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1997: Supreme Wrestling Federation

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Supreme Wrestling Federation




In 1972, young visionary businessman and prospective wrestling promoter Richard Eisen- with help from several people already involved in the wrestling industry- created the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The promotion opened with a bang, signing the hottest act in America, Mickey Starr, to an exclusive contract (which was unheard of in North America at the time) and promoting their shows all across the United States.


Taking lessons learned from other mediums of entertainment, Eisen devised a product that appealed to the most broad audience possible. While others scoffed at the lack of a clearly defined style of wrestling and heavy use of angles, the SWF has succeeded brilliantly to this point, reaching levels of popularity previously unseen in the U.S.


Since that time, many promotions have tried but failed to keep up with the growing vision created by Eisen. Mainstays like All American Florida Wrestling, American Pro Wrestling, California Pro Wrestling, Championship Wrestling from Boston, and even Texas Wrestling League have all collapsed.


The Supreme Wrestling Federation are probably the most famous wrestling promotion in the world, and have dominated the American scene for many years. Richard Eisen guided their rise to the top, essentially destroying the old territorial system along the way, using a glitzy, Sports Entertainment style that old-school fans hate. The debut of HGC has provided a new challenge for the SWF but at this time the SWF remain the #1 promotion in the world.


The HGC was set up by billionaire JK Stallings as the first true direct rival to the SWF in almost 2 decades since their national expansion. Stallings has clearly spent a lot of money to assemble his roster, bringing in stars from all over the world and practically stealing the SWF's main event scene circa 1990 to headline his promotion. He has also raided the independent scene for a lot of their big stars and it really shows in the promotion's title belt set-up that they have been heavily influenced by many different wrestling cultures. Thankfully though, Stallings has given much of the day to day running of the company over to men like Rip Chord and Sam Strong, allowing their experience to shape and mould the company while also helping to build some new stars of their own, most notably in Liberty and BLZ Bubb, who seem to be in line for a rapid push into contention with former SWF World Champions like Strong, Chord and Dread.

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World Heavyweight Champion




Sam Keith


Previous Champion:Sean McFly









North American Championship






Previous champion: Nemesis








World Tag Team Champions




The Warlords of Pain

Defences: 2

Previous Champions:The Outbackers





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main event and upper midcard


Main Event




Bruce The Giant


Standing 7'4 and weighing 600lbs, Bruce The Giant is the biggest athlete on the planet, and is known throughout the wrestling world. In 1992, Bruce arrived in the SWF and made a huge impact by winning the SWF World Heavyweight title by destroying the legendary Rip Chord and going on a huge undefeated streak that almost led to him being named Wrestler of the Year by Pro Wrestling Hits. He has since went on to have an epic rivalry with Christian Faith that has had several huge encounters and made the SWF a lot of money in the process.


Prior to joining the SWF, Bruce had spent a year in Japan where his size landed him a lot of lucrative advertising deals and added to his celebrity status back in his homeland of Australia. Always in the spotlight, success seems to follow Bruce wherever he goes with wrestling allowing him to travel the world and make a lot of money anywhere he makes an appearance. It's just a shame he isn't a better wrestler or he would be a perfect package.








Christian Faith


Christian Faith is an SWF pureblood having been with the company since his debut in 1987. He has been groomed for many years to be a major name and when both Sam Strong and Rip Chord left the SWF, Faith's career went into supernova. Over the last 5 years he has engaged in epic money spinning feuds with the likes of Bruce the Giant, Nemesis, Sam Keith Richard Eisen and Sean McFly among others. While his in ring skills are not brilliant, he is fantastic on the microphone and he knows how to get the fans into a match. His rebellious anti-authority character has really caught on and as Richard Eisen increases his on-screen role, the two men have clashed frequently and the public have really begun to get interested in the boss vs employee feud that has been brewing.









Jim Force


Face-painted powerhouse Jim Force is a former bodybuilder, who has one of the best looks in all of professional wrestling. Unfortunately he perhaps has the least talent too but this has been protected by some excellent booking and a lot of opponents going out of their way to make him look good. If he could bring his ring skills up to par, he could be a big star for the SWF but he has so far struggled to show much promise even against some of the best workers in the world.








Mr. Supreme


Dennis Butler is better known by his wrestling alter ego, Mr Supreme. While many think he was given the nickname while he was with the SWF, he actually took up the name himself after his first spell with the promotion ended when he was fired for being drunk at a live show. He was re-hired later following a string of sensational performances with XFW and he kept the moniker but his drinking demons still haunt him. When he's good, he's an incredible performer. When he's not, he's probably more trouble than he's worth.








Rory McCallum


Rory McCallum is a fiery brawler known for his wild interviews, quick wit and ability to get a crowd going. He first came to fame in Canada (where he was born) as a good brawler but the SWF gimmicked him up as a wild Scotsman and the character really caught on and he has remained one of the SWF's most popular workers for almost a decade. Despite this, he has never held any championship gold which is probably because his matches are rarely as good as his legendary promos. He has recently taken on a protege in the young Danny Bruce, who he has begun working with regularly on SWF programming and may be a sign that he is considering retirement in the near future.








Sam Keith


Sam Keith is one of the true legends of wrestling, having won major titles and put on fantastic performances all around the world since the 1980s. Having already succeeded in Japan, Mexico and Canada he took the steps of heading to the SWF where he has once again found himself on top of the pile, reigning as SWF World champion. Arguably the greatest worker in the world today, Keith is also known to posess a brilliant creative mind and has begun to really exert a strong influence on Richard Eisen's booking style, advocating a more modern product over the SWF's long standing sports entertainment product.








Sean McFly


At the age of 22 years old, Sean Mcfly is considered by many to be one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet. Already a former SWF World Champion he has had some match of the year candidates with Sam Keith and helped bring the high flying style to mainstream attention. He is known backstage as being one of the nicest men around and has avoided the ego problems many youngsters develop when they get pushed this hard. He also dates Victoria Stone of the legendary Stone family, a relationship that is rumoured to be unpopular with SWF management as they dislike their employees mingling with people from outside the SWF.







Sid Streets


Sid Streets is the youngest son of the SWF Hall of Famer, Rocky Streets. A fantastic worker in his own right, Sid always posessed an all round in-ring game that was far ahead of his father and older brother. In 1994 it looked like he was finally going to get a World Championship push but he suffered a major concussion during a match with Nemesis. Only returning from injury at the end of 1996, the vignettes aired for his return have got the crowd excited for the 40 year old known as "Sid the Kid", giving the SWF some extra star power and something to hype in the face of the arrival of HGC.



Upper Midcard









Adonis is played by Puerto Rican wrestler Pineda Rivero, who's extremely muscular physique and natural arrogance lends itself perfectly to his outrageously arrogant character. Almost always accompanied by a valet to hold a mirror for him to look at himself in (most recently his wife Maria), Adonis is actually a decent worker in his own right too. He came to fame with the SWF in the early 90s and looked set for big things until they realised he was absolutely horrible on the microphone, causing him to get depushed back into the midcard pack.








Alex Pierce


"Invincible" Alex Pierce was once a youngster who's idea of wrestling was to throw together a lot of flashy moves with no rhyme or reason to them. This eventually got him noticed and he went on to tour Japan for two years. When he returned to America he was a changed man. With a solid all round moveset and a newfound grasp of psychology he became a hot property and made his way to the SWF where he has spent years as the gatekeeper to the SWF main event scene. His MO when wrestling is to grind down an opponent with strikes and holds, with the announce team often saying "Pierce seems to get tougher the more you hit him", which is what led to his Invincible nickname. His alliance with Cheatin' Mike Barstow is not only one of the longest running ones in the SWF, but has also been the source of tag team gold on two occasions.








Black Hat Bailey


Black Hat Bailey is a real old-school fighter. He joined the SWF in 1996 from PPPW and quickly established himself as a dangerous gun-for-hire character who could take opponents apart with his technical skills. He doesn't posess a lot of star quality and doesn't look like he'll ever be a major player with the SWF but a character like his has a lot of mileage and given the right creative direction he could potentially become a star.








The Masked Patriot


The Masked Patriot is a gimmick that has been around for decades, and is reckoned by some historians to hold the distinction of not only being the longest continuously running character in wrestling, but also the gimmick to have had the most wrestlers use it. This Masked Patriot - by some accounts the fifteenth man to have donned the red, white and blue.









No Way Jose


No Way Jose is a very charismatic Mexican worker who moved to the SWF once his bandit character caught on after a trial with the company. He has been constantly trying to steal title belts for almost a decade without any success but has gained a huge amount of popularity as a result. Originally a typical high flying lucha worker, he has evolved a more grounded style now after spending many years with the SWF












Warlord Pain


Warlord Pain is one half of the Lords Of War, one of the greatest tag teams of the last decade who have achieved success across North America and in Japan. They have recently joined the SWF in order to help rejuvenate their fading tag team division and the Lords of War have quickly caught on with the SWF fans and become very successful in a short period of time, becoming SWF World Tag Team champions and easily laying claim to what should be the most prestigious tag team belts in the world, if only Richard Eisen could see the value in pushing the tag team division.









Stuart Storm


Stuart Storm is one half of the legendary "Perfect Storm" tag team with his brother Seth. The duo are world travellers for sure, having worked in Japan, Mexico, North America and across Europe at some point over the last 20 years. Their recent SWF hype has been getting the crowd excited for their in-ring debut, advertising that "A Storm is Coming" and it seems that the brothers are in line for a good push in their early months.









Danny "The Mountain" Rushmore


Danny "The Mountain" Rushmore is an old-school powerhouse style of wrestler, using his strength and size to beat down opponents with low-risk attacks. He's not a bad worker by any means, but he is pretty bland, and that has kept him from achieving very much in his career so far. A push in late 1996 saw him rise up to the SWF midcard where he has been having some fairly good matches and giving himself a good showing.

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midcard and lower midcard










Capt. USA


Captain USA got his first taste of fame was in the now defunct Texas Wrestling League, where he had a long and successful career. From there he headed to the SWF, where he has struggled to break out of the opening match slot but has remained popular with the fans for a number of years. It seems that he may be getting ready to wind down his career.








Cheatin' Mike Barstow


Cheatin' Mike Barstow is a veteran heel who has extensively toured Japan during his career between spells working across the US and Canada. Known in his early years for tearing up signs and spilling fans' drinks to get heat, he later became known for his mic work, frequently letting fans everywhere know they weren't as good as fans in other towns, states or countries.










The near-500lb Elmer "Everest" Kelly is an American grappler who debuted in the mid 1990s. Kelly struggled on the US circuit under his real name, being seen as a clumsy, unfit wreck but his sheer size and look was enough to get him signed by the SWF in late 1996. Re-packed as the man mountain Everest, he quickly rose up the card, squashing a variety of jobbers in the process.










The youngster simply known as Flare is an exceptionally talented high flyer who has clearly been influenced by the Japanese and Mexican styles of wrestling. His natural flying tendencies were supplemented by some excellent training in SWF's private school and he has become one of the most exciting young talents in the world. His Solar Flare (shooting star press) finishing move has become a highlight of many shows and he looks to be one of the next big things for the SWF.








Mario Heroic


"The Enigmatic One" Mario Heroic is a young high flier, who has a weird charisma to him that has gotten him a cult following. He is particularly noted for his elaborate entrances, which occasionally last longer than his matches, something that the SWF often capitalise on by having him fill out a lot of time when they find themsevles short of material for their shows.








Outbacker Harris


Outbacker Harris is one half of the Australian tag team The Outbackers, who moved to the US after getting rave reviews for their work while back home. The duo quickly established themselves as a rough, tough team on the American indy scene before being signed up to the SWF where they initially debuted as heels. They quickly gained a good following thanks to their peculiar in ring style and soon turned face to capitalise on their popularity, becoming one of SWF's premiere tag team attractions.








Outbacker Rolf


Outbacker Rolf is one half of the Australian tag team The Outbackers, who moved to the US after breaking into wrestling in Australia. Rolf is the smaller of the two men and arguably the more talented but both are good brawlers who work well together with their unusual tag team style of wrestling. After spending a few years with the SWF, they have become one of the best and most popular tag teams in North America.








Phillips Roberts


Phillip "Enforcer" Roberts is highly respected as one of the best, most consistent wrestlers in North America. Unable to decide between working NOTBPW and the SWF, two of the biggest wrestling companies in the world, he has managed to strike a deal to work for both. In Canada he is a fine technical nemesis to the Stone family while in the US he is establishing himself as a dangerous midcard threat who is capable of beating anyone if given a chance.








Rick Horn


"Rugged" Rick Horn is a veteran brawler from Texas who has been on the wrestling scene for a long time now without ever breaking out of the midcard pack. He is known to have been considering retirement in recent months, with a new wave of young stars passing him by and age beginning to take a severe toll on his skills. On a good night he is still capable of solid matches, but even they are slowly becoming a thing of the past.








Seth Storm


Seth Storm is a famous Canadian worker who is known for teaming with his brother Stuart as "The Perfect Storm". Together the duo have travelled the world and beaten most of the best tag teams of the last 20 years. The journeymen are particularly famed in Canada but have chosen to settle with the SWF in recent months and their arrival was particularly hyped with many videos playing announcing that "A Storm Is Coming". They seem set for a push, at least initially.








Warlord Agony


Warlord Agony is one half of the Lords Of War with his long-time partner Warlord Pain. Together for over a decade, the duo have travelled the world and acheived much success working for CGC, BHOTWG and most recently the SWF. They are considered to be one of the finest and most cohesive tag teams in the world of wrestling today, using their size and power to dominate most of their opponents and pummel them until they simply can't continue.






Lower Midcarders








Reece Clark


Reece Clark is a young blue chipper who graduated the SWF's private training school in 1995. Still paying his dues and learning the ropes, he has established himself in the lower card while he improves his skills. Seems to have a promising career ahead of him if he can maintain steady progress in the ring.









Ethan Phillips


Ethan Philips is a talented young technical worker with some good charisma. The SWF signed him after had some good performances with PPPW as a young blue chopper, a character that has yet to evolve much as he improves his skills working the SWF undercard, usually losing to and learning from some good opponents.









The Masked Mauler


The Masked Mauler is a generic, masked heel, who isn't particularly good in the ring, but has seemingly worked for every small promotion under the sun at some point. He is the very definition of opening match fodder and that is the role he seems to play wherever he goes. This is actually the fifth incarnation of the character, the mask being passed to rising workers as a way of getting some work and paying their dues. The first known appearance of The Masked Mauler dates back as far as 1978.








Sabastian Krause


Sebastian Krause is a talented German wrestler who was spotted by the SWF while they were touring Europe. Seeing a lot of heel potential in the talented technician, Richard Eisen immediately signed him up. It didn't take long for the character to catch on and he quickly rose to midcard status where he has spent much of the last couple of years feuding with a variety of opponents.








Magnificent Mark


The Magnificent Mark is a poor worker who has floundered on the independent circuit for years before floundering in the lower reaches of the SWF. A weak all round wrestler, his flambuoyant gimmick is pretty much all that has kept him on the roster.








Wrestlebot 9000


The WrestleBot 9000 is the ultimate wrestling machine, designed to stretch, maim, torture and tear opponents limb from limb in the confines of the wrestling ring.

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openers and enhancement









Danny Bruce


Danny Bruce is the young protege of Rory McCallum who was hired by the SWF as a favour to the veteran star. On screen he has been brought in as an associate of McCallum and has been demonstrating some of the traits that made his mentor famous: a quick temper, a some great ability on the microphone and an ability to improvise. Sadly he has also demonstrated that he isn't a particularly competent wrestler yet, but if he is allowed time for some on the job learning, he could go on to have a great career.








Leo Davis


"The Drifter" Leo Davis is a poor worker by any standard, who has spent virtually his entire wrestling career as a low level whipping boy. In fact, the only time he actually got any sort of push was in the Texas Wrestling League, shortly before they went bankrupt, which was a very sad symbol of how far the once great promotion had fallen. Currently performing job-boy duties for the SWF, he does at least have a steady job.









Sean Self


Sean Self is a youngster who was spotted wrestling alongside Tommy Cornell in the UK and signed up to the SWF at the same time. Unfortunately for Self, it has quickly become apparent that Cornell carried most of their match together and Self has found himself struggling to make any impact whatsoever, while Cornell is being highly praised for his skills and work ethic. With things seemingly going terribly wrong for Self, he may not have a job with the SWF for long unless he experiences a dramatic improvement.







Jack Bruce


Flamboyant New Yorker Jack Bruce is a talented all round worker, who has chosen to sign for CGC in Canada and NYCW in the US rather than get embroiled in the bitter East Coast Wars. He spent the early stages of his career developing his character and has received a handful of tryout matches with the SWF, who recognise his excellent charisma and natural rock star arrogance. Many insiders believe Jack will one day go on to big things as long as his in character ego doesn't catch up with him in real life.













Barry Kingman


"No Gimmick Needed" Barry Kingman is a second generation star, being the son of the legendary Ray "The Crippler" Kingman, and some feel that he has the potential to be as good as his father once he gains more experience. He has grown up in the industry and has a natural understanding of the business but he seems to lack that special spark that would give him the "it" factor he needs. He uses his father's finishing hold, the Kingman Krippler, in tribute.









Colin Kennedy


Colin Kennedy is a young graduate of the SWF training school who has been working dark matches for the promotion since mid-1996. So far he has mostly spent time on the losing end of matches, usually performing well but coming up short due to "inexperience", though in reality he is just being given time in front of an audience in order to get him used to the large crowds while he works on his skills.

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tag teams and stables


Tag Teams










Ethan Phillips and Reece Clark





Pierce & Barstow




Alex Pierce and Mike Barstow








The Lords of War







The Outbackers







The Patriots







The Perfect Storm

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Nice to see you back in business, good sir. I'll be reading.


Thank you sir. Just feels right. Thanks for letting me pick your head a time or two as well sir.



Wanted to get this up for some time now. But guys it feels good to be writing again no matter how horrible I am. LOL. Think I am one of those writers who loses steam or loses his train of thought. Well I think I have a decent system to keep me focused this time around. Plus I have enough shows in the tank if I need to step away I can. Might do a fluff peice or two before the actual shows. But I will have a show by next tuesday probably tuesday night. First couple of shows I wont be doing any prediction games I just want to give you guys a feel for how I am booking.


I forgot who I have forgotten where I have gotten some of the alts at. If you see yours and you want credit let me know and I will make sure you receive the credit that is due. Untill then, hope to see you around.

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Well that is not true at all, your DOTT diaries were great.


Thanks BHk, wasn't ignoring you just wanted to wait a few days before responding.



In the past I tended to write longer match write ups than the promos themselves. With the old school approach felt the emphasis should be in the ring. This one will be different. Why? Different years with different emphasis. 97 cverse gives me a different vibe than 77, or default. And thats not a bad thing. It goes back far enough for me to still do some old school approach on some things, but new school to try different things.


Now don't get me wrong, I love DOTT, and any other RW mod from the past. But RW just gets me locked in a certain way to portray a worker. CVERSE gives me freedom. And the great thing about cverse is, there is no wrong way to portray a worker, my version doesn't have to jive with your portrayal. Anyways now I'm rambling so I'll stop. lol.


Show will be up tomorrow night. Some of the fluff pieces will seem like they are cut and paste jobs, why, because they are. But some, and they are coming later, will add some spice to the cverse world on my end. I hope you enjoy because a few came real easy to write and were actually fun.

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Presents SWF Supreme TV







Wk 1 Tuesday, January 1997

Isaak Road Arena Mid-Atlantic Area

15,000 Attendance (Sellout)



Dark Show


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Captain USA, Flare and Mario Heroic defeated Danny Bruce, Sebastian Krause and The Magnificent Mark in 6:22 when Flare defeated Sebastian Krause by pinfall with a Solar Flare.

Rated: D-







Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, and Jerry Eisen




Peter Michaels: Hello everyone and welcome to the years first SWF event. We are live and in color. Joining me tonight as always Jerry Eisen and Danny Jillefski.



Jerry Eisen: And what a show we have lined up for you tonight.



Danny Jillefski: Shut up you twits, the world champ is on his way down.





Sam Keith


Sam Keith makes his way down to ringside to a hail of boos. He takes his time as he seems to bask in each and every name that is hurled his way.



Sam Keith: Is that anyway to treat your world champion? You know since May of last year I have been the most dominate champion Supreme has ever saw. The McFlys, The Faiths, Hell, even Strong nor Rip could come as close to dominance that I have had since last year.




Sam Keith: Micky Starr could not even be close. And the sooner your idiots out there realize on the fact that I am the Alpha dog in this pack of runts, the sooner you will appreciate the greatness that is me as your champion. I have taken every challenge that has been thrown my way and chewed them up and spit them out. Now are there any other takers out there who thinks they have what it takes to hang with the world greatest champion ever?




Jim Force



Jim Force's music hits and out he comes. He runs down to ringside to great fanfare and dives through the bottom ropes poping back up to continue running bouncing himself off of the ropes. Sam Keith bails out of the ring. After a few moments of Force running against the ropes does he stop and calls for a microphone.



Jim Force: Who are you that dares not to buy JIM FORCE MERCHANDISE? I smell fear in you Keith. A fear that reaches outer reaches in space from the mothership. You have faced all but your greatest fear. SNARL, I am your greatest fear.



Sam Keith: I do not fear anybody that has the mental capacity of a flea. You see Jim Farce, you are all muscle and no brain. I can find somebody tonight in the backstage that I would place a wager on that you cant beat.



Jim Force: I can beat any that are opposed to buy my merchandise.


Sam Keith: Fine and when my mystery opponent beats you, you just fade away and peddle your t-shirts or what ever it is you do.


Jim Force: But when I win, you face me at Hell Freezes over.


Sam Keith: It will be a cold day in hell indeed if I have to face you. But you got you got yourself a deal.




Peter Michaels: I don't know if its a good decision to take that deal. Sam has something up his sleeve.


Danny Jillefski: Really? You come up with that thought by yourself there genius. Keith didn't become champion by accident. Of course he has a plan. And I say its about time someone got rid of that idiot Farce.


Jerry Eisen: Um, its force not farce. Anyway its time for our first match of the evening.





SWF North American Title





The Masked Patriot VS Nemesis ©



This match is for the SWF North American title. Nemesis does his best to try and intimidate the Masked Patriot, but he does not back down and does manage to trade blow for blow with Nemesis. Nemesis signals for the Nemesis Arrow but Patriot counters out and nearly lands an upset win with a sunset flip. Nemesis does eventually put the match away with the Nemesis Arrow to pick up the win.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Nemesis defeated Masked Patriot in 7:56 by pinfall with a Nemesis Arrow.



The match is over and Nemesis is not to happy after being nearly beat. He begins to punch away on The Masked Patriot. Not settling for that he begins to shout at Patriot while choking him. Referee Ric Young threatens Nemesis. Unphased by the threats Nemesis drags Patriot over to the ropes and uses them to choke him some more. Finally done choking Patriot, he drags his nails down the back of The Masked Patriot as we see the nail marks on his back.




Tommy Cornell


The crowd begins to come alive as Tommy Cornell comes into the scene and climbs up the top turnbuckle behind Nemesis. Nemesis turns around to see what the commotion is all about only to catch a missile drop kick from Tommy sending him out of the ring.



Nemesis: Who the **** do you think you are? Little man I'll break you like a twig.


Tommy Cornell stands in the ring motioning for Nemesis to come in. But quickly SWF officials come down and get between the two.




We come back after a short break to find Sam Keith backstage talking to someone who we can not see.



Sam Keith: Look win, lose, I don't really care. Hurt him in a way I know and trust you can do. Just make it happen and you will get paid for your efforts. Do we have a deal?



Something was muttered as we see Sam walk away with a smile on his face.



Sam Keith: Lets see you muscle your way out of this one.

Rated: B



Peter Michaels: Who was he talking to?



Danny Jillefski: Why it was the man who is gonna beat Jim Force tonight Peter. Try and keep up with the show.






Danny Rushmore, Phillip Roberts VS Sean McFly, Sid Streets



Danny Rushmore and Phillip Roberts put up a decent time against the duo of McFly and Streets. Eventually Sid The Kid was able to isolate Danny Rushmore and began to work him over for Sean McFly to tag in and put the match away with the Delorean Driver.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sean McFly and Sid Streets defeated Danny Rushmore and Phillip Roberts in 6:25 when Sean McFly defeated Danny Rushmore by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.



Handicap Match





Bruce The Giant VS The Outbackers



Both Outbackers are in the ring as Bruce The Giant is announced. Bruce begins the match by throwing Outbacker Harris around the ring showing off his power. After tossing Harris into the corner and setting up for a avalanche, Outbacker Rolf gets up on the ring apron and tries to distract Bruce. Bruce goes to grab Outbacker Rolf but he is too fast. Harris regains his senses and goes for a dropkick. Bruce actually manages to catch Harris and position him for The Giant Choke Slam.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bruce The Giant defeated Outbacker Harris in 5:46 by pinfall with a Giant Choke Slam.




Danny Jillefski: That was like watching a lion eat a rabbit.



Peter Michaels: Well here comes lioness right now.



Danny Jillefski: She makes my heart go pitter patter.






Beautiful Babette: You know over the last month we keep seeing these stupid little videos about the perfect storm going to roll the SWF. The perfect storm is already here. And its called my tag champions The Lord of War. Now if you two wanna....






With that the lights begin to flicker and thunder begins to rumble. Lighting strikes the walkway and out comes The Perfect Storm. Seth and Stuart look around the stage and begin to make their trek down to ringside.




Warlords Pain and Agony burst upon the scene from the backstage and proceed to beat on Seth and Stuart. Warlord Pain execute a Execution at Dawn while Agony lands his Hostile Takeover on the Storm brothers.





Adonis W/ Maria VS Rick Horn



Adonis and Rick Horn trade blows early in the match. But Maria distracts Rick Horn by acting she was going to remove her shirt allowing Adonis to land a low blow and A Running Powerslam to put Horn away.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Adonis defeated Rick Horn in 6:29 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.



Danny Jillefski: Darn it Horn. Just two more seconds is all we needed. Two more lousy seconds.


Jerry Eisen: Why am I thirsty for a milkshake?


Peter Michaels: Um,,yeah. Up next folks we have a new show for you. Rory McCallum and his bar room brawl.



Rory's Bar Room Brawl





Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce



Rory McCallum: Well thanks for nothing you three idiots. I'm Rory McCallum, the greatest non champion to every grace your television screens. And this is my show the Bar Room Brawl. And to open the first ever show I wanted some one with some intelligence. Some one with style. A real superstar that would start the year off with a bang. Nobody would return my calls so we get this instead, my drinking partner today, No Way Jose.





No Way Jose: What up Holmes?


Rory McCallum: Today, me and you will be talking while sipping some fine Scottish Whiskey.


No Way Jose: Tequila.


Rory McCallum: Whiskey.


No Way Jose: Tequila.


Rory McCallum: Whiskey little man.


No Way Jose: Knock Knock.


Rory McCallum: Who's there?


No Way Jose: Tequila.


Rory McCallum: Look here you little Mexican jumping bean, we are drinking Whiskey.


No Way Jose: Burritos are better.


Rory McCallum: Better than what?


No Way Jose: Better than being on this show.


Rory McCallum: Ugh. Thats all the time we have tonight. Hopefully the next show will be better. Thanks Jose for stealing my time.


No Way Jose: Hey no problem Holmes. Hey, does this mean I still get to keep the shot glasses.


Rory McCallum: Get out now!




Peter Micheals: That was a train wreck.


Danny Jillefski: Well that was minutes of my life I'm never gonna get back.


Jerry Eisen: I'm still waiting for that milkshake.





Jim Force VS Black Hat Bailey W/Jean-Luc Lemans



Jim Force comes running out and dives through the bottom rope. He bounces himself against the ropes waiting for his opponent to be announced. And his opponent is,.....Black Hat Bailey as he is being led out by his manager Jean-Luc Lemans. A snarl comes across the face of Jim as the announcement is made.


The bell rings and Jim is off and running. Landing running clotheslines and leaping shoulder blocks Bailey early on. Force almost ends the match early with the fast paced assault. But Bailey kicks Force on the knee causing Jim to buckle. Black Hat Bailey begins to work hard on the right leg of force. Bailey uses hamstring pulls, kicks to the inner half of the knee and a figure four leg lock to keep the match grounded.


The fans begin to rally around Jim and he begins to fire up. Sensing the match is beginning to slip away, Jean-Luc Lemans gets on the ring apron to distract Force. Force limping heavily punches Jean off of the ring causing him to crash to the floor. Black Hat Bailey comes over and tries to sneak up on Jim who kicks Bailey in the gut and manages to land his Full Force on Bailey. But it took tremendous effort in him to do so but he gets the win regardless. Jim Force leaves the ring limping heavily after he is announced as the winner.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jim Force defeated Black Hat Bailey in 8:24 by pinfall with a Full Force.






Mr. Supreme W/Luis Williams VS Christian Faith



Mr. Supreme kept the match at his pace. He ground down Faith through out the match. And the times that Faith was able to mount a come back Supreme would land a low blow or Luis Williams, Mr. Supreme's manager would get involved.


Mr. Supreme went for a clothesline attempt which Faith ducked under. Faith quickly delivered a atomic knee drop sending Mr. Supreme into the corner. Faith signals for the Leap of Faith and the crowd pops. Faith lands the move and gains a hard fought win.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Christian Faith defeated Mr. Supreme in 17:55 by pinfall with a Leap Of Faith.




Peter Michaels: Wow what a great match that was.


Danny Jillefski: You do that match 10 times and I bet you Mr. Supreme wins 9.



Both men are tired as they struggle to get to their feet. Mr. Eisen's music hits and he comes out to chorus of boos.





Richard Eisen: Well, well, well. Look Faith its like this. I don't care how many wins you accumulate. I just don't feel like putting you in a title shot anytime in the near future.



The crowd boos more as the scene shifts to Faith who is becoming agitated.



Richard Eisen: Besides Jim force grabbed the bull by the horns and after next week it will be signed, sealed, and delivered. I am tired of you not being a model employee. You will acknowledge me as your boss. I might even let you detail my limo one day if your good.



Faith is fuming at the mouth and motions for Eisen to come down to the ring and say it like a man, face to face.



Richard Eisen: See this is what I am talking about. Everybody goes to work, and the boss says to do something everybody else just jumps to and does it. Oh no, not you Mr. Faith. You see if you want anymore title shots anytime in the future. I better see some reasons why. You better start becoming that model employee.



Faith is shaking his head and saying hell no.



Richard Eisen: Oh you better do it Faith. Now I don't expect you to give me the answer now. Because everybody knows how hot headed you are. But next week. You better have some answers for me. Good night everybody and thanks for coming.


Faith is leaning against the ropes fuming and looking a death hole through Mr. Eisen.



Danny Jillefski: Ha ha, I love it. Could we see Faith finally under some rules?


Jerry Eisen: I think the old man has finally lost it.


Peter Michaels: Wow, what a way to end the show. I'm Peter Michaels and for Jerry Eisen and Danny Jillefski, Good night everybody and we will see you next week.




Overall: B

TV Rating for America Sports 1= 3.22





Jim Force and Sam Keith segmant: B-

Nemesis beat Masked Patriot : C

Tommy Cornell and Nemesis Segmant : C+

Sam Keith Mystery :B

Sean McFly and Sid Streets beat Danny Rushmore and Phillip Roberts: C+

Bruce the Giant beat The Outbackers : C

Perfect Storm and Lords of War, Two segmants: B-, B

Adonis beat Rick Horn: D+

Bar Room Brawl: B-

Jim Force beat Black Hat Baily: C

Christian Faith beat Mr. Supreme: A

Richard Eisen and Faith Segmant:A

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Peter Michaels was recently voted as one the best wrestling announcers today. I decided it was time to learn more on Peter and arranged to spend a day with one of the most recognizable voices on TV today.



After spending a few moments being greeted by Mr. Michaels in the lobby of Swf Headquarters he agreed to allow me to follow him. It soon became apparent that the man has a pulse on almost everything that is going on in the actual production of each show that we witness every week. But that is not all. He is in alot of meetings regarding talent and has spent hours scouting potential new talent.



I asked him who does he see right now as potential future headliners currently employed?



Peter Michaels: Adonis could be on the verge of being a good one, Bruce The Giant already is and could go into supernova if we could just get him some stamina. The man just could easily dominate. I would not consider him fat, but if he could shed a few pounds I really wonder if that would help improve his cardio out. Flare could surprise people with his sheer athletic ability. Jim Force is on the cusp. And I don't know, with out sounding biased there are two kids I am kinda rooting for. Mario Heroic and Tommy Cornell. But that is not saying anybody else could not sneak up on us. I root for anybody we employ.



What do you think it takes to be a superstar in todays business?



Peter Michaels: Well you have to be prepared to do alot of hard work. Everybody comes in thinking they are going to be a number 3 or clean up type hitter. But lets face it, everybody cant bat there. But thats OK. You still need that number 7 or 8 in your lineup to help the team. Its those who make the most of each and every opportunity who will always shine. If your allowed six minutes to wrestle, go make it the best six minute match you can.



I have noticed that you seem to have alot of input around here. Are you being groomed for something down the road?



Peter Michaels: Haha, no. I am just glad to help out in each and every way I can. I thank Mr. Eisen almost on a daily matter for being blessed in having the greatest job in the world. I get to travel all around the place, meet new people every day. And get paid very well to entertain people. I just tend to be a workaholic.



We spent the rest of the afternoon chit chatting about various things. His thoughts on HGC, life after wrestling, heartaches of being on the road for so long. Which I may share later. But the man does pay attention to alot of details and takes pride in the work he does.



He realizes his job is to make others shine and that became evident when he was trying to come up with better camera angles to capture a better feel for what is going on in the ring. He feels as if you have a better idea on what is going on in the ring, it makes his job easier in telling you. Seeing is believing he said multiple times.



Well Peter Michaels, seeing is believing why you are voted one of the best announcers today.




In other news. Prowrestler Insider got a first look today at the finances of the AMW promotion through some leaked documents and things in the ambitious Texas based company don't look good. With attendances dropping off following some ludicrously booked bad storylines in the last 6 months, AMW looks to have been bleeding money faster than a Big Smack Scott victim in a hardcore match.


With many of the investors in the company actively and openly stating that Trenton Evenrud's mismanagement of the company is to blame, it seems like only a matter of time before the troubled company is forced to close unless something major happens to save them. In this reporter's opinion, that is pretty dang unlikely.



Another show will be up Tuesday night sometime. And SWF Hell Freezes Over will be up Thursday. 

On a quick side note. Are the pics coming up for you guys ok? For me sometimes they are there, sometimes not. Trying out Imageshack. If they are not I may have to go back to Photobucket.  

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Guest cmdrsam



Presents SWF Supreme TV







Wk 2 Tuesday, January 1997

The Dust Bowl Midsouth

15,000 Attendance (Sellout)



Pre show



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Outbackers defeated Barry Kingman and The Masked Mauler in 6:17 when Outbacker Harris defeated Barry Kingman by pinfall.

Rated: D





Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, Jerry Eisen






Christian Faith


Before any video package is played we see Christian Faith in the parking area. He is finally dressed carrying a duffel bag and whistling "Whistle while you work." Faith approaches a black limo with the plates Eisen#1. Faith stops by it admires it for a second, then proceeds to tighten his tie. He has a huge smile on his face as he pulls out a sledgehammer. Whack, Whack, Whack. The sounds of metal caving and broken glass is heard with each and every swing. Finally he is done and removes his tie and his shirt revealing his usual tshirt he is in.


Christian Faith: (smiles) Hey boss, the car is finally detailed. ( with a more serious look now) Am I a model employee now? My faith is ironclad. I will never bow to you.


The limo driver comes out of the car and surveys the damage. He is shocked as he takes off his hat and overcoat. He looks around before dropping the items and runs away.




After the opening video package and the usual pan of the audience we stop at the broadcast table.


Peter Michaels: Oh man are we off and running. Hello everybody I'm Peter Michaels and welcome to SWF Supreme TV.


Danny Jillefski: Faith is gonna pay for that.


Jerry Eisen: It's gonna be a long ride home tonight.





Richard Eisen


Richard Eisen comes out before his music could hit. And he is mad as a hornet.


Richard Eisen: Gimme the damn microphone. Who do you think you are Faith? That was my property. Not yours. You think by destroying something of mine, you are gonna get your way? I'll tell you something right now. Tonight you will learn to call me boss. You will learn it like these idiots in the stands are gonna learn it. Tonight I prove to the entire world, Faith can get you so far. But its a Eisen world. Tonight you will be in a no disqualification match, against your boss, ME!



Peter Michaels: My gosh what is he thinking. Mr. Eisen, wrestling here tonight folks. I think thats a first time here.


Jerry Eisen: Guys I know I don't see eye to eye with my dad, but I'm alittle concerned when Faith gets his hands on him.





SWF Word Tag Team Title




The Lords of War © W/ Beautiful Babette VS The Perfect Storm



A good opening match here. Seth and Stuart Storm made quick tags and kept the slower Lords of Pain off of their game plan by using a fast paced game plan. The end saw Warlord Pain get rocked by a European uppercut that staggered the big man. Warlord Agony grabs Darren Smith, the ref for the match, as Seth Storm goes up to the top turnbuckle. Seth goes to dive off but Beautiful Babette pushes Seth off of the ropes as Warlord Pain turns around. Pain catches Seth and delivers a Execution at Dawn. Stuart tries to come in and make the save but Warlord Agony cuts him off as Darren makes the final count.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Lords of War defeated The Perfect Storm in 7:57 when Warlord Pain defeated Seth Storm by pinfall with an Execution At Dawn following interference from Beautiful Babette. The Lords of War make defense number 1 of their SWF World Tag Team titles.



Danny Jillefski: I love that woman. She is one of the best managers in the game today. Always prepared. And always with a game plan to keep her boys on top.


Jerry Eisen: Uh Danny, you cant say that. This is a family show.


Danny Jillefski: I meant on top as far as winning you twit.


Peter Michaels: (Shaking his head.) Wow, sometimes it gets real hard.


Jerry Eisen: Um, Mr. Michaels?


Peter and Danny Jillefski: Shut up Jerry.





Sam Keith


Sam Keith's music hits. The crowd begin to heckle him. Keith comes out and smiles. He taunts several fans as he methodically makes his way down to the ring.


Sam Keith: Minor league town, minor league fans I see I am graced once again with. When are you going to realize that you are in the presence of greatness?


Fan boo even louder.


Sam Keith: I don't get it. I mean I make more in one day than most of you make all year. Then I take time to entertain you, to bring a small amount of happiness to your life's. And you repay me like this.


Sam shakes his head as the fans continue to give him a hard time.


Sam Keith: There is something else I don't understand. How is Jim Farce going to challenge me, with one leg? Lets roll the footage shall we.


A replay of last weeks match is shown between Jim Force and Black Hat Bailey. It shows in heavy doses the work that is being done to Force's leg. We come back from the footage and see Keith laughing.


Sam Keith: Hahaha. Good times, good times indeed. Now how is........





Jim Force


Jim Force's music plays and the boos magically turn to cheers. Jim comes from the backstage still limping a bit. But he remains on the ramp way.


Jim Force: Shut up for one second Keith.


Keith holds his hands up mockingly like he is scared.


Jim Force: No rocket ships, no buying Jim Force merchandise. Just me kicking your ass at Hell Freezes Over.


Sam Keith: You ain't gonna kick....


Jim Force: I said shut up before you do make me upset and come down there and shove my boot down your throat. You see, you and me have a date with destiny. We are minutes away from signing the official contract for Hell. And trust me Hell it will be for you. Because once you put your signature on that contract. You are days away from losing that title.


Sam Keith: Big talk for a man with one leg.


Jim Force: Day's big man. Days, SNARL! .


Keith goes to say something else but Jim drops his mic and walks back to the backstage area.



Danny Jillefski: I am shocked, shocked I tell you, the Jim was able to utter an almost complete sentence before yelling.


Jerry Eisen: Yeah but he was still every bit as intense as he always is.


Peter Michaels: Its time for our next match folks.




Mario Heroic VS Phillip Roberts


Phillip Roberts kept this match at a....slow....methodical.....pace....as he slapped on hold after hold on the young Mario. Phillips ended the match as he landed a devastating spinebuster on Mario. Phillip waited for Mario to recover and stumble to his feet before Roberts locked on the R.C.T.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Phillip Roberts defeated Mario Heroic in 5:56 by submission with a R.C.T..





Mike Barstow VS The Masked Patriot


Barstow jumped on Masked Patriot as soon as Patriot entered the ring. But all this did was get the Patriotic One upset and he began to fire back with shots of his own. Masked Patriot put the match away when he connected with 3 straight jab, a left hook, followed by a clothesline.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Masked Patriot defeated Cheatin' Mike Barstow in 5:48 by pinfall.



Peter Michaels: Well, the Patriot told me he would unveil his new finisher. He calls the Red, White, and Bruise.


Danny Jillefski: I call it the snore move.





No Way Jose VS Sean McFly


A very good match here. Sean began to over No Way Jose early on but Jose began to cheat with some well timed low blows to slow Sean down. At one time the ref took a bump and No Way Jose blinded Sean McFly with a eye gouge. Jose went out and grabbed a chair to bring in the ring. But Sean ducked the chair attempt and was able to land the Delorean Driver for the three count.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sean McFly defeated No Way Jose in 9:40 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.



Jerry Eisen: Guys don't kill the messenger. I have just been told that Rory McCallum will have another Bar Room Brawl later tonight.


Peter Michaels: Well lets get this over with shall we?


Danny Jillefski: I kind of dig these shows from Rory. I'd go to a bar room brawl with him.





BAR Room Brawl


The scene shifts to the backstage where Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce are there.


Rory McCallum: Welcome, to the Bar Room Brawl. Where I am the only wrestling announcer who has the guts to ask hard questions that every one else fears to ask. Now after last week's show with No Way Jose, I have decided that this will be the first show of the year. And to start out the new year. I wanted a guest who was as smart, and as good looking as me. And since there isn't anybody that is as good looking and smart as me. I will be todays guest on The Bar Room Brawl.


Laughing can be audibly heard.


Rory McCallum: What the hell is that?





More laughing is heard as Bubbles the Clown comes into the scene. He acts like he is a flasher as a chant of kill the clown begins.


Rory McCallum: Get the hell out of the Bar Room. Or are you gonna drink and fight?


Bubbles laughs some more and flashes Rory. But when he does he sprays something on Rory. He wipes his face and tastes it.


Rory McCallum: Eck, is that water?


Bubbles laughs some more before leaving.


Rory McCallum: It is water? I hate water. Come on Danny lets go get a clown.





Adonis W/ Maria VS Bubbles The Clown


Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce chased Bubbles all the way down to ringside. Bubbles is scheduled to face Adonis next. Rory and Danny surround the ring, Referee Jez McArthur forces them to the backstage. Bubbles is laughing again and sprays Adonis in the face. Adonis will have non of that and proceeds to dismantle Bubbles the Clown. After a few clubbing blows Adonis picks up Bubbles and delivers a bone crushing Running Powerslam. And to everyones surprise the crowd actually cheers as they are still saying Kill the Clown.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Adonis defeated Bubbles the Clown in 5:47 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.



Peter Michals: Was the crowd actually cheering for Adonis at the end there?


Danny Jillefski: They should be cheering for the man all the time.


Jerry Eisen: Guys I have just received word another match has been signed for Hell Freezes Over.Nemesis is set to defend the SWF North American Title against, Sid Streets.


Peter Michaels: Wow that is gonna be a solid match.


Danny Jillefski: Since when does Jerry become the fountain of knowledge?





Danny Rushmore, Everest, and Gene Curtis VS Ethan Phillips, Reece Clark, and Wrestlebot 9000


In a three man tag match things will become out of hand in a hurry. And this is no deferent. And several quick tags by both teams and alot of action, Everest gets tagged in. He proceeds to squash Ethan Phillips and Reece Clark. Wrestlebot 9000 simply gets tossed out of the ring. Everest turns his attention back to Reece Clark and picks him up to smash him with the Mountian Mover.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Danny Rushmore, Everest and Gene Curtis defeated Ethan Philips, Reece Clark and WrestleBot 9000 in 5:51 when Everest defeated Reece Clark by pinfall with a Mountain Mover.





Nemesis and Alex Pierce VS Tommy Cornell


Nemesis and Alex Pierce try and keep the young Cornell isolated through out the match. As they try and end the bout early but the kid works out of each pin attempt either via kick out or a well placed leg or arm on the ropes. Peter Michaels comments that is the work of a veteran.


Sid Streets does get tagged in and turns the tables around on Nemesis and Alex Pierce. Getting alittle winded and feeling Cornell has had some time to get his bearings tags in the youngster. Alex Pierce tries to interfere but Tommy goes after him. Alex goes running out of the ring but is met by Sid and the two trade blows. Tommy turns his attention back to Nemesis but gets kicked in the gut and dropped with a Nemesis Arrow.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Nemesis and Alex Pierce defeated Tommy Cornell and Sid Streets in 7:46 when Nemesis defeated Tommy Cornell by pinfall with a Nemesis Arrow.



Peter Michaels: Wow what a great match. But Tommy Cornell took his eyes off of the match for just a split second and thats all it took.


Danny Jillefski: Cornell will never amount to anything if he doesn't learn to handle business in the ring first.


Peter Michaels: I think the kid will go far he has shown on numerous occasions he is learning and is going to be a force to reckon with.


Jerry Eisen: Don't forget folks we still have the official contract signing between Sam Kieth and Jim Force. Plus my dad as he takes on Christian Faith.


Danny Jillefski: Mr. Eisen is gonna beat Faith tonight. You heard it here first.


Jerry Eisen: I'm worried for my dad. Faith is really angry as of late.





We come back from a commercial break and find a table in the middle of the ring and Peter Michaels standing in the ring as well.


Peter Michaels: Welcome back to Supreme TV. We are ready for the official contract signing for the SWF World Heavyweight Title at When Hell Freezes Over. Out first the current SWF World Champion, The Alpha Dog, Sam Keith.




Sam Keith comes out and has the world title draped over his shoulder. The crowd heckles him as he slowly makes his way to ringside. Keith just smiles as he enters the ring. Peter Michaels is about to announce Jim Force's name as Keith snags the microphone away from him.


Sam Keith: Come on Jimbo Farce. Lets see how well your walking around now. Give these idiots something to hang their hope on as you hobble your pathetic ass down here. Or do I have to send a wheelchair for you.




Jim Force's music hits and he makes his way out. The fans cheer him on as he limps his way out. Sam Keith laughs and points at Jim as he uncharacteristically slowly makes his way to the ring.


Peter Michaels: Jim Force the challenger for Sam Keith's World Title.


Jim Force rolls his way into the ring and gingerly gets up to sit at the table. Peter Michaels lays the folder containing the contract for Hell Freezes Over in front of Sam Keith. Sam looks over the contract and peers over it. He pauses then looks at Jim Force who is sitting there snarling. Sam chuckles and signs the contract. He tosses the folder in Jim's direction.


Peter Michaels: It's official on Keith's side. Now we wait for Jim Force to sign.


Sam Keith: Just a second. Jim, look man. There ain't no shame in not signing. Heal up first. Because on your best day, you can't beat me. Your too one sided. You simply do not have the mental....


As Sam Keith is about to strike Jim, he blocks it and lands a shot of his own that freezes Sam in his place. Jim Force rises from his chair and delivers a clothesline that sends Sam Keith out of the ring. Jim grabs the contract and the pen and proceeds to scribble his name on the contract. He tosses the contract to Peter Michaels and then slams his fist on the table causing the table to shatter.


Jim Force: No buy Jim Force Merchandise, no mother ship. Just my undivided attention. Next time you see me, I wont be hard to find. I'll be the one kicking your ass.



Jerry Eisen: Well we have our selfs a match for Sunday. Now if you'll excuse me. I cannot watch this next match right after this break.


Jerry Eisen takes off his headset as Danny Jillefski looks on.





We come back from a commercial break and find the mess in the ring has been cleared up. Christian Faith is announced and out he comes. The fans cheer him on as he marches down to ringside. Faith asks for a microphone.


Christian Faith: This is what I do for a living. And I would like to think I do it pretty damn good. And for you're sorry carcass to think you can beat me. Well bring your ass down and see why I am called the Iron man of SWF.




Richard Eisen comes outs to his music and the crowd jumps up to their feet and greet him with a hail of boos. Richard and Faith begin to jaw at one another almost immediately. Richard Eisen starts to climb up the steel steps but backs out drawing more boos from the crowd. After pacing outside for a moment he begins to walk back up the steps but as Faith is about charge, Eisen backs out again.


This is too much for Faith as he is done waiting and rolls out of the ring. The chase is on as Faith runs after Richard Eisen. The owner is running for his life and rolls into the ring. Faith dives in from under the bottom rope and is greeted by some heavy stomps by Richard Eisen.


With the crowd clearly behind him Faith eventually shakes off the stomps and begins to fire back on Richard Eisen. A few jabs begins to stagger the owner. Faith grabs ahold of Eisen and winds up to drop him with a overhand right. The crowd cheers him on as Christian Faith pulls up Richard. With a mighty whip, Eisen goes crashing into the corner turnbuckle and crumbles to the mat.




Faith begins to move in for the kill but Bruce the Giant rolls out from under the ring and crawls slowly into the ring. The fans begin to yell for Faith to turn around. Whack! A devastating clothesline from behind stops Faith dead in his tracks. Bruce picks up Faith and delivers a chokeslam to Faith.


Richard Eisen gaining his senses orders another one. Bruce reaches down and pulls up the limp Faith for another Chokeslam. Bruce lands it perhaps even harder this time. The fans begin to pelt the ring with garbage and boo. Richard Eisen crawls over to Faith and has one hand on Faith pinning him. Ric Young, the ref for this match is slow to count. Eisen orders him to make the three count. 1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,3!


In a match that had a fantastic crowd reaction, Richard Eisen defeated Christian Faith in 10:03 by pinfall following interference from Bruce The Giant.



Danny Jillefski is laughing and praising Mr. Eisen for his courageous victory as Peter Michaels is crying fowl. Bruce the Giant begins to drop bombs on Faith opening a trickle of blood over his forehead.


Richard Eisen: Congratulations Mr. Faith. I present to you your opponent for Hell Freezes Over, Bruce the Giant. Bruce, enough, save some for later.



Peter Michaels: What a farce this is. I cant believe Mr. Eisen would stoop to this. Folks we are out of time. We will see you this Thursday at Hell Freezes Over.


Danny Jillefski: Haha, I love it. Way to go Mr. Eisen.


Peter Michaels: Your impossible sometimes.


Danny Jillefski: What, What did I do?



Overall: B

TV Rating: 3.08


Christian Faith segment = Rated: A

Richard Eisen Segment = Rated: A

Lords of War defeated The Perfect Storm = Rated:C

Sam Keith and Jim Force Segment = Rated: B-

Philp Roberts defeated Mario Herioc =Rated: D+

Masked Patriot defeated Mike Barstow = C

Sean McFly defeated No Way Jose = B

Bar Room Brawl= A

Adonis defeated Bubbles the Clown = D+

Danny Rushmore,Everest, Gene Curtis defeated Ethan Phillips, Reece Clark, Wrestlebot 9000 = D+

Nemesis and Alex Pierce defeated Tommy Cornell and Sid Streets = Rated: B-

Contract signing = B+

Richard Eisen defeated Christian Faith = B-

Bruce attacks Christian Faith = Rated A

Richard Eisen books Bruce VS Faith at Hell Freezes Over= Rated A

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Guest cmdrsam
Really enjoyed the show there cmdrsam. My favorite has to be Rory's Barroom Brawl, though I also like what you've done with the main event scene. Eisen/Faith feels like McMahon/Austin enough without being McMahon/Austin. Kudos!


Thanks AJ. It means alot coming from you. Rory McCallum just kind of took off on me and developed a life that I was not expecting. But I also dont know much longer it will go with him. The last one I tried to write just didnt come off. I might tinker with it before it gets posted. And I am writing Februarys Nothing to Lose allready so this will be weeks away yet. As far Eisen/ Faith yes, that is I will admit "The feel" I am trying to get out. Derek had it wrote on Faith's Bio so I just went with it. Got some others in the pipeline that I hope comes across well.


Hell Freezes Over will be posted sometime Thursday. Probably afternoon central time since I have tomorrow off.

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Proudly Presents




Hell Freezes Over


Week 2, Thursday January 1997

Manhattan National Center Tristate Area

Attendance: 28,700





In a match that had some good action but non-existent crowd heat, Tommy Cornell defeated Sebastian Krause in 5:49 by submission with a Guilt Trip.

Rated: C-


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Pierce, Danny Rushmore, Everest, No Way Jose and Phillip Roberts defeated Flare, Mario Heroic, Rick Horn, WrestleBot 9000 and Bubbles the Clown in 6:17 when Alex Pierce defeated WrestleBot 9000 by pinfall with a Piercing Wound.

Rated: C-





Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, and Jerry Eisen




After a slick video presentation we come out of the video feed and are welcomed by pyrotechnics and the panning of the crowd. Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, and Jerry Eisen welcome us to When Hell Freezes Over.


Peter Michaels announces we have a Christian Faith sighting and take you back stage. Luis Williams is waiting as Faith walks into the parking area.






Luis Williams: Faith, Mr. Faith. Can I get your thoughts about tonight?


Christian Faith: My thoughts? I have no thoughts. I only deal with what I know. Eisen wants to play a game with me. Let him. Line em up Richard. I'll keep knocking them down. And Bruce. You might be big and bad. But tonight, you will receive a lethal dose of Faith. Richard, haha, It will be a cold day in hell before I bow down to you. So get real close to the screen, because I know your watching, squint those beady little eyes of yours and listen up. Before this night is over. I am getting a piece of your ass tonight.





Black Hat Bailey W/ Jean-Luc Lemans VS Sean McFly


What a start to this PPV. Black Hat Bailey and Sean McFly put on a clinic on the mat. But when it became apparent that Sean could counter anything that Bailey threw at him, Bailey resorted to underhanded tricks. But Sean McFly would find ways to battle from that as well.


Jean-Luc Lemans started to interfere as a last ditch effort to sway the contest to Bailey's behalf. But in the end Sean McFly would knock Lemans off of the mat with a Mafia Kick, a running big boot. Bailey tried to come to his mangers aid but gets the wind knocked out of him with a series of chops, followed up with a Fame Dropper, his version of a Rocker Dropper. Sean signals to the crowd that this is it and delivers his patent Delorean Driver to finish the match.


In about that featured great action and a good crowd, Sean McFly defeated Black Hat Bailey in 9:42 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.



Peter Michaels: What a great start to tonights action. Sean Mcfly is looking better and better every week. Danny, do you think he is worthy of a world title shot?


Danny Jillefski: No. Hello McFly! Your not even in the same league as Keith. Keep trying kid. But not yet.





Team Perfection W/ their mangers VS The Patriots


Team Perfection is in the ring as the Patriots are announced. The chant of USA is filling the arena as The Masked Patriot and Captain USA are both coming out with American flags on poles as they make their way to ringside. The Patriots get into the ring and Mr. Supreme and Adonis go to work. Team Perfection is beating down The Patriots and take away the flags. Adonis and Mr. Supreme begin to wave them to the fans in mocking fashion.


Captain USA and The Masked Patriot get to their feets and fight back against Team Perfection and reclaim the flags much to the delight from the crowd. Masked Patriot and Captain USA start to isolate Adonis and beat on him. Luis Williams and Maria begin to talk. Luis begins to yell at Masked Patriot as Maria gets in front of Captain USA vision and teases him by acting like she is going to take off her shirt. This freezes him long enough for Adonis to low blow him and tag out to Mr. Supreme. The Captain gets yanked up to his feet and is sent crashing to the mat by a Simply Supreme Suplex and goes for the cover. Masked Patriot goes to rush the ring to make the save but Luis Williams grabs his leg preventing him from making the save.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Team Perfection defeated The Patriots in 9:36 when Mr. Supreme defeated Captain USA by pinfall with a Simply Supreme Suplex.



Danny Jillefski: I swear to you I could almost see......


Peter Michaels: Stop it right there. Come on Danny get your head straight.


Danny Jillefski: If it gets anymore straight I wont be able to walk.


Jerry Eisen: There is that urge again for milkshakes.


Peter Michaels: Juveniles. Thats what I work with.





We take you backstage where Nemesis is preparing to defend his North American Title later. The camera man asks Nemesis for any last words before his match.


Nemesis: Any last words? Get the **** out of here. Last words. Sid "The Kid" Streets. How the hell are you a kid, 40 year old ain't been relevant since how long ago? Here old man, I'll talk real slow so you can turn up your hearing aid up to hear me. I am in the best shape of my life. And your not. I am the North American champion, and your not. I have years ahead of me, and you don't. And when this night is over with, you will be once again, just be alittle bit short of your goal, and thats beating me. Now get the hell out of here I'm almost ready for match.





The camera man leaves the locker room and limping past him is Jim Force. Jim asks how the leg is. In a calm but serious tone he answers.


Jim Force: Leg's fine. I am fine, You Keith, are not fine. You see they say the eyes are a glimpse of a man's soul. A mirror one could say. I have looked into your soul Keith. And its full of fear. A fear of the unknown, a fear of not being champion. That fear will become reality in mere moments. And then there will be an unstoppable force. That force will be me.



Peter Michaels: Wow, have you ever seen Jim Force this focused.


Danny Jillefski: The half brained idiot is usually flying off the handle. I am shocked he actually has been able to put together two coherent statements back to back.


Jerry Eisen: Its time for our next match. Nemesis defends his North American Title against the man he put out of commission for a time back in 94, Sid "The Kid" Streets. And that match is next.





SWF North America Title




Nemesis © VS Sid Streets


Sid Streets is announced first and he is making his way down. Before he gets to ringside however Nemesis runs up from behind and drops Sid with a shot to the back with his North American title. After beating on Streets outside the ring Nemesis tosses Sid into the ring. And then attempts a quick pin attempt but Streets kicks out.


Sid takes advantage of a missed elbow drop from Nemesis and starts to use his speed. Well timed dropkicks and a couple of near pinfalls by Sid has Nemesis in trouble. Sid goes for a suplex but Nemesis blocks the attempt and land a Nemesis Arrow onto Sid to pick up the win.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Nemesis defeated Sid Streets in 20:18 by pinfall with a Nemesis Arrow.



Peter Michaels: Sid Streets gave Nemesis a hell of a match but Nemesis prevails.


Danny Jillefski: Thanks for stating the obvious there.


Jerry Eisen: Folks we have put together a little video about our next match.





We see snippets from a few weeks ago where Jim Force challenged Sam Keith. The match between Black Hat Bailey and Jim Force and how Bailey worked to take out the knee of Jim Force. And the official contract signing where Jim shattered the table. Does Jim have enough in him to overtake Sam Keith? Or does Sam Keith remain on top of the mountain in the land of Supreme. That match is next.





SWF World Heavyweight Title




Jim Force VS Sam Keith ©


Sam Keith is announced first and he makes a slow and methodical approach to the ring. He savors every name that is hurled his way. He holds up the world title and proclaims this will stay with him tonight. Jim Force is announced next and he comes out, not in a full force run, but a run non the less. There is still a slight limp with every churn of his legs. He dives into the ring and Sam bails out begging for Jim to follow. Force rolls out as Sam goes into the crowd and Jim force follows him. Sam gets lost out of Force's sight for just a moment and he sneaks from behind to land a stiff blow. But Jim just shakes it off. Sam retreats back to the ring and Jim gives chase.


Back into the ring they go and Sam Keith runs at Jim who meets him chest first causing Keith to bounce off of him as if he had just hit a wall. Keith gets up and Jim Force rushes for him but Keith manages to get to the outside. Jim catches his man and the two trade blows. Sam with a quick eye rake and follows it with a whip into the steel barricade outside of the ring. Jim force crashes into it back first but no sells it and begins to stalk Sam. Keith begs off and gets to the ring where he drops down on both knees to plead with Jim Force.


Jim gets into the ring and starts to pump his fists in the air as he tries to get the crowd going. Keith jumps up and goes to punch Jim, but he block it and lands a head butt. Jim Force turns Sam around and delivers a big atomic knee drop on the world champion. The move staggers the world champ long enough for Jim to land a clothesline on him. Sam rolls out of the ring to collect his thoughts. Jim Force gives chase again as he begins to limp some more.


Sam Keith runs back in the ring and beats Jim back into the ring. Keith pushes Jim into the corner to land a chop. Another chop is delivered and Jim starts to shake. Sam starts to unload with rights and lefts onto the challenger as he begins to shake some more. Keith is stunned his blows are having no affect and Jim catches him with a clothesline that drops Keith to the mat.


Jim Force reaches down and picks up Sam Keith and pushes him head first into the turnbuckle. Jim follows this with a whip into the other corner. Jim moves in and begins to land a series of kicks in the gut of Keith doubling him over. Another whip into the corner causes Keith to go out of the ring. And the crowd is loving it.


Jim comes out and slams Keith head first into the mat. Keith with a quick jab stops Jim long enough for Sam to get some separation and to catch a breath. Sam rolls into the ring just beating Jim and manages a few stomps to the back of Jim. Keith picks up Jim and executes a backdrop. Sam Keith is so proud of his move as he starts to taunt the fans. Jim again no sells it and rises behind Keith. Jim spins Keith around and begins to land some right hands on him.


Jim Force picks up Sam Keith and goes for a huge bodyslam but his knee buckles from under him. Sam immediately goes for the leg and turn Jim over on his stomach and picks up his leg and drives his knee into the mat. Jim is writhing in pain as a smile develops on Keith's face as he circles his prey. Sam now begins to stomp on Jim's bad leg. Jim tries to pump his fists to draw some energy but a few more stomps on the leg stops it. Sam grabs ahold of the bad leg and pulls and tugs on it as if trying to pull the leg completely out of Jim force's torso.


Sam Keith goes for the Proton Lock but Jim has enough fight left and kicks Sam off the attempt. Sam again goes for it but again is kicked away. A third time and this time Jim Force kicks Sam head first into the turnbuckle stopping him. Sam Keith staggers back out of the corner and falls face first into the mat. Jim Force raises up gingerly but still manages to pump his fists into the air. Sam could be in real trouble here. Jim limps over and signals for the Full Force and the crowd raises to their feet. He reaches down and pulls up Sam and sets up for his finisher. Sam Keith punches Jim in the inside of the knee stopping it. Sam Keith then locks on the Proton Lock onto Jim Force and he begins to yell out in pain. Jim fights it, ARGG!!! He fights some more. That's it, he taps out. Sam Keith retains the SWF World Title.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Sam Keith defeated Jim Force in 18:24 by submission with a Proton Lock.



Peter Michael: My god what a match. Jim Force really took it to the champ.


Danny Jillefski: There was really no doubt to it at all. Sam Keith is the better wrestler. Plus he has the smarts to back him up. I see a very lengthy title reign for him.


Jerry Eisen: We still have our Main Event as Christian Faith is going to be facing Bruce the Giant. Lets take a look at events that led up to this match shall we.





A video play showing Faith constantly being verbally harassed by Richard Eisen. Faith beating Mr. Supreme, Faith destroying Eisen's limo, and the match between him and Eisen where Bruce the Giant beat down Christian Faith with a couple of chokeslams.





We come out of the video and there are boos filling the arena as Richard Eisen is standing on the walkway leading to the ring. He has a look of despair on his face.


Richard Eisen: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry to announce the Bruce the Giant and Christian Faith match will not take place. Bruce was not able to catch a flight in and is not here at all. I am taking it upon myself to be the better man as this thing between me and Christian Faith has gotten way out of hand. I am the boss and I should not be laying hands on my employees. So I want to call out Christian Faith. Face to face I want to apologize to him for my actions.





Faith's music hits and he walks slowly out with a sly grin.


Christian Faith: So let me get this right you son of a bitch. You have me attacked, you compete in the ring where I make my living, you attack me some more. And now I am supposed to just let it go?


Richard Eisen: I know my actions where wrong Faith, but yeah. I am man enough to admit when I am wrong. Why cant you be man enough to accept the apology so we can find someone worthy enough for you to compete tonight.


Christian Faith: So let me get this right as well, no Bruce?


Richard Eisen: No.


Christian Faith: Well there you have it. Remember when I said that before this night is over I would be getting my hands on you?


Richard Eisen has a mortified look on his face now.


Christian Faith: Seems like to me you ain't got nobody preventing me from laying out my own grievances to you.





Faith starts to stalk Richard Eisen down the walk way as Eisen is begging Faith to stop. Bruce the Giant does come lumbering out and blindsides Faith much to the amusement of Eisen. After a few clubbing blows on Faith, Bruce hoists Faith high in the air and chokeslams him on the walkway.



Peter Michaels: He may have broken Faith in half with that move.


Danny Jillefski: Hahaha. Once again Mr. Eisen has outsmarted Faith.





Bruce the Giant VS Christian Faith


Richard Eisen yells for the bell to ring as Bruce drags Faith down to the ring. Bruce rolls in the limp body of Faith into the ring after a few more blows. Bruce then sets up Faith and props him up in the corner, Eisen has a ear to ear smile as Bruce goes to the opposite corner of Faith and runs into the corner. Faith moves out at the last second and this causes Bruce to crash into the turnbuckle with such force he almost flys out of the ring. Bruce is laying in the corner turnbuckle across the ropes as Faith begins to kick him with great force. Faith runs to the opposite corner and lands a Leap of Faith on Bruce causing him to fall down but still remain in the corner. Faith again runs to the opposite corner and goes for another Leap of Faith but Bruce brings up his foot for Faith to run into it face first.


Richard Eisen is pounding on the mat for Bruce to do something. Bruce the Giant tries to shake off the effects of the Leap of Faith as he reaches down to pull up Faith. Bruce shoves Faith into the corner and lands a huge chop across Faith's chest. Bruce pulls him out and whips him into the ropes for a clothesline but Faith ducks under it. Faith runs off the ropes and ducks under another clothesline attempt. He is still running and goes for a crossbody block but bounces off of Bruce the Giant crashing hard to the mat.


Bruce yells out loud and runs against the ropes. He leaps and lands a big elbow across the chest of the prone Faith. Bruce gets up and taunts the fans as he walk around Faith. The big man reaches down and picks up Christian Faith and hoists him completely up in the air. Bruce begins to walk around with Faith still in the air over his head and chucks him face first into the turnbuckle looking like a human dart. Peter Michaels is shocked as he cannot ever remember anybody totally dismantling Faith like this.


Bruce just methodically walks around before choking Faith with his foot across his neck as Rick Young begins to count. Bruce releases the hold at four and Rick is warning Bruce he better stop these tactics. Bruce just smiles as he picks up Faith and locks in a bearhug on Faith. After a few moments Rick Young checks in on Faith and raises his hand once and it falls down. He checks it again, and down once more it falls. Rick raises it once again but this time it stays up. Faith then claps his hands on Bruce's ears. Again he claps them and it stuns Bruce. Faith starts to bite the nose of Bruce and finally the giant releases the bearhug.


Bruce with a headbutt stuns Faith long enough to whip him into the ropes. Clothesline attempt by Bruce is ducked as Faith shoots out the other side and bounces off for a dropkick to the big man's knee. Christian Faith pulls Bruce up where he lands several elbow shots to the top of Bruce's head. Faith goes for a cover but Bruce quickly kicks out. Faith locks in a Test of Faith, his version of the sleeper hold. Bruce begins to flail his arms as he tries to fight the hold. Down to a knee Bruce goes as it looks like its lights out.


Richard Eisen gets up on the ring apron. Christian Faith lets go of Bruce and runs over to Eisen. Faith pulls Eisen into the ring and lands a few hard shots. Faith sets Eisen on the ropes and delivers a madman clothesline sending Eisen out of the ring. Bruce has gotten to his feet somewhat and is slouched on the turnbuckle. Faith runs and lands his Leap of Faith. Faith back up and lands another one. He adds a third and finally Bruce drops down to the mat. Faith with a cover,1,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,3!


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Christian Faith defeated Bruce The Giant in 9:34 by pinfall with a Leap Of Faith.



Christian Faith goes to the top turnbuckle and salutes his fans while looking at Richard Eisen. Richard is, to say the least very pissed off.


Danny Jillefski: If looks can kill, Faith would be a dead man now.


Peter Michaels: And vise versa to Mr. Eisen. I am sure there will be plenty of fallout coming soon to Supreme TV. Thats all the time we have tonight. Goodnight from Manhattan.


Thinking the show is over.


Jerry Eisen: Dad is pissed. I get to hear about this all night long.


Peter Michaels: Better you, than me Jerry.


Danny Jillefski: I think we are still broadcasting guys.




Overall B

PPV Buy Rate: 3:40



Christian Faith Sergeant: Rated A

Sean McFly defeated Black Hat Bailey: Rated B

Team Perfection defeated The Patriots: Rated C+

Nemesis segment: Rated B+

Jim Force Segment: Rated B

Nemesis defeated Sid Streets: Rated B

Sam Keith and Jim Force Video: Rated B

Sam Keith defeated Jim Force: Rated B

Bruce the Giant and Christian Faith Video: Rated A

Bruce the Giant attack on Faith: Rated A

Christian Faith defeated Bruce the Giant: Rated B-

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Friday wk 2 January 1997


In a shock announcement Rip Chord announced his retirement today. Chord who has been an active wrestler for nearly 30 years cited numerous injuries have taken a toll on his body. It is time to hang em up so that he can recoup. Chord does still want to remain in the business and as of right now it is unclear if he will be assigned a new role with the growing Hollywierd Grappling Company or will be given his release.


Rip's Title history include,


AAFW Champion - November 1972 to February 1973

APWF Heavyweight Champion - January 1973 to June 1973

AAFW Champion (2) - August 1973 to December 1973

APWF Heavyweight Champion (2nd) - December 1973 to September 1974

TWL Champion - January 1975 to December 1975

TWL Champion (2) - July 1976 to November 1977

CWF National Champion - October 1978 to December 1980

SWF World Heavyweight - October 1985 to August 1986

SWF World Heavyweight (2) - February 1988 to December 1988

SWF World Heavyweight (3) - January 1990 to January 1992

GCG World Heavyweight - April 1996 to August 1996


Debuting shortly after his eighteenth birthday, Rip Chord quickly impressed with his natural talent for the wrestling business. Beginning his career in the All-American Florida Wrestling, he won the company's premier title twice in his first six years. Branching out, he also worked at the time for the American Pro Wrestling Federation, winning the company's main title for the first time during his first AAFW championship reign.


Over the next year, he would alternate his time between the two companies, before committing to the APWF in late 1973, when he began a nearly year-long second reign as APWF champion. However, shortly after his second reign ended, he displayed the nomadic instincts that would drive his career, moving to Texas and the Texas Wrestling League where he would make his name as one of the superstars of the regional system at that time dominated the sport in the United States. Rip would spend three years in Texas, where he would enjoy two TWL Championship reigns, spanning nearly two-and-a-half years. However, after his second reign ended, he would soon move on again.



In 1978, Rip ventured north to Canada, where he signed on with the Canadian Wrestling Federation. Here he would cement his status as a star, defeating Dan Stone Sr. for the National title, a belt that he would hold for more than two years before he fell to George DeColt. The loss was hardly a cause for concern, however, as he swiftly moved back across the border, where a date with destiny awaited in the form of Richard Eisen, and his Supreme Wrestling Federation.


Chord was seen by Eisen as the missing piece for his company in its bid for national - and, eventually, global - domination. Appearing on Supreme TV in April 1981 as a special guest commentator, Rip made his presence felt when he ambushed reigning SWF champion Sam Strong from behind. In a shocking display of violence, Rip would use his patented Rip Chord DDT on the concrete arena floor, inflicting a serious injury to Strong just two months into his first World title reign. In July of that year, Strong and Chord finally met before a massive, white-hot crowd and a record pay-per-view audience that still stands today. The match was okay, as the two were still working out the kinks in their respective styles, but the crowd boosted it to greatness.


Strong won out with a trio of piledrivers, and went on to reign as champion for four years. Rip would dog his footsteps all along the way, however, as their feud raged for more than a decade, the SWF World title switching hands between the two men five times between 1985 and 1992. Behind the scenes, the two men developed a strong friendship that survives to this day.


For Rip, however, the success of his professional life was not matched in his personal life. In May 1990 he became a father for the first time, with his son Jay the product of a relationship that did not last. This was as nothing, however, in comparison to his spiralling problems with alcohol and recreational drugs. Eventually recognising that his behaviour was out of control, he arranged to book himself into rehab. On his way out of the SWF in September 1992, he lost to the debuting Bruce the Giant in a match that saw the massive newcomer defeat the veteran with shocking ease. Released from his contract, Rip entered rehab - a period in his life that would last for more than two years.



Re-emerging in the business several years later, Rip's nomadic instincts again took hold, driving him to Japan and a lengthy spell with Golden Canvas Grappling. Clear of his troubles and far from the old temptations, Rip rehabilitated his reputation with a GCG World title reign that only lasted a few months, but showed that Rip still had the ability to compete. This impressed J.K. Stallings Jr, the fledgling billionaire and owner of the newly formed Hollyweird Grappling Company (soon to become Total Championship Wrestling), who aproached Rip and convinced him to return to America. Convinced by the money on offer and presence of his friend Sam Strong, Rip returned to the States and was quickly in the main event mix, possibly due to Strong's position as head booker at that time.


Thanks for the memories Rip Chord. And good luck with your future life.

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Presents SWF Supreme TV





Tuesday Week 3 January 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England)

Attendance: 10,000




pre show


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Pierce, Black Hat Bailey and No Way Jose defeated Outbacker Harris, Outbacker Rolf and Rick Horn in 5:46 when Alex Pierce defeated Outbacker Harris by pinfall with a Piercing Wound.

Rated: C


In an extremely short match, The Patriots defeated Cheatin' Mike Barstow and The Masked Mauler in 3:30 when Masked Patriot defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Red, White, and Bruise.

Rated: D+





Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, Jerry Eisen



Peter Michaels: Welcome to Supreme TV. And we are home tonight as we are coming to your from the great Connecticut Symphony Hall.


Danny Jillefski: Yeah great to be home, did you see how much frigging snow is out there?


Jerry Eisen: Yeah, I made some snow angels earlier today, it was great.


Danny Jillefski: Still clinging to your youth uh Jerry?


Peter Michaels: We are just weeks away from another great PPV. Nothing to Lose, and tickets are on sale at the Nevada State Armory this week.




Richard Eisen's music hits and out he comes.



Danny Jillefski: Now we truly can have the start of the show. We should just open every show with Mr. Eisen, so he can enlighten us with his knowledge


Peter Michaels: You are such a butt kisser.


Dany Jillefski: I just know where the checks come from.



After a few moments Richard Eisen finally makes the ring. He walks around slowly as if still searching for the right words to say.


Richard Eisen: You many of you might think I might be depressed after not being able to have Faith beaten at Hell Freezes Over. And I have to admit, at first I was. But you see, there is something about coming home that can pick up a man's spirit. Revitalized a mans resolve. Now Faith, as impressive as beating Bruce might sound, It doesn't impress me. And since I am the owner of this fine wrestling promotion, I am the one who decides who gets title shots and who don't. And right now Faith, the answer is, no.




Christian Faith comes running out from the backstage and it causes Richard to drop his microphone. Richard rolls out of the ring and tries to escape via the crowd but they push him back nearly tripping up Eisen. Richard is furiously looking for a way to escape as Faith begins to stalk him. The race is on as they run around the ring. Richard runs up the walk way but stumbles over his own feet as he beats feet to try and get away from Christian Faith. The Ironman of SWF is stalking the owner with the fans clearly behind him as they chant his name.




Faith begins to reach down and grab Eisen but stand up just in time to catch a clothesline by Adonis as he runs out. Adonis begins to kick on Faith as Eisen collects himself. Maria holds up a mirror up to Adonis as he admires his body before going back to work on Faith. Adonis picks up Faith only to drop him across the barricade chest first. Richard asks for a microphone.


Richard Eisen: Oh, I forgot to tell you Faith. Your in a match later tonight against this man. Good luck.





Nemisis and Danny Rushmore VS Tommy Cornell and Flare


We come back from a short commercial break and find the two teams are already in the ring. Danny begins to push around the smaller Tommy Cornell and Flare from the opening of the match. But is is only time before the quickness of the Cornell and Flare work to their advantage. They double team Danny every chance they get. Nemesis tags in blindly and starts to get things under control when Flare catches Nemesis with a Pele Kick. Flare goes up to the top turnbuckle and leaps off as he goes for his Solar Flare, but in mid air Nemesis catches him with his Nemesis Arrow to pick up the win.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Nemesis and Danny Rushmore defeated Tommy Cornell and Flare in 8:16 when Nemesis defeated Flare by pinfall with a Nemesis Arrow.



Peter Michaels: An explosive way to start out Supreme TV tonight folks. And what a move by Nemesis there.


Danny Jillefski: The man is really on top of his game right now. I just don't see anybody other than our world champion who is as hot right now.


Jerry Eisen: Speaking of our world champ. He is backstage now.





We see Sam Keith standing along side Luis Williams.


Sam Keith: What a great year 1997 is turning out to be. Just ask that idiot Jim Farce. What a meat head. Where is he at today? Sulking at home nursing an injury that I inflicted on him. You see I can just be as outrageous as I want to be. Because I can back it up. The bottom line is this, (holds up the SWF World Title.) This means you are the very best in Sports Entertainment. And right now their ain't a man alive today, who can walk that aisle and take on greatness. I am the very best technical wrestler today. And I get all the attention. Why, because when you have this 10 pound belt around your waist. It means you are the man.





Sean McFly comes into the scene drawing the ire of Sam Keith.


Sean McFly: Well, the fact of the matter is this. You are the world champion. But you ain't the best technical wrestler.


Sam Keith: I beat you didn't I?


Sean McFly: On a fluke, but when I gave you an opportunity, what have you done? You ran away from ever mentioning a rematch.


Sam Keith: Look pal, you on my TV time. And I don't run from anything.


Sean McFly: Well good. Lets say you and me are on tonight.


Sam Keith: I didn't say that. Don't go and putting words into my mouth I'll snap you like a twig.


Sean McFly: Running again huh Keith. I'll tell you what, make it a non title event and face me then.


Sam Keith: I told you once boy, Keith don't run from anybody. You want a chance to face greatness again? I'll show you, and the entire world, why I am the best thing going right now. Lace em up tight boy. Because tonight, you will be going one on one against the very best technical wrestler there is.


Sean McFly: Your right, and I am that wrestler. Because I am the very best that has ever been.



Peter Michaels: This night just keeps getting bigger.


Danny Jillefski: How dare McFly talk to the champ like that. McFly was never a great champion when he had the world belt. Should be an easy victory for Keith tonight.


Jerry Eisen: Folks, this next match has been requested by Rory McCallum. Ever since Bubbles the Clown showed up a few weeks ago on the Bar Room Brawl, and embarrassed Rory. And its a hardcore match.





Bubbles the Clown VS Rory McCallum


Bubbles tried to put up some kind of fight. But Rory is focused as the chants of kill the clown are heard through out the match. Rory ground Bubbles's face into the mat all but cleaning off the white paint he had so diligently put on. Rory pulls Bubbles over to the announce table and sets up for a piledriver. Peter and Jerry are pleading for Rory not to do it as Danny Jillefski dares Rory to execute the move. CRASH! Rory executes the move piledriving Bubbles head first through the announce table causing it to crash dumping all of the electronic equipment all over the floor. Rory covers Bubbles for the three count. After the count Rory is yelling at Bubbles to interrupt his show again and see what happens.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rory McCallum defeated Bubbles the Clown in 5:45 by pinfall.



Peter Michaels: Damn it Rory. Did you really have to destroy our table?


Danny Jillefski: Hahaha. Small price to pay to see the clown gone. Maybe we are done with him for ever.


Jerry Eisen: Clowns kind of creep me out. But I kind of liked Bubbles.


Peter Michaels: Folks as we attempt to gather as much equipment together as we can, lets take a look again at the conversation between Sam Keith and Sean McFly earlier.





A video is played showing the encounter between Sam Keith and Sean McFly from earlier tonight. After that there is a short segment featuring their last match when Sam won the title from Sean back in November 95.





We come back from the video and before any announcer can say anything, thunder is heard filling the arena. The Perfect Storm's music hits as Stuart Storm comes out. He makes a mad dash for the ring. Stuart dives under the bottom rope into the ring. Stuart bounces up and pulls a mic out.


Stuart Storm: I don't need no fancy tricks. I don't need any setups. All I want is for one of you big nasty warlords to come out here and face me one on one right now. You think you can jump me and my brother last week? You think you can stop the Perfect Storm from taking over here in the SWF?

Well come on down and lets see how well you do face to face.





Warlord Agony answers the challenge and is on his way down. Stuart goes out to meet him and the two begin to trade blows. Warlord Agony and Stuart get into the ring. Stuart stuns the big man with a well placed dropkick and the bag man is down on the mat. Stuart then drops his Guillotine Leg Drop and this one is over quickly.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Stuart Storm defeated Warlord Agony in 5:46 by pinfall with a Guillotine Leg Drop.





Warlord Agony is complaining he wasn't ready yet and the match should not count. Beautiful Babette and Warlord Pain come out and circle the ring as Stuart Storm is looking for away out. Seth Storm comes out and distracts the Warlords long enough for Stuart to bail out.



Peter Michaels: What a quick match that was. Not sure if it wise to upset the Warlords like that.


Danny Jillefski: That is unfair to treat a champion like that. I hope the Storms get whats coming to them.


Jerry Eisen: Up next, perhaps the match of the year. Sam Keith and Sean McFly.





Sam Keith VS Sean McFly


This maybe a non title event but it feels like a ppv caliber title match with the tension in the air. The two men are feeling each other out not risking a high risk move as its been months since the last time they have squared off. Both men are countering each others holds.


Things begin to get heated as Sam Keith during a tie up pushes McFly into the corner and gives a semi clean break but slaps McFly across the face. Sean answers with a slap of his own and it breaks down to a brawl now.


The two go outside and Keith whips McFly into the steel barricade. Sam reaches down and is preparing for a piledriver attempt but it gets countered with a back flip. Darren Smith is counting as both men are laid out on the floor. Smith gets to the count of seven as both men begin to stir. Sam Keith kicks Sean off mat and rolls into the ring as Darren makes the 10 count.


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Sam Keith defeated Sean McFly in 17:41 by count out.



Peter Michaels: Wow, and we got to see that on cable TV and not on PPV.


Danny Jillefski: I would of made the idiots pay for that match.


Peter Michaels: I have word that Luis Williams is backstage getting ready to talk to Christian Faith. Take it away Luis.




Luis Williams: Thank you Peter, Christian Faith as you prepare for your match against Adonis, what are your thoughts?


Christian Faith: My thoughts? (Looks around perplexed.) My thoughts are I am tired of being screwed over time after time by Eisen. So I have to go and kick Adonis's ass tonight. I'm fine with that. And if I have to kick the entire rosters ass to get my title shot, you know what I'm fine with that too. And when I get my title back, I'm then gonna kick you Eisen, right, in, your, ass. And thats something I have faith in.





Adonis w/ Maria VS Christian Faith


Adonis is in the ring as we await Faith's arrival.



Peter Michaels: Faith is all business tonight as his previous interview suggests.


Danny Jillefski: I hope Adonis rips Faith a new one tonight.


Faith's music is played and out he makes his way down. He walks with a purpose and is muttering to himself. Faith rolls into the ring and Adonis uncoils and begins his assault on Faith. Adonis is stomping away on Faith. Adonis picks up Faith and throws him into the corner turnbuckle and follows him in with a stiff clothesline.


Faith crumples to the mat as Adonis taunts him. The muscular Adonis pulls up a limp Faith and hoists him up in the air and stalls before sending Faith to the mat with a suplex. Adonis rolls over on Faith and puts a finger on Faith as the count begins. Faith kicks out at 1.


Adonis pulls Faith up and is about to land a right hand when Faith blocks it and fires off one of his own. Adonis tries to land another shot but again is blocked as Faith hits another shot. Faith yells out loud and unloads on Adonis. The Iron man of SWF whips Adonis in the corner and lands a Leap of Faith on Adonis. Adonis is stumbling around and slumps into another corner as Faith leaps and lands another Leap Of Faith. This time Adonis goes down to the mat and Faith covers. 1....2.....3!


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Christian Faith defeated Adonis in 9:34 by pinfall with a Leap Of Faith.





Faith's music begins to play as he climbs up a turnbuckle to celebrate another win. Richard Eisen's music plays and he comes out from the backstage.


Richard Eisen: Hold on there. Hold one damn minute.Who do you think you are Faith? You think you are above the rules? (The fans boo as Richard pauses to smirk.) That was blatant disregard for the rules with those closed handed fists. So I am going to restart this match. (Fans boo) And I am also going to change the rules. Since Faith doesn't want to play by any. Its a no DQ match. And to make this really interesting, loser gets fired. Now ring the damn bell.



Faith is still on the turnbuckle as Maria slides a chair in for Adonis. Adonis uses the chair right on the back of Faith. Christian falls to mat as Adonis lands shot after shot on Faith. Adonis pulls Faith up onto the corner and props him up. With chair in hand Adonis charges at Faith but he ducks out of the way at the last minute.




Richard Eisen is waving his arm for someone backstage. Bruce The Giant comes lumbering out like a tank stuck in the mud. Faith is unloading on Adonis as Bruce climbs into the ring. Faith backs up setting up for the Leap of Faith buts bumps into Bruce. Bruce spins him around and picks up Faith with a chokeslam.


Adonis is back on his feet as Bruce picks up Faith. Bruce tosses Faith to Adonis and lands a running Powerslam. Adonis with a cover,1,,,,,2,,,,,,,,3!


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Adonis defeated Christian Faith in 7:49 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. During the match we also had Bruce The Giant run in and attack Christian Faith.



Peter Michaels: I don't believe this is going to count. What a travesty.


Danny Jillefski: HAHHAHAHA! I love it. Good bye MR. Faith. Next stop, unemployment line.


Adonis and Bruce are stomping away on Faith as Richard Eisen yells out loud.


Richard Eisen: Hold on. Stop it you two. (Adonis and Bruce do not stop.) I SAID STOP IT! Show some compassion. Ok, even I don't believe that one. Pull him up.


Adonis and Bruce pull up Faith and hold him as Richard Eisen climbs into the ring.


Richard Eisen: Hey wake up! I want you to hear this.


Eisen slaps Faith.


Richard Eisen: I said wake up. It gives me great pleasure to make this announcement. Faith, YOUR FIRED!



Peter Michaels: Oh my god what a travesty. This cant be happening.


Jerry Eisen: Great, this is all I am going to hear all the way back home now. Peter can I catch a ride with you tonight?


Danny Jillefski: Hahahahaha. Good riddance.


Peter Michaels: And thats all the time we have for you tonight. Good night everybody.



Overall B

TV Rating: 3:21





Eisen and Faith Segmant Rated: A

Eisen being attacked by Faith and Adonis makes the save Rated: B+

Nemesis and Danny Rushmore defeated Tommy Cornell and Flare Rated:C

Sam Keith and Sean McFly segmant Rated: B

Rory McCallum defeated Bubbles the Clown Rated: C+

Sam Keith and Sean McFly Video Rated: B+

Stuart Storm challenge Rated: D+

Stuart Storm defeated Warlord Agony Rated: C-

After a match, Warlord Agony, Warlord Pain, and Beautiful Babette assault Stuart Storm until Seth Storm makes the save. Rated: C+

Sam Keith defeated Sean McFly Rated: A

Christian Faith Interview Rated: A

Christian Faith defeated Adonis Rated: B-

Richard Eisen restarts match Rated: B+

Adonis defeated Christian Faith Rated B-

Richard Eisen fires Christian Faith Rated: A

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The wrestling world is a buzz after last nights SWF and HGC shows last night. We were treated to the firing of Christian Faith after losing to Adonis last night. Faith appearently had won the match but owner Richard Eisen restarted the match and made it a no Disqulifacation match with the loser being fired. Adonis promptly attacked Faith with a chair but when Faith began to swing the match back to his favor, Bruce The Giant got involved and attacked Faith. We think this is work but immediantly after the match Faith's profile was taken down off of the SWF website. In a related peice of news concerning Christian Faith as he was the top searched wrestler today according to a yahoo spokesperson.


HGC answered with the crowning of several titles as they headed into thier first PPV Malice in Wonderland. Fumihiro Ota became HGC first ever cruiserweight champion. Grunt of the Nation of Filth became the Hardcore champion. Teddy Flame is the HGC International Champ. And Peter Valentine became the first ever HGC World Heavyweight Champion. Where were the big names at? BLZ Bubb, Dread, and Rip Chord beat the team of Liberty, Larry Vessey, and the Imortal One Sam Strong.


Why Peter Valentine? Backstage rumors are circling that JK Stallings is high on him right now and they have faith that Valentine can carry the belt.





The wrestling community was stunned last night, when news surfaced the The Hype was rushed to the hospital following a drug over dose. Freinds are said to be stunned that this has happened. His condition is listed as critical but stable.


The Hype had a previous oversdose when he was employed at Supreme Wrestling Federation where he was found overdosed in the locker room only weeks away from debuting for the company. He was fired immediantly after refusing drug counseling.


The media spotlight is firmly on HGC and Sam Strong as he was the one who pushed for The Hype's hiring. Many in the media questioned whether the companys drug policy could have done more to prevent this incident.


All calls made to HGC, Sam Strong, and SWF were not immediantly returned.

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Presents SWF Supreme TV





Tuesday Week 4 January 1997

The Freidmen Building (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000





In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Lords of War defeated Futureshock in 6:06 when Warlord Agony defeated Reece Clark by pinfall with a Hostile Takeover.

Rated: C-



In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Perfect Storm defeated The Magnificent Mark and The Masked Mauler in 5:46 when Seth Storm defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Guillotine Leg Drop.

Rated: D+





Peter Michaels, Danny Jillefski, Jerry Eisen



A video package is shown featuring the events from last week and Faith beating Adonis only to have Richard Eisen come out and restart the match and turn it into a no DQ and loser get fired match. It shows Adonis beating Faith with a chair, pausing for dramatic effect on each shot. We see Faith making a come back. And Bruce The Giant coming out and chokeslaming Faith. It finishes with Adonis pinning Faith and Richard Eisen firing him. We come out of the video feed and the crowd is in a sullen mood as we find Sam Keith in the ring.





Sam Keith



Sam Keith: Good riddance. (Crowd boos) Finally Mr. Eisen and myself are done with that miscreant Faith. (BOOS) And after beating one Sean McFly last week, quite handily I must admit. (looks around with a smirk as the crowd boos) It looks like nobody is worthy of a title shot this month. So I will not be at Nothing to Lose. (boos) I know, I know, you all are very disappointed at not being able to see the greatest wrestler alive in action.


Danny Jillefski: And thats a fact.





Sean McFly


As Sam is about to talk again Sean McFly's music hits and he makes his way out.


Peter Michaels: Its about time some one put a stop to this non sense.


Danny Jillefski: McFly should not be out here right now. This is our champions time.


Sean McFly: You know the fact of the matter is this Keith. You are a great wrestler, make no doubt about that. But you ain't the greatest.


Sam Keith: Sam Strong, Rip Chord, yourself, plus a two time Wrestler Of The Year says so.


Sean McFly: You know, as well as I do I can match you hold for hold and come up with counters that you only wish you had.


Sam Keith: And yet here I am with the World Title in my hands.


Sean McFly: Only through luck. I can beat you, and I almost did the last time we faced each other.


Sam Keith: Almost don't count boy. I beat you, and now I'm done with you. I don't have any reason to face you again, not one reason.


Sean McFly: See I knew you would say that. I know what you are thinking before you say it or do it. So I'll tell you what, I'll bet my career I can beat you. I will retire from wrestling if I cant beat you. That give you enough reason?


Sam Keith: I win and your done with wrestling? You sure you want to do that? I mean your not smart enough to do anything else but wrestle.


Sean McFly: Insult all you want. Look its real easy my career vs your title. Unless your chicken or something.


Sam Keith: Alright boy. You got yourself a deal. Pack your bags, because your gonna be out of here.



Peter Michaels: Well I guess we have our main event at Nothing to Lose.


Danny Jillefski: The only thing Sean is going to lose is his career.





We cut back to the parking lot area where a long stretch limo has just pulled up. Jerry Eisen begins to talk. He announces his father wants to celebrate his firing of Christian Faith. And he is going to do that right after this match.






We get the usual USA! USA! Chant as the fans cheer on The Masked Patriot. Mr. Supreme ducks under ropes to stall out any momentum The Patriot can muster. At one point Mr Supreme locked on a full nelson but the chants of USA fires up the Patriot and he muscles out of the hold.


Claiming the Patriot had an illegal substance on him causing blindness stops the match long enough for referee Ric Young to check The Patriot. This allows time for Mr. Supreme to blindside him and put the match away with a Simply Supreme Suplex to pick up the win.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Mr. Supreme defeated Masked Patriot in 7:47 by pinfall with a Simply Supreme Suplex.





The scene shifts back to the parking lot area and back to the limo. The driver steps out of the vehicle and opens up the door for its passenger to step out. Out comes Richard Eisen as happy as all get up. He buttons up his shirt and takes a deep breath and exhales with a big grin on his face.




From behind him comes Christian Faith with a clothesline to the back of Eisen's neck. Faith stomps on Eisen. The driver tries to stop Christian but is dropped with a closed fist.


Christian Faith: I thinks its time for you and me to have a little talk you son of a bitch.


Faith kicks Eisen in the head and reaches down to pick him up. Faith with a fireman's carry walks away with Eisen draped over his shoulders. The scene shifts back to the announce table and a mortified Jerry Eisen is there.


Jerry Eisen: Oh my god. Dad crossed the line with Faith. Guys I got to leave and try and stop this.


Peter Michaels: Good luck, I think Faith has snapped.


Danny Jillefski:: Charges should be levied against Faith. Call 9-11. Call the Marines. Call someone this is bad.


Peter Michaels: Great, we go from bad to worse. Folks I am sorry to announce this. Rory's Bar Room Brawl is up next.





The scene shifts to a make shift bar room. We see Rory McCallum and Danny Bruce. Bruce looks like he is playing bartender.


Rory McCallum: Hey bar keep. Do you know what you say to a clown that has two black eyes?


Danny just shrugs his shoulders.


Rory McCallum: Nothing, if he did do what I told him the first two time, do you really think a third time is going to make a difference?


The two laugh out loud.


Rory McCallum: Seriously, I am done with clowns. Now, we move forward. Tonights drinking partner is my biggest guest to date. He, like I am, are part of the movers and shakers here in the SWF. And they don't come and bigger than this. Tonights drinking partner is, (pauses) I am so excited. Are your excited Danny?


Danny Bruce shakes his head in agreeance.




Rory McCallum: Bruce the Giant is tonights drinking partner. Come on out big man.


Bruce the Giant comes lumbering out and Rory greets him.


Rory McCallum: Come on in big man. What do you want to drink?


Bruce bellies up to the bar and points at several bottles.


Rory McCallum: Mixing drinks. Good choice. Line em up bar keep.


Danny Bruce starts to pour shots of each bottle that Bruce the Giant had pointed too. But after he pours each shot and begins to pull away with the bottle. Bruce pulls out the bottle and keeps them in front of him.


Rory McCallum: How did it feel to help put Christian Faith out of the business Bruce? Or is it Giant?


Bruce the Giant does not answer as he begins to chug each bottle in front of him.


Rory McCallum: Man of few words. OK, I can respect that. Are you sure you can handle this much booze?


Bruce shakes his head yes.


Rory McCallum: hehe, I told you he could handle this show. OK next question. With Christian Faith out of the picture what are your future plans?


Bruce begins to hic up. Then he has that oh not so good feeling. He ducks down in front of Rory, you don't see it. But you can hear it. Rory and Danny Bruce have that disgusted look on their faces. After a few seconds Bruce raises back up.


Bruce The Giant: Oops.


Rory McCallum: (shaking his head) I don't know how much longer I can do this. Its Closing time Danny.



Peter Michaels: Oh that ain't right.


Danny Jillefski: I, I really don't have anything else to add for that. I think I need a shower.


Peter Michaels: I am told Nemesis has a few words for us.





Nemesis: This message is for one Tommy Cornell. Boy you must have a death wish. You sign match after match against me. And no matter how much I beat you up, you keep coming back for more. Well tonight I am about to give you all you can want. Tonight I say let change the rules abit. Lets make tonight a hardcore match? Unless your yellow boy?





Jack Bruce and Mario Heroic VS Alex Peirce and Black Hat Bailey W. Jean Luc Lemans


A short but decent match. Jack Bruce and Mario Heroic put together a decent showing but Alex Peirce and Black Hat Bailey prevail with Alex doing his Piercing Wound move on Jack Bruce to pick up the win. During the match Peter Michaels and Danny Jillefski were discussing if Jerry Eisen was having any luck on finding out any information about his dad.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Alex Pierce and Black Hat Bailey defeated Jack Bruce and Mario Heroic in 6:28 when Alex Pierce defeated Jack Bruce by pinfall with a Piercing Wound.





Tommy Cornell: What is it with all of this violence and mayhem you Americans like so much? You don't think Nemesis that I have the intestinal fortitude to agree to the match? Nemesis this will be your down fall. Prepare for the beating your dad should have given you. Because tonight, I will go medieval on you





Nemesis VS Tommy Cornell


Nemesis is in the ring waiting for Tommy Cornell with a ball bat. Tommy Cornell is announced and he comes out. Cornell rolls into the ring and Nemesis swings the bat and misses. Nemesis swings the bat again only for Cornell to move out of the way, Cornell pounces up and drills Nemesis with a few stiff shots. Cornell with a whip into the corner and Nemesis bounces out into a bulldog by Cornell. Both men get up and Cornell whips him again into the corner with great force causing Nemesis to flip upside down with his legs caught in the turnbuckle ropes. Cornell retreats back to the opposite corner and runs at Nemesis and drops an elbow on him. Nemesis tumbles out of the corner.


Cornell circles away from Nemesis with his hand in the air as the crowd cheer him. Nemesis rises to his feet and rushes Cornell and lands a forearm shot. Another forearm shot staggers Cornell. Nemesis rolls out of the ring and reaches under the ring to pull out a large baking sheet. Nemesis rolls back in just in time for Cornell to get to his feet and stagger around. Nemesis slams the baking sheet right across the head of Cornell. Two more shots by Nemesis drops Cornell. Nemesis puts the sheet across the head of Cornell, he runs against the ropes and baseball slides right into the sheet and Tommy's head.


Nemesis goes for a Forward Russian Legsweep onto the sheet but Cornell slips out and performs the move instead. Nemesis's head crashes into the sheet busting him open.


Peter Michaels: Nemesis is busted wide open.


Danny Jillefski: Betcha somebody backstage doesn't like that.


Cornell goes out of the ring and reaches under it to pull out a long piece of barb wire. After rolling back in he preceded to whip Nemesis with it a few times. Nemesis is in some trouble here as Cornell wraps the barbwire's across the forehead of Nemesis. Cornell pulls up Nemesis and delivers a few forarm shots causing Nemesis to fall back to the ropes. When Nemesis falls on the ropes he falls back wards in way that causes his arms to be trapped. Cornell with a running start clotheslines Nemesis out of the ring. With the momentum he had Cornell flips out as well. Tommy goes for a cover 1,,,,2,,,,, Kick out by Nemesis.


Peter Michaels: This is getting out of hand here.


Cornell pulls up Nemesis and backs him towards the steel steps. Tommy lands a few hard shots on Nemesis before backing away. With a running start Cornel goes to lunge at Nemesis but he moves out of the way pushing Tommy head first into the steel. Both men stagger to their feet and trade blows but Nemesis gets the upperhand. Nemesis whips Cornell into the steel steps with such force that he flips over them crashing hard to the floor.


Nemesis pulls up the body of Cornell and tosses him into the ring. Before entering himself Nemesis reaches under the ring and pulls out a bag. Nemesis rolls in and opens up the bag to dump its contents onto the mat. Thumbtacks are strung out all over the mat. Cornell staggers to his feet and crumbles into the turnbuckle. Nemesis goes over and lands a few punches to the head of Cornell dazing him. Nemesis pulls Tommy out of the corner and goes for a bulldog head first into the tacks. Cornell slams on the brakes and pulls out a side suplex causing Nemesis to land on the tacks.


Peter Michaels: Cut to commercial now.






Peter Michaels: Ladies and Gentlemen I want to apologize for that last match. With the amount of bloodshed that was shown. Those two men really have developed a hateful relationship that has spun out of control.


Danny Jillefski: See this is what happens when the boss is away. Faith you have to let Richard go.





Jerry Eisen comes out slowly.


Jerry Eisen: Christian Faith I can not find you. But I know you can hear me. I am asking you because I know deep down you are still an honorable person. Do not do anything you will regret. I ask this, call me. I need to know my dad is still OK. I also know what you want. Call me now. I am begging you please call.


Suddenly his phone does go off and Jerry is frantically reaching for his phone.


Peter Michaels: This is another situation that has gone way out of control.


Jerry Eisen turns off the mic and is seen talking on his phone. He agrees to something as he is heading backstage.


Peter Michaels: I can only hope that is Faith on the phone.


Danny Jillefski: Faith you better do right.


Peter Michaels: As we try and sort this out, we have a video package of a new wrestler coming here to the SWF. I don't know who it is but maybe this will help us out.


Humanity what have you ever done for me?

Denounced and cursed since my birth for I am not like thee

A proud descendant of the ancient seed

Driven forth by the screams of my enemies

I am the plague that shall grace you with an early grave

Exterminate - bring you all into damnation

In an orgasmic rush of pain I mark my coming in crimson strays





Adonis W/ Maria VS Sid Streets


Adonis just tries to bully his way past Streets. But Sid the Kid still has more than enough in the tank to keep Adonis at bay. Adonis gets very agitated and starts to resort to various choke holds. When Referee Ric Young begins to get in between Adonis and Sid, Adonis shoves him away not once but twice. Ric calls for the bell after his repeated warnings are not followed. Adonis goes nuts and stomps away on Sid as Maria finally gets Adonis's attention and is able to get him to stop.


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Sid Streets defeated Adonis in 8:07 by DQ.



Danny Jillefski: Adonis is really starting to impress me. And you know how hard it is to impress me.


Peter Michaels: He has developed a mean streak in other words?


Danny Jillefski: Short answer, yes.


Peter Michaels: Well he does have an impressive physic. Folks I am told Sean McFly is backstage getting ready for our main event.





Sean McFly: Keith you say you are the greatest technical wrestler today. The fact of the matter is this. Your not even in my class. You know since losing that belt there were alot of times it just felt like it was getting further and further away from me. But now that I am this close, this close to regaining that championship. Keith you got to believe that I will be bringing everything to the table. To love something that much, are you prepared to lose everything that you are? Because I am. I also want to thank all of my fans out there, because with out you, I would not have been this focused to regaining what should be around my waist.





No Way Jose Vs Sean McFly


A very focused Sean McFly began to dissect No Way Jose with fireman carries, drop toe holds, and arm drags. Jose resorted to an eye gouge to turn the tide. Jose uses a headlock to slow the pass down and if Sean would try to push off out of it Jose would hold on to Sean's hair to maintain the hold.


Jose with a whip into the ropes and goes for a crossbody block but Sean counters with a drop kick in mid air to take the wind out of Jose. Sean McFly picks up Jose and looks into the camera and says this one is for you Keith. Delorean Driver on Jose and a quick cover.


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Sean McFly defeated No Way Jose in 12:28 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.




Sam Keith comes running down to the ring as Sean is celebrating and attacks Sean with the belt crashing it in the back of Sean's head. Sam picks up Sean and delivers a Keith Atomic Drop followed by an Neutron Plex. Keith taunts Sean relentless as SWF officials begin to swarm the ring. Keith locks in the Proton Lock and holds on to dear life. Sean is taping furiously.


Peter Michaels: Come on Keith release the hold for god's sake.


Keith holds on the Proton lock for what seems like an eternity. He eventually does release the hold and picks up his belt. He holds it up in the air has a hail of boos echo out. SWF officials keep Keith at bay as he makes his way out of the ring. He stops before leaving the ring and charge back to a prone Sean McFly and starts to pound on him some more. Sean tries to fight back but is in no shape as Sam continues his assault. Officials pull Sam off and get some distance between him and Sean.


And as if on instinct only Sean kicks Sam in the gut hard and causes Sam to double over. Sean goes over and sets up for a Delorean Driver. Sam wiggles out of the hold and slips out of the ring. Sam walks back wards and tells Sean not today, not ever with that move.


Peter Michaels: And thats all it takes for a new champion. If he lands that move on Keith it will be over.


Danny Jillefski: No way, Sam knows McFly better than he knows himself. Sean is going to get dismantled.




overall B-

TV Rating: 3:11



Sam Keith and Sean McFly segmants X3 Rated: B, B+, B+

Mr. Supreme beat The Masked Patriot Rated: B-

Christian Faith and Richard Eisen segmant Rated: A

Bar Room Brawl with Bruce the Giant Rated: A

Nemesis promo Rated: B

Alex Peirce and Black Hat Bailey beat Jack Bruce and Mario Heroic Rated: D+

Tommy Cornell promo Rated: C+

Nemesis VS Cornell (Not Televised) Rated: B

Mystery Man video Rated: C

Sid Streets beat Adonis via DQ Rated: C+

Sean McFly Promo: Rated: B

Sean McFly beat No Way Jose Rated: C+

Sam Keith attacks Sean McFly Rated: A

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Up roar over Supreme Event last night.


Just hours after last nights Supreme TV, there is an appearant up roar of the ammount of blood shown on live tv last night. The match between Tommy Cornell and Nemesis, which was changed to a hardcore match, errupted in bloodshed shortly into the match. Nemesis was the first to be cut. But later on it was the massive gouge on Cornell that has most people in an uproar. When it appeared SWF had lost control of the match they cut to immediant comercial break. What wasnt shown was Nemesis eventually putting Cornell thru a table.


A press issued statement from the company denies any involvement of company knowledge of the lay out of the match. Richard Eisen in the past has ok'ed the show of blood in the past but in small ammounts on TV. But last nights bloodbath was done on the fly, and with out it being run by any of the road agents in the backstage that night.


Many Sponsors are talking about pulling out all togethor if corrections are not made. The FCC are said to investigating the event and there is a possibility of fines being leived against the network and Supreme Wrestling Federation.

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Guest cmdrsam
Excellent show. I love how you included the legendary Nemesis/Cornell match without making it the focal point of the show. Well done!


Thanks AJ. Wanted it to be big, but not dominate to the show. Gonna try and spin off of it with some back story. Hence the short post previous, and there will be a another one tomorrow. Not gonna give it away. But still gonna do it non the less. Glad your enjoying it.

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In a not so surprising move today the Supreme Wrestling Federation announced they have terminated the contracts of Nemesis and Tommy Cornell. In other news they released the contract of Bubbles the Clown. They wished Bubbles well in any future endeavors.


Later that day officials from SWF, America Sports 1, and the FCC held a meeting with one another. As apparent fall out of the Cornell and Nemesis incident continues to be a black eye on the SWF. It is rumored that fines were issued against American Sports 1 and Supreme Wrestling Federation.







Sam Keith spotlight.


Sam Keith is one of the true legends of wrestling, having won major titles and put on fantastic performances all around the world since the 1980s. Such was his ability, that during the 1990s he had a major claim to being the best American wrestler on the planet. As well as his many worldwide title reigns, he is also well known for being the inventor of the Proton Lock, perhaps the most feared submission move ever. From the mid 90s onwards he has been a major player with the SWF.


His signature moves include the Neutron Plex. Which is a head and arm suplex he mostly uses as a set up move for his finishing move known as the Proton Lock. That is a modified Scorpion deathlock with a reverse neck lock that Sam had invented. This is currently one of the most feared moves in wrestling today.


Major Titles Sam Keith has won include.


BHOTWG Burning World Championship (2) (October 1986 - May 1987, August 1989 - January 1991)

Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF (2) (June 1984 - October 1984, January 1985 - April 1985)

CGC World Championship (2) (May 1990 - December 1990, November 1991 - January 1992)

CGC World Tag Team Championship (2 w/Robert Oxford) (February 1991 - April 1991, June 1991 - October 1991)

SWF World Heavyweight Championship (May 21, 1996 – Current.





Ever hard to catch an interview with, Pro Wrestling Hits managed to get a few brief words with the controversial owner of the AMW promotion today. When asked about the circulating rumors about AMW's being on the verge of bankruptcy due to his mismanagement of both the roster and the finances, Trenton had this to say:


"You ****ing dirt sheets think you know everything. Just because some ****er that I gave a job to doesn't get the pay he thinks he deserves doesn't mean AMW is dying. The fact is, it's my money and only I need to know about it so quitting stirring up trouble and go report on something worthwhile!"


Trenton then looked at his expensive gold watch before muttering something about a business meeting and leaving our interviewer to wonder what exactly just happened.





On Supreme Wrestling Federation own weboste it was announced that a tournament for the SWF North American Title will begin shortly. Its participants are Jim Force VS Black Hat Bailey, No Way Jose VS Stuart Storm, Outback Harris VS Adonis, and Masked Patriot VS Danny Rushmore.



Will be doing some reworking on the front page to this. Mostly updating roster.
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