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Four Corners of Chaos

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So for the upcoming Survivor Series i intend to have a total of 4 Survivor Series elimination matches (Three - 4 vs 4 and One 3 vs 3). I will create the match types in the game, and obviously being "Survivor Series" they should have a somewhat higher prestige rating than a normal 6 or 8 man tag, but what is a fair level to set them at. Don't want to short myself by going to low, but don't want to cheat by going to high either



...Ok maybe I want to cheat a little...but I won't :D




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Suuuuure you won't. Why don't we all agree on a prestige level and we all get to make one match type that prestige level. Then maybe a second match type at a lower level? So it's even.



That's fine...usually there is a match that already fits...I just have to redo most of them because my lame overseas PPV contracts won't allow any risk level at all

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So how about we all make one match Very High in prestige. Another one High and all our other Specialty matches will be Average. Cool?


Cool...except Diva Evening Gown Battle Royals....they should be maximum prestige...


Seriuosly that's good for me...btw tough break losing Steiner...I know how you feel, losing Sunny kinda s*****, but atleat it wasn't anyone important...Like Mantaur




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Wait, what? I haven't put Survivor Series in the game already? Clearly a mistake that shall be fixed asap.


Also... what's that about Scott Steiner? He's injured? For how long? And what are the odds that he'll return full of roids? :D

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Ha, wrong Steiner. Oh and slight oversight in the mod, while we're spotting them. Terry and Dory Funk are not set as relatives!


ASW will be up today!


Wait never mind! Right Steiner! Or Right Rechsteiner. Huh, for some reason I thought it was Rick... Nick Patrick just robbed me.

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Ha, wrong Steiner. Oh and slight oversight in the mod, while we're spotting them. Terry and Dory Funk are not set as relatives!


ASW will be up today!


Wait never mind! Right Steiner! Or Right Rechsteiner. Huh, for some reason I thought it was Rick... Nick Patrick just robbed me.


From the rumors I heard, he bent over to pick up his overstuffed 'Roid Bag' in the locker room and got a hernia...'course Hogan and Warrior told me that so who knows? :o




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Wow, awesome show. While I am at one hand, of course, shocked and angry to see an exclusively contracted TNA wrestler on the competition's television show, it was good to see that he at least tore the house down and dominated the entire show. :cool:


No really, great use of him. Much better than anything I have done with him so far, I must admit. :o


And great to see that his match (to my surprise) was MOTN.


Great write-up. Long, but good. :)


You think you're angry? I think Verne's going to have a braineurism.


And... you know. I really like Vader. Apparently. Yeah! A B rating! If I had seen that coming I would have organized the show a little differently and tried for a B overall! (Don't think I would have got it but still...)


Agreed. That was longer than I like shows to be generally but I was completely hooked on it so barely noticed. Awesome use of Vader and the main event scene with Funk, the Harts and Hall is great.


Yeah. I need an editor. There's reasons they exist. But thanks for reading it anyway!


Great show. Can't wait to see how TNA react to Vader showing up on AWA's show.


You guys really need to learn to get more control over guys on your roster... :p


Ha. If only there was some way, or method in place to settle disputes... I'm stoked for the next TNA... WWE! We're coming for you!

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Ha. If only there was some way, or method in place to settle disputes... I'm stoked for the next TNA... WWE! We're coming for you!



The WWE? What is that? Now, the WWF is starting to rethink it's magnanimous, professional, quite frankly down right generous approach to the business...(Owen Hart in the Four Horsemen...hmmmm) I mean all these guys are locked up in written contracts, right? Be a shame to see any of them jobbing to Mantaur on WWF Superstars :D



...Seriously though, good show...I could use the competition...it's lonely at the top...

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To be honest...I'm gonna go with the Vince McMahon, "Having a (few) good competitors around is good for the business" school of thought. I mean we wouldn't want there to be just one single giant monolithic, draconian, money making, creatively antiqauted super massive wrestling company with no real competiton just lumbering along sucking the life out of the industry, right? Oh wait...uhm... :eek:


I'm gonna youtube some old school Georgia Championship Wrestling clips or something




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Are you sure you're the right guy to play the WWF?


Don't worry I have my ways...(imitates Jake Roberts)


...Trust Me...Trust...Me



...Seriuosly though, I may go after an occasional "Next Big Thing" or A popularity guy, but as it is now I have quite a few workers I can't even fit on RAW to give them a good push so stealing your C+ popularity guys isn't good...specially Scott Hall, too many enablers on my roster for him :p




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Are you sure you're the right guy to play the WWF?


At least we have a WCW that plays the true Bischoff way, signing away anything that can crawl from all competitors just to have them virtually do nothing.


WWF did snatch RVD from you though, so he's not exactly above stealing workers. :p

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Indeed, I just sent it your way after a few decisions.


Just ran RAW and sent the file on to BigAl for Nitro...scored a B...should be happy but still feels that I should be doing better. I will do a write up later tomorrow night...I need the file back ASAP to make a few roster moves before Survivor Series (which is Thursday, game calender)

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