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Four Corners of Chaos

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So H. Hearst Helmsley worked a tag match with Ric Flair last night on RAW...and his popularity jumps from D+ to C- over night. Wow...now if I could just figure out a short, catchy nickname he'd be set :p


I'm actually dissapointed that you haven't done anything interesting with The Blue Bloods. They could be great.

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Just looking through the data, checking worker's pop...TV Rating etc...checked the PPV summary tab....do you realize that TNA aren't on PPV?


Yeah I believe I even mentioned that oversight previously in the thread. I took care of it, and my next PPV, Turning Point, which incidentally is this week, will be on Request. And big things will happen at Turning Point, so it shall be a fitting PPV debut for TNA...

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Finally...After 3 days of working and not having time...


After...2 hours of writing


After...6 wrestlers debuting


After...5 YouTube videos


After...3 Digs at the competiton (sorry guys)


After... A ****Ton of controversial moments...


Finally RAW is posted in my diary





This sounds exciting, Im off to read right now (as a sidenote ever since I took up my own Four Corners WWF position I feel an affinity with you. Im turning my back on TNA, Im pulling for the Federation now)

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I still love the X-Division!


Well, I must admit that I have somewhat neglected the X Division a bit lately... but rest assured that I have big plans for it! Very big!


In other news: might I suggest a gentleman's agreement not to use each others' exclusive match types? So if I eg. want to have a Royal Rumble style match, I will *not* use the actual Royal Rumble match type but instead create a new, similar one. UNLESS, of course, permission is given beforehand. I think it would just take away some of the magic from certain match types if eg. AWA started having WarGames matches every week.


The matches I consider trademark, from the top of my head, are the following:

AWA: None. Yet...?

WCW: WarGames, World War 3

WWF: Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, Elimination Chamber, Money In The Bank, Hell in a Cell, Casket match (one could argue that this match type is tied to The Undertaker gimmick, which WWF has already made free for usage)

TNA: Lethal Lockdown, Ultimate X, Monster's Ball, King of The Mountain, Xscape


Add to the above list any possible 'special' match types we might decide to create ingame (unless stated that they are free to use). Feel free to correct me if I missed certain matches from the above, btw. Again: this is not saying that you can't use a similar match type, this is only asking you to at least call it something else in such case. Like TNA did when creating their WarGames ripoff, Lethal Lockdown. :p


What do you guys think...?


(and yes, this is something I have been thinking about ever since I saw WCW put Steve Austin vs. Dory Funk Jr. vs. Greg Valentine in an Ultimate X match in the midcard for Nitro)

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Well, I must admit that I have somewhat neglected the X Division a bit lately... but rest assured that I have big plans for it! Very big!


In other news: might I suggest a gentleman's agreement not to use each others' exclusive match types? So if I eg. want to have a Royal Rumble style match, I will *not* use the actual Royal Rumble match type but instead create a new, similar one. UNLESS, of course, permission is given beforehand. I think it would just take away some of the magic from certain match types if eg. AWA started having WarGames matches every week.


The matches I consider trademark, from the top of my head, are the following:

AWA: None. Yet...?

WCW: WarGames, World War 3

WWF: Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, Elimination Chamber, Money In The Bank, Hell in a Cell, Casket match (one could argue that this match type is tied to The Undertaker gimmick, which WWF has already made free for usage)

TNA: Lethal Lockdown, Ultimate X, Monster's Ball, King of The Mountain, Xscape


Add to the above list any possible 'special' match types we might decide to create ingame (unless stated that they are free to use). Feel free to correct me if I missed certain matches from the above, btw. Again: this is not saying that you can't use a similar match type, this is only asking you to at least call it something else in such case. Like TNA did when creating their WarGames ripoff, Lethal Lockdown. :p


What do you guys think...?


(and yes, this is something I have been thinking about ever since I saw WCW put Steve Austin vs. Dory Funk Jr. vs. Greg Valentine in an Ultimate X match in the midcard for Nitro)




I'm fine with this...I would say in general wrestler's names, gimmicks, slogans (Oh, You Didn't Know?!?) are open to use for each company...Gimmick matches (MitB), PPV names (Royal Rumble, Starcade), TV Shows (RAW) should remain exclusive to the company that owns them




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Does anyone know, is there a penalty for canceling PPV contracts with the carrier. A few that WWF have are "very low risk tolorence" and, not that I plan on booking Brutus Beefcake vs Mantaur in a Electrified No-Ropes Barb Wire Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match, but I'd like to apply to the carriers that have like a "medium risk tolorence"




...In other news, the WWF would like to trademark the Electrified No Ropes Barb Wire Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match :p




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Does anyone know, is there a penalty for canceling PPV contracts with the carrier. A few that WWF have are "very low risk tolorence" and, not that I plan on booking Brutus Beefcake vs Mantaur in a Electrified No-Ropes Barb Wire Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match, but I'd like to apply to the carriers that have like a "medium risk tolorence"




...In other news, the WWF would like to trademark the Electrified No Ropes Barb Wire Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match :p





No pentalty that I know of.


And damn, *I* wanted to trademark that match type... :(

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No pentalty that I know of.


And damn, *I* wanted to trademark that match type... :(



Cool, will try after Survivor Series©...



You could always use the No holds barred Taipei light-tube flaming coffin steel cage (with weapons) 11 man elimination match.


It's tad over the top for my style so you can have it

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I'm with you! I always did like the old Disco Inferno. I knew there was a reason I hired him.


Interesting show, I'm looking forward to the inevitable Dusty Rhodes vs. Dustin Rhodes match. :D


Too bad about the grade, though. The main event performed weirdly below what one could expect.


Yeah. I dunno if it's a 6 man tag thing, a bad luck thing, or a The-Steiners-Aren't-as-over-as-they-should-be-maybe-you-should-do-something-about-that-if-you're-gonna-have-them-be-your-tag-champs-thing.


Good show...except...



...5 min matches?


...Terry Funk paying off the commitee for a #1 contender's match?!


...The main event ending in a wild brawl to close the show?!?!?!


...Somebodies been watching RAW! :D


I loled.

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Great show, btw, Hive.


What a debut to the world of Pay Per View!


Thanks. :)


Yeah I can't complain about the grade, though it's too bad that there's poor chemistry between Jarrett and Sting. The disadvantages with Jarrett just keeps piling up... and I can't even get rid of him! :(

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Could be worse: He could be stinking up an otherwise awesome promotion in realife by taking their world title!


Oh wait... that's exactly what happened.


Why AAA? WHY???


I'll admit that I'm not much into Mexican wrestling, but as I understand it the singles heavyweight title isn't really their top title... or am I wrong here?

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Nope. It's their top title. Trios have a way stronger emphesis (as compared to none in America/Canada) but the top singles title is still their top title. They seem to do a much better job of making all titles seem important than the WWE, but that's not a reflection the rest America as a whole as all of ROH's titles seem pretty important... with their World Title even dropping in my eyes compared to their Tag Titles.


I've just started getting into Lucha Libre in the last few months (the very last of the big four styles that I've looked into) and not surprisingly it is freaking awesome.

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