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WCW Monday Nitro

Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Attendance: 23,500 (SOLD OUT!)



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




Cobra defeats Dick Slater

Big and Bad defeat The American Males



~Main Show~




Lord Steven Regal addresses the Nitro audience! (63)

As the show opens, Regal is in the ring with a mic in one hand and his Drive Championship in the other.

Regal: “Good evening and welcome to another glorious edition of WCW Monday Nitro. This week you have a special treat, as I, the Sunday Drive Champion…greatest of all the WCW Champions grace your humble show with my presence. Now…I would not simply tease you with but a mere appearance as if I were some street tart…no, for I am a fighting champion. Now the rules prevent me from defending my championship on any show other than Sunday Drive, however I am more than willing to give a good thrashing to any bloody toe rag in the back. So, if anyone in the back would like to come face to face with a real champion, then by all means do come out and receive a royal thrashing.”


Steven Regal discards his robe and awaits a challenger. A fluttering wing sound fills the arena as a bald man walks out to the ring.




Christopher Daniels defeats Lord Steven Regal (61)

Steven Regal started off with some technical wrestling but Christopher Daniels was able to match him move for move. Soon Regal became desperate and Daniels was able to capitalize on it and landed a unique double under hook suplex for the win.


~commercial break~




Dean Malenko with Kimberly and Chris Benoit defeat Eddy and Chavo Guerrero (77)


Dean and Chris could not seem to get on the same page during the match unlike the Guerreros who wrestled like a finely tuned machine. Eventually Eddy was distracted by Chavo trying to pick up Kimberly at ringside and Dean was able to slap on the Texas Cloverleaf and get Eddy to tap out.




Dustin Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes defeats Squire Dave Taylor (60)

Taylor attempts to draw Dustin into a catch as catch can type of match but Dustin will have none of it and comes out straight brawling. Taylor is overwhelmed by the sheer number of punches Dustin is able to throw continuously and soon goes down to a Cattle Drive.


~commercial break~




The Road Warriors defeat Savage Fury (69)

The Road Warriors come out like men possessed and bring the fight right to Savage Fury. Meng and The Barbarian don’t seem to know what to do against this renewed Road Warriors team and soon Meng is feeling the power of The Doomsday Device.




The Road Warriors declare “We are not Dead!” (54)

Hawk and Animal inform the crowd that they are not washed up, as so many have been saying, and soon they will once again reign supreme over the tag team division. They then go on to say no one will stand in their way!


~commercial break~




Ron Simmons defeats Arn Anderson (82)

Ron and Arn go toe to toe in the middle of the ring until Arn is overwhelmed by the power of Simmons. Ron strings together several power moves and Arn does all he can to avoid the Dominator but Ron is still able to get it off.




Vader dumps Simmons off the ramp! (95)

Ron Simmons walks up the ramp and turns to wave to the crowd before stepping to the back when Vader comes out and pushes Ron off the ramp and onto the concrete below.


~commercial break~




Sting declares war on Flair and Vader! (92)

Sting is in the back pacing back and forth shaking his head. He looks at the camera and tells the people he is sick and tired of punks like Flair and Vader thinking they can do whatever they want. He then goes on to say he will rest until the trash of WCW is taken out once and for all.




Vader defeats Rick Steiner (75)

Vader uses his size to take Steiner off his game and easily dominates this match. Steiner made several comeback attempts but the power of Vader stopped each one dead in its tracks. At one point The Renegade came out to try to aid Rick Steiner but he caused a distraction to the ref that allowed Vader to expose a turnbuckle then bash Steiner’s head into it before hitting the Vader bomb for the win.


~commercial break~




Flair declares the 4 Horsemen an island unto themselves! (99)

Flair comes out and tells the entire world that heard what Sting said and he would remind Sting that he is The Nature Boy Ric Flair and that is why he can do whatever he wants. He goes on to say, that as long as he has the 4 Horsemen by his side there isn’t a damn thing Sting or anybody can do about that. He then tells Vader that Vader cost him the World Championship last week and that payback is coming his way, Horsemen style…woo!




Ric Flair defeats The Junkyard Dog (82)

The Junkyard dog and Flair go back and forth with Flair getting the advantage after using dirty tactics. The crowd tries to get JYD back into the match but Flair is able to stop him with a rake of the back and a thumb to the eye. Eventually Flair is able to hook JYD in a Figure Four Leg Lock and even though he is able to resist momentarily, JYD eventually taps out.


~commercial break~




Sting defeats Paul Wight by DQ! (83)

Paul Wight uses his size to his advantage but Sting is able to use his quickness to take the big man down several times. Wight is able to muscle Sting into the corner but Sting reverses it and hits a huge Stinger Splash that gets the big man wobbly on his feet. Sting goes in for the kill but Ric Flair is in the ring with a chair and smacks Sting causing a DQ.




Flair orders Wight to Choke Slam Sting onto the chair! (100!)

Following the match, Ric Flair orders Wight to pick up Sting and deliver a choke slam onto the chair. Wight hesitates and Flair berates him a bit until Wight complies as the crowd boos loudly and Nitro goes off the air.


Overall Show Rating: 84 with an 8.03 TV rating!

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WCW Saturday Slam


The Road Warriors vs. Dean Malenko with Kimberly and Chris Benoit

Christopher Daniels vs. Lord Steven Regal

~Main Event~

~~WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match~~

Sting vs. Flair


WCW Sunday Drive

Diamond Dallas Page and V.P. Wallstreet vs. Brad and Steve Armstrong

Big and Bad vs. The Renegade and Mr. JL

~Main Event~

~~Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Scott Norton

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WCW Saturday Slam


The Road Warriors vs. Dean Malenko with Kimberly and Chris Benoit

Christopher Daniels vs. Lord Steven Regal

~Main Event~

~~WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match~~

Sting vs. Flair


WCW Sunday Drive

Diamond Dallas Page and V.P. Wallstreet vs. Brad and Steve Armstrong


The Armstrong curse lives on...


Big and Bad vs. The Renegade and Mr. JL


The Renegade? Why do you punish us?


~Main Event~

~~Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Scott Norton

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The Road Warriors vs. Dean Malenko with Kimberly and Chris Benoit

Christopher Daniels vs. Lord Steven Regal

~Main Event~

~~WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match~~

Sting vs. Flair




Diamond Dallas Page and V.P. Wallstreet vs. Brad and Steve Armstrong

Big and Bad vs. The Renegade and Mr. JL

~Main Event~

~~Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Scott Norton

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WCW Saturday Slam

Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Attendance: 23,500 (SOLD OUT!)



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




Diamond Dallas Page defeats Steve Armstrong

David Finlay defeats Brad Armstrong


~Main Show~




The Road Warriors defeat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko with Kimberly! (80)

The Road Warriors use their size to overwhelm the smaller Benoit and Malenko. Both Benoit and Malenko seem able to outwrestle the Road Warriors, however they just don’t have the power to stop either Hawk or Animal. Eventually Benoit falls victim to the Doomsday Device and the Road Warriors get the win.




Lord Steven Regal declares loss on Nitro a fluke! (50)

Regal comes down to the ring with a mic in his hand and his Drive Championship slung over his shoulder.

Regal: Let me just say that what you witnessed on Monday Night Nitro was nothing more than a fluke. As I understand it, sun shines on a dog’s posterior once in a while. So, there is little cause for concern when a bloody toe rag like Christopher Daniels overcomes the near insurmountable odds and defeats a world class athlete like myself. As I said on Nitro, I am a fighting Champion and this week on Drive I will defend this title against a real opponent…Scott “Flash” Norton. This is someone who, unlike Mr. Daniels, can give me a true challenge. Now, I know what you’re thinking…so tonight I will put an end to all the doubts and defeat Christopher Daniels so soundly, he will retire from this sport and return to his previous job of washing car windows at the off ramp.




Christopher Daniels defeats Lord Steven Regal again! (59)

Christopher Daniels was attacked by Regal as he tried to enter the ring. Regal continued the assault until the ref separated the two and called for the bell to start the match. Regal tried working on the left leg of Daniels and it grounded him for most of the match. Regal went for a Regal Stretch but Daniels was able to stop it and eventually he hit that unique double under hook slam of his for the win.


~commercial break~




Harlem Heat defeats Law and Disorder with Sonny Onoo (69)

Booker and OMG started things out with some slow brawling. OMG was able to keep Booker isolated and OMG and Bubba worked over Booker until Stevie Ray got the hot tag and cleared house. Stevie hit a Ghetto Slam on OMG to pick up the win.




Big and Bad jump Harlem Heat and Law and Disorder assist! (59)

As Stevie Ray and Booker T have their arms raised in victory Big and Bad rush the ring and attack. Soon, law and Disorder regroup and join in on the assault. Harlem Heat is left down and out as Big and Bad and Law and Disorder stare each other down.


~commercial break~




WCW Commissioner makes Flair/Sting a cage Match! (82)

WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller is in the ring with a mic and a smile.

Fuller: Welcome back to Saturday Slam! I hope you all are enjoying the show as much as a pig enjoys slop. Now later on tonight we have The Nature Boy Ric Flair challenging Sting for the single most prestigious title in professional wrestling, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! Now, ever since Starrcade we have been denied the knowledge of just who the better wrestler is between these two. In order to provide you all with a definitive answer to that question I have decided to make tonight’s match, a No Time Limit Cage match! Tonight, without threat of interference, we find out who the true champion really is!




Vader defeats Dustin Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes! (81)

Vader nails Dustin before the bell and continues to beat him down throughout the match. Dustin is unable to get any offense in and soon Vader has Dustin feeling the effects of a Vader Bomb.




Vader beats down Dustin after the match! (85)

After the match Vader continues to punch and stomp on Dustin Rhodes until Dusty Rhodes gets in the ring and puts himself between Vader and Dustin.




Vader tries to attack Dusty, but Ron makes the save! (86)

Vader grabs Dusty Rhodes by the throat and it looks like he is going to choke slam him but Ron Simmons runs in and makes the save by hitting Vader from behind with a double ax handle smash. Vader drops Dusty and Simmons whips Vader into the ropes and clotheslines him over the top rope to a huge cheer from the crowd.


~commercial break~




Ron Simmons defeats Meng! (80)

Ron and Meng slug it out back and forth for a few minutes until Ron unleashes a huge forearm that takes Meng off his feet. Ron then delivers several powerful slams to Meng before putting him away with a Dominator.




Sting and Flair both declare their superiority! (100!)

Sting and Flair are put on split screen, each one inside their locker room area.



Flair: Sting let me tell you something boy…I was the man when you were still braces, making lame attempts to pick up pretty girls. Girls…who would have killed you for a chance to ride Space Mountain baby…woo! Tonight, I add another notch on my belt, another tick in my win column, and ten more pounds around my waist…because tonight I walk out of Slam as the new World Champion...and there isn’t a damn thing you can do or say about it brother.


~commercial break~




Sting defeats Ric Flair to retain the WCW World Championship! (88)

Sting and Flair give it there all, not willing to hold anything back. Sting hits several Stinger Splashes during the match and Flair utilizes ever dirty trick in his repertoire. At one point, Flair has Sting locked in a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Sting manages to reverse it and get Flair locked in a Scorpion Death Lock that takes the fight right out of Flair. Sting eventually climbs the cage and makes his way to the floor below for the win.


Overall Show Rating: 78 with an 5.45 TV rating!



WCW Sunday Drive [“B” Show]

Live from the Coliseo Pedrin Zorilla in Puerto Rico

Attendance: 675


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


Diamond Dallas Page and V.P. Wallstreet defeat Steve and Brad Armstrong

::: Dusty Rhodes hypes up Texas Justice :::

Texas Justice defeats High Voltage

Big and Bad defeat The Renegade and Mr. JL

::: The Renegade announces his retirement from wrestling :::

Lord Steven Regal defeats Scott Norton to retain the Drive Championship!

::: Christopher Daniels delivers a double under hook slam to Regal as Drive went off air :::


Overall Show Rating: 54 with a .43 TV Rating

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WCW Monday Nitro

Lord Steven Regal vs Koko B. Ware

Harlem Heat vs. Big and Bad vs. Law and Disorder

Arn Anderson vs. The Junyard Dog

~~Number One Contender's Match~~

Ron Simmons vs. Vader

~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page


***Opinions on best way to do promo segments...Recap of bullet points as in my 1st Nitro of do it like this last Nitro IE full promos?

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Lord Steven Regal vs Koko B. Ware

Koko is a jobber to the stars. Really has no purpose but to put other guys over. Not a bad thing though.

Harlem Heat vs. Big and Bad vs. Law and Disorder

Hopefully Harlem Heat can overcome the two monster teams

Arn Anderson vs. The Junyard Dog

Arn for the win

~~Number One Contender's Match~~

Ron Simmons vs. Vader

Vader vs. Sting is muey bueno

~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page


I forget how much Watt's loves black guys. You have one match with no black guys in it.

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Lord Steven Regal vs Koko B. Ware

Harlem Heat vs. Big and Bad vs. Law and Disorder

Tough pick here but im all over Big and Bad

Arn Anderson vs. The Junyard Dog

Like both ... But im feeling JYD more right now!

~~Number One Contender's Match~~

Ron Simmons vs. Vader

It Vader Time!~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Two of my favorites ever here (for differing reasons). Too early for Page

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Lord Steven Regal vs Koko B. Ware


Harlem Heat vs. Big and Bad vs. Law and Disorder


Harlem Heat was one of my favorite tag teams of all time.


Arn Anderson vs. The Junyard Dog


~~Number One Contender's Match~~

Ron Simmons vs. Vader


As much as I liked Ron Simmons in WCW, It's Time...It's Vader Time!


~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page



As far as the interviews go, I liked what you did. Yes you could go with a summary and that would be fine as well but I would much rather see what you did with the Regal promo. I will say that I am more of a fan of promos and angles than I am of match write-ups so my opinon is a tad bit bias when it comes to promos.

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WCW Monday Nitro

Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Attendance: 22,714



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




Texas Justice defeats Men at Work, State Patrol, and High Voltage

Steve and Brad Armstrong defeat Ron Reis and Goliath


~Main Show~




Lord Steven Regal defeats Koko B. Ware! (60)

Koko took control of things during the opening of the match but Regal gained he upper hand after the ref was knocked down and he hit Koko with a blatant low blow. As Koko tried to revive the ref, Regal took his Drive Championship from ringside and blasted Koko in the face with it. Regal then applied the Regal Stretch and made Koko tap out.




Arn Anderson defeats The Junkyard Dog! (72)

Arn and JYD slug things out until JYD sends Arn over the top rope with a huge elbow to the face. JYD celebrated in the ring as Arn regained his composure and got back in, hitting JYD with a stiff boot to the gut followed by a elbow to the back of the head. JYD came back after the crowd showered him with cheers but Arn caught him with a huge Spine Buster and made the pin for the win.






The 4 Horsemen kick Benoit out and put Malenko in! (97)

The 4 Horsemen and Dean Malenko, who has Kimberly with him, join Arn Anderson who was still in the ring following his match. Ric Flair has a mic in his hand and he stands in front of the other Horsemen facing them.


Ric Flair: Take a good look at the men standing before you. Arn Anderson…Double A, master of the Spine Buster, and my cousin and best friend for the last ten years. He has held so many championship belts it would take the rest of Nitro for me to list them all. Next up is Paul Wight. He is the biggest athlete to ever compete in WCW. He may be the only ride in the park to match the size of Space Mountain! He is pure domination rolled up into human form…woo! Then we have Chris Benoit. The so called Canadian Crippler…well buddy, the only thing you have crippled lately is the image of the Horsemen! That is why, without a shred of doubt in my mind, I’m kicking you out of the Horsemen! Get out of my ring…get out! Be lucky we’re letting you walk out and not letting the EMTs get a workout carrying your deadweight out on a stretcher!


Chris Benoit has a look of disgust on his face as he reluctantly walks out of the ring.


Ric Flair: Well, it would seem the Horsemen are short a member…Dean Malenko, you have expressed interest in joining the 4 Horsemen. Over the last few weeks I have been watching you very closely and I must say you just might have what it takes, however you don’t just walk into the Horsemen. You have to earn your spot…you have to prove you are the very best of the best. You have to be elite brother. Now, as you saw with Chris, we make mistakes brother. We had high hopes for that boy and he didn’t live up to them, and quite frankly we can’t have that happen again. So, if you really want to be a member of the Horsemen, then prove it tonight by beating Chris Benoit like a red headed step child. Can you do that Dean?


Dean: If you really need me to answer that then I don’t deserve to be a Horsemen Ric. You want Chris beat, then I’ll beat him…simple as that.


Ric makes the 4 Horsemen sign to Dean who makes it back before watching Arn, Ric, and Paul head to the back and awaiting the return of Chris Benoit.




Dean Malenko with Kimberly defeats Chris Benoit! (74)

Dean and Chris showcased great technical wrestling with Dean staying one step ahead of Benoit the whole time. Eventuay Bent is distract y Kimbery and Dean is able to capitalize on it and apply the Texas Clover Leaf for the win.


~commercial break~




Sting is attacked by Vader in the back! (100!)

Sting is shown walking in the back when Vader comes from behind and slams him into the brick wall. Vader then picks up the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and looks at it for a moment before tossing it on the prone Sting and walking away.





Jim Duggan defeats The Barbarian! (62)

Duggan starts the match by chasing The Barbarian around the ring with his 2 X 4 as the crowd cheers him on. Duggan eventually puts it down and the bell rings to start things off. Duggan and Barbarian start off with a show of strength which Duggan wins after getting the crowd behind him. Barbarian and Duggan then trade blows in the ring which leads to them brawling near ringside. Duggan eventually nails Barbarian with his 3 Point Lariat for the win.


~commercial break~




Harlem Heat defeats Law and Disorder and Big and Bad with Sonny Onoo! (68)

Stevie Ray and John Tenta start things out and soon Stevie finds himself isolated from Booker T and being worked over by both Big and Bad and Law and Disorder. Ottman goes for a pin only to have OMG break up the pin and end the alliance of the two teams. This allows Stevie the chance to tag in Booker who clears house to a huge pop from the crowd. Booker eventually hits a Ghetto Blaster on Big Bubba to pick up the win.




The Road Warriors attack Harlem Heat! (65)

Booker T and Stevie Ray have their hands raised in victory and it looks like both Law and Disorder and Big and Bad will rush the ring, however the music for The Road Warriors hit and the two heel teams back off as The Road Warriors run down to the ring and slide in next to Harlem Heat. Booker and Stevie offer their hands in thanks but Hawk and Animal give them both boots to the gut and begin to deliver forearm blows to the back of both men. The Road Warriors deliver a Doomsday Device to Booker T then to Stevie Ray before leaving the ring. The crowd boos as we go to commercial.


~commercial break~




Ric Flair defeats Rick Steiner! (77)

Steiner uses his power to take Flair off his feet several times during the match to a cheer from the crowd. Flair used a thumb to the eye to take control of the match and Ric eventually was able to hook Steiner in The Figure Four Leg Lock and pick up the win.




WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller makes Vader/Simmons NoDQ! (92)

WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller is shown in his office looking over some papers. He looks up and sees the camera and smiles a full toothed southern grin.


Robert Fuller: Tonight, we will see Ron Simmons take on Big Van Vader to decide the Number One Contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Now, to insure that nothing keeps us from getting a decisive decision, I am making it a NO DQ match! Now, just because it is no DQ, doesn’t mean anyone and their mama can got out there and get involved. On the contrary, anyone who gets involved will be suspended for ninety days without pay! Enjoy the show folks!


~commercial break~




Vader defeats Ron Simmons to become the #1 Contender! (87)

Vader and Ron begin slugging it out as soon as the bell rings. The fight spills out of the ring early and often and at one point they wrestle among the fans after Ron hit Vader with a lariat that sent him over the safety rails. Vader slammed Ron on the concrete and when Ron went to hit Vader with a Dominator later in the match his back gave out and he couldn’t get the move off. Vader took advantage of the situation and gives Ron a double axe handle to the back before delivering a power slam. Vader then hits the Vader Bomb to pick up the win.




Sting defeats Diamond Dallas Page by DQ! (79)

Moments after the match began Vader came to the ring and attacked Sting causing a DQ. Vader nailed Sting with a Vader Bomb before posing with the title as Nitro went off the air.


Overall Show Rating: 84 with an 7.59 TV rating!

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I really liked the Ric Flair promo. It reminded me a lot of the promo that the Horsemen cut on Sting when they kicked him out of the group. Which was one of my favorite promos/angles of all time I would rank it up there with Andre turning on Hulk (Which might seem cheesey now but it was still great.).


Eddy Guerrero vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Dustin Rhodes vs. Dean Malenko


The Midnight Express vs. Harlem Heat


Oh this is a tough one here, these are two of my favorite tag teams of all time. Not sure if I can pick one...


Ron Simmons vs. Paul Wight


Paul Wight needs his assed kicked out of the Horsemen A.S.A.P., I have a hard time seeing him in the Luger/Windham spot.


~Main Event~

Sting vs. Arn Anderson

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WCW Saturday Slam

Live from The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Attendance: 17,642



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




Big and Bad defeat The American Males

Chris Benoit defeats Steve Armstrong



~Main Show~




Eddy Guerrero defeats Diamond Dallas Page! (83)

Eddy dominated Page from the start of the match until the very end when Eddy hit a Frog Splash for the win.




The Road Warriors defeat The Animal Alliance! (61)

Animal and Hawk jumped the bell and caught Koko and JYD off guard. JYD and Hawk brawled around the ring as Animal and Koko locked up inside. Animal used his raw power to force Koko into the corner than he worked Koko over until the ref was forced to break it up. Animal kept Koko isolated from JYD and he and Hawk continued to work over the veteran denying him the chance to tag in JYD time and time again. JYD eventually did get the tag but The Road Warriors double teamed him and JYD eventually felt the Doomsday Device.


~commercial break~



Sting/Vader press conference recap! (100!)

We see clips from the press conference for the Sting/Vader championship match at Clash of the Champions ’96 this Sunday on PPV. During the clips we hear WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller mention that Vader and Sting can not have physical contact until the match at Clash of the Champions ’96. He goes on to say that if either one violates that order, then that person will be removed from the match. That person will also be banned from competing for the World Title for a year.




Dean Malenko with Kimberly defeats Dustin Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes! (83)

Dean and Dustin traded arm drags and leg whips in the middle of the ring as Kimberly and Dusty cheered their respective worker on. Dean seemed to be one step ahead of Dustin and several times Dustin was forced to grab the ropes to break a submission hold. Dean finally was able to hook Dustin in a Texas Clover Hold but Dustin managed to make it to the ropes, however Kimberly distracted the ref and allowed Dean to pull Dustin away from the ropes. Dusty saw this and hopped up on the apron, getting the ref’s attention. Dustin inched his way to the ropes again and Kimberly used the distraction by Dusty to pull the bottom rope out of Dustin’s reach and letting Dean move him away yet again. Finally Dustin had no choice but to tap out.


~commercial break~




Sting tells Vader he can’t wait for Sunday! (100!)

We see Sting standing in front of a WCW: Clash of the Champions ’96 banner with his WCW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Sting has a fierce look in his eyes and he begins to speak slowly.


Sting: Vader…Vader…Vader! How many swings and misses are you going to take before you get it through your head that you can’t defeat the Stinger? You can put the Stinger down for a little while. You can jump the Stinger from behind and knock the Stinger out. Heck, you could even deliver a patented Vader Splash to the Stinger while he’s locked in a Figure Four! You can do all that Vader…but when it comes to beating me 1, 2, 3 in the middle of the ring…that is one thing you can’t do! This Sunday you get another shot at my WCW Championship and once again you will come up just a little short!




Harlem Heat defeat The Midnight Express! (71)

The wily vet Stan Lane starts things off with Stevie Ray. Stan is unable to match the power of Stevie but he is able to utilize his experience to stay out of Stevies grasp while delivering some high impact offense. Stan and Bobby use a series of quick tags and old fashion teamwork to isolate Stevie and deliver a few shots to Booker. When Booker gets the tag he clears house and sends Stan over the ropes into the arms of Stevie Ray. Stevie delivers a huge Ghetto Slam to Stan outside the ring while Booker hits Bobby with a Ghetto Blaster for the win.


~commercial break~




The Road Warriors attack Harlem Heat in the backstage area! (67)

As we come back from commercial we see Booker T walking backstage to buy a soda from a vending machine when Animal comes from behind and slams him into the machine. Stevie runs out to help but Hawk catches him from out of nowhere with a devastating lariat. Animal grabs the soda from Booker’s hand and the The Road Warriors walk off laughing.




Ron Simmons defeats Paul Wight by DQ! (77)

Ron and Paul lock up in the center of the ring which ends with Paul pushing Ron to the ground. Ron gets up and gives Paul a shoulder block but Paul doesn’t budge. Ron rebounds off the ropes and delivers another one and still Paul doesn’t go down. Ron delivers a third shoulder block and this time Paul stumbles a bit, prompting Ron to go for a fourth but as he hits the ropes Flair grabs his leg and Ron falls on his face. The ref DQs Paul and Flair hops into the ring.




Ric Flair orders Paul to choke slam Ron Simmons! (98)

Flair motions for Paul to lift Ron up and choke slam him and Paul does so, although he seems rather reluctant. Flair tells Paul to deliver a second one and Paul shakes his head but Flair gets in his face and Paul concedes and delivers another Choke Slam to Ron Simmons leaving him almost unconscious.


~commercial break~




Vader defeats Brad Armstrong! (71)

Vader rushes Brad into the corner with a flurry of punches. Vader then unloads a series of forearms followed by a big shoulder block. Brad is huffing and Vader doesn’t give him a chance to catch his breath before lifting Brad up and slamming him down with a Power Slam. Vader then gets up to the second turnbuckle and delivers a massive Vader bomb for the win.




Vader tells Sting to get his affairs in order! (100!)

After the match Vader grabs a mic from ringside and begins to speak.


Vader: Sting…you better say all your prayers, sign your last will and testament, and send in that insurance payment…because this Sunday I will destroy you! You say I can’t beat you in a wrestling match, well, you may be right. However, this Sunday at Clash of the Champions ’96, it’s not going to be a wrestling match. It will be the fight of your life. You see Sting, it’s time for a new champ in WCW. It’s time for you to go off into the sunset. Your time is up Sting now…it’s Vader time!


~commercial break~




Arn Anderson defeats Sting by DQ! (83)

Sting and Arn wrestle back and forth for a few minutes until Vader shows up on the ramp and distracts Sting allowing Arn to get the advantage. Arn works Sting over briefly before Vader hits the ring and attacks Arn Anderson causing a DQ loss for Sting. Sting motions toward Vader but catches himself at the last minute and he and Vader stare each other down as Slam goes off the air.


Overall Show Rating: 84 with an 5.82 TV rating!


Pro Wrestling Insider Report

Incident between Dallas Page and Meng


According to sources close to WCW, Diamond Dallas Page and Meng got into a heated argument before Saturday Slam. It is being reported that Page ran into the rental car of Meng with his motorcycle. When Meng confronted Page about it, Page refused to even consider paying for the damages. WCW President Bill Watts was seen talking to Page following the incident and although we do not know the exact words exchanged it is being reported that Bill let Page have it and reminded Page that he was not too big a star to get rid of. Word from inside WCW is that Page’s loss to Eddy Guerrero was part of his punishment and it appears Page will be kept off Nitro and Slam for a few weeks.

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WCW Sunday Drive


4 Man Tournament to decide #1 Contender to the US Championship

Match #1 Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

Match #2 Dean Malenko vs. Rick Steiner

Winner of #1 vs. Winner of #2

~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Erik Watts




~US Title Match~

Dustin Rhodes{c} vs. {Tournament Winner}

~World Tag Team Title~

Harlem Heat{c} vs. The Road Warriors

Ric Flair vs. Ron Simmons

~World Title Main Event~

Sting{c} vs. Vader

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Hmm...getting into an argument with Meng. Good idea, Page. Real good idea.


Considering Meng is suppossed to be one of the toughest SOBs in real life, I would have to agree.


On another note, the PPV has been ran and by some coincidence the WWF held the Royale Rumble on the same night...here is the recap of The Royale Rumble.


WWF Royal Rumble

Live from The Pyramid Arena

Attendance: 20,000 (sold out)

Buy Rate: 2.80

Announcers: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon




Aldo Montoya defeated Duke The Dumpster Droese

:::Shawm Micheals, Randy Savage, and Roddy Piper got into a confrontation:::

Sir Mo defeated Barry Horrowitz

Jerry Lawler defeated MArty Jannetty

British Bulldog defeated Tatanka

Bob Backlund and Jeff Jarrett defeated Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Razor Ramon defeated King Mabel to retain the IC Title

Sid Viscious defeated Shawn Micheals

Smokin Gunns defeated the Bodydonnas to retain the Tag Titles

Bret Hart defeated Diesal to retain the World Title

Bret Hart won the Royale Rumble


Overall show rating: 77

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4 Man Tournament to decide #1 Contender to the US Championship

Match #1 Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit


Match #2 Dean Malenko vs. Rick Steiner


Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Erik Watts


I hope his father does not give him the belt.


~US Title Match~

Dustin Rhodes{c} vs. {Tournament Winner}

~World Tag Team Title~

Harlem Heat{c} vs. The Road Warriors

Ric Flair vs. Ron Simmons

~World Title Main Event~

Sting{c} vs. Vader

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4 Man Tournament to decide #1 Contender to the US Championship

Match #1 Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit


Match #2 Dean Malenko vs. Rick Steiner


Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Erik Watts



~US Title Match~

Dustin Rhodes{c} vs. Chris Benoit

~World Tag Team Title~

Harlem Heat{c} vs. The Road Warriors

Ric Flair vs. Ron Simmons

~World Title Main Event~

Sting{c} vs. Vader

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WCW Sunday Drive [“B” Show]

Live from the Miami Orange Bowl in Miami Florida

Attendance: 67,469


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


~Main Show~


Eddy Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit

Dean Malenko defeated Rick Steiner

Erik Watts defeated Lord Ateven Regal to become the new Drive Champion

::: Dean and Kimberly were seen plotting backstage :::

::: Eddy came out and declared his superiority to Dean :::

Dean Malenko defeated Eddy Guerrero to become the #1 Contender to the US title.


Overall Show Rating: 75 with a .45 TV Rating


***The Clash of the Champions will be up shortly, feel free to discuss Sunday Drive.

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Live from the Miami Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida

Attendance: 67,469



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




Paul Wight won a 40 Man Battle Royal


~Main Show~




The Junkyard Dog defeated Diamond Dallas Page! (57)

JYD and Page started out with a test of strength only to have Page kick JYD in the gut then slap him on the back of the head. Page continued to use ****y mannerisms during the match and the crowd cheered when he finally got caught with a massive Scoop Slam by JYD before getting pinned.




Kevin Sullivan defeats Eddy Guerrero! (82)

Kevin Sullivan attacked Eddy as soon as Eddy stepped into the ring. Sullivan kept Eddy grounded by working on his left leg with various holds. Eddy tried to go up to the top turnbuckle at one point and as the ref began his 5 count Sullivan kicked the ropes causing Eddy to fall off and smack his head. Sullivan then nailed Eddy with a Spike DDT for the win.




Arn Anderson and Paul Wight make an open challenge! (87)

Arn Anderson and Paul Wight walk out to the ring looking like they are both in a foul mood. Arn and Paul ask for mics and a ring tech hands then both one.


Arn: Now I’m not sure whose oversight it was, but how can you have a WCW pay per view and leave off two members of the 4 Horsemen? How can you call yourselves the best damn wrestling company on the planet and not feature two of the best damn wrestlers on your show?


Wight: Did you really think that Arn Anderson and myself would sit in the back and watch losers like Kevin Sullivan get air time? You should have known we would be out here looking for a fight.


Arn: And that is exactly what we’re out here doing. So why don’t you send any two ja-mopes you have in the back to the ring so we can demonstrate to each and every one of you why we are Horsemen and your not!




Jim Duggan and Paul Orndorff answer the challenge! (77)

As Arn and Wight wait in the ring Jim Duggan and Paul Orndorff appear on the entrance ramp.


Duggan: You want a fight? Well, Mr. Wonderful and I are more than willing to get in there and kick your cans from pillar to post…hoooooo!


Orndorff: Paul Wight…I brought you into this company and I feel personally responsible for the chaos you have been causing as of late. As of right now, I am making it my mission to either free you from the 4 Horsemen or take you out permanently!




Paul Wight and Arn Anderson defeat Jim Duggan and Paul Orndorff! (71)

Wight and Orndorff started things off with some light brawling. Wight used his power to keep Orndorff away from Duggan and Wight and Arn worked Orndorff over as Duggan went nuts in his corner. When Duggan finally got the tag he was able to take Arn off his feet with a huge lariat but, when he went for Wight the big man caught him by the neck and choke slammed him for the win.




The Midnight Express defeated Ice Train and Scott Norton! (72)

Stan Lane and Ice Train started things off with Stan whipping Train into the corner and working him over. Lane and Eaton used their experience to keep Train and Norton off their games and render the power advantage of Train and Norton count for nothing. The match ended with dual German Suplexes with bridges in the center of the ring from Stan and Bobby to Train and Norton.




Vader training montage airs! (99)

We are shown several clips from Vader’s recent training sessions. We watch as Vader works a heavy bag with Sting’s likeness drawn on it. We then cut to a shot of Vader practicing the Vader Bomb on several wrestlers who are made up to look like Sting. The training montage ends with Vader biting the head off a Sting action figure.




Dean Malenko with Kimberly defeats Dustin Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes to become the new U.S. Champion! (83)

Dean and Dustin circle one another for a few moments before Dean lunges in and gets Dustin in a submission hold. Dean uses his technical prowess to keep Dustin on the defensive. Kimberly uses her feminine wiles to get the ref’s attention several times allowing Dean to use the ropes for added leverage. Eventually Dean would hook Dustin in a Texas Clover Hold while Kimberly held the attention of Dusty Rhodes. Before long Dustin was tapping out.




Ron Simmons warns Flair he’s in for the fight of his life! (90)

Ron Simmons is in the back taping up his fist as he sees the camera and looks up.


Ron: Ric…I know your watching this, just like everyone else in America, so turn the volume up and listen very carefully. What you had that big goofy sucker Paul Wight do to me on Saturday Slam will look like a love tap compared to what I do to you in the ring tonight. Imma beat you so bad your own momma won’t be able to identify your body! You might call yourself the dirtiest player in the game…but what good is that compared to the Deadliest Player in the Game Ron Simmons?





The Armstrongs defeat Big and Bad, The Varsity Club and Law and Disorder with Sonny Onoo! (70)

Brad Armstrong and John Tenta started things off with Brad using his superior technical skills to take Tenta off his feet and into a submission situation. Somehow Brad and Steve managed to be one half of the current participants at all times, which eventually lead to a Octopus Stretch from Brad Armstrong to Big Bubba for the win.




The Road Warriors defeat Harlem Heat to become the new Tag Champions! (71)

Animal and Booker started things off with a slug fest in the center of the ring. Stevie Ray and Hawk both rushed inside and soon all four men were brawling in the ring. The ref struggled to regain order and as he was getting Stevie Ray back into his corner, Animal and Hawk nailed Booker with a pair of crushing Pile Drivers. Animal then held Booker up in a Spine Buster position as Hawk rebounded off the ropes and nailed Booker with a thunderous lariat. Stevie continued to fight with the ref to get back in and this allowed Hawk and animal to work over Booker some more. Hawk went on to nail Booker with a second Lariat then Animal knocked Stevie off the apron as the ref made the three count on Booker.




Ric Flair tells Ron that tonight, Simmons learns to respect his betters! (100!)

We see Flair step out of limo and kiss a hot girl on the lips before closing the limo door and walking toward the arena. Flair stops before the entrance door and looks at the marquee then he turns to the camera.


Flair: Sting vs. Vader! It should read, Live for one night only, the greatest wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots, Ric Flair! As for you Ron, you’ll learn first hand the same lesson I taught to countless people in the past. You can be big and bad like Ernie Ladd but when you step in the ring with Ric Flair you’re going down like James Brown! Woo! After I whip you in the ring, I’m going to take your old lady and show her what a real man is all about. Then Sting, I’m coming to get my World Championship back…woo!




Ric Flair defeats Ron Simons! (89)

Ric Flair demanded the ref check Ron for foreign objects before he would get in the ring and as Ron picked up his left leg to let the ref check his boot Ric hit Ron with a chop block from behind. Ron held his leg in pain as the bell rang and Flair worked on the injured leg of Ron. At one point in the match Flair slammed the injured leg of Ron into the corner post and the ref was about to stop the match but Ron asked to be able to continue. Ron battled back and was about to nail Flair with a Dominator but his leg gave out and he couldn’t pull the move off. Flair eventually locked Ron in a Figure Four Leg Lock for the win.




Sting tells Vader there is nowhere he can hide! (100!)

Sting makes his way to the ring and he gets handed a mic by a ring tech


Sting: Vader, I have been counting the seconds down until I finally would be able to get my hands on you. For the last three weeks you have been a thorn in my side but in just a few moments I will put you out of my misery once and for all! In front of all my little Stingers, I will defeat you and retain my WCW World Heavyweight Championship and you will slink back under that rock you crawled out of!




Sting defeats Vader to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (84)

Vader and Sting went after one another as soon as the bell rang and Vader sent Sting crashing to the floor with a big shoulder block. They battled outside and Sting managed to whip Vader into the safety barricades. Sting then went for a Stinger Splash but Vader moved and Sting slammed chest first on the safety barricade. Vader rolled Sting into the ring and climbed the second turnbuckle motioning for a Vader Bomb. Vader leapt off but Sting managed to roll out of the way and Vader smacked into the mat. Sting was then able to hook Vader in a Scorpion Death Lock and soon Vader was tapping out as the crowd cheered.




The Black Scorpion returns! (93)

Sting is in the ring enjoying the cheers of the fans when the lights go out and a man in a black mask appears on the Turner-Tron.


Black Scorpion: Sting…enjoy your victory over Vader because I assure you that you will not be wearing my Championship for long. Your time is ending Sting, the reign of the Black Scorpion is just beginning!


Overall Show Rating: 86 with an 3.09 PPV Buy Rate!

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