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A WWE Adventure

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There is an issue of me being limited to only being about to get online on the weekends, so I'll work on the shows during the week and post them on the Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays I'm online. The schedule will go as following: Friday evening RAW will be posted, Saturday afternoon ECW will be posted, Sunday afternoon Smackdown will be posted, Sunday evening Sunday News Update will be posted. If there is a PPV I'll post it before the the Sunday News Update and post Smackdown early to give people time to guess on the PPV's match card.


We're starting in 2007, but don't expect things to be to strict in the beginning and don't worry about the roster size as I'll be expanding it soon enough.

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RAW Description


RAW is the obvious flagship brand in WWE, the largest brand and certainly the most popular. While not boasting the most technically gifted wrestlers they are sure to entertain.


RAW Roster


John Cena - Face: John Cena is the face of RAW right now, holding the WWE Championship with few competitors stepping up to challenge him. After battling with Edge multiple times, and also retaining the title Cena was ready for a change. That was when Triple H spoke to RAW GM Stephanie McMahon about making a chase at the title, the idea was accepted throughout the locker room. Cena is now gearing up for SummerSlam where he will face Triple H putting his title on the line. Cena and Triple H have had their fair share of matches against each other, so except them to bring out the best in each other.


Triple H - Face: Triple H has recently been named #1 Contender for the WWE Championship, and is preparing for his title match against current champion John Cena which has been booked for SummerSlam. Triple H has been plotting his return in the WWE Championship race for months now, and after recently feuding with Johnny Nitro he's glad to be back in the Main Event scene.


Randy Orton - Heel: Arguably the top heel of the brand, Randy Orton has found himself feuding with Shawn Michaels as of recently. Although Randy has had some WWE Championship reigns in the past, he has been out of the title picture for some time. Maybe with Edge seemingly out of the picture for some time Randy can get a shot at the title in these next few months.


Shawn Michaels - Face: What is there to say about Shawn Michaels? He is the . While Shawn has accomplished many things in his career, he hasn't held a world title for years now and feuding with Randy Orton isn't putting him in a title race picture right now. We'll see how this plays out.


Edge - Heel: After week after week of going after John Cena's WWE Championship, and failing every singe time, Edge is just kind of there for the time being.


Ric Flair - Face: "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair is the current holder of the Intercontinental title, and after various successful title retains Flair has proven he can still be useful to the RAW roster. Flair is currently battling it out with Carlito, who is desperately trying to win the title to impress his (on-screen) girlfriend Torrie Wilson.


Carlito - Heel: Carlito is currently chasing the Intercontinental title. He has a on-screen relationship with Diva Torrie Wilson, who to say the least, isn't to happy about how Carlito goes about capturing match wins.


Torrie Wilson - Face: Torrie Wilson is romantically linked to Carlito, while she is a tad bit more gentler then him, his bad-boy persona is just to much to resist. She is currently trying to get Carlito is be more respectful though, and to get him to lighten up on the low-blows.


Johnny Nitro - Heel: Johnny Nitro is a rising star on RAW, having already held the Tag Team tites before with former fraction MNM and having held the Intercontinental title before as well. He has produced some decent feuds as of recently, but as failed to shine bright enough for him to be considered in the Main Event scene.


Chris Masters - Heel: Chris Masters, "The Masterpiece" of RAW. He has shown his strength to the WWE Universe, and is more then happy to battle his way to the top.


Melina - Heel: Melina has held the Women's championship a few times in her career, she is feuding with current champion Mickie James aiming to claim another tile reign.


Mickie James - Face: Mickie James currently holds the Women's title, and has thus far been successful in warding Melina away from it. We'll see how it all goes down in the weeks that follow.


Jeff Hardy - Face: As of now Jeff Hardy is kind of just out there, showing off his skills in matches against various opponents but besides that he isn't serving a real purpose with no current feuds.


JTG - Face: JTG is one-half of Cryme Tyme, who currently holds the World Tag Team titles.


Shad - Face: Shad is one-half of Cryme Tyme, who currently holds the World Tag Team titles.


Kenny Dykstra - Heel: Kenny has the misfortune of being in a feud with The Great Khali, while Kenny is a strong young competitor he simply doesn't have the skills to handle the monster that is The Great Khali.


The Great Khali - ???: Everyone is a little unsure about The Great Khali, as he hasn't shown either he was a babyface or a heel as of yet. All that he has shown is that he is strong, and I mean really strong. He is currently in a feud with Kenny Dykstra.


Candice Michelle - Face: Right now Candice Michelle is simply being used to get other Diva's over with the fans.


Umage - Heel: Umage is just jobbing at the moment.


RAW Champions


WWE Championship: John Cena

WWE Intercontinental: Ric Flair

WWE Women's: Mickie James

WWE World Tag Team: Cryme Tyme (Shad and JTG)

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SmackDown! Description


SmackDown! might just be the brand to watch, although they have a slightly smaller roster then RAW that is made up for it in talent. With names such as The Undertaker, Batista, and Rey Mysterio SmackDown! provides a well rounded brand that never disappoints.


SmackDown! Roster


Batista - Face: Apart of the villainous stable Evolution when it first started out he got his start pretty high up there with fellow members Triple H and Ric Flair begin two big names. After winning the Royal Rumble and taking the World Heavyweight title from Triple H he was drafted to SmackDown! along with the title. Batista is currently on the top of SmackDown! defeating all competitors to regain the World Heavyweight title, he is currently feuding with The Undertaker, who wants the gold just as much as he does.


The Undertaker - Face: "The Deadman" has always been a fan favorite, and after dominating the SmackDown! Main Event scene for quite some time Batista has been posed a challenge and took his World Heavyweight title recently. He is currently going after Batista's World Heavyweight title with one thing on his mind, revenge.


Rey Mysterio - Face: Rey has always been a favorite among the fans, and is someone many consider the face of SmackDown!, and he is currently in a three way battle for the United States championship involving him, Matt Hardy, and William Regal.


King Booker - Heel: After winning the 2006 King Of The Ring tournament Booker T started calling himself King Booker, which is far from what he truly is. Still caught up in his own persona King Booker is currently feuding with M.V.P.


Kane - Face: Kane has been battling it out with Mark Henry as of recently, both trying to prove who the stronger man is. Chavo is starting to mingle his way into the feud, which may not be a good idea considering who The Big Red Monster is.


Matt Hardy - Face: After a short reunion with Jeff Hardy, Matt found his way to SmackDown! After a short feud with M.V.P and gaining the United States championship in the pregress, Matt is proving to be valuable to the roster. He is battling to keep his gold away from Rey Mysterio and William Regal as of now.


Chavo Guerrero - Heel: Involved in a tag team with Mark Henry, Chavo holds both on-half of the Tag Team titles and the Cruiserweight title. He believes that he's ready for the Main Event scene, SmackDown! GM Teddy Long doesn't.


Gregory Helms - Heel: Once the superhero of WWE Helms is nothing but a bully now, he has shown some interest in the Cruiserweight title and is ready to take it from the hands of Chavo by any means possible.


Mark Henry - Heel: "The Worlds Strongest Man" is currently battling it out with Kane, on-half of the Tag Team titles with Chavo Guerrero.


M.V.P - Heel: There isn't much to be said about M.V.P other then that he's pretty arrogant, he's recently lost his beloved United States title. M.V.P is in a feud with King Booker, to determine who truly is the "franchise player".


Ashley - Face: Ashley is currently facing the only other Diva on the brand Michelle McCool, which is getting stall to say the least.


Michelle McCool - Heel: Michelle McCool is currently facing the only other Diva on the brand Ashley, which is getting stall to say the least.


Finley - Heel: Finley doesn't do a lot these day's, mostly jobbing after losing to King Booker a few weeks in a row.


Mr. Kennedy - Heel: Mr. Kennedy has been placed in the same situation that Finley is in after losing to Matt Hardy a couple times in hopes of gaining the Untied States title.


SmackDown! Champions


WWE World Heavyweight: Batista

WWE United States: Matt Hardy

WWE Cruiserweight: Chavo Guerrero

WWE Tag Team: Chavo Guerrero and Mark Henry

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ECW Description


ECW is the brand ranked last between the three with the smallest roster, the least viewed show, and having only one title there isn't much going for them as of yet.


ECW Roster


Bobby Lashley - Face: The beast that is Bobby Lashley currently holds the ECW Heavyweight titles, however that may change with CM Punk presenting a new challenge to the champs reign.


CM Punk - Face: A fan favorite, CM Punk can get pretty high in this business if utilized correctly. He is currently feuding with Bobby Lashley for the ECW Heavyweight title.


Elijah Burke - Heel: Named "The Future of ECW" by Mr. McMahon himself, Elijah Burke believes he should be in the ECW Heavyweight titles race, and will probably do whatever it takes to get in it.


Kelly Kelly - Face: Kelly Kelly has the misfortune of being a woman wrestler on a brand without a women’s division, she still entertains with her weekly segment Kelly's Exposé.


Marcus Con Vor - Heel: "The Alpha Male" is essentially a big bully, currently in a feud with Sandman.


Sandman - Face: Sandman defines what it means to be hardcore on ECW, currently in a feud with Marcus Con Vor.


Snitsky - Heel: Snitsky doesn't actually serve a purpose, he's more likely to be used as a jobber then get an actual storyline.


ECW Champions


ECW Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley

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Monday Night RAW

Monday, Week 1, August 2007


Venue: Miami Arena

Location: Miami, Florida


Dark Matches:

Chris Masters defeats Kenny Dykstra: B


Backstage Skit - V1

Major Catalyst: Stephanie McMahon, Major Support: Triple H

Monday Night RAW opens in the GM's office with Stephanie sitting at her desk looking over some paperwork. All of a sudden the office door opens with authority, after a few footsteps we see who opened the door: Triple H. The crowd cheer at the arrival of The King of Kings. Triple H begins to talk in a angry tone, "Stephanie, I want my title shot tonight". Stephanie looks up from her paperwork puzzled, "You know I can't do that Paul, we book those matches at Pay-Per-Views usually". Triple H looks intently on Stephanie, excepting her to change her decision. She sighs, "We'll do this Paul, tonight you and Ric Flair with face John Cena and Carlito, if your team wins the match you'll have your title shot next week." There is a mixed reaction of the match booking, while the majority goes towards cheers there are a fair share of boos.


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1

Competitors: Umaga vs Jeff Hardy

We come back from the commercial break with Jeff Hardy making his way to the ring, and Umaga already standing violently in the ring. The match begins, and Umaga gets the upper hand beating down Hardy. Hardy however mounts a comeback and get his fair share of offense in. The two battle it out for a bit until Hardy hits a few kicks to Umaga's legs in quick succession forcing him to his knees, followed by a kick to head laying Umaga out. Hardy preforms the Swanton Bomb and pins Umaga for the 3 count.


1 vs 1

Competitors: The Great Khali vs Shad

A short video package is shown showcasing Rene Dupree with the words "Returning Soon" at the bottom of the screen allowing the ring to empty.


The Great Khali and Shad make their way to the ring, and the match begins with Shad making an effort to gain a edge over Khali early. It proves useless when Khali turned the tables with a boot to Shad's head. Shortly thereafter Khali finishes the match providing Shad with a brain chop, and pinning him after for the win.


Post Match Attack - V1

Major Catalyst: Kenny Dykstra, Major Target: The Great Khali

The Great Khali only has a moment to celebrate the win as Kenny Dykstra rushes to the ring with a chair, sliding smoothly under the ropes and hitting Khali a few times in the knee forcing him to his knees Dykstra takes a moment to catch his breath. The Great Khali attempts a comeback and punches Dykstra a few times in the chest before he gets punished even worse with the chair by Dykstra. He demands for the microphone, "Everyone in the locker room doubts my abilities, and you Khali, you were the main antagonist," he smiles, "Now it's time for me to prove my dominance on this brand." Dykstra drops the microphone and hits Khali a few more times with the chair before leaving the ring. A group of referees come to assist Khali to the back.


****************Commercial Break****************


Diva: 1 vs 1

Competitors: Candice Michelle vs Mickie James

We open back from the commercial break with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawyer welcoming us back and discussing the events that went down before we left for commercial break. The announcer speaks up, beginning to introduce our next competitors for the next match up.


First Mickie James makes her way to the ring flashing her Women's title, then Candice Michelle walks done the ring with a determined expression on her face. The match begins with each Diva obtaining the same amount offense for the most part, Candice is beginning to mount dominance in the match when Melina runs down to the ring. Candice moves out of the charging Diva's way and Melina and Mickie battle it out, the referee calls for the bell. The winner being Mickie via DQ. The referee proceeds to break the brawl up.


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1

Competitors: Johnny Nitro vs JTG

We come from commercial break with Johnny Nitro making his way to the ring, followed by JTG. Nitro attacks as soon as the math begins, but JTG was prepared and only allows Nitro to get a few punches in before he counters with a shove and a dropkick. The two get roughly the same amount of offense in during the match. Nitro picks up the lead towards the end of the match and gets his finisher in: The Moonlight Drive, following a pin for the win.


Video Recap - V2

Major Subject: Randy Orton, Major Subject: Shawn Michaels

A short video recap is shown about the feud between Randy and Shawn over the past few weeks, which has guests from both wrestlers past commenting on how talented they both are, it ends announcing that their match will be a submission match, coming up next!


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1 - Submission

Competitors: Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels

We come back from commercial break with both competitors already in the ring, the bell is rung and the match is underway. Both competitors have their turns of being the dominate wrestler in the match, flashing off their skills earned from years of battle. Randy connects with a RKO, remembering that the match is after all a submission match he puts Shawn in a chinlock shouting at Shawn to give up. His attempts to win the match with the chinlock ends when Shawn mounts a comeback and take control of the match. After some more battling, Shawn preforms his Sweet Chin Music on Randy, only to have him bounce right back up! Shawn hits Randy with another Sweet Chin Music, this time he stays down and Shawn puts him in a modified figure four leg lock, Randy couldn't do anything but tap out.


****************Commercial Break****************


2 vs 2 w/manger

Competitors: Triple H & Ric Flair vs John Cena & Carlito w/Torrie Wilson

After the commercial break, Triple H is shown making his way to thing ring, ignoring his usual entrance moves with an wiry look on his face. Next comes Ric Flair, then Carlito and his girlfriend Torrie Wilson walk down to the ring followed by Carlito's partner for the match John Cena. The match begins with Triple H and John Cena battling it out, Triple H shows no emotion in the match and is simply a brute force, Cena manages to ward him off and eventually tire him out enough to make him go for the tag, sadly Cena had to do the same. Flair and Carlito come out fresh putting on a nice little fight for the fans. Carlito takes the upper hand, and after hitting Flair with a low blow he connect with his Backstabber. Triple H knows whats happening and jumps into the ring, and is quickly met with Cena who flings him out the ring. Cena follows Triple H and punishes him for attempting to interfere, all the while Carlito pins Flair for the 3 count. The show fades out with Carlito celebrating in the ring and Cena holding his title over Triple H in a aggressive manner.




Show Results:

Triple H demands title shot, gets a tag team match: A

Jeff Hardy defeats Umaga: A

The Great Khali defeats Shad: C+

Kenny Dykstra attacks Khali after his match: C

Candice Michelle is disqualified after Melina attacks Mickie James: B-

Johnny Nitro defeats JTG: B+

Video recap of Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels feud: A*

Shawn Michaels defeats Randy Orton: A

John Cena & Carlito defeats Triple H & Ric Flair: A


Final Show Rating: A

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ECW on SyFy

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2007


Venue: Dale F. Halton Arena

Location: Charlotte, NC


Opening Segment - V2

Major Catalyst: Joey Styles

ECW on SyFy opens with our solo commentator for the night Joey Styles discussing some events that went down last night on RAW, and informing us that tonights main event will be CM Punk and Bobby Lashley facing off in a Steel Cage match for the ECW Heavyweight title. He ends by giving some hints that we'll have some SmackDown! guests coming over also tonight.


1 vs 1

Competitors: Snitsky vs Elijah Burke

Snitsky is first to make his way to the ring, then out comes Elijah Burke with a serious look on his face. The match begins with Burke quickly taking control, it becomes evident very early in the match that Burke is out to hurt Snitsky. Snitsky doesn't stand a chance, but does attempt to mount a comeback, and surprisingly has a few people in the crowd cheering for him. Burke finishes Snitsky with a Burke Express.


In Ring Promo - V1

Major Catalyst: Elijah Burke

Burke demands for the microphone after the match, "You listen here, and you listen good" Burke begins to speak, pointing into the camera, "You know know I can defeat you any time, any where, you're just afraid to admit it and refuse to face me. Oh no but I'll have my time, you just wait and see." Although Burke never specifies who he was addressing, his message was sent. He leaves the ring with a smirk on his face.


****************Commercial Break****************


Kelly's Exposé - V1

Major Catalyst: Kelly Kelly

We come back from the commercial break with Kelly Kelly making her way to the ring to preform her weekly segment Kelly's Exposé. The crowd cheers on with no Mike Knox present to stop Kelly, and don't worry parents, Kelly doesn't show anything to un-family friendly. We do however get a un-welcomed guest towards the end...


Pre-Match Hype

Major Catalyst: Marcus Cor Von, Major Catalyst: Sandman

"The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von begins making his way to the ring for his next match before Kelly is finished with her segment. The two meet, with Marcus speaking and staring over Kelly. Its obvious Kelly is uncomfortable. Sandman comes to the rescue running into the ring from the fans seating area with his signature singapore cane, he hits Marcus from behind, and continues to punish him with it before we fade out for commercial break.


****************Commercial Break****************



1 vs 1

Competitors: Marcus Cor Von vs Sandman

We come back with both competitors in the ring already and Kelly still outside holding Sandman's singapore cane, the announcer does his thing and the bell rings signaling the match was underway. Sandman begins the match with the advantage, considering Marcus hadn't yet come back from the attack. Sandman was about to score the win with the Rolling Rock, but Marcus quickly moved out the way, with Sandman dazed Marcus caught his breath and from that point on dominated the match. Marcus got the pin after a Alpha Bomb. Marcus makes his way back to the locker room, while Kelly jumps in the ring to aid Sandman.


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1

Competitors: Mark Henry vs Kane

We come from from the commercial break with dead silence. All of a sudden the lights shut off, and BOOM!, Kane's entrance music comes on, the crowed cheers for "The Big Red Monster". After Kane finishes and is in the ring, Mark Henry's entrance music blasts, the crowd goes wild seeing this is their two guest' from SmackDown!. The match starts pretty evenly, with neither Kane nor Henry gaining an edge. After about midway into the match Henry starts to get an edge, beginning to get the better of Kane. Kane however mounts a comeback, and finishes the match with a chokeslam and a pin for the 3 count.


1 vs 1 - Steel Cage (Escape Only)

Competitors: Bobby Lashley vs CM Punk

The ECW Heavyweight champion Bobby Lashley is first to enter the ring, mostly steel cage now. CM Punk follows, vibrant, and with more cheers from the fans compared to Lashley. The match begins with Lashley getting an edge very early on, making several attempts to climb the cage, which Punk dispelled quickly on all occasions. Lashley lost his edge when he fell from one of his attempts in climbing the cage, where he hurt his knee. Punk took advantage of this, attacking his knee through various kicks and after putting Lashley in a sharpshooter many thought Punk had the match in the bag. That was until Lashley mounted a comeback and hit Punk with his Dominator. Lashley scaled the cage, and was sitting on top of the cage to take a moment to breath. All of a sudden Elijah Burke comes running down the ramp, climbing the cage, and sharing a few punches with Lashley before pushing him over the top of the cage back in the ring, Burke leaves after satisfied with his work. A dazed Punk finds Lashley laying on the mat, he proceeds to pick him up and preforms the Go To Sleep. He exits the ring via the door, becoming the new ECW Heavyweight champion! The show fades with the referee handing Punk the title, and him hugging it proudly.




Show Results:

Joey Styles opens the show: B

Elijah Burke defeats Snitsky: C+

Elijah Burke address' someone: B-

Kelly Kelly does her thing: A

Marcus Cor Von is a jerk, Sandman gives him a attitude adjustment: D

Marcus Cor Von defeats Sandman: E

Kane defeats Mark Henry: B

CM Punk defeats Bobby Lashley due to interference by Elijah Burke to become the new ECW Heavyweight champion: B-


Final Show Rating: C

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Friday Night SmackDown!

Friday, Week 1, August


Venue: Allstate Arena

Location: Chicago, IL


Dark Matches:

Chavo Guerrero defeats ECW visitor Sandman: B

King Booker defeats M.V.P: B+


Opening Segment - V2

Major Catalyst: CM Punk

The show opens with CM Punk sitting in a chair in the middle of the ring with a microphone already in hand. The crowd going wild at the sight, Punk begins to speak, "I have to say, it is wonderful to be back to the place where I was born and raised, Chicago! However I'm not here to talk about how great Chicago is, I'm here to talk about the events that went down two nights ago during ECW's main event. You see I had finally gotten my chance at the ECW Heavyweight championship, facing Bobby Lashley proved difficult, and I would've lost the match if it wasn't for the villainous Elijah Burke." Punk stops talking, allowing for a video to be shown from Tuesday when Burke interfered in the Punk\Lashley match. Punk begins to speak again, "Considering I know that Elijah Burke isn't here tonight, and Lashley is, I'd like to give Lashley a rematch for the title, that is, if he accepts." After a moment or so, Lashley's music plays, and he walks down to the ring. Punk hands Lashley the microphone, he provides us with a simple answer, "I accept".


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1

Competitors: Mr. Kennedy vs Gregory Helms

The match between this two competitors was a quick on, with Helms taking control very quickly. Mr. Kennedy did however, put up a fight, which sadly proved to be a waste of energy as Helms finished the match with his Single Knee Facebreaker. The overall aggression of Helms in this match showed the fans that he was trying to prove something, and maybe he did prove whatever he was aiming to do.


1 vs 1

Competitors: Edge vs Finlay

Edge makes a surprise appearance on SmackDown! in a bout against Finlay. Finlay surprising puts up a good brawl against Edge, this however is short lived as Edge gains an edge over Finlay with a low blow. Edge hits the Spear and pins Finlay for the win.


In Ring Promo - V1

Major Catalyst: Edge

Edge demands for the microphone with a smirk on his face. He walks over to where Finlay is laying, and begins to talk leaning over him. "I'm sure many of you were surprised to see me tonight! Well I have another surprise for you all... I'm the newest addition to the SmackDown! roster!" The crowd loudly boo's at this, Edge takes a moment to let it all adsorb in, "Ah yes, except to be seeing much more of me. Sooner or later I'll have gold around my waist."


****************Commercial Break****************


1 vs 1 vs 1

Competitors: Matt Hardy vs Rey Mysterio vs William Regal

We come back from the commercial break with Matt Hardy making his way to the ring in a non-title match against Rey Mysterio and William Regal, he is followed by Regal, Rey comes to the ring last. The battle begins with Hardy and Rey attacking Regal, who quickly take him out of the equation. Then Hardy and Rey begin to brawl, with using their high-flying background to please the fans. Regal tries to get back into the game several times, however all of his attempts are short lived. Rey sets up Hardy for the 619, which hardy masterfully waits for and stops Rey right before he connects with the famed finisher, Hardy grabs Ray's legs and flings be outside the ring. Hardy has moves his attention to Regal, who is starting to come to from the last wave of attacks. It seems Hardy has it in the bag, until Regal starts to fight back, and finally takes control of the match hitting the Knee Trembler on Hardy. Regal looks over to Rey, who is starting to get up. Regal moves over to the ropes, and surprisingly flings himself over them to connect with Rey. Rey and Regal brawl it out, and with no action in the ring the referee can pay attention to everybody outside the ring and starts counting for the count out. Through the battling neither Rey or Regal hear the referee shouting, 3-4-5, still determined to hurt each other, 5-6-7, Hardy is inside the ring laughing to himself knowing he's going to pick up the win, 8-9-10. The sound of the bell confuses both Regal and Rey, Hardy leaves the ring laughing the victory up.


Diva: 1 vs 1

Competitors: Ashley vs Michelle McCool

As most Diva bouts are, this match was more about entertaining the fans with nice female skin then an actual match. Michelle picks up the victory after preforming the Wings of Love on Ashley.


A video recap was shown of the Mark Henry\Kane match held on ECW after Michelle won the match.


****************Commercial Break****************


Worker(#1) & Worker(#2) Shake Hands

Major Catalyst: Bobby Lashley, Major Catalyst: CM Punk

As we come back from the commercial break, a small video clip opens with Bobby Lashley warming up for his next match. CM Punk walks towards him with the ECW Heavyweight title around his waist, the two stare each other down until Punk extends his hand, which Lashley reluctantly takes. "May the best man win" Punk says as the clip ends.


1 vs 1

Competitors: Bobby Lashley vs CM Punk for the ECW Heavyweight title

Bobby Lashley's music blasts, he comes out ready to take his title back, after Lashley enters the ring CM Punk's music chimes, and the ECW Heavyweight champion makes his way to the ring to face his opponent tonight. The bout begins pretty evenly, its obvious Punk has down his homework this time. Lashley however uses his superior strength to beat down Punk, which is effective for a bit until Punk starts to reverse a lot of Lashley's moves, and gets him set up for the Go To Sleep, which Lashley barely escapes. The battle rages on until Punk gets Lashley to the mat, then putting him in the Anaconda Vise which Lashley tries to break but in the end he has no choice but to tap out. CM Punk has successfully made his first title defense!


1 vs 1

Competitors: Batista vs The Undertaker

Tonights main event is a sneak preview of SummerSlam main event, Batista going head to head with The Undertaker. The only difference is that in SummerSlam the World Heavyweight title will be up for grabs. The Undertaker comes out first, followed by Batista who rushes to the ring ready to battle. The match begins with Batista attacking Undertaker at the sound of the bell, which caught him by surprise. Batista controlled much of the match, however in the late minutes Undertaker mounted a comeback, and with after a series of punches hit in quick succession Undertaker attempted to hit Batista with the Tombstone piledriver, which he got of quickly. Batista retook the control of the match for a second, and almost had the win over Undertaker, sadly he kicked out of the pin last second. The Undertaker once again had control of the match from that point on, and finally hit Tombstone piledriver on Batista followed by the pin for the 3 count. Will this be the fate at SummerSlam also?




Show Results:

CM Punk offers a rematch to Bobby Lashley, he accepts: B

Gregory Helms defeats Mr. Kennedy: B-

Edge defeats Finlay: B

Edge informs us about his switch to SmackDown!: A*

Matt Hardy defeats Rey Mysterio and William Regal: A

Michelle McCool defeats Ashley: B-

CM Punk and Bobby Lashley shake hands: B

CM Punk defeats Bobby Lashley: B

The Undertaker defeats Batista: A


Final Show Rating: B+

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WWE Sunday Night News


The rumors of the WWE making a roster expansion might just be true with a bundle of wrestlers being signed at the end of the the week. Wrestlers recently signed include "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Ric Flair's son Reid Flair, "1-2-3 Kid" Sean Waltman, Christian Cage, and Chris Jericho, to name a few. When Mr. McMahon was asked what direction these wrestlers were going he simply said, "Stay tuned in". There was also a group of wrestlers signed to be sent to WWE's development company FCW, Reid Flair was one of them.




Monday Night RAW Quick Picks


John Cena vs ???


Carlito vs Ric Flair


D-X Reunion Match

Triple H and Michaels vs Rated-RKO


Special Return Match

Jeff Hardy vs Christian




ECW on SyFy Quick Picks


CM Punk vs Elijah Burke


Rookie Appearance

Chavo Guerrero vs Evan Bourne




Friday Night SmackDown! Quick Picks]



Batista vs The Undertaker


Mark Henry vs Kane


Gregory Helms vs ???

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