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Owner goals influence?

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I really like the owner goals feature, and I really don't want to turn it off, but for the purposes of the game I want to run, I need to be able to hire workers from cult level promotions. I've tried restarting the game several times, and I've never gotten a set of owner goals that doesn't include the provision that I can't hire workers who already work for a cult or above promotion. Is there anyway to reduce the odds that that specific goal is assigned without just turning owner goals off?

I'm with you, zachattack: I'm a fan of the idea behind Owner Goals but I'm frustrated with the way the game handles them. I'm hopeful that in future iterations of TEW we'll have greater control over Owner Goals, but for the time being here's something you might try to get around the dreaded "no Cult hires":


On the first day of a new game before Owner Goals have been doled out, go over to Game Options, click the Edit Relationship button and then set up a number of new Strong Friendship relationships for your boss with various other active wrestlers in your fed. I think this might also work with Strong Dislikes. The more relationships your boss has, the greater likelihood that Owner Goals will involve keeping certain wrestlers above (or below) certain Momentum and Popularity thresholds. This trick seems to make the Cult level goal pop up with much less frequency--but if it does pop up, just exit and reload the game. (You might want to disable the Autosave in the Game Options first.)


Once you've been given Owner Goals that you feel will result in a rewarding game, you can then wipe out those Strong Friendships. Actually, you can't wipe them out completely, but you can turn them into Simmering Tensions which will disappear altogether after a few months. Hope that's helpful!

You can turn owner goals on and off while playing. So start with them off, then hire a handful of guys at cult and then you can turn them back on. I think not hiring Cult or above guys is the most annoying rule, and not because I can't see where an owner would want you to build stars instead of hire them, but owners who give the goal seem to give it over and over and over and you never have a chance to hire guys from cult promotions. I hate making through the year of the goal and the replacement goal is just the same thing. I think maybe it should be more about the overness of the worker like sure you can hire some basically unknown lower midcard guy from a cult promotion but not say a main eventer or a upper midcard guy. I usually keep off owner goals with TCW so I can hire Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga because GCG always gets to cult before I can begin negotiations.


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