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Major League Wrestling: Return To The Underground

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History of Major League Wrestling


-Early 2002: Television/film writer and producer and lifelong wrestling fan Court Bauer announces the formation of Major League Wrestling. Bauer fills his staff with many ex ECW staff members including Joey Styles, Andy Vineberg, Ron Buffone and others.


-Late June 2002: MLW holds it's first card in the ECW Arena. The show, taped for DVD, is hailed by many as a great success. The show features a mix of former ECW talent along with top indy and international names. The show is highlighted by Shane Douglas winning the first MLW World Heavyweight Title in a triple threat match against Vampiro and All Japan star Taiyo Kea.


-August 2002: Douglas leaves MLW to join TNA, thusly vacating the MLW World Title. MLW is set to move it's home base to NYC and announces the signing of Steve Corino.


-September 2002: MLW holds it's first event in NYC. The show is again deemed a success, highlighted by All Japan star Satoshi Kojima defeating Steve Corino, Sabu and Tayio Kea in a four corners match to win the MLW World Heavyweight Title.


-October 2002: MLW is forced to cancel it's November show in NYC. MLW again moves it's home base to Florida.


-December 2002: MLW's move to Florida is a huge success, selling out the War Memorial Auditorium. The show features several debuts but is highlighted by the formation of The Extreme Horsemen.


-February 2003: MLW announces it's intent to become a full time monthly promotion. MLW's major next event would be held in May. At month's end, MLW announces they will produce a weekly one hour television show "Underground TV". The show's setup is very similar to ECW's "Hardcore TV".


-May 2003: MLW's return relaunches it's entire company, creating World Tag Titles (eventually won by Extreme Horsemen members CW Anderson and Simon Diamond), announcing a now set roster of wrestlers not appearing in one off appearances, and setting up it's new top feuds, led by Corino and the Extreme Horsemen vs. Terry Funk and his hardcore allies Sandman and Sabu. The night would also see the first encounter between Raven and CM Punk.


-June 2003: Satoshi Kojima loses the MLW Title to Mike Awesome in Fort Lauderdale. However, Awesome loses the title minutes later to Steve Corino in an impromptu challenge.


-August 2003: Despite acclaimed shows, the Florida shows do not make a tremendous amount of money as they are flying in many high priced indy names. Rumors fly that September's show could be their last. Joey Styles also leaves MLW


-September 2003: MLW holds "War Games/Super J Cup", highlighted by War Games as The Funkin Army defeated The Extreme Horsemen. the Super J Cup tournament for the MLW Junior Heavyweight title, won by Sonjay Dutt.


-October-December 2003: MLW goes on hiatus. The company stays in Florida but financial problems force major changes all over the promotion. Many members of the roster leave as a result. Underground TV continues to air, only showing matches from previous events.


-January 2004: MLW returns after about 2 months of hype for it's "Reloaded Tour" of 4 shows, 2 in Fort Lauderdale and 2 in Orlando. The shows are filled with alot of young talent (Chris Hero, Matt Striker, M-Dogg 20) but the addition of Teddy Hart, fresh off a controversial appearance in Ring Of Honor, does little to please the locker room, which forces CM Punk, Samoa Joe and several others who work for ROH to walk out of the show. This along with very low ticket sales and building problems in Orlando force the tour to cancel it's second show. MLW proceeds to hype a show in Tampa in March.


-February 2004: MLW ceases operations. The MLW website redirects to H2 Wrestling, a new venture between Bauer and Teddy Hart. H2 essentially brought in MLW's younger stars along with hand selected talent by Hart like Jack Evans, Jay Lethal and the Stampede Bulldogs. However Hart's financial assists would be limited and the promotion wouldn't even run a show before closing.


-May 2005: MLW is back in the news as Bauer announces he has sold the rights to MLW to Japanese investor group WGO Properties (it was later found out Bauer had sold the rights to MLW to an unknown promoter so he could be hired by the WWE). Bauer is then hired by WWE as a writer where he stayed until 2007.


-July 2010: In a post at a well known Northeastern wrestling board, it is said that MLW may be on the verge of a comeback.


-September 2010: Court Bauer reopens the MLW website and opens MLW facebook and Twitter pages.


-October 2010: @MLW tweets "We're Back". The MLW website announces MLW would make it's return in December live on iPPV.








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We're back.....

12:00 AM Oct 4th, 2010 via web




2:50 PM Oct 5th, 2010 via web




2:52 PM Oct 5th, 2010 via web


MLW just got cool...Carlito Colon first man announced for MLW Title Tournament

5:12 PM Oct 11th, 2010 via web



BOOM BOOM!!! Colt Cabana to debut for MLW on iPPV on Dec 11!!!

8:24 AM Oct 13th, 2010 via web



Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas issue open challenge at MLW Resurrection on Dec 11!!

5:31 PM Oct 15th, 2010 via web



Paul Burchill returns to the US to compete for MLW Title at MLW Resurrection!!!

7:03 PM Oct 15th, 2010 via web




9:02 AM Oct 18th, 2010 via web



Just announced for MLW Resurrection: Sami Callihan vs. Drake Younger in a Young Lions Division Match

12:12 PM Oct 18th, 2010 via web




10:24 AM Oct 24th, 2010 via web



Jon Moxley on MLW Resurrection "I've got big plans for MLW...big plans"

3:37 AM Oct 28th, 2010 via web



Is NWA Champion "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce coming to MLW?

11:13 PM Oct 30th, 2010 via web


MLW Jr. Heavyweight Title 6 Pack Challenge Match: Dutt, Omega, Ibushi and more!!!

1:38 PM Oct 31th, 2010 via web


MLW to announce final card for MLW Resurrection this Friday.

4:21 PM Nov 9th, 2010 via web


MLW Resurrection

Dec, 11, 2010 Live on iPPV from Basketball City in New York City


Main Event: 8 Man Tournament to crown new MLW World Heavyweight Champion


Carlito Colon vs. Masahiro Chono

Austin Aries vs. Paul Burchill

Colt Cabana vs. LA Park

Mr. X vs. ???


Colon/Chono vs. Aries/Burchill

Cabana/Park vs. X/???


Open Challenge Accepted

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs. The Devil's Rejects (Mikael Judas and Phil Shatter)


MLW World Junior Heavyweight Title 6 Pack Challenge Match

© Sonjay Dutt vs. Kenny Omega vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Kota Ibushi vs. Rich Swann vs. Mystery Opponent


Young Lions Challenge

Sami Callihan vs. Drake Younger


Also Announced

Jon Moxley

Adam Pearce


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MLW Resurrection

Dec, 11, 2010 Live on iPPV from Basketball City in New York City


-posted by IndyMark211


MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Mr. X vs. Cliff Compton


Compton came out with his entourage of his unnamed hype man and Reby Sky (Giants Girl). Compton cuts a promo calling himself "Mr. Media" and claims he's the most famous and well known wrestler/person in the world. Mr. X is in a black mask, black singlet. No idea who it is. Good enough match but the crowd was kinda dead. Compton and Mr. X go to the outside and Compton gets accidentally hit with a chair by his hype man, allowing Mr. X to beat the countout and win. Kinda lame finish. After the match, Compton destroys his hype man, blasting him with a sick variation of the Catatonic and the F5. Pretty cool.


Winner: Mr. X via countout


-Backstage Adam Pearce promo. Pearce with the NWA Title (which he never mentions). He's heard alot about MLW and he's not impressed. He claims he's held belts and bookings all over the world and every place he's been to he's changed that promotion's line of history and he claims he's going to do the same thing in MLW.



MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Paul Burchill vs. Austin Aries


Burchill looked in great shape and got a great reaction despite playing heel. Aries came out with a "**** Honor" shirt to a nice pop. Aries then cut a promo on ROH, claiming he's no longer fighting for Honor, he's fighting for himself. Very good match. Burchill hit an amazing top rope Air Raid which nearly won the match. However, as he attempted the C4, Aries was able to nail a big STO and then locked Burchill in the Horn Of Aries for the submission.


Winner by submission: Austin Aries


Backstage we see a limo pulling up in front of the building and then a floor shot of several people leaving the limo. Really?


MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: LA Park vs. Colt Cabana


Fun comedy match. Started off with a great dance contest, won by Park but they then went into an excellent European move series. Overall a decent enough match. Park attempts a diving leg drop but Cabana moves out of the way and locks in the Billy Goat's Curse for the win. After the match, the 2 shook hands to a nice response.


Winner by submission: Colt Cabana



MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Carlito Colon vs. Masahiro Chono


This could have easily been the main event. Huge pop for Carlito, who was heeling it up. Chono got easily the biggest reaction of the night so far. Match wise it was actually tremendous. HUGE pop when Chono locked Colon in the STF. Chono accidentally blasted the ref with a Yakuza Kick, and then locked Colon in the FTS. Then from the crowd ran in the former MVP who pulled Chono off Colon and nailed him with The Drive By Kick, knocking him out. He then talked trash to a fallen Chono before posing for the crowd before bailing out through the crowd. Carlitio, not knowing what happened hit the Backcracker and got the win.


Winner by Pinfall: Carlito Colon


6 Pack Challenge Promos: Swann said he may not be the most well known man in the match but he promises after tonight he'll not only be well known, but also be the champion. Ibushi cut a promo in Japanese..yup. Omega spoke on how he's wrestled all over the world and held titles all over the world. He noted this is his first time back in the US in nearly a year and promised he would make his return to the US count. Here comes Kendrick and he's definetly high. He talks about how he's been knocking on the sky and listening to the sounds and he's seen the outer levels of life. He is working on all planes of consciousness and that will lead him to victory tonight. Dutt claims he's the longest reigning champion in pro wrestling holding the MLW Jr. Heavyweight for upwards of 6 years. He says tonight will be just like every other night, with Sonjay holding onto his title.


Sami Callihan vs. Drake Younger


Great matchup here. Alot of hard hitting brawling here. Callihan gets the win here a clothesline variation of the Sliding D. Good stuff.


Winner by pinfall: Sami Callihan


As Callihan left the ring, out walked Jon Moxley to a mixed reaction. Moxley smirked as he grabbed the mic. He says he's the biggest star in pro wrestling right now. Every place he wrestles in he runs and they make money. CZW, DGUSA, EVOLVE. He says MLW will be no different. He says he's not impressed by anybody on the roster because they're either people he's beaten, people he's run out of other promotion or the next victims on his list. He then formally challenges whoever the MLW Champion is at the end of the night to a title match. Mox claims he's taking over the world and tonight MLW is just another continent he can rape, pillage and rape again.



MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Mr. X vs. Colt Cabana


Very good match here. Mr. X took his game up here, landing a lot more moves. Still no idea who he is though. Cabana was able to hit him with the Colt 45 and called to the crowd he was going to unmask him. As Cabana attempted to unmask him, Mr. X rolled him up in an excellent inside cradle to get the upset win. The mystery man is in the finals as Cabana looked on in shock.


Winner by pinfall: Mr. X



MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Carlito Colon vs. Austin Aries


Match of the night so far. The crowd was split down the middle for this one. Alot of great chain wrestling here. Aries caught Carlito's diving back elbow and landed a front suplex variation and locked him in the Horn Of Aries but Carlito escaped. Aries nailed the brainbuster and went up for the 450 but in mid air, in possibly the coolest spot I've ever seen live, he caught Aries with a front version of the Back Cracker, giving Carlito the pin and the win. After the match, Aries ever the competitor offered his hand to Colon. Colon accepted, but pulled him into a front uranage facebuster. Colon then spat on Aries' face before leaving with a huge smile on his face.


Winner by pinfall: Carlito Colon


Hype video for MLW's next iPPV in January from Philly.



MLW World Jr. Heavyweight Title 6 Pack Challenge: © Sonjay Dutt vs. Kenny Omega vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Kota Ibushi vs. Rich Swann vs. Jimmy Rave


Good ovations for all 5 men. When the mystery opponent was to come, out walked Armando Estrada, doing his WWE bit. He then lessened his accent and announced he was half Cuban and half Palestenian. He now wanted to go under his "real name", now calling himself Osama Alejando Obama Estrada , he announced he has come to MLW with his Cuban Arab money to take it over and announced the formation of his new personal stable of talent and proceeded to announce his first signing, Jimmy Rave. Great heel reaction for the returning Rave who looked to be in great shape. Match wise it was alot of spots from all over, including Rave hitting a Pepsi Plunge on Omega, Swann nailing his breath taking standing 450 Splash on Ibushi but only to have Dutt nail him with a inverted exploder suplex, Kendrick nailing The Kendrick to the outside on Rave. Late match cluster**** led to Sonjay attempting a top rope Sonjay Cutter on Ibushi, but Ibushi sent Dutt off the top rope and managed to his his breath taking Golden Star Press corkscrew 650 senton for the win. Ibushi celebrated with his long time tag partner Kenny Omega.


Winner by pinfall and NEW MLW World Jr. Heavyweight Champion: Kota Ibushi


Hype video for Haas & Benjamin vs. The Devil's Rejects.



Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs. The Devil's Rejects (Mikael Judas and Phil Shatter)


Crowd went mad for Haas and Benjamin despite not a huge pop for the Rejects. A very cool dueling "**** WWE" and "**** TNA" chant. Match wise it was VERY stiff, very reminiscent to the Steiners/Gordy & Williams bouts. Spot of the match without a doubt was Shelton doing a trademark jump to the top rope to belly to belly Shatter but Judas then springboarded into the ring and landed an AMAZING Niagara Bomb on Shelton allowing Shatter to dive off and nail an amazing frog splash. Shelton was able to TBone Shatter to the outside and Haas signaled for the Haas of Pain on Judas, but Judas attempted an inside cradle on Haas. After the kickout and as both men went to their feet, Judas nailed Haas with a Gorilla Press Slam into a Chokeslam. Judas collapsed on Haas for the shocking win. Judas and Shatter shocked the world with this victory as they celebrated. Haas and Benjamin weren't happy with the decision. Shelton got a mic and claimed that this wouldn't be the last time you would see them in MLW.


Winners by Pinfall: The Devil's Rejects


Hype for the main event.



MLW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Final Match: Mr. X vs. Carlito Colon


This actually had a real big match feel. An EXCELLENT match up. Very technical based contest here. Mr. X began to flaunt some very good submission skills here, locking Colon in a beautiful arm triangle. Colon was able to hit the uranage facebuster and nailed a big split legged moonsault. A lot more back and forth action, culminating in a ref bump and allowing Carlito to nail Mr. X with the Back Cracker. Running in from the back ran Austin Aries who pulled Carlito off and floored him with a chair shot before nailing him with a brainbuster. He then raised up Mr. X and told him to pin him. Mr. X then slapped Aries and nailed him with a huge lariat. Mr. X then raised Colon and nailed him with a rope hung cutter as the referee counted to 3. The masked unknown Mr. X is the new MLW World Heavyweight Champion. Mr. X celebrated as Colon limped backstage.


Winner by pinfall and NEW MLW World Heavyweight Champion: Mr. X


Suddenly Mr. X in the center of the ring began to undo his mask and the crow popped huge as he removed his mask...




A huge NIGEL chant broke out, as Nigel McGuinness smirked as he had coned the world and at the same time shocked the world into becoming the new MLW World Champion. However suddenly from the back strutted a smirking Jon Moxley who sarcastically clapped at Nigel's accomplishment. Moxley mouth the title would soon be his as the iPPV closed, with Nigel McGuinness holding the MLW Title over his head.


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