truth; although the shelf life of a pro-wrestler was longer than any other sport; it was a rare occasion that a name could hold up when a superstar was in his late 40’s and 50’s. The Sam Strongs and Rip Chords of this world were few and far between; there were a few that had the name power to carry on; but the likelihood of Emma Chase still being a draw when she hits mid thirties is unlikely. Such a shame, but the world still loved a young, attractive woman while the men seemed to carry on no matter what they look like.


Vibert: So is this a social visit or do you have something you want to talk about?


Chase: Purely social, Phillip! We were just leaving and wanted to say Hi and good job. The show was great.


James: It’ll be good to start swinging some chairs again.


The last sentence was a testing of the water. Vibert had expected it, especially from the DaVE Alumni; the thought of having fun with weapons was something that had slowly started to disappear from SWF over the last few years. Ironically, it was something Vibert had wanted to disassociate himself from. He’d tried to do it in Canada and, whilst he had been successful, he was still known down here for his violent and extreme style of matches.


Vibert: I wouldn’t be sharpening your thumb tacks just yet Brandon; there’s no guarantees what type of matches I’ll be booking.


James merely winks, letting Vibert know that he understood. He’d always had a good relationship with the Big Cat and this was something that was carrying over. He and Emma hugged, and he and James shook hands before the pair left. Vibert sat back in his chair again as he heard the two leaving superstars conversing with a third. The door to his office opened up again, and this time the former occupant made his entrance.


Vibert: Peter, good to see you.


Michaels: You too, Phil, you too…


They shook hands and Phil offered him a drink. He poured out two large glasses of whiskey and sat back in his seat.


Vibert: So what did you think?


Michaels: As a booker? I thought it was great; I saw things that I wouldn’t have thought of doing. It built things up well.


Vibert sensed a but coming on.


Michaels: As an announcer and a fan? It was…


He braced himself; he knew that Peter had never wanted to really give up his booking duties, but the fact that fans and smarks alike had noted that his commentating had began to suffer, especially during the crucial and altogether stressful “Jack Bruce: Man Under Pressure” storyline, had convinced him he needed to scale back. Little details, those which had been his strong point had started to slip, he’d been saved on a number of occasions by Ana Garcia and to a lesser extent Jerry Eisen.


Michaels: It was beautiful man… Like poetry in motion. I felt like I was watching through the eyes of a fan and it was excellent. The fans loved Richard telling his kids they were punks. You could tell by the pop! Jerry’s always been labelled as a sycophant and Richard called him on it; they already hate Eric. It put you in the box seat as the on screen face straight away. The rest of the show fit into place perfectly.


Vibert smiled; this was his main hurdle. A critique from a man who had done this job, and done it well, for a fair few years.


Michaels: Putting you and Brandon in a segment was a master stroke. You proved that your character isn’t going to offer favours to former DaVE employees. My only misgiving? Too many run-ins… Three in five matches? I’d have done less.


Vibert: Possibly, but we needed to forward some storylines quickly. I didn’t think Tom deserved to lose cleanly to Joe, but we needed Joe to win so he could face Brandon at the Pay Per View. AND it gives Tom another reason to be “Angry”.


Michaels: Like he needs another reason.


Both Phil and Peter laugh as they slurp their drinks. A few minutes later and their discussion about the shows had come to an end. They said their good byes and Peter left to head back to the hotel. Phil looked at himself in the mirror, noticing the smile etched across his face; he couldn’t help but think, with all the confidence of a man with a successful first day on the job… I’m back.

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SWF World Heavyweight Champion


Eric Eisen


SWF North American Champion


"Big Money" Brandon James


SWF Tag Team Champions


Valient and Giedroyc





Akima Brave, American Machine, Angry Gilmore, Bart Biggz, Big Smack Scott, Brandon James


Brett Biggz, Captain Atomic, Christian Faith, Enforcer Roberts, Eric Eisen,Everest


Frederique Antonio Garica, Giedroyc, Gregory Black, Jack Bruce, Joe Sexy, John Greed


Jungle Jack, Kid Toma, Knuckles, Kurt Laramee, Marat Khoklov, Marc Dubois


Randy Bumfhole, Remo, Rich Money, Robbie Retro, Runaway Train, Shady K


Squeaky McClean, Steve Frehley, Valiant, Vengeance & Zimmy Bumfhole


Tag Teams








Staff Members




Richard Eisen


Head Booker


Phil Vibert




Peter Michaels & Duane Fry


Colour Commentators


Ana Garcia




Hannah Potter & Jerry Eisen




Dawn The Cheerleader, Emma Chase & Jessie




Darren Smith, Ric Young & Shane Stones


Road Agents


Chief Two Eagles, Marcus McKing & Pat Deacon

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Card is Subject To Change


SWF Tag Team Title Match

The Pain Alliance Vs Valiant© and Giedroyc©


Regular Singles Match

Vengeance Vs Steve Frehley


SWF North American Title Match

Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy


Regular Singles Match

Marat Khoklov Vs Christian Faith


SWF World Heavyweight Title Match

Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce/Rich Money (TBC)

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Finally got a chance to read your first episode and really loved what you started out with! You can tell that you've got a good eye for detail, as show in some of your segments, and, honestly, detail is where a good writer flourishes. In most cases, it's best to be concise with your detail, in which not to overload others, but you did a great job of balancing such a process.


Here are some things that most jumped out...


  • I really like the idea of having Vilbert 'take over' the SWF. While in most projects the Eisen brothers typically take this role, I really like the 'out of the box' idea of having Vilbert come in and shake things up. In reality, as 'Tricky D*ck' put it, Vilbert was, quite possibly, the closest thing to Richard Eisen during his stint with DaVE; revolutionizing the industry in the process. Great call here; I'm excited to see how it unfolds & how the former DaVE workers interact with their former leader.

  • Lobby getting a pep talk from Greg Black only to then turn around and attack Black was great! It felt very old-school in nature. Guy psyches up another to make a change, do something shocking to spice things up (a la dropping the lobster warrior persona), only to have the psyched up wrestler make his grand 'change' at the expense of the man who inspired him to do so in the first place. Great stuff & makes room for a good storyline going forward!

  • I'm excited to see how you book, portray, Joe Sexy going forward; he's one of my favorite characters in the Cornellverse!

  • The Marat/Faith segment was written really well. I especially love the beginning (how you describe the process of us finding out that it's Faith; very creative).

  • Also, great way to end the show having Eric assault both contenders; making the outcome mute. I've always thought of Eric as a cross between The Miz, recent Jericho, and Shawn Michaels' arrogance of old. To attack his top contenders, going as far as to wake up the referee with water so that he could see the attack in which to call for a DQ, is great booking on your part. This way, as readers, we hate Eisen already; as he's shown that he only cares about how HE wants things to unfold (not by natural occurences).


Keep up the great work, Mike! You've got a great base to work off of here.





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Finally got a chance to read your first episode and really loved what you started out with! You can tell that you've got a good eye for detail, as show in some of your segments, and, honestly, detail is where a good writer flourishes. In most cases, it's best to be concise with your detail, in which not to overload others, but you did a great job of balancing such a process.


Here are some things that most jumped out...


  • I really like the idea of having Vilbert 'take over' the SWF. While in most projects the Eisen brothers typically take this role, I really like the 'out of the box' idea of having Vilbert come in and shake things up. In reality, as 'Tricky D*ck' put it, Vilbert was, quite possibly, the closest thing to Richard Eisen during his stint with DaVE; revolutionizing the industry in the process. Great call here; I'm excited to see how it unfolds & how the former DaVE workers interact with their former leader.

  • Lobby getting a pep talk from Greg Black only to then turn around and attack Black was great! It felt very old-school in nature. Guy psyches up another to make a change, do something shocking to spice things up (a la dropping the lobster warrior persona), only to have the psyched up wrestler make his grand 'change' at the expense of the man who inspired him to do so in the first place. Great stuff & makes room for a good storyline going forward!

  • I'm excited to see how you book, portray, Joe Sexy going forward; he's one of my favorite characters in the Cornellverse!

  • The Marat/Faith segment was written really well. I especially love the beginning (how you describe the process of us finding out that it's Faith; very creative).

  • Also, great way to end the show having Eric assault both contenders; making the outcome mute. I've always thought of Eric as a cross between The Miz, recent Jericho, and Shawn Michaels' arrogance of old. To attack his top contenders, going as far as to wake up the referee with water so that he could see the attack in which to call for a DQ, is great booking on your part. This way, as readers, we hate Eisen already; as he's shown that he only cares about how HE wants things to unfold (not by natural occurences).

Keep up the great work, Mike! You've got a great base to work off of here.






Much appreciated E-V; it's always great to hear feedback from someone that A) is highly respected for his dynasties and B) has a love for SWF. Sometimes when you're using characters that have been crafted over and over again it's hard to find "new ground" and that's what I'm trying to do. With a bit of luck, over time I'll be able to turn SWF into my vision rather than a carbon copy of anything else.


Taking a page from your USPW diary, I'm not looking to explode into bringing in characters that have never been seen before. Yes, I have expanded the Development scene but I'm much happier to wait and see how things progress with the current roster before I push on any changes.


There's such a depth of talent on the SWF roster and I really feel like I've not even scratched the surface as of yet. Fredrique Antonio Garcia, Enforcer Roberts, Marc Dubois, The Biggz Brothers, The Bumfholes, Robbie Retro, John Greed and Remo are all highly talented characters that don't start with any story and who as of yet haven't been placed into any fueds as I feel it would be too "rushed" to force something two weeks shy of a Pay-Per-View.


As for Joe Sexy? I've decided not to go with the overly cheesey route with him. A more serious "lathario" as opposed to an all round sleeze ball. He's a face; not a heel. I wanted him to come off as someone who really has got his eye on Emma Chase as opposed to trying to get her onside in a fued with Brandon. All in all, this is likely to be a longer term feud that will have other parties involved, hopefully leading all the way to The Supreme Challange. It should be fun either way.


Again; thank you for the praise and I do hope you keep following.


Great first show. I like that we're just diving in here, and I also like you're take on the starting storylines.


Thank you Codey; your John Heizenger story really made me have to think hard about what project I wanted to take on next. There's a lot of love to be found in building up a smaller C-Verse promotion; it feels like there's a lot of advancement quite quickly. You build your own version of lesser characters and can completely shape the place into your own feel without losing what the original company was all about.


In the end, I decided to mix the two ideas into one. The big name SWF with a gradual slow change as if Vibert really were booking. The starting storylines help in this case, especially with only two weeks until the first pay per view. My idea was that the Marat/Faith and Frehley/Vengence matches were already set, and I was adding in the title matches.


Again; I mirror my sentiment as I did with E-V; someone who is a popular and all together well respected diary writer is always someone I am keen to have on board as a supporter.


Many thanks


I really hope this can last more than a few shows because it is a splendid start


Thank you for your imput as well WGITF (It's so much easier to type!). Any feedback like this is more than enough motivation to continue. I've already started the write-up on my second show and I've booked one month in advance in the hope that this will A) Keep me motivated to continue and B) Not lead me into thinking too much about what is coming next rather than what I'm writing now.


I do feel that whilst the shows content was good, my presentaton and a couple of mistakes were sloppy; I need to shape up on that score and make sure I fully read the show before I post. I managed to cover up one or two errors once I'd posted but all in all, I want to improve that going forward.


Thanks for all the comments guys; to get this feedback early on is a great feeling and helps to keep motivation levels high.

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Week 2, January, 2010

LIVE from The New Hampshire Garden

Attendence - 16,739




Peter Michaels, Duane Fry & Anna Garcia


A Recap...


Richard Eisen, Jerry Eisen, Eric Eisen, Phil Vibert, Jack Bruce & Rich Money


Before opening credits, video packages or welcomes, we are reminded of last weeks action with a new Chairman being appointed by Richard Eisen; in turn, disappointing his sons. It also reminded us that Phil Vibert made a number one contenders match between Jack Bruce and Rich Money for later in the evening. The final reminder was that of the No Contest ending to their match with Eric Eisen standing tall over his opponents, arms raised in mock victory. As we come to the close, the opening for SWF Supreme TV begins.


Michaels: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another action packed, full filled edition of SWF Supreme TV! My name is Peter Michaels and I am joined at ringside by my broadcast colleagues Duane Fry and Ana Garcia!

Fry: Thank you Peter; it's great to be here calling the action! We have some great matches in store this evening! I can't wait to see it!

Garcia: But one man who reportedly WONT be here tonight is Jerry Eisen who has, I have been informed, been hit hard by his fathers decision last week.

Michaels: We wish Jerry a speedy recovery from whatever it is preventing him from being here tonight, and speaking of Eisen's, we've just been informed that the World Heavyweight Champion is about to make his way to the ring.


The Mastermind...


Eric Eisen


A chorus of boos ring out through the arena as the music of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen, hits the speakers. Making his way to the ring, Eric soaks in the boos with poise, his strides slow and his lip curled in a sneering grin. He climbs the steps and enters the ring, before taking a mic and standing centrally. As if buoyed by the reception, Eric holds his tongue just long enough to slowly raise the World Heavyweight Title into the air. Finally, through the throngs of hate, Eric speaks.


Eisen: Do you people think for one second that any of your opinions matter?


He pauses for a moment, allowing the boos to kick up again.


Eisen: Last week couldn't have started any worse for me. Overlooked for that abject failure, Phil Vibert, and then being told that the two men I had single handedly manipulated and outsmarted to win this championship were making their co-habiting return to action with the winner going on to face ME for MY Championship at When Hell Freezes over. At that moment, I stood amongst you, the unwashed masses...


Again he pauses for effect.


Eisen: ... And realised that it could not have gotten ANY worse. I walked backstage, heading for my limo and then I thought... No. At that moment the realisation hit me like a juggernaut; I could still work this night in my favour. And work that night into my favour I did...


The grin of arrogance on Eisen's face was enough to make the fans curl in anger.


Eisen: As this show went off the air last week, there wasn't a Jack Bruce Rock Star celebration, there were no Rich Money champagne parties. There was "The Supremacist" Eric Eisen, stood tall over the fallen bodies of the men who want THIS Championship, with his hand raised.


Eisen holds up his belt, a visual marker of success, and a clear indication that he wanted to prove his championship credentials.


Eisen: Now as most of you must have realised by now, I am no idiot. I realise my actions will have drawn the ire of both Bruce and Money; I also realise that the likelihood is Phil Vibert will be unhappy with the outcome. This, my friends and countrymen, is why I decided that I need some back-up, some... Protection. And what better protection could there be than the Russian Hammer and Sickle himself... Marat Khoklov!


... The Bodyguard...


Marat Khoklov


The Giant Russian makes his way out to the ring to his music, drawing a similar anger from the fans; partly due to his recent actions towards Christian Faith, partly by association with the most hated man on the SWF roster. Khoklov climbs into the ring and stands behind Eric, a visual aid to those who had never realised the Giant's size and strength.


Eisen: This man needs, nor has any interest in understanding English. His motivations are simple, destruction and money. I made it clear and simple for him; stand by my side and you will have bodies to to rip apart and you will be paid handsomely for the privilege. His actions towards Christian Faith, who is unlikely to be able to make it to When Hell Freezes Over, never mind here tonight, have proven just how dominant he can be. Anyone would be a fool to try and mess with me whilst Khoklov is around...


... A Wild Eyed Rock Star...


Jack Bruce


And with that, as so often happens in professional wrestling, those famous last words are met by the sound of Rock Star chords. The crowd go wild for the former World Heavyweight Champion as Jack Bruce makes his way out to the ramp way with a mic in hand.


Bruce: You know what Eric? Once upon a time I would have agreed with every single word you said. Only a fool would mess with you when you've got Khoklov by your side; a fool or a mad man. What you seem to have forgotten, however, is that Jack Bruce may be no fool, but he sure as hell can be crazy. I've destroyed hotel rooms, and I've partied for days at a time, I've picked fights with the biggest and the baddest, and I've suffered the consequences. I've done and seen things that would make you cower in the corner of the lockeroom just like your daddy said last week. I've proven I'm a mad man Eric; and that was before you tortured me from behind a curtain for nine months. You've driven me closer to insanity than any tour, any groupie or any week long party I've ever been on. You may have written the music Eric, but now I write the lyrics. They're going to be hard hitting, and real god damn crazy...


... A Gambling Man...


Rich Money


Bruce drops the mic and starts his stride to the ring. The colour drains from Eisen's face as he quickly pushes Khoklov into the forefront. The big Russian, of course, looks happy to oblige as he stands back waiting for The Rock Star to enter the ring. However as Bruce reaches the middle of the ramp, more entrance music kicks in as Rich Money makes his way out in front of the a psyched crowd.


Money: Who'd have thought it? After the beatings we've given one another over the last three weeks, Rich Money and Jack Bruce actually agree on something. Eric Eisen, you're a weasely son of a bitch, and whilst I can identify with everything you've done, I just can't shake that pissed off feeling you get when you get bitten. I'm caught between a rock and hard place, Eric, you see the smart money would be to take Jack Bruce out of the picture, leaving you and I to play poker over that championship you're holding. The problem with that? I've never been one for the short odds, and the good outside bet is that if Jack and I work together a little; we could take you out of the picture altogether and then he and I could finish what we've started with a big jackpot in tow.


As he speaks, Money has made his way down the ramp and now stands side by side with Bruce.


Money: The old Rich Money would stand here now and crack Jack Bruce across the side of his head and pick his pockets; but this new, improved, and all together much more pissed off Rich Money feels the need to cash in on all this built up rage. Right now? I think Jack and I have good odds on taking you and you're Chernobyl surviving friend... And it's a bet you can take all the way to the bank.


Money and Bruce drop their mics and advance on the ring. Eisen is calling out instructions to Khoklov who clearly can't or doesn't want to listen. Instead, the big Russian just looks on ready for the fight; however this attempted mugging is quickly quelled by the introduction of the Chairman of the Board.


... A Calming Influence.


Phil Vibert


The leader of the SWF lockeroom makes his way out just as the fighting is about to begin. In attempt to stop the violence before it even begins, Vibert begins speaking over his own music.


Vibert: Hold on, hold on, hold on... Jack, Rich, please! Hold on for a second; before you make any rash moves, will you hear me out.


The crowd boo Vibert's intervention, before an audible chant of "Let them fight" begins to ring out throughout the arena.


Vibert: I know the both of you are unhappy with Eric's actions last week, and I can't blame you for wanting to tear him limb from limb. In fact, I can't blame these people for wanting to see you tear him limb from limb. The problem, as I can see it, is that when there are no rules, Eric's wild card in that ring will cause you more problems than you could ever know. Don't believe me? Go ask Christian Faith, the man who spent two days in a hospital bed because of Marat Khoklov.


The crowd boo as Marat grins. Clearly he doesn't understand, but hearing the boos and the name Christian Faith have gotten the message across.


Vibert: If you walk away now, I can give you everything you want Jack... And you Rich. If you back away from this fight then tonight, in that very ring, the two of you will take on Marat Khoklov and Eric Eisen in a Tag Team match!


The crowd pops and both Bruce and Money seem to like the idea.


Vibert: Whatsmore, if you both walk away now, I will be happy to announce that at When Hell Freezes Over, Eric Eisen WILL defend his World Heavyweight Champion against BOTH of you in a Triple Threat Match.


The crowd go wild, as the new number one contenders agree; they can wait. Both men walk backwards up the ramp as Eric Eisen goes crazy; for the second time in two weeks he slams his title into the ground and starts to shout back up the ramp. Vibert's music plays out as the Chairman stands atop the ramp with a grin across his face.


Michaels: Two HUGE announcements right there! A Main Event for both tonight and When Hell Freezes Over; but the question remains, will Jack Bruce and Rich Money be able to co-exist, and what role will Marat Khoklov play in the next weeks events.

Fry: I have no idea, Peter, but one thing is for sure, I just cannot WAIT to see how this whole thing pans out.

Garcia: Phil Vibert has shown tonight that his power is absolute; he prevented what could have been a MASSACRE at the hands of Khoklov, and has now confined the monster to play within the rules or cost his employer the match.

Michaels: Playing by the rules has NOT been Khoklov's strength as of late; ladies and gentlemen please stay where you are, after these messages we have our opening contest!







Two differing fueds spill into one match here tonight in tag team action. Joe Sexy started the match with Vengeance and managed to find himself dominated quickly. This, it was clear, was something Brandon James was keen to take advantage of, beating down Sexy with an intensity that had not been scene in the North American Champion in a long, long time. It was noticeable, during the beat down of Joe, that Emma Chase seemed a little distracted, and her encouragement for her client was less than enthusiastic as she seemed to be concerned for the man who has seemed to try and capture her attention in recent weeks. It was, as Brandon James looked to close out the match, this hesitation that looked to cost her client. With the referee distracted and Brandon calling Chase onto the apron to perform her signature slap that would set up Brandon's Big Money Move, Chase did not. As Brandon released Joe and shouted over the ropes to Chase, Joe was able to get the tag to Frehley who cleaned house. He took control of Brandon, and even Vengeance when the tag came to play, but dirty tricks once again lead to Big Money being in control. This time, Emma Chase did not hesitate and as she swung her right hand, Frehley ducked. She caught Brandon in the face. His anger was clear and this was not helped as Frehley pushed James into his manager knocking her from the apron. He made for the tag to Joe who... Was not there! Sexy was on the ground tending to Chase and when Frehley turned around, it was Vengeance who had tagged himself in and a Six Feet Under later, Vengeance and Brandon were victorious.


Winners of the match by pinfall - Vengeance and Brandon James


Michaels: Chase needs to be careful, Duane; had she cost Brandon the match, I don't think he would have been too happy.

Fry: Definitely not; in fact, I would suggest Brandon was lucky Emma was knocked from the apron as it distracted Joe.

Garcia: Perhaps, but it doesn't look like Brandon is too happy with that outcome right now.


The Jealous Client...


Joe Sexy, Emma Chase & Brandon James


On the outside of the ring, the prone Emma Chase now has her head resting in on the knee of Joe Sexy who is seemingly attending to her every need. He's calling for a medic as he moves the hair from her face and then rubbing her forehead. In the ring, Brandon and Vengeance finish their celebrations as the Skull Faced warrior takes his leave and Brandon, finally notices the pair on the outside. Clearly angered, James leaves the ring and immediately sends a boot into Joe's face. Sexy falls backwards, unfortunately letting Chase's head fall and hit the outside mats hard. Brandon, however, seems not to care. He pulls Joe up to his feet and rolls him into the ring, before glancing momentarily at his manager. Sneering slightly, Brandon walks past her and takes a chair from the outside of the ring before climbing into the ring. Joe has just about struggled to his feet when a steel chair connects with his spine. His pain is audible as he falls to the mat, yet Brandon seems not to be finished. With a look of disdain and abject rage, he presses a boot into Joe's spine before lifting the chair up, ready to crush his When Hell Freezes Over opponent's skull when...


... The Most Unlikely Samaritan


Angry Gilmore


The surprised crowd seem unsure what to think at first as Tom "Angry" Gilmore makes his appearance. He sprints to the ring, as Brandon James waits looking somewhat angry himself. Big Money looks to meet Gilmore with a swing, but the more athletic Gilmore ducks. Turning on the spot, Gilmore catches James in the gut with a boot and hits the Anger Management! The crowd pop for the move that sends his larger adversary to the outside. Gilmore doesn't even look at Joe Sexy who is out cold on the mat, but merely looks Brandon James in his unconscious face. Suddenly he seems to realise the reaction from the fans, the cheers and the chants of "Gilmore! Gilmore! Gilmore!". As if reacting to the crowd, as opposed to any internal feelings, Gilmore climbs to the middle rope and raises his arms looking down on his opponent with a disdainful grin, arguably the first grin he has ever flashed whilst in the SWF.


Michaels: Well that was interesting; I never thought I'd see Angry Gilmore as the "saving" type.

Fry: Or smiling...

Garcia: Maybe not, but he made an impact tonight, and Brandon James will think twice about mindless beat downs.

Michaels: Knowing Brandon James, I doubt it. Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us, we'll be right back with another fantastic match.






Kurt Laramee Vs Giedroyc


As the more(?!) talented member of The Pain Alliance, Kurt Laramee had been tasked with the opportunity to take on one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Giedroyc. The match was a reasonable showing of what we could expect at When Hell Freezes Over, with Giedroyc representing the speed and technical ability and Laramee showing just what power could do. The match went from side to side with Giedroyc managing to switch up his offence between speed, aerial and technical whilst Laramee merely tried to blast his way from attack to attack. In the end, the power game seemed to be failing as Laramee was unable to keep up with his opponents speed. One thing, however, that seemed to catch up with Giedroyc was the the intervention of Big Smack Scott! Smack Daddy quickly (as possible) made his way down to the ring and jumped onto the apron distracting Giedroyc, allowing Laramee to regain his composure and also to hit the Switch Blade Powerslam. Making the cover, Laramee gained the pinfall.


Winner of the match by pinfall following distraction by Big Smack Scott - Kurt Laramee


Michaels: That was ridiculous! Scott clearly got involved!

Fry: But not physically, Peter, you know as well as I do, standing on the apron is not illegal!

Garcia: Unfortunately, he's right! All Scott did was take Giedroyc off his game, he should have concentrated on the opponent in the ring rather than his partner.

Michaels: Oh come on! It's still not right! And neither is this! We need to get the Pain Alliance under control out here!


Pain at the Hands of the Alliance...


Big Smack Scott, Kurt Laramee & Giedroyc


Following the pinfall, immediately Smack Daddy rolls into the ring. The Pain Alliance see an opportunity to soften up their opponent before the Tag Team Championship match. Scott pulls Giedroyc to his feet and drops him again almost immediately with a clothesline. As per their MO during their matches, they both begin dropping alternate elbows on their fallen adversary. The Pain Alliance take a moment to play to the crowd, Scott flexing his muscles, and Laramee sneering at them. Suddenly, there's a pop, the crowd go wild...


... A Saving Grace




From the back, much to the crowds delight, sprints the other half of the Tag Team Champions. Valiant hits the ring and immediately begins to take it to the challengers, he holds his own with a flurry of rights and lefts to the bigger opponents before the numbers game finally begins to catch up. The return to prominence of the Pain Alliance is short lived however, as the appearance of Dawn the Cheerleader catches The Scott Daddy's attention! He takes a moment to survey the beauty in front of him, allowing Giedroyc to regain his footing. Behind Scott's back, Laramee is double teamed, finally being taken over the top rope with a double clothesline. As Dawn drops from the apron, Scott turns around to find himself faced with both of the tag team champions... Without a word, he bails, and looks to support his less than happy looking tag team partner as the Champions celebrate to their music.


Michaels: The challengers won the battle, but will they win the war?

Fry: Valiant and Giedroyc have the momentum after this last altercation.

Garcia: That will be one hell of a match at When Hell Freezes Over!

Fry: The Champions could well have the toughest defence of their reign thus far.

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, up next we have the currently unoccupied Remo taking on Robbie Retro! Remo is looking to take out his frustrations at not yet being named on the When Hell Freezes Over card on The Disco Stud.




Remo Vs Robbie Retro


Whilst many expected a close contest between these two, Remo's apparent rage seemed to dominate all in this short, short match. From the moment the first bell rang to the moment the final bell tolled, Remo destroyed his equally sized opponent. Remo's attack was frenzied, focusing on the spine of his large opponent, with back breakers, spinebusters and an array of slams. Finally, through pity or a sense of inevitability, Remo finished the match with the Lumbar Puncture and made the cover for the three.


Winner of the match by pinfall - Remo


Michaels: A dominating performance by Remo there, clearly showing why he should be performing at When Hell Freezes Over.

Garcia: The problem is that all the big fish are tied up, and Remo clearly has not gotten a cut of the action!

Fry: He needs to take action, and fast, because when you're left off big shows, soon enough you find yourself surplus to requirements.

Michaels: I don't think you could ever say that about Remo; but from one frustrated superstar to another, let's head backstage to Gregory Black!


A Dishearted Dogooder...


Gregory Black


Heading backstage, we find Gregory Black stood in the interview area alone with a mic in hand. He paces back and forth, clearly thinking over the words in his head before speaking. Finally, he stops and looks deep into the camera.


Black: Last week, I spoke to Lobster Warrior not only as a friend, but as a man of experience. The advice I gave to him was the advice I gave myself months ago; take this business seriously, and be successful, or treat it as a joke and be treated like a joke. For years, the man I've known as "Lobby" has been loved by the fans and treated like a cult hero; in the same time he's also been reasonably successful, but recently? He seemed to take a step back, and as a friend, I was trying to not only help him move past his funk, but move on to bigger and better things.


Black looks to the ground, seemingly feeling more of an emotional pain rather than a physical one.


Black: And yet he chose to take his frustrations out on me; the man who tried to help him. Well, Lobby, I address you now directly. Last week was the biggest mistake you have EVER made. I will not forget how you tossed my friendship back in my face. I spoke to Mr. Vibert earlier today and I asked for a match with you at When Hell Freezes Over and he informed me that he had other plans for me that he was yet to announce. He also informed me that you've taken a leave of absence in order to find yourself. Well I hope you find yourself soon, man, because the sooner you come back and face the consequences the sooner we can both move past this and move on to bigger and better things. I'm counting down the days, Lobby, and I'll be here as your one man welcoming committee; you can be sure on that.


Dropping the mic, Gregory Black turns and walks out of shot, leaving us to fade to a commercial.




Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen before the commercial break we heard some impassioned words from Gregory Black who was brutally assaulted by the man formerly known as Lobster Warrior.

Garcia: And after shedding his shell last week, we can't help but wonder in what guise he will return.

Fry: It's about time he grew up; I for one applaud his actions if it takes him out of that costume.

Michael: Whilst Duane and Ana discuss fashion sense, ladies and gentlemen, I shall take us back to the ring for a battle between two men with similar ideals on different ends of the spectrum; Angry Gilmore going one on one with John "Squeaky" McClean.




John "Squeaky" McClean Vs Angry Gilmore


In a match that has been seen before, but never becomes tiresome, the Straight Edge duo of McClean and Gilmore look to take one another on in a match that would generally be considered a clash of styles within the same genre. The match was, for the most part, an even contest with each man getting an equal share of the aggression. The fact that McClean stood toe to toe with SWF's angriest superstar is a testament to his abilities. In fact, as the match drew on, it seemed like it would be McClean who would gain victory. His underhanded tactics drew the ire of the crowd and looked to infuriate Gilmore even more. With moments of the match left, McClean managed to, behind the referee's back rake his opponents eyes. An Irish whip later and McClean looked to hit The Clean Out; however, Gilmore ducked the attempt and, as earlier with Brandon James, turned on a dime... Kick to the gut and Anger Management! He rolled into the cover and the referee counted the three!


Winner of the match by pinfall - Angry Gilmore


Michaels: A great outing for Angry Gilmore, there. He showed the ability to control his explosive anger and focus on putting McClean away.

Garcia: And that's no mean feat! John McClean is one of SWF's top stars.

Fry: Angry Gilmore seems to be stepping his game up a little; and that can only mean bad intentions for the rest of the SWF roster.

Michaels: Wait! What the hell is this!?


The Victor...


Angry Gilmore


For the second time this evening, Gilmore takes to the second rope with a single arm raised. His half smile returns as he celebrates. His distinctive pleasure at the victort seems to drown out the changing of the mood in the ring as he jumps down and turns around...


... A Vengeful Beast


Brandon James


As he does, Gilmore is met by a clothesline from Big Money! The crowd boo the attack, as Emma Chase stumbles down the ramp, clearly uninformed about the impending attack. Back in the ring, James pulls Gilmore to his feet and hits a one arm choke buster, leaving Gilmore writhing in pain. From ringside, Chase calls that "that's enough!" clearly not wishing to risk retribution for the attack. James' final retribution comes as he pulls Gilmore to his feet and delivers his Big Money Move, leaving SWF's Angriest Superstar prone and out cold in the centre of the ring. Leaning over his fallen adversary, James can clearly been seen mouthing the words "Stay out of my business" before lifting his North American Championship into the air.


Michaels: Brandon James is out of control! First Joe Sexy and now Angry Gilmore! He's going to cause some serious damage!

Fry: I blame Joe Sexy; if he left Emma alone, none of this would be happening. Sex is the route of all evil.

Garcia: I'm not sure that's true; the old adage is that MONEY is the route of all evil, and Brandon James certainly proved that tonight.

Michaels: And now from an out of control Animal, to an out of control monster. Our Main Event; Khoklov and Eisen taking on Jack Bruce and Rich Money is live after some messages from our sponsers.






Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov Vs Jack Bruce & Rich Money


The most interesting part of this contest was the lack of interaction by Eric Eisen. Clearly the Supremacist didn't want any part of his When Hell Freezes Over opponents in this contest. The match swung back and forth between Khoklov's dominance of both Rich Money and Jack Bruce, to the two teaming up to keep him back. Eisen's involvement was limited to tagging in when either Bruce or Money seemed unlikely to return to a vertical base and quickly tagging out again when they seemed to regain their senses. Bruce and Money managed to work together for the most part, before clearly being unable to decide who would get the victory over Khoklov once they'd worked together to rock the giant. Their deliberations, however, appeared fruitless, as Khoklov managed to knock the illegal Jack Bruce out of the ring before smashing Rich Money to the ground with the Russian Legend Powerbomb for the victory. The pinfall, however, was not made by Khoklov, but the parasitic Eric Eisen who tagged in to claim the win.


Winners of the match by pinfall - Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov


Michaels: My GOD! Khoklov is unstoppable! BOTH of our number one contenders were left unable to even knock the big man off his feet.

Fry: He's a terrifying specimen Peter, and it doesn't look like he's finished...


The Post Match Attack...


Eric Eisen, Marat Khoklov, Jack Bruce and Rich Money


Back in the ring; Eric Eisen is calling to Marat to repeat the move upon Rich Money; however as he lifts him up to his feet, Jack Bruce returns to the ring. A huge boot to the face later, and Bruce is on the ground. Eisen quickly changes his tune, telling Khoklov to destroy Bruce, the other contender for his championship. Khoklov drags Bruce to his feet and tucks The Rock Star's head between his legs; he signals for the Russian Legend bomb when the crowd suddenly turn from hatred, to adulation.


... The Returning Hero


Christian Faith


As his music plays, Christian Faith half limps from the back, looking clearly uncomfortable as he strides to the ring with his long overcoat over his shoulders. Eric Eisen grins at the injured looking Iron Man, and Khoklov stands steady, his knuckles cracked and his eyes wide with what could only be called excitement. As Faith reaches the bottom of the ramp, his limp slowly disappears, a ruse to keep Khoklov and perhaps Eisen in the ring. The Champion begins to call out, much like earlier in the night, for Khoklov to protect him. Furthermore, Faith shrugs off his long overcoat revealing his arms wrapped from elbow to fist on both arms in heavy steel chain. For a moment, Khoklov looks unsure, but with Eisen barking instructions he stands his ground.


Faith climbs the steps and enters the ring, his eyes fixed on the Giant Russian as Khoklov makes the first move. A wild swing is ducked by Faith who swings a right hand into Khoklov's ribs. A second wild swing is ducked as a left hand is driven into the opposite side of Khoklov's chest. The Giant grimaces for a millisecond. Faith, however, seizes the opportunity and begins to fire rights and lefts into the giants stomach and sternum, before finally hitting three big alternate rights and lefts to Khoklov's Jaw. The giant staggers before being struck with an amazing right and left hand punch at the same time!


Staggering again, Faith calls to the fans for a Flying Forearm, and hits the ropes. However, before he can deliver the move, his ankle is gripped by Eisen on the outside of the ring. Faith turns and kicks out at Eisen who backs off, and Faith turns around again. Khoklov has returned to full faculties, but so have Jack Bruce and Rich Money... Thinking better of taking on this trio, Khoklov immediately retreats, backing out of the ring and back up the ramp with Eric Eisen at his side.


Michaels: I don't think that quite went how Eric had planned!

Fry: Not in the slightest! We weren't expecting Christian Faith to be physically cleared to compete at When Hell Freezes Over never mind here tonight.

Garcia: The Iron Man once again proved tonight that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and he may well have found a way to fell the giant!

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, join us in two days time, When Hell Freezes Over! Faith and Khoklov, Eisen, Money and Bruce! Two huge match ups, one huge night! Thank you for joining us; good night everybody!




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Good 2nd show, Mike!


The first segment really stood out as the strongest point of the show. The crazy thing is, and it's probably just me, but I kept on hearing Ric Flair's voice when reading Jack Bruce's promo. ha. It's probably because I just watched the 'Death of WCW' DVD last night but, at least for me, I don't think it's a bad thing as Flair was often a 'rock star' kind of personality in his day. Also, love the usage of money terms whenever Rich Money would speak. It's the way most tend to book him; however, always seems to work for a guy many liken to that of Ted Dibiase (the original).


The whole Eisen/Khoklov pairing is a popular one as well; however, it's for a good reason; it's known that Khoklov was brought in with a BIG contract so to align with Eisen seems fitting (giving him more money in the end). It was somewhat shocking to read that Khoklov would 'back out' when faced with a fight; as what happened in the main event. Maybe it's just me but I've always seen Khoklov as a very simple monster; one that erupts often & hardly ever does the 'smart thing'. In most cases, I would expect him to take on all three and either A) floor them all (showing he's a gigantic power & a great asset to Eisen) or B) actually get rocked & knocked out of the ring (showing that he, in a primal fashion, tried to knock out 3 other men; only to have them overtake him).


All in all, though, great work.


Keep it up as you continue to craft your own vision of the 'Land of Supreme'.





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Good 2nd show, Mike!


The first segment really stood out as the strongest point of the show. The crazy thing is, and it's probably just me, but I kept on hearing Ric Flair's voice when reading Jack Bruce's promo. ha. It's probably because I just watched the 'Death of WCW' DVD last night but, at least for me, I don't think it's a bad thing as Flair was often a 'rock star' kind of personality in his day. Also, love the usage of money terms whenever Rich Money would speak. It's the way most tend to book him; however, always seems to work for a guy many liken to that of Ted Dibiase (the original).


Rich Money is a character that I feel I HAVE to write in a certain way; he has a built in gimmick that in the sort term I feel I need to stick to in order to keep the character within the realms of what people would deem acceptable. If you were a fan and a new head booker came into a company and all of a sudden Rich Money stopped being what he had become known for, it would be more difficult to suspend your disbelief in his character.


As for Jack Bruce; well, his character from the start is a little more easy to mould. Whilst there aren't many ways to play the "Rich" wrestler (JBL/Million Dollar Man), there are so many options for a Rock Star. Cool, eccentric, drugged up, clean, washed up, popular. It makes the whole idea of pulling a more "realistic" character into place with Bruce.


I'll admit I hadn't considered Ric Flair as a muse for the Jack Bruce character, I mean it would hardly be someone normally used as an influence for a face character. Still, it has to be said that comparisons drawn in the way that you did are more than flattering as a writer.


The whole Eisen/Khoklov pairing is a popular one as well; however, it's for a good reason; it's known that Khoklov was brought in with a BIG contract so to align with Eisen seems fitting (giving him more money in the end). It was somewhat shocking to read that Khoklov would 'back out' when faced with a fight; as what happened in the main event. Maybe it's just me but I've always seen Khoklov as a very simple monster; one that erupts often & hardly ever does the 'smart thing'. In most cases, I would expect him to take on all three and either A) floor them all (showing he's a gigantic power & a great asset to Eisen) or B) actually get rocked & knocked out of the ring (showing that he, in a primal fashion, tried to knock out 3 other men; only to have them overtake him).


All in all, though, great work.


Keep it up as you continue to craft your own vision of the 'Land of Supreme'.






I know exactly what you mean; I re-read the ending to that show over and over trying to work out whether or not it seems that it was likely. I do believe I missed a trick on what would have made it seem more realistic for the Monster to walk away; being told to do so by the man paying his wages. I feel had I just slipped one line of text that said "Eric Eisen, looking to protect his investment, called to the giant to back away. Forcing him to change his tact, and for once, not dive in for the fight." I think that one line might have changed how you viewed the situation.


However, as I've re-read it again, there is a part of me that thinks that whilst Khoklov may not speak English in my version of SWF, it doesn't mean he's a fool. I have considered the fact that perhaps, Khoklov could well wish to retain his status as an unfallable giant. As such, taking on three Main Event level superstars could well see him brought to his knees. This, in my version of this world, has yet to happen as no-one has even knocked the big man down, nevermind beaten him.


Still; there are different ways of viewing all angles and as long as my shows are entertaining enough to envoke discussion then in my opinion I'm doing all the right things.


I have such an itch for this diary that I'm starting to write When Hell Freezes Over already; but I do have an "Online Entry" from the SWF website that I'm writing up that will detail the card in full.


Thanks again for reading, E-V. Much appreciated.

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Thursday, Week Two, January, 2010

Live from The Lakeland Arena in New England




Fifteen Man Battle Royal

American Machine Vs Bart Biggz Vs Brett Biggz Vs Captain Atomic Vs Frederique Antonio Garcia Vs Gregory Black Vs John Greed Vs Jungle Lord Vs Kid Toma Vs Vs Marc DuBois Vs Paul Huntingdon Vs Randy Bumfhole Vs Robbie Retro Vs Runaway Train Vs Vs Zimmy Bumfhole


The opening contest of the first SWF Pay Per View of 2010 kicks off with a Battle Royal to crown SWF's first ever Uprising Champion. The new Championship will look to establish both the young and established superstars that have yet to be given a major opportunity. Rumours abound that the championship will look to be the focal point of a new Television show that SWF will look to begin at some point in 2010; however they do wish to have an established Champion in place before the new show begins.



A Technical Exhibition

Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts


Despite his lack of physical activity over the least few weeks, it is still well known that Enforcer Roberts is considered one of the best technical wrestlers that SWF have. As such, the recent change of attitude for Tom "Angry" Gilmore has offered an opportunity for an exhivition match between two of arguably the best in ring competitors that grace an SWF ring at this time. Angry Gilmore has other goals in mind, having had recent issues with Brandon James, but with Big Money tied up with Joe Sexy on this night, Gilmore is looking just to quench his thirst for action.




Regular Tag Team Match

Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance


Following victory in a number one contenders match just two weeks ago, Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee, together known as The Pain Alliance would look to take their opportunity against the fighting Tag Team Champions. The Pain Alliance have a history of being less than the most technically able duo in SWF, but they also have a fighting spirit that very few could possibly contend with. Both men seem to have a self confidence, bordering on arrogance that seems to push through any limitations they have in the ring. On the opposite side of that coin, it is their ability in the ring that have lead to the success of Valiant and Giedroyc as a tag team. Their reign, beginning in August the previous year, has pushed the two very different men, into a union that has started to bring their two worlds closer. On this night, they may well be meeting their most difficult challange to date.



The Giant Vs The Iron man

Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov


Over the last month or so, Marat Khoklov has dominated the only man to have really stood up to hiim; Christian Faith. This is a fact that many SWF fans have found difficult to comprehend, with Khoklov managing to use his size and strength to destroy Faith week in, week out. Fans have never seen the type of punishment inflicted upon the Iron Man, not with any opponent he has taken on over his long career. However, fans have not seen the likes of what happened the previous week on SWF Supreme TV. Marat Khoklov, for the first time since appearing in SWF almost a year ago, came close to being felled. Faith had the giant rocking and had it not been for Eric Eisen, he may well have knocked the big man down. Although this may not be enough to win the match, it would have been the biggest victory gained over Khoklov during his SWF career.



Regular Singles Match

Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy


It is difficult to know Joe Sexy's real intentions as it concerns Brandon James, Emma Chase and the North American Championship. His attentions, settled on Emma Chase, have been called everything from genuine to tailored towards getting his hand on Championship gold. As such, Emma's suspicions are understood by many; but her full concentration has not been on Brandon James' successes over the last few weeks. Brandon James frustration with the ongoing Chase/Sexy saga has lead to this match with James essentially awarding this opportunity for Joe, costing Angry Gilmore a number one contenders match. His frustrations may well have gained him an enemy, but also gained himself a match with the man who is trying to take everything. Sexy looks tonight to take Brandon James Championship, but the question remains, is that all he will be able to take from Big Money?



A Battle Between Good and Evil

Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance


Over the past few months, Steve Frehley has made it his personal goal to get in the way of the almost unstoppable Vengeance. His power and stength may well be less than that of his larger opponent, but the heart and soul he puts into trying to stop one of the most Evil men ever to grace an SWF ring is unmatchable. Unfortunately, Frehley has been unable to stop the jugganaught, but he's certainly made efforts to slow it down. Vengeance has tried as hard as he could to swat the irritating fly that is Steve Frehley looking to beat his opponent into submission, but as of yet hasn't managed it. Vegeance's attacks have become more frenzied, and Frehley is still feeling the effects of the hammer attack from the last two weeks.




Triple Threat Torment

Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money


In what is possibly one of the most anticipated matches in SWF at the moment, the man who won his Championship last month in what he hoped would be the culmination of a nine month plan to win the gold, defends against the two men he managed to manipulate into destroying one another before he swept in and cleaned up taking the World Heavyweight Championship with him. Having been disappointed in his quest for control, Eisen was further frustrated at learning he would have to take on both Bruce and Money for his Championship. Rich Money moved into this fued by taking full advantage of being accused of being the mystery mastermind behind Jack Bruce's nine months of hell. Unfortunately, he didn't make the most of the opportunity and found himself on the recieving end of what has been one of the most hellacious beat downs in recent memory. By the end of that match and the beginning of this, Rich Money has found the respect of the masses, and seems to have taken it to heart. Jack Bruce, the former Champion, looks for nothing more than retribution by way of retaking his former title. This year already seems to be less stressful than the last with the Champion locking horns with the new Chairman of the board, allowing Bruce to concentrate on looking to take back what he feels he should never have lost.


Please remember to join us LIVE on Pay Per View, this Thursday, When Hell Freezes Over.



Quick Picks


SWF Uprising Championship Battle Royal

Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts

Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance

Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov

Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy

Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance

Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money

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SWF Uprising Championship Battle Royal: Marc DuBois

Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts

Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance

Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov

Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy

Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance

Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money

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SWF Uprising Championship Battle Royal: Marc Dubois

Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts

Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance

Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov

Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy

Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance

Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money

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I really am enjoying your insight into the SWF, Mike. Keep the work up & I'm sure you'll find a fruitful dynasty on your hands. :D


SWF Uprising Championship Battle Royal:
Marc Dubois

You may go a different route than I; however, DuBois seems best in this place.


Angry Gilmore
Vs Enforcer Roberts

Personal choice here; love Gilmore & I know you do too!


Giedroyc© & Valiant©
Vs The Pain Alliance

I love that you have the Pain Alliance as the first challengers; as they are often pushed to the background. That said, Giedroyc & Valiant come away with the win here.


Christian Faith
Vs Marat Khoklov

DQ finish; Khoklov looks strong!


Brandon James©
Vs Joe Sexy

Emma Chase distracts Joe Sexy; adds depth to the Sexy/Chase scenario. Maybe, in the end, she looks somewhat conflicted afterward; knowing she had to but maybe showing signs that she may like Sexy.


Steve Frehley Vs

Personal choice again...


Eric Eisen©
Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money

Eisen to dominate for quite some time. Not in the traditional sense but he'll cheat his way to remain on the top!

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SWF Uprising Championship Battle Royal: Gregory Black


Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts


Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance


Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov


Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy


Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance-No Contest


Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money

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Update: Ok, so 24 hours was a little overzealous... Lol. E-V, you were right in your thread, PPV's are much tougher than TV shows...


I would say with my schedule tomorrow, I'll probably looking another 24 hours and When Hell Freezes Over will be posted.

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Thursday, Week Two, January, 2010

Live From the Lakeland Arena, New England

Attendance - 43,599




Peter Michaels, Duane Fry & Anna Garcia


Michaels: Welcome everyone to the FIRST Pay-Per-View of 2010; SWF When Hell Freezes Over! My name is Peter Michaels and I am joined tonight by Duane Fry and Ana Garcia!

Fry: Thank you, Peter! We have a great night of action in store with every single Championship due to be defended... Including the introduction of a BRAND new Championship!

Garcia: And I can't wait to see the new Uprising Champion crowned in our opening contest. A Battle Royal to determine the first title holder!



Fifteen Man Battle Royal




American Machine Vs Bart Biggz Vs Brett Biggz Vs Captain Atomic Vs Frederique Antonio Garcia Vs Gregory Black Vs John Greed Vs Jungle Lord Vs Kid Toma Vs Vs Marc DuBois Vs Paul Huntingdon Vs Randy Bumfhole Vs Robbie Retro Vs Runaway Train Vs Zimmy Bumfhole


In the battle royal to name the new and first ever, SWF Uprising Champion, fifteen men looked to do battle in a match that would seek to elevate their status in what would be the beginning of something revolutionary in SWF.


The match began with Frederique Antonio Garcia taking every single move from every other competitor in the ring, ending with a Fade to Black that sent him crashing to the outside of the ring.


  1. The first elimination came swiftly as Jungle Lord squared off with Runaway Train; the dominating former SWF World Champion quickly dispatched Lord from the ring.
  2. Train continued to dominate, next casting Captain Atomic from the ring just moments later!
  3. Train's run looked unlikely to end as Bart Biggz is cast from the ring like a rag dole!
  4. However, Runaway Train's momentum was brought to a close when the previous elimination was avenged by Bart's brother Brett who used a great dropkick to his opponents back to cause the next elimination!
  5. The next elimination saw the second Fade to Black of the night as Gregory Black eliminated Paul Huntingdon with a Superkick!
  6. Up next to be eliminated was the man who stopped the train, Brett Biggz, as his crazy attempt to use the top rope was foiled by Marc DuBois.
  7. Up next, the dancing figure of Robbie Retro looked to stir up some support from the crowd before a strange team in Gregory Black and Marc Dubois managed to cast him up and over the top rope!
  8. Black moved straight from that team work to a singles attempt, removing American Machine from the match with a great clothesline.
  9. Not to be outdone, Marc Dubois took the opportunity to cast the Bumfhole Brothers to the outside, as the sibling rivalry had the pair looking to eliminate one another.
  10. The game of one-upmanship continued as Greg Black removed "The Eighth Deadly Sinn" John Greed from the match by dropping and pulling down the top rope sending Greed over the top!
  11. In response, Marc DuBois made like work of eliminating Kid Toma leaving Black and DuBois as the final two.
  12. The closing events of the match happened so quickly it was almost missed by all. The fans and referees surrounding the ring alike came to realise what had happened earlier in the match... Frederique Antonio Garcia had rolled UNDER the bottom rope... He pulled himself up onto the apron and finally to a standing position as Gregory Black backed up into him. Marc DuBois swung a right hand and Black ducked! The connection was clean, and Garcia dropped to his backside on the apron. Back in the ring, Greg Black clotheslined DuBois. Garcia's role, however, was not over. As he had fallen, he pulled down the top rope and as Gregory Black connected with the clothesline, both he and Marc DuBois tumbled over the top rope and were eliminated!


Winner of the match and NEW SWF Uprising Champion - Frederique Antonio Garcia!


Fry:... What in the hell just happened!?

Garcia: I think FAG just won the Uprising Championship!

Fry: Could you please hold back on the inappropriate use of language! This isn't Twitter you know!

Michaels: Duane, she means Frederique Antonio Garcia! Although I don't blame you for being confused, I don't think even he knows he won the championship!


Celebration of FAG...


Frederique Antonio Garcia


Lay on the apron, his eyes closed tight, it was clear to see that Frederique Antonio Garcia had no idea who he was, or what he had just accomplished. It was somewhat ironic, that the man who had thought to have been eliminated first, had in fact been the man who won the match. Replays began to show just what had occurred as Garcia began to come around; Frederique pulling himself back up on the apron as Black and Dubois fought towards the ropes, him taking a flailing elbow to the side of the head, him holding onto the rope pulling it downwards and this, one small, completely accidental move, causing the tussling pair to fall over the top rope to the ground. He looked around, his head flicking from left to right, the crowd seemingly cheering him on for the first time ever, Garcia climbed to his feet met by the referee handing him the newly created and the newly won Uprising Championship! Garcia stumbled again, still groggy from the elbow shot, before dropping to his knees and pulling the title to his face, kissing it, holding it and caressing it! He climbs to his feet once more and begins to strut, a strut only Frederique. Antonio. Garcia could strut! He stopped in the centre of the ring, puffed out his chest and lifted the Championship high above his head before blowing a kiss to the camera. Most shocking of all, the fans were on their feet applauding this new Champion! The chants of "F.A.G", for once NOT being shouted down by Garcia, but instead he seemed to revel in them as he celebrated this famous victory


Michaels: I don't know why, but the fans seem to be LOVING FAG here!

Garcia: And he seems to love them back! The first ever Uprising Champion is...

Fry: Ok, we get the point, but COME ON! Are you SERIOUS!? THIS guy as the Uprising Champion? Gregory Black, Marc DuBois... These are men who stood out... I can't believe it.

Michaels: Well you'd better believe it Duane! Because he's here and he's... The NEW Uprising Champion! Ladies and gentlemen, from a very happy individual, to a very Angry one... A great contest up next as Angry Gilmore takes on Enforcer Roberts!



A Technical Exhibition


Angry Gilmore Vs Enforcer Roberts


Many wondered why this match was put together when Angry Gilmore's problems lay elsewhere; the truth? Phil Vibert looked to take Gilmore's focus away from Brandon James for one night in order to protect the sanctity of the SWF North American Title match. The choice of opponent was a good one, with both men staking claim to being the "Best Technical Wrestler" in SWF. As such, these two men put on a clinic. Roberts showed little or no rust, despite a lack of in ring action over the past few weeks, his demeanour was that of a man who wanted to prove himself. He took control for long periods of the match, dotted with some great catch-as-catch-can wrestling and fantastic hold reversal displays. Both men looked to use submission holds to their advantage as a Tap Out victory would surely prove dominance. As the match moved on, however, the technical side of the action started to give way as both men became frustrated. Unfortunately for Roberts, Angry Gilmore's mix of styles saw him forge ahead when the technical rules were cast aside. Roberts final flurry of attack ended when a swinging clothesline was ducked by Gilmore who, as had become his signature recently, turned on a dime, kicked Roberts in the gut and hit the Anger Management. He made the cover for the victory.


Winner of the match by pinfall - Angry Gilmore


Michaels: A fantastic victory for Angry Gilmore there; he's really starting to build up a head of steam.

Garcia: A head of steam that he'll need if he plans on focusing his attention on "Big Money" Brandon James.

Fry: If even THAT is enough!

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to introduce our new broadcast colleague, Sara Silver, and she stands by now with one third of tonight’s Main Event!


A Budding Journalist...


Sara Silver


Heading backstage we find the newest member of our broadcasting team, Sara Silver, standing by.


Silver: Thank you Peter; ladies and gentlemen I’m Sara Silver and I’m standing by with the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, and one of two men who will challenge Eric Eisen for his title tonight; Jack Bruce.


... Rock Star Motives.


Jack Bruce


Jack Bruce steps into view and the crowd goes wild. Silver pauses for a moment to let the Rock Star take in the atmosphere before continuing.


Silver: Jack, tonight you get the opportunity to retake what you feel should still be yours, the World Heavyweight title. You must have a million thoughts and feelings flowing through you at the moment; care to share any of them?


Bruce smiles looking down at the beautiful Sara Silver stood with the mic in her hand.


Bruce: Perception is key, Sara; that’s always been the case. As a Rock Star, you see a lot of different perceptions. You’re fans love you, your critics hate you, parents think you’re a bad influence, the kids think you’re cool, the hotel managers think you’re a vandal and the guys who sell furniture’s to hotels think you’re a business gold mine. The truth is; each and every perception that people can have all describes one and the same man. Me. Here’s some more perception for you Sara; when you introduced me, you called me the former World Heavyweight Champion; I would describe myself as the next World Heavyweight Champion. One thing you did get right, Sara, is that tonight I take back what should still be mine; because you see, despite the nine months of hell that Eric Eisen put me through, I’m still standing. That should tell you enough about me. That should tell you enough about what I’m about, about what I can do.


Silver: And what about the third man in the match tonight? Rich Money?


Bruce: Whilst Rich never gained my Championship last month, he sure as hell gained my respect. But tonight, like a TV in a hotel room, all of that goes out the window. I have no intention of letting Rich Money walk away with my championship. Tonight, the time for talking is over, tonight Eric, Rich, I do what I’m good at; and I promise you, things are going to get god-damned crazy.


Bruce turns and walks away, leaving Sara Silver alone.


Silver: Well that was a fascinating insight; back to Peter, Duane and Ana at ringside.


Michaels: Jack Bruce is fired up tonight!

Fry: And if he has any designs on Eric Eisen's World Championship, he'll need to be.

Garcia: I just can't wait for our Main Event tonight; it should be something to watch.

Michaels: Up next, ladies and gentlemen, we will see Valiant and Giedroyc defend their Tag Team Championships against The Pain Alliance; Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott!



Regular Tag Team Match


Giedroyc© & Valiant© Vs The Pain Alliance


The Pain Alliance, made up of Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee, looked to capitalise on what has been some fantastic momentum since joining forces. Their first step was defeating the Bumfholes, and the second would be to take the World Tag Team Championships. The match began well for the Alliance, with their size and strength very much keeping them in control, in a very similar way to their match with The Bumfholes. Laramee was, once again, the star of the team controlling Giedroyc and cutting off the ring. Smack Daddy added little in the opening stages with a couple of slams and a few right hands. It was, in the end, his mistake that pushed the Champions back into contention. A missed clothesline followed up by a Giedroyc drop kick allowed Valiant to get the hot tag! The fresh man took it to both members of the Alliance and looked set to get the victory, until the numbers game caught up. Scott and Laramee managed to hit a double spine buster and looked to end the match with the Double Stuff Elbow drop, when Giedroyc managed to take out Laramee! With Big Smack Scott alone, Valiant took control and within moments, the Smack Daddy fell victim to the V-Split! Within moments, Scott was tapping out, and the crowd were going wild.


Winners of the match by submission and STILL SWF Tag Team Champions - Giedroyc & Valiant


Michaels: The Champions retain! What a great performance!

Garcia: A Big Smack Scott let his team down...

Fry: That's not what happened! Giedroyc was an ILLEGAL man...

Michaels: And so was Laramee! Giedroyc did little more than even up the score!

Fry: That's not the point... The Pain Alliance had this won and the Champions took the easy way out!

Michaels: You have GOT to be kidding me... Ladies and gentlemen, let's take you backstage where Christian Faith is standing by.


A Broken Legend...


Christian Faith


We head backstage to the lockeroom of Christian Faith who is sat on a chair, leant forward his elbows on his knees. He's ready, taped up, Leather Coat on, everything in place. He looks focused, his eyes glazed, concentrating. Finally, he speaks.


Faith: For over twenty years, the name Christian Faith has been revered in this business. I'm a Four time SWF World Heavyweight Champion, I am the longest running active wrestler on the SWF roster, and I sit before you, my Faith Followers tonight, having to admit that I have never faced a challenge like I have over the last couple of months. I've faced the biggest and the baddest that this business could ever offer; I've taken on Giants, I've taken on technical masters, I've taken on fighters, brawlers and high flyers. I've broken unbeaten streaks, I've chopped down Redwoods. Yet tonight I go into this match unsure of what condition I'll be in when I walk out the other side. Yet, my followers, I saw a glimmer of hope this past Tuesday night. I saw a way; I saw an opportunity. I rocked the Giant; I was just moments away from taking him down and off his feet. If it hadn't been for that snivelling little worm of a Champion, I would have knocked Khoklov off his feet for the first time. Tonight, I take things one step at a time, first I knock the Russian Mauler down, then I knock him out. I may not know what my condition will be when I come out of this match but I know one thing if nothing else; I will be victorious. Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you for one thing tonight during my match with Marat Khoklov...


The Iron Man lifts his head and looks deep into the camera.


Faith: Please, have Faith...


Smiling, Faith climbs to his feet and leaves the lockeroom ready to head to the ring for his match.


Michaels: Tough talking from the Iron Man there Ana!

Garcia: For a moment he had me believing he'd lost this match before he'd even begun! Thankfully, we now know he's not given up on anything!

Fry: Maybe not, then again maybe it's just Bravado! I sure as hell hope not because if he doesn't give it his all, he'll be taken apart!

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us, because that match is up next!



The Giant Vs The Iron man


Christian Faith Vs Marat Khoklov


This match would turn out to be one of the most anticipated on the card this evening if for no other reason but just how close Christian Faith had come to being the first man to knock Marat Khoklov to the ground. Bare in mind, this does not mean that Khoklov was undefeated going into this match; far from it in fact as numerous Count out and Disqualification losses had taken that record long ago. As expected, Khoklov was able to dominate Faith for the majority of the match with his older, less than 100% opponent unable to find an opening. Khoklov clearly had opportunities to finish the match but chose to play with his food instead looking to inflict as much punishment as possible. In one of these toying moments, Khoklov made his mistake, a huge swinging right hand was dodged by Faith, but not by the referee who took some, if not all the force of the blow. Faith, who dropped to the ground, found the corner of the ring containing his coat, and rummaged inside as Khoklov looked down, slightly confused at the laid out ref. When he turned around, in an almost mirror image of the previous Tuesday, he found Faith stood, his lower arms wrapped in chains, his eyes glazed, but the man ready. A swing and a duck, boom! Right hand to the ribs! Another swing and a mass... Boom! A left to the ribs! A slight stumble by the Giant leads to two big sternum punches by Faith. The shots open up Khoklov's jaw and again, that double punch found their mark and staggered the Giant! The crowd start to go crazy as Faith calls for a flying elbow... Hit the ropes and BOOM! Faith catches Khoklov square in the jaw! The Giant's knees buckle but he hits the ropes, staying vertical, stumbling into the middle of the ring... Faith hit's the ropes again and BOOM! This time however, it's not a forearm, Faith is turned upside down from his run and smashed to the mat with the Russian Legend Powerbomb! The ring shudders, and the referee lifts his head as he sees Khoklov, jaw clenched and veins popping in his forehead, covering Faith... Slowly, the referee crawls into position and hits 1... 2... NO! However, Faith has not kicked out, Khoklov pulls his opponent up to a vertical base and hits a second Russian Legend Powerbomb. This time, there is no toying, just defeat.


Winner of the match by pinfall - Marat Khoklov


Michaels: Damn it! Faith was so, so close...

Fry: Yet so far, Michaels! Kholov merely stumbled, he didn't fall, never mind came close to getting pinned. The question has to be, who, if not Christian Faith, can beat Marat Khoklov?

Garcia: It's a great question Duane... I just hope someone, somewhere, can answer it.

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, up next we have a match for the North American Championship, and right now we head backstage where Emma Chase and Brandon James stands by.


Beauty and the Beast...


Emma Chase & Brandon James


Backstage, Brandon James stands facing the camera with Emma Chase stood turned 3/4 away from him with the mic in her hands.


Chase: Stood behind me is my client, the most intense, dominating North American Champion of all time; a man so good, that he... He... He doesn't need me to win tonight...


Brandon James arrogant, confident smile fades quickly as Emma Chase looks him in the eye for a moment before she turns and walks away. James looks stunned, shocked... He takes a moment to compose himself before speaking.


James: You know what? She's right... With or without Emma Chase, I'm Big Money... Tonight, Joe Sexy, I'm going to hurt you in ways that you could never comprehend. Tonight, I'm going to break you down little by little, bit by bit. I'm going to chew you up and spit you out Joe; and not because you're trying to take my Championship, but because you're trying to drive a wedge between myself and the women who helped put me where I am... That's right; I'll admit it, she helped me. But tonight, I step out of the shadow that her help cast over my career; tonight I prove I am good enough on my own. And when I do, Emma Chase will forget Joe Sexy ever existed, and she'll be begging to be at my side once more.


Grinning, Brandon James lifts his North American title higher up on his shoulder and heading out of shot for his next match.


Fry: Wait a second, did Emma Chase just say she WONT be out here tonight?

Michaels: I think she did; perhaps Joe Sexy really did strike a chord a couple of weeks ago.

Garcia: Perhaps Joe knew what buttons to press and now he has a huge plus for him; Emma Chase is an asset to any client and her not being at ringside will be a big bonus.

Michaels: That match is up next, Brandon James, Joe Sexy, North American Championship!



Regular Singles Match


Brandon James© Vs Joe Sexy


This match stemmed from Joe Sexy's interest in the beautiful Emma Chase, and her absence at ringside seemed to act as more of a distraction for Joe than it did for Brandon. Throughout the match, Sexy seemed to look to the ramp, whether hoping for or fearing the appearance of his muse it was unclear. In the opening stages, Brandon James dominated, his size and strength going someway into punishing Sexy for his recent interest in James' business partner. Every time Joe started to build a little momentum, his interest in the rampway seemed to pull him back. It was, strangely, as if he had no interest in the North American Championship at all. This, ironically, looked to frustrate James even more, as if the match were not important in comparison to the missing Emma Chase. James looked to use his power to gain further advantage, but his frustration made him sloppy, and after running chest first into the turnbuckle, Joe too charge. It was clear now he wanted the match over so he could find Emma, and he threw everything at James. The crowd went wild as Joe looked to hit the One Night Stand, but moments later they were subdued. The move was in midflow, when Brandon James powered out tossing Sexy across the ring, and as he climbed to his feet once more, he was blasted out of no-where by the Big Money Move. James made hurried cover, and this match was over. Without celebrating, James grabbed his title, and headed back up the ramp, leaving Sexy out cold in the middle of the ring.


Winner of the match by pinfall and STILL SWF North American Champion - Brandon James


Michaels: Brandon James picks up a big win, and without his manager!

Fry: He showed tonight he's no walk over; and he now knows that Emma Chase needs him more than he needs her!

Garcia: I wouldn't be so sure; this is one match, and Emma Chase has more to offer than helping James win.

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen, backstage, we have Rich Money standing by with some comments.


Money Can't Buy Happiness...


Rich Money


We find Rich Money standing by, dressed and ready for his opportunity tonight at the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. The look on his face is of confidence.


Money: Just over a month ago, I rolled the dice; I rolled the dice with big odds but an even bigger pot to win. The SWF World Heavyweight Championship... It took weeks for those dice to settle, and when they did, they came up Snake Eyes. That's right, I fell to Jack Bruce, and in turn lost my opportunity to win the World Heavyweight Champion. See, it would appear that lady luck is smiling on me, because she bank rolled Eric Eisen's title win, and took the focus of Jack and myself from one another, to that little worm Eric Eisen. Tonight, I'm heading to the Casino again, and tonight the odds are pretty good... I have a 33% chance of walking away with the gold; those odds are a little better when I consider the fact that Eric Eisen can't beat me. Tonight, I'm betting it all on green. Green for money; and for once, when both Eric and Jack see that ball land on a zero, they wont be walking away rich men, they'll both by physically, and emotionally bankrupt. And I? I will be the man holding all the gold... Money talks, everyone listens; and that's a truth you can take to the bank.


Money turns and re-enters his lockeroom to prepare for his match later that night.


Michaels: Both challengers look INTENSE tonight; Eric Eisen's championship could well be in big trouble.

Fry: The Champion is smart; he's likely to have something up his sleeve.

Garcia: Likely something illegal...

Michaels: Perhaps, but ladies and gentlemen, up next we have a match which could well be called illegal due to the hatred between the two men involved. Vengeance takes on Steve Frehley up next!



A Battle Between Good and Evil


Steve Frehley Vs Vengeance


Months of anger, building and building between these two men and tonight it all burst forth. The match was essentially a brawl from start to finish. Neither man managed to clearly dominate the other with fights flying from moment one. Vengeance continued to try and use the injured shoulder of Steve Frehley to his advantage but the veteran was clearly ready for such an onslaught with a number of blocks and counters that enabled him to continue fighting back against his bigger enemy. The referee's job in this match had to be easily the most difficult; trying to control two men that not only hate one another but want to inflict as much pain as humanly (or inhumanly in Vengeance's case) possible. Frehley looked to end things on more than one occasion but his attempts to hit the Dark Destroyer Spear; once hitting the turnbuckle, a second time going through the middle ropes and a third time hitting their mark but Vengeance too close to the ropes to gain victory. On the opposite side of the coin, Vengeance tried everything to put away his opponent to no avail. Two at attempts at the Six Feet Under were evaded by Frehley and a Skull Crusher did little more than send the Dark Destroyer to the outside. In the end, the referee lost control and on the outside of the ring the two men traded blow after blow. Frehley managed to this time avoid a shot with the hammer to the trapezium, and continued to hammer away at Vengeance. Eventually, enough was enough, and as both men fought their way up the ramp, the referee counted them out. As soon as the bell rang, the lockeroom emptied of security and agents who managed to separate the two. Vengeance was escorted to the back as Frehley hailed the crowds, desperate to see more.


Match declared no contest due to double count out


Michaels: These two could just not be contained here tonight! I think these issues are far from over.

Fry: Frehley went toe to toe with Vengeance tonight and came out looking just as strong! This could be a battle for the ages.

Garcia: I can't believe how this match ended! We have to see an outcome at some point....

Michaels: Our Main Event tonight WILL see an outcome, but at this time, we have the SWF World Heavyweight Champion standing by...


The Self Proclaimed Chosen One...


Eric Eisen


Standing by backstage, we find Eric Eisen looking at his own reflection in the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, the arrogant grin on his face.


Eisen: Tonight is only the beginning my friends; the beginning of an age where I am the dominant force in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Tonight an Eisen truly becomes the name synonymous with this business. ERIC Eisen; Jack, Rich, tonight I'm going to make an example of the both of you. I'm planning on showing the World that it's no fluke, no accident, no manipulative mishap. Tonight I show the world that I am everything I say that I am; and tonight I do it... Alone. That's right boys, no Khoklov and no-one else. I'm coming to that ring under my own steam, of my own volition, and I will walk out as the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. You people out there, you people at home, SWF fans around the world; set your watch, write this down, make a note of where you were. When you're talking to your children, when they ask you about who was the greatest wrestler of your generation, you will recall this night, the night that Eric Eisen finally stepped out of the family shadow, this is the night that Eric Eisen cast aside the shackles of doubt. Jack, Rich, tonight is my night and I will do anything to make sure you can't ruin it.


Eisen winks at the camera, displaying the arrogance that come to ooze from the World Heavyweight Champion.


Michaels: Tough talking from our champion; our Main Event is shaping up to be one HELL of a match.

Fry: This match could make or break Eric Eisen; a match to prove his worth.

Eisen: But it's not just about winning; it's about the manor of the win...

Michaels: And now it's time; time for our Main Event.



Triple Threat Torment


Eric Eisen© Vs Jack Bruce Vs Rich Money


The beginning of the Main Event was a simple matter of Jack Bruce and Rich Money extracting revenge on the World Champion. It took Eisen a few moments to realise it, but when he did, he tried to run. He didn't get very far as at first, he was cornered in the ring, and then the outside of the ring was cut off. Then, in a symbol of how hated he truly is, the fans conspired to refuse to let him escape. A frustrated and angry Eric Eisen returned to the ring for inevitable beatdown. Almost ten minutes later, it became about more than just beating the holy hell out of their mutual enemy, as Rich made the cover, and Jack Bruce broke it up. The tension built as the two men who one month ago almost destroyed one another came face to face, and moments later they were exchanging blows. Their fighting was furious, armed with the motivation of two men desperate to win the World Championship. Eric Eisen, on the other hand, removed himself from the ring and lay at ringside, hidden away. Bruce and Money continued to exchange moves, both coming close to victory, but unlike the previous match between the two, there was no hatred, just a need to win. In a fantastic exchange, both men threw out three reversals each to their finishing manoeuvres before Rich Money managed to hit the Bank Roll. He rolled into the cover, but just before the three, the referee disappeared. Rich Money turned over to find the referee out cold on the outside, and his eyes set on Eric Eisen... Money immediately dives out of the ring and Eric dives for his World Championship. As he turns around, Money swiped the belt, sending Eric back onto the ground... He stumbled to his feet and began sprinting around the ring, Money gave chase, and on the second lap, Eisen slid into the ring followed by Money. Eisen's movement was to the side, but Rich sprung to his feet. Immediately, he's hit by the New York Minute! Bruce jumped to his feet, the crowd going wild, and turning to face Eisen and he's hit in the face with SWF World Heavyweight Championship. The very belt that Money dropped when hit with the New York Minute... Eisen scrambles into the cover, and much to the dismay of the fans in attendance, gets the victory! Eisen grabs his title and scrambles out of the ring and up the ramp before falling onto his backside. Almost in shock, Eisen hugs his Championship, before slowly and finally realising his victory. Slowly he climbs to his feet, and holds the championship in the air as both Bruce and Money begin to wake, staring a hole in the Champion whose arrogant smile has started to return.


Winner of the match by pinfall and STILL SWF World Heavyweight Champion - Eric Eisen


Michaels: NOT LIKE THAT! COME ON! Bruce and Money were SCREWED!

Fry: It matters not, Peter, they did it to themselves, and Eric did everything he said he was going to do - come out of this match still the Champion and with no help from anybody.

Garcia: Maybe not with any help from anybody, but from anyTHING? That Championship is an foreign object and had no place in that ring.

Fry: I think you'll find Rich Money brought that Championship into the ring, so if Jack Bruce wants someone to blame, then perhaps it should be him.

Michaels: Ladies and gentlemen we've had a fantastic night of action here tonight, please join us on Tuesday for the fall out from this fantastic event! Good night everybody!



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Prediction Contest


Smurphy1014 - 6-7

Eisen-verse - 4/7

Joehelmer - 4/7

Chirs Kid - 3/7


Congratulations to Smurphy1014! You have an opportunity to name who you would like to see be the first person challange for the Uprising Championship against Frederique Antonio Garcia! Please PM me with your choices.


Also there is a long standing Prediction Contest that will tot up total scores for the Pay Per Views; the prize is yet to be decided.

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