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SWF 2010 - A Year of Faith

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Christmas Clash 2009


Jack Bruce VS Rich Money - Last Man Standing - For the SWF Championship


We join the match already in progress....


Jack Bruce is finally in control. After all the fighting and sleepless nights he's had during his reign as SWF Heavyweight Champion, he is finally in the driver's seat. Here, in the center of the ring, he has Rich Money right where he wants him. Money, somehow on his feet at a count of eight after Bruce gave him a DDT on a steel chair, is reeling. The fans can't wait for Bruce to end the misery that he has been put through.


And it has been nothing but misery for the entirety of Bruce's championship reign. Sneak attacks, bounties on his head, and brutal match stipulations by the "Mystery Man" has left Jack Bruce tired and exhausted. But after finding out that Rich Money was the person behind everything that has happened, Bruce has snapped at the challenger tonight. Bruce has taken all the fire and anger in his body to Money; attacking him with chairs, tossing him into the steel steps numerous times, and busting Money's head wide open.


Rich Money, however, has fought back with gusto as well. He has lived up his to his billing, as the "most bankable wrestler in Supreme". He has willed his way back into the match numerous times, trying to fight off Bruce's advances with everything he can get his hands on. He even managed to put Bruce through the announce table, but Bruce managed to roll up at a count of six. And now, Money has nothing left to bank on.


In the center of the ring, Rich Money is bleeding and dazed. He doesn't even know where he is anymore. And Jack Bruce is ready to finally end the nightmare to his dream title run.


He sets Money up! A huge New York Minute!


Money is down! The fans chant with the referee....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10! Money is out!


Bruce has done it. Exhausted, Bruce collapses in the ring with his SWF Heavyweight Championship belt beside him, as Rich Money is helped up the ramp by the referee. Bruce is unable to process, however, the next series of events.


The "Mystery Man" appears on the screen. To the shock of everyone. Rich Money, bloody, stands at the top of the ramp, too exhausted to tell everybody that "this clears my name". Jack Bruce, cannot move at the blurred face on the SupremeTron. The fans assumed this nightmare was over for them as well.


Mystery: Jack Bruce. You have survived. You are much stronger than I give you credit for. It's too bad that I have decided to break you. It's too bad that I must take your championship....for myself. The SWF Board has decided, as a special "Holiday" bonus, to give the loyal, trusting, SWF fans TWO title matches tonight. It will be Jack Bruce versus....me.....right now.


Bruce is still stunned in the center of the ring at what he has just seen. Rich Money is still at the top of the ramp, waiting to find out who the "Mystery Man" really is. The fans all have their heads towards the ramp as well, waiting to finally find out the true villian in the whole ordeal.


And the building just stops when Christian Faith walks out.


Money is in shock. The fans are in shock. Bruce is in shock. The announcers, the camera guys, the popcorn vendors; everybody is in stunned disbelief. Faith? NO?


Faith walks straight by Rich Money, grabs the referee at his side, and bring him to the ring. He yells at the ref to "do his job and start the match". Bruce is finally up, but his face is a picture worth a thousand words. He cannot believe who the "Mystery Man" is.


The match begins and Faith quickly takes over, punishing Bruce's already tired body. Faith toys with the champion for a minute or two, before whipping him into the corner and crushing Bruce with a huge Leap of Faith! He then quickly pulls Bruce to the center of the ring for the pin. The referee is hesistant, but makes the three count as slowly as possible.


The building is still stunned. Faith grabs the SWF Heavyweight Title and wraps it around his waist. He climbs to the turnbuckle to celebrate his "glorious" title win as Christmas Clash 2009 goes off the air.

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Where Will the Faith Take You?

By Eric McBeth


Before Christmas Clash 2009, everybody saw the finish in their minds. Jack Bruce would be victorious over Rich Money, and finally, his second title reign as SWF Heavyweight Champion would be a lot less stressful.


And that is exactly what happened just two weeks ago. Bruce beat Money and the fans cheered. The only thought on their minds was "who would challenge Jack Bruce next month?"


What we didn't realize is that "Jack Bruce, Man Under Pressure" had Chapter One end at Christmas Clash, with Chapter Two right around the bend. Christian Faith, in what can only be described as one of the biggest swerves in wrestling history. Faith had been presumed "injured" at the hands of Runaway Train, Kurt Laramee, and Big Smack Scott earlier in the PPV. Conveniently, and only now can we realize this in the aftermath, is that all three of these men were put in Jack Bruce's way since March. Laramee especially, as he numerously tried to attack Bruce's knee until a cage match settled the score in September. Train and Scott teamed up to try and claim the million dollar bounty on Jack's head in November, to no avail. It now makes sense that Faith hired the group, now known as "Street Warfare", to do his bidding until the time was right.


And that time came Faith to when Jack Bruce accused Rich Money at the end of November. Faith announced on the Supreme website that he would divulge "the answers my followers and friends have been seeking" on the last Supreme TV before 2010. He had been allowed to skip Supreme the week before by the SWF Board of Directors. As Peter Michaels said to the viewers, "It`s a celebration at home for the despicable champ."


From the last Supreme of `09, here is Christian Faith`s announcement:


Faith: I see that Jack Bruce and Rich Money still haven't made it back to Supreme TV since Christmas Clash. I figured both Bruce and Money would be on Supreme last Tuesday; begging for a shot at me, wanting a shot at "revenge" at the man that took them off the pedestal. That they would call in every favor, every good deed they've ever done with Richard Eisen and demand that I face the both of them in a match for my Heavyweight Title.


But that hasn't happened. Which means only one thing. I broke them. I took the spirit of two of the best in SWF and I broke them in half. To put it honestly, I took....their...FAITH!


So I ask you, the fans, want to know why I did it? (YA!) Do you really want to hear how I bought off wrestlers; manipulated the Board, and planned sneak attack after sneak attack at Jack Bruce? (YA!)


Because MY TIME ISN'T OVER YET! The FAITH is still HERE with me!


I've been here for twenty or so years now, Supreme is my home! Wanna know when my last title reign was? 2005. Wanna know my last title shot? 2008, if I recall correctly. I have been passed over, by the "new generation" so many times, my head used to spin.


So the beginning of 2009 is here. And I've decided to get myself back in the title hunt; make sure nobody can pass me over. What happens? I get screwed by a debuting Marat Khohlov. He takes me out, leaves me laying. I'm on the shelf. While he gets a title shot for taking ME down!


As I sat in that hospital bed, trying to get better, the thought comes to me: Why do you have to keep taking your vitamins and praying with your faith to get a title shot, when you can sit back and relax and earn a title shot the easy way? Become like Supreme Legends like Corporal Doom, Dread, and Rip Chord; who did everything they could to hide in the shadows while their opponents fought off wave after wave of obstacles, just to beat them down in the end.


After I recoved from my injury, I came back to Supreme and managed to work my way into good company with men such as Kurt Laramee, Big Smack Scott, Shady K, Knuckles, and my former long-time opponent, Runaway Train. These five gentleman have been helping me stay out of the limelight while they have done my dirty work. It was a pure business decision; I wanted the SWF World Heavyweight Title, they wanted to shine again in this company. Win-Win.


And Jack, poor "tired" Jack, you were the perfect target for me. You showed up here in 2004 and claimed to be "a rockstar" and "a living legend". You're nothing. You aren't worthy enough to be a SWF Heavyweight Champion, let alone to have held it twice. Go back to whatever night club you stepped out of and let the real wrestler do their jobs!


As for Rich Money, you may ask? Well, Money happened to be the perfect suspect; arrogant, rich, and dumb enough to allow himself to get caught in the crosshairs. Newsflash, Money, you say you are "the most bankable superstar in Supreme"? Wouldn't you have to WIN the title for that to be true?


So to Bruce and Money, wherever they may be tonight, I hope they're watching. I hope they realize that they cannot break me, like I broke their worthless minds, bodies, and souls. I am the NEW Supreme Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion! And I have FAITHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


With the first Supreme TV of 2010 upcoming, How will Chapter Two of "Jack Bruce, Man Under Pressure" top itself? How will the victims respond to the malicious champion? How can the SWF keep this story going? Do you have enough faith, no pun intended, that Supreme can write a new perfect ending?


quoted from primetimewrestling.net

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Supreme TV Preview


With 2009 come and gone, Supreme looks to start the new decade right. The first show of 2010 is sure to be an explosive one!


Last week, Christian Faith returned from his "one-week vacation" to explain his actions at Christmas Clash. He claimed that "it was still his TIME" here in the SWF and that he turned his back on the fans to get back to the top of the mountain. With Jack Bruce and Rich Money scheduled to make their returns tonight, how will both men respond to the new champion's words?


With Jack Bruce and Rich Money unable to compete in the past two weeks as well, the SWF Board of Directors has decided to make a number one contender match tonight WITHOUT involving either man! From the board: "Due to their injuries, we have decided to have a match between four excellent competitors while Rich Money and Jack Bruce get back to full health. We do not want to rush them into a match without having both them and Faith at 100%." With that announcement, tonight's huge main event will face "The Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley, the monster Vengeance, fan-favorite Lobster Warrior, and the silent but deadly Remo. Who will earn their chance against Christian Faith in less than two weeks?


Also tonight, Joe Sexy and Brandon James have been at each other's throats for a few weeks now, due to Joe Sexy trying to "wheel" Emma Chase almost every week. James has demanded a match with Sexy at "When Hell Freezes Over", but to get it, he had to put his North American Title on the line. Tonight, they will face-off in a tag match: Joe Sexy and Gregory Black VS Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts. Who will get the upper hand tonight?


Last week, the semi-finals of #1 Contender Tag Team Tournament saw the Pain Alliance defeat Captain Atomic and American Machine, while the other side of the bracket saw the Amazing Bumfholes defeat the Samoan Wildboyz. With the finals scheduled for tonight, who will face Jack Giedroyc and Valiant in their first title defense on PPV?


And the opening match scheduled for tonight will take place between Angry Gilmore and Robbie Retro. Last week, Retro's disco ways got him into an argument with Gilmore, leading to this match. Will Gilmore show the youngster that disco's dead or can Retro dance his way to a victory?


All this and more, live on C.A.N.N Tuesday night!



Quick Picks

#1 Contender Match - Lobster Warrior VS Steve Frehley VS Vengeance VS Remo

Joe Sexy/Gregory Black VS Brandon James/Enforcer Roberts

#1 Contender Tag Team Match - The Pain Alliance w/Runaway Train VS The Amazing Bumfholes

Angry Gilmore VS Robbie Retro

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#1 Contender Match - Lobster Warrior VS Steve Frehley VS Vengeance VS Remo

Joe Sexy/Gregory Black VS Brandon James/Enforcer Roberts

#1 Contender Tag Team Match - The Pain Alliance w/Runaway Train VS The Amazing Bumfholes

Angry Gilmore VS Robbie Retro

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Supreme TV - Live on C.A.N.N!


The PYRO opens the show up, live from the Mayor Street Arena in Boston, as Peter Michaels and Duane Fry welcome everybody to the first show of 2010!


Michaels: Welcome to Supreme TV! Tonight, we have a huge main event for the number one contendership for the SWF World Heavyweight Title!

Fry: That's not all, Pete, I'm being told that Jack Bruce is on his way out here to start off the show!


Within seconds, Jack Bruce makes his return to Supreme Television! A huge cheer rises from the crowd as the "Long Island Rock Star" makes his way to the ring, albeit slower than he usually would. He gets a microphone and waits

for the crowd to settle before speaking.


Bruce: Ladies and gentleman, thank you for the ovation that only a rock star can get! But as much as I would love to bask in the glory of your cheers, I am back in the ring tonight for one thing. To confront Christian Faith!


Faith, you made a big speech last week about "the world was passing you by" and that "you wanted to reach the top of the mountain again". Well, Faith, what you did to me over the last nine months was not from a wrestler on the top of his game. It was a cowardly action of a man who didn't think he could fight with the best in the business!


Christian, if you wanted a shot at the absolute best in the SWF, you should have just come a-knockin'. You saw me fight off everything you could throw in my direction for NINE months. Why didn't you just ask?


Faith: Because that wouldn't have been part of the plan, Brucie!


Jack turns his head to the stage, where Christian Faith is standing with a huge smile on his face. Faith, carrying the SWF title belt with him, makes his way down to the ring and gets right in Bruce's face.


Faith: Jack, were you really listening to me last week? I wasn't being cowardly, I was being smarter! Smart enough to understand that I needed to change my ways to regain control here in Supreme. I was on top of Supreme for a long time, being the resident fan favorite. But lately, that hasn't worked for me. Being revered by the fans left me out of the gold. So being as smart as I am, I realized that if I changed my gameplan, success wouldn't just be a result, it would be a destination.


Bruce: So being a cowardly little sneak means you're successful? I didn't realize that hiding in the shadows could make you a global icon!


Faith: Should I remind you who's the champ? Should I remind you of the wars you've "waged" over the past few months?


Bruce: Maybe I'll remind you who's led the company over the past few years. Maybe I'll remind you who's been the champ the longest over the past five years. Maybe that'll jog your memory, chump.


Faith sneers at Bruce's comments. Both men look ready for a fight before Christian speaks up again.


Faith: You know what I love about rock stars, Bruce?


Bruce: What, Chris?


Faith: That they work so hard to climb up the music industry, release a few best-selling records, and never think that their time partying and rocking will ever end. I have faith you'll be able to see the difference.


BAM! Christian Faith smashed the microphone right over Jack Bruce's head, dropping the former champ! Faith stalks Bruce.....BAM! A belt shot right to Bruce's head! Christian Faith has laid out Jack Bruce! Peter Michaels and Duane Fry cannot believe the absolute disrespect that Faith has shown here tonight; as he walks up the stage while Jack Bruce is left down and out again in a Supreme ring.


******** Commercial


While Michaels and Fry discuss what just happened, Angry Gilmore and Robbie Retro are in the ring for the opening contest.


Match #1 - Angry Gilmore VS Robbie RetroThe youngster Retro puts up a tough fight early on, but Gilmore uses his experience and skills to hold him back. Retro finally takes over after a missed dropkick, but it's only for a few seconds before Gilmore reverses Retro's Murder on the Dancefloor into his Anger Management for the three count.

Winner: Angry Gilmore


Gilmore just walks up the ramp, stone-faced in victory.


The cameras quickly go backstage to see a limo pull up. The fans make a reaction when they see Rich Money emerge from the door, but it's a mix of cheers and boos.


Michaels: Money's back!

Fry: But what will he say about Faith?


******** Commercial


Backstage, "Street Warfare"; Runaway Train, Big Smack Scott, and Kurt Laramee, are with Ana Garcia.


Ana: Gentleman, how do you feel going into you-


Scott snatches the mic out of her hand, startling the backstage interviewer.


Scott: Ana, you sexy thang, why don't you run along back to my room and wait for our celebration party?


Ana, clearly offended by the offer, decides to just walk away from Scott, leaving the group to speak themselves.


Scott: Tonight, we are going out there and beating those teeny-bopper pieces of garbage! We will crush everybody on our way to the tag team titles!

Kurt: That's right, Smacker! We are gonna give the Bumfholes our version of "Street Justice"! Tonight is the next step in our rise to the top!

Scott: And if you're not down with us, we got two big words for ya!

Kurt: Runaway. Train.


Train steps forward and gives his classic menacing stare right into the camera as Michaels and Fry hyped the number one contender match, up next!


******** Commercial


Match #2 - #1 Contender Match - The Pain Alliance VS The Amazing Bumfholes

A solid match between both teams, although the Smacker is still very awful when it comes to actually wrestling. But that doesn't matter when you're a winner! Train distracts Zimmy by getting on the apron, leading to an undetected low-blow on Randy by Laramee. By the time Zimmy is sent back to his corner, Laramee has already hit his Switchblade Powerslam! BSS makes sure Zimmy can't interfere and the Pain Alliance are the number one contenders!

Winners: The Pain Alliance


Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee start to celebrate, but Runaway Train isn't joining in just yet. He kicks Zimmy in the gut and gives him a devasting Train Wreck to the canvas! Smacker and Laramee cheer him on in the destruction, just as Randy starts to move from the end of the match. Laramee scoops him up and tosses into Train, telling him to "do it again"! Just as Train starts to set up another one, the tag team champs are sprinting down the ramp!


Valiant and Giedroyc chase the Pain Alliance out of the ring, leaving a face-off between them and Train! Train tosses Randy down and gets right in the faces of the tag team champions! But just as the champs are gunning for a fight, Train backs out of the ring at the beckoning of Kurt and Scott! The Pain Alliance and Giedroyc and Valiant share words with each other as Train starts his way up the ramp.


Michaels: What was that all about? Train could fought them off!

Fry: Maybe he didn't want to get involved right away? The Pain Alliance has a history of sneak attacks, maybe they're waiting for a better advantage?

Michaels: I guess they better make sure they regain the advantage, because the champs just punked them out!


Interrupting Michaels and Fry is Captain Atomic being tossed down the ramp with such violent force! Atomic is motionless as the announcers wonder "what the hell is going on"?


Their questions are answered quickly; Marat Khohlov is rumbling down the stage in pursuit! Khohlov grabs Atomic's lifeless body and easily picks him up. Khohlov then starts to ram his body into the barricade shoulder first! Khohlov does this over and over again, just punishing his ribs and upper body! Khohlov decides to then throw Atomic in the ring after this assault. Atomic is just holding his ribs in agony! Khohlov picks up Atomic and delivers a huge Russian Legend powerbomb to the Captain, flattening him! Khohlov screams out in Russian as medics try to get in at Atomic, who by all accounts, is in big trouble.


********* Commercial


Backstage, Emma Chase is with her man, Brandon James.


Chase: After all the talk backstage lately about Joe Sexy's advances on me last week, you think people would understand why my Brandon James would place his North American title on the line! I am basically a goddess to you little people out there! Why wouldn't people fight to have me by their side? But I'm with a man of power and greatness. There's no reason for me to even give Joe Sexy the time of day! And tonight, Brandon will show Joe why

he should look for another line of work.


Chase hands James the microphone as she strokes his arm. James' menacing glare sticks out as he starts to speak.


James: Sexy, tonight you will understand what a huge mistake you've made. Emma Chase is my woman. And I will destroy anybody that tries to take her away from me. Tonight, you will feel my wrath. And then you'll understand what will happen to you in nine days. Be afraid, Joe, be very afraid.


The power couple walk toward the ring for James' tag team match up next.


******** Commercial


Match #3 - Brandon James/Enforcer Roberts w/Emma Chase VS Joe Sexy/Gregory Black

James and Roberts' intensity dominates the early part of the match, but Sexy' quick thinking and Black's quickness allows the faces to get back into the match. However, Emma Chase decides to make her "mark" in the match's finish. After Gregory Black manages to dump Enforcer Roberts over the ropes with a hard dropkick, "Big Money" James hits Black with a huge Big Money Move as he turns around! Sexy takes offense to James' interference and quickly surprises James with a number of solid strikes, dazing the beast! But just as Sexy looks to put away James down with a One Night Stand, Emma slid into the ring and smacked Sexy across the back of the head with the North American Title! The ref had no other choice but to call for the bell

Winners (by DQ): Joe Sexy and Gregory Black


James rolls out of the ring with Emma by his side, with the North American title in his grasp. Both Sexy and Black are still down from the "sneak" attacks by the premier power couple of Supreme.


Michaels: What a sad ending to a great match! Sexy looked to have James' number in the ring.

Fry: But will that be enough for Joe to build on for his title match in just nine days at "When Hell Freezes Over"?

Michaels: Who knows, Duane. But I'm being told that backstage with Ana Garcia is nothing but the one and only Rich Money!


Ana: Thanks guys, I'm here with Rich Money. Rich, the question everybody wants to know is what you have in response to Christian Faith and his comments from last week?


Money: Well Ana, tonight I don't have anything to say to Christian Faith. I do have something I want to say though, to somebody very important.


Ana: Who else do you have to say something to you, Rich?


Money: The fans, Ana.


Ana: The fans? I don't understand.


Money: It's simple. I told everybody out there that I did not set up Jack Bruce. I told you, I told the other wrestlers, I even told my mother that I didn't do it. But did anybody believe me? No, they all ran to Bruce's side. And I tried to defend my honor last month. So yeah, Faith is on my watch for setting me up. But as far as I'm concerned, Bruce brought this on himself. He is the champ, after all. Now, if you excuse me, I'm on my way to the ring to do some guest commentary for the main event. Since I won't be medically cleared to wrestle for another two weeks, I might as well scout the man that might beat Faith at "When Hell Freezes Over". That way I can get to finally claiming the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, as Faith nicely put last week. Talk to you later, Ana.


With that, Rich Money is on his way out the ring, leaving Garcia in his path.


******** Commercial


Money joins Peter and Duane at the announce table just before the fatal-four way starts.


Money: How are you two doing tonight? Still ready to blame me?

Peter: I-er.....No, not anymore, R-Rich.

Money: Oh don't worry, Michaels. I'm only keeping a checklist on the guys I'm going to beat in the ring. Just

remember my word is "money" next time.

Peter: Will do.


Main Event - #1 Contender Match - Lobster Warrior VS Remo VS Steve Frehley VS Vengeance

The first main event of 2010 is a mixture of the energetic Lobster Warrior, the destructive Remo, and the powderkeg feud between Frehley and Vengeance. In the early going, Vengeance and Remo are able to form a temporary alliance; physically destroying Warrior and Frehley. But in a match like this, alliances only go so far. And Remo broke it off first, tossing Vengeance into the steel steps; and then giving the demonic monster a huge spinebuster onto said steps, almost breaking him in half!


But after more hard-hitting action, the match comes to an end in a surprising fashion. Frehley and Vengeance almost disregard winning by the end of it, brawling half-way up the ramp and ignoring the other two competitors. Remo tries to deliver his finisher, The Dominator, to Lobster Warrior; it seems to be the end. But the "Underwater Sensation" slips out the back and manages to bounce off the ropes to deliver his Shell Shock DDT, dropping Remo hard! Lobster Warrior rolls Remo over and gets the surprising three count!

Winner: Lobster Warrior


Michaels: Warrior! The Lobster King has done it!

Fry: What a match that will be: Faith versus Lobster Warrior!

Money: Wait, it looks like Faith wants to start it early.


And it does, Christian Faith has snuck into the ring and smashed his championship belt right into the back of the head of the new number one contender! Faith stands tall over Lobster Warrior, staring directly into the eyes of another victim of Faith; Rich Money. The show fades to black at the silent face-off.

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Guest codey
Just a suggestion, I'd use bolded text instead of underlined to indicate matches and segment breaks. Other than that, good stuff!
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OOC: Thanks codey for the criticism, I want to make sure it's readable for everybody.


Supreme TV Preview


An exciting night is coming on Supreme TV! We've got some huge matches in store in the aftermath of last week!


Last week, the "Underwater Sensation" Lobster Warrior claimed his spot in the main event at "When Hell Freezes Over" with a pinfall victory over Remo. But his opponent, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Christian Faith, decided to run in post-match and give Warrior a taste of the belt to the back of his head! So tonight, the main event has been set: Christian Faith will team up with Remo to take on Lobster Warrior and Jack Bruce! Bruce will be making his return to the ring and would love nothing more than to exact some revenge on the World Heavyweight Champion. Will the Lobster King gain an edge for Thursday's PPV or will the Faith break his spirit as well?


Also in the aftermath of last week's main event, Steve Frehley and Vengeance will be in action tonight; albeit in seperate competition. Frehley will be taking on Frederique Antonio Garcia; while Vengeance will take on American Machine. In just two days before their encounter on PPV, who will be able to gain some momentum? And will their be any extra fireworks in store for either man?


Last week, Joe Sexy gained a huge win against Brandon "Big Money" James! However, it was only by DQ as Emma Chase decided to get involved. Tonight, they will sign the contract for the North American Title match for "When Hell Freezes Over". But Joe Sexy says he has a surprise for James when he gets to the ring. What could Sexy have in store for James? And will we see an explosion between these two competitors as well?


And after the huge tag team number one contendership victory, the Pain Alliance went out and celebrated on the town! But they need to make sure they haven't partied too hard for Supreme; as Kurt Laramee is going to take on Valiant is a mini-preview for their tag team title match in just two days as well. With Train and the Smacker on the side of Laramee and with Giedroyc in Valiant's corner; there is sure to be tension both inside and outside the ring. Who will gain the mental advantage before "When Hell Freezes Over"?


And the opening match stems from a match last week on Supreme. Enforcer Roberts has went to the SWF Board of Directors and demanded a match with Gregory Black; from their encounter during as enemies in their tag team match. Both men are skilled; Roberts' technical abilities versus Black's explosive agility. Who will be able to claim the upper hand?


With all these combustable elements in one building, you know there will be some mayhem on Supreme TV! Tune in at 9 PM, live on C.A.N.N!



Quick Picks

Lobster Warrior/Jack Bruce VS Christian Faith/Remo

Steve Frehley VS Frederique Antonio Garcia

Vengeance VS American Machine

Kurt Laramee w/Runaway Train and Big Smack Scott VS Valiant w/Jack Giedroyc

Gregory Black VS Enforcer Roberts

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Guest codey

Lobster Warrior/Jack Bruce VS Christian Faith/Remo

Steve Frehley VS Frederique Antonio Garcia

Vengeance VS American Machine

Kurt Laramee w/Runaway Train and Big Smack Scott VS Valiant w/Jack Giedroyc

Gregory Black VS Enforcer Roberts

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Supreme TV - Live on C.A.N.N


Supreme TV opens with a BANG as the show jumps right into the first match-up between Gregory Black and Enforcer Roberts. Both men head to the ring with purpose, looking to gain some momentum with a chance at a big win.


Match #1 - Gregory Black VS Enforcer Roberts

Black and Roberts force each other into a stalemate for much of the match-up, as a quick move by Black would gain no ground against a technical defense by Roberts. But a finish like what we saw was not expected by either man. The "Russian Giant" Marat Khohlov came down just as it looked like Enforcer Roberts would be able to slip in and lock in his "R.C.T" submission! Marat grabbed Roberts by the head and just lifted him off Black! He proceeded to throw Roberts right over the ropes and to the floor! Black turned around to try and stop Marat, but that was a poor idea; as Khohlov clotheslined the hell out of Black, turning him inside-out! Marat picked up Black and delivered a huge "Russian Legend" powerbomb, destroying the fan favorite! Khohlov just destroyed two more men, adding them to the list of his victims!

Winner: No Contest


Michaels: What a show of power by the Russian!

Fry: Nobody can stop this man!

Michaels: Well, if that's any indication of how tonight's huge show is going to go, I can not wait! Right now though, we have an exclusive Supreme.com interview that happened earlier. Here is Jack Bruce, earlier today, to get his words about Christian Faith's attacks last week.


Bruce: You want my words? Ok, here they are. Christian Faith is a bitter old man. He couldn't get that he is "past his prime", so he cheated and bribed who ever he could to keep his career going. Tonight, I hope he won't hide behind Remo. I hope he actually tries to take me on, because I will show him that I am the best in this company. And when I get my rematch, I'll prove it. Because I have faith...that Christian won't be able to handle the "Rock Legend" in the ring. Long Island in the house!


Michaels: Strong words from the former champ; can he get some measure of revenge tonight in our main event?


******** - Commercial


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant are standing backstage with their ladies, Dawn and Hannah; and they are holding microphones.


Giedroyc: Last week, we found out that we'd be facing the Pain Alliance in just two days for our tag team titles.

Valiant: That's right, Jack. And then we watched them try to injured the Bumfholes, which is definitely not how we roll. We enjoy taking on all challengers.

Giedroyc: So after talking to the Supreme Board of Directors; we've signed a match for next Tuesday night.

Valiant: It will be a fatal-four way tag team match for the SWF Tag Team Titles! Whether or not we actually are still the champs, I should add.

Giedroyc: Whoa pal! Confidence is our mantra. Tonight, you'll beat Laramee. And in two days at "When Hell Freezes Over", we'll beat the Pain Alliance.

Valiant: Well said. Let's get going; I've got a match to win!


Giedroyc and Valiant, with their ladies in tow, stroll their way to the ring.


Match #2 - Kurt Laramee w/BSS and Train VS Valiant w/Giedroyc, Dawn, and Hannah

A brawl basically takes place between the "King of the Streets" and the "All-American Hero". Both men impress the crowd with solid power moves, almost trying to injure their opponent before their big match in just two days. But interference plays a part in this match as well; Laramee has two men to distract the referee in his corner. Train gets on the apron, Smacker attacks Giedroyc, and Laramee hits Valiant with his chain during the distraction to get the three-count when the referee turns around.

Winner: Kurt Laramee


"Street Warfare" celebrates up the ramp as Dawn and Hannah check on their men at ringside.


Fry: A cheap way to win for Laramee, but that's how wrestling works sometimes.

Michaels: There's no place for that kind of conduct by the Pain Alliance; hopefully Valiant and Giedroyc can put them in their place on Thursday!

Fry: Hopefully, Pete. But up next is the contract signing between Joe Sexy and Brandon James! What is Sexy's surprise?


******** - Commercial


Brandon James is in the ring with his lovely lady, Emma Chase, by his side. He grabs the contract on the table, clearly showing his signature, and paces with it in his hand. The impatience shows on his face as he waits for Joe Sexy to appear.


Sexy strolls his way into the ring and sits in the chair opposite James and grabs a microphone.


Sexy: Brandon "Big Funny" James, why don't ya take a seat and we can get this show on the road?


James snarls at the challenger. He proceeds to take his seat and toss it over the ropes!


Sexy: Ok, ok, ok. Don't sit down.

James: Joe, I've been waiting all day for this contract signing. Emma and I have asked everybody here what they know about you and your big surprise! Tell me!

Sexy: Don't get your panties in a bunch! Here's my surprise: I've added a stipulation to our match on Thursday.

James: what kind of stipulation? If it has anything to do with Emma, I won't sign it! I agreed to put my title on the line, that's all!

Sexy: Oh no, it's nothing you have to give. It's what Emma will give me. If I win on Thursday, she becomes my manager! That way, she can finally get up and close to the real "big man" in Supreme!

James: No! No way in hell will you be able to take Emma from me!

Sexy: It's already in the contract you signed; didn't you read the fine print?


Sexy smiles as James loses it, storming around the ring! Sexy grabs the contract and signs on thedotted line, laughing the entire time. He gets up and shows off his excellent ploy to the crowd.


Which is why he doesn't see Brandon James clock him in the back of the head with the North American title. James tears into Sexy's prone body, pummeling him with shot after shot to the skull! James proceeds to pick up Joe and deliver a devasting Brandon Bomb Drop right through the table! Emma cheers her man on at the violence, laughing at Sexy's injuries. The premier power couple leave Sexy behind as Supreme goes to a commercial.


******** - Commercial


American Machine is already in the ring, talking to his manager BJ O'Neill, while he waits for the monster Vengeance. All of a sudden, the lights go out! When they return, Vengeance is behind Machine, freaking BJ out! Vengeance grabs Machine by the neck and gives him a huge chokeslam! The referee rings the bell to actually start the match, but all accounts, this one is over.


Match #3 - Vengeance VS American MachineVengeance scoops up Machine's body and delivers a Skull Krusher, ending this quick squash.

Winner: Vengeance


Vengeance smiles at the destruction he has left behind. BJ checks on her man, but he doesn't seem to be waking up anytime soon. Vengeance yells to the crowd "You're next, Frehley! You're next Frehley!"


Backstage, the number one contender Lobster Warrior is with Ana Garcia.


Ana: Lobby, what a huge win last week! And now, you can get some revenge on the champion, Christian Faith. How are you feeling from that attack last week?

Lobby: I'm feeling alright, Ana. Lobsters do have very hard shells; we can deflect a lot of blows.

Ana: Very true, Lobby. Any words for the champ before your match against him?

Lobby: Sure do! Faith, I know you've got your focus elsewhere; on Bruce and Money. But don't forget to see the big red shell coming to run you down! I will be in that ring on Thursday, not Bruce or Money! It's the Lobster King's time!


Lobster Warrior hands the mic back to Ana and walks out of the screen as Supreme goes to commercial.


******** - Commercial


Match #4 - Steve Frehley VS Frederique Antonio Garcia

Frehley's power moves get him off to a hot start, but Garcia uses every advantage he can to fight back. He can't compete with the power, so he tries to weaken Frehley's legs in order to slow him down. Numerous attacks to the legs allows Garcia to finally take control in the match. But after

Frehley reaches the ropes on an attempted boston crab; Garcia argues with the ref about it. So he doesn't realize that Frehley is up; he turns right into a huge clothesline! While both men are down, Vengeance comes back out to ringside! He tosses his chain into the ring, over the referee's head, and then climbs onto the apron. Vengeance tries to distract the referee while Garcia grabs Vengeance's chain that he tossed in! Garcia goes for the swing - DUCKED - Frehley picks him up and deliver a huge Frehley's Comet! Frehley then punches Vengeance off the apron, turns around, and gets the three-count!

Winner: Steve Frehley


Frehley celebrates, but not for too long. Vengeance is trying to get in the ring to get at Frehley. The ref tries to get in the way, but Vengeance clocks him in the face! As Frehley starts to run at the monster, road agents and more referees get to down to ringside; putting out the fire in the ring. Frehley and Vengeance yell at each other for a few minutes, trying to break free.


Michaels: These two giants will just have to wait until Thursday! What a match that will be!


******** - Commercial


The main event is near, as Christian Faith makes his way to the ring. The champ grabs a mic to do a little pre-match trash talking.


Faith: Ladies and gentleman, I have faith! I have faith that you'll all see the truth in my statements and that I had to do what I had to do to reach the pinnacle of Supreme. That I needed to out-work, out-manuever, and out-think Jack Bruce and Rich...


Faith's words die into the microphone, as none other than Rich Money appears at ringside! Money gives Faith a little wave as he rolls up to the announce table to join Peter Michaels and Duane Fry just before the main event. Faith, clearly angry at Money stealing his thunder, tossed down the

microphone while waiting for his partner to appear. Remo doesn't even give his former partner a look as he reaches the ring, prefering his intense game-face.


But Jack Bruce does. Bruce doesn't even hit the ring first on his way down; he goes to the announce table first. Bruce stares down Money for a good ten seconds before making his way back to his corner with Lobster Warrior.


Michaels: what was that about?

Money: Well, Petey, I think he still doesn't trust me. He's definitely on my list.


Main Event - Lobster Warrior/Jack Bruce VS Christian Faith/Remo

A great tag team main event ends Supreme tonight, as it builds suspense for "When Hell Freezes Over": How will Faith and Warrior handle each others' skills in the main event? But Faith allows Remo to do most of the work; only tagging in when Bruce or Lobby is starting to stir. Bruce is actually barely able to gain any offense on Faith or Remo; clearly not 100 percent ring-wise. Both Remo and Faith cut him at the knees on his momentum, making use of any shortcut to gain the advantage.


But Bruce manages to get in the driver seat after Remo's charge hits nothing but turnbuckle. Bruce gets the tag, and the number one contender explodes! A flurry of strikes downs Remo! Remo is pretty much done for, as Lobster Warrior looks to end it here. Christian Faith tries to stop Lobby's attacks, but Bruce blocks him off! Faith decides not to cross Bruce, and bails to the floor. This allows Lobster Warrior to finish the man with a huge Lobster Trap on Remo that gets a big three count for the number one contender!

Winners: Lobster Warrior and Jack Bruce


Warrior and Bruce start to celebrate their win to the crowd, not noticing Christian Faith is back in the ring with his SWF Heavyweight Championship! Faith stalks both men, ready to pounce!


Money: I've had enough of this crap!


Money leaps from the announce table, climbs in the ring, and shoves Faith over the ropes and to the floor! Bruce and Lobby turn around to see the action, shocked at what has transpired! Bruce goes to give Money a handshake, but Money turns him down point blank. Money just shakes his head at Bruce and bails up the ramp.


Supreme ends with a celebrating challenger, a thwarted champion, and an impasse between two victims.


Fry: Thursday, "When Hell Freezes Over", Faith VS Warrior, only on PPV!

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When Hell Freezes Over


The first PPV of 2010 is here and tempers are hot here in Supreme! Who will come out on top to cool their opponents down?


After a number one contender's match, Lobster Warrior has been riding high in Supreme. On Tuesday, he scored his second pinfall victory over Remo in the main event. Now he has the SWF World Heavyweight Title in his eyes. But can he out-think Christian Faith? Faith has been running his mouth about winning the title, but can he actually defend it? And where will his other rivals slot it; Jack Bruce and Rich Money?


Speaking of Bruce, he has requested a match with Remo after Tuesday's tag team match. The "Long Island Rock Legend" is looking to get back in to wrestling shape; he was not at his best a few days ago. But is it smart to be picking on the "Silent but Deadly" Remo without being in the best of shape? Or has Bruce picked the best time; watching Remo lose two straight matches to start 2010?


The North American Title is will be up for grabs between Brandon James and Joe Sexy, but that's not all! Emma Chase's managerial services will also be up for grabs, after Sexy snuck the clause by the "premier power couple". But after being through a table, Sexy might not be feeling in the best of shape before his big title opportunity. Will he be able to come through in the clutch, or will "Big Money" protect his title and his lady?


Steve Frehley and Vengeance have been brutalizing each other for weeks now, but tonight will be their first singles match of their rivalry. With both men showing their skills last week in big victories, which man will be able to cool off their enemy? Will the monster Vengeance prove his dominance or will the "Dark Destroyer" Steve Frehley stop him in his tracks?Another match announced for tonight from Tuesday's events is an odd triple-threat match. Gregory Black and Enforcer Roberts want revenge on Marat Khohlov for his interference in their match that opened Supreme on Tuesday. So it will be Gregory Black VS Enforcer Roberts VS Marat Khohlov! Can Roberts' technical skills or Black's speed prove strong enough to topple the "Russian Giant"? Or is Marat unstoppable, even with two opponents?


And finally, the SWF Tag Team Titles will be on the line Thursday night, between the champions, Jack Giedroyc and Valiant (dubbed Pure Adrenline), and the challengers, The Pain Alliance. On Tuesday, Kurt Laramee gained some momentum for his team with a (tainted) win over Valiant; can they do it again on Thursday? Or will the champs look past their opponents for the big fatal-four way tag match on Supreme next week? Will the Smacker win a title?


All of this and more, live on Pay-Per-View! Contact your service provider for start times and ordering "When Hell Freezes Over"!


Quick Picks

SWF World Heavyweight Title - Christian Faith VS Lobster Warrior

Jack Bruce VS Remo

SWF North American Title - Brandon James w/Emma Chase VS Joe Sexy

Steve Frehley VS Vengeance

Gregory Black VS Enforcer Roberts VS Marat Khohlov

SWF Tag Team Titles - Pure Adrenline w/Dawn and Hannah VS The Pain Alliance w/Runaway Train

Plus Rich Money will be there!

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