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Visual Basic Help


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Hi, I am planning on creating a first person MMA simulater game on Visual Basic, kind of like EA Sports MMA meets WMMA (in my head so far) & I need help with a few things.


1st- How do you do random? Like what's the code.


2nd- How do I put things in a access file?

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This is what I would use for the random situation


Initialize the random-number generator.


' Generate random value between 1 and 6.

Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1))


I did 1-6 just as a sample, your can change it to anything.


As far as the access thing goes, I'm not sure myself, I'm still learning that part of it now.



hope this helps( and I hope i got the code right :))

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