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Four Corners of Chaos

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Nope. It's their top title. Trios have a way stronger emphesis (as compared to none in America/Canada) but the top singles title is still there singles title. They seem to do a much better job of making all titles seem important than the WWE, but that's not a reflection the rest America as a whole as all of ROH's titles seem pretty important... with their World Title even dropping in my eyes compared to their Tag Titles.


I've just started getting into Lucha Libre in the last few months (the very last of the big four styles that I've looked into) and not surprisingly it is freaking awesome.


I see. Well... slap a colourful mask onto Jarrett and I'm sure he'll be a fine lucha wrestler. :p

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They seem to do a much better job of making all titles seem important than the WWE,


I should probably correct this as it's a bit misleading. AAA have several top titles that all seem imporant. But not all their titles carry the same weight. Keep in mind they have nine (9!!!) active title belts.


CMLL has 11.

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I just remembered we're competing. Give him the title.


I think he should have Warrior vs. The Giant vs. Sid headline his next PPV in a "call in ring" match. I would definately pay to see such a glorious no-sell fest.

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I think he should have Warrior vs. The Giant vs. Sid headline his next PPV in a "call in ring" match. I would definately pay to see such a glorious no-sell fest.


I'm thinking:


Raven vs Jake Roberts vs Ultimate Warrior...loser goes to rehab match!!


But beware to all the WWF naysayers...I have intentionally left a few things 'in my back pocket' so to speak, for example Hogan vs Flair which, as sure as it was when JackKnifed72 first stood here and called Micheal Cole a monkey's **** garan-D***-tees a truckload of A* segments when I need them :cool:




...Oh and don't forget my developmental fed includes a young Edge, a not yet fallen angel named Christopher Daniels...and some guy named the Rock!!!

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I'm thinking:


Raven vs Jake Roberts vs Ultimate Warrior...loser goes to rehab match!!


But beware to all the WWF naysayers...I have intentionally left a few things 'in my back pocket' so to speak, for example Hogan vs Flair which, as sure as it was when JackKnifed72 first stood here and called Micheal Cole a monkey's **** garan-D***-tees a truckload of A* segments when I need them :cool:


...Oh and don't forget my developmental fed includes a young Edge, a not yet fallen angel named Christopher Daniels...and some guy named the Rock!!!


Oh, I'm not saying you don't got assets...


I'm just hoping you fail to use them before you crash to cult and get stuck in the 6 month cooling off period!!!


...Also, is there a penalty for running all my shows in the same area(s)? I have several guys (Raven, Cactus Jack, Vince McMahon) that had a much higher popularity in New England and/or Tri-State so all my shows but one have been in one of those two regions, is that bad?


See, I'm not sure about this as I've never run a national or higher company before. I think (think) that your TV should could the same as actually visiting the area... but I'm not sure. I know that if you are running house shows that they'll keep your pop from dropping from neglect... but I'm not certain if there are advantages to moving around or not...

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Ok so this is from the help file:


"With events, you can hold as many as you like. However, it is highly recommended that you don’t do more than two events a month (except if you are running a single weekly event); fans get tired of having numerous shows shoved down their throats, and attendances and popularity will suffer."


Now I'm not sure if that's for the same venue... the same region or just full stop. I'm gonna take this to the small questions thread and see if I can get it clarified.

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Ok so this is from the help file:


"With events, you can hold as many as you like. However, it is highly recommended that you don’t do more than two events a month (except if you are running a single weekly event); fans get tired of having numerous shows shoved down their throats, and attendances and popularity will suffer."


Now I'm not sure if that's for the same venue... the same region or just full stop. I'm gonna take this to the small questions thread and see if I can get it clarified.



IIRC it's for running in the same area, but not sure...I thought Giant v Warrior would pull atleast a B- based on their high popularities. Heck, Giant v Cactus Jack pulled a B- a while back on RAW, and Jack's no where near the Warrior in terms of popularity.



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So I was lurking on another thread and some people were talking about how dropbox would make their multiplayer game easier.


I was reading about it and I don't really see it, myself. Actually I don't even see Dropbox's business strategy. "It's like emailing items to yourself or other without the hassle of writing out the email or having to come up with a subject. The only drawback is that the files you send can only be accessed from a computer that has dropbox on it, as compared to any computer with the internet which could access your online email client."


But I figured I'd mention it here in case I'm missing something, or maybe someone else just finds it easier for whatever reason.


Oh and the answer from the Small Questions Thread:


Okay, here's the deal. When it says your popularity will suffer, it generally means you won't gain as much if you're overloading the crowd. And it's by REGION, not venue. So, for example, if you're based in the Mid South and you run 8 shows in a month in that region, you may find your attendances slipping for shows 7 and 8. This isn't really noticeable for most people because you're drawing more people than the venue can hold. If you're drawing 11,000 people and using a 10,000 seat venue, you can afford some slippage. But if you usually draw 300 and start to see 293, 284, 271, it's a lot more noticeable.
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