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You've read the stories, hell... you might of even written them. Some of them are legendary, well thought out, planned for months and then executed soundly for the enjoyment of you the readers. They make us laugh, cry and predict! We offer suggestions, hope, and most importantly we tell people who are trying their best how what they're doing is complete and utter crap and we won't be reading further. Some workers get over, some do not. Maybe you only read for your favorite worker to get pushed, maybe you read until you don't believe the hype any more but you have never read... the true story of the 2010 C - Verse.


No I did not win some special lottery that Tommy Cornell made up, I am not some wrestler who never made anything out of myself who just happened to get called by Sam Strong and offered a job. Dan Stone? He's too busy running a company to worry about who I am. Richard Eisen didn't change bookers after the most successful storyline his promotion has ever seen. No. I don't know who books SWF, nor do I care. I am just a fan, a fan who watches wrestling. Starting today on the first day of January 2010 I have become a fan who will spread the truth, one show at a time about what really happens in the C-Verse...



Yes I will be running all 4 promotions, no I haven't practiced this ever before. I will not be talking about anything going on backstage nor will I have real long shows, just recaps. I've never even played with NOTBPW before and TCW for like two weeks but I am sure I can get the hang of it. Questions, comments and concerns are welcomed and encouraged.


I will try to stay true to what I feel the promotions should be:


USPW: Star F'ers. I will sign old workers who have wrestled in TCW, SWF and the like. Old wrestlers will be giving precedent over young ones when it comes to matches. Lots of "Monster Unleashed" angles...


SWF: I am going to try to encorporate everyone into at least one storyline at a time. Not saying that it's easy or possible but that is the goal.


TCW: The ONLY thing I am going to edit in this whole game is TCW's finances. I don't like how they were in a financial crisis but still signed Benson to a huge deal. I will set this at 0. I don't think it will be hard to get out of that with houseshows but we will see.


NOTBPW: I have no idea...

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SWF: Supreme TV


Tuesday, week 1, January


The show begins with a video recap of Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money and what transpired at the Pay Per View with Eric Eisen which is has every week since it happened: A tired and exhausted Jack Bruce finishing his match against Money, sitting in the corner leaning on the turnbuckle as the referee is raising his hand. The mystery man showing up on the video scree and revealing himself as Eisen and finally Eric winning the title.


When we come back live Eric Eisen is the ring, getting showered with boo's. Everytime he begins to speak the fans get louder and louder so being the Eisen that he is, Eric speaks above them. He says that he knows Jack Bruce hasn't been around, he knows that he will be back and that he will be ready for Jack just like he's ready for Rich Money at When Hell Freezes Over and then proceeds to introduce us to his new bodyguard: Everest!


Lobster Warrior took on Paul Huntingdon in the first match of the evening and it was no contest for the big fan favorite. He wins with a Shell Fish Shock.


Joe Sexy defeated Angry Gilmore in the next battle by DQ when Brandon James hit the ring and completely oblirated Sexy. The announcer hype the match between Sexy and James at When Hell Freezes Over.


We come back from commerical and we see Jack G and Valiant getting beat down in their locker room by Big Scott Smack and Kurt Laramee. When they feel they have done enough damage they announce to the fall champions and also to the fans that they will be meeting at When Hell Freezes Over for the tag team titles. This is the first I've heard of it.


Next up was a non competive match that saw Robbie Retro at the mercy of Remo.


As the announcers are hyping the up coming pay per view SWF presents: When Hell Freezes Over we cut to the back and see Remo walking back through the curtain and Steve Frehley is standing there. They get into each others faces but before anything happens security guards and wrestlers race in to prevent it.


Steve Frehley is making his way down to the ring, so I guess maybe thats why he was standing there ? Anyways his opponent for the evening is Marc DuBois. Frehley wins the match but this one was a tough contested match, I even thought the smaller bad guy had a chance for a few seconds there but damn Steve is just too big.


After the match Vengeance makes his way down to the ring as the referee is holding Frehleys hand and delivers a vicious assult before Steve even realised what happened. The announcers use this opportunity to hype this match at the Pay Pew View!


Christian Faith is giving a promo next hyping his match against Marat Khoklov at When Hell Freezes Over. He says that he does have a reputation for beating bigger, stronger, tougher opponents but that he has never faced anyone quite like Marat. But he says that he will and the fans should, keep the Faith!


Runaway Train dominated the next match against Jungle Lord but lost when Jungle Lord rolled him up after Train was threatening the referee who made him break a choke hold! I know it's only the first show of the year but this is a huggggeee upset!!


Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith was the final match of the night, which Christian Faith won which is no surprise! After the match Marat Khoklov hit the ring, Faith met him with a punch but as Faith said earlier in his interview, there is NO ONE like Marat. Khoklov leaves Faith unconscience as Supreme TV goes off the air.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


The show opens with the normal introduction from the announcers and we cut right to the action as Clark Alexander is set to take on Sammy Bach. Sammy wins the match with nothing of note really taking place.


Next up was a video of Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins talking about how Joey Minnesota and Ricky Dale Johnson think they have accomplished something, they thing that they finished off the Syndicate. Cornell claims that as long as he and Wolf are breathing then the Syndicate lives. Tommy goes on to say that the Freedom fighters will be the ones who are finished at Malice in Wonderland. The announcers note that the two tag teams can not face each other before then in tag team action but can in singles bouts and will tonight in a 3 on 3 match also featuring Rocky Golden and Sam Keith! Who will be fighting for the World Heavyweight title at Malice!


Benny Benson is taking on Edd Stone in the next match for the TCW All Action title! This was a good back and forth action but was finished when Benson hit the shockwave from next year! The referee made the 3 count but right before his hand could come down, Troy Tornado pulled him out of the ring and jumped in and got into a fight with Benson causing the referee to throw the match out! What a rip off!


The TCW World Tag Titles were on the line next as The New Wave took on The Tag Team Specialist. The New Wave won the match quite easily of course finishing it off with a Wave of Mutilation.


Eddie Peak vs. Bryan Vessey was scheduled as the next match of the evening but we cut to the back to these two guys beating the crap out of each other! They really hate their counter part.


Joshua Taylor put his TCW International title up against both Harry Allen and Freddy Huggins. Taylor was able to get the roll up victory when Huggins looked outside the ring to see his partner Edd Stone talking to his sister Laura. After the match Laura and Edd said it was nothing and that Freddy needed to calm down. The three of them shared a group hug.


Genghis Rahn dominated Flying Jimmy Fox in the next match. It wasn't pretty but it happened.


The Machines took on the L.A Connection for the right to meet The New Wave at Malice in 4 Sundays. Anderson was able to get the pin on Chance after a hard fought, long battle.


Rick Law did a pre taped interview next where he said he was happy he wasn't at the arena with the rest of the criminals. Law says that he will fight his former partner Koshino Ino at Malice in Wonderland because all of the people have to pay to see him fight. Speaking of paying Law goes on to say that Ino is the one who betrayed him and that Koshino is just mad that he wasn't asked to join the Syndicate. Law states that Ino will pay.


With a half an hour left to go the Main Event took place. The match begun slowly and worked its way up with all 6 men showing what they can do against each other. In the end The Syndicate and Freedom Fighters were battling outside the ring when Sam Keith locked on the Proton Lock causing the world heavyweight champion to tap out...

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USPW American Wrestling


The show opens with a womans tag team match as Alicia Strong and womans champion Raven Robinson take on Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden. Man these 4 woman are hot but I hate womans wrestling more then anything. I change the channel and 5 minutes later, its still on! 7 minutes.. finally at around ten minutes I flip it on and Alicia and Raven are celebrating so I think that they won.


They show a video to hype the match between Enygma and Tyson Baine at the upcoming USPW PPV Stars, Stripes and Slams. They show Baine destroying Enygma at opportune time and the announcers put over the fact that this will be the first time they will meet one on one ever! Announcers also talk about the up coming number one contenders match on Stars, Stripes and Slams; Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield.


Freddie Datsun defeats Jumbo Jackson in the first epic encounter of the night when Shane Sneer accidently hits the wrong man causing his client to lose.


The Towers of Power join Jumbo after the match as they lay out Datsun, like a pack of wolves they team up on him until Des Davids hits the ring with a chair and the bad guys scatter out of the ring without incident.


We cut to the back where Commish Doom is sitting at his desk looking over some paper work when James Justice bust through the door. Justice says that he is tired of being attacked and he's beat T-Rex once and he wants to fight him again. Doom says that Justice can fight T-Rex all he wants but he will not be allowed to fight him in a USPW ring unless James signs a waiver saying that USPW is not responsible if he gets hurt. Justice agrees to sign, Doom makes the match for Stars Stripes and Slam.


Two veterans opposed each other in the next meeting when Anger took on The Force. The Force had NO trouble at all during this match just running through Anger and finishing him off with a Full Force.


Chris Caulfield made his way out to the ring next but Bruce The Giant jumped him from behind. Caulfield battled back until security came out to break them up.


Peter Valentine made his way down to the ring to face off against Caulfield. He attacked with ruthless aggression to the ribs which seems to be where Caulfield was favoring from his battle with Bruce but it didn't seem as though he was hit in the ribs at all. Caulfield caught his second wind and as he bounced off the ropes to hit a momentum changing clothesline his back was met with a forearm of Bruce who made his way back down to the ring. Of course Robbie Sanchez missed it, I think the guy is partially blind! Valentine hit the heart breaker and that was it.


The Towers of Power took on Savage Fury with the stipulation being that the team that won the match would go on to the pay per view to face off against the People's Team. It was an even contest until Shane Sneer distracted Java allowing Rushmore to get the victory for his team!


T-Rex attacks James Justice who was on his way out of the building wearing street clothes. Sheik Mustafa pulls a pen out and grabs Justice's hand signing what looks to be a contract.


Enygma puts his world title on the line against the imcomptant challange of Darryl Devine! I'm not even going to tell you who wins this one...


Nicky Champion almost pulls off an upset in the Main Event but what he had was not enough to counter the number one contender. Enygma came out at the begining of the match and stood at the top of the entrance way watching the match, presumably scouting his future opponent. When Sheik Mustafa tried to enter the ring Enygma ran down to prevent him but all he did was distract Nicky Champion who was on the offensive allowing Baine to get the victory as the show goes off the air!

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now that is some under taking, good luck


Thank You.


NOTBPW Wrestling Championship Wrestling


The show starts with a preview of the nights challanges which include a number one contender 4 way match between Dan Stone Jr, Johnny Bloodstone, Sean Mcfly and Dark Angel.


Just so you guys know in case you never watched a NOTBPW wrestling show the matches are really long so the reports might be a little shorter. To start the show we had The Natural accompany Owen Love down to the ring but he was kicked out of the ring side area before even getting his feet warm. Owen Loves opponent for the night was none other then the great Jeremy Stone. Stone was able to make Owen tap with The Stone hold after a long and interesting battle.


After the match The Natural rejoined his tag team partner as they laid out Jeremy Stone. The fans seemed to be waiting for Dan Stone Jr. to come save his brother but it never happened as The Can-Am Blondes had their way with the older Stone brother.


John Maverick and Harrison Hash met for the first time this year and it ended the way I remember it ending last year with Maverick picking up the victory that was by no means easy.


Kristabel Plum will have to take on the winner of the next match at NOTBPW Big City Brawl which is NOTBPW's January pay per view if you didn't know. The match featured Sally Anne Christianson, Lauren Easter and Melody. Sally Anne picked up the win over Lauren. But Lauren is by far the hottest girl I have ever seen in my life. Ever.


We cut to the back where Jeremy Stone walks through a door with taped up ribs, his brother is in the locker room stretching and getting ready. Jeremy gets mad and ask him where he was? Dan says he was getting ready. Jeremy explains what happend and Dan says he had no clue. Jeremy Stone is HORRIBLE at acting.


The Fighting Irish took on Brown and Haynes and got the flash pinfall surprise victory! Unfortunately for them the titles weren't on the line. Who would of thought?


RK Hayes destroyed Might Cavanagh in a match that I barely saw, it was bathroom break time when I saw who it was. Hayes is a monster though.


Steve DeColt put his Canadian Title on the line in the next match against Tim Westybrook. It was a good match but there was no doubt that DeColt would win, especially since the winner of the next match gets to face him at Big City Brawl!


The 4 way match was under elimination rules where you had to be tagged in to get pinned or submitted. We went twelve long minutes with out one defeat when Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel started to fight on the outside, getting counted out in the process! The two men fought their way to the back after they were out too! That left Sean McFly and Dan Stone Jr. Two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. The fought for another ten minutes alone in the ring until Sean got the victory! Setting up McFly vs. DeColt.

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SWF Supreme TV


week 2 January 2010


After the opening credits roll, the fireworks go off and all the other good stuff we cut straight to the ring where Eric Eisen is holding a microphone. Eisen says that in two days he will be defending his title against Rich Money at SWF When Hell Freezes Over and that since neither Rich Money nor Jack Bruce were in the building again he was going to take the night off just like last week to rest up. As the fans rain down the boos on Eisen, Gregory Black comes from the back and stands at the top of ramp leading to the ring. Black says that Rich Money and Jack Bruce might not be in the building but he is and he would like a shot at the title tonight. Eisen says that Black isn't in his league, and that he would not be granting him a match. Black calls him a chicken and starts clucking, making Eisen a little mad. Every time he begins to talk the fans start to chant "chicken, chicken" until he finally agrees to face Black tonight!


The announcers run down the card so far for SWF When Hell Freezes Over; which include the matches mentioned last week and Runaway Train taking on the man who upset him last week, Jungle Jack.


Valiant with Jack G took on Kurt Laramee with Big Smack Scott in the opening bout of the evening. Laramee got the pinfall when the referee didn't see interference from BSS but saw Jack getting on the apron allowing the double teams to continue.


The same Eric Eisen, Rich Money and Jack Bruce video from last week aired, the exact same video!


Squeeky McClean and Joe Sexy met in the squared circle for the next contest. McClean almost had the match won on several occasions with various submission holds but Sexy was always able to get to the ropes. Joe Sexy picks up the win and some more momentum on his way When Hell Freezes Over.


After the match Sexy is attacked by Brandon James! Sexy holds his own though and is on the attack sending James realing until Emma Chase hits a low blow allowing James to hit a couple Big Money Moves.


Lobster Warrior took on Angry Gilmore in a good match, Warrior picked up another win in 20 10.


Eric Eisen took on Gregory Black in a match that had a surprising ending. Not the result of course as Eric Eisen did retain his title but Squeeky McClean ran in and helped him.


After the match McClean grabs a microphone and says that he doesn't appreciate how a man like Gregory Black thinks he's entitled to a title shot when there are guys in the back who deserve it more. He says he's not the only one to feel that way and he issues a challange to Black at When Hell Freezes Over.


Remo and Runaway Train teamed up in the next match against Steve Frehley and Jungle Lord. It was a match that contained lots of power moves and brawling that saw Remo get the win over Jungle man.


After the match Vengeance attacked Steve Frehley as he was walking up the aisle. He destroys Frehley eventually throwing him right off the stage on to the ground.


We cut to the back where we are in Eric Eisens locker room with Everest (who my son just called "ho-ho" which is what he calls Santa LOL) when Eric goes through his bag he says that his keys are missing and immediately gets paranoid, saying "Bruce?, Bruce? Bruce is here.. Everest!! Bruce is here!!" He repeats it a few times as Everest tries to calm him down but Eric grabs his bags and tells the big guy "let's go" as they walk out of the locker and out of the door to the garage. Presumably in Everest car?


Christian Faith defeats Marc DuBois in the main event of the night with a Leap of Faith!


After the match Marat Khoklov makes his way down to the ringside area. Faith jumps over the top rope but is caught by the Russian who drives Faiths back into the ring post then delivers a vicious back breaker. Khoklov throws faith over the barrier and into the crowd before reaching over and ripping a fans sign as the show cuts off.

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TWC Presents Total Wrestling


The show kicks off with Rick Law in the ring with a microphone telling everyone how he made a mistake when he turned his back on Koshino Ino and that he's man enough to admit when he made a mistake. He calls Ino down and apologizes to him and offers his hand, Ino is a little hesitant to shake it as the fans pour in the boos from the rafters. Ino puts his hand out then pulls his back when the fans boo, he turns to the fans and then is attacked by Law, who hands cuff Ino to the second rope and stomps his mercilessly.


The Canadian Party Animals were in action next against a team that's as young and as exciting as them.. the L.A Connection. A good back and forth contest that really never saw either team get too far of an advantage. It was more like a basketball game with the teams just going back and forth. Chance Fortune rolls up Freddy Huggins when after Edd Stone was knocked off the apron, his sister Laura went to check on Stone and Freddy being the responsible older brother that he is, goes ape crap after the match again as his sister and partner calm him down.


Flying Jimmy Foxx danced his way down and around the ring before the next match but too bad for him, his opponent on this night was in no dancing mood as Troy Tornado dominated from the outset of the match, finishing him off with a Star Maker.


After the match Tornado grabs a microphone and tells the world that he's the greatest wrestler on the planet. He states that he never loses and the loss that Benny Benson gave him last month was nothing but a fluke. He says that he demands a match at Malice In Wonderland and that he doesn't have all day so Benson better come answer NOW. Benson comes down to the ring side and the two men immediately get into each others face, you can see Benson shaking his head yes. Tornado goes to attack but Benson slips under the bottom rope and heads to the back to the delight of the fans.


Floyd Goldworthy lead his client American Buffalo down for the next match as Danny Fonzarelli made his way down, hi-5ing, and hugging the children between choosing a hot blonde girl to give his head band to. She plants a kiss on his cheek and thats the highlight of this match. American Buffalo picks up a victory over the Love Dr.


The Tag Team Specialist got a title shot against the New Wave next in a submission match. Guide picked up the victory over Oxford.


After the match a video played hyping The Machines vs. The New Wave for the tag team titles at Malice.


Eddie Peak absolutely and completely dominates Harry Allen in the next match. After the match Peak doesn't stop the assult.


Resulting in a run in from Bryan Vessey. Peak wants nothing of it and escapes through the crowd as Vessey checks on Harry.


Sam Keith took on Joey Minnesota in the next bout in which the announcers kept hyping up the respective matches for Malice. Extra referees were placed at ringside and we were told that Rocky Golden, Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell were all warned about coming to ringside resulting in a loss of their jobs. Apparently no one wanted to lose their jobs as there was nothing to stop these two men from putting on a grand show. The end coming when Sam Keith locked on Proton Lock out of no where!!


Joshua Taylor put up his TCW International title against the Big Angry Texan also known as Texas Pete. Pete dominated early portions match but Taylor was always able to bounce back before it was finished and eventually won.


Tommy Cornell comes down and issues an open challange against anyone on the roster since "no one has the balls to put the syndicate on tonight".


TCW World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden comes out and the two put on a good solid match. Rocky Golden puts Tommy in the Rack but before Cornell can tap out, Sam Keith and Wolf Hawkins hit the ring, giving Rocky the win by DQ.


The three men continue to dominate Rocky until The Freedom Fighters make their way down and the 6 men brawl until the heels are knocked out of the ring leaving Ricky Dale, Rocky and Joey celebrating together in the ring.

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USPW American Wrestling


USPW American Wrestling starts in the backstage area as The Towers of Powers and The People's Team are fighting. The two teams are paired up with Datsun and Rushmore and Muscles and Davids both all exchanging wild punches as officials and security guards try to seperate the two teams. Commisioner Doom comes in at the end and ejects all 4 men from the building.


Belle Bryden and Alicia Strong met in the next fight, with the winner going on to USPW Stars Stripes and Slams as the number one contender. Alicia Strong was in control of this match from the start but couldn't pull of the victory when her archenemy Cherry Bomb ran in to ensure that she wouldn't win. Bryden celebrates afterwards with Cherry Bomb as they exit together.


Alicia Strong grabs a microphone and challenges Bomb to a match at Stars, Stripes and Slams! Cherry finds a microphone laying near the set and accepts the match.


Andre Jones came down for the next match and quickly grabbed the microphone, he said he looked at the paper with his opponent for the night and he has no idea who it is. The unfamiliar music hits and the announcers hype the debuting Rayne Man. I know this guy... Greg Rayne, he looks exactly the same. Rayne man has a good showing in first fight but can not dethrown the champion as "The American Athelete" picks up the win with a Blast From The Past.


The lights are off in the arena and you can clearly see the star of David on the video screen, after a few seconds a spotlight shines down on the ring and a man with a yamicka lifts his head up. The man who clearly is The Guru from SWF, says that its been too long since we have seen his face, but that he is the same man as he was before. He says that he's the manager of champions and he's been scouting around the world for the men he would lead to the promise land in USPW. He says that what he found was more then people, he found the righteous path and he will lead not only his wrestlers to the championship but the fans to the promise land. He states that from now on he will be known as The Jewru and he brings the word of god. The lights cut back out, seconds later when they are brought back on no one is in the ring...


Jumbo Jackson vs. The Force is next on the agenda with The Force getting the win cleanly.


Enygma took on Anger in the next contest, Anger has surprised me at how good he is as a singles guy but he's not good enough to beat the champion and in case you didn't know that I am telling you. Enygma wins!


After the match Enygma gets attacked by Tyson Baine, the champion is left face down as Sheik Mustafa lays his title over him.


As Mustafa is in the ring he grabs a microphone and states that what James Justice signed was a contract to face T-Rex in an anything goes match at Stars, Stripes and Slams! There will be no countouts, DQ's, and their must be a winner. He also states that tonight The Titans will be in action against James Justice and a partner of his choosing.


USPW National Champion Peter Valentine put his title on the line against dangerous competitor Captain USA. The match didn't take too long and it was ALL Valentine as Peter keeps his belt.


Peter Valentine makes an open challenge for anyone under USPW contract to face him at USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams!


Bruce The Giant took on Nicky Champion in the next match, Nicky might be able to beat Bruce in a few years but it wasn't happening today. The Giant is too big and strong. He wins with a Giant Chokeslam!


The Main Event of the evening pitted the great and mighty Titans vs. Chris Caulfield and James Justice! The crowd loved this match as they were heard throughout. All 4 men were in the ring at most times during the match, eventually Bruce The Giant and Enygma also joined the frey causing the referee to just cancel the match with no winner being announced.


Something new I'm going to do from now on:


USPW Stars Stripes and Slams

Tuesday week 4, January

Current Card:


Tyson vs. Enygma - USPW World

Chris Caulfield vs. Bruce The Giant

T-Rex vs. James Justice - Anything Goes

The People's Team vs. Towers of Power - Tag Titles


Announced tonight:

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson - Womans Title

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


The show kicks off with a video hyping the Main Event in 4 nights at NOTBPW Big City Brawl when Sean McFly goes up against Steve Decolt. The announcers also put over the fact that after last week two matches have been added to the card; Those being Dark Angel against Johnny Bloodstone and Brown and Haynes against The Fighting Irish for the NOTBPW tag straps.


The Natural and Dan Stone Jr. met this week to open the show and it was a hell of a battle that ended with Stone being victorious.


After the match Owen Love joined his tag team partner as they beat down Dan Stone! Just like they did to his brother Jeremy last week, only this time Jeremy runs down to clean house.


Stone Jr. then gets on the microphone and challenges the Can-Am Blondes to a match at Big City Brawl!


Harrison Hash was the victor in the next match beating Canadian Dragon. Its hard to get a victory when you wear a mask as ugly as Canaidan's Dragons is. I mean its hard for us the viewer to look at, I bet it burns his eyes even more to wear it. Speaking of mask a friend of mine tried to tell me the other day that Harrison Hash used to be this wrestler called Panda Mask... what an idiot he is. I don't even wanna talk about it.


Fresh off his title shot last week Tim Westybrook took on the up and coming Julian Watson for the first time this year. The match went to a 15 minute time limit draw as Westybrook was making the pin, he was on a 2 count. Didn't look too pleased after the match.


Jeremy Stone took on the relatively new wrestler Flash in a match up next. Dan Stone Jr accompanied his brother down to the ring side and stayed their the whole time. The Can-Am Blondes came to the entrace way to watch the match but never came down. Stone gets the victory. Also during this match the announcers annouce that Julian Watson and Tim Westybrook will be fighting in 4 days at NOTBPW Big City Brawl.


Steve Decolt hyped his Canadian championship match against Sean McFly next, he also hyped the main event which will pit Bloodstone and DeColt vs. McFly and Dark Angel.


John Maverick, R.K. Hayes, Omar Brown and Harlem Hayes teamed up in the next contest to beat The Fighting Irish, Lord James King and Erik Strong in a match that wasn't as competive as it sounds.


With 25 minutes to go before the end of the show the main event begins! Its a long match that last what would ya know? 25 minutes. Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel once again battle on the outside for most of the match. The Champion gets the victory over McFly with a DeColt Stampede. After the match a tired DeColt poses over the lifeless body of Sean McFly with his title in hand.


NOTBPW Big City Brawl

Saturday, Week 2, January


Current Card:


Steve DeColt vs. Sean McFly - Canadian Championship

Kristbal Plum vs. Sally Anne Christenson - Womans


announced tonight:


The Stone Siblings vs. The Can-Am Blondes

Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

The Fighting Irish vs. Hayes and Brown - Tag Titles

Julian Watson vs. Tim Westybrook

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Week 2 January PPVs

Confirmed Cards


SWF: When Hell Freezes Over



Eric Eisen vs. Rich Money - SWF World Heavyweight


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov


Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley


Jungle Lord vs. Runaway Train


Brandon James vs. Joe Sexy - SWF North American Title


Valiant and Jack Giedroyc vs. The Pain Alliance - SWF World Tag Team Titles



NOTBPW Big City Brawl



Sean McFly vs. Steve DeColt - NOTBPW Canadian Title


Can-Am Express vs. Stone Siblings


Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Sally Anne Christenson vs. Kristabal Plum - NOTBPW Womans Title


Brown and Hayes vs. The Fighting Irish - NOTBPW Tag Team Titles


Tim Westybrook vs. Julian Watson

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SWF When Hell Freezes Over


We open with a video hyping the SWF World Heavyweight Title match, showing Rich Money's rise over the past 12 months as he worked on getting the title from Jack Bruce. The video then shows Eric Eisen being helped out of the ring with his injury and then cuts to that faithful night just one month ago when Bruce defeated Money and Eisen revealed himself as the mystery man, winning the title. After the video is done the announcers slyly ask can "Will Rich Money make Eric Eisen pay?"


Steve Frehley is on next as he talks about his match against Vengeance up next. Frehley talks about how Vengeance has been doing anything that he wants to SWF Wrestlers for the past two years, that people are scared of him but Steve says he is not, and tonight he stops the monster.


Steve Frehley and Vengeance, two of the most physically imposing men I have ever laid eyes met in a contest that's not really a surprise since they've been on a collision course for some time now. Both men had control of the match at different times but "The Dark Destroyer" hit the Dark Destroyer Spear seemingly out of no where to pick up the victory!


Squeeky McClean took on Gregory Black in the match directly after Frehley and Vengeance. I guess this means that Black accepted the match laid down by Squeeky? A nice match between guys who have been with the SWF forever, Groucho, I mean Gregory picks up the victory after twenty long minutes with a Fade To Black.


An interview with Christian Faith was next, Faith once again went on to express how he's never faced a man like Marat Khoklov before but he fought Runaway Train he never fought a man like him before and before he fought Vengeance he never knew anyone as dominating as him before. Faith says that he's over come both of those men in the past and their is nothing that's going to stop him from doing the same tonight. He tells his fans to keep the faith!


A hype video for the SWF North American title match was on next with SWF covering everything from the very begining of the fued when during a bikini contest that Emma Chase refused to participate in Joe Sexy still rallied the fans to vote for her, calling her the hottest business woman he has ever seen. Joe went on to say a sexy man like himself, deserves a sexy woman like Emma. Brandon James took exception to that and a title shot later, Joe seems more interested in the title then the lady. But knowing Joe.. is this really the case?


Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah were next on the agenda, leading their men, the tag team champions down to the ring. The fans were all over Big Smack Scott from start to finish. Scott didn't get in the ring much, letting his partner do most of the work. The bad guys cheated often a lot, with the referee having to keep either Valiant or Jack out of the ring as the Pain Alliance used various tag team manuvers. In the end Valiant was able to make the tag that the fans were on the edge of their seating waiting for allowing Jack Giedroyc to come in the ring and take out Big Smack Scott and hit Laramee with a Crashing On.


Next up was a video to show the short fued between Jungle Lord and Runaway Train, they showed a small tiger playing on the train tracks as a train draws near, you can hear the horn going but the animal just stays there, then the video cuts to the upset victory last week by Lord and the tag match from this past Tuesday. The video then goes back to the train getting near the animal but before it hits the video goes to black, we will never know what happened...


The match up between Runaway Train and Jungle Lord was up next and this one was a wild brawl with both men throwing caution to the wind and not relying on defense. Just back and forth hitting each other until Train hit the Train Wreck and then... another Train Wreck. He disrespectfully places a foot on the chest of the fallen Jungle Lord as the ref makes the three count. I guess if you're going to avenge a loss, this was the way to do it.


Emma Chase is in the ring for the next segment, she claims that she knows that Brandon James vs. Joe Sexy is supposed to be on next but she just can't resist anymore. Before the two men fight she has something to confess that she really does love Joe Sexy. She calls out Joe and says that she plans to apologize. The fans are booing and at first it doesn't seem as if Joe is going to buy it... but he does! Sucker! As Joe comes out he is attacked by Brandon James, Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott. The three men combine to pound on the challenger, even throwing him through a table that was set up just off the stage. Eventually security gets Scott and Laramee to the back as James makes his way down to the ring.


Standing in the ring Emma Chase tells the referee to start the match and count Joe Sexy out! After a few seconds of standing around the ref does start the match. He begins his count as the fans boo but at around 6 a bloody Joe Sexy rises from the ashes of the table and starts to jog down to the ring. James throws his belt out of the ring as Emma hurries out, Sexy rolls into the ring at the count of 9! Only to get kicked right back on by Brandon James. Not that it matters, he broke the ten count! Brandon James dominated this match. But Joe eventually caught a second wind and hit a One Night Stand! It looked like he would become the new champion but Emma Chase jumped up on the apron and started to take off her business coat, showing her blouse underneathe, allowing Brandon James the time to catch his breathe and recover from the devistating move hitting the Big Money Move to take the win!


We cut to the back where Everest, the bodyguard of champion Eric Eisen is beating up Rich Money who is on the ground in the fetal position, this beatdown did not just happen but we are cutting in towards the end. It seems that they are in the boiler room or some other dark place, you can't really tell.


We cut to the backstage where Eric Eisen is standing with the World Heavyweight title wrapped around his waist. He says that Rich Money will never be a champion, never has been and never will be. He said that Money had an opportunity last month but didn't do what Eric Eisen did... beat Jack Bruce. Eisen goes on to say that he guareentees a victory tonight, and then is interrupted by someone who tells Eisen that Everest hast just beat up Money. "Oh... what a shame" is Erics response.


The camera moves the lense to his right about 45 degrees to show Remo in his street clothes in the face of Steve Frehley, the two men are literally inches apart, they both turn at the same time so they are opposite of where they were before. Frehley turns around to a table sitting there and grabs a chicken wing as Remo walks off, neither of them saying a word.


Christian Faith vs. Marat Khoklov was next on the card and the fans were really digging the excitment in this match. Could their hero, the one and only, the man who has given them Faith, Mr. Christian Faith really defeat a man so devistating? The answer that they seek wasn't too far off as the two men had a fairly short match that saw a lot of Khoklov going at Faith and Faith using his speed and agility to get out of the way. When Marat did get a hold of Faith he wore down his back with vicious forearms and even a Monster bear hug but Christian kept his faith. You would need a lot more then Faith to beat someone like Marat though, and luckily for the fans Christian Faith had what it took to give the big man the first loss of his career! Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia could not belive it! They were both as excited as the fans. An angry Russian quickly rose to his feet after the three count but Christian Faith and the man in charge of the match quickly exited the ring.


The Main Event of the evening was up next and it all started out with Everest being ejected from the ring side area as he did not have a managerial license we would find out by Ana Garcia. Rich Money was on a mission to win his first ever Heavyweight title, he had a counter for everything that Eisen would throw his way. At the end of the match a mysterious figure dressed in all black with a black mask on came slithering out from under the ring, as Eric Eisen through Rich Money into the ropes, the man pulled down the ropes and Money went flying out of the ring on to the floor outside. The man got in the ring and Eric Eisen looked on, not knowing what to do. The man took off his mask to reveal Jack Bruce. Bruce attacked Eisen, as the referee called for the bell giving Eisen the victory. Bruce hit a New York Minute as a camera shows a frusterated Rich Money sitting with his back against the guard rail looking on in disbelief as When Hell Freezes Over ends.

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NOTBPW Big City Brawl


Big City Brawl kicked off with one of the most anticipated matches first as Johnny Bloodstone took on Dark Angel. These two men have been at each others throats over the past two week, and surprisingly this one didn't end up with a double count out or with both men being disqualified. Both men got lots of offense in but it was Bloodstone who picked up the victory.


Sally Anne Christenson took womans champion Kristabel Plum in Kristabel's first appearance of the new year! Plum won the match with a Plum Tucker.


The Stone Siblings gave an interview in the back hyping up the match against The Can-Am Blondes later tonight. The Stones claimed that they've both been attacked over the past few weeks but that tonight there will be no 2 on 1 attacks, and they are sure that The Natural and Owen Love can not beat them fair and square which it will be tonight!


The tag team titles were on line next up when The Fighting Irish who defeated the champions Brown and Haynes on the first show of the year got their title shot. This time though the champions were better prepared, picking up the victory after a hard fought match.


The Canadian Champion Steve DeColt gave an interview next talking about his match against Sean McFly. DeColt said he has beaten everyone superstar that Canada has to offer except McFly and the Stones but tonight he checks one of them off the list. He says that he is the greatest champion not only in the history of NOTBPW but in Canadian history and tonight he's going to prove it... once again.


Julian Watson and Tim Westybrooke had a rematch from last week, when the match went to a time limit draw. This time the match went twenty minutes... but it was not a draw as Westybrooke picked up the victory.


Sean McFly gave a pre taped interview next where he gave respect to the champion Steve DeColt but talked about how he had to defeat not one, not two but three of the top wrestlers in the world just to get a shot at the title and that there is no way that he was going to miss out on the opportunity of a life time.


The Can-Am Blondes and The Stone Siblings met in the next match which had a little bit of everything, from basic punches and kicks, to submissions and even a few top rope moves. Dan Stone Jr. got the victory for his team, making Owen Love tap to the Stone ankle Stretch. It was locked in for over a minute before Love tapped out, which seemed like it was forever!


The Canadian title was on the line in the Main Event when challenger Sean McFly met Champion Steve DeColt in a one fall match with a 60 minute time limit. McFly set up for the Delorean driver on multiple occasions but was never able to hit it as DeColt had it well scouted, the last time, he reversed into a Delorean driver of his own, defeating the challenger with his own move. "The Outsider" posed with the belt as the pay per view ended.

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SWF Supreme TV

week 3, January 2010


The show kicks off showing a video of everything that happened at SWF When Hell Freezes Over with most of the video showing what happened during the main event and Jack Bruce's return to SWF. After the video the announcers tell us whats in store for the night, such as a tag team match tonight for the right to face Jack Gierdroyc and Valiant at SWF Nothing To Lose and that Eric Eisen is not in the building tonight.


Seldom seen John Greed made an appearance at the begining of this show, as he took on Christian Faith who just upset the big Monster Marat Khoklov at When Hell Freezes Over. Safe to say that if Marat couldn't beat Faith, there was no way that Greed was going to either.


After the match an even angrier Marat Khoklove attacked Christian Faith, the monster left Christian down and out once again. You think Faith had final defeated the big Russian but it doesn't look like Marat is finished with him just yet.


Standing on the outside and watching the beating from the outside, rather smartly I might add, John Greed gets into the ring slowly, keeping his eyes on Marat as Khoklov just stares at the smaller man. Greed says that he is tired of being a no body around here and this is his chance to become something, Greed says he has the talent but theres a man who has been jealous of him since day one and he will expose that man very soon. Greed says there is one thing that he needs and that is... Marat Khoklov. He extends his hand for a hand shake, saying that the two men could work very well as a team. Khoklov just stares at Greed, unblinkingly, walking towards John. The expression on Greeds face starts to fade as Marat grabs the microphone and breaks into two with his bear hands, walking forwards backing Greed into the corner of the ring. Marat then extends his hand as the two men shake signafying an agreement. The announcers wonder outloud who has been jealous of John Greed.


"Fabulous" Frederique Antonio Garcia took on SWF Superhero Captain Atomic in the next match. Neither one of these man have been seen all year and it was nice to see them. Garcia picks up the victory with a Romeo is Bleeding!


After the match Garcia grabs a microphone and delivers his famous catchphrase saying "I, Frederique... Antonioooo Garciaaaaa, am simply... Fabulous to a chrous of boo's from the crowd.


We got to the back where Emma Chase, Brandon James, Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee are celebrating Big Money's victory at when Hell Freezes Over with a bottle of champaign. Chase gives a toast to the alliance that the three men have formed as Big Smack Scott asks about the money that he and Kurt were promised. Laramee shoots Scott a look and tells him its the wrong time, as Emma, Brandon and Kurt all sip there drink in unison, Scott lagging just a little behind. The announcers recap that The Pain Alliance helped James win against Joe Sexy.


The Amazing Bumfholes took on The Biggz Boys and The Samoan Wild Boyz in the next contest with the right to go on to Nothing to Lose to face off against the tag team champions on the line. All 3 teams shared the offense in this match, Shady K and Knuckles made a guest appearance attacking Bart and Brett Biggz who were both on the outside of the ring, awaiting a tag from Randy Bumfhole who was only inches away from making the tag to Brett. Death Row brawled with the Biggz Boyz as Akima Brave picked up the victory for his team!


The "Solitary Dollar" Rich Money made his way to the ring, he said that he can't trust anybody these days, first he was used by Eric Eisen and now this past week he was cheated by Jack Bruce. He says that he demands an answer from Bruce and he isn't waiting, Rich wants an answer. Jack Bruce comes out to a huge ovation from the crowd, getting in the ring the two men get immediately get into each others face and into a shoving match. You can clearly hear Bruce say "Do you want me to answer you" without the microphone in his hand. Money backs off as Jack tells his side of the story about how it isn't about Rich, its about Jack, Eric and the SWF World Heavyweight title. Money cuts him off and says that the title should be his. Jack then cuts off Rich and says that Rich can't beat Jack Bruce and he'll prove it.. next week as he hasn't been cleared to wrestle yet. The fans erupt into a loud cheer as Rich Money agrees to the match... Just then the screen at the top of the ramp comes on, Eric Eisen is on it with the camera directly in his face. He tells the two men that he would love nothing more then to see them destroy each other but next week they are both busy as they will be TEAMING up (the two men look at each other, neither of them pleased) to face Everest, and Eric Eisen!


A 3 way match up took place next when Marc DuBois, Lobster Warrior and Greg Black met. A nice matchup featuring 3 of the top wrestlers in the company. Gregory Black was the first one eliminated when Squeeky McClean came down and faked like he was getting into the ring, doing just enough to catch Blacks attention allowing Lobster to get the win. This left Marc DuBois and Lobster Warrior in the ring for a little while alone, with Warrior hitting a Shell Fish Shock for the win.


Vengeance took on Joe Sexy in this match and both of these men have been having various problems with members of the lockerroom, Joe with Brandon James and now Kurt and BSS and Vengeance with Steve Frehley so there was no way that this one would end without interference right? Wrong! I guess Chase's boys were busy in the back because Joe Sexy picked up an upset victory in a match where Vengeance had more offense.


We cut to the back where Jungle Jack and Runaway Train are fist fighting one another, it looks like its the same area where Frehley and Remo had a stare down at the pay per view so maybe Jack took the last piece of chicken or something. Anyways the two men fight until officials come in and break it up.


Angry Gilmore vs. Steve Frehley was the main event of the evening and the two men put on a good performance that was ended when Vengeance who even though it seemed as if Frehley was done with him in the last match didn't feel the same way about Steve as he attacked him with the chain that he carries around, blooding Frehley as we go off the air


SWF Nothing to Lose:

Current Card:

Samoan Wild Boyz vs. Jack Giedroyc and Valiant - SWF Tag Titles

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling


Aaron Andrews met Sammy Bach to kick off this weeks edition of Total Wrestling with Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes telling us that the winner of this match will go on to face Joshua Taylor the TCW International Title at Malice In Wonderland. This was mostly a high flying match with Sammy Bach's manager Karen Killer shaking the top rope when Andrews was up there causing him to fall straight down in a painfull position. Bach takes the opportunity to hit an Andraline Shot for the victory. He will go on to face Joshua Taylor!


Flying Jimmy Foxx and Harry Allen made their way down to the ring and I already know that they are going to lose. You don't stick to losers in a tag team together and see them win.. ever. That was until I saw the Canadian Party Animals make their way down to the ring accompanied by the beautiful Laura Huggins and Edd Stone's bodyguard Charlie Thatcher. Even a blind man can see that these two guys have been having problems over the past few weeks and I start to smell that maybe the losers will win the match. But my premination was wrong and the Canadian Party Animals have a mistake free match and win when Freddy Huggins hits the Huggins Kiss.


After the match Edd Stone gets on the microphone and apologizes to Freddy Huggins for the misunderstanding. Stone says that he doesn't know who he will be fighting at Malice In Wonderland but that he's going to need his partner to be by his side. Stone sticks his hand out and Huggins shakes it agreeing, understanding where Stone is coming from.


We have a bit of a syndicate reunion in the next match as The Machines team with the two last members of The Syndicate to take on The Freedom Fighters and The New Wave. We know that these 4 men will be in two separate matches against each other at Malice but Jason and Kyle couldn't help but tell us! This was one of those long matches with all 8 men continuely getting involved. Surprisingly Tommy Cornell takes the loss when Ricky Dale Johnson hit his famous Lariat for the win while the other 6 men fight on the outside.


Fan favorite Giant Tana made his way down to the ring to take on the man who has a TCW World Heavyweight title shot at Malice In Wonderland, Sam Keith! Keith controlled most of the match but the sheer size of Tana allowed him to hit a few but bumps and splashes. The announcers wonderd if Keith could lock on the proton lock, it took a while but he could! Finally locking his fingers and making the big man tap out!


We cut to the back where Wolf Hawkins and Tommy Cornell are arguing. Hawkins is saying that Cornell should of never lost the match and Tommy is asking Wolf where he was and that he should of been there to stop the 3 count. This doesn't look good...


Wolf Hawkins is in the ring and he says that he put an open challenge to the locker room over the weekend and only one man was man enough to step up to the plate. He says the man is a tough challenger but he feels that he can win the match and he drops the mic and waits for his opponent.


Clark Alexander makes his way down to the ring and there goes my hope for a new wrestler, like when Benny Benson made his way down last month! Troy Tornado dominates the match and wins with a Star Maker!


Rocky Golden, the fighting champion put his TCW World Heavyweight title on the line against Eddie Peak! The two men brawled all match. Peak ended up throwing Rocky to the outside of the ring and reaching over the barrier and picking up a steel chair from the crowd. He repeatedly bashes the champion in the back and back of the head earning himself a disqualification.


Peak continues with the chair shots until Bryan Vessey comes running down to the ring carrying his own steel chair, the two men swing the chairs at each other like baseball players from both sides of the plate, hitting the chairs together each time, two times from each side. This gives time for officals and referees to stop them from getting at each other.


Rick Law and Genghis Rahn came out as a makeshift tag team to take on Benny Benson and Rick Law's former partner and opponent at Malice, Koshino Ino. This was a good match that saw Rick Law scramble to make a tag whenever Ino was tagged in by Benson! When Rahn got the advantage on Ino, Law finally tagged in and kicked his former partner in the ribs. Toying with Ino and taunting him. Eventually Ino fed up with the games from Law got the advantage and the fans went nuts, but Law was able to tag out. Law and Rahn used a few tag team moves, but when Benson tried to come in the referee stopped him allowing Law to hit Ino with the nightstick and make the pinfall even though he was the legal man. The referee turns around and counts to three as Jason and Kyle talk about how sick of a man Law is and how this shouldn't count!


TCW Malice in Wonderland

Sunday Week 4, January


current card:

The Syndicate vs. The Freedom Fighters

Sam Keith vs. Rocky Golden - TCW World Heavyweight Title

The Machines vs. New Wave - Tag Titles

Troy Tornado vs. Benny Benson


announced tonight:

Sammy Bach vs. Joshua Taylor - TCW International title

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USPW American Wrestling



The announcers start the show off by hyping this as the final show before USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! They seem genuily excited about this and it gets me kind of excited. Anyways the first match of the night is Anger against... Johnny Martin! Yes, that Johnny Martin, man I haven't seen him since Dave closed a few years ago. He's one of the only ones I remember from back then that haven't been around since. I wonder what he's been doing? Martin defeats Anger with the announcers putting him over as a "highly decorative former champion". He wins with a twist on the rocks of course!


After the match Martin speaks to the fans and says that he will accept the match against Peter Valentine at Stars, Stripes and Slams. The announcers put this match over as Martin doesn't have anything else to say.


The Jewru is out next dressed as a bald Rabbi, he says that tonight is the start of the cleansing for the USPW locker room, once again the arena is completely black and there is just a spot light on the Jewru standing in the middle of the ring. The light goes out when he finishes his sentence and then the light pops on as he says that he's going to show everyone the light, one poor soul at a time. He announcers the "first and most important" part of his plan: The Big Jewish Problem. Man this guy is huge, you can see him as another spot light shines down. He doesn't say anything and neither does the Jewru as the lights go completely out for a few seconds and then come back on.


Captain USA comes out to face The Jewru's new client and Jewru makes his way to the announce table. All throughout the match Mickey Star and The Jewru argue over what Mickey claims is propaganda. In the ring, Captain USA doesn't stand a chance as The Big Jewish Problem makes quick work, simply destroying the american hero.


A number one contenders match for the USPW Television title was up next where Rayne Man, Darryl Devine and Nicky Champion met in a three way match. The three men shared the offense with one man usually standing around, not doing much. Nicky hits both men with a Hawkeye Hammer and pins Devine for the victory.


Andre Jones appears on the screen nears the entrance way of the arena and congradulates Nicky Champion on his victory, he says Nicky better cherish the feeling because he won't be feeling it for much longer.


Shane Sneer makes his way down to the ring next surprisingly without the rest of the Sneer corporation. Sneer calls out The Force, and The Force comes out to the ramp with his own microphone but doesn't talk as when he begins to Sneer cuts him off. Shane says that The Force has defeated not one, but two members of the corporation in the past two weeks. Anger and Jumbo Jackson so Sneer propose that at Stars, Stripes and Slams The Force finds himself a tag team partner against his two men. The Force begins his speech by saying that he agrees to the match but before he can talk he is attacked by Jumbo Jackson and Anger who beat down on him before he is saved by Captain USA! Captain USA are able to fight off the bad guys, I guess The Forces of America are back!


James Justice cuts a promo against T-Rex hyping both the match at Stars Stripes and Slams and a multiman match that is taking place tonight apparently.


We had a champions showcase match when Television champion Andre Jones took on World Chamion Enygma. Both men fought hard and neither really had too much of an advantage, nor did they hit any of their main moves. The end came when Tyson Baine came down to attack Enygma, causing Nicky Champion to come down to attack Andre Jones. The four men pair off and battle until order is restored without an official decision being annonced.


Womans champion Raven Robinson teamed with Alicia Strong to take on Cherry Bomb and number one contender Belle Bryden. The bad girls win this rematch from the first show of the year when Belle defeats the champion with a Blonde ambition. The announcers say that Raven is in a ton of trouble at Stars, Stripes and Slams.


James Justice is making hsi way down to the ring when he is attacked by T-Rex, USPW cuts to commercial at the begining of the attack. I hate when they do that!


When we get back we have a 4 on 4 match wish pits Chris Caulfield, James Justice and The People's Team against The Towers of Power, Bruce The Giant and T-Rex. This was a good match that seen every man show case his talents but T-Rex ended up with the victory when he hit The Extinction on Des Davids. All 8 men begin to brawl when the bell sounds, with Mickey and Danny reminding us to tune into USPW Stars, Stripes and Stars.


USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams

Tuesday week 4, January


Current Card:


Enygma vs. Tyson Baine - World Title match

Chris Caulfied vs. Bruce The Giant - #1 contenders match

James Justice vs. T-Rex

The People's Team vs. The Towers of Power - Tag Title match

Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden - Womans title


Announced Tonight:

Johnny Martin vs. Peter Valentine - National Championship match

Nicky Champion vs. Andre Jones - Television Title match

The Forces of America vs. Anger and Jumbo Jackson

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Wednesday Week 3, 2010


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


Victoria Stone comes out to the ring to begin the show and the fans give her a standing ovation. She thanks the fans and says that NOTBPW has asked her to come back to be the commishoner of the promotion and that she has agreed. In her first decision as the woman in charge she congrats the men who won the big matches at Big City Brawl and announces that 3 of them, her brothers Dan Stone, Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone will all meet tonight with the winner going up against "The Outsider" Steve DeColt for the Canadian Championship at NOTBPW Clash Classic.


John Maverick took on his former tag team partner Lord Jim King with Maverick not showing any mercy to his fomer partner, he picks up the easy victory with a Deadly Silence.


R.K Hayes and the great Harrison Hash met in the next contest. Both fighters done well but the bad ass Hayes was just too tough for Harrison getting the win using the Homicide Bomb.


A hype video from NOTBPW's Big City Brawl is shown, which shows hilites from each and every match culminating in Steve DeColt hitting a Delorean Driver on Sean McFly.


A team coming off a loss at the pay per view, The Can-Am Blondes met another team that lost on the same show, The Fighting Irish. Only one of these teams would keep their losing streak alive and that team just happened to be The Fighting Irish as Robbie McNamara was hit with The Love Gun by Owen Love, giving his team the victory.


John Maverick attacks Sean McFly as Sean was making his way down to the ring for an interview, now we will never know what he had to say. Maverick gives him a pretty brutal beating before walking away, just as he came, cool, confident and quietly.


Steve DeColt does a backstage interview where he says that he's not worried that Victoria Stone is now running things, because he's used to things being stacked against him. DeColt said that he expects both Dan and Jeremy to hide behind their sister to get what they want but no matter how hard they try they will never get his Canadian Championship. He also makes an open challenge saying he has no opponent for tonight.


A non title womans match took place next which pitted the champion Kristabal Plum, Lauren Easter and Melody on seperate sides of the squared circle. As a rule with non title matches, the champion usually loses and once again this one would not disappoint. Lauren Easter picks up the victory!


The Canadian Champion Steve DeColt made his way down to the ring and waited for his opponent for the night. I wondered who it could be and was not shocked when it was a man I hadn't seen all night.. Dark Angel. The two men put on a hell of a contest that saw the champion get the win with the great DeColt Stampede.


Tommy London and Tom Townsend were joined at the announce table by Steve DeColt for the next match which would decide who would face him at NOTBPW's next pay per view Clash Classic. All three men went crazy in this match that featured non stop action from start to finish. Johnny Bloodstone hit Jeremy Stone with a Bloodstone Mutilation!!! Dan Stone Jr, ever the opportunist kicks Bloodstone in the face knocking him out of the ring and pins his own brother for the victory. On the announcer table DeColt laughs and says "what a brother". Stone Jr, celebrates on the middle turnbuckle pointing towards DeColt as Steve stands up and holds the title high in one hand.


NOTBPW Clash Classic

Saturday week 2, February


Announced Tonight:


Steve DeColt vs. Dan Stone Jr - NOTBPW Canadian Championship

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Tuesday, Week 4 January


SWF Supreme TV


Death Row were in the ring as the show started and the 3 man announce team tells us that we are going right to the action. Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah then lead their respective men down to the ring and we find out that this match is for the tag team titles. Knuckles and Shady K were no match for the champions as Valiant and Jack Giedroyc dominate from start to finish. Valiant hits a Patriot Missle on Shady K for the win. The announcers hype the main event of the evening when Money and Bruce take on Eric Eisen and his bodyguard Everest.


After the match Kid Toma and Akima Brave, The Samoan Wild Boyz who won number one contendership to the tag team titles last week hit the ring and attack as the females scatter from the ring to avoid getting hit, Jack and Valiant aren't as lucky. The Wild Boyz lay them out and pose with the tag titles before throwing them on there fallen foes and even challenging the girls to get in the ring to fight them.


In a match that is kind of a rematch from last week, Lobster Warrior took on Marc DuBois. DuBois who hasn't won a match all year yet wouldn't get his victory tonight either as Lobby wins with a Shell Fish Shock. Lobster Warrior seems to be the opposite of Marc DuBois as he is now 4 and 0 this year! Very impressive.


While celebrating Marat Khoklov and John Greed come down and attack Lobster Warrior. Marat hits two straight Russian Legend Powerbombs. Before picking Warrior up and allowing Greed to slap Lobster Warrior across the face. Greed calls him a phony and spits on him as he leads the Monster out of the ring. During this beat down the announcers say that Christian Faith was advise not to be here tonight but should be beack next week!


Gregory Black and Paul Huntingdon fought each other for the first time that I can remember and the fight wasn't too bad. The match ends when who else but Squeeky McClean attacks Black and Huntingdon is disqualfied. Paul doesn't look too happy about this and he kind of gets in the face of Squeeky, the two men push each other as Black slips out of the ring. The announcers once again hype the main event.


Black grabs a microphone and asks both men to meet him in a 3 way match at SWF Nothing To Lose, both men seem to accept.


Remo and Joe Sexy took part in the next battle, a match that could of probably been on pay per view since it has two of the biggest stars alive. Joe Sexy looked poised to take home a victory when Emma Chase lead Brandon James, Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee out to the ring although none of the 4 entered the ring just there mere preseance was enough to distract Sexy as Remo won the match. Chase and her group left up the ramp laughing as they walked to the back. For the third time tonight all the announcers can talk about is the tag team match later tonight


Steve Frehley took on Enforcer Roberts who hasn't been seen much in recent weeks. Steve wins the match with Frehley's Comet. Roberts had enough offence to win but couldn't complete the win.


After the match Vengeance once again came down to the ring and beat down Frehley using the chain, blooding the man who defeated him at When Hell Freezes Over.


The Main Event was finally taken place with none of the 4 competitors being seen or heard from all night which is highly unusual. The announcers say that Jack Bruce and Rich Money weren't even allowed in the building until now and Eric Eisen and Everest have been hiding in their lockerroom all day long. Eric Eisen was in the ring for about one minute total of this match before tagging in his bodyguard Evest. Rich Money and Jack Bruce didn't even look at each other when tagging each other, at the end of the match an exhausted and beat down Everest goes to make a tag to Eric Eisen who turns around and acts like he didn't see his partner. Rich Money drags him away from the corner as Eisen jumps off the apron and leaves. Jack Bruce begins to chase Eisen as Eric sees him and runs as fast as he can. In the ring Rich Money finishes Everest off with a Bank Roll. The announcers slip in that Vengeance will once again take on Steve Frehley, this time at SWF Nothing to Lose as the show goes off air.


SWF Nothing To Lose

Thursday Week 2, February


Current Card:

Jack G and Valiant vs. The Samoan Wild Boyz - Tag Team Titles


Announced Tonight:

Greg Black vs. Paul Huntingdon vs. Squeeky McClean

Steve Frehley vs. Vengeance

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USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - USPW World Title


T-Rex vs. James Justice - Anything Goes


Bruce The Giant vs. Chris Caulfield - Number one contenders match


The Peoples Team vs. The Towers of Power - USPW Tag Team Titles


Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb


Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden - USPW Womans Title


Johnny Martin vs. Peter Valentine - USPW National Title


Nicky Champion vs. Andre Jones - USPW Television Title


The Forces of America vs. Anger and Jumbo Jackson

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